Police Story: "No Margin For Error" (1978) - Glenn Ford (guest star)

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thank you 13.99 1389 John x-ray Paul 8839 no water warrant Roger 388 see the woman a 415 fight 2701 Wilder 602 13 zebra 20 go to Tech Two zebra 223 Roger repeat your code six locations 13 z-20 super 22 verify out to Newton 12x383 Paul Sam William 77th morning unit clearly identified AMX 673 kitchen x22 Roger so I said my next two are up on Friday and Saturday nights we could have dinner either of those two nights and she said Mary so I said hey I don't remember asking if you were married or not do me a favor I don't want to spend the entire watch on this are you oh you're not going to feed your monster ready mate I guess your balls or something which reminds me how'd you get Friday night off easy talk to the sergeant all I have to do is remind him I've got you for a partner and they agree it's a hardship case I'm a hardship case oh that's terrific now we got a bowling Widow Tonya chuck if you don't watch your step with these ladies one of these days you know I know you don't have to say it one of these days I'm going to be blown away and you're going to feel bad huh because you're gonna have to break in a new apartment well on second thought it trust me pal won't be one of these days it'll be one of those nights oh yeah look Mr Chuck on I'm trying to explain yes your wife is still working here but she's not in today you got a phone number for her don't you yeah I have a phone number for her but I can't give you that she's got to do that give me the phone number give me the address where she moved to him I told you I can't do that I still got that nice Brown sedan you brought my wife home in look I only brought her home because we worked late yeah yeah I still got it okay you and I are gonna get in that nice car of yours are you gonna show me just where that trap is living now the blood brains out tired of being pushed around yeah you know tonight I sure could use some Chinese food and you could go for Chinese food seven nights out of seven you know I work six more months with you I'm gonna be speaking Cantonese all Eastern units and four out of 24 a possible kidnapping with hostage suspect and hostage have left first and Lindsay in a brown sedan Crest on First Street 4 out of 24 your call is code three [Music] all right 24 that's a rush is driving negative at this time 4 8 36. we will back up for a 24's Hot Shot call as we are in the vicinity we're out of 36 Roger additional on the call hostages believe driving his own vehicle suspect is armed 4836 Roger here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4 8 24 we are in pursuit of 207 suspect and hostage proceeding South on Sumner Boulevard 10. [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 36 we are at Sumter Boulevard and Avenue 16. request a supervisor and an ambulance request an officer-involved shooting team we've got two downs 40-36 Roger and we'll notify IHC 4836 Roger okay we're on the way I had to shoot no that's not quite true see the shooting review board makes a recommendation after an extensive investigation by an officer involved shooting team now if I agree with that finding I approve it suppose you don't agree well then I can recommend the officer's case be reviewed by our Bureau of internal affairs which can Institute action against the officer yes have you ever done that yes how many times I mean four years I don't know once twice less than a dozen times so I'm sure it was less than a dozen times may I ask what about the district attorney now if he believes an officer may have used his weapon wrongfully wounded or killed someone can he pursue his own investigation of course he's the chief criminal law enforcement officer of the county he can pursue his own investigation if he so chooses in fact we encourage it and to your knowledge how many times has a district attorney's office done this I wouldn't know once twice less than a dozen times so that in four years you're saying that probably less than a dozen times someone other than yourself the chief of the department deputy chief has decided whether it was right or wrong for a policeman to kill I would hope that would be far less than a dozen times I mean the investigation that we make is absolutely objective you honestly believe that an investigation of policemen by other policemen can be absolutely objective I Know It is Well gentlemen we're running out of time if not controversy but one final note if I may deputy chief Hayes out of the academy will have a course pop-up Target some bad guys some good guys yes that's true is it true that the good guy most frequently mistakenly being shot by your officers is a pop-up Effigy of a television newsman well uh I don't have the figures on that Michael but I'd be glad to check it out and get back to you thank you deputy chief Hayes thank you George Sterling of the news thank you sir Johnson of the register next week at this time Our Guest State Senator Robert Shaws until then thank you for your company goodbye now and paid well how'd we do I've never seen anyone come off death row at San Quentin looking any better he did fine a couple of times I wanted to come over and punch one of them out but I held back that was politic where's Tim oh he's taking the phone call chief chief we just had a suspect hostage shooting go down in the Eastern Division less than 20 minutes ago any officers Hurt No but we have a dead hostage and a dead suspect I'd have bramlet call me before he leaves the shooting scene right yes sir if I've left the office I'll leave a number where he can reach me after that he can call me at home what about the Press they'll be after Bramlett on this one well you tell Bramlett if they ask specific questions to give specific answers but if they start talking about body count have them call me directly they love that yeah well I'm uh well they're on their all-time favorites scratch one banquet oh no no you're all dressed that wouldn't be fair oh look you're under question I know it's going to get worse before it gets better why don't you drop me at the police building and I'll go home and put something in the microwave and I'll see you when you get well now if our press relations officer driving will promise not to let it get around the building I'd admit that after 20 years of marriage I'm very much in love with my way never worked you good Anderson I guess landing's got enough info from you guys by now but we want to talk to you again in probably a few more times yes Lieutenant I know it's early but I don't suppose you could tell us anything I can tell you this it's probably going to be a long and painful knife of Italian and Parker I can tell you we never give up until we're sure you uh worked this District two years Anderson yes sir you live around here on Dorado yes sir well after all the understandable hysteria over at Pacific Western loan we finally got a phone number and an address on guitarist we called there was no answer I want you to go over there take a black and white and sit there until somebody shows us [Music] hey Bill but how how's it going George well so far I got two guys that can positively swear that they saw the officer shoot the man after he was down and handcuffed well that's bother the course yeah looks like it's gonna be a long night indeed it is that's right something with my kids Paul okay why don't you let me take these wait a minute [Music] we had a good day good night good night are you looking for somebody young and willing ladies and wrestlers old and desperate take anything I can do yeah so I've heard you rap how's the man fine Fred and Ross got the call they were involved in the shooting Chuck and I were just backing him up and you're okay he's terrific good he's gonna make it who's gonna make it the older man the one with the cardiac angina the one you said you thought had something like a 20 chance of recovery yeah they get open heart surgery tonight at 7 30. he was on the table for three hours I had that team of young genius surgeons moving terrifically and now he's in post recovery I wouldn't be surprised if he lent is at one of the night nurses I would I don't understand I think he'd rather wait until you get to work tomorrow oh yeah it's nice I'm sorry about what I hear my husband is involved in a high speed chase gunshots involved two dead and I'm so busy talking about my getting a car you must be worn out fine David all right checked with my mom he talked her into letting him watch the sexy series but then he manfully fell asleep funny kid thank God for your mother the results have been useful design but the high fish turn left here and Chicago must have seen 4836 approaching and apparently ordered guitarist to swing back around towards you that's right and you thought there might be a crash between your car and a hostages yes sir this area here now behind a Pontiac now before you started firing nobody there not that I can remember now all right small buildings here did you see anybody there I don't know I mean how do you expect an officer I don't expect to not expect anything yes sir you're gonna have to call me sir not that the best of your knowledge before you started firing the only persons whose lives might have been endangered with a suspect and a hostage yes sir I mean yes sit there I'll go see if the Lieutenant's ready for us and we run it down for him uh sir then what happens then we go out and reenact the action at the site and after that sometimes tomorrow you Captain get an appointment for you with uh Dr Simmons I have to see the department shrink standard policy now Ross as a matter of fact they probably told you that several times at the roll call no yeah I remember it and they say it never goes into your jacket but somehow you always wonder know that everything goes into your jacket [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I just want money huh not the ones and fives you keep up here I want the tens 20s and 50s you just took to the back come on foreign [Music] foreign oh I'm sorry Chief I would have called again but uh we just got through for the night a few minutes ago uh bill will you still be able to get the preliminary report out in time well we always have Chief I got a call from the police commissioner that's high level yeah it'll go higher so will the pressure he pointed out that the unfortunate fatalities this afternoon with the figure of police shootings at almost double what it was this time last year but that's not a choice we make they don't hear that bill no he said this happened at a time when fatalities or injuries to officers had not risen significantly oh [ __ ] crying out loud what the hell are they saying that if you get six dead armed robbers they want six Dead Cops too to prove that the game is fair uh I'm sorry Chief uh you don't need that in the middle of the night forget it uh you said something about pressure how much are we gonna have to yield to achieve not an inch not a damn ditch thanks good night good night bill [Music] um 4 item 36 a shooting possible 187 involved in John's Supermarket 91-37 Olympic Avenue 4 item 36 your call is code three six that's a Roger there goes my Friday night [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] good to see you guys foreign [Music] politic control of the front Chuck and I'll take the rear got you let's go [Music] foreign [Music] but I'm the store manager I'm the one that called for you all right get down and get back here what should I get down for it it's all over he's gonna shoot anybody else what are you talking about who's he come on come on I'll show you [Music] excuse me folks please please can you please get this basket back [Music] here I told you it wouldn't take that long what's going on ask him Chuck get an ambulance put out a code for get a supervisor down here what happened here I reported for work at 13 40 hours I don my universe inspected night to the man on the floor how did he get there there was a line in front of this check stand check stand number one go on the female over there he means me I'm the female officer he broke into the line clearly cutting ahead of many people I ordered her to go to the end of the line she refused how exactly I told him to go to all right all right one version at a time go on she made an obscene reply and refused to yield a place that she was not entitled to I ordered her to the end of the line a second and third time at which point I threw my weapon and fired one shot which hit the gentleman behind him you were going to shoot it because she wouldn't get out of line I'd ordered her out three times hello Mr clipper just how long have you been with Standard Security today sir [Music] see and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to arrest you Mr Clipper and assault with a deadly weapon Chuck readings rights the right to remain silent if you just see what they send me all the money this company puts out and that's what they said during The Question is an ambulance is on its way how do you feel now I don't know how badly I'm just but I I do know I now own this store [Music] to arrest for armed robbery juvenile record dating back to the age of 12 gang activities throw in a few assault charges by his estranged wife and there you have the highlights of jacon's accomplishments in his brief life on the other side of the coin guitarres he came from the same neighborhood Vietnam veteran pretty wife three nice kids and so we have um one Thug and one tragedy right yes oh oh all right uh cinnamon Carol commissioner Martin wall art morning commissioner well Chief I guess I better get back to you no no there's no reason for you to be leaving Lieutenant as a matter of fact we're very concerned over the vacation shooting we're expecting a final report on that by the middle of next week then you could convene a shooting review board by no later than next Thursday and we'll shoot for Thursday the choice of words Walter as I was saying we're very anxious to get this thing straightened out buttoned up I'm well aware of that oh it's not just the commission now there's a good deal of concern over police shootings in the council and City Hall in Sacramento as a kind of climate being created in the city gentlemen and we're going to have to respond to it whether we like it or not I don't understand commissioner we've changed the shooting policy we've restricted the circumstances in which an officer can draw his gun that's right we changed the policy but what people want now are positive results something they can read in the newspaper well what would you consider positive results an officer's head all I'm going to tell you is that there are growing number of people who would say well that's a start anyway [Music] come on not again okay fine fine I will get out and walk you can blow up I'll go take a bus and wait for the insurance money go ahead go up why don't you try kicking it I have I think it's gotten used to it mind if I take a look not if you have anything important to do nothing they can't wait a few minutes right what do you think you'd let it cool off a little bit actually I was hoping it would blow up I know what you mean 18. how about you seven my dad says how to get rid of this old thing and buy American I'd probably be inclined to agree with him but uh that's generation gap well there may be more but the immediate cause of pain seems to be a loose clamp I'll get a pair of pliers oh don't go to a lot of trouble no trouble at all the civil service is entitled everything except my right to eight pretty young ladies in distress oh I appreciate it thank you you should have seen the car I drove in college hi balloon skins for tires and an engine that ran on loyalty held together by bailing wine you go to City why don't you give it a try now see what happens okay hey the temperature gauge is okay now okay I still think you ought to find a service station [Music] most of your classes at night but Diane Dennison and thank you again sure I think it starts sometime cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] especially you know I bought five drinks three nights hey you're a regular computer one from me all right when you put your hand on it hey you really think that you're the first anything wrong Gloria no everything's just fine honey listen Noth I'm sorry about the lack of introductions but I just planked on your name foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] it has been established that the three recent robberies in the eastern and Central areas with two of the victims slain are the work of the same suspect that the crimes are linked primarily ballistically however all Robbery Homicide has is that in two cases the late model vehicle similarly described has been observed parked near the scene of the crime a description of the vehicle vague late model dark in color one witness thought it was an official vehicle some City agency and the driver one case the Chinatown robbery with the owner slain one witness saw this vehicle parked With A well-dressed male black behind the wheel you didn't see the driver get out but here's the feeling he was tall hey Sarge maybe we ought to print my partner he's tall dresses like a banker on his days off and that black marker piece looks two blocks long I'll pass the throttle along to Rob real homicide to kill him yes sir Captain fire would like to see you in his office after roll call Johnson and Powell or a 19. [Music] um gave up the ghost huh I'm afraid so or I hope so I don't know what [ __ ] listen are you sure this isn't a lot of trouble no trouble at all listen I have overtime day off got tired of watching Four Walls and TV reruns well my father works until seven and my boyfriend's in class and it's a final I wouldn't even drive it stop [Music] yeah a boyfriend at City also State he's majoring in government oh a lot of headaches but you get paid well for having them pretty serious pretty serious [Music] the shooting review board tomorrow will be composed of Deputy Chief or somebody designates a commander in this Bureau and myself so I guess really all I want to ask you is if there's anything that's come to your mind anything you think I ought to know when that board meets tomorrow how long's a review board take oh it can go six hours or five minutes but most of them go pretty fast can you think of anything unless they're nothing at all I just hope it all turns out all right so do I like I said better let you get to work Ross you're going to be tense out there in the field tonight I can handle it there isn't much we can do about detention but uh maybe you can let out some of the anger here all right captain foreign you see I've been shot at I laid my life on the line and from that minute on I might as well be defended on trial that's the system well I've been questioning how I can't even think straight taking back the scene of the shooting set behind a desk for days and had my picture on TV and yet I still have a lot to sweat out I ask myself do I really need all this yeah when something like this happened I usually ask myself the same thing about three o'clock in the morning same with you [Music] [Music] 4L 25 request a wanted DMV on California license 359 Boy Adam King [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] excuse me sir you made the legal aim change in the last intersection I'm trying to get this young lady to a final exam I'll try not to continue any longer than necessary may I see a driver's license please would you take it out please thank you yeah I wouldn't be getting this ticket if you hadn't helped me oh forget it 4L 25 request code 10 for one adult Otis Spencer 5 feet 11 inches 170 pounds salt pepper hair dark brown eyes dob4-16-35 949 Haven Street driver's license t485631 I thought he said he'd go as fast as possible maybe he's doing his best how was your time well I'm fine I'm just sorry that I bothered you now 4025 there's a Code six trials on your suspect backup unit in route [Music] what is it Opposite step out of the car please for a lane change get out of the car now [Music] I hope you can drive [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute all right he's alive [Music] oh God [Music] would you uh get an address on the girl yet 929 Haven Street what do you mean same as a suspect yeah well when you send the black and white over to make notification let them know what the situation is I plan on doing that though I'm sorry George just getting to me have you had a chance to talk to him yet no not much I figure when Lanning gets here I'll start with all right we'll get you out of here right away where's your partner today 's off well it won't be long foreign yeah we're in luck uh George is going to take Anderson in it okay yeah I'll get him out of here how you feeling right okay let's get together foreign Lieutenant I've got the keys to the trunk and my partner's having a tough time trying to get a hold of a judge to get a search warrant I understand that there's a felony one on the kidnapping this guy is Spencer that's right they're booking him on murder it's your case Pierce you've got a vehicle that's been used in the commission of a felony the kidnap victim may be in that car why were you I'd open that trunk right now thanks lieutenant [Music] [Music] photographer I want photographs of this case while it's still in the trunk with the case went open and then closed [Music] Anderson knew what he was looking for just after the beginning this afternoon at roll call we got a description of the suspect involved in three mom and pop robberies what was the description possibly a tall well-dressed black driving a dark blue or black vehicle no make it's similar to a city vehicle [Music] [Music] got it Gloria not working tonight Gloria yeah I'm sorry buddy but you gotta fill me in uh I'm only a really poor attendant who's worried it's a little uh dark here if you're all about this tall oh yeah Gloria uh she's not in tonight sorry [Music] foreign to get out of the car and he said uh what four lane change I told him to get out again he said something to the girl you remember what uh I don't know something like maybe she'd have to drive now anyway he shoved the door open came out fast scuffling down on the ground and I heard the crowd yelling what did you see his face anything uh behind him uh teenagers girl his face all right keep going I started to shut the gun on my side and groin I kill me and I shoved my left arm up hard and I fired twice fire twice and when you got up where was the crowd all around yelling what'd you say oh get away from me get the hell away from me when you went to the car looked inside the girl was lying there on the uh the driver's side with her head back and uh I thought maybe she had passed out and I walked over in a put my hand behind her head and there was blood all over him what it's our school books [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I call out a second order to haul to begin identifying myself the police officer at this point the suspect was still facing right huh exactly at that point if you had a turn at the same time brought up a dark colored object which I believe to be a short barrel revolved and fearing from my life I fired Two Shots both of which struck the suspect he fellow the alley the apartment building at 916 Beach Street 911-916 beach streets after determining that he was dead I handcuffed him I used the phone of the apartments building manager Mrs Lorraine Parry to notify the desk at the West Harbor division yeah that's exactly the way it happened here it's exactly George I'll see this gets into the final report good is that it I am bushed I'll tell you George I'm sorry I had to convince delay that's all right they got you back on the street yet no I'm on my two off but the captain says when I come back to work I get to go back out there which is a relief right George thank you very much thank you thank you problems with the report that's exactly the way it happened still feel the same yeah wow it's a little too late to be calling the chief I don't suppose there's much more we could do before morning ESP I don't knock it anymore Bramlett how's it going with calendar we went through the whole reenactment uh no change I didn't know whether to call you this late I was waiting for the 11 o'clock news attack I thought I'd check with He Who well same feeling Chief Tom George myself we don't know what he's lying about we don't know why he's lying but he is lying and the commission is pressing for a final report on this one as soon as possible uh we could be wrong Chief no no you're not wrong now you stay with it as long as humanly possible okay good night bill [Music] Eastern Division Anderson speaking I'm sorry sir Captain Fargo isn't it anymore perhaps you could give him a message for me this is a chief surgeon Nyquist over at County General yes sir well he asked me to advise him on the results of a second emergency surgery on one of your prisoners Otis Spencer yes sir uh we've completed the surgery very successfully he's out of danger and no longer in critical condition a few minutes terrific I begapod I'll pass that information along to Captain Fargo and thank you for coming sir [Music] how you doing buddy okay and I picked off the 502 trying to see what it was like to go the other way on the freeway another exciting day police were that was Joe all right I understand they tied this guy Spencer into those three robberies yeah hey look pal this might help he wiped out two people in cold blooded lots of people in Cold Blood now he's in post-operative doing nicely thank you a college girl are asking for a ride is being buried tomorrow morning that's a fair trade [Music] [Music] hey fella how you doing I'm okay why'd they have to party mom you have to go to work I can be a little late this month hi there Mrs Anderson hi give us a minute huh please sit down I got here as fast as I could yes I know you did I'm sorry I had to call you he doesn't seem to be physically hurt well he is in 10 of Mr rivers and I can stop it he won't wait a minute Miss Santa's uh you've lost me stop what how long has this been going on well it's hard to say almost immediately after the um incident we had some name-calling and insults about your husband but in the last few days almost a week now I thought the worst of it was over until it's about my husband well I suppose the most colorful one is The Honky cowboy who blew up black chick God look Mrs Anderson I'm not giving you the whole picture for every one of my black kids who's wised off there are at least three who have either kept quiet or even held out their hands I just don't understand why the child hasn't said anything well maybe he feels that you and your husband have enough on your minds right now without worrying about him anyway today at recess some of the Junior High kids who aren't even students here were out on the grounds agitating and as I say a Mr rivers and I broke things up but well I thought that it being Friday that maybe David had had enough of Ellison Elementary for the day yeah thanks I'm sure he has and I can just take him home now sure thanks again please if there's anything I can do let me know okay David let's go home yeah but I'll miss math it's all right this time you can make it up on Monday yeah I'll talk to him good morning good morning Chief well now what can we do for you we have a report from a source who's previously been very reliable about the Jack eagle shooting Oh you mean the shooting of Jack Eagle the national hero come again chief well I have the story in front of me here he says the body of John Eagle aircraft engine builder Charles eagle has flown to the family home at Coronado today he goes to the shootings by off-duty police officer Ralph calendar has become the subject of increasing controversy and will be buried at Pacific Cemetery after private series yeah you know you don't give that much front page space to a general how come we have a report that says on the night calendar shot and killed young Eagle he'd been drinking for a period of several hours yet Lieutenant bramlet issued a press release after the shooting and made no mention of calendars drinking who would you care to report on that sir no I would not the investigation is still in progress the investigation is confidential in nature now you know that but if something comes up that we feel is important enough to make public immediately we will bring out a second or a third release in other words Lieutenant Bramlett didn't think colander's drinking important enough to reveal it to the Press well now I think that that's a question that you should ask Lieutenant Bramlett right that's the story we're printing in the late afternoon Edition Chief that's your decision that's your job thank you very much for accepting my call sir oh thank you for calling me the news knows that calendar was drinking The Nutty shot Eagle test by the Breathometer shows .071 percentage alcohol in the bloodstream that's not a lot of booze yeah I know it's uh uh we've had two shootings in the last month where innocent people were shot now they were police involved shootings and those kind of things make the headlines right but our internal follow-ups and investigations on those are either ignored or come under suspicion so you have to go way back and look in the third section of the paper to find those stories but the ego kid whose father is a wealthy influential man and who happens to be white now gives the papers even more to work with yeah an officer was drinking at Hypes of sale of every Edition for 48 hours and whichever Network covers it best can sweep the six and eleven o'clock news tonight so that now a grim joke once heard primarily in the anti-police special interest newspapers has begun to gain a wider and more frightening circulation the joke is that the most feared figure in the community is now a white male in his late 20s who lives in the valley plate High School football and now wears the blue uniform of the city police I'm guilty in other news the Army course Engineers have begun making a survey of the Allendale Dam though these inspections have remained High [Music] thank you [Music] David asleep yeah hours ago any arguments no would you think we should go to bed why don't you just go in uh I'll just finish this be right with you I know you're under a lot of strain Jack you've been drinking more in the last 10 days than you've drunk the entire time we've been married Denison wasn't dead 10 days ago there wasn't anything you could have done about that I could have waited for the backup I could have waited it wasn't enx convict with evidence in his trunk to convict him of murder and wouldn't you realize you were you were waiting for help and he would have run away anyway oh please please go in just let me finish no no I had to go to school today bring David home apparently he's been under a lot of pressure since the shooting why don't you tell me he can stand the pressure but neither one of us can stand it if you keep shutting us out I just don't wish to talk to going back out into the field tomorrow maybe that's the best thing suppose it isn't there's no guarantee that you won't walk or drive into a similar situation 15 minutes after you're back on duty and I want you to be ready for it to be able to handle it I'm sorry that poor girl is dead but your son is alive and I'm alive and you're alive and I'm so grateful to God for that just that I pray to him that nothing should destroy us [Music] venison somebody here to see you thank you Gene [Music] [Music] can you see me yes sir I can't see nearby Dennison my name is John Anderson I'm the police officer yeah I know that I saw your picture [Music] I wanted to call you sir to talk to you okay to explain the newspapers came to my how after it happened that's a lot of questions I told them about Diane and show him her graduation pictures totally hard raised her after her mother died it was even a list of the last days they said they'd print that oh they printed a little bit for a day or so except the black dicks they made it racist anything that papers say now is just my daughter was His companion she was not his companion I know that's uh believe me I know that Mr Dennison I want you to know it was an accident the papers said that I believe it I believe you sir [Music] if I could have changed anything [Music] to help you [Music] I appreciate you seeing me away from the police building oh it's no problem John gives me a chance to breathe in some of this fresh smog has your husband told you much about uh the investigation we're making not in detail he says it's very thorough and fair and he trusts you I guess that's why I'm here oh things going at home there's no home there's myself there's a son who goes to school watches television and goes to bed and then there's a stranger who keeps going further and God I don't know where poor Jack goes these nights [Applause] well John I can only tell you this Jack is going through a pretty tough time oh he's got a lot going for him he's intelligent basically a strong and sound man I tell myself that I tell myself he wouldn't be taking it as hard as he is if he wasn't the kind of man you say he is that I know he is but it's so tough when he can't communicate of course it is it's tough on all the wives let me ask you something now Jack tells me that you're a nurse that's right then you must have had some patients who were in pretty tough shape couldn't communicate we're in intense pain well then haven't you ever felt that just the fact you're being there even though they couldn't talk to you made a big difference almost always John if you could do that for Jack now no matter how tough it gets on you and the kid it's the most important thing he's got going for him get there [Music] went well this morning yeah within departmental policy and up the standard and it was right and I was right about Anderson all along how about calendar a whole different ball game it's on my desk Split Decision I had to give it to Captain Lane in spite of the fact that he's taken a lot of heat lately he found it within policy but substandard however his two superiors found out of policy completely yeah well it's a mess but um but at least you can tie off the wound disciplinary action oh no it's not that simple you see Brahman still thinks we haven't gotten the whole story we've got the complete investigation facts statements everything except something that I don't feel it's quite right I don't know what it is and ship it over I mean the papers are full of it and it's political now and pressure now I know supposedly Bramlett thinks calendar is lying I suppose he doesn't find out what he is lying about then he's right out in the streets with or without a badge with or without a gun and uh the long run I know that I'm the man who put him there while controversy continues to center around the sixth floor offices of deputy chief Walter Hayes it's begun to spread Statewide in Sacramento today A high Aid to the governor yeah I think I'll comb my hair well have you got a late date huh yeah sure I got a yeah new girl in administrative narcotics she's got a hell of a figure and I would want you to go first class Walter good night no question hey Georgie you want to be the wife of the chief of police oh I guess I sort of had it in mind well you um may have to get a divorce Walter who are you calling Grandma still in the office too late what time is it 11 34. bill is Walter yes she you know I had a couple of drinks with Carl Fargo after work tonight when I left him I pretty much made up my mind to turn counter's case over the Board of Rights immediately well that makes sense sir well I've changed my mind no I'm going to keep the folder on my desk while you make one more run around the horn I don't understand let me tell you something I don't think he's lying about the details of the shooting itself if he is a story he came up with didn't help him that much and we verified it physically but I want everybody you can think of re-interviewed you understand his side of the fence Eagle side of the fence do you realize that could blow up in your face oh yeah I do I'll take that chance you got it sir okay thanks Bill you're reopening the investigation yeah that's right if I'm wrong the commission the Council of media May declare open season on the sixth floor and I'll be the Chief Sitting Target why are you taking the chance I don't know maybe it's uh ego he's pressure I mean because I push too hard to get a final report on calendar maybe it's Pride but if we can't find out the truth in any given case involving police Personnel then I sure as hell don't think anybody else can oh that's for sure oh hey well you got a tough out of here yeah I know Captain call you yeah I don't know if there was anything I just wanted to tell him yeah funny must be the same frogs he had somehow it must be different you know Roz I keep thinking I wish the hell it was over and yet I don't know what I mean by being over I'll tell you this it won't stop with me finds a review board I'll tell you something else the night before they met why was that most of them and I realized they had to come in with an answer it could affect me the rest of my life then I started thinking that maybe a man should come with a verdict on himself in the long run that's the one that counts the most anyway I got a couple hours sleep [Music] what I told you something like come on a job well you didn't disturb me what's wrong I'm not doing nothing it was just early quiet [Music] I want to see you okay I like that and I wanted you to know that I think maybe I [Music] well maybe I'm turning the corner [Music] hey you're all we've got want [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign that's right well I'm investigator uh sandwich this is my partner investigator Landing and here we come in why not but I do have to leave for work oh we understand hey oh all right thank you now exactly what is up for questioning that's a lovely TV oh the TV uh Miss Kane on November 2nd you were interviewed at your place of employment regarding a friend of yours Jack Eagle oh no now I'm not going to start go uh Excuse Me Miss Kane uh uh could I use your bathroom sure why not ride through the bedroom oh listen thanks a lot oh you're welcome thank you at the same time you're showing a picture of this man uh Harold Keller yeah and told that on prior case he had visited your place of employment you said that to the best of your knowledge you had never seen him and did not know him at all that's right okay [Music] decided it wasn't the old bowling shoes that was hurting his game after all he was uh he was just tired of bowling so he's decided to get himself a boat now he hadn't when he was in high school so he figures that'll make him happy good in a way she hates the water [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I know it's been building up we've been talking no no but I'm sitting in in there next to one mummy that I can't get through too many I'm Sorry Charlie I know what you've been carrying around inside your gut but I know it's more than just the beef because you came through walking on that boat shooting's okay no disciplinary action nothing like you said maybe it's more than just a beef I know that there's the guilt nobody's to say you shouldn't feel the or won't feel it for a long time I don't have any are there any of us would feel any different about it wow partner somewhere along the line you've got to open up to someone you gotta take yourself off the hook [Music] you gotta take me off dog oh yeah I was there hey you don't ride with a guy as long as I've been with you something happens to him you're there you think maybe you've got that backwards come look backwards all right you've been telling me what you've been going through for the past week or something think about what I've had to go through all these months what have you had to go you don't know dude you don't know month after month watch in watch out I've had to worry about honorrado's romances Mr Errol Flynn no wonder I'm a little Punchy just having to listen to you a little Punchy first they were the cheerleader from the pro football team who ran up a backfield coach remember that huh all right so maybe I took that one a little hard a little hard I was riding around with Hamlet for weeks oh yeah and then there was the uh the airline stewardess oh you remember that one remember how you were afraid or a jealous boyfriend might be out in the parking lot with a 30 30. I have a check Jack it's a pure Corvette I mean he don't know you at all remember that came through for me on that one already and now we got the bowling Widow and you out in the balcony in your shorts and that's not enough I gotta go home tonight and figure out if it's her the girl from Valley College is going to be the problem tomorrow night [Music] [Laughter] you son of a gun barricaded Suspect with hostage see the woman at 1019 Avenue [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] take it easy so I know what we're up against who's the man what does he look like well his name is Martin carthy yes he's over six foot black hair like 35. he said he he was released from Atascadero but I know he escaped everybody down and stay down I think we've got enough description Harris kill seal out the back Chuck get on the radio ask for supervised tell him we got a SWAT call tell him to send out another car I want these buildings evacuated put it make it a code five [Music] all right he has your daughter hostage how old is she had both of us boosters for about two days and later Michelle to go to her girlfriend's house and when he was he was sleeping about an hour ago I tried to call him you didn't know him previously yeah sort of a kind of relationship [Music] Michelle's girlfriend and I found out that she'd come back here for textbooks so I drove here as fast as I could and when I was right where my car is right now is that your car the blue pinch over here yeah what a quick heal he yelled at me he he told me that you had Michelle if I went in there I mean he just killed me and he'd still have Michelle foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he's obviously armed and should be considered extremely dangerous [Applause] [Music] Kathy what is it you want us to do just stop stalling or I'll kill the girl right now Andy's got the keys to the pinto Anderson you ever bring him around here now right now and I come up girl do you understand that much [Music] all right buddy now you just take it easy what the hell are you doing coming soon [Music] I've got the keys hey I'm moving man I'm moving come on get across the street come on relax get over there don't panic buddy the keys are here nobody can do anything [Music] all right there got it they're here look foreign buddy take it easy there they are look everything's all right so I think come on now there you go you can put him on top of the car come on go on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you're not getting the car not going anywhere do you want her dead nobody no but whether it's me or SWAT or whoever you've got two choices you send a girl out alive and you stay alive you kill the girl and you're a dead man all right [ __ ] [ __ ] baby that's just fine by me cop maybe it is you better think about it there's a new home the girl and change your mind and give yourself up I'll blow you away myself [Music] foreign [Music] put your hands above your head foreign don't shoot [Music] don't shoot [Music] now you hit the prone [Music] go behind your back [ __ ] ah Kia did you want to put him in the car hey buddy you just said one hell of a job oh my glad we didn't go to a shootout oh yeah oh we got the girl on her right now we got her on okay no you gotta run okay [Music] foreign I think you ought to come down she's about to go I'll be right there it's no mistake where are you every item I found is serial number for has been verified by burglary is out of a stolen item well it's an apartment for with stolen furniture and you didn't know it I thought his parents had money do you know what the penalty is for receiving stolen property you're not gonna pin that on a lot of things we find out you're withholding information in a felony investigation a man before yeah where and when uh in the bar he come in several times over the last couple of months he'd hang around he'd buy me a few drinks did you ever see him any place other than inside the bar uh uh he walked out with me one to take me home and no man he got angry but Jackie drove up and uh so we left Jackie you mean Jackie yeah have you seen him or spoken calendar yeah yeah all right a couple of weeks before Jackie was killed he came to me and he he knew I had the hot stuff and threatened to turn me in if I didn't continue to see him he he called me uh the night after Jackie was killed and said that he he didn't know it was Jackie until after he turned over the body and that there was really nothing he could do to help him but that uh if it came out it might hurt both of us all right Gloria I'm going to bring a sonographer in now and you're going to tell it all again bring calendar in yes sir oh bill you question he's lied and he talked the girl into lying to protect himself you break him [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] I don't know what's happening to the department nowadays the man kissing his wife in the parking lot yeah well it's legal as long as he hasn't got an open beer can in his other hand see when my two offers over partner you can hardly wait yeah I know John I never tell you about my love life I'm too young to know about things like that oh I see we're making some progress I don't understand commissioner but you went back into the calendar case found additional information which I assume is incriminating now it goes to a trial board and a board of Rights hearing now wait a minute the trial board guarantees the officers certain rights which we can't give him in an officer shooting team investigation how he'll be represented by Council and when it's all over they can very quickly bring in a verdict of innocent on all accounts or guilty all right all right I know the charter fairly well by now you know uh Hayes you found a bad cop and you got him well I wouldn't put it quite like that or whatever way you put it we can use it use sure tomorrow when you get the calls from the news or any other of those Hollow Halls we got a new policy and a new policy is showing results take some of that heat off as we've been getting you wait a minute commissioner all I can say is when I I get those calls is it some tough honest cops became convinced they didn't have the full story in one case in just one case mind you because mistakes in these cases can have tragic results as you well know we kept at it until we found out the truth that's all I can say matter of fact that's all I will say you're not talking at roll call now Walter no no I know it's been a long time since I've talked police roll calls but I do know who I am talking to I am talking to a very powerful man who knows other powerful men who are trying to pass judgment on a police department all right Walter the hell is it you want from me not much no I don't want you to go down into a dark alley with an officer who spotted somebody or something suspicious oh not many people want to do that would they at least you can try to look at this as if you were in his situation I never said it wasn't a tough job you give him a gun and you tell them to use it to keep the Armed robber the rapist and the wholesaler in hard and narcotics out of your life but then what do you do you tell them there's only certain circumstances under which you can use that gun more and more you're telling him that if he uses the gun and in any way violates steadily more restrictive requirements and God help but but a policeman's got to be held accountable that's right he's got to be judged but Case by case circumstance by circumstance and human being by human being you can pass judgment on seven thousand men but they're going to do the same on ice oh yeah God help us if they feel that we let them down and the day you convince the average policeman that it isn't worthwhile to go into the dark alley or stop the suspicious vehicle or question something that is is Instinct and training telling maybe evil and that's the day this city starts to go we wouldn't be the first and we wouldn't be the last look it's been a long day commissioner I'm sorry you know I I guess I'm I'm angry I'm certainly in no way impartial forget it Walter I always say it's better to clear the air anyway they both got weights on our back it's not easy but we're gonna both have to just keep looking for answers well my wife is waiting I'm sure you and the lieutenant want to get home to yours good night gentlemen I don't know if you read the report but uh that young officer John Anderson yeah he made a pretty good arrest tonight Gene yeah I saw that got the hostage out safely arrested the Atascadero escapee damn good job well then I guess that's it huh yes that's it nice good night bill [Music] five John Frank William 899 Mary six call a station [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel
Views: 217,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f_LLe8E-Iy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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