Mob Justice | Full Movie | Tony Danza | Samuel L. Jackson | Kevin Corrigan | Dan Luria | Ted Levine

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[Music] [Music] oh you're nothing a joke you Su my scrape off my shoe you're not even worth killing it's a scoreless tie 10 seconds left Zachary P the legend son is on a dazzling Breakaway py shot oh no with the World Cup at stake the Nigerian goalie grows tense tension turns to panic he [Music] scored Cow Goes Wild [Music] Dad one more time sorry Zach I got to go come [Music] on what's the time you're wearing the watch the kitchen clock look four four what five of six of what the hell is the matter with you who cares yeah hey gus yo it's him I know who it is yeah so you're here you're not here what do I tell him Gus you're taking a call or what so Gussy looks like we're having a problem here is that so yeah I make phone calls that don't get returned I set up meetings you don't show a little birdie starts telling me I'm getting jerked around I've been busy busy thinking like maybe there's this certain guy you ain't interested in doing business with no more hey look man I never said nothing like that what I'm saying is this either we straighten out this little misunderstanding ASAP or maybe we ain't doing business no more like never okay look I'll uh I'll call you no no no no no no no no you'll see me tonight 9900 p.m. on the island at the spot got it okay and be there Gussy oh it's over I ain't got time for this crap G what's the problem what's going down I don't know Danny this [ __ ] I think he's doing me think he's a snitch get out of there I suppose this is cold for sorry H I won't be home for dinner tonight yep what is it this time same old same you really want the Gory details just tell me you really have to go I do be home by 11: m park some of this in the microwave for later really kind of terrific you already sold this guy a half a key am I right if he's a snitch how come I'm here talking to you and not a the rist cuz I hear stuff you hear stuff like what what do you hear like the guy who steal Hatchet of me in the first place when I'm in the joint he works for the F says who Vinnie Bola Vinnie come on and he also says and anybody's got anything to do with that ski foro like this Hatcher he's a rat too Vinnie's a flake you want me to believe that this is great Vine crap yeah may be so but even if V's wrong yeah my gut don't lie you got don't lie huh I'll set said look looks good and I don't know you anymore and neither do she that's rock and roll all right let's go [Music] right after I shake his pink little hand I'm putting two right behind his ear you're out of your mind I we'll see who's out of whose mind yeah well you see the curb pull it over no way hey I'm getting out of this I'm not part of this come on and Danny 25 years to life for dealing 25 years to life for whacking a snitch what difference does it make hey hey you're part of this Danny Boy it don't get much better than this folks travel Intrigue little drinks with paper umbrellas testing finds VI dry if you can still hear me give me a quick I repeat quick flash of your brights jerks I repeat jerks in the event farach does show up I'd appreciate it if you guys wouldn't pull that stuff and keep the tail loose guys very loose hey hey maybe it's you who gets whacked if you don't shut up I'm just saying talk you know throwing in some curves test them out know for sure before you do something stupid stupid was bringing you you know stupid is popping somebody you don't know who he knows and you just might end up getting popped that's [Music] stupid all right look we go to the diner we'll check him out all right we'll talk 10 minutes though that's that's it yeah get this under the seat let's face it creeps blowing me off again okay we give it 5 more minutes and we pack it in call it an po of phone this looks like his van false alarm up up up hold it hold it [Applause] St here business as usual folks 3,000 block Highland Boulevard Aros Diner [Music] [Music] all right looks like Gus's in a hurry tonight folks taking a right on to [Music] Highland W man [Music] [Applause] [Music] P where's the signal out of range maybe a negative thing just went dead did we Los him you still there still there still proceeding East on [Music] come on move [Music] it [Applause] jks a in [Music] that taking the right on why [Music] that [Music] yo Gussy what's up come on now let's go you know Gussy it's really nice to eat Greek every now and then you know what I'm saying all right we start systematically doing the side streets up and down we'll take the north side of Highland and you just go on to the South got it got it I got a bunch of not so happy people all over my butt cuz of you for 2 weeks now they waiting on me for delivery like cool give me some names maybe we'll get some friends in common we'll have a party hey you don't get their names and they never hear yours that way they get busted and squeezed they got nobody to roll but me which they learn the wisdom of not doing Lord have mercy how long you been in this business boy listen man what it buils down to is I don't know who the hell you are hey I don't know you from a hole in the wall except for the fact some loow life I me in the PIN vouches for you who I wouldn't trust with a DI for all I know you might be sitting here right now with a fedwire on trying to bring me down I ain't no snitch I ain't either you dumb bastard he knows is that you know that right bottom line you handle quality merchandise that I would like to do some major investing in but you ain't the only game in town I can go other places your ball Gussy what you want to do so yo gusy two keys by Friday time in place at your discretion okay kid yeah keep driving words right and you ain't stepped all over it with 12 pairs of feet I double it the week after all right you got it all right right do you see anything no no it's just wrong we're going to go back to home base now hey we'll meet you [Music] there it's some piece of work Gussy Vin pagola that piece of dog meat it's so hot to whack somebody there's the guy better around oh man come on where we going to beach Gus look I'm tired I want to go home yeah yeah all right come on right after we check out this one little thing come on turn around hurry up do it do it all right Uno do TR if you can still hear me give me a quick flash give me a long one I don't care just let me know I got contact here oh God I don't believe this ladies and gents I got a confession can you hear me shut the lights Slow Down slow down all right who you waiting for what nobody this Island's laid out like Tinker Toys it's a nightmare just trying to find Expressway try looking underneath you what yeah I guess I found it who you waiting for look give me a break I told you who you waiting for you Gussy to get out of my way so I can go home just go no what did you do just drive the car with you get out of here tell me to get out of here Slow Down slow down you're better to get a ticket ticket you don't want your insurance to go up do you [Music] mine Wise Guy I mean some of the worst murdering sociopathic monsters know these guys actually become some of the biggest celebrity pigs on Earth yeah you get um the Hollywood actors that come in here when they're in town nice restaurant and uh these guys they're actually whipping out the instatic Snap Snap Snap snapnap imagine what would happened if Don coron walked in oh he did once yeah yeah they've been sitting there ever since saying no venas and waiting for the second coming God forbid anyone should put the same kind of Paparazzi crab with call yes sir who that a Mr Rose find out very well sir I'm sorry Mr Rose this is very embarrassing no Carlo look it's um it's a phone pager you know a beeper for the telephone um you can go tell the gentleman that one of the assistant us attorneys is just enjoying his night on the town okay with my apology I understand Mr Rose thank you Mr R there is no cause for concern sir it is not a camera it's a telephone page gentleman sends his apologies and says he is assistant us attorney just out for an evening on the town so everyone is happy good yeah that pager story gets him every [Music] time I have to make a call excuse me Nancy do me a favor yeah let's take the car back all right I would really like to [Music] stay [Music] right now you have to understand yes uh did you tell us anything I saw thanks that was it hey Timmy Timmy come here talk to me not of it makes any sense this wasn't a buying bus or just some shoot the breeze to set up a meet with a big guy it's got nothing to do with verra it's a little fish it's all about nailing Joey Zan 10 miles down the road I don't know maybe zie made hatches a Fed Adam whacked no no zanie is not a stupid man he k yes but we got nothing for sure he was anywhere even near here tonight backup never saw who was inside the van they're no witnesses to the hit all Everett said was they're here they're here so there were two guys in the van three four a dozen who knows and basically what we got right now is nothing except one name and a maybe whatever you you think it was fi I know it right then we seal off the island okay the ferry the bridge I can get the paper on that you get a computer spit out of all of his known associates all right prison buddies family friends all of that right we find him now right the murder of federal drug agent ever Hatcher on Staten Island just 1 hour ago apparently the result of a drug buy gone bad although a name has not been released I have been told by federal authorities that a suspect has been identified you stupid bastard we learned the P working for several months on an undercover drug investigation listen listen to me dump the van dump the gun whatever you do don't go home wait a second where you going search is underway further developments to be reported on this station no no turn it off turn it off I'm sorry Craig Craig come here come here you're my friend I love you know that but if you ever air that picture of ever Hatcher on the television again your head's coming off at the net no you give me a break you think maybe his wife is watching that no his kid for God's sake I'm Nancy um look uh it's really bad I'm here for the duration okay you just take the car I'll pick it up whenever all right no problem no it is a problem look um good I feel like such a jerk I shouldn't have let you come here one heck of a third date huh it's okay will you call me yeah Mr Rose what a Ken culford Staten Island assistant DA I need someone to fill me in so I can get the paperwork for a tra and Trace On's phone by Morning by morning hey Timmy Timmy get me Freddy taken at 9x also Mr Rose I suppose my boss should talk to your boss about solving this jurisdictional problem federal agent has just been murdered during a federal investigation and my boss is the US attorney general now you want to pingpong over jurisdiction you take your paddle and you go and play him there you go Charles thank you ready hi Charles rose look I need a tra and trace on the following number area code 71855 52429 in 15 minutes can you do that thank you very much you'll have the paper by morning hey uh um Jimmy where's uh computer print out well meanwhile F's halfway to sicy by I know this Punk and he ain't going nowhere you all right yeah yeah now maybe we'll get something done this is Paulie Romano Tim Lanigan look Gus's still here the Island's all he knows World Travel to him is going to Queens well you know you know the uh families the addresses back of my hand fine take some of these DEA guys go find the rock that this maggot's hiding under it's all the same I'll use my my own guys no it's not all the same look a cop is lying there with half his head blown away and you're going to pull this Petty Feud crap on me now no no not in my lifetime okay feds local everybody working hand and glove do you understand me understood okay hey hey paully start with Joanie well I don't get it good one look BB I'm supposed to know my way around this John don't this cost you a fortune now this convention is going to cost plenty well I'm stuck with two and two and I'm a sucker if I can make four out of it what do you come in hey have to sa my money has been spent for a worthy cause come here I say I better stick the r of Pap I think maybe you better head I'm in trouble I knew it I knew it the minute I saw it on TV oh my God oh my God guys what did you do I didn't know I swear to God I swear to God I just thought it was a rat snitching me you got to get out of here no kid I've been doing backyards for the last hour it's like National God we get out there I mean you got to get out of here this house my brother wakes up you're dead dolly dolly I need help I got no place to go but I don't I I don't know what to do hey Dolly darlly I come here because I I need somebody I can trust you know somebody who loves me you somebody I want to love back oh go I just I I I can't just what's going on Romano it's 5:00 in the morning don't nobody teach you manness Gus farach what's that supposed to mean where is he I'm supposed to know being as he's your employee we thought you might have an idea let me tell you something unless he joined the union in the last five minutes he doesn't work for zy plumbing and heating pal we got reason to believe he whacked a federal agent tonight you kidding me you mind if we come in and look around yeah I mind my sister's kids are sleeping upstairs you got a warrant we'll get one I'll see you then Cassy what did you do pots stupid so uh how long you say these people going to be gone what it's a a couple months they're on vacation you know they're doing Italy and France it's whole nine yards I got to water the plants oh yeah guess these plants they uh they need a lot of water huh yeah well if you want them to grow right if you don't want them to die we don't want them to die so essentially what you're telling me is we've got zil we've got no prints on the car we've got four Garden variety Magnum slugs no Witnesses no van and no fan nobody knows where he is Charles and if they do they're not talking and I mean nobody not even our snitches well that can be taken care of like to Sweet uh Howard this is Howard Blum Esquire from my office the department of J is just offer to up the mayor's reward offer by 250k so needs diddly if you're not alive to collect it look gusty's got a pretty good rep around town for inflicting serious damage on anyone who does them to dirty and the word on the street apparently is if you talk to the cops you're not a wise guy no more and farach is that important to them they don't get give a damn about him he's not a maid guy with any of the families just a big time wannabe an Aaron boy well then so where is he I mean if the mob doesn't want to help him I I just don't get the impression that this guy's got the smarts to stay underground for very long on his own well believe it or not he actually has a few friends on the fringes anyway and probably a couple of markers he can call in so it's some what if we turn up the heat I don't know how you can make it much hotter you know a door on this island that's still out in singes no Paulie I'm not talking about just the island I'm talking about all five burrows yeah all five crime family we bring everything that they've got going to a big screeching halt and all they've got to do to get back to business as usual is spit out Gus farach alive that worked for you Paulie this is good this is very very good great you really think they'll give them up yes I do if you start interfering with these people's cash flow they'd roll on their own grandmothers know everyone [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] right gentlemen free to go you know who I am see Senor zamb Betty my mama told me you popped a Lindberg baby and sunk the Titanic all on the same day bra the world is in your de what are you doing just Tak it in the air Don Bruno how long I'm supposed to meet a guy fasi fochi something I don't know look as soon as he shows breathing I'm out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] you come on girls move it move it you move this slow you never make any money let's go move move tell zie the rent went up come on come on [Music] mom you got to be kidding [Music] me for no reason they Harry the horse and Gary at the rag doll what that's just the start then they hauled off py everybody at Sally's and Katon busted the receipts shut them down I went to school with half of those guys in that Precinct what I do they stab me in the back act like this what the hell is going on go M numy Alby find me Bobby fantino and bring him here now you got it Tony let's go no the point is I need more men yes Charles Excuse Me Howard I've got no time you're going to want to make the time can call you back thank you Howard what is it Charles Jack what can I do for you I understand you're looking for my client well that is likely considering your past clientele who you representing at the moment a certain member of the ferachi family he'd like to surrender himself before someone gets hurt you've got quite a state of Siege going on out there well good let's just go come to you you personally alone I know you and trust you and I'm confident no accidents will occur with you present at this transaction you have my word Jack how about uh 5 minutes in the parking lot behind the building here half an hour sidewalk out front under all those lights alone fine it's your party counselor you really got to meet farra alone yeah [Music] right [Music] who the hell are you Dello diangelo excuse me danelo shut up you said you said for rocki family his cousin assures me he knows nothing of the events surrounding the death of ever hat there wasn't surrendering to him are you are you not prepared at this time to charge my client with a CME uh we would like the opportunity to question your client in regards he under arrest no not at this time however we would like to question you Danny let's go Danny Danny where is he who where's Gus no idea I haven't seen him in two weeks yeah where does that put you last uh Tuesday what time between the hours of 9 and 11: p.m. that's post meridium night time watching the Yankees you're a baseball F yeah I'm a baseball fan who pitched you don't believe me no I don't believe why don't you ask my girlfriend I was at her house all night till a.m. that's almost morning I think you were watching something else yeah he was there he was there he's the other guy in the van yeah yeah didn't pull the trigger just another generic gutless Punk but he saw it he watched it and he knows where Gus is he knows there's no way you going to get that out of him Gus goes down he goes down oh he's going down regardless what's his sheet say uh one conviction assault with a deadly weapon current status parole parole yeah good get a hold of his parole officer find out what you can done and put a tail hun him 24 hours a day if the kid's as stupid as I think he is he's going to draw us a map straight to Gus I got no idea where he is Joe I ain't heard a word I ain't seen him since everything hit the fan proba you will believe me any day any second G he got no choice except to call his friends he'll be calling you Alby you're doing that vulture thing again I tell you don't stand behind me get some coffee yeah Bobby when he calls you you got to do this one thing sure Joe you got to give him this you got to tell him I love him like a son you understand and tell him he's got to stay away from me and he's got to leave the country this thing is no good the cops are all over the place they expect them to show up over here now only out there trying to shut me down all over town I see him draw out though all right yes you understand yes one other thing you tell the whole crew it's all over they shut them out it's a done deal got be see okay where you been cross the street watering why don't you move in with the damn plants maybe I will yeah take the kids with you too Joe I'm going to go yeah you all right yes go ahead go ahead take it easy Bobby so long he's across the street Gus now I want you to use the back door you thank God saved my life here huh you've been here the whole time you dog yeah you okay I'm about to go nuts not too bad huh he what about Danny now I heard look on my mother he gave them nothing and that's what they got nothing capital N what about Joe he still don't know where I am no but he ain't happy what was he want for me I screwed up he said if I should see you I should give you this and then he Saidi well that's what he says what do you say I say if it wasn't for you watching over me back in the joint I'm not standing here now I'm maybe lying in my cell 6 months ago with a hammer stuck in my skull this is a fact but if Joey catches me I'm dead who's going to tell him me no little sis Dolly no problem believe me believe me okay what do you need I need these uh I needed things that Dolly can't do for me like U first of all we'll see my wife tell her I'm okay H meanwhile I don't know how you're going to do that they got the place Stak out like it's Bank of a America hey I'm resourceful yeah I know that huh hey do me a favor give me a little Coke huh no problem thank you Bobby thank you hey hey hold it hold it what's going on who's here Joseph fani Jr under arrest for the transport of Solen merchandise specifically kitchen appliances across state lines you guys are serious right three-year-old beef and you couldn't make it stick then you have the right to remain silent should you choose to give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in mirandos you have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you're being question sa my hand I'll be back in an hour if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer be appointed [Music] [Music] toes [Music] we share a problem an interest too I think in solving it now I'm led to believe that should a certain individual be found and delivered like some sort of bossel post our problem is going to be made to [Music] disappear he was a good and gentle man if there's anything at all I can do Mary Jane to make this easier on you anything at all just keep talking to me telling me things what's going on everything every step of the way I'm uncomfortable with this solution because I think that this individual has personal knowledge of how many of us here conduct our Affairs and this information could be used as some sort of bargaining tool by the individual in his dealings with the police get him you can count on it I think therefore that the only true way to remove the problem is to remove the source and with your permission I'm going to kill the bastard alive alive I guarantee it done it [Music] tell that bu and said contracts out on farace effective like right now as I'm talking yeah while you get back on the street and you put out the word that if he shows up dead the heat does not stop we Crank It Up we crank it up so high they think business is bad now Charles Charles I don't think it's only about that anymore it's about Pride I think they want them whack cuz they're sick of looking like jerks they're sick of looking like jerks all right we we we Haul in the cousin Danny we sweat him into giving us gust threaten him with what we don't have enough to indict him or even bust him well you talked to his parole officer right Who provided us with this very interesting information that Danny whatever the Punk's name is doesn't do his time very well he's a wall climber apparently the Joint Turns him into a certified mental case his PO said that if we give him one whiff he's headed for even a nan in The Jug he'll give us the moon on a plate and all that it takes is the most infinitesimal violation of his parole that being what well I don't know you've got the tail on him around the clock I was hoping you could tell me I got nothing at home at work old man's a model citizen s may I to use the JN four hours I don't have a clue shakes our tail every time I mean every time we can't bust him on just speeding I suppose you ever pull him over and ticket him how could I ticket him when I can't even keep up with the so we clocked him doing an even 120 on a jersey Pike exit R New Jersey what's he doing in New Jersey I'll let you know I have a cat him no no no no he can't go to New Jersey is the point just work to home home to work not so much as even a step off the island conditions of his parole we can actually nail him with this yes yes we can with a great big hammer Charles my client's ready to make a deal we're ready to listen look it's gush you want and Danny thinks he knows how to find him you just let him out all right he'll be in Tahiti by dinner time let me try a counter offer either Danny Dr kjo is sitting down in front of me within 48 hours with a Non-Stop narration of the events surrounding the death of ever Hatcher or he's getting indicted Monday for the murder of a federal agent which for your information now now carries the death penalty regardless of State you don't have enough to indict 48 Hours Jack they got to the kid before we could cousin Danny where was he his father's he talk the boy not yet that I've heard but he knows where faracha is for sure we should speak to the father they said go see your son he said tell him to say nothing about G to nobody he said tell your son tell only you what G is then come back and tell them I'm going crazy I can't do time D me they talk G they said it goes any other way than that you telling me about G they going to take that gun that Danny I can't handle it Danny H I'm sorry you will agree to testify against con farach when he comes to trial in exchange you will be allowed to plead guilty to a zero to life sentence for conspiracy to traffic cocaine what kind of deal is that you could do as little as 5 years or you could die in there Dan it all depends on how favorably we ask the judge to view you oh there's another thing Dan if we catch you in a lie the smallest most insignificant forication this all goes out the window and you're up for Murder One you know something Dan what I want you to lie to me just once so I can tear that into a million little pieces now where the hell is Gus yes he was here [Music] good [Music] what's this song and dance all about you got zip on me you got no more tricks in your bag what's going on what are you doing you Dolly B cast yeah these gentlemen have a warrant for your arrest for harboring a fug come on cut the crap what the doing your hands your sister and probably uh Bobby fantino as well have been harboring Gus ferace in that house across the street for weeks for weeks for weeks dolly for weeks you been with Bob forek AC the street having these rights in mind do you wish to talk to us now this is what you and Bobby fantin open up to the whole time dis find Bob on come on I can't believe it my own cousin believe it and shut up no I'll kill that punk put your head down hey what do you say Bobby huh we do him together huh me and you we'll do him good it ain't going to happen G not with me I'm gone out of here Bobby come on don't talk like that now you're tied in for life don't even think about it I am dropping you with Jimmy Stella and then I'm taking a big hi hey don't pull out on me now no he's a good kid he'll take you somewhere safe hey you owe me no I paid you and your damn cousin put my ass in a sling and now I don't know if I ever Square this with zad oh hey hey the hell with say put your head down they're trying to whack you the cops cops wake up every Wise Guy east of the Hudson they got a contract out you're on the Hit Parade and they're just waiting for you to pop your head up so they can put three straight in your eye and I'm not going down with you Gus I swear to God I'm not wait a minute wait a minute who put out the contract get down hey Bobby who put out the contract I can't hear you Bobby Bobby who put out the [Music] contract right there yeah right there wouldn't be jerking us around now Dan just so you could get out and get a breath of fresh air I got out of the van I stood right here and dropped the stupid gun's coming up I told you aruga 357 that's an automatic what matter with these guys how'd they get to be cops anyway you finished high school for war no does that look like a handgun try sticking that in your pocket man no we got certain traditions on the island I guess ping gun that's the gun give me back over here got it let's go then good job birdie all right I need a whole print off of that you got it okay oh man this is no good what are you kidding me I'll go crazy here on man it's great man there's no way to bother you down here R the docks the LI cabinet fully stocked and the guy yo guy who owns it he's like really cool man all I have to do was tell him that a friend of mine named Nick at the you know they a place to crash I hate the water like you don't go on Deck you'll never even know you're here I can't swim you so don't come on what are you kid I don't believe this what man Gus come on Gus you know without sound too you know weird or nothing I just want to say like this this really cool man you know it's like you Gus farach and Bobby fono trusting me to set things up like this statue sick that's cool man that's really cool I'm happy for you Jimmy Delirious you what have freaked out St hurting me why did you bring this coat come on listen listen to me he didn't have nobody Jo shut up you're hurting shut up and don't talk to me ever get in the car get in the car you track down Fano some flea bag in Midtown hiding from the cops wants to talk straighten it out I'll straighten him out you tell him to be over the house tonight he's a dead man I'll tell him all and calls in Betty saying saying I bet him a buck that I wack Gus farra before he does where is he I told you Joey Brooklyn somewhere I don't know I just left them [Music] there left them with h i don't no it got so hot I figured if I just got him out of town I'd be doing everybody a favor doing everybody a favor you know how it looks in terms of me looks like I'm the one that's been hiding them and after they Whack Him you know what they're going to come and visit me you think I would have done it if I had known how it was all going to come down F you want to live Bobby yes Bobby left him with Jimmy Stella but I don't know where they took us I swear you go back to Brooklyn you find them and you pop them anything after that it's on your [Music] head [Music] arey you in there I got something for you Jimmy said that I should bring you some blankets you um you Nikki he he said your name was Nikki you look like Gus [Laughter] [Music] [Music] farace [Music] Mr Albert Carbone R what do you want you're under arrest my friend for what for what what do we have here Alby what is this huh watch the car come carrying a concealed weapon Alby I'm very surprised oh you got got to be [Music] kidding yeah you my friend Vinnie Gus I said you my friend yeah of course that's right you are you're the one who sold me the bill of goods on this nightmare ever hatch is a snitch huh and now like any good friend you're going to do your level unbelievable best to get me out of it gosh listen I thought that was solid information huh I was only trying to warn you yeah well it turned out to not be so solid right Vinnie now listen here's what you're going to do you're going to find me somewhere to live Jimmy Stella is driving me up to your place hang on a second now you make it happen yeah okay okay I'll try you'll do it and Vinnie you rap me I'll know before I get there you'll never hear the hammer click Mr zambetti he's here Mr Carboni Carbone Carbone Carbone well sir judging from your sheet we're talking in the uh 5 to 10 area yeey three time loser out more likely 20 to life I'm no snitch you're no snitch you're no snitch yet uh yeah you uh were a paid informant for the Department of Justice for 10 years yet you're no snitch that was a long time ago how much are we asking from you Al I won't rat out Joey we don't want Joey just give us a name help one that'll get us to Gus and then this gun thing it'll disappear hey look look I'm a bad guy I know I mean I done plenty of my [ __ ] crappy stuff in my time but I mean the Youth of today this farach I mean I just don't know you know when I'm growing up a cop smacks you you just sit there taking it till he stops you don't raise your hand andon me you kill a cop we make sure they find you the next morning like in the kagy movie knock knock the door opens bam the stiff comes crashing down to your carpet with an ice pick in his [Music] ear they used to be I don't know we used to have uh you know rules if you if you broke them screwed up there it was it was Justice times change y you know I don't think it's ever going to be good like before [Music] again Alby we just want the name last time anybody saw him he's with Jimmy Stella could I have my cigarettes now all gone told you guys to make it snappy where is he who knows Mars packed his gear and off with Jimmy Stella very nicely furnished uh you got a washer a dryer uh it's qu quiet and all for five and some change a month I'm only a couple of miles away and you're picking up the tab too Vin what could I say you're a saint yeah these locks are no good a 10-year-old gets in here in two seconds you know I was going to get to that yeah get to it and after you get to it you never come here without calling first the call what you make not on your home phone doing which you never call me anything but Nikki Nikki and don't give nobody this phone number not even Jimmy but you stay in touch touch with the kid by calling him every day precisely 8:00 at night at this pay phone and you're going to do this to the let in how come I know that you know maybe I could get you one of those deadbol locks or something um or uh maybe one of those police locks that might be good what do you [Music] think yo Ben yeah yo yo you're Jimmy right you got the bag so uh how much long is this going to go on huh I don't know it's a problem boys hey who said anything about a problem huh you nothing personal Vincent Francis perola perola whatever current address Yonkers New York salate of farra is up in Green Haven zip6 for possession with intent to sell released 21289 so now they're having a little re Union she has kind of heartwarming this is Charles Rose I need a authorization for a tap on the following number in Yonkers you know Mikey V right talk about weird he knows the spola they're like brothers that grw up in the same house together 10 years old no place to go this mother nice lady takes me in it's one of those things you do me the favor go up to yers have a talk with [Music] him Mikey Mikey look I take a chance you're in look at you come on come on in you still the guys anymore nah not since I moved up here you know how it is H one thing of another you know a Frankie see old Raymond nah you want a be guys what farach yeah n not since that thing with the uh yeah the FED huh hey hey the guy who got whacked huh you got to give him up VIN what we know what I'm talking about what farach Vin tell me no I ain't giving him up Mikey I'd soon to shoot you first just please don't treat me like a [ __ ] what do you think I know where he is I don't know where he is Mikey I don't Mikey I have a lie to you not till now Vin Mikey I got to take off hey where you going back to town yeah and what I'll be telling them what you told me you don't know where he is Mikey thanks yeah anytime this it's possible he's this stupid he don't understand the seriousness of the situation maybe or's just stalling waiting to lead the cops to farach I think maybe Mikey goes up and sees him again yes but whatever this man's Vision he refuses us a second time you got to set an example yeah yeah hey where you calling from uh I'm uh calling you from the street what's that noise uh well it's uh it's uh just some kids you sound funny Vinnie yeah well I got a kind of little cold you know what about the merchandise uh well yeah I talked to our friend and uh he says it ain't ready so I'll bring it by to you tomorrow hey hey hey you tell that little jerk I said today and I mean today I'm out and I'm going nuts here hey there is nothing I can do about it Vinnie call him look I already called him three times Gus what' you just call me we got him Nikki Vinnie you call him well I ain't going to make any difference cuz uh the stuff ain't ready so uh I'll see you tomorrow huh Vinnie call them Vinnie Charles is true yes Mr farach is indeed somewhere in the beautiful Hamlet of Yonkers do we finally make his acquaintance as soon as Mr pagola blurts the magic words into the telephone Gus I'm on my way over we got a half a dozen unmarked car shooting up there right now second he steps out of the door he's got a huge set tee and his right did it's Mikey [Music] fre p agance shot to death today outside his home in Yonkers unwittingly in full view of feral agents who were engaged in a covert surveillance of the deceased at the time arrested while attempting tole the seat was a man identified by police as Michael Anthony Rio of Ozone Park who was taken to Westchester Hospital and treated for a gun wound in the upper thigh apparently inflicted byola before he died authorities are now saying that the shooting was a Revenge slay orchestrated by organized crime as a symbol of the Fate which awaits any and all who would try and help or Harbor The Fugitive con Gus farach Bola a former cellmate of his number one Goomba from way back when and I'm supposed to believe that it never occurred to Bobby fontino to take a trip to yonas yeah right he knew it and he took a hike on me Al am I wrong no you're right have you heard word once from this guy I'll be find him you want me to talk to him yeah you know what to say Jimmy they know where I am you you got to come get me Gus I would I could I but believe me but I can't not now not this hot my old man even finds out I'm talking to you Jimmy listen I I got deals set up all over town already and as soon as this is over I cut you in HH just you and then it's you and me living in Jamaica living the whole Hog's life or Riley huh you you just got to come get me now huh as soon as I can Gus just I promise just not now Barbados HH Barbados just for just for this one little favor I'll call you all right I'll call I'll give you a call okay Jimmy don't say no to me [Music] [Music] Jimmy helloa RI you got it jeez hey hey you still there uh yeah yeah Hey listen Brenda I'm I'm not going to waste your time I need your help Brenda get yourself a pen I'm going to give you the dress yeah don't pick me up and get me out of here I'm in trouble bad uh so I heard you know you're the you're the only one I could trust with this you're the only one in the world I could trust with this cuz you're the only one with the guts and smarts to pull us off you could do it I I know you can what's the matter hey don't tell me you're scared cuz I won't believe it no no give me the [Music] address hey you know what you're pretty good you know your stuff I don't even recognize me I do hey hey hey you're not supposed to say that no I mean underneath you know the same just like in high school it kills me that you still remember who can forget high school first boyfriend first mom among other things yeah that too yeah I got you good selection in there yeah hey uh I must have been pretty special that you never forgot huh never ever wish you'd have qu 10 years ago I wish I had too hey I got you Department nobody can never find you to rest of your life us in a part yeah going to love it it's beautiful not like I love you somebody I can trust somebody wants to love me back Mick just a few more minutes okay fine you look horrible thank you the rest warrants [Music] mhm gara's wife his brother-in-law yes conspiracy to distribute an illegal substance P marijuana Pooch Ganer reefer loc I know that thanks I don't know does does anybody ever go to jail for a charge like that don't they just find you or something yeah mostly that's going to get Gus farach out of hiding no not in and of itself no then what's the point of harassing these people nany please I'm trying what what the mafia find him he's dead you get him first you put him on trial you find him guilty and you sentence him to the electric chair what is it differ there is a difference [Music] what too loud too [Music] loud what's the matter with you what's the matter with you about somebody called the cops because of the noiser than whack right that's not my name Nick say it again Nick and what are you looking at you think this is funny huh you having a good time you get out you you Italian are you it get out you Italian are hey you hey you get out out he don't mean nothing right okay let's go get out I here take your get out of here get out you should chill out a little chill out Jimmy I should chill out let's go say hello to your father to your father for me man get out of [Music] here [Music] what I do Alie Alby I me take it easy what I do just relax no no Alby there got to be done no no Abby take a deep breath no [Music] no there's no place you can go [Music] Bobby nasty little scratch there Bob accident had a little argument with some wise ass it's all over now forgot mhm this argument wouldn't have anything to do with Gus farace no no and we thought well if it did Bob you see if you've gotten yourself into some kind of jam we thought maybe we might be able to help you out like how like try $280,000 in reward money for starters and the kind of protection that would guarantee this sort of thing wouldn't happen again I'll feel so good why you guys come back tomorrow I got to go to sleep you take it easy B you want something Bobby I think I know a way we can get him Joe just you got to please give me one more chance Retreat potential [Music] troops I'm John Walsh tonight one man without a doubt is America's Most Wanted federal agents are closing the drag net around Gus farach the prime suspect in the assassination of undercover drug enforcement agent Everett Hatcher he was paroled last summer after spending eight years in prison for the torture killing of of a New Jersey teenager you know where farace is hiding call us now and you could help capture one of America's Most Wanted return americ wanted who would you like to report no uh no I was I was just wondering uh that guy you were just talking about on the TV just now I'm sorry you already know where he is right uh sir who are you referring to but that's how you guys do it right so that uh By the time by the time the show's on you can say hey we already got them right is there some information you would like to report you know right sir I'm sorry you know right sir would you do you have any [Music] information Zan Betty and Joey zy got everybody out looking for Gus and it's just a matter of time they're going to find them so what are you selling I know you know where he is Jimmy now you tell him if he wants to live he's got one chance seriously hul ass out of this country he just up and disappears and so do the feds and all their hassles now I got a guy that can get him bogus cement papers but it's going to cost them though yeah what do you get out of it huh how come you sucht a right this guy all of a sudden do you want to know I got simultaneously him the Department of Justice and half the Wise Guys in town on my back and I want them off man I almost got popped because of him and the same could happen to you you're such a good friend of Gus farra at this date in history oh man he's kind of whacked out lately I run it by him if I see him I got stuff it into his brain so he can't think of nothing else I got a selfish streak Jimmy I want to live past 35 maybe you don't give a damn that's up to you you my friend Bobby or you just setting me up if you don't believe me don't take me up on it you didn't answer the question Bob I'm my mother everything is on the level Gus we just got to set up a meet with the guy who fixes the papers okay when when's good for you hey Bobby I don't know if you noticed but I don't have much trouble with free time right now Saturday night Friday okay Friday's I got to check with the guy but I'm sure it's cool I know he needs the money bad about 11:00 okay where outside the Aros what on the island what do you think I'm crazy I'm sorry it's force a habit it's just it's where we always used to meet Benson Hurst Benson Hurst sure in front of your mother's house what's the matter Bobby what's the matter you got a problem with that no no my mother's is fine okay and listen Bobby I'm bringing the kid with me Johnny star's kid you get my meaning all right okay so we're set right okay don't do me Bobby come on Friday be there yeah a loha don't mess up the kid break even the fingernail Johnny star be down on your head with a mallet I know what I'm doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi jimy surprise good that's his grandmother's [Music] house [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] got see boy where you think you're going to go huh I don't know have to find someplace nice you know some place where there's a lot of broads some place so nice you don't even want to Coke up you know what I mean hope this guy comes [Music] through [Music] I think maybe it's time to let it go or tonight [Music] anyway let's go get something to eat yeah whatever let's get out of here [Music] anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] where is he I don't see him be here chill out everything's going to go perfect if it doesn't I got this gun of yours where' you get you still first Jim I got it for my 10th birthday what do you want from me Gussy hey hey don't call me Gussy okay Gussy hey Jimmy what is it with you Jimmy what is it with me what is it with you everything's going to be you know where wherever you go all right you should find yourself a woman right like immediately yes hey G you look good thanks Bobby I feel a lot better now just a guy yeah got the money hey Bobby what are you asking me stupid questions for huh he took me to my mother's house huh what's man you don't trust me that's right I don't trust you you brought the kid you don't trust me hey I just said I don't trust you okay can we get this done where you going to go with your new passport Gus hey Bobby what are you trying to pull [Music] [Music] here [Music] G [Music] SC [Music] [Music] sh [Music] yeah we [Music] lost they whacked g f a couple hours ago and V [Music] Nur he's dead doornail Charles yes it's [Music] [Music] over [Music] who wants it X or Zan buy who cares that is dead get me Freddy tagen at 9x ASAP please Charles Charles what are you doing my job what are you doing what are you you standing around get the lab on this car all right Fred hi Charles rose look I need a trap and Trace Taps on the following numbers okay paperwork to come uh yeah wa or you think this is funny yeah you're going to be up for the next three days starting now come on let's move move [Music] uh first [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 329,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, free movies, full movies on youtube, best thrillers, thrillers, 90s movies, tv movies, full crime movies, movies, free films, full films, action movies, 90s action movies, Mob Justice 1991, Mob Justice 1991 full movie, Mob Justice movie, Mob Justice, Tony Danza movies, Samuel L. Jackson movies, Kevin Corrigan movies, Dan Luria, Ted Levine, Tony Danza, Samuel L. Jackson
Id: aA0bh8bkUgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 24sec (5664 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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