Popular Stories Of Jesus | Bible Story for Children | Holy Tales Bible Stories

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dog holy tales hello my name is tubby I live here in this wonderful library and I love to eat look I live here with my friends gumbo and record Gamow Fraggles come out come out wherever you are over there on that great book is grand old holy it's really old eyu I tells us wonderful stories when we found children today I will tell you the most wonderful story of them all the birth Jesus Christ that was once a young man named Joseph who lived in the town of Nazareth he was a carpenter and was soon to marry a woman named Mary one night when he was sleeping he had a very strange dream an angel came to him and said take Mary as your wife a child in her is from the Holy Spirit when the child is born name him Jesus and he will save his people from their sins in those days Emperor Augustus Caesar commanded that his people be counted to do this everyone went to their home town for Mary and Joseph is respectable the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was long Mary was almost ready to have her baby at this time they went down the hills in Galilee and to the Judean Hills to Bethlehem Bethlehem was full of people who had come to be counted the sign hadn't in this book since there was no room anywhere else they decided to spend the night in a stable here Mary had her baby Jesus she wrapped him in a blanket put him to sleep that night the Shepherd's who were guarding the sheep in Bethlehem suddenly saw that they were surrounded with light and an angel was standing in front of them saying the angel the Shepherd's was scared the angel said do not be afraid I have come to give you the kidney is Christ the Lord has been born in Bethlehem suddenly the sky was filled with angels praising God on hearing this the Shepherd's went to Bethlehem and found Mary Joseph and baby Jesus that's a wonderful story yes so where was baby jesus born in a stable back roads yes today's story is about the wise men and their precious gift for baby Jesus in the east far far away from Bethlehem lived three wise men who studied the Stars they traveled to Jerusalem to find the child who would become the King of the Jews they had seen his star rise in the sky and wanted to honor him when King Herod heard this he was afraid he would lose his kingdom so he told the wise men tell me when he bring this child so that I can remove him to the wise men followed the star they had seen rising it stopped over a house in Bethlehem the travellers who had come from far far away were overcome with joy they entered the house and saw the little child with Mary knowing that Jesus was the son of God they all knelt down [Music] these wise men came with a lot of valuable gifts for their Lord they opened the treasure chest and offered Jesus many gifts big gift isn't precious gold frankincense and myrrh when the men left the house that night they did not go back to King Herod they were warned in a dream not to do this so all these wise men traveled back to their land by another road one man yes again Joseph saw an angel and his dream the angel warned him hurry I'm going to Egypt and save the child Herod wanted to kill the time and lord needs to be saved that's very nice Mary and Joseph along with Jesus left for Egypt when King Herod died an angel came to Joseph's dream and said it is not safe to go back to Bethlehem be Jesus so who wants to answer today's question ok so what were the gifts from the three wise men for love this was a difficult one to remember it's gold frankincense and myrrh right right that's what I said it's story time we are starting from the Bible I know you do but you have to answer the question of the egg he'll feel good then let me start there once was a man called John who had given up his life to serve God he didn't live in a house anymore he lived in a desert and wore camels in his life was simple he would eat honey berries and insects people would often come from near and far to hear him preach he would say very simple things he told his followers to be sorry for their wrongdoings and asked for forgiveness for their sins people would often tell him about their sins and ask for forgiveness and in turn he would bless and pour water on their head from the river Jordan after this their sins were thought to be washed away John knew that one day a great man would come and would purify his followers not with water but with the Holy Spirit itself he would be a really really great man one day Jesus came to where John lived to be purified the moment John saw Jesus he knew at once that the great man had finally come he said you should purify me not the other way around jesus replied it is be this way for now God wanted John poured water from the River Jordan on Jesus and the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove and said I'm very happy story hold me glad you did now for the question which rivers water the John used to pour on his followers Trident and now gamble is a giant yes tubby you are right but Gumbel's you were close oh don't worry now off you go kids be good isn't it a nice day and really sad holy honey ate my chocolate and it is what I love right now now don't bite kids we should all learn to share now don't you want to hear a story from the Bible yeah baby all right kids today a story about Jesus and Satan Jesus went to a desert to get ready for futurecast it fasted for forty days didn't eat or drink anything by the end of the forty days Jesus was tired and hungry Satan the enemy of God thought of helping Jesus he came next to him and challenged him if you really are the son of God as you say and why don't you turn this town into red jesus replied the Holy Scriptures say that we cannot live on bread alone we also need the nourishment of God's words Satan took Jesus to a high mountain from where he could see all the kingdoms of the world and said if you pray to me then all you see from here will be ours jesus said the Holy Scriptures say we only pray to our God everybody else safety thanks of Jesus to Jerusalem and made him stand on the edge of the temple and ask why don't you throw yourself of the fish and like the scriptures say God's angels will come to save you Jesus said for the Scriptures also say not to put to test Satan understood no matter what he said nothing could tempt Jesus upset and embarrassed sake let God and sense of angels to feed and take care of Jesus I hope you like the story I will ask a question now who try to tempt Jesus English very good freckles now gumbo and tubby I hope you won't fight anymore now he won't tell me I have been waiting for you all to come I have already thought about the story to tell you today [Music] so why is the story about the story is about four fishermen and Jesus but eat children have to answer one question which I will ask you at the end of the story - okay great then let us start of the story well today's story is about the for special fishermen long time ago Jesus needed his friends to help him to spread God's message walk down by the Sea of Galilee he saw two fishermen put their nets in the water catfish angel brothers and the names what Simon intended Jesus called out to them and they came to the shore Jesus said same day and I will make this perfect affirming of people the two men left their nets at once friends joined they had understood that Jesus was the promised Savior as we went along Jesus came across another two brothers they were sitting in a fishing boat they were repairing their fishing nets with help from their father yes Jesus called out they left their nets and their father and join Jesus the goodness that Jesus sent by God he chose these people because they were loyal to God and not because they talented or gifted he gave them new names later Simon was named Peter which meant Rock John and James were called sons of thunder because they were fiery young men in place of tacking fish these people would get many others to join the kingdom of God big stayed close to Jesus slung from him and helped him as he went around the world teaching and healing people really miracle scary lonely oh you are most welcome children now my question for today is what was the name of the lake along which jesus water I'll okay go on why is it made family consequence gallery yes very good gumbo I was just reading this wonderful story from the Bible and wanted to share it with you three really holy I said great we were hoping you'd tell us a story that is great and if you listen carefully and give the correct answer to the question I asked I promise to play along with you by Darren Sammy guy all right then once upon a time Jesus had asked his followers to spread light around the world just like the lamps have spread light around their houses in those days since there was no electricity people used to light lamps to light up the house instead of light bulbs the houses at the time but small and dark there used to be a small window high up on the wall lamp used to be lit by everyone all day and night the Lance needs to be made of plate and people need olive oil to burn them jesus said to his followers when we lie to lamb do we put it under the bed no we put it on a high table from where the whole house gets light we must pee like that lamp our light should reach out to everyone it must show the love and goodness of God to everyone everyone will then be thankful to God his follower John then wrote about how Jesus was the light of men that shines in the dark and darkness can never win Jesus himself had said I am the light of the world whoever follows me can never be in the dark he will have to lie to fly when Jesus sent out his followers to be the light of the world then you exactly what he meant I hope you enjoyed the story but if you want me to sing along you have to answer this question correctly what could people use in those days to light their lamps I know biggest rip the light switch with olive oil in their hand many people use our voices behind a lamp right right oh dear I was fast asleep whatever is the matter of dancing actually but we were really hoping to tell us a story from the Bible again no but I'm up I might as well tell the story but I will ask you a question at the end of it all right then children the story today is about how to pray Jesus often create a load one day when Jesus returned from his prayer his followers asked him to teach them how to pray Jesus said you can't pray in the open where everyone can see you when you pray go to your room and shut the door God sees and hears everything I will surely hear your prayer talk directly to God like this our Father in Heaven may your name be called Hurley your kingdom come to us you will be done on earth as it is heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins as you forgive the sins of others you noticed us but keep us safe removal Jesus Karen asking your prayers and it will be killed you he also bed-sharing father will never give us child anything under what they ask for if you can give your children what is good for them then God will give you all good things to Tennessee asking for it [Music] that's good freckle now kid you have to answer this question correctly who asked Jesus to teach them to pray oh oh oh slightly answer his followers asking them how to throw my very very good tubby Eddy gumbo don't be upset next time a cake come on everyone gather around let us start but today if story the holy life today sorry about today's story is about a foolish builder but promise me you will all listen to the story carefully and answer my question at the end and what about you freckles I wrote to one day many people have gathered around to hear Jesus story some even express their desire to become his disciples Jesus would always tell them that was really nice that they were interested but to enter God's kingdom was difficult even though it had great rewards it is not easy to give up on family ambitions worldly desires and become Jesus's followers one must first prepare oneself before taking such a decision he told a story about a builder who before he makes something must first make the plan see how much is top and then start work if he is not able to do so then it might happen that he will run out of money and have to leave this project Midway people would then call him a foolish builder and make fun of him for taking on such a path anyone who wants to build a temples of God in his heart must first be sure that he or she can give up a lot of things another example he used was about a king who marched his army into the battlefield without first making a plan and checking whether his army is smaller or larger than the enemy if it was smaller than the enemy then you should try to avoid the war and think of other peaceful ways to resolve the problem jesus said you are ready to become my follower only if you're able to give up everything that you love the most now let's see if you have been listening to my story carefully who does God's kingdom belong to - don't give up everything that he loves the most very good I am happy but you have been following my story holy we want to ask you something do you know who is the smartest why rekha-ii gumbo I have a simple solution whoever answers the question I asked at the end the story I'm about to tell you is about the smartest of the three all right long time ago in Capernaum lived a Roman centurion or army officer who was in charge of 100 Roman soldier once the servant was very ill the officer had heard about Jesus so he told some of the Jewish leaders to go and ask Jesus for help to save his servant doulas Jesus came to coward the elders went to him and told him about the Centurions request they said he is a good man and deserves your help he built us a place of worship and he's kind to our people Jesus agreed to meet him but before Jesus reached the officers house some of his friends met him with a message from the officer they said the officer has requested you enough to probably yourself for him he said he even good enough for you to enter his house he have told you the faith and kind words from distance your kind words have the power to travel miles when Jesus heard the message he smiled he turned to his followers and said I haven't found such faith in the whole of Israel the friends been returned to the officers house and saw the servants had been healed Wow jesus healed a man from a sea fish yes he this freckle all you need is to have faith now answer the question whom did the officer want you use us to heal oh no the officer wanted Jesus Akira starving to Adair UN is right children all very smart hi kids surprise surprise I'm awake today hey Lexi see you off today oh just a great story from the Bible and I'm going to share it with you Parris alright this is about Simon Peters house the town of Capernaum was very important it had a lot of Roman soldiers and a post office many people would pass through the town and then stop for business Jesus came here too he continued his work of spreading God's message he would often go to the local place of worship keep reached many people would come there to listen to him they were excited by his words of wisdom soon Jesus became well known in the whole of the countryside in the same town a man called Simon Peter lived in a small house with his wife and mother-in-law Jesus would often visit them one base when Jesus reached the house he saw Simon's mother-in-law lying in bed with high fever Jesus went over to the bed and asked the fever to go away the fever went away and Simon's mother-in-law went back into the kitchen to make food like he never had a fever soon word spread about how Jesus Neil Simon's mother-in-law my instead a crowd of people have come to Jesus who wanted to be healed Jesus did not send them away Neels all of them by laying his hands on them the next day Jesus left Simon's house and went to another place where he could preach about the kingdom of God the people followed him and tried to make him space but jesus said I almost came to other places to to spread the word of God and he left thanks for sharing in Bahasa it's my pleasure beer now for the question whose high fever did Jesus feel Simon's mother-in-law with you might Jesus now that's a good girl hello my dear Tommy gumbo and freckles so you want to hear another story from the Bible so you want to hear a story about Jesus all right I will tell you the story about how Jesus had no home Jesus had been traveling all over to preach to the people the Word of God he had journey to many towns and villages of Galilee spreading the word of God during his visits many people would come to him to be healed or he confessed their sins and some of them would also stay back with him but most of them could not stay for long it was not so easy to give up everything and to become a follower of Jesus one day a man came to Jesus and told him that he wanted to become his follower jesus replied are you sure it's not going to be easy foxes have holes and birds are list but the Son of God has no place to rest until in the end Jesus chose 72 disciples and twelve followers who were closest to him he sent them to different directions he prepared the towns and villages he was planning to visit he told them you must pray to the Lord to send him more people who can help him with his mission of spreading the kingdom of God as you have you must not speak to anyone you pass in the world when you reach your house the first words he was they should be peace to this house saying this Jesus further explained to them that if the people of the house were good and kind then the blessing would always be with them and they would show a lot of love and hospitality to his men in return his men should accept it humbly and stay with them now let me see if you listen to the story I just told you so how many disciples the Jesus juice in his travels that is absolutely excellent hey daddy you were right well now kids off you go I need to get back to sleep or else I might not be able to tell you another story hi I am awake and ready to tell you a story from the Bible again and it says great hello me we wouldn't have to hear what good so today the story I'm going to tell you is about the paralyzed man and walk long time ago four men came to the house Jesus was teaching his followers they were carrying their friend on a stretcher the man was paralyzed and cannot walk only his body the friends believed that Jesus could heal him for the house was full of people and they didn't know how to get close to Jesus so basic their friend to the roof of the house and remove the few tiles they then lowered the stretcher to neglect it on the floor right in front of Jesus Jesus was very happy with their faith in Him who told the paralyzed man your sins are forgiven my friend some people in the crowd got angry and said only God can forgive our sins jesus said tell me which is easier to tell this man his sins are forgiven or to ask you to walk I am the son of God and I can forgive sins I will ask him to get up now when Jesus entered the paralyzed man got up walked to brain everybody was surprised they all praise God and said we have never seen anything like this before now children was not a wonderful story writing I laughed question now who did the fall friend take it feel their paralyzed friend hey Soph existed yes that is right cubby you paid attention the whole places if you have faith then miracles can happen I have thought of telling you another story of Jesus this story is about a tax collector and him but I am sure your children remember what you have to do once I'm done with the story it will have to be closed at the end of the story and the answer is correct absolutely so you better listen to the story carefully a long time ago there lived a tax collector Ross Matthews in those times the tax collectors worked for the Roman ruler they collected extra taxes from the people and grew rich the people did not like these tax collectors at all one day Jesus was on his way from Capernaum and he saw Matthew sitting in his office Jesus asked him to come along with him Matthew got up and immediately followed Jesus one day Matthew invited Jesus and His disciples for a meal in his house many tax collectors who were also not liked by the people who were present there one of them asked one of Jesus's disciples why does your teacher eat with such bad people Jesus heard this and he answered himself he said people who are L do not need a doctor only those who are sick made him the holy book says I want people to be more kind to others longer than I want any kind of offerings jesus also said that he had come to help people who knew that they are bad not those who think they are good the man understood what Jesus was trying to say oh wow I don't know sorry so who wants to answer my question today tubby you I am sure I know the answer I go away jumble of places answer today's question a saudi-led so hi I'm Maggie okay okay comes down freckled house by children so what was the name of the tax collector who invited Jesus and His disciples for a meal and his house pet easy nickname I'm asking fantastic Emily I will tell you a story but do you know what you have to do after that very good now this story is about the woman who got healed wherever Jesus went there was always a crowd of people around him some people wanted to be filled by him while others asked him to heal their loved one one day there was a woman in the crowd who have been ill for many years it wasn't a lot of pain she had given a lot of money to doctors but they couldn't help her at all she believed in Jesus and his wonderful healing powers she wanted to meet him as soon as possible she thought if I can just touch his clothes I know I will be healed at last she met Jesus she was able to touch a part of juices flow she knew at once that she had been healed suddenly Jesus stopped asked who touched my clothes the follower upset there are so many people around you but Jesus kept looking in the crowd finally the woman who had been healed came out she fell at his feet very scared she told him that she had touched his cloak Jesus said kindly my child it is not going quite put your faith in me that are healing you go in peace and be free of your image dad no now here comes the question which part of Jesus is clothing did the woman touch and feel she was healed [Music] isn't that right holy yes it is absolutely right freckles well done today I will tell you another story of Jesus and how he taught his people the Word of God oh great holy did not wait any more tried a long time ago many people had gathered around Jesus so here is words of wisdom Jesus told crowd the story about a farmer once upon a time there was a farmer who walked up and down the field while scattering seeds all around seeds felt different pieces some fell on the path and the birds came and ate them up some fell on the rock for the class grew for a very short time and then died in the heat of the Sun some seeds fell in the thorns which grew faster than the plants just choking them some fell on rich and good soil where they grew well giving the farmer a good crop after telling the story to the crowd Jesus explained God's words I like to feed people often hear what God says for the heaven hardens their heart so the words are not able to enter their heart he compares the shallow hearts of many men to the rocky ground which hears God's words with joy but does not remember them for long he also said that there are some people who hear the word but are much more interested in worldly things around them and they slowly over time so get the Word of God but there are some people who believed in God's words these people grow like the seeds on fertile soil giving a strong and good harvest of faith goodness and lots of love in their heart so now let's see whether you have been listening who wants to answer my question today we're right all right no problem you can all answer my questions where all the seeds fall when the farm of scatters them on the ground can count that on the rock on the dime and some fell on the rich and fertile soil and holy you are completely correct well well thank you gumbo I will tell you the story now but take those attention please where are we where all right there Jesus used to roam around in different places to preach and press the message of love and God on one such day long time ago Jesus said today I would like to describe the kingdom of God for you he described it in form of the process of making bread he told them but the women wake up every day early in the morning make bread for the family be first grind the wheat grains between two heavy mill stones to make flour after that the mix of salt and water in the flour to make a soft dough they then add yeast to the dope this they will leave the side till it had risen and then they make bread out of it if they did not ask the geese the dough would be flat Jesus said just a little bit of yeast changes the hometown without it you cannot make prayer the Spirit of God is like yeast it is present in the hearts of few for the ones who possess it have the power to change the whole world just like until see that was such a wonderful story wasn't it daddy you think may we have the power to change the world I am sure that you do you are a good girl Vic sorry about red and make me hungry Oh chubby you and food anyway I have a question for you three what needs to be added to the dough to make of rice I know I know it needs to be added to make the dough right right right you are tubby very good no I will rest a little pearly you know what happened today do tell me gumbo I found a coin I had lost ages ago well Jesus had said that finding the kingdom of heaven is like finding hidden treasure do you want to hear all about it yes please alright children gather around the story I'm going to tell you today is about the kingdom of heaven long time ago Jesus had told his followers that finding the kingdom of heaven was like finding heavy treasure in those days people would bury their money in the ground they thought that their money was safe there but if the person who had given his money died or went away nobody could find the hidden money for years and Darris the law had said that if anyone found buried treasure on their land they could keep it one day a man walking in the field hits something hard in the crowd he dug and found a box full of treasure and was happy he covered the box and went to get money from his home to buy the land he sold everything he had to buy the land with the treasure in it Jesus said wanting treasure sells everything to get the treasure so person looking for our the kingdom of God has to leave everything behind for it to he added fishermen always keep the good fish and threw away the other bad ones they catch similarly when the world comes to an end the Angels will separate good people from the bad and clip people all go to heaven yes it was my question for you today is after the man hit something hard on the ground and dug it up what did he find I was paying attention homie let me answer did tonight dad I found a box full of treasure that is right my pretty one very good come here dear children I have a surprise for you all gather around hi it is another interesting story from the Bible would you like to describe meaning only great if you have to listen closely because I will ask a question at the end of the story we wear we wear all right thank it long ago Jesus left the desert where he had fasted for 40 days resisting savings and went to Galilee there he told the people all about God and how they should live their lives in a way that God would be happy one day he went to Nazareth the town where he had grown up and works as a carpenter today he went was a Sabbath the holy day of the week he went to the place where the jews prayed during the service jesus stood up to speak and he was given the writings of prophet isaiah he opened it and read a part which spoke about the coming of a savior also known as the messiah then jesus said words have come true today God has sent me to share the good news Jesus spoke very well and everyone heard him with total attention they were really surprised by the things Jesus back then they started to whisper to each other some of them said to carpenter wait how can you save your king crowd was not happy at all it caught hold of Jesus and behaved badly with him but Jesus managed with the weight he never went back to Nazareth again because they didn't understand him but we must forgive them people do strange things when they are afraid now for the question what did Jesus work as in Nazareth his work as a carpenter in Nazareth the father was a carpenter - how many 1 was very attentive I was thinking about with sorry to tell you today today's story is about how Jesus led the crowd and like always at the end of the story I will be asking you one question John was the priest of the ancient Jewish temple who had baptized Jesus when he was a young boy few years had passed since then and Jesus grew up to be a man and he heard that John was killed the G was for sad and went to a secluded place in a boat his followers followed him on foot around the Sea of Galilee when Jesus came ashore from Galilee he saw a large crowd waiting for him the crowd had been waiting for him for a long time and they were highly rated but all that Jesus and His disciples had were five loaves of bread and two fish that was not enough to feed the large crowd Jesus's disciples bed let me send these people back since we do not have enough food for them Jesus did not want these people to go he had to do something for these people so he asked his disciples took the loaves of bread and the fish that we already have the disciples did what Jesus told them to do Jesus left the food and everyone ate their fill and he went back with twelve baskets of leftovers wasn't that a wonderful story about how Jesus bets a huge crowd with only five loaves of bread and two fish did you all like the story oh yes we surely did so what is the question for today how many loaves is faced in Jesus and His disciples hat isn't dista question nope today's question is why did the disciples want to send the people away only because they did not have enough food to feed the crowd and they were hungry come over here let me tell you another story about Jesus yes yes we are you come on okay one fine day Jesus went to the mountain to pray to God he went alone and did not make his disciples along with him his disciples set sail on a boat and by evening the boat was far away from man saga Nene there came a huge storm Jesus the disciples tried really hard to face against the high wave that was strongly the sea kept raging out for a while his disciples the ferry high and could not know anyone where they was beginning to despair when at dawn jeez team at first the disciples were really afraid seeing a man walk on the scene they thought it was a ghost but then Jesus called out to them and said don't be afraid it is we who is walking away his disciples rejoiced at the sight Peter one of Jesus's disciples said oh you won't walk from the water to Jesus called Peter to him and he started walking on the water Peter felt the wind against him and began to sink he cried for help and Jesus called him by his shoes disappointed to be the feeder have such little faith in God by then the storm has stopped and the wind stopped blowing Jesus walking on the sea proved to his disciples once again the fact that Jesus was truly the Son of God Wow he just walked on water talk to his dad now it's time for a question today the question is for gumbo so gumbo tell me what did the disciples think when Jesus came walking on the sea they thought was a ghost you are absolutely correct I have already thought about the story that I'm going to tell you today but like always you have to answer one question at the end how are we man long long ago Jesus cross the sea of galilee and reach the coast of various Philip I'm there you told a lot of people about the Word of God and also warned them against Pharisees and Sadducees the Pharisees and the Sadducees would often try to destroy people's faith in Jesus Jesus once raised questions among his followers yes whom two people think I am after thinking for a while they said some people think that you're one of the many perfect see something you're John the Baptist some also think you're Elijah or caramel hearing these answers from the followers Jesus come to Simon Peter and ask him who do you think I am Simon Peter immediately answer you are Christ the mishap Jesus was extremely pleased that tiny Peter believed in him so Jesus blessed him saying that from that day onwards he would be called Peter which meant wrong the next day Jesus told his followers not to tell anyone that he lost the promised messiah he said that he would go to Jerusalem and suffer a lot and later he would die but then again on the third day after his death he would rise to life again hearing this Peter was really worried he took Jesus to one side and said to him won't you listen to that Jesus understood the worry and surprising Peter's voice he explained to him that Peter must not try and stop him from fulfilling his mission only in his death would he do what he wants to achieve Wow Peter really love Jesus didn't he yes he did I hope you all liked the story a slightly head now asked us an implanted in how many days did Jesus say that he would come back from death hmm I'm three days yeah great you are good children let me tell you the story of the lost sheep and scale even love it alright pay attention the story I'm about to tell you today is about the lost sheep now Jesus often use stories to explain to people about God's love he often also compared God to a shepherd looking after his sheep and once told his people this story [Music] there was the shipper with hundred feet every morning the Shepherd took in two places where the grass was situated and every evening they took him back to safety of their home after she blocked the shepherd counted them to make sure they were all there one evening he counted my keen eye she was missin it will be later the Shepherd left tonight 19 and then drinking for the one lost sheep he looked for hours at last she found she which was really scared he put it on his shoulders and he carried him back the Shepherd finally got him he was so happy that he called old family and friends come and celebrate with me I have found my lost lamb after telling the story Jesus said God loves each one of us he feels happier over that one person who comes back to him and over all the people who are already safe and more in his care now that was a beautiful story wasn't it oh I loved it I will ask a question now how many sheep to the Shepherd bone anger 99 oh it was a hundred I'm Talia gumbo a hundred is right good boy - try not to get lost and if you do we will always find you that's why we will stay best friends forever that's wonderful have fun kids see you soon today's story is about how much Jesus loved children but promise me you will all listen to the story carefully and my question at the end yes yes we win what about you chubby me too starting time a long time ago when the people of Jerusalem heard that Jesus was in town they went looking for him they brought that children with them because they really wanted Jesus to bless them the people found Jesus sitting under a tree with his disciples everyone with babies and little children tried very hard to get close to Jesus to seek His blessings Jesus's disciples realized what was happening the disciples he did not want Jesus to be disturbed by the children shoot these people and the children awake they stopped the children from touching Jesus soon Jesus realized what was happening around him and was not happy at all with his disciples he called all of his disciples and said what patroon Combe told his disciples that they should not stop these children from coming to him because he said the kingdom of God belongs to the children the disciples realized what they had done they allowed the children to come to Jesus Jesus then held the little babies in his arm and the other children touch him and he blessed all of them everybody was happy now let's see if you have been listening to my story carefully who does God's kingdom belong to it belongs to little children and babies very good I am happy that you have been following my stories now I will tell you the story the long time ago a rich young man was looking for a way in which he could turning light those events to Jesus hoping to find an answer to the question jesus said that if you wanted eternal light you should follow all commandments and not break any of them the man said that he did follow all the commandments he did not feel he did not take away someone else's wife harm lied to anyone he respected his parents and did not kill art-sheet others either he loved others as he loved himself the rich man wanted to know if that was anything else that he could possibly do jesus said if you really want eternal life and spread all your money and joy means spreading the kingdom of God the idea of giving up his riches did not make the young rich man very happy he was very upset that he could not do anything more to get the eternal life he so badly wanted Jesus Ben saw how difficult it was for the rich to enter God's kingdom I asked the story the rich man was just a fake was it holy well he loved his money more than he loved eternal life and that is why he could never enter the kingdom of God now kids I will ask the question what did the rich young man want from Jesus he might my money Marineris been he wanted to turn a life right Tubby's right well John I children I was waiting for you so shall we start yeah yes and we do remember that you will ask us a question at the end and we have to listen to the story carefully fill it so today's story is about how Jesus tells a story about workers and linearity one day long ago Jesus is preaching God's message when he described God and his kingdom like the owner of a vineyard the owner of the vineyard once had a very good harvest and needed people to help keep the great so he went out in the morning to the marketplace to look for people who could help him so on some idle man sitting so he went up to them and offered them the work at his vineyard he said work for me in the vineyard and in return I shall tell you one silver coin one silver coin was a lot for a day's work so the man agreed the vineyard owner felt he needed more workers at noon so we went out to the marketplace again to look found more men doing nothing so he made them the same offer in the evening he went to the marketplace yet again to search for more men he again found people who were willing to work and so they ended it was time for the owner to pay his workers he paid each of them with a silver coin as he had promised he bit the workers weapon present in the vineyard trees morning we're very angry they felt it was not fair they had been working since the morning the owner calmly said I am paying the amount that I had promised Jesus been explained to the crowd that just like the vineyard owner God's love and kindness is the same for all so city of kids understand what Jesus price of sales for the story yeah go dad labs are equally well today's question is what did the man tell the people he would pay them if they helped pick grapes again I get that wine silver kind excellent hubby all of you gather round I will tell you did you know what you have to do at the end we we have to answer a customer athlete very good and if you do you might get some cookies from me yeah this story is about Jesus and rain Jerusalem on the first day of the Passover week Jesus I need followers came to best physique on the Mount of Olives on the way to Jerusalem Jesus sent two of his followers before him he said go to the village in front of you I hope hold him he also said she will find a young donkey there tied up with his mother I'm tired and bring it back again if anyone asks to save the master needed and we'll send it back soon the followers did everything that Jesus said he found the donkey and brought it to Jesus they put their clothes on the donkey's back to make a comfortable seat to Jesus no one had ever ridden the young donkey before but it happily allowed Jesus to sit on its back Jesus travelled into Jerusalem not on a royal horse used in a war but on a donkey prophet Zechariah had said long ago that the promised Savior was a king of peace not more people ran from their houses to the streets to welcome Jesus they all showed their love to him they spread their cloaks at his feet and shouted Hosanna Hosanna happily praising God so did you enjoy the story that phrase now my question is on what animal did Jesus right into the town of Jerusalem all right to think before you ask our gumbo dear yes that is right let's start the debate story gumbo listen to the story carefully one babe Jesus keep telling the crowd the story about a rich man who had organized the thief the rich man had decided to give a huge party for his friends once everything had been organized and all the invitations sent out he sent his servants to go and fetch his guests however one by one the gift started making excuses from not attending to see some said I have just got married so I cannot leave my wife alone or I have got some capital and I have two exams like cannot come or I'm not feeling well so I will not be able to make it and so on by DNA each and every gift had refused to come on hearing this the rich man was very very angry he said if those who I have invited do not wish to come then I will invite others my house will be filled with guests who will enjoy themselves he told his servants he searched the streets and the alleys of the court and the beggars and bring them to the feet soon the whole house was filled with beggars having fun at the feet at the end of the story Jesus explained that God's kingdom was similar to the rich man God has sent his prophets to invite the chosen few some of them had refused but there was always enough space for many more to come God would offer his kingdom to those new boovie Sarah like food and the people do not want to come actually why is not clearly resting huh so the question for today is what happened when the invited guests refused to come to the rich man speed and is pure evil and the burglars okay and enjoy the food ever served to that good hubby good thing you came along I read a stories and Bible a while back and I thought I tell you that one today one condition what is it at the end of the story you have to stay along with us for mady fine all right I will and you have to answer my question now listen carefully this story is about using our talents well Jesus spoke about the kingdom of heaven in several stories once a long time ago a rich man going on a long journey I needed money between a service to do with it as they saw fit to the first one he gave five gold coins he gave two points to the second service and one gold coin to the third the first two servants did business with their gold coins they were able to double what they had for the third service buried his one gold coin safely in the ground their master came back from his journey he called out to the three servants the first servant was very happy he expected his master master I have earned five more gold coins for you the second servant said I have earned you two more the rich man said well done both of you have been loyal to me I will reward you with greater things but the third servant said master I I was scared that I would lose your money so I parried it safely in the crown his master was very angry and told the servants you leave the house at the end of the story Jesus said God if each of us different gifts or talents he wants us to use them well and not parry them if we want to serve Him and enter his kingdom so said you like the story oh yeah and one day I hope to get back to those fine-tune the gold coins are just in bollocks you must use whatever talents you have now my question how many servants to the merchant half I think I know what three I now get feel calm down you are right wait now that you are asked any please tell us another story of Jesus be honest I'm sorry so exciting I will only if you promise to listen carefully and answer a question at the end long ago Jesus was invited to the house of a man called Simon who lives in a town called Maine Simon was a Pharisee which meant he lived quickly following all of the Jewish laws Simon did not believe Jesus to be one of the prophets of God when Jesus took his place and sat at the table a woman walked inside the room she knelt down before Jesus and cried softly her tears fell on Jesus's feet and she wiped it with her hair she had with her a jar of expensive oil she covered his feet with kisses and spread the perfumed oil on his feet with her own two hands Simon was surprised the woman had a bad reputation in town Simon busting himself as to how Jesus could allow them knowing what he was thinking Jesus told Simon the story of two men who had borrowed money from a moneylender one man borrowed 100 silver coins and the other 50 both of them could not pay back the money lender the moneylender was a good man and so he cancelled their debt at the end of the story Jesus asked Simon tanner which man out of the two would be the most grateful Simon replied obviously the one who had borrowed more money Jesus then explained to silent when I entered the house you did not give me a kiss of friendship either did you wash my feet nor did you deny me with oil this sinful woman on the other show me so much a flower Jesus then turned to the woman and told her that all of her sins had been forgiven he's a clever and wise man he knew what Simon was thinking that's why I see the berries he was a son of God you can tell me why is the question for today what was the name of the town where Simon lived well 12 it was named hi kids see I'm awake today and it's such a beautiful day isn't it oh yeah so what do you want to do on this lovely day thank you sorry from the Bible it was not like that sounds perfect I will tell you what but you have to listen to me carefully all right then today's story is about Judas the Feast of the Passover was coming close Jesus and his followers traveled to Jerusalem and stopped as village of Bethany they stayed in the house of their friend Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus Jesus had before given Lazarus back his life that evening they sat down to have dinner served by Martha during the meal Mary came in with a jar of expensive perfumed oil she bent down in front of Jesus and poured the oil on his feet she then wiped the oil away with her hair the air was filled with the smell of the oil Judas Iscariot the follower who looked after the fund of money said what a waste Oh should have been sold and the money should have been given to the poor you did not say this because he cared for the poor but because he himself often stole money from the fund jesus said leave her alone when she washed my feet she was preparing me for my peril there will always be poor people but I will not always be with you Judas was angry that Jesus scolded him and left the house he wanted to betray Jesus so he went to the creek they were happy and promised to give Judas money to get Jesus arrested Judas agreed and started looking for a chance to betray Jesus don't be scared freckles all will be good now my question kids what did Mary pour on Jesus's feet oh oh oh yeah I have already thought about the story that I'm going to tell you today today's story is about the Lord's last meal but like always you have to answer one question at the end Charlie where a long time ago John and Peter two of Jesus's disciples had arranged for the Lord's Passover these were the last few days of Jesus before he would be crucified the passover feast was held in a house in jerusalem jesus and all his disciples back together and ate in one big room as they ate jesus spoke to his disciples he told them he was really looking forward to this passover feast and he wanted to eat his last meal with all of that Jesus took a loaf of bread thank the Lord for it and gave it to his disciples and said this loaf of bread is my body Jesus then picked up a cup of wine and once again thank the Lord for the same offering them the wine he said this cover why he's my son he said that he was ready to shed his blood for the people so that they would be forgiven for that sinneth all his disciples ate the loaf of bread and drank the wine the meal continued after this it was a long celebration the disciples took their time because they enjoyed talking with Jesus and actively questioned after the meal was over Jesus washed the feet of all his disciples because he loved them and wanted them to learn that they too should do nice things for people oh let's talk about food has made me hungry you can do any only if you answer my question what is the question do I have to answer it yes because you never answer my question and you are always thinking your food all right all by asking the question what does a loaf of bread and the cup of wine represent their nose represents a large body and the wine his blood fantastic I was just reading a nice story from the Bible I will but pay attention you three alright today's story is about the Garden of Gethsemane a long time ago Jesus account supper for all his followers and this supper Jesus had personally washed the feet all this follows after the supper Jesus left with his followers to go to a quiet peaceful garden on the Mount of Olives he wanted to spend some time with his Heavenly Father but he went inside the garden with Peter James and John leaving the others to wait outside for them at the anode he told the three followers to keep a watch as he prayed inside he was very upset and stressed he knew that something very bad was waiting for him he knew that he had already been betrayed by his own follower who loved very much he praised God to take away his pain as he stepped outside after prayers he saw that John Peter and James can all fall asleep he woke them up and said to them could you three not stay awake for just a little while all three of them were very ashamed of themselves they apologized to Jesus but it kept falling asleep again and again Jesus said the third time wake up James John and Peter my time has come I shall be betrayed so my betrayer is on his way you're bad for Jesus ah don't be sad did you like the story yeah I did holy good now listen to my question where was the Garden of Gethsemane located iron mountain looks like none of you paid close attention it was the Mount of Olives you are like the three followers of Jesus you don't listen to me sorry holy we will next time I am sure you will so today's story is it's a story about how Jesus was betrayed Jesus had 12 disciples one of these disciples was called Judas Judas and betrayed Jesus to the high priest one day after Jesus had finished praying he and his disciples went into a garden now Judas who betrayed him knew the place because Jesus had often met there with his disciples when Jesus came to the garden guiding some soldiers and some bristle from chief priests and Pharisees they were carrying torches lanterns and weapons Judas went up to the crowd and told them the demand deep grief that the kiss would be Jesus Judas quickly walked up to Jesus and greeted him little kiss immediately the crowd knew who Jesus was in spite of Judas betraying him Jesus spoke to him there's a lot of patience in a calm voice he said Judas do what she have come to do Jesus standing looked at the crowd and told them that she was not a bad person who should be arrested with swords and clubs that they should not harm his disciples he also told his disciples not to fight back the crowd did not have to do anything Jesus went with them and they led the way Wow yes now she will answer today's question may I please of course so tell me how did the crowd know who Jesus was huh a crowd knew who Jesus was thank you disagree to demand with the kick am i right so today actually tell you a story about Peter breaking his promise to his beloved Jesus oh god Peter Rachel promised to Jesus why oh wait wait have patience long ago Judas plotted against Jesus and got him arrested for stealing from the temples Treasury Judas came with armed men to arrest Jesus from the garden in a place called Gethsemane Jesus was there with three of his favorite disciples John Peter and James horrified to see jesus getting arrested Peter took out his sword and cut off the ear of one of our men seeing this Jesus told him Peter you must not do that those who live by the sword also die by it Jesus was taken to the high priest as the prisoner Peter was outside when a woman saw him and until one of the disciples of the man they took inside Peter replied no and move nearer to the guards standing near the gate one of the guards seeing him said I'm sure I saw you with the Prophet you were with him weren't you Peter said no again the third time another guard said that he had seen Peter with Jesus Peter became very angry and replied furiously no I was not with him I don't know what you're talking about soon as Peter completed his sentence a crowed loudly Peter then remember Jesus he had said that Peter would deny him three times before a crowed Peter had promised to him that he would never do that except that he had broken his promise to the Lord made him very sad and I'm happy he ran out and wet hmm I hope you have been listening very carefully gumbo if you answer this question correctly I will see along with you okay here is a question how many times did Peter denied knowing Jesus ah I were very good gumbo I will tell you the story of how Jesus felt sorry about the bad thing that leads it long long time ago Jesus wasn't gets M&E in a garden with James Peter and John Judas who was also one of his disciples had clotted a blame of pet against Jesus for thirty pieces of silver Jesus would feel that he would soon be betrayed by someone very close to him Judas went up to Jesus and kissed him and got him falsely arrested sealing the temples treasury it was soon decided that Jesus would have to be put to death because of the crime that Judas had made up against him as soon as Judith heard the final decision he was filled with guilt for whatever he had vomited he had never meant for Jesus to die he betrayed Jesus because of his greed but now he felt sorry for what he has done the next morning Judas went to the crease with a bag of thirty silver place that they had given him for betraying Jesus on entering the temple he said I have made a quick mistake she cannot teach us the freeze did not listen to what he said they said we have no reason to worry about a problem and as for Jesus he must be put to death that is the final decision horrified at what was happening due to through the coins on the floor and walked out Judas was full of guilt the priests collected the money and used it to buy a potter's land and use the land as a graveyard for foreigners now let me see if you listen to the story I just told you how much the Judas get paid to betray Jesus far only thirty pieces of silver absolutely gumbo you need to pay more attention Charlie holy yes it is so bad could be the flag are distracted that's all right I am sure but you will pay attention next time okay well today's story is about how Jesus was declared innocent long time ago today I was ruled by a Roman ruler called Pontius Pilate before Jesus was put up on the cross the priests and leaders brought him to the palace of the ruler the priests and the leaders were accusing Jesus of making false claims of being the king of the people Jesus stood calmly in front of Pilate without speaking a word hearing the accusation that the priest had against him conscious after Jesus if he really thought himself to be the king of Jews Jesus said it is two people coal with a king then he said he came here only to do one thing which was to bring the truth hearing this pilot turned to the priests and leaders of Jerusalem and said Jesus was innocent the priests were angry the pilots decision they went on insisting that Jesus upsets people wherever he goes from Galilee to Jerusalem Pontius Pilate told the police that they should take Jesus to Herod Herod would been in charge of Galilee and Jesus was Galilean Herod sends him back to Pilate pilots wife and also dreamt about Jesus's innocent Pilate declares an innocence once again conscious pilot declared Jesus to the innocent three times he finally washes his hands off the matter he's innocent now they would not make him suffer anymore well that's the story for another day now answer my question what does Pilate smells the priest about Jesus he declared that Jesus was innocent now the cycle has answered your question can I'll sing a song you are a very naughty perform you never listened to my stories carefully I have already thought about the story I'm going to tell you today but you do remember that you have to answer one question at the end Wow these is all right on the day of the Passover festival but common custom was that the governor would relieve any prisoner chosen by the people at that time Jesus was being held prisoner for stealing from the temple Treasury Judas had betrayed him for his own grief Pilate the been Roman governor was extremely fond of Jesus and was hoping that people would ask for Jesus to be released but the priests had already told people what to say they wanted to get rid of Jesus soon as possible on the day of the festival the governor addressed the crowd gathered outside the palace he said on this day I am willing to release any prisoner he one who would me people replied we wanted to release Barabbas with another prisoner who had stolen many things and also permitted many other crimes people chose him over Jesus as the priest had told them to do that Pilate knew how jealous the priests were of Jesus he did not want to put Jesus to death at all his wife and also dreamt about Jesus being innocent and had pleaded him to let go of Jesus finally Pilate asked the crowd again do you want me to release him whom you call the king of Jews the crowd said that they wanted to put Jesus to death and save Barabbas the crowd would get very impatient Pilate was afraid that riot could start to gave in to their demand but before he went back to his palace he called for a bowl filled with water he then washed his hand and said I have nothing to do with Jesus death Barabbas shall be released oh there happen to be this half only good time so who do the people want to release that prayer and Barabbas the prisoner and not give it its Barabbas happy very good so today's story is about how Jesus was arrested and then put to death Judas one of Jesus's disciples had betrayed him I so Jesus was arrested all the priests had decided that Jesus should be put to death Pilate the Roman governor was to take a final decision he knew that Jesus was innocent in those times the custom was that the governor would be nice any prisoner at the Passover festival the prisoner would be chosen by the people eyelid wished that the people would choose Jesus to be released but the priest said already told the people not to take jesus' name sadly they did as they were told Jesus was made to wear a purple robe and town of mystic horn he stands long the people in the crowd made fun of him and said hail the King of the Jews but not in a nice way Pilate was very anxious he do not want an innocent man to be put to death he decided to try and change the clouds decision he went outside and once more to dress the crowd I have found no case against Jews I cannot put him to bed but the crowd did not care they wanted Jesus to die feeling helpless Pilate tried once again if you want him dead then do it yourself the crowd shouted back claiming that Caesar was the only King and Jesus was challenging their king by cleaning that he was the king of Jews Pilate had no other option but to give him those who handed Jesus over to the crowd [Music] I am really upset I know freckles but that there was a reason for his suffering to be sad now into today's question mom our whole lacroix to tell me he was the only man when the people claimed to be their king they were led Jesse's our gumbo but anyway at least you tried this story is a really sad one why didn't ever tell a sad story I know but today's story is about Jesus's death and I know how much children loved him as it can and Christ judge to the twenty I hold II gotta study well children Jesus was arrested Reese wanted him to die so they made the people go against him a Roman governor Pilate Neela Jesus was innocent but he could not do anything to save Jesus so Jesus was taken to a place called skull Hill also called Golgotha outside Jerusalem but he would be crucified and put to death to all the thieves were also being put to death along with Jesus Jesus was put on a cross by the guards and then set up right on the ground many of his followers and disciples had gathered to see him for the last time among the people would Jesus mother Mary and one of his closest disciples John before he died Jesus prayed to the Lord father please forgive him for they do not know what they are doing but we look at John and said John Mary will be your mother he looked at Mary and said mother John will now be your son the priests were getting very impatient the guards they made sure that the two thieves was dead by the time they reached Jesus he was already dead the piers came to check if he was dead or not John took Mary to this house and took care of her from that moment onward now who will answer my question today Jesus can't die he is the son of God hang in there freckles the face now answer my question what was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified gone hell but he was also called Golgotha weapon Atocha yes both of you are correct who said I was asleep I was just sitting here waiting for you guys to come right yes ready and ranking oh I hope this isn't another sad story - yeah - tchh body well there is hope in this one I hope you won't feel sad after listening to this story so Jesus was put to death on the cross place called Golgotha which was outside Jerusalem after Jesus died on the cross one of the secret followers Joseph and so commission from Pilate the Roman governor to bury Jesus's body Joseph was a rich man that come from Arimathea so Joseph and his friend Nicodemus to Jesus's body to be buried Nicodemus was another secret disciple of Jesus like his friend Joseph they wrapped Jesus in a clean pot and took him to a newly built tomb which was not very far away from Golgotha Nicodemus had brought a special mixture were and Paulo spread the mixture all over the body of Jesus and back in a clean linen according to Jewish customs after everything was done Joseph and Nicodemus closed the tomb with huge boulder many people were waiting completely Mary Magdalene was one of them Jewish leaders knew that Jesus had made a promise that he would ride from again after three days so they all went to Pilate and requested him to seal between unguarded with soldiers all day and all night make sure and none of Jesus's disciples to try to steal his body Pilate agreed the priests feel the tool and it remained under the watchful eyes cross the guard I knew Jesus head and guy as he promised that he would like him yes and I'm sure he will we will wait and see freckles now my question what was the name of the woman who was standing in front of the team and Jesus was being buried and like Mary Magdalene correct start with today's story tubby listen to the story carefully it was a very sad time in Jerusalem since Jesus had been crucified darkness had fallen on the whole town the people were very sad because they had lost their God it was on the third day since Jesus's death that the Sun was finally rising was a Sunday morning Mary from Bethany and Mary Matalin two women who loved Jesus very much came to the tomb but Jesus was cast suddenly there was an earthquake and an angel appeared before them rolling away the large stone covering the mouth of the tomb he sat by the open tomb while the inside of the tomb was flashing like lightning the guards of the King were afraid very scared he fell down with fear the angel near that the women had come to see Jesus so he said you will be free until Jesus was left this behind just as he said he would the angel showed the women the place in the tomb where Jesus had lain the angel then sent a message in Jesus's disciples through the women that Jesus would be found in Galilee where they should go and meet him happy at the sea miracle the women run back to tell the people just good news but how did he just come out of the truth hailey is the son of God he can do anything yes so the question for today is what happens when the angel rolled away the stone from jesus's team and I can add great very good cubby you're really paying attention today I will tell you a story anyways let's start with today's story gumbo listen to the story carefully so after Jesus were put to death on the top his body was buried tomb not very far away from Golgotha Jesus had promised to the followers and disciples he would rise from death after three days till the priests from the leaders wanted the team to be filled properly and guarded by men so that there with no chance of Jesus's disciple healing his body Mary Magdalene and one of her friends waiting to go and see Jesus's body he could only go to the Sabbath early next morning the two women claimed to the tool when they reached the tomb they saw that the heavy stone Boulder guarding the mouth of the tone had already been removed they thought that perhaps someone else come to see Jesus but when they stepped inside they were shocked Jesus's body had disappeared between was easy suddenly two angels appeared Mary and her friend were terrified to see what was happening the Angels told them to be afraid I told the women that the Son of God had already risen hearing this Mary and her friend went running to John and Peter they saying you must come the Lord has revealed John and Peter did not believe them at first but they went to the tool when they reached they saw that the body was not there and the men and they had wrapped Jesus in the folded neatly and kept on the side so cool yes freckle he is now will you please answer my question absolutely faster to go well who did Mary Magdalene and her friend go to after they saw that the tomb was empty yes very good freckle hello children that was a lovely song we found that for you we pop it to practice it practice so I'm sure you did and because all of you thanks so beautifully I will tell you a nice story from the Bible I just read [Music] all right followers of Jesus once met in a wing where they had eaten and last supper with him the door was locked because they were scared that the Jewish leaders might find them suddenly Jesus was there with them he said peace be with you why are you scared I am Jesus the followers please speak because it was so happy to see him Jesus told them that he would send them out to the world to do his work just as God had sent him told them to hide until he sent the Holy Spirit to them one of the followers Thomas is not in the room at the time when the others told him about Jesus he don't believe them he said I won't believe Alice I have seen and touched to myself a few days later Jesus once again came to the room follow of the scene the door was locked this time to this time Thomas was with them he's a said to Thomas happy and blessed are those who cannot see yet play even me after Thomas had touched Jesus and had seen as hand where the meals have been put in for the cross comes bow down and Jesus said you believe because you can see and he enlisted our air is he cannot see yet believe in me oh god holy how could his followers Wow see this I can't see in fact the winner win tabby is nice now I will ask a question which follower doubted the Jesus had come to see them I think I know little daddy countess hello fat girl you like those riders do you - back daddy daddy of course you're smart freckles and not just a pretty face Thank You Holly now are you staying with us a d13 hi drink I will sing along holy tales King Solomon sent for his guard and said here take this baby and cut him in half I'll give one half to eight remain the first woman who was indeed the real mother threw herself at Solomon's feet she cried please do not kill the baby get him to the other woman but please do not harm him since there was no room anywhere else they decided to spend the night in a stable here Mary had her baby Jesus she wrapped him in a blanket put him to sleep while the inside of the tomb was flashing like lightning the guards of the King were afraid very scared they fell down with fear the angel knew that the women had come to see Jesus so he said you will be forgiven to Jesus left this behind my Jesus in my life and I forevermore forevermore my keys
Channel: The Holy Tales: Bible
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Keywords: Holy tales, holy tales bible stories, sunday school, bible stories, kids stories, edutainment, bible chapters, god, bible characters, morals, happykids, bible, bible for kids, The Bible, Jesus Christ, Religion, Inspiring, faith, christian, bible cartoon, new testament, bible story for children, lent, easter, jesus, stories of jesus, fat tuesday, ash wednesday, mardi gras, happy lent, popular videos on youtube, popular videos 2018, learning videos for toddlers, bible stories for kids
Id: kEsdww9W8U4
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Length: 99min 45sec (5985 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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