Polling Rainbow Gunslinger Run - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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gunslinger poling rainbow run turbo I can handle the turbo run is it charge does he charge me to go turbo no let's do this thing you guys ready to pull one will get big on CW 2 will be dance 3 will be capitalised dance for will beaten up it'd be funny though alright let's do it 1 through 8 you guys one being sling to being are 2 G 2 3 being the mm unicorn horn for being the sixth chamber I think five being this gun that does stuff 6 being heart box lunch box thing 7 being mutation 8 being heroes bandana heroes Bandito treat it like a clock you guys but one starts at the top unicorn horn really I thought you guys running out for six chamber or heroes bandana interesting you want the unicorn horn huh all you guys have to do for the tip to vote is this type of number in a chat technically a clock you know I could go up to eight right you like 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. and then eight like see em or something you got 24 hours in militaries like what p.m. what's the synergies for this thing would shoot a little rainbow daggers let's go desk oh that's cool [Music] so the the gunslinger starts at Lich's I bullets and every gun gets every synergy no matter what we want bandana well you should have voted for it you obviously don't you do but we don't literally had a poll by popular vote we ain't doin electoral vote [ __ ] we could go well the mods there's less mugs so the mods vote counts for seven mods of like that how about top two they all disappear did best pay attention yeah you're right chat oh my god that guy's way too fast he just took a third of my health away hey should he cut me off oh my god he's a genius you like wait it down there for me to go around the loop they're learning I'm holy balls man rigged vote what a good use of my ammo straight crowd control we should use this on those little red shits got um give me that key get my health back like an evil genius would you'll tear one sub 27 months in a row 27 months with hots welcome back friend welcome back did I call it rocket widget I hope I did I don't like fighting the king he's like the tougher one wolf that was close oh gosh [ __ ] stop doing that right when I'd crawl back there it's like every time he knows [ __ ] knows man is genius [Music] Reb ammo yeah ammo [Music] shot me we got Keats yes four keys actually no four keys we don't even use keys kind of pointless really I got suckered I'm addicted to keys actually this gonna shoot you like this just in case there's some sort of stupid explosion that kills my water barrel you [ __ ] you absolute ass monger you broke my [ __ ] water barrel after I'm like I'm gonna be extra safe to Bret not break my water barrel book comes in ah where's my secondary I didn't see a secondary where is it hook me up secondary water a well I'll be also broken you broke it did I did I I might have all in favor of spawning in coolant leak say aye I'm not gonna be punished for the sins of a book hell no Boop yay and then everyone was happy all in favor of me cheating in a way to find the secret room this could technically open it up I think maybe possibly not sure that it could though I don't know I would imagine it would oh I might have blanks anyways it doesn't really matter good buy one but I'm not going to cuz I just wanna get get with you some are soccer balls like No boink all right star Pew platinum Sharky shark baby shark do to do know uh it's the rat sac sling chaos amulet Polaris eyepatch go it's like you guys don't have enough like attention span don't wait for me to say everything Polaris is right there yeah but you said sharks and platinum first so I just I just push the button one two three four five six seven is Polaris seven count around starting at one [Music] I can't starting at five thank you I'm calling you guys another 10 seconds and that's it twenty three percent to twenty percent to two to seven ten nine eight seven six five four three two one whiten Amit is all right bye-bye Polaris bye bye best weapon in the game bye bye hopes and dreams bye bye having fun bye bye streaming is a job bye bye all the viewers in shadow we're gonna quit rage quit cuz I just got the wrong item i buy the ability to be able to pay my medical bills bye bye died in the hospital I mean hello get it there there we go I ain't gonna waste my ammo on that [ __ ] I got time for that I know what I got done but at boop boop bang hello you gorgeous beautiful soul my dear my love song hello my darling hello my honey hello my ragtime gal that one handsomest lovely creature of starlight how salty would you guys be if I just took everything that you voted for and just threw it away it's a mammal drops here I need some different guns chat I need some guns chat I need some guns chats guns chat I need some more pew pew you got the good pew pew yo da heard you got that good poutine poopoo oh you've activated scone yeah there it is called it ow [ __ ] wowsers it's called skill why yes that was the most skilled thing you've ever seen in your life uh how do we turn her off he's not doing so well there's to be a good time for the ELMO on fire emote so what does that mean again there was something special in the chest or something I don't know what about a mimic maybe hail Satan essentially what he's doing there t posing on all the non-believers then another dilute a little dick - yeah it's a Dark Souls right friends - solare you wouldn't get it you're not a real gamer what the [ __ ] hit me need some ammo please sir did you dad you're playing Isaac update your game refresh your screen dance fixed it they should just have something on the twitch page that just sends it out again when I change the stream title tell tell twitch to refresh the automatically the thing right I have a live feed of the game something I'm tired of having people be like in such the game yet this is Isaac maybe you'd slip through a portal into a different dimension where this is Isaac everything is exactly the same except for gunjan and Isaac switched names and everyone's penis is actually a banana but everything else is exactly the same nice Amal screw you for locking not just [ __ ] thousand bits I don't even hear that what happened I'll by the way dad you made me buy some of these peanut butter pretzels and holy [ __ ] is that good they're almost impossible to eat their fur though without a ginormous glass of water every bite I need water with it it just looks like it would be cigarette doesn't it I'm keeping this water thing by the way it's games faults it's mine now I claimed it oh that turbo doll [Music] portable bootable [Music] rainbow I got a small kid to the hose my waterbender mom look [Music] for blanks worth wasting them like this probably where the [ __ ] would it be from there I don't know [Music] whatever bored Costco yeah it's not specific Costco I've seen them all over the place you just can't get a thing this big although I will tell you I got one and about half the size of that at high V they were [ __ ] they were not nearly as good as the Costco brands they're all like dried up and like not not good but we got number one that will be is that Sprunt or sunlight javelin this little dot that's unlike javelin number two will be the I don't even know what that is javelin okay number three will be the rue betadine whatever bouncy pistol thing number 4 will be the compass 5 will be the mind borer I think six will be the spaceship friend 7 we the punji punched and eight will be the riddle of lead go [Music] like I put the lid back on this so I wouldn't need anymore I'm back I gotta eat some more [Music] Bunch I need like a per be eating emote [Music] I'm gonna cutting of seven items out this little dot right here I'm standing on it see the dot that's number one [Music] y'all want the punchy punch is the worst thing in the world [Music] bunchy punch is garbage [Music] when you do another backseat I don't know synergy punch just like let's me charge up the punch as if I do it right which I won't cuz it's a hot trash eight spawn in the lead Oh guys ate one [Music] well kind of move on well I guess settled you guys I need some guys some light javelin would have been fun to [ __ ] around with I'm gonna do what to my javelin wow I was hot empty dude we're screwed Boppity Boppity Boppity Boppity bop bop the Boppity Boppity Boppity bop bop bop beauty beep beep boop boop Beauty beep beep sir dangerous amazing sexy tier 3 sub for 26 months hots yes dangerous what's up did you get a piece of those uh better twitch TV emotes it's the best thing that's happened is channel in years but man oh thanks oh my god ah whoa it's like now that's stuck Hey oh please tell me a better twitch TV dangerous unlock the paradox and working on unlocking the gunslinger he's good he's very very fun to play TZ mode really you thought that the bullet was easy mode this boy though whereas the guy that does the thing where you at though we're yet very there yet Here I am the thing the other thing Kermit the crime at three months what up there's in layman three months secret room hello did I miss a secret room cracking technically we can't get stronger by going to our item rooms does that mean we just go [ __ ] me this is a load of turd oh my [ __ ] god I saw that I couldn't stop moving I couldn't it's like I couldn't look away from a car accident it was like oh Jesus like I know was coming my brains like dude that's coming I'm like I know I can't stop I can't stop it feels so good anyone know what that reference is - anaconda is just pile of dick imagine how horrifying that would be to see a pile of dick not a pile of guys oh that's interesting if you think talking about vagine is bad we talk about massive front tails massive how did you know if a said it could never be unsaid chat I think I got enough money just barely though [ __ ] you do I need a full clear no drinking some ammo though he missed tinted room miss seeker um where thanks chat changed my life changed me life you did or saved Oh nanny [Music] and to tamp down Ted and do do bee D bee bee tee ppppp papal beep bop boop beep boop EP pop I don't know what this says pink sphere Pig portal gun thing poison rolls same gun that we see all the time that won't go away I still don't know what it is even though I see it every day green ghoul on stoned massive front tail wood beam and immunity to poison hazmat suit front tail light I would I'd sling some wood beam I would I don't know it for does poison rolls I roll it drops poison and I'm also immune to poison it's like hazmat suit plus bug boots 5 it's crazy damage and fire 8 is overall a game changer when playing is a hegemony rifle or something what's it actually called hazmat as immunity do all effects so you might be right CDM you're probably right as minutes immunity to electricity and fire wood beam meme dream plane laser rifle Titan Yoshi jr. what's up four months don't get to watch stream home excuse me as much I always choke in the pretzel nuggets are so dry watch our youtube vids keep up the enjoyable times ahead thank you for supporting me I appreciate you number three is gonna win big time there's no sense in even waiting for anything to change you guys want the portal gun test gun this site breaks the game doesn't it doesn't it just like like it's only a something that was like put in the end of the mod itself and everything just goes to [ __ ] hell missed you miss fired missed fired again and I missed again test gun is amazing I'm pretty sure it just dumps all this [ __ ] out immediately and then just like we'll wait we'll wait to the boss okay it didn't even [ __ ] know you were there [ __ ] a hack that thing's supposed to bounce around it just hit in the corner and I was like huh surprise [ __ ] listen even when it does it's not even that son even your moveset Edie found a way to hack this game something to his game [ __ ] mad lad can't stop him he needs to be stopped though this isn't even fair nice shot bro barrel up above op op-op op-op-op op-op-op-op holy [ __ ] no don't use that you don't ass yeah I'll blow the test gun yeah now hurt my dong 17 months how you doing my friend I am well I'm well are you and your dongs sort of almost like just flings me off the edge that turbo doe the turbo doe did you do to do perps amazing make the ground shake like a mother earth good [Applause] [Music] what's up like oh oh hey bubbles they're just so stupid the predictive shot bubbles shits that have like above the jillion bazillion shot speed through them and not even even funny tougher than the dragon easily we take like five hi dragons to match one Bubble [ __ ] let's fight this boss [Music] no bubble Bish's aren't dragging their feet huts you are floating I'm floating when you spin you never touch the ground whoo test gun Oh I thought this is just about to unload okay you can cheat yeah you can cheat if you want [ __ ] hacker maybe it's only if it it's a certain like stage or something does it ever just it did the thing blew the load yeah that's a load blow the planets like what up what up I'm here now did I throw it just know I still get it okay cool meet my own bubbles I got hit apparently I don't know if it hits me or I couldn't see the bullets but I did not get a health upgrade there which is just [ __ ] they asked me you can cheat if you want to you can leave your code behind how old the odds guess those of you who know old I am cannot guess you're banned from guessing everybody else guess how old I am 32 [Music] 27:25 729 69 2090 35 3128 1830 24 420 24 26 at least 7 stop boating yet minigun chaos bulla its ak-47 uh-oh that's the I remember what that is that's the AWP sniper rifle chance bullets gun beaux-arts synthesizer is that like play more get Keys one or what is that you guys think I'm five years old higher chance for keys so we don't like care about it done master of unlocking older than one six six six years old that's a definitely gonna be number one here Volken cannon yes age is just a number search google ah he [ __ ] bit me it was a goddamn piece of [ __ ] table that got in my way you can slide on tables and use them as as a cover no one gives a [ __ ] remove all the tables i [ __ ] hate them tables are [ __ ] tables no only the power to destroy but I use tables just fine you must be bad at the game so this chat yeah sex is cool but have you ever tried be ready in your favorite twitch streamer o route I got a dip in I got a dip into the bulk when a Vulcan give me do what Tamiya who table sliding is terrible winter Hut's pickup table tech rage alright now chat guests how tall I am then there was an average age taking out outliers of about 25 they're 26 how's your face five seven six - 5 11 - four three take it or leave it look at that health back admit at least 23 hands I six one six four nine eleven oh god your band 71 inches 6 - 5 11 I'm ready to do it for you to do this your thing now gun I am ready when you already is it only when it runs out of ammo what does this thing do this thing any time now you just let me know hey that's cool okay damn dude comet a see an average-height maybe five-ten to six-feet you guys think I'm pretty tall Adam nerd gifted to soaps all in Toliver jerk as well prime sub what up the nerd get that a sub to caterpillar roars nice maybe take damage I haven't taken damage in a rat fight in 45 years it's been 34 years Boop there's only three five nerds I hit him perfectly though I don't know why I got smacked back that's [ __ ] Tartabull chip now I'm watching the fight and was acting it boop beep boop boop what you got Punk nothing because I got it here but Oh skadoosh alright Chad guess my weight confirmed pre-recorded shaking my freaking head I'm 25 years old I'm 6 feet tall a chest letter I'll take the singularity I guess this is good that's fine yeah 180 215 I got to be in pounds I don't even know kill I don't know the eye we don't use kilograms here I'd know it if I used it 192 pounds dances 160 so our first six foot tall 25 year old 160 would probably be underweight 210 to probably be of a median I'm not saying like bad to 160 Robbie under the median 210 being over the media and Bobby about just as much do you think I'm a median over the median under the median 175 116 considered underweight if you had you have to be below 140 under the median or underweight unhealthy underweight clock is different you know sometime what percentiles not health 140 cannot be the average weight of a 25 year old one six-foot man I'm unhealthy underweight 190 of pure muscle I actually haven't weighed myself in a very long time I'm not even sure what my weight is curious to see what you guys say though nerd get that ass up the evidence swinging folk what up all through the same height and I'm underweight three thousand slices of cheese wait I say we have a man of culture he's not gonna give me anything out of these this is a douche gives me the rat items that he drops but doesn't give me the rat items from his chests odds have had a great taco didn't you see my breakfast taco video the greatest what would you say what the average there was 180 maybe even 200 I'm 72 and 300 pounds of pure game or skill what we got we got punchy punch punch we got clone we got elephant no Goldie I think it's called we got fire a mullet black hole gun the scope the hammer Kobalt hammer maybe and then the sixths chamber alright but put it in a position we can see it okay that's twin baby it's a twofer it's like every pretzel form okay so you guys want clone but I never use them what then what Ben go singularities pretty cool look at this look at this handgun flaming hands so good it's so good so good so good now I gotta you doo doo doo doo doo doo brought up beep-bop Prada p-pretty poop chat best cheese go like the best cheese not the one you eat the most not the one you'd buy if you went to the grocery store right now if you are a trillionaire and you met a person who specialized in their most rarest bestest cheeses of ever every nest has all of them I was gonna give you a big old slice for free plastic cheddar come on get out of here there's better than cheddar that's time about some really [ __ ] rare five-a just bacon-infused some sort of cheddar get creative yet you know garlic dill Havarti it sounds good mozzarella pretend your cheese snob for a minute anybody that says crash singles is banned imagine this guy's like I am the cheese master of all the land I have all the cheese's you're like I'll take some Kraft singles please he would either die right then and there or he would kill you somebody would be dead in that scenario okay cheese responsibly chats [ __ ] dorks cam and Bert's never even heard of it their cheese Oh Kraft couples get out double a band I'm suing actually for damages [Music] honey cranberry goat cheese hard cheddar what's hard cheddar where's the ammo oh it's right there hiding in the green flames warm goat cheese jalapeno goat cheese goat cheese pretty good not gonna lie but whenever I have goat cheese it's also swimming in butter so same thing with like a shrimp scampi well it's pretty good pasta yeah cuz you just had like I have half a pound of butter anything is good with a half pound of butter [ __ ] you [Music] Valka me boy sponge vote me Bob empty prove it I'm not I just can't even [ __ ] it's turbo mode so yeah but [ __ ] goddamn it yuck i can't dodge on turbo mode and a [ __ ] a wall fight I can't dodge in a non turbo wall fight where's my damn shop I need to buy some ammo true Tibetan yak cheese Velveeta is the [ __ ] that also falls in the same category as Kraft singles you're out any cheese that does not need to be refrigerated I don't know there might be some delicious rare cheese's though that don't need to be refrigerated velvet is non-refrigerated man I'm sorry chats faults a dollar from Paula Layla Mao Kaelin Burt is a soft ripened cheese with a runny and smooth texture blue Mia rind and full flavored paste having a rich buttery taste and salty mush for me are delicate garlic tints you know putting the word paste into a cheese description not not doing it any favors okay graft married couples shut up think you're funny it's delicious though I bet it is I didn't say it wasn't thousand bits from Titan Yoshi what's up here's some more support outs love how to walnuts to watch three very nice thank you for that thank you for that sharks health laser beams from God uh Val Korea enemies have less health I think maybe make a hand compass switchy laser wand tape to a gun and then the good active item of blocking tears bullets whatever slower enemy bullets that's it slower enemy bullets number four possibly useful on turbo mode for me I don't personally like using number three it's a pain of my dick it's buggy I'd rather have sharks or mega hand over three but I just I don't like it what's it called from Gears of War dawn hammer or something like that somebody knows it it's the the one read like put it on the fit on the enemy right and then the laser comes from the whatever ship [Music] orbital strike it's called something in the game though hammer have done close enough you guys want number four slow bullets interesting okay it's not really moving anymore so let's call it a day I am still just super exhausted you guys oh oh it's my pedestal No stupid turbo speed you know it gonna be super hype right now Polaris nest bish from blows ha ha hacker man then I want something like those give me the startup like some sort of Star Wars thing pum pum rum pum pum pum pum rum Baba Baba put up up up up put up up up up Oh Papa put wrap it up put it up 420 blaze it no you're ruined it we riped up for a second then you ruined it with your empty shop take a [ __ ] nap oops hoots I'd roommate in college his name is hoops nananana nanana Nana no no no no no we all the champions of the nine straight the dirty bean water for those of you who partake we have that same cheese guy existed it separated and sold cheese's he sold shots of apple juice which one would you ask for he can make you any in the world get me up with something fun that I could try next time cookies and cream okay like a fun one that's not for 13 year old girls got them Hawaiian Punch I said not for 13 year old Royal Flush what's that grape juice rat poison Wow rum chata I'm kidding bro brah I'm getting White Russian Moscow Mule White Russians a drink not a shot you can ahead you can make it a shot him to make anything a shot but fuzzy navel hardcore [ __ ] oil snake oil burger water the adios [ __ ] what's that hot dog water cold as of issues who hurt you [Music] you took it fast enough isn't everything a shot hot ham water Everclear bourbon apple cheese last dab hotdog water what the [ __ ] spoiled milk y'all need Jesus math my shots aren't hitting them goddamn damage cap he stacks those moves way too close together we are champions of the night what the [ __ ] you missed that's now are you put those ah are you worried he had one so many hot dog waters I think I have never seen him miss with the freaking put the daggers I'm trying to read the sub and dodge I can't I can't do it but Tyler rules is up one and done when it bland in Anna royal flushes when the king take somebody Dookie brainy na nee nee nee ya girl [ __ ] fireball whiskey and lemon you just saying everything that you know pumpkin soup vodka bro you see that everyone see that that's the way how it says Dookie it's the only way to say it I also say a doggy but I got Emperor Taco Bell flashy flashy bangbang sword shields her it's bad it's bad let's look she was she'd trigger-finger i whatever things it's bad don't vote for it Full Metal Jacket oh we talked about this last time the Shutterstock e1 and the trigger ring well I don't know it does I have no idea [Music] nee nee nee nee nee what does the other shocky one do I don't know stuff do not vote or the thunderclap yeah thunderclap those thighs battle when and I don't wait up orphan tears clop the cheek [Music] you guys want number three flashy flashy bang bang will there be enough Hwang uppercase R is a disgrace to our I absolutely agree what they should have done is uppercase R would shoot you know rocket when I meet maybe all of them being rockets like the whole word or possibly it would say like Taffer but the last one would be a rocket but it shoots the exact same like that would have been [ __ ] a hype that would have made it actually good if a vodka man that shows the song you are playing nope far away Tristram it says it in the beginning of chat just search for a monster cat or something I don't know I think it's monster cat or maybe it to me you guys want number three chitty-chitty bang-bang flashy flashy woot woot let's go thunderclap is actually really good with synergy well I wouldn't know what I chat is y'all didn't vote for it upper case because of the synergy with the finished gun keep the words we make all the letters cap caps like bullet and make them to do more damage yeah it sounds too good for the boss fight I'm gonna save it there's so many ideas that you could have done to make uppercase are not a hot [ __ ] [Music] on the pad Sauk 21 total hi what up welcome back nice streak runnin low on guns ear chat [Music] snipe oh boy keys try to give you Polaris now there should be a synergy with lowercase R that turns it into calligraphy it's some like really fancy British guy right right over it replaces the voice actor tea and crumpets and they're like well like fancy letters wait Brian subs up welcome or Chinese characters that gonna cool well mandarine OH I just need to like start some sort of like what would you call it read watch four months it's up welcome back quad but contracting work for video games or I just get like a brain trust of people who have like the best [ __ ] ideas and then these companies come to us pay us some money and we help them craft how to make their game way better like you know what be really cool actually is if you took this thing and you did this with it so I do that [ __ ] all day I mean everyone does that to an extent but like my ideas are way better than everyone else's what's awesome I love it I like it hurt there [Music] Turner beds ouch putz love thank you Titan [Music] maaan Cade prime salad welcome I'd hide oh hey those bullets bulk me full-bore volka me are you feeling that I gotsta zarkan oz tired very tired tired of your [ __ ] but also in general but I think the shrimpson going pretty well there's hype around the gift fee mode so now it's gone now it's old nose sale whatever held my attention for like half a second whatever then the the the mods really just killed it oh there it is killing it more me [Music] I don't even see that guy crocodile Oh what's up five months welcome back Yardley jimmy-boy 69 69 from nerd animated emotes aren't working REE would somebody help nerd get it working thank you so much is 6969 just to tell me that damn girl thank you [Music] somebody help this man out okay aha my beams immune rainbows aren't affected by black the other that you they are though they're it's light how the [ __ ] did that hunt me down after I dodge rolled through it I'm on mobile they aren't working there's got to be some way to get BB TV working on mobile they're asked to be right well here chat light it up let me show them wait now light it up light it up up up I'm on fire it had some twang to it beautiful it goes well with the music I gotta say breve hell yeah good work everyone [Music] should we Volk this boy let's test gun see that a lot proc again okay ouch fine with Alex there when does this thing do its thing is it I might have to just be out of ammo I don't know ah well it did it sing it fund me right out the cliff what happened tighten to 300 bits thank you for that we got it rare parrot I'll go this guy flies a little obscure to action there as little legs going dude dude dude hey Superman GG
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 23,972
Rating: 4.9140625 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: lMYG8cvtjCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 36sec (4596 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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