Police Officers, What’s The Most Sickening Crime You've Seen? (AskReddit)

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serious police officers have read it what is the most sickening crime that someone has committed and show no remorse for police dispatcher here currently working out of a County Hospital the amount of sexual assaults on kids too young to even understand is disgusting absolutely appalling the hardest I think are the repeat domestic violence calls where you've brought the same person inside times and the girlfriend / wife / husband doesn't press charges because oh they didn't mean it until we get called back next week for another hole in the wall and broken bone honestly I don't think average citizens can comprehend half the terrible stuff people in law enforcement see / err the one that sticks with the most was a 34 year old man who had slit his wrists at a public park and called 911 not to save his own life but so that we would know where to find his body so kids didn't stumble across it this guy was bleeding out on some rocks in the middle of the night and just sounded so calm while I had officers trying to find him and Em's enroute my officers had to torn you could this guy's arms with their belts and carry him to where the squad could safely collect him police get a bad rap but I would love to see half the people who [ __ ] on here and on my faster book deal with half the situation's my officers do every day edit holy crap wasn't expecting this much response this post and all my comments are solely based on my 5 plus years dispatching at three separate departments I don't pretend to speak for all of law enforcement and I'm sorry so many of you have had negative experiences with that said I love my career and highly respect 99% of my officers while everyone is entitled to their own opinions please keep your BC underscore antia logic to yourself thank you for the interesting and good discussion and overwhelming support you all rock I'm an animal control officer for my County I think the worst scene that I've gone out on was still what I went out on my first day as an echo for some context it was an incredibly cold winter and us aliens had just suffered a cold snap that dropped temperatures down overnight to over minus 30 F with windchill we got a call from a neighbor that was concerned because he could hear his neighbor's elderly husky yelping in the backyard he couldn't see over the fences it was some crazy high eight-foot-tall privacy fence higher than normal privacy fence so this is my first day of field training I head out with the other officer who is talking to me as we walk up to the property he's going on about safety and procedure when approaching a residence people are really happy to see us as they think we are there to take their dog no one answers the front door so we proceeded around back the gate is unlocked and we can hear the dog yelping now from out back so we make entry into the backyard what we see is something that is going to stick with me the rest of my life the officer who's been rattling the whole way suddenly drops off mid-sentence and we are left with just the horribly whining noise from this elderly husky the dog is frozen to the ground and blood is splattered everywhere like there was a damned massacre we rush over to the side of the animal and attempt to calm it down enough to inspect its injuries the dog had apparently become frozen to the ground overnight and when he attempted to get up in the morning and had found himself unable to get up we figured that he had been out there struggling and tearing his fur and flesh away from one side of his body bit by bit for a good few hours at that point we are out there for about 20 minutes holding him down while pouring warm water to free him from the ground before the owner finally comes out from the backyard his first concern on coming out back and finding us trying to rescue his dog with half of his backyard covered in a cornucopia of crimson why the hell those [ __ ] dog cops are on his property throughout the encounter with him he showed minimal - no concern for the animals welfare and seemed more interested in a who had called the cops on him be why we were messing with his dog see why we were on his property by the time we got the dog he had had large patches of its body with missing bits of fur in flesh thankfully the cold had stopped most of the bleeding at that point before anyone asks he was given a notice of apparent violation to get the dog immediately and for veterinary care we ended up transporting the animal to a veterinarian for him to ensure he complied he ended up opting to humanely euthanize the dog it was 15 years old and in poor health before the injuries we attempted to push charges for aggravated cruelty of an animal a felony in my state but the Dalit it bounced down to a misdemeanor and eventually the judge just banned him from animal ownership for several years we check religiously to ensure he has no other animals on his property the jigsaw murder committed by Stephen Mouse halt killed his landlord and then dismembered and scattered his parts around UK countryside his cuts were perfect due to his past in a gang where he regularly and to cut up bodies domestic abuse by a husband who lives primarily in another country course he can't be a doctor in America while his family lives in a shitty townhouse in my precinct as mistresses and barely provides his wife and kids enough money to get by beat his wife and she takes it cause he took her out of Africa and she thinks it's our only option I applied for a warrant for him while he was out of the country she's so far gone that she got in touch with me to beg to rescind the warrant she assured me that when he comes back she has escape plans in place in case he beats her again late to the party and a throw away because of confidentiality that I was the probation officer who wrote presenters reports on convicted felons prior to sentencing the report is used by the judge in determining length of sentence a major portion of the report is the defendants version of the crime why they committed it and how they feel about it I only wrote reports on major crime convictions murder rape armed robbery carjacking et Cie I've seen horrible things mother who put her child in a steaming hot bath because the two-year-old peed on the floor man who cut off his roommates head with an ashtray man who put a gun at the woman's vagina and pulled the trigger et Cie etc I have written hundreds probably thousands of these reports very few of these people show any true remorse to feel remorse you have to have empathy for others and these people just don't they are all very sorry but as I like to call it they had situational remorse they are sorry they got caught they all go on and on about how hard their incarceration will be on the mother their girlfriend / boyfriend their kids but none of them were thinking about their own mother girlfriend / boyfriend or kids when they committed the outrageous act they did they weren't thinking about the victims mother the victims girlfriend / boyfriend the victims kids or even the victim when they chose to end their lives these people do not generally feel sorry for the crime they feel sorry for themselves that they got caught I'll get off my soapbox now I've seen too much to property in this world interned at a district attorney's office during law school most of my work was on a case of a young man early 20s I think who murdered his twin brother mother and father with a samurai sword I was involved in the matter during the stage to determine if he was fit to stand trial he later wasn't after I left the internship criminal proceedings can take a long time from some of the interview transcripts I read guy was just completely insane / detached from reality when I was going through MP school our instructor told us about his worst case he had been involved in a guy who recently came home from Iraq was arguing with his wife because he thought she cheated on him she was in the shower and he was yelling at her through the curtain eventually the guy grabs her by the hair smashes her head into the toilet till the seat broke stabbed her to death with a shot of toilet seat and proceeded to drag her out into the front yard to wait for the MPS to come and arrest him when I was an investigator I worked a case where the white boyfriend of a Mexican immigrant was babysitting her child from a previous relationship the child was almost three years old and was crying we later learned he had been abusing her for a while when the mother wasn't around he placed a phone book on her head and beat her she died a few days after in iku hard investigation - made the case and took it to grand jury he was indicted and arrested the following day after grand jury in the jail awaiting trial he wrote a complete confession to a member of a supremacy group claiming to have killed a mixed baby and they should accept him into their organization for his heroic actions we found out about this and obtained the letter then got video footage from the jail showing him writing a letter circumstantial I know but the letter was examined by a forensic document examiner and found to be his writing he showed no remorse through the trial and laughed about it when he got found guilty he didn't laugh when the jury handed down the death penalty lot of stuff I'm leaving out for obvious reasons that one still bothers me I work with juvenile offenders the worst I can think of at the top of my head a young girl shot her mom point-blank range because she was tired of her mom allowing step than to continue raping her no remorse fourteen-year-old boy kills four-year-old half-brother by beating him in face with bat worst part is that parents and CPS had been informed before incident that fourteen-year-old had it out for him but parents were in such denial they were always defending him even after he killed four-year-old 14 year old justifies it by saying he was jealous and it wasn't even his full blood brother parents are still in denial sixteen-year-old boy continuously rapes disabled grandfather until one day he gets caught that's right he was raping his own grandpa - girls bully another girl to eat them out when she refuses they begin to stick their vaginas in her face she's still fighting so they decide to beat her and rape her with a broomstick the victim can no longer have children as the tore up her insides none of these youth felt remorse something has to be wrong in your head for you to even get this far feelings of remorse along vanished by them the only remorse I see is usually when it's a crime committed with peers and peer pressure and still sometimes they try to justify by saying they were just following the leader these kids always have a horrible upbringing it's a cycle worked as an EMT for a while we were called on a drunk driving incident involving said drunk and a mother and her three children upon arriving at the scene we knew the mother and her children were deceased but we followed protocol unfortunately we got stuck with the drunk who had three or four scratches and a lump on his forehead I remember the paramedic working with me wanted to punch the guy so bad he knew he had killed those kids aged five and under but all he cared about was that he got blood on his new pants former correctional officer ran the segregation unit the whole I had an inmate who was irregular he was a serial rapist slash killer of toddlers he used a hunting knife inserted into their vaginal tract - in his own words open them up and would rate them as they bled to death trying to avoid too many nightmarish details here he not only felt no remorse but spent most of his time in segregation all protective custody due to bragging about his crimes to other inmates because he thought it made him look cool or something he really tested the limits of our duty and ability to keep him alive and well while in custody I worked in a court in a jail in Texas we saw the accused immediately after arrest to inform them of their rights involvement they usually came in groups of 5 to 40 it averaged around 15 one man's probable cause affidavit told a story of him keeping a woman as a sex slave in a motel room for two weeks he allegedly cut her skin and robbed fesses into the wounds to infect them in court the judge read his bond and charged in front of the other inmates because of the nature of jail culture the judge tried to hide the sexual aspects of his crime instead of appreciating this the defendant proclaimed it was consensual we practice BDSM the judge decided that he needed a reality check and read out the most interesting parts of the affidavit to the entire courtroom he kept yelling she loves that that's how we make love another time the person didn't comment or proclaim innocence but it was a similar story the probable cause affidavit alleged he was homeless and splitting a motel room with a woman he went on Craigslist to buy a printer he bought an HP printer for $40 and came by to the room and proceeded to print counterfeit money how he thought this would work escapes me he then yelled at the woman that she must be a lesbian because she didn't want to have sex with him so he tied her up injected her with meth and raped her then he forced her to shower to remove any evidence she stayed in the room for about 48 hours terrified of him finally she got the courage to escape when he was passed out she called the police and he got to see my smiling face bonus I was forced out of that job for openly criticizing the violent actions of the local police department whenever someone says we need to abolish the police I'll direct them to this thread shows like Law & Order SVU or the police who have been the first and grisly seems like Sharon Tate's murder or having to wheel out those barrels of human remains owned by Jeffrey Dahmer [ __ ] people don't understand that it's them who are trying to get to the bottom of these sick crimes while trying not to crack under the knowledge of the insanity that people are willing or capable of committing especially for those who have small children and constantly deal with cases of child abuse murder neglect molestation trafficking all of that horrible [ __ ] correctional officer here too many to count but I'll give a few brief stories guy murdered his girlfriend raped her eight-year-old daughter on the bed next to Mom's body while she stared into her lifeless eyes took a two-year-old on the road for a few months keeping her chained in motel bathrooms raping her and forcing her to do cocaine also probably killed his sister and his child with his sister spends most of his time grieving stupid crap and acting superior one guy molested a bunch of kids all over the country now spends a lot of time trying to coerce younger sex offenders into sex with him during one investigation told me like I said to that judge years ago illegal according to WHO a [ __ ] every body dude one guy murdered his entire family told his grandma on the phone that if he Evo got out he'd kill her too as some earlier poster said very few inmates have any real remorse for what they did they are just sorry they got caught anyone capable of doing these things didn't have much empathy to begin with sometimes it is downright bizarre to see these guys who have raped and murdered children leading such normal lives a child is dead a family is shattered and the person responsible is eating chips and watching TV laughing with his buddies just weird [Music]
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Id: qWFTaeCBkl0
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Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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