HOW TO MAKE PERFECT MASA FOR TAMALES: You'll Never Buy Prepared Masa Again After This Easy Recipe

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hi everyone I'm Marcy and today I'm going to show you how to make perfect masa for tamales I know this can be intimidating for a lot of people and it's just tempting to buy the Masa already prepared from the Mexican market but I'm telling you once you get the hang of this you're going to love making your own this Masa spreads smoothly The Taste is perfect and making your own also saves you some [Music] money so here's what you're going to need two cups or one pound of lard you can also use pork fat which is sold in little containers at Mexican markets you're going to need six cups of corn Masa mix I use Masa brand the kind that shows that it's four tamales on the packaging you'll need 1 tblspoon baking powder 1 tbspoon salt approximately 5 cups of either beef pork or chicken stock just depends on whatever kind of tamales you're making I'm making pork tamales today so this is what was rendered from when I cooked the pork and I've got a little extra just in case and then at the end I'm going to be adding some red chili sauce to give that Masa a pretty red color so I've got about a cup here but uh we'll see how much we're going to use of that we sort of eyeball that part when we get to it but let's go ahead and get started I'm going to be using a stand mixer today and to it I'm first going to be adding in the lard and we're just going to whip it up until it becomes light and Airy this is not something that can be rushed it takes a minimum of 15 minutes which is why I like to let the stand mixer do the work for me so while that's whipping in a large bowl I'm going to measure out 6 cups of Masa then I'm going to add in the baking powder and the salt give it all a good mix and then check back in on the stand [Music] mixer the Lard has been whipping for a little more than 15 minutes and it's looking like a light mering so at this point I'm going to begin adding in the MCA mixture a little at a time and as I do that I begin adding the liquid a little at a time [Music] too let it continue mixing and then every time you add in more of the Masa add in more of the liquid until all the dry ingredients are absorbed into the Masa and you've used 5 cups of stock then let it continue mixing enough another 15 minutes there's a whole lot of whipping in this recipe but that's the secret to perfect fluffy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Masa after those additional 15 minutes of mixing this Masa looks really good but we need to test it to make sure that it's good enough for spreading so what you want to do is grab a glass of water and then take just a tiny bit of the Masa and drop it into the water and if it floats to the top you're good to go so this Masa is definitely ready but if for some reason yours didn't float it's not a big deal so don't panic all you need to do is just add a little more of your stock to your Masa and let it continue to mix just a few minutes more and you should be good now if you were going to be making some green chili tamales like say green chili chicken you would just use the Masa as is and go ahead and start spreading it onto your OAS but since I'm going to be making red chili pork tamales I'm going to add some of this red chili sauce to give it just a really pretty red color uh not only does it add more of the chili flavor to the tamales it also makes it easier to spot them like say I was making both red and green tamales you can tell them apart because some of that red color will seep through the corn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] husks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mix the chili in until you have a consistent red colored Masa and we're ready to start assembling [Music] arales [Music] I filled the bottom of a large steamer pot with water and plac the rack insert on top and I've had my corn husks or oil husks soaking in hot water for a few hours so they become more pliable so now that my Masa is ready I've got my apron on I've got my workstation all set up and we're ready to get this party started so I'm going to grab my first OHA or corn husk and what you're going to want to do is just feel it with your fingertips and you'll notice that one side is definitely rougher than the other and we're going to be putting the Masa on the smoother [Music] side and what you're going to do is you're going to want to spread it from about the halfway point on down now I'm using a tamale spreader I've had this thing for years I don't even remember where I got it uh if you don't have one though you can use a spatula or the back of a spoon either will work just fine but you just spread it on here nice and smooth and then we add the meat and you don't want to skimp on this part because you want a good meat to Masa ratio and I've got plenty anyway then with what you do is you fold this side first then you flip this side over and fold up the tail and you've got your first the mud now we keep [Music] going now you just repeat the process spreading filling and folding as you go [Music] [Music] and that is the last of the pork meat so that means this is my last [Music] Theon all done [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally take the filled pot over to the stove and with the burner set to medium high get those tamales steaming cook time should be about an hour and a half to 2 hours depending on how high the burner is set and how many tamales are packed in there you just want them to cook until the Masa easily separates from the husk these tamales look perfect they fall out of the husk very easily and the Masa just holds together nicely but it looks very very moist so let's see how this tastes they're still kind of hot M you're going to love this it is so delicious it almost melts in your mouth the Masa is just like I said really really moist and because you added that um red chili to it it's just so much more flavorful I think you're really going to like this now if you want to know how I made the red chili pork meat I'm going to share that video next week but in the meantime be sure to check out my recipe for green chili chicken chicken and cheese tamales that video is coming up next but right now I'm going to finish enjoying this thanks so much for checking out this video if you liked it be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe so you don't miss any one of my recipes I also invite you to follow me at Marcy inspired on Instagram and Facebook until next time blessings from my kitchen to [Applause] [Music] yours
Channel: marcy inspired
Views: 47,952
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Keywords: masa for tamales, masa for tamales recipe, how to make masa for tamales, perfect masa for tamales, step by step masa for tamales, masa for tamales step by step, tamale masa, tamale masa recipe, how to make tamale masa, how to make tamale masa step by step, tamale masa tutorial, como hacer masa para tamales, marcy inspired tamales, marcy inspired tamale masa, marcy inspired masa for tamales, tamale season, mexican holiday recipe, perfect tamale masa, maseca
Id: KT9zFh5M5Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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