Polling of Alphabirth (Eden Greedier) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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my back in let's see here it talks about doing an Eden run how about even greedier go I was risking rain two widths Invicta good for you sh bomb upgrades you go do this bombs gonna be super handy super handy and greedier mode let's get my hole ready these poles are pretty lame but gotta iron up number four there myself number one for enemies dropping health could be nice I'm gonna go get i'ma go now good night everyone number one is I dropped health on damage sometimes right pairs well with a blood donation machine that we won't get what's that trinket I have no idea Oh Twitter right let's take it out actually I can't full screen it for you guys I gotta minimize it [Music] progress and Iron Man ps4 controller and helmet charging dock comes along coming along and I'm super stoked almost finished that's some 3d modeling and pretty to do then it's done it looks it looks good here's a controller look at the lights on that thing sick bro that's Chris that's Chris give you a little updo than that we're gonna over retweet on that guy oh cool Thank You Sharon damn this Reynaud controller sick it because you're not following slap dad on twitter got a lot of cool projects going on you guys are voting for number three here speed what you know yessir speed is pretty low you vote for what you want that they're all you know fine that will earn unicorn for 30 months swell time flies when you give streamer money so leave our 25 putts you made me buy Animal Crossing I've been playing non-stop for two days I hate that I love it so much I'm sorry that I'm not sorry I'm calling it no matter what it is it's number four by 1% 1% brah I like the health though especially if we're gonna go for deals with the devil and then we're gonna go ahead and pull right again let's go let's do it then up the deal with zipper though yeah have a very special bunny [Music] zipper was a nightmare hat down not down [Music] want some like a handful use your active me as often as possible with all those soul hearts you're not wrong I didn't look at my active item very solid very solid holy dad hmm what if I could hit that with my super blast bombs probably not might be worth it though oh yeah hell yeah so I want to go for that I mmm no I'm kind of thinking that maybe right before we fight the boss the last one for the the deal with the devil we go grab the the present right and then we go into the deal with the devil let me use it in there for free devil item be good it's one button press after the boss right same deal with double press what's better to buy subs or or bits if you can right now donate money to st. Jude Children's Hospital the mods can help you out that little inkling Hut's campaign they're trying to raise money to fight children's cancer so that that that's my answer active now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever okay got I got it is that six way he's already [ __ ] fight the kids that's not what we're doing I don't know pitchfork down kill the man with the Trident Rick killed a guy [Laughter] why is st. Jude stream called play live because they're incentivizing live streamers to life of their charity he's so hard here before this guy last means kill this guy first that was unfortunate up doing that little [ __ ] Larry would you get out of the way or fire eight there's much to be desired Larry Larry would you just look knock it off I'm not even trying to hurt you right now on the same team until I have to kill you losing all of our health this is super cool I like it first floor quality how much [ __ ] health you have though she's a marathon all right now we swap for the present explosive tears were good last time they were pretty good so maybe we should buy that half off an explosive axolotl full of them in total hello my friend I am back also what's please get an axolotl friend IRL and so we've heard I read no I'm gonna call him Jim the I poop we got another one okay hey we didn't get a sword for killing them by the way we're kids it gives you a Butthead let me put in work to get that you know what we haven't had in a while huh greedier d20 break our fire right land this is painful this is the monster that never teleports I wonder if like Edna it's so like it doesn't drop or like it rarely drops Sarah Burgess one hundred dollars hopeless multi-nation can help a little bit kids are our future and we owe it to them thank you so much hundred dollars I'm choking I'm not joking here choking snore relax knock it off Bongo tap thank you so much I'm gonna put two more on though hundred a small that's very true small donation drops honored thank you so much appreciate it preciate appreciated so freakin awesome you guys what you drink huts water distilled water the water stuff [ __ ] I was like what if there's a Giro and I was just like not quite the money and I was gonna say something about it and I didn't say something about it yeah get by perthro excuse me well Yara the stuff next floor [Music] [Music] bouquet bomb the corpses I feel like my money could be or my bombs could be better spent but it goes for you just for you no see see what I mean be recorded Lowell today's been pretty good how was your day my day is good it's good I just said that and that d20 break in a while game says here you go [Music] I'm pretty confident gonna hit 10k at the rate you're going you never know I feel like when people donate people donate more so you know we never lis have some streams where we don't get much that's okay this is one of those streams where we're getting a lot I hopefully a 10k though you're right we're on a good path seven one six nine you guys you're knocking out of the park I do need fire right you're right that's fire rate and a soul heart that's a bunch of soul hearts that's in all stats and that's randomized my stats right are stream lapse tokens how do I get more the pennies they can get them passively but just by watching [Music] good thing they took in explosive tears you guys otherwise you wouldn't have seen this d20 so here's the gameplay don't pick up any of the money and then Sarah is gonna get 10 subs probably and then then and only then pull this up Nikki but then you guys we're gonna go ahead and D 20 then you're up so here our chests may be probably if you vote for to my range is gonna go down the drain but my fire rate will be max so thank you Sarah 10 get the subs the Jeff the nab princess naptime funny game eyes and fufu's Gazoo dehaze DC micah bo k who sure noodle coy boy the mighty poo poo wonderful you guys were a 1700 subs right now we're we're so close to 2 k subs to it's just been a good month just a good stream month yo in danger with that item haha careful if nerd hears you using puns that it's permission bad news bad things happen to good people see you Lukey it's not max it's six foot close enough all right we want to do 20 and then we want to hear huh oh yeah this is way better oh yeah stony boys just looking B IP up in here on the ground they were trained well they were as the at being stony boys as you guys are as good at being generous Sansome explosive tears say she'll black triangles when they land on the enemy they shoot out like a monster's lung effect behind them hot hair that was something like pop or homing or something like that where these these tears could loop back maybe even I of Judas Judas is I I am Belial Judas has the book of a while I have Belial as it's called when it's gonna be tricky there we go [Music] [Music] if I remember correctly do we get money for the last wave or is it just for deal the devil hope things get better some of this can help my month has been a roller coaster of emotions to break up with my daughter making people happy makes me happy wish you two boys you a better rest of the month [Music] come bask in the greatness of my month there's a small chance for one penny just a deal no monies okay let's just pop it now then let's go ahead like I said d20 first because we get chests and then we're gonna duplicate the chests after we open them they're gonna give us more items and I would like to have that black heart but I think I didn't I can say no to it but that was a two of diamonds it would have been nice okay so now we got a bunch more stuff here now we can go ahead and yeah that stuff wait a second you want to buy yeah I totally forgot to set the step in between CDM you're right there's no real machine in the shop nor is there a I don't think there is even is a battery for sale so we're getting a little ahead of ourselves you're right you're right I mean with all this stuff that we just got thoughts save the year for sure grab the stuff our fun with it we look for tune we think that can give me a battery [Music] man I don't want mama all right okay that was nice that's a good spawn location thanks game thanks game appreciate it if we can get a battery in the shop or even a reroll machine in the shop it's pretty cut-and-dried mm Benson Sarah you just loaded on thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate that the amount of supports though I'm putting all as an option I don't necessarily want to rip all my health but hold it up to you guys we're close to a break [Music] I'm trying to be active right now and attentive so if you guys feel like I'm not it's cuz I'm just exhausted I wonder if my eyelids hurt because I'm touching my eyes so much that could be or am i touching my eyes because they hurt I don't know 36 months no tag finally been able to catch a stream love from Germany as always keep up the good work thank you appreciate it 36 that's three years wonderful three years took your allergy meds yet allergy meds at 7200 contract doesn't work in greed very often very often I get sometimes works oh my god noses Ranna Bana it's like less than fifty dollars we'll get there and then I'll have an excuse to break and go get it don't question this it's smarts said of me just closing down the stream for nothing you're just gonna like what raise money for children's cancer you selfish prick just to take your allergy meds hell yeah all right you guys want everything Oh dare you raise money for kids kids in need screw you buzz off like this drop my air here pick this up use it get a troll bomb it's like that like Despicable Me what was the name grew where he's like going through the steps do this do this use the aces a look at that ace of clubs get a troll bomb and it's like wait what curse skull turned into a troll bomb not a coincidence do do do do do do do do do not find a seeker on that huh that's it's in the other room I don't like walk into like it is I think it is I think it'd be a do first form isn't that bad I just have lost a lot of L so far a stems would have been nice earlier yes I get one penny from it technically whoa didn't understand green seeker ohms there's always one that's somewhere it's gotta find it all right we good to go d20 era I don't understand it's off one of the rooms is secondly a top secret room technically rotten baby shoots flies out number two longer I hold down the fire button I hold it down long enough I will pop out a a bunt bomb number three is budding a box and number four is I have no idea I don't know I don't know heads getting very itchy again the Reading Rainbow Reading Rainbow cuz I can something anything it's in a book the [ __ ] star it's gonna crash on me it's on fire look out it's burning through the atmosphere pretty sure for it's bad but I'm voting for it hmm yeah that's the more you know that's that's what it is the more you know the more you shop Kohl's [Music] can't think of like normal people's names or like item names but I can summon up a colles ad out of nothing nice brain good just like I'm squad that you're like really good that's up important things you know you guys definitely wanted it before shouldn't comment shooting-star our heart of comment tier is centrally no I don't know and there's another one gonna be prestige give me have prestige again we need one two three this we would need a four hat donation up to four and that would be our second hat prestige and then I'll take them off but can you please see all of your hats I got the flat ones on right now it's very flat I still have the brimstone horns on well that one was easy who what do we have what is the bone hard thing do I don't know [Music] I think we have a battery for sale battle battle ooh hahahahahaha hey you got hat stack of Doom's battery just one bone heart and spawn three red hearts thank you do you have all that memorized city M or you have the wickiup Platinum God or something okay so it kind of looks like it's like Angry bullets like they bounce off of one and then they fly to a different enemy homing which is good I like that if we come if we put that with the eye of Belial does any know a game double damage and also just speak out a different enemy super accurately cuz that would be a hot it's like I think number four is bad seems good to me great crowd control which is really what gets you in this game in this mode I had it memorized for the most part Lowell that's super cool [ __ ] nerd okay getting I mean I'm not really kidding so that's pretty nerdy but then that's not a bad thing not any much shame coming for this side it's cool to be a nerd here so you said you would take your meds 70-200 so we need 30 dollars and 31 cents to get sleepy huts to wake up I mean allergy medicines not crack though okay same thing d20 Venera yeah Zaa need you to guide me home my own room ma'am ma'am ma'am you know that means that this chest over here on the right is an item and if we just go ahead and keep doubling that but there you have can keep the air is gone here is dead gara died white all right now we go ahead and go it by the the battery [Music] [Music] pick up nickels and dimes we'll leave the rest I forgot do the whole thing where I go out and buy the battery before I open up chess that's the smart play because it could still reroll the fragments the remains of a chest if you leave and come back that that goes away what she don't want anyone to roll that it's been a while since we'd be 20 broken who did read mode [Music] now you're a was let that trinket though it's helpful so that crickets head or the multi-shot thing that's Tammy's head [Music] faithful and bivolo it's alright CDM hit me up you know moderate items what the hell date guys don't think we had a curse but just in case I suppose yeah I don't know alpha birth well what good are you you ever trying me this could be a good play if we turn everything into a with Ace of Diamonds we could get some nickels and dimes ace of diamonds to fund our battery addiction and then go ahead and reroll it from there Seanie lock pennies look at I'm not seeing on interesting not a single one oh we did we have negative lock so I'm very surprising I suppose I see one just a boy there is hoof I mean I have laser vision and if I didn't see one then they don't is this I'm the best thing that's ever happens ever facts look it up three [ __ ] book jump bottom left Oh keep your eyes peeled still I mean we got plenty of stuff to look at hit me up with you see one then I want to touch the tick on mama be worth collecting maybe justice cards were popping and yeah Bobbi ray Knight team sculpt just redeeming these to drag since I don't really have anything to say got bongos is worth worth it Bongo tap [Music] tapeworm pretty good pretty good trinket but Zama need you to guide me home that's worthwhile we're gonna clog keys anymore if that nickel and go tapeworm and shop for later yeah I mean it's it's not really gonna make that big of a difference in the end unless we we took two of spades unless we took rules car Libra then maybe but I'm not gonna sweat it you know like trying are let's not be a try-hard right special key gives you a charge charge the key you didn't need it at the moment stop trying to take my trinkets away from me [Music] it's likely mage 11 months it's up just wouldn't mind another yera be real swell [Music] [Music] man this is exhausting focusing this hard especially with all these freaking hats on my head this would be one that I'll save for later say the perthro over here too it's smart idea smart back my safety skids and you take a dime so exhausting to play games I mean it kind of is when you play a game that you have to focus really really really really hard on a lot of jobs that I've had that it did don't require that much effort on your brain we eventually just want to get money right [Music] [Music] an agape would be a victory for me what the hell entropy free fire rate cool yes maybe [Music] like over here [Music] hundred our Sara $100 what does that put us add 7 to 6 9 6 9 wonderful stuff you can get 1 fire rate analysis to boy with cancer with a double fire right down yeah epic stores offering free GTA 5 for a limited time in case you wanted to grab ones desire that puts you up taking your meds oh I took the hat's off all that we'll call that our triple or a double prestige we're setting records here today and I'll put one back on for you Sarah thank you so much I appreciate that a lot a lot a lot oh my arms you guys I'm gonna go take my allergy medicine I said I would do that at $7,200 I'm gonna do that refill my water probably go to the bathroom really quickly and I'll be right back and you put a hat on the camera for us how's that good oh my god it looks demonic in there evil evie eating more like evil all right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] evolve drippy 22 months I came back with a chai tea you want some it's very good all right let's crack this thing wide open shall we Sarah gifting 10 more subs on top damn it's not my birthday yet that's ten two days me I love tribe we start kick the hell out of here got to bomb a battery my god Sarah you rule [Music] somebody's subs today that puts us at 1732 I gotta get a battery federated EEP the bubble pop Sara's going for ulee's first place gifter question mark her throw yeah we already have a per throw saved mics pop and a per throw here and now and just seeing what we can get and a get our balcony Bell crew well Kira German German peeps tell me you know that double perth me it's a little cramped in here it's a little cramped lag I don't have like let's flat penny for lots of keys golden key sing Largo al factotum for his Hut's you take out for a while to dance I'm gonna spot my birth right now and then I'm gonna go ahead and just like walk up there and grab that cuz that's good that's the good [ __ ] and I'm gonna go see a doctor fate dr. fetus sad bombs now we're talking that wouldn't be so bad what y'all think about dr. fetus sad bombs or should I just take sad bombs except a little as Irak whatever spider bud I say yes no d6 dr filiz snow the--this dr. faith this said bomb good no yes feet yes these six is at the bottom so true all right 99 cents you should totally go buy something so tell Tamar some there is a d6 my goodness and I see it blend it in it's like this let's uh find an active item pedestal boom boom that's good you can take that dude yeah cool yes no yes yes no okay well let's pull it I'm split I'm on the fence here so I'm totally fine you guys make up your minds I'll follow your decision just cool this is how you yeah this is it this is like yo 90s rap white boy so what up [Music] this is it this how you wear the hat you rap okay yeah I will say the same thing that I said about country music you can't just sit there and say a whole genre is just bad okay I can find you a rap song that you would enjoy I guarantee it I could find you a country song that you would enjoy the only reason you wouldn't enjoy is because your choice to be like no it represents things that I just can't support like people with a slight accent [Music] seven to six 969 almost three-quarters of the way to 10k or a Nibbana says I write what is yes and what is your right I didn't I didn't explain that very well yes would be yes take dr. fetus no would be no take dr. fetus then that make sense did that clear it up good I'm glad that we had that talk good under one bit sorry older genuinely I've tried many different rap music and I can't enjoy any of it I'm very open to suggestions oh I'm sure I could I'm sure I'm sure of it I'm sure please help us okay one yes avoid don't yeah yes to the live and number two don't you number two is be dangerous you like like no that's does that wrap it up for number one yes take dr. fetus number two no do not take dr. fetus and simple you guys come on yes or no number one yes two no three maybe all [Music] one yes to no one yes take dr. fetus to know avoid dr. fetus should we revote should weary [ __ ] both this thing you guys are split 50-50 of no idea what's going on what are you saying odds you can revote okay you know what [ __ ] it doctor or mister are we gonna be a doctor am I just gonna be a mister it's up to you okay doctor means yes don't take dr. fetus no I'm kidding doctor or mister what's mister if I'm not a doctor that I'm just a mr. Utz but if I have my doctorate I am or dr. fetus I am now a doctor Hutt's a doctor mr. Hutz you know what I mean I can't make a more cut-and-dried and simple than that you guys that's as simple as it gets stop explaining if if sad bomb wasn't there I would say [ __ ] no I wouldn't even think about it let's not forget to come back down here and grab her d20 you guys want it you guys want the doctor is the fetus the doctor and or am i the doctor with a fetus in a jar that's a young doctor go to your doctor Bob bladder honestly is a decent synergy here you know baby exiled [ __ ] - eight months let's earn some months for the kiddos much-loved butts hell yeah I'm with you there all right we're back on track right we can ski con same old same old back home just you know I might just save the other peripheral I was gonna say let's just pop star to have one fourth roll and we could use that when we get a freaking blank card inevitably it's inevitable but you know what let's say that we want to pop one before we get the blank card it'll give us the option especially if there's too many active items up there and you know it's like clogging up your pores /op black rune that's savable for sure is when things are getting clogged up you can block or an out blank carb is inevitable and that's the output roll save it it's gonna be a while I'll be a marathon run here this is what I think of every single time I see the word inevitable sugar kitten 45 look at that 45 flex 45 hey I miss watching you but at least I can show my support this way thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate it hope life is good now let's watch this clip if it's even the right club that's porn aligned Internet I don't know if you can hear that was so quiet then it gets so quiet so that the copyright can minim low my stream doctor side inhibitive a taboo I'm sorry what was that any Navis if evil one more time inevitable things inevitably going to change oh damn it open your [ __ ] ears beautiful that's a sin Victor vid every time every time without fail inevitable summons that in my brain and I wanted to see a lot goddamn hoping for [ __ ] years and then like no one would get it it's like you're right I got a little violence cracked [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] it's good savable [Music] exactly 100 bits appreciate that appreciate that we need a mule Turkish milkless fish who a diamond sets also savable - a diamonds is the easy way to do this if we can find a blank card you know what I'm gonna show you put you in the way corner find a blank card with the battery - diamonds it's just it's a walk in the park from that point on we ought to do this [ __ ] of coming into this room and inevitably boys change stuff it was a per throw to be anything good this is pretty good - all right do that against oh that's right he had the [ __ ] watch a fetus I'm a doctor I should know doctor doctor doctor okay but have you guys seen the spies like us doctor seen [Music] let's just go through and and and [ __ ] copyright right I mean I am very concerned about you know I don't think that this breaks any copyright issues volume up volume up minutes a minute sit back and relax your mics muted putting them on mics muted mics not muted and dr. Stinson Mastan and Gil of the Northampton trauma Institute and dr. M House of the Zurich Relief Fund these are our newly arrived surgeons doctors Trowbridge and Greenbaum doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor and doctor well we miss anyone doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor I know it seems lame it's like slow moving it's like old comedy where it's not just like but it's pretty [ __ ] funny that I roll back into the dubstep for your second better all induced brains put a slow boring flip nobody even supported I'm what am I missing missing my [Music] doctor doctor sorry music was allowed you're right my bad no big exploding stuff for your ears exiled crypt here is set months with the kiddos than watching your vids were quite a while been busy with life and really never had time for streams we glad to help where I can now more than ever phenomenal good work thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate that more a skull doctor how's the music now better back to normal and the saws anus doctor it's okay who needs ears you know you really actually don't need them effectively you just have to keep them cuz you're selfish now some kids are more about ears [Music] nice and say you don't hear that complaining but some are like they don't hear you complaining I'm gonna take that you've like heinous Jewish foods that I'm gonna need it I don't want it I don't want habla table are you gonna use that money huts what money oh my money claim at the donation money I'm like that's st. Jude though bruh can't hear sis your stream needs subtitles now good Earth's too loud it's still too loud you have a chance for eyes with PhD cause up the doctor doctor doctor doctor [Music] sprinkle ya paint palette I don't know what that does and you know what can we pop this card against humanity no because they're still pooping the floor I mean I could fill in the extra spaces I guess we we run the risk let's see here how does it work if we're holding it it changes into a pill if it's on the floor it does not change into a pill because we have starter deck do we have started act we have starter deck we have starter deck so how do we handle this situation this is how I wear a hat is this it and that's it Patrick thanks to the three months appreciate that let's use the d6 I could use the d6 and get rid of it yeah he's gonna show back up though I was gonna try to flex my acknowledge but then I'm like a little bit nervous that I'm gonna [ __ ] it up and ruin everything that we tried to to save Peppa I'll take the tarot claw here I wasn't gonna do I just ripped my d20 I didn't think that far ahead I could have stopped it on Terry all right who said who said use the d6 bring them forth in the court of public opinion get the noose ready noose ready yeah yeah I was my mistake but it's more fun to blame other people colorful soiled it FLARP and rip didn't realize until after I was like wait a second I'm missing something what am I missing right now well probably roll with the I mean the pepper is really good peppers super good do a little stony run we have the ability to carry two trinkets I wish we did I wish we did we could try to go for another item probably just run through this pedestal here blacker and everything else in the ends Kaylee hush there are five dogs and watching you since I was 14 I'm 18 normally watch on YouTube glad I could finally catch a stream owner to donate some of my graduation money wish I could donate more but my job is frozen right now I love everything you do I appreciate that thank you appreciate for giving back when you can also don't forget to take care yourself for sure if I take this cauldron we can go suck up the consumables in the other room and turn them into something drop it pick it back up well you know we tried to get bookworm all right No no men is it a no balls could you get it back by rolling I think it's gone and if we keep rolling we're just gonna breakfast no I mean I could have my D six on me and I could have got to charge for about picking up that item rip at this point I'm better to just buy batteries for my D Sacco sacks pennyworth void I want to mess with voiding ad1 well actually D one's fine avoiding the pickaxe this would be the not fun part their havoc we can do some fun stuff with that maybe schoolbag probably worth having here that's all the money that we got you can run through our purse rows the moments maybe come up with like a blank card or something battery baby you like [Music] rocket shoes chaos the money Pandora's box I don't know what that does in depth money I don't know if that does proceeds to tell you what it does and then in confidence or with confidence uses it in confidence all right so now what circuitry I don't know if that does if those boots are good they're [ __ ] garbage rip mom's box plus cracked crown why fanny pack drop stuff on the ground when I take damage why I don't even know what that is but that's dole by Scop order mind if I roll need a bucket okay sure all right fine get purity no my buddy [ __ ] my buddy you're too poor items in the other room I'm not gonna take those oh these ro yeah these for sure I'll blocker on this um then I say Patrick for three months welcome back like I just heard a notification noise memmio's the music let's just go ahead and suck these up to Diamond stop laughs I did forget about the two diamonds but maybe we should hit that with us cuz we'd still get the blank card all is not lost my friends anything I could do here with this do we have another first row or to be use elbows Blackburn another copy I don't know what these are I don't know I know what that is this is a damage up funky fried chicken five months welcome back I can't be bad get it touch them diligence humility tier 2 tier la Porter abyss yeah I don't even know I don't even know all right to block roads and that's it good fire right so now I'm gonna fire right right now which one does better this is plus seven damage this is better fire right though I'm gonna have to go with the damage here cuz I'm not gonna be spamming bombs anyways and I will also take my two diamonds alright yeah that's right out no we're gonna store interesting just the dollies why do items get permanent curse of darkness what do they exists to ruin any kind of YouTube vados or stream video bends over for compression [Music] that last poll one or two which ones one and which ones - one is yes and one isn't no more you - yes - is - is more yes they're both good they're both favorite it's not that dark though so SIL Weaver yeah it's pretty dark you can be GUP if we get four I'm already got two boy you watching [Music] remember I picked up the guppy piece and it was like buying copy the whole thing you check your email recently are you the editor that while you're asking don't touch your eyes they burn though it feels good yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure what I feel about like the editing thing I don't know I don't know if you were talking about like doing best of twitch comps or if you were talking about like main channel stuff but I I do like a lot of edits right now I'll sample them that you gave me like we're some sample things I don't know if that was like your exact editing style hots D F smother your face holes they burn because you touched them ice your eyes you guys want number three you know this temperance true power is in restraints just say no abstinence and we're back in send her to drugs tech to bellybutton bellybutton would have a nice last for fear shot eaten soul if I gonna charge for eating soul I'll probably just pop it in the devil room [Music] we should still win for sure I'm not really worried about ripping the d20 [Music] we're already in far enough material of Porter if I use that on a bomb I don't know doesn't do anything it doesn't really work I think it's supposed to swap my location with a tear so right there it was kind of shooting me around the room almost forced me to pick up the laser lady's tasing all kinds Daisy see what's for sale another one of these weird-looking things they don't know what they do they're so cryptic - why do the tears explode into my body as well and the bomb explodes I don't get that alright first room check for your secret was that plus thou just worth the extra money a little dab'll do ya one bomb one bomb her side her waves look at the rainbow though here is 30 it's already over basically one shotting everything would you play slay the spire today I promised that I would play Gunjan chat pics so that's the plan after this Lester how late of a stream we're going to do we're either gonna stop early so that I can edit my YouTube video if I'm feeling that or just maybe switch to Borderlands so we got options good stuff and then eating soul some good stuff I don't necessarily want copies pop but it's there I got a rear old it I got two charged on that you know that is true Animal Crossing and chill in the works I don't have anything planned I don't have any like meals or date nights plan what do you guys think I was taking on a date how would you do it it's gotta be quarantined friendly though how about a picnic out in my backyard that's so nice edit lives the sweetie wolf girl I don't think that that would be sensible but be super boring picnics are amazing and your backyard is beautiful sounds awesome I'd have to buy like a picnic blanket a picnic blanket let's do this patience and then what I'll use my two a diamonds and then we're going to not buy anything this sucks sense of being [Music] next floor being okay barbecue date bookworm I thought we we didn't get booked room doobie it's too late now no I'm gonna start cooking with Hut's live you should try world of warcraft specifically I've never played World of Warcraft for a reason Sheol boobs brain roverís before doing nice [Music] nice hat man oh thanks well thanks I'm gonna go since nice stuff it's like where you might be breakfasting how's it hangin popped in from another stream what's hanging these six Bob's brain you're dating us why are you talking about doing another girl don't poke holes in this an open relationship plus I'm not actually me in the game so you're saying that like let's say that you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a wife or whatever the [ __ ] you want to call whatever you're and then you pick up like stardew right and you marry somebody in stardew is that person like whoa hey That's not me Oh rube oh ho ho Bob no what the book one is good let's go bookworm [Music] I didn't agree to that I'm very insecure hello I'm here because YouTube is borken 3 because he looks cute [Music] see iceberg YouTube is actually down let me confirm this was just watching stuff on YouTube which does look weird did it get an update what's this [ __ ] terrible news gamers dan shaved his mustache it looks like they're doing an update or something cuz we like literally we just watching stuff and this didn't it was they didn't look like this looks like they're updating but welcome to the stream you guys now for number three Isaac's skull don't ask how this is possible an active item what does it do damage went up shot speed went down it be gain Godhead I don't like we got Godhead there I don't know what's that you guys want this one cool thanks guys good pulling nice drawer of hands tray yeah before the game got head that's like super overpowered holy crap so if I shoot through this little eyeball the tears double it's kind of like that other item that does that look at that Wow the prism yeah the prison but I was thinking of the spectral baby no what's it called it's until like prism no interdimensional friend multi-dimensional baby thank you [Applause] Book of the Dead pass thanks though thanks for that nice we're actually nice on the line [ __ ] anybody at $0.99 shut up you know what I'm just gonna go in wool good one good place good place get the quarter now rips it's nonsense and down an explore no ice there's a battery up here that said [Music] you are correct sir I should buy those or bomb the pots okay so another quarter [Music] thick brain you can't lose this last shot double use knocked it with d6 it's not to be a good idea the Sun card should make curse of darkness go away tell me I'm wrong about that try to even tell me I'm wrong about I'm once again [ __ ] money limits on Marni up kindness may your intentions be pure for sure missed missed again in labra Alice's candles fires around me Lane Superman e 12 is not gonna do it for me I wouldn't mind having that half off pedestal though so maybe d6 calling mitosis splitting tears Suns hot smart bombs seek and destroy is that actually a proc on my dr. fetus bombs of totally I get up and walk around four point zero zero zero zero five seconds awesome okay I'm trying to bomb the machine sabaidee [ __ ] francis five dollars until 2phi appreciate not much but I'm broke it is much thank you thank you what's your amazing donate button for charity and no donate button for yourself respect and have an amazing day cheers to that also Dale for four or five five what up you know honor I'm sorry I didn't call it your five hundred bits that you did and Nick davender says are you the best player at binding of issac question mark you know that's something I was thinking about today who would you guys say is the best player who's who's the best toy player didn't this is not a trick question I'm not expecting the same I can't aim a little bit since you're here watching me but like other than that I don't think I'm the best Isaac player let's say it was put it that way plus of course sin Victor soldier says probably sin Victor cobalt no offense I'm not some that there's no offense to be taken you know I was actually I was taking it back once then victory uh when I was on his stream and he said go follow hots he's a much better Isaac player than I was like what was a joke you're kidding I I mean I I have to admit that I haven't soaked up enough synthetic content and no to really gauge how good he is so I'm not saying he I am he is that or anything like that besides the question he was giving me [ __ ] for not using things like I was very surprised that he would say that it was probably just because he's trying to be a super nice more point employ there's a watch playing eyes against Invicta well we don't that I'm not saying until I put anybody down I was just curiously you guys thought was the best sized Eclair okay what the hell is going on this is never ending this is a song and ever and since it goes on and on my friend what makes a good Isaac choir you guys he knows more about items or something my compost I'd like to be better but I think I'm pretty good I just kind of I make mistakes of laziness I think is what it is he never uses pills well that's true I will use pills there are times on eating streaks you see me play a different different way you want to watch someone take nothing and break the game watch Cobalts I mean cobalt was the one that taught me how to break the game so god that's that's a deal [Music] no brainer there um I I think that was garbage I remember Hey look it multi-dimensional and then these are good just gonna re-roll it gonna reroll it again yes I guess we'll pull this for no reason there's more than you and tear yes Invicta place a lot of Isaac northernlion plays a lot of Isaac cobalt streams a lot of Isaac so here's the deal you want some streams cobalt has been streaming Isaac since I was like four years old and he knows his stuff if you want uncut YouTube videos that's where like northernlion like that's how I found Isaac through Northern Line and also sin Victor falls in that category as well uncut YouTube episodes of Isaac and more and then also those two guys both stream Isaac sometimes and a lot of the games which once Invicta is we just played risk of rain with him he did that tournament thing where I had to like rank the the items that I don't think that's come out I'm not sure what the with the dealio on that is but I was hairballs phenomenal Fox tears [Music] tear has really cut YouTube Isaac yeah tear grace I don't know if he still does Isaac I haven't been up on my tear grace recently but he doesn't a lot of edited much like my videos on YouTube it's not like his older stuff isn't quality though if that's what you're into yum did some Isaac I don't even know if he still does it I think he does it still okay what is up with this it's great like it's killing everybody but it's also my machine is gone okay this last floor let me grab that but you know what a good card could make a difference here black run could I do anything with you no devil that's List pilo just a pile of garbage aw damn um got a d6 I guess he's gonna charge me let's just get her Godhead on and kill him in like five seconds it's literally gonna take five seconds yeah I was fun to watch I would say yup is a lot like my content as well he has a he has more so like more face candy stuff where he like runs around the room kind of like pewds I would like to have a setup more like that way of a standing desk and you can actually like explore the space but I haven't done anything like that one [Music] four five five seconds count it now let me ask you who's the best classic boy hair damn no it's good [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,347
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: FAqgMsc-SBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 40sec (5080 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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