POOR to RICH to WEALTHY.. (Brookhaven RP)

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alrighty boys another day back on roblox hopefully we get some pretty good wins today and oh my mom's home and say hey mom she said are you on that game again uh roblox yeah she said you don't have a job you're poor um okay uh what do you mean by that she said you don't pay rent or anything not even clean or cook okay i guess you're right but what is it that important i mean i guess i'm actually am 18 now i kind of i kind of am an adult now you need to get used to life and work get a job she said stop being a failure a failure oh my gosh bro like words really do hurt sometimes all right you know what she's right i'm not gonna lie i'm 18 now i don't have a job i've just been playing roblox you need to work i'm tired of paying rent alone okay you know a job though um i have no clue she said stay safe oh okay okay all right you know what she's right i'm not gonna lie we literally live in a trailer that's our house right there it's on wheels we've been poor our whole life so why not like do something about it why just sit there and be poor guys my mom is right i'm doing something with my life let's do this okay first things first gotta find a job i don't really know where but um the police station uh no i don't wanna be a cop the hospital i can't do surgery um maybe the bank to be fair if you work at the bank you play make a lot of money right because it's a bank a lot of money going through it now hopefully someone isn't there working and oh oh yeah there is uh hello good sir hello uh i am looking for a job are you hiring you said yeah oh had a job before um no uh does playing roblox count you said what okay okay it sounds like i'm messing with them i'm sorry uh dumb question my bad he said sorry to say but you need to have past jobs to work here dang so i can't get a job here okay you know what um that's fine i'll i'll get another one no i don't need this job i got another one guys like who cares about the bank you know maybe one day i'll work there but until then i'll just get a job somewhere else like uh like starbucks yeah that's exactly what i'll do let's go to starbucks oh and look someone's working right there uh hello sir hello i'm gonna say uh are you looking for a job by chance i mean wait now hold on are you guys hiring uh i kinda need a job he said yes oh let's go let's go let's go um so any requirements he said can you work long hours uh yes i can i mean i've never worked before then you're hired okay let's go put on this outfit uh all right all righty well i got my new drip on he said looking great thank you thank you thank you he said just sit back here and wait for people i need to clean okay all right i guess i'll go back here in the counter um i don't really know what i'm going to do exactly if someone comes but i guess i'm learning along the way the guy just said i forgot to say we're getting about 13 an hour all right it's not bad and oh my gosh it's my mom she said son oh my gosh hey mom yo okay she's been having a job oh she said omg you're working oh look how happy she is yes i am what can i get you she said hmm strawberry milkshake question mark uh coming right up i'm not gonna lie i have no clue to make one of those but we're gonna find i think it's this one right here i just took a sip of it um awkward i'm gonna say you're ready all righty and here you go gift to her you said ooh looks good thank you she said i'll pay with a credit card um oh it's just paid wow we're actually making money that's so cool she said i'll see you later son oh okay bye mom well i guess that's uh my first ever person damn that feels so cool man i'm actually working a job like this just feels great and this guy just said fresh food okay i'm not gonna lie the only problem is now though is thirteen dollars an hour a lot of money like i think that's not that much like i don't know like is that enough to like even really pay the bills um i don't know i guess i'll tell my mom later about it my boss said you enjoy your job so far i'm gonna say hey man you gotta do what you gotta do not the most enjoyable thing ever but you know always i have a job he said i've had this job for six years six years bro oh my gosh well that's a long time oh and i just realized that turn to come night time so um my shift should be on anytime soon he said well it's 9 p.m have a good night oh okay all right perfect uh well that's the first day done i'm going to say thank you so much boss and wait the guy just said wait oh yeah i forgot to pay you oh i've got to get paid of course of course um wow thank you oh my gosh bro actual money bro this is sick dude i'm actually making money who's it no problem it's 26 um is that a lot of money i don't i don't really know but hey i guess i'll tell my mom about it all right thank you sir all right now i'm heading home i guess we have to walk home but it's okay because one day we'll get a car bro let's go that was actually sick what a great first day of my job bro my mom's gonna be so proud of me too i'm so excited to tell you oh look at the cooking over there i'm gonna say oh mom guess what she said hey son oh look how happy she is i'm gonna say i made 26 dollars today i'm actually making money said i'm in your favorite food oh she said uh what does she mean the mess is not sand i'm confused she said 26 yes we're gonna be rich i'll be able to actually help with the bills and everything like that like it's it's awesome she said do you know how much i pay for rent uh no 120 plus uh well um this is something i mean it helps right she just said are you even trying yes i'm trying what do you mean just you need to take some risk into your life what do you mean risk in my life this is a risk i got a job i mean i'm trying my hardest like what is she talking about she said i hate to do this but um but what bro what is she saying bro i don't like i had a hard day at work i'm kicking you out you need to learn the hard work are you serious i'm sorry oh okay all right all right wow i really thought you know what i don't know what to say to that bro you know what fine i'll take my 26 dollars and go live under a bridge then jeez bro goodbye she said i'm sorry i have to do this you know what it's fine i don't even care i'm gone bro dang i literally thought i had a good day at work i thought my mom would be proud of me and little do i know she's just upset wow so now it's literally like 10 p.m at night and i'm just homeless dude i don't have nowhere to stay tonight i'm still in my uniform i haven't even changed where do i sleep you know what it's fine like who doesn't like bridges guys i mean everyone likes a bridge right right guys i guess i can actually stay by this dumpster right here maybe i can go inside the dumpster and get me like warmth actually um yeah by going here and then just lay down hey i mean this isn't too bad right guys it's tough it's not the worst what am i saying bro i literally live in a dumpster now this is just not okay it's all right though guys you know what maybe i'm sad right now and maybe i'm homeless right now but you know what this makes me realize guys if i don't do anything about it then nothing will happen okay i need to take some action and get a better job and make more money okay i may be homeless but if anything is just motivating all right i'm gonna make some more money for now i'm gonna just go to sleep and then tomorrow i'll wake up and look for a better job good night boys ah it's a new day and it's another day to get rich right i mean we might before right now but it's okay because we always have another chance all right well starbucks is right there and the bank's right there and wait a minute i have experience now working a job i actually might go to work at the bank now if i work at the bank bro i'll definitely make more money at the bank than not at starbucks i'll make way more money all right let's go and try it who cares bro it's worth a shot all righty and i'm back in the bank i'm gonna say sir i have had a job before can we redo the interview he said yes okay perfect listen a screw that starbucks job guys i'm telling you with the bank job i'll be i'll be rich first question where was your last job uh should i just lie uh i'm gonna say uh at a different bank i'm just gonna lie okay okay look i don't care what i have to do i'll do anything i need to do to get rich all right i'm sorry but who cares it doesn't matter he said oh okay second question why do you want to work here um because i have a passion for banks that's cap and i want to serve the brookhaven community i am just straight capping right now guys but you got to do what you got to do all right he said i see all right good good good well this guy's typing away bro why is he always typing third question has nothing to do with the job but why are you dressed like that uh it's been a long night man he said okay well you're hired i'm hired i got the job let's go boys we're gonna be rich he said just change your outfit please oh of course of course of course oh my gosh let's go guys look at me once i got the bank teller outfit on now look how cool i look he said looking great so i'm gonna say thank you sir he said just sit at the desk and wait for someone to come sounds good to me and now look at me i'm typing away he said also grab a card off the desk oh a card i don't know what that does but uh and complaining i'll take the free card where did he just go you know what let me follow him actually i'm kind of curious i kind of didn't be working but it's fine we go up here and oh my gosh bro look it was a duffel bag uh i don't know if i'm supposed to be up here right now he said oh hello this is where the safe is oh the safe oh that must be where the money is stored the card on the desk is for that door oh that's what that's for okay that makes sense well anyways let me just go ahead and keep working i guess and hopefully make some money oh and my big guy just walk up to me he just said something he said if you do good you'll be making 200 an hour 200 an hour for working this job yup oh my gosh i'm gonna be rich bro yes sir i will work extremely hard oh my gosh two dollars an hour guys by the end of the day i'll have a thousand dollars he said i'm glad to hear the guy just asked how much did the bank before pay uh the bank before uh they paid like uh a hundred dollars an hour i'm literally just lying but um he said oh i'm gonna say so i'm much more grateful for this opportunity sir so he was having all official and everything he said i would be too let's go boys i'm actually gonna be rich he said pretty slow day today but here's your thousand dollars already okay i didn't realize that man okay i was just working and the time went by and a duffel bag full of money bro okay wait no what am i saying bro i'm gonna say sir i appreciate this job so much bro i don't know why i said that that looks so out of character he said just bring the bag back uh of course of course anything you need oh my gosh i have another don't make full money i'm actually rich have a good night sir you as well let's go haha i looked around the bank but i didn't i'm literally just working there i just realized too i still live under a bridge but you know what it's fine because tomorrow the first thing i'm doing when i wake up is i'm going to get a house but for now i'll use my bag of money as a pillow or maybe i'll just cuddle with it like this actually not pillow's good good night boys well good morning boys i'm often early as you can see but it is now time to go ahead and buy a house so let's go ahead and do that well boys gonna go and look for a house to get right now and who the heck is this guy uh is this the house salesman he said oh hi i'm gonna say uh hi are you selling houses oh uh yes i am actually so looking to buy a house yes sir you guys see this double bag of money right here in my hand you said great let's get you started okay sounds good to me man he said how about we start with a thousand dollars uh thousand dollars that's actually what's in this bag right here so you know what you can just have the bag oh wait actually uh uh look at him with my money man he said perfect thanks all right so now i can just click the house i'm assuming and oh my gosh look at these options bro whatever did i get i don't know they're all so beautiful they're all so beautiful i'm probably gonna go with uh maybe this one right here oh my gosh it's so beautiful the house being built for me right now live and i have an underground garage bro what is this okay this is a great choice he said wonderful wonderful indeed would you like a house tour ah nah i'll be all right oh my gosh man look at this house it's actually beautiful this is amazing oh my gosh he said enjoy your new house hey thank you buddy what i have an underground indoor pool look at this and then the garage right into it dude this is the best house in the game this is the best house i've ever seen in my life this is actually insane well boys i'm not gonna lie i think i might be able to call myself rich at this point like honestly look at the size of my house it's magnificent i'm basically rich at this point i have a beautiful house and i'm rich well anyways let me go ahead and get back to work right now that way i'll lose my job and i can stay rich and i can come back to my house later but ah what a great day so far i have my own house uh anyways back to work i'm gonna go ahead and say what's up to my boss i'm gonna say hey boss i'm back honestly now i think about it if i'm working on a bank i can probably be some pretty rich people so that means like more connections and more opportunities and who knows anything could happen really my washer said also i wanted to say thanks for your hard work hey well thank you for giving me this job trust me i won't be going nowhere he said i'm glad to hear because i have a surprise after your shift oh surprise after your shift let's go i don't know what that's gonna be but i'm not complaining i'm not gonna lie i wonder how my mom's doing i wonder if she's like still okay and i don't know she's probably fine but it's okay guys because eventually i'll come back to my mom i'll come back to her in a nice car and i'll show her my big house and she'll be so proud of me oh and who the heck is this guys guys walked in the store oh he looks rich i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna say hello good sir he said hey can i talk to you for a moment uh yes what do you need sir he said i have a business deal for you oh really uh uh what what exactly is that deal don't you know me i'm interested he said i'm talking about millions uh millions uh okay sounds good what's up you said you need to call on my private jet it's taking off in five minutes private jets uh uh five minutes i'm i'm i'm working i don't know if i can do that right now um so okay let me talk to my boss i'm gonna say sir am i allowed to leave he said uh no um okay i'm not allowed to leave i don't know why i just asked that like i'm just gonna look kind of dumb she's on his phone talking i don't know what's going on but he's a private jet bro he's gonna give a job to do okay we're talking about a thousand dollars a day he's talking about millions it's millions uh okay i'm not gonna lie my mom said remember in the beginning she said i need to take risks you know what let's go he said you have a job to do oh no my bank guy's mad at me he said if you leave right now you will lose your job my job bro i don't care sorry sir i have to take the risk okay let's go let's go private jet i always not lying if he's lying to me bro i am going to be so screwed he said he made the right choice buddy okay i hope so we are at the airport so i don't think he's just straight up scamming me i think he's actually legit he said follow me okay cuz we're going okay okay okay i'm not gonna lie this is crazy i've never been to this airport before okay i've been poor my whole life i've never been on a plane if i'm being honest with you but here we go oh my gosh we're boarding the plane oh my gosh look how sick this is you just sit down okay okay let me sit down sorry sir wow bro this is insane we are on a private jet right now oh my gosh he said today is your lucky day bud uh why is that he said the reason i brought you here is i'm sitting next to him actually i need you to run a bank for me run a bank what do you mean he said new one i built okay you probably did i'm not gonna lie we're in a private jet right now you probably do have a new bank he said i can see that you're a good worker oh thank you man i am a very hard worker and i will seize that any opportunity i don't know what i'm saying right now guys i'm just saying big words and hopefully i look smart and i'll give you 10 million if you become the owner of this new bank 10 million if i become the deal done deal consider it done 10 million yes he said anything to have this jet for any business i can have my own jets oh my gosh i'm gonna say thank you sir you made the right decision he said have you ever had a butler uh butler uh no what what do you mean i get a butler too he said you will have your own assistant oh my gosh assistant slash butler bro that's insane he said we landed off now follow me okay okay okay bro this is actually crazy bro oh my gosh oh my gosh is this my butler bro in my car is my name on it too he said here is your butler he said hello sir tap oh my gosh this is actually insane i'm going to say thank you so much sir you made the right decision he said i sure did he said oh by the way here's some money oh my gosh bro this is insane another duffel bag let's go bro thank you so much sir i'll see you tomorrow bro i have my own personal butler i'm wealthy i've made it okay listen listen listen i might be rich right now hello boss i'm gonna say hello sir but i have one last thing i need to do okay one last thing to do and then i'll be completing the mission full circle it's time to go to my mom's house and show her what i've accomplished i'm gonna say sir take me to my mom's house you said yes boss right away sir oh my gosh look at me wow what can i say man we really went from living on the side of the road sleeping on the ground so now we have my own beautiful house and i have a butler and i have a limo i have a private jet i'm wealthy man i made it oh my gosh it's insane and i don't know how it goes over my mom's house is but he literally just knows i mean you know what i'm going to give it to him he's a butler so i'm not going to complain wow look at this look at this house bro this car is about as long as her house and look at my mom she's right there she's right there oh let me show up she just said huh look at the chat he said here you are sir tap i'm gonna say thank you sir one moment is all i need mom open the door she said son oh my gosh oh i can just tell how proud she is she said i missed you i missed you too mom and guess what i made it oh my gosh i really did make it let's go boys here you go mom you can have some of this money she said omg yes i'm so proud ah i love you mom already boys that's the end of the video if you guys enjoy like always be sure to smash like button and subscribe if you did that was insane anyways hope you enjoyed i'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 2,489,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: U_NY929yQTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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