Fiteme Challenge (Keeper) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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let's start a new run how about random random sound good [Music] what's up reap lost [Music] lost lost random yes Q Burruss CDM lost random apollyon Maggie questionmark random ye random random yes sir random how much for another hat well the rules always been for 50 bucks I put on sunglasses and for $100 I put a hat on that's always to spend now it how it's been it's been how it's been you know what I mean [Music] but I sound dumber mallet rice we say 300 per viewer if you win plus the 100 earlier should cover it that's true that's true too rich for my blood do random I think I'm gonna do random here random greedy or I'm not sure how that was worth pulling oh my but you insolent fool it's time you get some payback [Music] [Music] oh boy Mill 16 months subbed what do we have for those of you have no idea what's going on dunce cap number one ghost pepper number two number three is contagion number four is fruitcake [Music] number five is to reset as a different character tell them as to fight me what if I just didn't though oops I forgot [Music] what's the name of your voice authoring program it's just me being really good at life I'm a voice actor so can I say drugs that was the 90 bucks for my rock people coming through appreciate that again candy dropped 50 dollars you want to see deserve a lot more than this but this is all I can spare for now appreciate you thank you for supporting the content and my channel there's classes just for you that would look good oh yeah feelin it once again thank you candy appreciate it for number 4 you guys want fruitcake yeah I know I could totally hurt me you could turn into epic AK or some [ __ ] and my run real quick you look like a little rape child [Music] let's do this is it different per tier oh that's wacky that is just nut bags that is a large bag or nut what the [ __ ] it hit the tea and tea barrel behind me I think this is where we die right here I think it's already over no no [ __ ] joke I think it's actually already over Wow holy wowzers holy yeah it's bags only bag oh [ __ ] try Saigon could actually you know be somewhat helpful holy light shot comes in there and misses everything again you know I'm not gonna lie it's actually helping me out here a poly is a xxx it subs what are you doing damn what's that gear dos turning shiny we got shiny Garrett oh this is a good day it's always a good day with shiny Garrett I was gonna take this nickel didn't make me feel cooler having it in my pocket oh you just took my [ __ ] key [Music] we're glass is low these ones here store key oh that's right we have a trinket it's been a while it's just been a while since I say I'm sorry don't trust these little shits could easily pop up behind you sulfuric acid shot interesting hole daylight's fruitcake for the wind it's gonna be for the wind until it blows me up things are getting serious when shiny hats are out like now would be the time for a hype train but watch me hack gonna sit here until it the CAC or sulfuric I got I got time that might be better oh wow [ __ ] laser hunt doable doable kind of difficult when he shoots non lasers though like that oh yeah what he didn't [ __ ] touch me was in the right spots uh yeah [ __ ] girl I had the ability you know I do have the ability I do have the ability to blow up a bunch of pots and try to go for the swallowed penny which would save this run you might take a while though I got time alright time I get to tears landing on that speed it up doesn't keep her gain even more tear delay from inner eye because he doesn't have the the item like in a negative way oh boy this is fun you disses technically not your fault this is not not gonna be worth it is it if we did get it the holy [ __ ] would that be like big brain play one more pot one more pot and I'll call it come on give it to me okay one more pot and then top secret rum and then we'll call it okay that's all I want that's all I'm asking for here three thousand years later speed run this is the quality content I subscribed for do you want me to just lose right away or do you want me to have a fighting chance cuz I got to do everything and I got a deal okay it's called being good it's called big brain try it sometime oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don't know if I want that though because it's gonna be really difficult to come back with only one monies but we probably will get a health upgrade at some point so will Bobby bounce back by the time that we are down to like six slides or so that's a tough call awesome tough one Oh Nelly oh mama mama woman's a health upgrade pill that would have been [ __ ] clutch I'm gonna try it hurts me right now might help me later if you get it back right now if y'all were nice but you know no liver you know I'm like I'm gonna not put the pole on screen for this one because it doesn't show up on the bottom finally some mercy Lisa's convoy you guys have been here long enough you know stop voting for number 200 votes in we're getting a lot more votes now five four three two one burn number two yeah [Music] buddy dog [ __ ] hey man don't look at me y'all are the fighters Double or Nothing brah y'all save my laughs kill them we'll kill him next time you got lucky these Dukes and handle it Hut smell step look at that more money - one locks are still dropping pennies like every room just jinxed myself watch I won't be going for an epic AK here put your bones yeah but look at that ZZ I got more bombs it's a fight me run number two can be fun though and a potentially hurtful way number three is a damaged down kind of all potentially bad things besides the cross number two will ruin his fire rates what are your plans for 2020 since I believe everyone's plans went down the [ __ ] drain since the virus hit and will prob still be going on till the end of the year because people still going out to parties and [ __ ] despite people warning them not to do spank and dudes I believe that we are all going to get sick at some point we are just trying to limit the number of people that gets ticketing them in times that hospitals are not overrun so this quarantine will end the rest of us will go out there and we're all just we'll all just if I can get sick but luckily for most of us we won't tell the difference between this and a normal cold / maybe at some point in time there'll be some sort of vaccine for it which would help out a lot but yeah I cancel the trip so far Gracie you have to go to touch Kahn you guys want number one okay number one yeah that's not good for me diaper I can [ __ ] myself wherever now though joke's on you what if I try to get some of these pots oh man oh oh that's right I can just bomb pots now infinite bombs you got God y'all guys got time to hit all the pots up that's for sure I voted Hamer lockira you insipid course yeah yeah thanks Magi for the the bits look at that colorful it learned Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda put the fire out before they jump into it stream flaming Labor's flaming lepers where's my secret room damn it getting hungry you guys what's the next food break serum could be here I suppose when I bomb into this flip and double key room I don't want to give two keys if it's a dice drum I'm probably not gonna use it [Music] taking all the way here I'm just I'm worried about bombing myself here I really am I'm gonna go for that key I think thank you lots of money on the floors good news will I be there when I need it though is the bill okay question plans totally plan that handling it like a champ small rock was at the top secret room that we just saw that we found there that is a weird weird spot for that and sli's surprising large brain dude what a weird spot for the secret rooms [Music] strange can we like agree that I get to keep my active item because that's just stupid if I don't have my my active item there's no shot in hell you know what no wait wait wait redo the pole this is what we're gonna do you guys before we do this yes or no the question is can I keep my Wooden Nickel so that I have a chance of surviving or do you just want bloodshed you want a fun video so type yes you want nothing but bloodshed type No if you're a soulless bottom feeder a person type no if you're an awesome fan of great content and love [ __ ] yes yep you already have nine lives games are excited for repentance silk song it's pretty split you know you have nine lies peppy laugh literally nine lives means absolute [ __ ] concerning the fact that once I get down to one thing with no I guess you know the nickel won't even matter after that point but I mean I'm [ __ ] as soon as I hit no health die with honor it's not an honor though to be slaughtered you line me up in a shooting line that's just that's not there's no honor in that I want to honor I just just jump into the fire alright you know a bunch of shits that's what I say teeny teeny teeny teeny teeny to Valhalla not putting the poll on the screen so you guys can actually see what's going on the secret rooms just for whatever reason don't put it on the bottom shovel number one I can get closer so you guys get more light shovel transcendence infamy and ruin sach sach arun runner but some right Wade for the cup appreciate that [Music] back when cleaning my ladder or what did I miss open the chests dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa you guys [ __ ] just just [ __ ] just a bunch of [ __ ] what you are you cootie Queen top secret room give it to me what the bleep we ain't but the plan should be to be put up it up pop it up I know nice you can see forever pill and I just kind of forgot about it honestly should be able to find everything now though with unlimited bombs at the shop up see what I can do for myself here [Music] what's the rules right now if I wanted to take the I said I wouldn't get rid of my active item but I really wanted to take the present and possibly pop it in the devil room if I can afford it or if I can get there instead I have to go to the next floor with the same item or I can just never even think about [Music] take it take it take it you got an instant profit next floor take it take plays you want get the gifts just picking let's go pick it back up get it take it do it I got one is to proc vote go back for the shovel get a lot more go back for the shovels okay let's see if I can't pull this [ __ ] off I mean I can take the money now something that big a deal but wait wait what oh one counter bits from effort required high huts Oh what up I'm probably gonna get a hit anyway who dropped that nickel excuse me sad wait a second where the nickel go something dropped and then someone ate it in the corner whoa whoa buddy whoa there that's his nail horse [Music] make it faceless mol / polydactyly all right [ __ ] me literally worthless because red hearts don't know red hearts dude no red hearts don't drop right they don't drop all right take one of those items ah ha ha take it'll be funny not taking them you just don't ever do deals to the devil as the keeper I mean I'm not gonna have you guys just kill me like that that would be a guaranteed lost run no you're the keeper [Music] boy if I had a uh you have nine lives as a paulius what don't you [ __ ] understand about the idea that if I'm down to one heart I can't win goodness gracious stop screaming at me for doing for it to cheese the stupidest [ __ ] thing ever you have nine lies agree nine lives give nine lives you guys have you ever played this character ever and run screaming at me like I'm a [ __ ] dumbass I understand the game goodness mate that's not what I wanted can't convince me to do stupid [ __ ] it's not gonna work could hang man I guess to get those things but I got in on an advance oh nine lies and unlimited bombs what are you done what are you stupid yes we can just cuz you did that I'm gonna take this item as punishment [Music] Sassie [ __ ] that's right I set it to heads full of [ __ ] that's why your eyes are brown I said there were two the same pill oh you know what actually I can take the other pill I don't wanna use this pill I should not use any pill ever unless I'm down to one heart in which case I get a health up and get it back but at the moment no I'm not gonna take Randall pills and I'm ready to go I think you're right keep her as a pain in the ass even if you have nine lives and a bunch of other crap nine lives doesn't help you as soon as you down to one health it's it's over at that point potentially you could come back but it's not looking good it's not not a really a winnable thing it's barely winnable with double that health none mean bro oh my [ __ ] god it's over [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] over you dirty little [ __ ] this Roman system that I did it's not if this room is a not is I know kill that [ __ ] boys give me the goddamn money you piece of [ __ ] it's that guy like laser into me by the way what the hell was that why did he move so quickly the heads usually slow and in that specific instance hehehe just jettison now in front of me for no reason he had no right to do that oh Jesus I thought that was a bad spider that made no sense why he did that like he was just like like usually he's like aah and then like he misses you if you're strafing he jumped in front of me went nah you should take the devil deal huh Lamar idiot idiot so dumb I'm start taking random pills LMR prime that give it that let's make two months for ender evil apologies have I missed that so hungry - trying to get hangry I don't mind the pennies that are dropping from fruitcake pennies are like literally worthless right now though I can't like save them to come back to because if I get hit and I'm dead this might as well take most of the money at me it's possibly good health up pump that bomb go that I was supposed to boot loads of money only that could save me right now I don't know what I'm supposed to [ __ ] do these rooms are not possible that is not a doable room let's load the most impossible remember to [ __ ] see in my life it's been a string of the most impossible rooms I've ever seen in my entire life today it's unfuckin real that's a moving box I think [Music] maybe I can get from this angle how's the dead end anyways it was a top secret room that I was trying to get to help me health health Alf Alf tears down [Music] slide into my death doing a fortnight dance hello lads hope you having a good day this is a nick cm pretty full barking ruff you asked me start it off doing great a little battle of five gifted subs thank you for that appreciate you wowie give subs you little [ __ ] [Music] you stop shooting a shot right into the ground like an idiot as I'll touch I guess you have three lives stop crying shove this up your ass that's what I just say right up there straight up there Morty oh I'm just got a hit by the maggot you salty bruh nope just giving you items to shove up your ass mad Hutt's bought out your ass Bob don't do that I hate these guys so much he missed a tinted rug thanks I will perfect [Music] you're a streamer you're supposed to be nice to people that are giving you [ __ ] of a preference thing isn't it oh we have a reroll machine let me add that to the list and if it had bombs mind you there we go that's not the business model here yelling at his fans Oh dirty how do I know that it's not gonna liked it up his ass anyways I mean it's not even that you know are you assuming what this person does and does not like up their ass Wow chat now you thought I was being mean but that was pretty prejudiced of you pretty prejudiced doesn't surprise me a bunch of soulless bottom feeders I see an option to be a soulless bottom feeder or not a soulless bottom feeder you had a choice Chad you had a clearly defined scheisse in front of you alright let's just do it let's just get it over with shall we I'm high when I'm with you worm in a cookie jar put the pop-up we really have infinite bombs now we're back do they blow up at different times hi with you I'm hi yeah oh yeah with you no use of using this right now cuz we already got the crawlspace finish the dreamscape or prologue are you proud that's cool yeah hi you what have I just spammed fried bombs until it gave me a pill that was a health upgrade that would be some big brain [ __ ] [Music] poly Cephas [Music] no vote now once you look a salty boob chat top secret room I took the pill so we should just get it unless we already got it my just forgot [Music] we should probably just go honestly the longer we take the worse off we're gonna be I believe [Music] muster train like dead cells but you're defending a train using monsters you summoned sounds interesting shovel down to Sheol and win that I mean I could just spam the shovel I'm not sure if that's necessary I'm gonna make sense it would stop you guys to me all the vote it's not like you're gonna give anything that [ __ ] helps me but the boss items could help at this point how much though okay [ __ ] it it's in beta still gotta get the charge for this [ __ ] though that's a fancy way to get charged that's fancy livin whoa that bomb is coming back towards me Oh Caesar's [ __ ] split bombs is like just a like a nut okay oh Jesus why [Music] like a salty tater boil em mash them lick'em stigma your ass [Music] do I really get my reflection bombs and and that frequently that's just ass [Music] I thought about spanning the the shovel and then the reason I had thought about not doing it at that point in time because I only had one L now I got to Salton an assault before you look I'm a little eyes opens it for anyways you know salty nuts wouldn't be that bad could bomb through rooms too but the reason I'm not doing that would be the fact that I don't want to get to my item rooms nice battery drop bugs is cheating you made me take this I wouldn't have this item if it wasn't for you that handed it to me once you stop crying Chet's got him back everybody high fives know that I don't care I don't care they feel about using genetic engineering to make foods good it's too big of a category to have one opinion on it well a genetically engineer the cow it has to live in suffering and hay in its entire life but better [Music] or like identically engineered this banana give us twice the amount of food and it had the plant is healthier and no longer is on the brink of a total collapse Oh awesome great okay that's the thing it's also a thing just dropped the bomb behind me sounds like a plan let's do it how's Saturday work for you I think it might be the I can dip attack bomb or something that's instantly hitting and blowing up and then spread any other bombs not not good not the good thing for me might as well keep a Rando pill just in case they could save my life Jesus I'll go fast got it simple you miss a dented rock back there hahahahaha [Music] oh [ __ ] I've died I've lost so many runs from something's teleporting on top of my face and I'm tired of it Thank You flies for finishing that I'm not trying to get enough fire rate to even do that question log six months what's up huts love and winter well 41 months do the best keep doing what you're doing don't plan on stopping a white Hawk seven minutes ago been watching YouTube in the streams a while now and finally able to get back and say thanks keep up the great work Thank You white Hawk thousand fifty bits from Daniel what's up pogchamp i appreciate that a lot thank you [Music] fail Wow if you or your parents have Amazon Prime you can use it to subscribe to us for free [Music] take some bombs in there didn't they loopy literally new down down down if you think about it it's not free nobody has Amazon Prime because two days shipping was halted because of coronavirus like people would cancel their twitch Prime membership just because of that don't like students get Amazon Prime for a real cheap ace of diamonds could save my life empty what are you doing little flippy [ __ ] bombs a little flippy shits told dogs rhymes on prime less you're buying [ __ ] on Amazon it's useless because five is less than 12 unless you're buying [ __ ] on Amazon Prime I mean obviously don't get a Amazon Prime account unless you're gonna use Amazon no duh oh no oh god no oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] oh god easy next skinny room racks too large room which ones safer for me probably the extra large room sadly enough diddly diddly doo doo doo doo a little oh my [ __ ] not like this not like this not like this Oh God oh gosh I'll check you out see what you got punk move op op op op op op op no no no no no no just pace I'm blind [Music] he's get the Polaroids I mean you can't win right wrong if you work you can earn five dollars as Adam that is a mind-blowing observation for companies doing has just [ __ ] during this outbreak reported to your state office or inspector general for the mayor's office also remember unionize whenever possible to regain control of the corporations that try to exploit uses Technol mange cookie little says if you work you can earn money to pay $4.99 for a sub that had a Hut's twitch channel where are me shoal this is n this is the last little bit [ __ ] was that bomb behind me Buda Hill I don't think feels like I'm walking on sunshine actually helps me because I can't shoot Schultz tough man I can bomb through rooms let's not forget about that I don't have to bomb back through though but there's a run that I can handle I should just handle the backtracking it that's that's how we're gonna die probably okay maybe we should bomb through okay oh [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] don't block my [ __ ] you douche go this is unreal that's the most convoluted path I've ever seen in my entire life it's so dumb I mean what the [ __ ] dude look the absolute nipple lickers we can't be done it can't be done it's not two possible there we go help uphill my masseuse it must scusi like my [ __ ] nipple [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we go we got the Arizona gunslinger chunky on our bed some cotton boy we won finally whoo I think this is more of a victory for RNG today still almost still almost pulled that [ __ ] on my ass okay almost thousand beds remainder evil DG huts thanks mate I should shake this up probably I don't mean the real chunks the spiciness is coming out it's at the bottom until it's a good hot sauce when you can actually see the the chunks of like seeds and [ __ ] in it Suns bopping come on coming good enough that is a boat full that is an entire boat this is like half a shots worth it's like an ounce I can't hold any more the whole ship is full man it goes [Music] mm-hm [Music] that was a lot all right I can't read that that's a habanero stuffed all of the whole chunk of habanero in there oh wow oh wow alright I'm gonna put the glasses on so you can't see me crying they aren't that bad his nappy it was a quick it was a quick heat I feel fine now it hit me in the back of the throat though all right we did it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,856
Rating: 4.9514565 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: CxKty0Wilw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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