[Breaking] Eden Run (Greed) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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how about some of that let's do it let's go the music just like a little bit too loud right now or is it okay speed up my oh my god oh my god damage is terrible health is even worse homing for the room though is pretty good we could just get like a brimstone you know I don't ask for much I'd go for that half of key as well that's pretty exciting to see but I just don't feel like we're gonna survive to get it I don't know it's only regular green mode maybe we can do it I don't know - loud music's good what's that white can hear you okay okay tip okay let's get on with business shall we let's get to business let's get down to business to defeat the Huns buh buh back from the dead I wish this books stacked you know what could you have as like a second level homey and looking at you he's like aw do I do is the still to put into the booster packs yeah second level homey dude dog dude dog dog that is also a dude so much going on here lots of stuff going on stop no hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa twenty-one months formal Oh Tara welcome back we're dying we're definitely dead weird like super-dead and a half I don't even want to be one bed I don't even want to be a whole bed and we're one and a half dead a whole dead is enough I don't want to go in oh hey stop don't touch that don't touch that that done the Lord oh I'll read that later I'll read that in a second I just I got a maybe shave a couple have half Dead's off okay be patience how are you still going you give [ __ ] oh my god Wow Wow oh boy I'm legally allowed to drink but juice now huts cringe welcome back my lord nineteen cents and we can't really do much about it you can get into our item room no we should probably just honestly buy a bunch of keys and that's that's the best thing to do in this first floor I could have tried to re-roll but whatever indeed oh saved save my butt's how are you doing I am well thanks for asking dog friend that is also tough that is also a dude loyal whoa boy Yeti whoa i whoa i T or just what's T loyalty as an I in there confuse welcome thanks to the prime sub though all right I'm not gonna be able to kill these guys for the second boss shows up sooo let's hope for the best does not fistula it's just walk right into it I got trapped I got ya Pegasus five months in a row thank you so much for that resub welcome back I mean I'm actually you know okay I feel much better I feel much better I feel much better I'm kind of glad that we died I'm kind of happy that it happened you know what I'm saying I'm pretty okay with it yeah some putz this is Avenger with a question I guess what's up is a question what is up you know just sitting here in my chair just you know doing stuff hanging out keeping it real so if there's anything I don't like is not keeping it real 4.6 damaged magic must monsters long does not walk into it though like what are you doing I think I lost my touch right now is my item tracker working because I try to slap it into shape if it's not working that I have no idea what to do I tried everything I can like probably checked out myself too though it's not working it isn't working what if I just like reset it though why are you such a piece of [ __ ] item tracker like you could you could possibly work you know it could be fun if you decided to work huh what's redo intro no I don't wanna do that you're supposed to be configured did you're supposed to be working what if I deactivate you and then reactivate you what if I did that as panel two done reactivated now are you working oh my get back to my dashboard you guys come on there's like too many buttons they change it up like everyday there we go eleven months in a row for red amber thank you so much hi mom what's up it's still not working I just I got oh yeah I know I got nothing I give up I give up on it I think the atom factor is just busted for now hopefully they'll fix that at some point in the future I'm tracker has never worked for me that's a shame cuz why even have it why even make it and have it if it's never gonna work toxic kitten two months in a row welcome back not the poos how do I miss all four of those poos with my monsters lon chances of a derp like one or a million how do I miss you hello staying on this side of the screen then fine this is five of me okay nice - then shoot it no shoots these the shoe stings just finish off this first wave just make it one flippin floor deed the only playlist for your tunes what is item tracker this is best of NCS live right now it's just somebody's streaming it so I was like yes sure look clicked on it look if I find if you just typed in those words and it'll tell you the name of the song if you want follow along alright so we get a key a little dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt yeah hey little flies is okay I take a lot of damage though to melee contact though in this in this mode I really do the immortal dude prime self welcome and Scorpio sin hey hots has been amazing five months and I can't wait to become a but baby thank you so much Scorpio welcome back Dan I'll says I know I have asked before I might have forgotten it but when are you going to do a fight me stream I have no idea I have no idea I was thinking about doing a fight me stream for 200,000 subs on YouTube silvering in that way that could be a good way to do it I was thinking about getting the pin wheel of doom having options like take a shot or donate to charity or something on there could make it fun the whole family come at me bro come at me bro LARP if I use my active ability what happens yes it would officially suck up the the money in the ground and turn them into flies and spiders I think I'm not mistaken and I want the money instead you know the money's good money's real good the little guys purse or app Andy asked have to deal with when they're angry flying around these guys are no big deal like not a big deal you know like sometimes you have big deals and sometimes you have not big deals and these guys are definitely not big deals okay sweet dude let's go for Angel then huh angel always screws me over on greed mode like every single time it's never ever ever ever ever good I thought I just spawned flies or spiders to squat I'm pretty sure it takes things I think okay it's fun spider there when there was nothing in the room but I'm pretty sure it cleans up the room and turns it into compost should we take the battery baby you know it could be good but it also probably this point is good to just save my money for something better in the future when's that stream whenever hit 200,000 subs on YouTube so yeah [Music] well every health is fine at this point in time can't complain with the magic mush mod buddy LK we got half off keys here again still thinking that we should you know we should take them okay five bombs is actually pretty good any amount of consumables is nice on this mode I'm just gonna try here could be a secret until got the bomb back question check I don't know as a question who's your favorite character and Isaac favorite character who telekinesis is actually really good actually pretty good it's actually pretty good um favorite character I don't know man yeah I mean eaten for the the randomness I do love playing lost though shoot the poops and block them aha you thought you could touch me hahahahaha that's not good look out for that goal telekinesis blocks everything well not melee it's supposed to block that it did kind of block it but it also kind of didn't block it you know what I mean yeah ace of spades four months and I'll welcome back what's your guys's favorite thing did I say a mortal dude prime sub I hope I did I hope so this is normal greed we're just going to get a game break I wonder if I'm walking in a specific direction if they can still hit me if they're like shot height is high enough if they can still touch me I don't know touch me babe and you'll see that I am Not Afraid Baba it's fun pretty well how many keys do we need how many floors are there five six that need keys Ace of Spades space of AIDS csgo gambling addict ask a question what's the longest stream you've ever done 24 hours I've done one of those discord uh aunt Shane nine months in a row yeah hots welcome back nine month er but baby hell yeah nice bro there's four more a lot that need keys I've got telekinesis you cannot stop me you can charge into my face though that would hurt would officially hurt hens yeah yeah uh-huh oh yeah not a problem no five I would say five more after this right well you're on cave so you need four Morris's T Kenny okay four more I got 52 cents saved up what am I gonna do with this what am I even gonna do though almost got me almost snuck around dude back off back off telekinesis it just charges up like way too fast hey discharges I'm so flippin fast though sorry dude suck on it I'm invincible there's five total so I would need two more if I've already spent two you guys are drunk I'll just get four okay okay okay that's all of my health but it is an incubus so yeah thank you miss it is should I buy health I don't know I don't know man you guys want the seed are n3h 47 lq [Music] two plus two equals five so smart is that you're saying there's five total and I've already spent two I would need three but then people are saying it for solids get four I'm too trusting we could find a golden nest - that's fine and ink you butts huh oh that's not good hey would you like to hurt yourself with all that hell that you have hey Suz juice another half off key hey soos juice is just it's not gonna cut it for me it's not good enough haha you're like there's not gonna be a golden chest tots you're ridiculous cute golden chest looking good in those heels whoo girl oh girl you like that girl BOGO you know I like the half off pedestal I'd like to keep that going but I don't want that item so we buy it once you wouldn't see what happens da yeah cos of waist I don't want it I know yeah multiple space bar items now do uh D 1 you know D 1 could be pretty okay here just doubling the money I guess it would make more money on the ground technically but not like not 15 we probably won't get 15 cents we would maybe get 15 cents worth by the end of it taro cloth we don't have any cards tarek loss is like after you already have the d20 kind of thing I think [Music] jammies man should have gotten backpack for soul hearts question mark I just I need to you know break the game I don't I don't want to gently fold it you know PJ's is the safe choice since when have I ever done anything safe stem cells here's two hearts right here should we secure it a chance for deals to the devil two hearts is hot it's hard to pass up on that although it's kind of a kick in the dick though if we get another to heart deal it's like we could have just had one heart and gotten it too but it's too hard to pass out the liver livers a cool dude you know what the hell there's Larry seniors that are only heads nodded nah bruh I'm too strong I would love to get whipworm right now be able to fling my my monstros along around I got stuck in that skull dude let's go grab me grab me so hard why are you not using your telekinesis at it all border that too easy grab all of his [ __ ] and send it right back at his face yeah buddy telekinesis best best Kinesis giant rocket hunter bits okay first of all let's go let's see here hey how it's what do you use to edit videos Premiere Pro see here Joe Dada says $1.00 it's been a while since I've caught a stream it's good to be here it's gonna have you back Johnny Rockets this 100 bits I was getting ready to head out for the gym thanks for ruining my workout cap all you can do push-ups right now in sit-ups while you're watching don't even give me that [ __ ] Johnny managed on seven months in row that skull wanted some Hutt booty you can do some like I'll cut you what he's beast foods in the ground before he landed and I'm calling [ __ ] I'm calling your [ __ ] head spooge it on the ground before he even lands on the ground dodge Abel nope nope nope two months in row format EP whoo I'm back I'm using a student prime sub before was using and apparently the months carry over hmm weird situps I like the sit part not the out part you can do like calisthenics what does it was it called like when you're doing like squats and stuff all the workouts with your own body weight come on it's they'd have its you know whatever you want to do you can you can do it with your own body trullo i prime sub welcome welcome friend all right plus two point two eight damage because of the whole modifier the multiplier from the magic mush so damage upgrades go a lot further another fire it upgrade you know I'll take it should we just to Erie role with money we'll try ace of diamonds what we should do with the ace of diamonds is not pick up any of the money in the room and then use the ace of diamonds to turn all the pennies possibly into nickels and dimes that seems like a good plan to me would make sense with you know Tamiya brain and F wha F Waker that F Wasser prime sub what's up welcome I need to find items you guys I need to find mega blasts the scissors undefined missingno rip you say mom's wig is really good especially on these things that you charge up you just instantly [ __ ] out five spiders meets also really good yeah man dude for sure for totes ease oh honey some bottoms so I'm gonna try to find someone here [Music] go for the risky route dude got a kena bomb back nice missingno more like missing yes a five-cent the card against humanity yeah no I should pop that down in this room absolutely and then shoot it all before I fight anybody I think right I think that's a good idea petrified poop as soon as you possibly can please sir you in mind it hopefully I'll get at least 5 cents back because that's why I put into this oh you know what we were gonna leave all the money and we can leave the red hearts too because I can ace of diamonds the red hearts yeah so let's leave everything like I said if I ace of diamonds a penny it has a chance that turns into a nickel or a dime did I say Ace of Hearts I mean Ace of Diamonds of course not I'm just gonna take that that's probably worth its weight in gold so no petrified poop though huh you're gonna be like that you imagine if we won when Mike went to a normal game and shot that many poops in all the rooms and we still didn't get petrified poop I'd be pissed I realize I just said poop and piss in the same 4 seconds the Megan Knight asks a question what's your favorite item you guys asked me this will it the probably the most asked question I don't I don't know there's a lot of them that are just really really good you know Godhead Sacred Heart you know brimstone soymilk is it is a favorite of mine ant dog what's up tier 1 sub Team Rocket admin Gengar says Papa but be proud it's my first day off from my first ever job and I get to spend it watching the best streamer and youtuber with my girl in my arms and I get paid next Friday so get ready for that resell buoy thank you so much Team Rocket I appreciate that god like prime self welcome head of God I don't mind the the prism that's pretty fun that's a new one favors mom's knife I gotta say mom's ape is definitely not a favorite of mine it's kind of almost a letdown when I see it I'm like ah because it's like I should take it but I don't want to take it that's how I feel about moms knife here in the womb there's what six seconds between each wave so it's real hot that lack that guy in the bottom that eyeball is hiding underneath the poop underneath the poop shreds fair I don't know about that pop-up there we go we have really good oh I don't even know what was happening that red guy he was coming down the middle of the screen he's supposed to be hugging the wall but jerk read him inside as a question first of all hamburger four months of no welcome back and random insight says if I told you that I have a beautiful body would you hold it against me kappa a beautiful body who did you kill ha get it like it's not your body like somebody hit somebody else's body that you killed oh there's creep on the ground that I can't see because of the pool dude the poo shreds are shredding let's shred me shred city shred ception don't shred me dog don't shred on me Saren twenty months to zero hell yeah welcome back Saren I appreciate that kind of kind of commitment that's awesome alright let's use our ace of diamonds you guys see if we can get some nickels nickels and dimes please let's go bonk we got a nickel a nickel yeah well it's more than more than nothing in a lock upgrade that's pretty special we have 2.0 to lock that's weird kinda thought I could sneak by when he was feared to get some stuff done but doesn't meet the case no stop gotta go to him into doing that laser I'm like kind of forgetting about my telekinesis kind of speed up that's that's pretty cool better dodging alright kind of a bust here though no d20 could peel myself no No don't be stingy machine yeah yeah ace of diamonds would have been pretty okay with this all right running away we don't have too many floors left so open pray for something good maybe we go a hard on the cards boobies yeah the bombs are good that's also good nine damage almost ten oh D six what are you doing what are you doing in here dammit decisions decisions I just got a dime from that do I buy it so I can just have it I can't decease my blank card away that'd be stupid dumb it'd be nonsensical d6 plus blank card should have bought the backpack made lots of batteries I need a card you guys I just don't think I'm I don't think I should take it I just think I should reroll it d6 is fun and everything but it doesn't help me get to my goals if it takes 15 cents away from me that might be that might be it so good though it's so good when you do break it d6 is probably like the best thing it's nuts fine guys it's fine it'll come back if we don't buy it c6 is life oh don't tease me don't you even don't you forget about me don't don't don't don't we go hard in the carts yeah okay I'm gonna go like this I know more bombs what was this one Ace of Hearts lovers card like that like this like that's trawl bomb nice steep go ham on the cards dude food food I took no no nananananana what a bust what a flippin bust ah we're getting busted man megaflip bust give me a quarter why don't you I don't have enough money to buy anything else so much cock-teasing it was fun you know I try to do it I what I could do I try to do I can do honest I don't know what I could have don't know to like do better and then it's secret room secret room secret room oh good though that's nice that's nice honey we have this and then we have the shop to go I'm not terribly concerned about my health what was that wave of nothingness that just happens is the sound really quiet for you guys or is it okay it's really quiet for me can you hear the sound effects oh he spawned and taught me la ant God 1000 bits with no message thousand bits thank you for that all the crepes thin pancakes [Laughter] it's good it's good it's good it's good its phone I'm glad that it's phone just happy that it's phone did I almost pushed him into the blue fire fell into a burning Ring of blue fire I think that we have enough enough to fight greed with what we got here I think we're strong enough so even if we don't break the game it's still good run annoyed two months in a row you are you are you are this combination of you and our I've made no sense [Music] sweet reroll I almost feel like reroll is the right option instead of just going for this card but is what if we get a half-off card how does it go nine months oh yeah should I say a joke um what did et mothers say to him when he got home where on earth have you been no no no get out reroll reroll you got the bomb so I say rerolls his video Easter I almost walked I pushed the wrong button there and it was picked up PhD bravin's Channel ten months in her la Hut's just joining in what's left for the three million percent we got four more items to go and it's the key a cooler than the mirror two months in a row hay huts just catching you for the first time in a while welcome back friend cards reroll ham ham cards rear all rear all rear okay half off cards would be nice half off pills crooked penny I do need to actually I'm not sure if I touched crooked penny or not so like I'm tempted to just touch it to get all this other stuff for free too before we roll but it would suck up my my blank card if I [ __ ] it up so not worth it no cards dude soiled it soiled it soiled it no alright let's save up for the next floor then to champion bloats those champion bloats [Music] matthos pull the ghosts call it does mean that's a pass on both of those items Rexroth ten months in a row i'm back again because the Hutt's pou is the good huts pool thank you so much welcome back also Kat McGee says penis brew salad once they seen I just got permanently bad for typing censored waka flocka lyrics and Chad feels good man typing censored waka flocka did you though did you Roux salad can I see it can I find it was it banned or did you get timed out as a difference alright let's go ahead and jump to the next floor then gets banned still donates good-guy Aroo salad well let's uh let's let's go down yeah it's alright there's probably something you can always do but alright [Music] forgot the last message whoops 1,000 more bits cool thank you so much ant dog appreciate it introduced to you by my gf I'll say how do you GF then - hell yeah all right me about re-roll machine which is good news we have a card so should we just go for it should we stop messing around you guys peers ask the question do you save coins in a jar or something or do you lose them spend them do I save coins in a jar or something um I coins no I just I dumped them into my girlfriend's person legitimately I don't like coins salish Turek in tier 1 sub welcome in rubra 9 months in a row it's a but baby hell yeah it's been nine months whoop-de-doo boobs alright let's do this you guys let's do this I'm thinking I'm thinking we let's see a reroll get cards beam break the cards mods mods cards stick you guys want the cards maybe stop messing around what's your spirit animal demon beggar don't spoil the game two dollars and Joe down at the D spot is mine what a low bar on the D spot two dollars from Joe Dada do what you have a three dollars do we have a three dollars going once going twice I'm [ __ ] excited that's really bad because the next when we play the next room it's gonna be extra fast for us not what I'm looking forward to you guys yeah you know we could absolutely just reroll and even try to go for a d20 but we got it we got to choose something you know we got to pick something go with it our help is actually extremely low right now some not terribly comfortable without bats that was a triple play right there by the way yeah yeah yeah yeah no this is good this is good this is good um health is dwindling even more though back oh they're fast oh wow slashing back prime sub what's up welcome back um I'm thinking I don't know we will get D 20 on re-roll [Music] Johnny Rocco hundred bits reroll or it has nothing to do with having balls go for the damn card says reggae rageh gone rerolls are better shampoo is better 50% off item pedestal you guys are crazy reroll 4d 20 and batteries give up just quit hold are may be quiet rec room 500 song time watch her love it when you sing how old is Lenny Lenny is like a year and a half something like that we've all know I don't know we got him we got him like a year and a half ago maybe and then he was like a kitten at the time probably couple months maybe a month I don't know something like that less than two years I do believe reroll cards will go cards oh I was like victory guns two of [ __ ] spades [ __ ] don't walk on this bike style you know I've seen better I like that we almost have 420 blaze it luck can i grab that without hurting myself oh it was just a bad gas fart on the beggar okay [Music] you douche flippin douche that's pretty good one syringe away from getting spun as well son card I'm gonna need to use that like right now to get the full health back our fans it's nice you know not the worst thing I've ever seen in my life why didn't I save that for my blank card oh geez I don't know we could have had it charged easily soiled it did I got too excited of mimes owned in my mind is on something else something bigger I've got time to mess around with Hierophant cards - cards are for scrubs all right are we excited is this still excited it kind of seems like it might be extra fast but maybe not we have the power and the needles are doing it the euthanasia needles they explode in like a Tammy's head charge pretty happening pretty happening though dude fringle be hunter bits huts on Friday no no weekend stream gets notification of hot streaming on Saturday I didn't I didn't say for sure I just didn't think there was gonna be because there's plans but then it rained plans went away so quiet requiem 500 bits long time watcher love it when you sing oh we re I read that one and must have missed a Pringle d four minutes ago I'm sorry about that and as I Klaus thank you so much for prime sub welcome I just like to ignore people that's really what it is I'm just a spiteful angry person we just really doesn't want to deal with your shits I ran six months in RL welcome back don't deal with your [ __ ] it's pretty simple three of these guys done three of them freedo three of them three though [Music] I have the power not a big deal all right six more cards to close dude con four dollars can we get a $5 donation $5 going once going twice $5 we're already in there right muffin man do you know the muffin man okay this is the last floor which means is a high chance that it's not going to work very high chance of meatballs [Music] duh BFF yeah I have to PFF Incubus is too good to pass up double damage Incubus yeah yep that is technically a battery but not the one that we were looking for you know what I mean I'm getting nervous don't blow up machine yeah yep yes last floor last wave on the last floor ah okay everything that we've done is justified feeling vindicated Dashboard Confessional style - Oh flippin diamonds flip me in the flip face okay okay okay undefined scissors megablast missingno if I pick up missing no does it reroll my card does it does it get rid of my two diamonds probably so we might only be able to do one of those things [Music] pinkles the box prime sub welcome thank you so much you guys I actually want to see how high we can get the deep $1.00 at a time nobody skipped more than a dollar don't do it GT five killer five months in a row thanks for being you you're the best appreciate that my friend welcome back suicide King now we did get a 1-up but I just don't feel like using it though just don't feel like using in coring games thank you so much prime sub welcome just kind of don't feel like it you know what I mean you know I mean health flipping up Earth from a bird's eye view pump music pump the jams [Music] breaking jams [Music] lambs Bicks chaos whoa I think I can get all these things no megablast I can't get without chaos but I'm gonna try to go as far as I can without picking up chaos it's gonna get messy because that means breakfast and a lot of breakfast and I want to deal with that I want to trudge that [ __ ] max [Music] judgments forgiving whatever [Music] Hunter bits from Mike's this night Zeus daddy take my pet Jimmy just my first dream I've been watching you be just a long time and I love you not in the gateway hole though and what are you playing as Eden greed mode [Music] don't necessarily want pills right now spawn gets sloppy [Music] it's not soil this you guys [Music] looking for very specific things hopefully we find scissors undefined before missingno [Music] close you it pulls you doesn't keep you it pulls you you you should go feathers and see this deal kamikaze game once again sit telling me to go kill myself dunce cap dealio Mastro's lawn with strange attractor I got to do it I'd only have one item pedestal dude I don't have options here [Music] compound fracture is really good I like it a lot [Music] the pool well we have a lot of items to go you guys so strap yourselves in start listening to that jamming music why do you always break the game but I don't always break the game you guys remember how I don't always break the game in fact I haven't broken the game in a while yeah true story true story though pinking shears yeah my name is Hudson and this is my story quieten hell was that weird [Music] holy night that d6 would be a nice thing to get at this point I'm game intent honk-honk honk-honk dark bomb [Music] what is this pill doing in my pocket oh hey that's pretty good though I'll take the look absolutely thank you I'm so afraid that I'm gonna fat thing or something you guys in like not thinking I'm just gonna press Q or something use my card on accident leprosy can we uh yeah one of the items though that we need would be a big boost in morale if you could just give me something that I need right now scissors yeah games like ah fine if it makes you stop complaining gosh it's all huts does is just complain complain complain rage rage rage complain complain tear delay downs and mate scheme one down baby I'm gonna cross it off my list I actually have a list here whoo I got a little light-up pen too from the Australia gifts hmm 20 point point point it's like the best thing ever cuz as I break it okay pen malfunction [Music] yells of love okay camo undies another fly spoon bender good item [Music] spoon benders just a good dude forget me now after chaos please well the kid yeah we could absolutely forget me now at some point if it really gave up on using our blank card or if we end up getting the backpack again which is probably decently likely to happen oh my god tractor beam yeah try to beam is real good the only thing that's gonna stop me right now you guys is a game crash and I you know I can feel it can't you just feel it happening though a game crash hike 135 percent can see it happening lasers I don't want it but we gotta we just blew the whole thing that we had going for us but it's through fiery dispose the dunce cap the dunce cap monstros long Incubus with tractor beam would have been horrifying for the enemies but we threw it all away cuz we're not going for the best thing we're just going for the items hands are tied [Music] save then save the game you know the last couple of times I've saved the game it was a couple months ago but still I will never forget it crashed upon trying to save it so I feel like I don't want to even try to save it anymore you know I've been betrayed too many times in the past I'm hurt I got scars dude do I know how I got these scars a said the baby a brain lame be a leafy means 45 lasers you guys 45 damage later it's pretty hot be sexy though only [ __ ] save okay Wow not sure that cats even know how to play this game crooked Pinay so now we know for sure that that's off the list use the crooked penny and double everything or Noble already har har har I'm gonna push it out even further so I don't accidentally grab it let's be smart about this [Music] couldn't you rear all using the machine instead of the d6 nope but no to re-roll chaos yes but it would reroll my batteries and without batteries you know they're our lifeblood right now I've got to think through these things chat I'm a professional okay leave it to me he says as he completely blows it most of the time I don't blow it you guys come on [Music] I taught you everything you know don't even [Music] d4 yeah we could Defour it does unlock them but but we did that before you don't get the active items you don't get the active items we D Ford though and they got all the passive items out of the way so genius move that's pretty genius but sorry roll with machine and if machine breaks use forget-me-now but once again I would then forego my blank card go to the next floor where I have no chance of breaking it because blank card will never show up again because we've already touched it and then just [ __ ] it up to just just roll through and and the game and then what were we here for every night I can feel my legs and my arms the people I've lost some like that you fill in the rest um where's my blank card or to go oh Jesus how did it get over there dude did you dude [Music] splooge ten months in role what is up splooge welcome back splooge master fund the break master you the splooge master [Music] splooge bender [Music] we need the box d4 at the end [Music] this is what I come back to what the hell did you do Hut's what did you do cuz I can show you the world shining shimmering broken [Music] you know this is fun and all but I wouldn't mind getting what I'm what I came here for we still do not have double charge so if we do get a d6 you know it is a possibility that we could just chaos and then just d6 through everything until they get what we need that would probably be the fastest way to do this what is that sister Maggie Eden's blessing that's nice we're probably to get double charge though before anything happens I can just I feel it you know [Music] [Music] only having one item pedestal you're really kind of limited sure nipple licker what's up as long as you're not a Sur nipple biter okay game let's stop messing around though somebody should have been counting how many items I picked up if I get missing no at this point in time what do we do just take it I think if we get missing no then we we go for the other item pedestal that'll be the stop point save it for last I will cue you meshed before are no balls emote or maybe I'm chat emo it says Nick we have to get to one thousand two hundred subs Nick if you can help me out help me out with that yell at everybody to sub get everybody that has a twitch Prime membership that doesn't know they have a twitch Prime membership get him to sub plug-in at twelve hundred and then I can go submit for more emotes rubber cement that's pretty cool you could do for the missingno yeah but I didn't do for the missing the last time I think Missy knows one of the things that does not real Oh like you can't get rid of it when you have it so I think maybe you can't even get it if you don't have it like it's unaffected by the d4 ha jure prime sub smarty prime sub yah and blazer prime sub it's happening captain black wheel my hats can you use the D for plays I could use it you're absolutely right I could use it but I'm not going to now I would solve it I don't have touch bride boo well then just use $5 it's like the half the cost of the lunch that you just had today how much was your lunch eight dollars eight fifty plus tax oh my god it's happening very ver dare iam did I say these young blades are Ford areum gasps get Cosette a lot filly t general PI cop oh my god thank you for all the sub sub train baby holy crap Johnny rocket does not affect trinkets cards pills pretty flies the polaroid the polaroid the- the- key pieces are active items no need to stop if you see it missing no you're talking about Johnny rocket can you clarify that in the chat you found my missing melon assuming or d4 which one Gast a lot okay thank you guys sub flippin high boot subs for days [Music] l creepiest prime sub if we get hit 1200 a day you guys I will take two shots back to back you have my word I'm only going for another three hours though if that cell some to think about to to Apple shots of course just Apple and nothing else that's another tear to lay down sad boots from the soul yeah that was missing no wiki page good good good good good good tiny plant is actually really good with lasers I like it [Music] we've unlocked everything right we did all the challenges what's the it's a key unlock well whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait wait because if we haven't unlocked something go we won't find it unless we do that other thing shoot I'm trying to think if some of these things won't be able to be found Isak secrets let me look it up [Music] let's unlock anything Splatt prime sub do Dumbo prime sub welcome you guys hell yeah it's a key is a fun achievement there's no there's no break it's a key zero out of zero why can't I find it it's the key dad's key family man Ki bum no it's the key unlocked a new item out to the Aces fades never mind okay I think we're fine I just got to make sure you guys that when I'm not just chasing nothing you know chasing cars take all tanked take me boy 19 months well I'll be damned I actually made a strand welcome back tank that's fantastic good to see you again hope all is well Courtney murder 100 bits hey Hut's just stopping in quick to say hi bf and I are spending some time together since I have a three-day weekend nice Courtney murder appreciate you stopping by have a good day and then I say splat I think I did say splat prime sub thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you guys are awesome dude it's late rates reward aslam with me don't go chasing waterfalls stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to you know tech axe tickets teleport to buy no to find the era room and possibly missing no Hut's misse-x Kouts up oh crap I'm now pile of poop am now pile of poop what is my fire I keep wildly changing [Music] Lily Lily Lily - Lily Lily Lily conehead [Music] trudging along you guys will get there one of these days hots favorite Bud prime sub thank you for that hell yeah friend soymilk I have to take it so I milked it sailed it seven damaged nine months corny murder oh [ __ ] look what it is but baby hype hype hype hot [ __ ] love thank you so much Courtney welcome back that is fantastic alright happy started a three day flippin weekend Billy T 500 bits hey it's been watching for a while keep on breaking thank you for that 500 bits [Music] kool-aid five months in a row just getting here and he broke it [Music] continuous cool dude mega bean holy mega being them do Batman [Music] son Luke is amazing I did say it was on my favorite items so you know my bad can I really complain about it then Jacob's Ladder Jacob I have your lighter don't step off the rope I took it splat oh oh oh our item pedestals are stacking why would you put it there why would you put it there why would you put it there why would you put it there though why would you why I can't I can't buy the thing underneath it anymore this is a sick joke this is a really sick joke [Music] dude what the flip why would you put it there there's so much other space do we do now my get I'm not gonna win today because you put an item pedestal on top of my item pedestal hit the moving box moving box I don't have the moving box thanks for your help chat I'm gonna have a box or have it can you give me a box give me backs place give it to me [Music] dude give me the box though caramel soiled it chaos it is I really don't have to deal with chaos is [ __ ] you guys but that is our only chance of getting mega blast we already have restock we literally start with restock all right you know I'm gonna have to get prepared for this you guys a model water I'm not ready for this I'm not prepared so say hello to my chair chair Stremme for a second I'm gonna step out and get get some water well invisible water it's green check it you don't want your water to be distracting on stream but you put food green food coloring in it see through my face it's like an x-ray bottle gotta see you later huts and the D spot is mine fringle $5 I was gonna get a 6 give me a $6 have a good day Frankel Ravens channel asked a question is there an item pedestal in the curse room to put the blank card on then crooked penny in that room dysuria asked another question have you ever played a game called escape from tarkov if not would you be interested in trying it with a fan nudge-nudge wink-wink I generally don't have enough time to play games with other people just ask the mods they know oh they know but I've never heard of it I'm not against hearing of it and kick kick kakazu might ask a question you can use judgement card outside to get a space for item then change the blank card in then enter the shop and use the cookie penny and remove the extra space bar items yeah but what happens if we get the d6 though and we could do glory with the extra pedestals here I mean what's up little buddy [Music] sup little dude was there another judgment card that we had with a fortune magician chariot I don't see another judgment card why am i sucking in these uh I got the magnet didn't I I don't want to suck in those things I don't want to deal with that Sam a spoon nine months in a robot baby show us the kitten [Music] good timing good timing somebody you'd bury dude [Music] use the suicide game [Music] use the glowing hourglass No [Music] [Music] giddy hugs [Music] I think it's so funny that he does that all on his own he hugs [Music] [Music] I know buddy I know life's hard dude [Music] Johnny gray ten months in her all thank you for breaking the silence ten months uh but it feels like just yesterday has sucked during twitchcon 2016 for the first time love you thank you so much Johnny gray [Music] all right let's do this oh you guys want me a suicide King outside the room tawny owl 69 69 just got back to the states and happy to catch first Ram in months Bobby hots 69 69 do you hear that 69 Oh friends turn the camera off 69 69 [Music] 69 buddy [Music] oh yeah that's what do you think about sex camera nice gameplay kappa 69 dollars and 69 cents that is crazy thank you so much Connie I really appreciate that interested in playing the new South Park I know not really not really I'll leave that to everybody else dabbe Lenny I don't even know if Lenny condemned did you dab not really my paws don't work that way they don't work that way can't dab [Music] no dabbing we have to responds is that correct this times two up there but so blank cards suicide great game kitty petting simulator you guys would probably actually play that game so don't even lie I guess we'll just suicide King then okay cat Dule we can write [Music] so we took we put our blank card outside tech to actually pretty okay when you have all the other lasers so I'll just take it for damage though Oh yuck and then what do you want to do I'm gonna drop the suicide King card out here so that we have it for like later now I want the other one but hug back and well my two diamonds back close okay and now we can cricket penny this crooked penny get rid of pedestals that have yet to be bought does it does it though does it get rid of the battery that's for sale I think it might and I thought that that's the case and I don't want to get rid of my battery yes it does says sarin wicked penny [Music] yes it does yes it does rip okay well then I don't think we should do what you guys then I don't think that we should do it so I think that our only option here is to actually not but we do have an item pedestal outside the room if we ever need it which is fine you know it was a good idea until it wasn't a good idea I mean so chaos it is then [Music] absolute chaos oh no car battery no you guys kicking my ass right now what's all this [ __ ] in this room look with all this stuff like go away oh my gosh magician card wheel of fortune going to care about you the tower card chariot [Music] burp just get away [Music] speed up geez leave me alone [Music] bad gas brutal you guys brutal brutal brutal brutal a cooties 10 big ones hell yeah yeah awesome Riptide Reaper yes I'm going I'm doing the xxx xs-xl challenge and I got the best start ever small rock curved horn book of ravenous steam sale first floor sounds pretty cool to me [Music] Sweetman holy Sweetman [Music] [Music] harbingers Guppies head we are not copy donate the please you broke at the game the random gift too bad you don't have compost we're doing okay though were you know we're doing it [Music] megablast please [Music] - can nine months art only the collection page is missing now it's the key achievement is still missing thank you so much being a but babies oh hell yeah dude little gertie could you get out of my way place I can't see that what your yeah thanks bud thanks dude [Music] mystery gifts hey we got oh that's good we got the moving box no that's box of friends but in a box [ __ ] balls empty vehicle crown of lies the damn crown on fine huh am i a pretty girl I like the the sprinkler reskin it looks more eyes icky I like it it's not just the sprinkler it's a little mini version icon version of sprinkler then glyphis balance breakfast incoming was right you're a pretty pretty but talks is the prettiest princess fabulous doll shucks hungry tears [Music] hungry ass see the men leaving you and I got hungry eyes how about a steam sale though that could be pretty fun having a steam sale it could be fun though I might like it how does hungry tears work with tech acts it probably just doesn't I'm betting it just does not work gosh I just love trudging through all the [ __ ] [Music] d six would be glory no actually with double charge D six is now off-limits so we didn't need to find the items period we don't have taro cloth so I suppose up her throat could work but where the hell am I gonna get a per throw from a d20 maybe [Music] gosh breakfast is just fun ruin bag I don't have anymore yeah how how explain explain yourself nothing to play to get anything out of them oh there's the tower clock soil that even if I did have one still couldn't use it now dude really why though well at least we don't have that one out of 800 bajillion items oh shoot little baggy pills do we have the other thing do we have the card thing we don't have the card thing otherwise there wouldn't be pills in the floor oh good we don't have starter deck I do not believe we have the deck of the starting so yeah good though happy about it here's the thing I can still do it I can still save my - a diamonds card but the issue here is if I pick up a pill or something on the ground it'll automatically just swap it out and say [ __ ] yourself so yeah suicide King again I could go ham on the suicide King for a little bit just to see what happens [Music] just add you know see what happens is it really gonna do anything for me I don't really know though maybe maybe not doop doop de doop do still do live it up give it a bit privity business [Music] boobity boo Boop [Music] it's a lot of stuff out here rogue CS cz I mean prime sub welcome welcome welcome welcome where I just pick up blank rune T I don't want to I don't want to chance that being a per throw but what are the odds it's gonna be a double per throw if I use it right you know what I mean do you know what I mean though cuz I know what I mean I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what I mean using a blank rune probably safe [Music] okay I believe it's cool it's up dude crowd for the gym use the gif use the purser I mean run out of choices oh Jesus I got a left hand everything's red now shoot a bad left hand not good for me right now see what happens lots of teleports to the deal of the devil garbage nobody asked for this I guess getting all these other items out of the way is fine get them here I won't be able to find them another room [Music] what if though like with chaos breakfast just did never show up any man would that be cool unless like you actually got rid of all the items Steam sale I don't have a Diplo so steam one steam sales fine that's good enough for me [Music] blank card me please they'll can add that back Oh drop the card and then take the bag here pills I know that's what I could do I know that that works but still risky if I pick up a pill and drop the card then I'm out of luck all right that's what we'll do that's what we'll do just we'll just Yolo it risk it for that Triscuit girl [Music] all right little baggie of pills we have it now mr. mee the baggie move glass cannon I just picked up a purse pill that's what I'm saying if I pick up what the where the flip are these pills coming from nowhere yeah that's what I thought soy lling all of my two diamonds every last chance that I had to be happy gone sucked out my soul need to stop being a douche [Music] Stevie boy Oh Stevie boy lights the lights are calling why can you use the real machine hi welcome to The Binding of Isaac lesson number one don't get rid of your flippin batteries welcome Class D 20 I could go D 20 some [ __ ] I guess I don't really know y'all are saying mr. meeseeks can get rid of the item pedestal the thing Kenneth Oh - of diets [Music] take a thousand bits you are correct tank you are correct we've done that recently for the two million percent God do it again for the three million think about a thousand bits bit me dad Holy Grail [Music] angelic prism prismatic shard from star do [Music] breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast good thing that we don't get fat and slow in the game so if I had that me breakfast in real life I wouldn't be doing too hot you know I mean I don't think I'd be moving very much I'm too afraid to shoot you guys so I'm gonna choose not to I don't wanna crash the game does anything that's going to crash the game it's gonna be shooting eating soul yeah I will do it well messing around with it we got for my breath ooh try Saigon try Saigon really wow I don't want this ver pill can someone take it off my hands where is my blank card it's hiding in the middle it is hiding don't you hide from me oh I've lost it again I keep flipping they keep taking my blank card away from me gotta say my bird and my bush there dude seriously though can I just hold the flippin blank card for a second - damn black homeless taejun Immaculate Conception I just I can't believe that we haven't found one of these other items it's hard to believe [Music] by the battery please could you just buy the battery though - hahaha five months in a row welcome back welcome back friend oh god head not even excited about God head right now it's not even excited about it Oh God head just being a [ __ ] right now it's been an ungrateful little bastard aye sir haiku prime sub what South welcome [Music] Oh God had a fine but last year I'd 94 presents Sacred Heart lame lame everything's lame [Music] dad moving box tonight that I find the moving box where is it did I find it though I don't see it don't lie to me it's not nice to lie d6c I can't risk it I can't risk it now car battery it's good to see you but not much I can do about it GX Maddock prime sub 1069 subs you guys 131 more to go for two shots 130 CV but thank you so much to the prime sub welcome fan flipping tastic thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you riptide hundred bits should be a breakfast transformation where it stops giving you breakfasts yeah maybe after like a hundred of them I get stuck everything up with the void but it's gonna cause me to lose my blank card it's gonna cause me to d4 and there's Plan C there's forget-me-now all these things that I don't really want to void up you'd just be a sloppy mess of d6 be in there and be like blank card outside space items outside void everything put d6 in blank card outside void put those things outside put them outside take them out nah dude I think we're doing just fine this is working but ain't it if it ain't broke you guys [Music] Nene Nene Nene I'm gonna actually look up undefined under find not undefined Isaac just to make sure that we've I have it unlocked unlock method complete boss rushes Eden we've done Matt for sure so that should be something that's findable missing no missing no unlock boss rush is Lazarus we've done that mega blast I know I unlock that is undefined they missing no and mega blast we're so close you guys are gonna taste it where's my blank card now where'd the blank card go you see it [Music] [Music] what's he going for those items that I just listed tears off pill stone just leave me you leave me alone pills please I'm not interested I'm not interested in your trinkets all my flip dude I can't pick up items if I'm picking up trinkets dude I will I will find you and hurt you shrink it look it's the trinkets is sitting in there he's just sitting on top of everything like me Annie come on come this way come this way come on come on come on come on come on get over here come on [Music] all right leave it over there missing my blank card again goddamn how does it fly all the way over here to die amend those our dreams will come true we just have to fight hard for them the game is gonna crash though if game is still gonna crash we go to the next floor it's not even funny it's not even funny how much the game is going to crash make a blast I found you bastard you silly goose blank card where to go now why is it over here like hard why Boyd the room will activate d4 but you could just spend 14 hours to put them outside what I say to that [Music] buddy we just literally snuggled like 10 minutes ago don't yell at me yell at me what I just pick up missing poster the trinkets suck right now trinkets suck right now oh I de peso oh no literally you could have put it anywhere you could have put it anywhere in the entire room and you're like right here Ayana for a year it's not a good idea son of a dick dude Wiener balls not good for me alpha ulysses prime sub thank you so much with a prime cell my friend mega brim dude these trinkets can literally suck me in the peen void time what are the things that are gonna cock-block me one of the things that are gonna cock-block me here let's move d20 out move my d20 we got to move our d4 maybe we can move out d6 we can move out thank Dempsey hundred bits if you really want to move that other pedestal covering the other item to buy you could take mama mega or Plan C and put them on it and use them to remove the empty pedestal true I think it's gonna plop it right back down tank though I think it's telling me that there's no other spot for it so let's just void it now yeah I thought about that too and I was like ah might just spend five minutes to try to set that up to fail though gotta move crooked penny have we seen the deal 100 gotta move forget me now for sure I don't know if I've enough pedestals you guys we're companions gotta go I think I need another pedestal so I could put plants he's not that big of a deal but I want to get rid of plants see and I also need to get rid of the glowing hourglass you guys this is so gonna just crash the game it's not even funny it's not funny though what should i do should I just Yolo d6 it or something I don't know need to move the the d6 out as well it's just there's too much going on you guys and I think I just got rid of my my ability to make other item pedestals because my did my flipping cards gone my card is gone my card is gone that really pisses me off I think I got to do the mono mega or Plan C that tank was saying so okay here's the deal what what happened is I use Plan C and then the next space bar item I grab has to be the one on the inside how do I do that tank that's not even possible dude it's not even possible to get in there to take that item off that pedestal because it's surrounded by other items maybes Plan C die come back into the room and magically make it in like 17 items deep can't happen won't happen dude that really butters my bread I like bread our butter my bread though then your inventory says Riptide Reaper what's in my inventory move the junk to outside shop pedestal in d6 item now I'm not d6 thing ever you guys it skips through items I don't have a moving box to my knowledge your card that's my two diamonds I'm talking about my Jesus Christ my brain is [ __ ] melting you guys this is frustrating I'm talking about the suicide King card that I use to generate item pedestals so that I could move stuff I don't have my suicide King card anymore therefore cannot generate pedestals I guess I could with d20 maybe you try to mess around with a d20 for a while probably my best option did left hand are you [ __ ] kidding me you piece of [ __ ] I hate you so much I could hurt myself with the trinket and try to d6 that way trinket hurt myself d6 yeah yep cracked ice because that won't reroll twice that'll only reroll once genius it's genius better make sure we got a blank card on hand though how do I make my blank card on hand when I have this flippin thing in my way it's gonna reroll the blank card we move the blank card outside then Jesus flipping Jimmy's Jesus Jiminy's you guys this is so a more complex than I ever wish it was this is just stupid Ace of Spades 169 move the blank card out and d6 stuff oh wait we have flight so I can't hurt myself on the out door I came at sim into flipping out door right I can't sit there in the door and use diapers being a big ol pile of [ __ ] like a huge pile of [ __ ] use diaper literally [ __ ] off dude how do I hurt myself do I have an item that hurts myself dull razor dull razor you missed a big donation from crosscut object cuts d4 so you can D sticks without having car battery not a bad idea honestly d4 so I can D 6 without car battery what do you guys think about that does that make things simple that makes things pretty simple good thinking I like it move the blank card out and d6 stuff everything will become breakfast it's the only real way out of this says Ace of Spades no there's like 50 ways we just have to think about it there's 50 ways at least Kariba prime sub and Shadowhawk I appreciate the prompt subs you guys that's a great idea yes d4 are no balls yeah ok let's do it then where's my d4 just hopefully it doesn't get rid of my 8 my cards it did get rid of my card nope there it is my cards still here ok blank card no d6 where's my d6 and why am I being pushed who's pushing me right now all right we do not have the thing let's just double check that we don't have double charge we do have missing missing no missing nose right there so we just got that missing nose checked off the list I can see it we also have epic foetus yuk plate a pen light it up in with a side off ris prime sob thank you so much blank card is in the room one more time Yas make sure to grab your card from the outside put the blank card outside blank card outside yeah you're right [Music] should be able to d6 now for glory for thine is the power and the glory Abel bunny 13 months lucky number welcome back Hut's I love you thank you so much bunny save the blank card yay missingno are you done I'm not done yet I need undefined I'm just I'm nervous to do this I'm so nervous right now did we mess it up are we messing it up dude curry bot it didn't even show up dude prime sub and then on top of that you decided to do a tier 3 sub I see it over here didn't show up over here probably cuz you just do the prime sub thank you so much curry bot that's amazing it's absolutely fantastic I love me some tier 3 subs give me some pretzel give me some pretzel do it hots do it I'm scared I'm scared you're fine yup was i undefined undefined there it is megablast done undefined done that should be it that should be all of them that should be all of them yes that's all of them pull kuribon hundred bits hooray yeah I'm glad I looked over at the chat Kariba thank you for that fantastic all right let me see some pretzels in Chad you guys who's got some pretzels out there we have some good pretzel errs only the cool people pretzel all right we it's still my crash it's still my crash so hold on hold you hold on to your pantyhose Jim Jam prime sub what's up welcome I think that honestly we should just keep deferring until we don't have any items in Myron our items list so that the next time we go to the next floor it doesn't confused and jumbled you know let's just have nothing let's just clean slate it before until we have nothing I think that might be the right answer here yes yes that is safer yeah okay we're good we have nothing what do we want to fight the boss with next floor is boss you know we could keep d6 thing actually just to see if I couldn't get one item right but we know we D forward through all the items there shouldn't be anything left there shouldn't be anything left no that doesn't make any sense lasers kill yourself with the peeler where's the peeler I think I'd rear old it oh there it is and I could totally kill myself with the peeler actually I could also just not kill myself fell and just grab all the breakfasts and then have infinite meat boys to kill them up yeah dude dude I've never been more excited about breakfast since I've started having Eggo waffles in the morning all right yeah here's a good question pop-tarts or toaster strudel go pop-tarts are toaster strudel battle now fight to the death the Cuba meet will reroll in the next Flores is nipple licker Oh missing no pop-tarts toaster strudel toaster strudel pop-tarts turtle toaster toaster strudel pop-tarts both oh my god oh my god is a battle cereal get them out everybody anybody that says cereal out it lard good lard closer sure it'll all the way the world may never know [Music] okay um it's just gonna be a [ __ ] show you guys we're gonna go to the next floor and everything's gonna be rear old anyways cubes of meat be damned I think that we just go ahead and like I don't know see if we have like a card or something that we can use now we got nothing dude we got flippin nothing all right here goes here goes nothing wish me luck chat no game breaks why don't I bomb oh good we don't have anything Jesus Christ I thought it was gonna sad bombs and just peel it on the next floor you dum-dum yeah but then I don't have any help that's all my help dude Sasa deep 22 reroll money diamond card nah kid don't crash both crash don't you crash on me don't even think about crashing well that was 1,000 that was 1000 no don't even think that's missing quite a few in the are zeros in there all right no no that was good though one thousand one percent we're getting there can you feel yeah mr. Krabs my pathetic dears pathetic little human 14 damaged we have guffy so the Flies we have a couple cubes of meat will do okay we'll do all right for ourselves I think we'll be able to beat Rio green mode don't you sneak up on me like that you can't get rid of go soon as you have a transformation you always have a transformation Oh snuck up behind me dude nice so have button ifou hip-hip hooray for but knife no look up that all my goodness still have orbitals - and the mark damage we take the marled leprosy is gonna kick in which is nice not bad damage though our fire rates pretty abysmal though how the hell did we land on 11 fire rate is missing no like a fire rate down okay apparently that yeah leprosy just does not reroll because we still have chunks floating around us you're done you're done you're done you dog Oh peel my dude I suppose I could have done that with that empty heart but you know we're fine you guys we did it we did it we done diddly did it I got super bandage girl yeah nice bro
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 48,840
Rating: 4.847826 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: umUf30Iwo2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 59sec (6899 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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