My signature chicken soup recipe: great hangover cure for the festive season

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welcome back to the channel i hope everybody is all right in this beautiful holiday season and i received a message or an email from someone i was quoting hey you haven't done a chicken soup on the channel and i was like ready i actually forgot to make a chicken soup and the chicken soup is nothing is one of my favorites uh but for the holiday season it is actually one of my little secrets it's the perfect hangover cure there's a lot of indulgence going on in christmas time of pray christmas lots of drinks and if you're looking for something nice and comforting the chicken soup really fits the bill you know it just got this it's simple taste it's warm it's comfortish it's really really nourishing so i'm gonna show you today my version of the chicken soup the one i make all the time with the one little ingredient that makes all the difference [Music] i always get excited when there's a chicken soup around remind me that commercial you know i feel like chicken tonight you know it's easy to make it's comforting and the chicken tasting we all love it so my version simple ingredients and we're gonna break down a whole chicken in here i've got the classic so leeks celery carrots onion shallot and then you've got the bay leaf the thyme the garlic bit of butter but what i'm adding cream because of course i'm french but cumin seeds that's my secret weapon i love the taste of that creamy chicken soup with cumin it is absolutely lovely now for the little story as why we're doing chicken super why i started to make that that soup a day's back a long time i was traveling in cuba in la havana in the old quarters and then everybody drinks from and when you travel there there's a lot of hangover going around but he keeps on drinking rum and it was that old man in the street and i said why how do you do you know how do you keep on drinking wrong all the time and what do you deal with the hang of it i was like you know what the secret is chicken soup i was like what and since that day actually started to make a chicken soup a bit of a crazy story but let's do all the amazon plus and show you how it's gonna happen the recipe so here we are magically transformed the chicken has now been broken down in two there's two plates so here this is the soup i've got the carcass and the drumstick the chicken thighs the wings and everything like this and i'm keeping a chicken breast either for garnish for the soup if you want or for a second meal so it's definitely up to you for the rest and you find everything in the video description finished sliced onion leeks carrot sorry everything has got the same treatment keep the cream in the fridge and now let's start the recipe now let's start i'm gonna use a medium to high heat to start with and as i said a lot of time we're doing the escoffier style whatever this is really just me cooking a lot of people have been asking what do you eat when you're not filming etc what is your kind of normal food where this is one of the item i'm gonna be making a lot so all it begins with is the butter of course a good piece of butter and i'm gonna wait until it melts perfect the butter is hot and you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna immediately add all of the vegetables you see this is like the one pot mega one pot easy type of recipe all of the stuff all in there in the butter with the onions and i'm gonna start to sweat all of these and that means moderate heat okay no coloration and about three to four minutes sorry something falls off until they release the natural vegetation waters is the water contained naturally in the vegetables that needs to start to come out so you may be curious to hear what's the thought process that went through and for that soup but the the key thing for me was like okay i need to make something healthy and this is why i'm going to keep everything in the pot for that soup and it's all these healthy vegetables that i'm putting in they just look healthy from the look of it what that that can't be bad for you right there's enough stuff so start with this in a few minutes you see it's got a little bit of coloration it gets a little bit softer i'm reducing the heat a little bit and then what i'm doing is adding the chicken in so there's no coloration nothing we're going to take all the chicken up and then mix it in that's about it and you will notice i'm not adding the carcass as over yet because i first want to distribute all the vegetables and cut it through the chicken you can see and then after when i'm putting the water i'll be adding the carcasses in okay and i'm going to leave this for two minutes on a moderate heat with the vegetables it all looks good and as more juice starts to appear at the bottom there starts to sweat a bit more and now the seasoning do i put salt yes a good tablespoon of rock salt i'm using white pepper but a teaspoon okay and of course my special the cumin seed and i just love the cumin cumin seeds are good for you up and then a mix in a little minute mingle everything together we're now ready to add the water okay so the water the key is not to drown your chicken so usually about four cups a bit more you can see i'm gonna add a little bit more it's gonna put the carcasses in what you want to to see really here is that the water just kind of goes above the chicken but you don't want like the water all the way to here because it's very hard actually to get a proper chicken taste in a soup and the only way is to have that amount of chicken plus of course now the carcasses and i'm doing this because this is crucial you know it's like a stock it looks like lots of meat and you think oh my god it's way too much but trust me in terms of taste you will see it is actually really hard to get that the real real chicken taste the way i like it so i'm gonna have a bit more watery so just because i had the carcasses in okay and a little touch of parsley in there usually you know i'm gonna break down the parsley but here you know what i'm doing really rustic again all healthy i'm just throwing in the leaves and i'm throwing the stalks in there and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna raise the heat slightly and all i'm gonna wait for is for the seamer to come on just the first boil that comes into there okay before reducing the heat perfect and look at this we're almost there and you see what's happening when the boiling starts to appear these little simmers these little boils there is all that scum the impurities that starts to gather at the top which is always happening when you have a stock when you cook anything when it starts to boil so for like three or four minutes on a light simmer and we're just gonna scoop out and all of the impurities like this and i'm gonna remove you can use a for sorry a spoon if you want but it's just to clean the top before you leave the soup to cook for a long time okay so be patient two or three minutes wait for all these impurities to come out and scoop them out so here we are very straightforward little cleaning it's ready i've put my heat down to a simmer i'm gonna put my timer to one hour it's usually one hour even more until the meat falls off the bone that's all what i'm after so i'm gonna cook this without a lid but if you want you can partly cover it if you prefer to have something on top but i don't bother because i want the soup to reduce and that's it it's a set and forget affair so i'll see you then in an hour's time one hour as past how fast was that for you and you thought and look the meat falling of the bone what do i mean is this when you take a fork it's virtually falling apart so what we're going to do first here we're going to discard all of the the nasty bits and that means the carcass pieces of skin and all that jazz okay so i'm going to fish out all the stuff and remove it from the soup so as part of the things i'm discarding most of the time you've got the baby the large pieces of parsley the branches of thyme and you've got the carcass the skin and that sort of things okay you can leave maybe the wings but the end of the wings i'm discarding this as well so for the second run all what i'm doing is to take all of the decent pieces of meat on the bone let's see if there's still some you know branches i guess i'm going to discard that and i'm going to put this in a in a separate container here because we're going to be shredding just the meat i'm not going to keep the bones i'm just going to keep the good stuff okay so my meat is cooling down on the salad before we do the shredding there's a decision you need to make this soup can go all kinds of way you can continue the recipe from here and add the cream and leave everything as is but i'm not a fan because some of the things the celery some large leaves etc except pieces of chicken so i usually filter the soup because we like fin soup in france but i know that a lot of people like this soup with the vegetables in so what i'm gonna do now i'm just gonna use a stick blender and pass the whole thing like that and then filter it so let's go so when i say filtering what do i mean exactly i mean this you see all that foam so i usually scoop it out because when you use the stick blender you can have this foam and just with a spoon or you know a skimmer or skimmer it's called like this you just remove the excess of foam on there so what is the incidence of blitzing the whole lot is that your soup transform into something that is not clear anymore that looks more like a vegetable soup but you're keeping the nutrients i'm doing this because i know the clear soup sometimes people think it's going to look like a stock so what i'm gonna do here is to put all the cream i've got more on the side about 200 mil and same thing bring this to the boil we're almost finished so now as you can see the color is much more appetizing it's got that nice creamy aspect i'm gonna leave this to come to a slight boil gently i've got some carrots on the side for decoration and now we're gonna be shredding the chicken okay so gently to the boil shredding the chicken while this is warming up okay so for the shredding again it is optional if you really want you can leave the pieces of chicken as is in floating in the soup it's fine you know when you just you at home but just for for the show you need to make something a bit nicer i just want to show you so you can go by hand wash your hand of course and all what we want is the nice stuff okay so i'm going to be shredding and just cutting all the bits that are too brown so i'm just you know dispatching all the bad from the goods and i'm just keeping the good stuff that looks good and no cartilage no bones no brown blah blah so you get you get the gist again just do nice stuff so here we are look i've got my shredded meat on the sides and i've got my creamy soup it's warming up gently look at this very nice and all what i'm doing i've got all the elements i need now it's all done i'm gonna add a few of my billow of cumin seed in here not too much just just a pinch and if you want now you can either put the chicken all back so all the shredded chicken back in there okay into the soup or what i'm gonna do you just do it on the serving so in a little bowl we're gonna add you know a handful a half a handful of chicken at the bottom we're gonna cover this with that creamy soup a few carrots perhaps a few croutons and we're gonna try it out so here we are i've got all the stuff that i need to eat that soup so i've got some shredded chicken some parsley some croutons and i've got some soup on the side so we're going to start by serving the soup here and usually i'm doing it much more casual so i put some carrots for the sake of it but just look at this the color of the chicken so always put like a bit of soup like this then you can either use the chicken breast and pan fry them and put them in cube or poach them okay so little pieces of of chicken per serving has to be nice and warm and then it is just a matter of adding a sprinkle of croutons i love it it's like my favorite thing in the world and with a you know i'm keeping things simple a bit of color with a bit of parsley and that's about it okay and now guess what look at this i've got the spoon let's dig in so as you can see it's really nothing super pretentious but the the mixture of that creaminess and it adds to the color as you can see and what i love is simplicity with a little bit of chicken a piece of crouton like this look at that spoon oh i can't wait to do good yes i'm talking about it's just the intense flavor of chicken that you have in there on the cumin the cumin like i'm telling you this is my little signature it doesn't look like much but it's in the background you got that cumin flavor [Music] this is so addictive it's the kind of soup you take a ball and you just take another one and another one and another one it is absolutely beautiful i mean look at this color just love it oh every time i'm making that super getting so excited and i'm so happy that i've shared this recipe view so i hope you enjoyed this is my way of making it the cream is optional you can just filter the soup and have all the pieces of chicken in there you don't have to shred the meat but this is the the kind of the nice version that you can really sit down and you don't need to do any triage or have a bone in your plate you can just you know gobble the whole soup and take one ball and another ball in another ball another ball you know it doesn't stop and then you feel so good so as always if you have any question organized recipe use the comment section if you want to follow us you got facebook if you want to share the pictures of the dish you're making hashtag myfringish on instagram and if you wanna support the channel of course patreon and the culinary school and remember we've got a course coming up and before christmas called bistro chocolatree for beginners we're gonna learn how to make your own pates your own riot and even a pattern quote and i'm telling you what once you learn the basics of charquetry you will never be the same person again but that's it for me i'll see you all next week for another video take care all bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 84,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, chicken soup, french style chicken soup, signature chicken soup, home style, my chicken soup, French cooking academy chicken soup, chicken soup recipe, flavorsome, creamy, hearthy
Id: Z55TzKKxpyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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