Pork chop, cooked with caramelized onions and sage

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now like every french i think i like my onions very much and i came across that recipe that's using pork chops that are brown in the pan in butter and oil nicely colored and that we're going to cook them in the oven covered with an avalanche of caramelized onions we're talking about eight onions for four pork chops on top of that we're gonna add some thyme some sage and some garlic and it's all covered in the oven so we're gonna keep the juices infused with the onions i think it's gonna be good so if you like onions and pork chops keep watching [Music] now as i just said this dish relies on onions now you see there's quite a bit here about eight onions chopped so i'm using a food processor because it's a lot of work if you do it by hand with a knife but you can so we're gonna need some onions four pork chops you i'm using loin chops and pork cutlets um which gives whatever you want and the rest is just a bit of flavoring some some fresh sage from the garden garlic and thyme all right so what we're going to do from here we're going to start by seasoning the chops here and straight into our pan and we need to give them a nice coloring to start off the recipe you're going to take a non-stick pan are we using this because we're going to have to caramelize the onion in this on a pretty high heat so take the largest pan you have i'm using a 28 centimeter and what you're going to do here is to start with some butter and one or two tablespoons i've got one is enough maybe of grapeseed oil you can use another oil you can use olive oil but i like something with a high smoking point medium to high heat i'm going to leave this to go up to temperature all right so my pan now is heating up you can do the test of the noise so does it make a noise when you put it in yeah okay yeah a bit better there so i think we're almost there so i'm gonna wait another minute or so and then in now we should be good let's see ah that's chanting okay everything in so nothing special just put your chops in there i'm gonna sear the chops on each side to have a nice brown color now let me warn you this recipe is gonna yield pork chops that are well done it's part of the recipe and they're not gonna be rosy or pinkish inside it is made to have chops that are well cooked one quick advice i can give you when you make this recipe you want to see don't bother turning things around immediately just let them sit and spend a good five minutes and wait until there's a coloring then turn them over all right so now let's have a look you want to have a peek inside oh look at these colors yummy time to turn them over all right hold on now let me tell you just one quick thing about this pen here i just bought this recently to look joseph and gnomestick and i don't want to brag about the closet there's no affiliation here but honestly speaking i was looking for a non-stick pan that works and look at that i don't need to say anything you got the proof right here non-stick pan look at the coloring i'm getting right that's all i'm gonna say link in the video description if you're interested if you're looking for a good nonstick you can't do anything better than that stuff i got my coloring i've turned the heat off here and all what i'm gonna do is put my chops in that roasting pan here and because we started to cook those and we only gonna finish them in the oven but before that of course we can make the onions all right so next step is to make of course the onion and all the juicy delicious fat that we have and the butter the juice from the pork chop is gonna be the base in which and we're gonna cook our onions now it looks like a lot of onions but they reduce a lot okay so we're gonna put them or try to put them all in there and start caramelizing process is on now cooking the onions is the process i think in that recipe that takes the most time 15 20 minutes honestly it takes long time but you see the juice what we want and the reason we have this because i'm going to start bathing my onions and turn them into that juicy goodness and get some color starting in there you can use a high heat because onions are pretty tough okay but let me warn you it's gonna take some time and so i'm gonna first leave them to cook reduce and i'll show you when i'm halfway or something okay so just to let you know i'm almost 10 minutes in and this is gonna take a long time and this is maximum heat and look at the color and it starts to take shape but you really want something really really caramelized i'm not using any sugar you could but what i'm gonna do instead is to really season my onions now rather than after it's a good grind of salt pepper and make sure you taste your onion to have a nice taste that you want okay that's the most important all right so stop the clock it's about 17 17 to 18 minutes and this is what we need as a caramelized onion do you think this is considered as a caramelized onion look at this nice and warm it's got that nice almost burn aspect and i think that's what we want you don't want something too light in color and that's it now back to our pork chop so as you can see they're all here there's a bit of juice in the pan in there i don't know if you can see it but what we need to do here is to cover them i was talking about an avalanche of caramelized when you know what it is it's an avalanche so basically you cover everything with onions and try to aim for the pork chop if you can hold on and look at this this is the aim we cover the pork chops with a blanket of caramelized onion to avoid drying very simple now you're going to add a few like a half a garlic cloves on each chop there i don't want to be greedy i've pan fry them before all right beautiful then we're gonna add some of the sage very important so for the sage just a reminder when i'm thinking about it now and this is the sedge you pluck off the leaf and then you chop it and you mince it a little bit so you don't take the stalks or anything like this and the result is that okay so same thing here it will sprinkle and that's interesting because sage is not something we use all the time actually in cooking i've got a big bush of sage at the inlaws and i think it's very practical up and to finish off guess what we're adding you would have guessed butter it's always better in french cooking oop little piece here there is there now if you want to go further i'm going to put some it's kind of optional you can sprinkle some thyme so you take you pluck off again from the time just the bits of the you know you got the branch of time you remove the little leaves and you add a sprinkle and so that's only if you like time and that's optional you can put a bit on each shop and we are gonna look at the results just tell me what do you think in the comment section i like the little different herbs there and the blanket of caramelized onion covering the chops it doesn't look like there's a little bit of technique behind like this always in this in this recipe so from here basically we're going to have to finish to cook these chops in the oven you're going to preheat your oven at 170 degrees celsius if it's a fan-forced oven maybe 180 degrees celsius if it's a non-fence force i'll put the equivalent and fahrenheit on the screen and you're going to cover this you can use baking paper or an aluminium foil again to avoid dryness and it's going to generate some humidity condensation inside that's going to create a little bit of a juice and we're going to preserve again a humidity and i think about 30 minutes cooking time and then that's it we can serve let's go i have just been summoned by my timer so i just took the thing out and let's have a look let's have a peek inside let's review [Music] oh yeah actually look at that interesting interesting interesting look at this it's nicer the butter has kind of melted it's nice and moist and there's a nice there's a nice juice in there definitely not dry and it seems to be nicely cooked so i've got the color what do you think shall we try it out and dig in cut a piece i think so and now tasting time so this is it how it looks like you got the chopped you got the onions and we do a little tour around how it looks like okay looks pretty good i guess the one question we may all have is how dry is that because a pork chop has been cooked for a long time so we've got the bones on here this is the chop i'm not even sure which way i should go there's a piece of fat on there all right so i took a little bit of cutting some fat off you see that chunk on here so that we can see inside and ready to you know you just slice a piece in here but it's actually look at this it's actually very very moist look at that you can just put the onions on there boom have your piece of pork yum wow no it's no it's simple but it works i think that protection of onion really keep that meat really moist really something to try now of course we're finished for the ultimate french experience if your meat becomes a bit dry things to dry you've got these here you see all the juices we call that the jude vienne the meat juices the natural fats that you can pour over your meat and that is going to solve any dryness problem on your meat and that's it we are all done this is how you can make that beautiful recipe at home are you going to yield some nice juices in a roasting pan and honestly this caramelized onion on top really add something special i would serve this with potatoes maybe just even boil or saute potatoes but i think rice could go quite well as always if you have any question regarding that recipe use the comment section and don't forget you can follow me on facebook instagram hashtag frenchcook academy you can also become a patreon supporter on my patreon page take care all and i'll see you all next week for another french recipe bye [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 45,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, pork chops, pork cutlet, pork loin, oven baked, pan fried, caramelized onions, sage, thyme, garlic, seared, delicious, unique
Id: OYYhfOXhbRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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