Sleep Token - Chokehold (Pianist continues his exploration of heavy metal)

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[Music] all [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what that is I do not that is the one of my most favorite songs in the world okay the tin hat Trio okay they don't play anymore but Mark Orton was their was the guy who played Doo and guitar and that band their chamber music that song's called lawen lullabi laen lull off an album called uh silk silk went blank and just left me I was going to say Silk Road but that is not it book of silk okay the book of silk he he did the uh he did the movie score for the hold outs the movie that with Paul Gmod just got a lot of uh attention at the Oscars oh uh I don't know it's good PL okay but uh Mar cour 10 hat Trio Lawrence L book of to change our uh description of our Channel or video to a pan Do dummy do bro yeah hey everybody welcome back to Great measures my name is Richard this is Judson great measures man sleep token I don't know who that is so we're going to go ahead and make this announcement we we if you saw it in one of our previous videos we have an extra ticket to the St Louis sleep token concert ritual we do on how how would because I'm an idiot I ordered one to many that's how uh on May the 10th so so what are we going to do with we're going to give away the ticket if and we tried to come up with something funny and creative but we're idiots so we didn't do uh you can either DM us on Instagram or shoot us an email email to our email address the great measures tell us that you're interested what we're going to do is we're going to take everybody's names throw them in a hat and have a drawing yeah make sure you want to come to St Louis though yeah make sure you're in the St Louis area going to be at the St Louis show because we're going to give it to you in person I guess cuz I don't want anybody to end up getting it that's going to turn around and sell it and yeah cuz it's all about the music man right right it's all about the music and we'd like to meet some people here in there yeah let's go see sleep token together yeah for sure so we're going to do a sleep token song today from 2023 he take me back to Eden we've already done a few songs from that album This song is called Chokehold and that's really all all I got for you chold y it's one of my favorites from the album okay yeah well let's listen ready to roll proceed Richard [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we were made was no [Music] accid we were [Music] I out like bran and off L AR [Music] [Applause] BL a sacred guardan so you Kar me sh and tast my wor in [Music] blood you got me in a choke ho you got me so [Music] hold you got me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bath the storm re sees above the mountain peak it's all the same me it makes no difference I've seen my days andf done the impossible I've turn my walls to Gold to bring you home again so show me that which I cannot see even if it hurts me even if I conle oh and no way acts out of the whole Toy to be constantly oh you're [Music] oh you got me you call me up [Applause] oh you got me up even if it hurts me even if I com me show me the [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you feel about it your G minor is it yeah maybe that's why it's one of my favorites you know I do some other stuff in there um I wish it would have gone on longer yeah yeah that's one of those songs that how long is that song five minutes that song was five minutes you're [ __ ] me really mhm oh yeah I wish would have got a logger yeah 10 minutes yeah that's a good one they could have just taken that one gone yeah I I like I me I say this all the time sleep token I'm I'm really into sleep token I'm exced we're going to that show in St Louis if you're going to be in the area you should holler at us yeah shoot us a message um I'm just so impressed by their just the different modes that they go through or the different uh the different styles really yeah I really like that um I don't know if it's a synthesizer or uh a Moog or at the beginning yeah he's playing on the keys there I love those instruments um and then you know I mean they they do they do three different feels mhm I like see you know we should count the number of times that they say the word sleep yeah I've thought about that too he says sleep a lot right right um but which I think is very cool going along with the Sleep being the deity that or the you know whatever it is that sure sure sure um and he likes to say words like difference yeah um but I mean that's all goes to style mhm and this just going to sound like like I when I get done saying this it's going to be like I didn't say like I just didn't say anything okay but so I think a lot of bands tend to or can or they do whatever um they'll sound different like wne for instance Wen will do a really beautiful song and then do a really sick hardcore song and then do a song with steel drums in it and so they'll do all these different kind of genres or or sounds and styles and if you put it all together it's wean right whereas you can you can generally generally from the songs that we've listened to so far that I've heard you can hear one song and know what their style is even from their chord structure when they go in to the little Bridge section they go to these really cool cords and uh but they also stay with their mode so that does that in the beginning on with this synthesizer whatever keyboard is and then during the chorus the guitar players doing it so hypnotic and cool but so they kind of I've noticed they will build which I think is pretty anyway what I was going to say was I go back but um each one of their songs they compact their entire style they're able to kind of yeah you know yeah they May Rock a whole song out but even in that song the summoning the funk at the end yeah mhm and it's still there it's the jump because in that song he just sings the entire words that he just sang on the heavy heavy part again instead of a Verse Chorus type deal and I really like that too I like playing with the the uh structure of of what your how you do your lyrics MH not repeating the same thing same same way yeah exactly yeah um repetition is good for you know your brain to catch it but um yeah I like how they play with that and I like how they play they do that with the with the the structure too that song's pretty straightforward structurally I guess even if it's just if it's AB you know what I mean by it's more more a they they were like a b c b D I mean they they kind of go through a variety of things but they tend to have that one simple mode you know it's like it's like jazz in a sense or like Miles Davis would build an entire improvisational thing around you know and then they that's it that's the song but they go to all these different parts with that bethoven does that Beethoven was one of the first people Costco composers to really do that with to stay with a mode or a or a a theme and his string quartets which is my favorite Beethoven stuff listen to um you'll hear a a particular Melody and and I say Melody Loosely because it it's more of a feel you you would recognize the oh that's the same thing so in a quartet they'll do different sections it's almost like a set of music it's usually about 30 to 40 minutes long and each one will be different you know you'll have your legro section your Andante section you know your fast section your slower section your really your your prto section really fast and then but throughout those different sections you'll hear that mode to sort that melody or whatever that idea is to tie it all together and bethoven was kind of one of the first people to really do that you know um there's Melody I'm not saying there's not Melody but like Vagner for instance starts in one place and ends in another and the whole thingal artist yeah well the whole thing is is the melody the whole thing you know but Beethoven started to to show to do that or whatever would would start to do these little things that he would build all this stuff around and it was so cool it just helps the ear I think sometimes but they do that I'm comparing right now I'm comparing sleep token and Beethoven go for it man you heard that yeah I feel that um but and sleep token sleep token does there their Rifts are really simple um you know tool does the same thing but I I like I like I like how sleep to and just they wash you with every they they wash over you yeah it it's it's they found a way to make it like sleep in a sense to where you overcome your your taken over by their music and then and then they take you through this this this fabric wash of this just warm all over you for wherever they want to take you in this dream that they're giving you sleep at least is how I hear it yeah how I hear it especially in the sense that like you this is going to sound dumb but sleeping and dreaming I can't control my dream dreams it's almost like that when you're listening to a sleep token song because you a lot of especially nowadays music and and even I mean music all throughout music you you there are certain pieces of music that you hear when you you can tell where they're going to go next M you can pretty much predict what the the chord change is going to be you predict the lyrics half the time yeah yeah so in that sense of dreaming you're just kind of along for that ride that's how I feel about token's music that's good yeah I I mean that's I think they found a way to do that they found a way to take you over mhm and and cuz I still get surprised by the parts whenever the a new one pop you know you're like whoa every time and um and each one of those little Parts could kind of stand on its own as an its own song really if if you were going to be formulaic about it in today's Style music you could take that first section or or how they come into the verse the second time or the chorus or and and just make an entire just keep doing that how they were playing their instrumentation and it could be I mean that first part that you could do that for five minutes MH and have different changes with your voice how to listen to it yeah that'd be a cool tune but they yeah you're right they they take you into the unknown with every single part mhm on this in this dream like in this sleep I just you know it just envelops you they just envelop you from the first note yeah and I dig that cool um but the lyrics what what do you think I think all of their songs are open to interpretation that's all music is yeah but I think it it just sounded pretty simple to me MH that there are forces that put us here or we're here without our our own I didn't decide to be I mean as far as I know yeah I didn't make I didn't buy the ticket yeah to get here but I very well could have I don't but I don't know I you know but it it sounds like maybe what he's talking about is is existing or being subject to existence whatever that means you know um having to go through happiness having to go through sadness and talking about it in that sense of H you know having to well outside of your control is the choke hole sure okay I I mean I think that's how you heard it well I mean plus you know if somebody has a choke hole on you you're you're struggling to breathe mhm so it's all these things in life are are choking the life out of you because from from the moment you're born you begin to Die the ultimate outcome is death yeah yeah um not to be confused with strangle hold shout out to the Noe Ted nent style but uh did you see that I just compared I did we got Beth Beethoven sleep token Vagner and all over the place uh but yeah man I'm excited yeah I'm excited to see them to meet whoever's going to email us about a ticket that they want that we're going to give them yeah yeah like I said send us a message on Instagram or send us an email the great measures let us know you're interested in the ticket again if you're going to be in the area uh meet us at the venue we'll figure all that out we'll communicate but I don't want to give it to anybody that's just going to turn around and sell it that's just how we feel about it that was choke hold by Sleep token did you all say strangle hold no okay damn uh we are great measures my name is Richard this is Judson great measures hope everybody has a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Great Measures
Views: 8,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #sleeptoken #chokehold #takemebacktoeden #reaction #react #pianistreacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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