Grandfather Missing 28 Years, New Evidence Unveils Shocking Clues (Aaron Toole)

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was last seen in pansy on May 15 1995. that's 20 birthdays 20 Christmas celebrations 20 years his family has been searching for answers James Aaron Toole has been missing since May 15 1995 last seen in pansy Alabama he told his family he was planning on going to Central Florida but never arrived he was driving in 1987 Brown Chevrolet Cavalier badly over 27 years later James nor his car have ever been seen there had been no leads until his wallet was surprisingly found at a gas station 25 years later in Bainbridge Georgia this is where our search begins the information about Aaron Tool's disappearance please reach out [Music] all right we just got out here those are the old boat ramps I wonder if those were the main ones in 95 so I got my hummingbird Apex 16. he's got his Garmin we like to use two different kinds just to make sure we cover because sometimes I see things a little bit different but we might go back in there a little bit but Jeremy searched it pretty good and um You didn't say anything you didn't see anything major nothing super shallow I mean it's like three feet the whole thing is but we'll double check on the way back I want to get out here while seven feet here the bridge over there is what we're kind of concerned with yeah bridge over here he would have crossed this we find anything car looking this very well could be him there's a lot of it's really Rocky out here I mean we have to go back over that a few times at different angles because I can't tell I say we just let's do the live cam coming back maybe I kind of didn't think it'd be this Rocky close to Florida I guess they dredge it maybe it seems like a big hill of crap over there and over here yeah all right going under the bridge awake again man this is going to be challenging that definitely is a nice I mean I couldn't I have to go back over it but there he keeps cruising yeah I'm gonna go down to the next Bridge maybe I mean this whole other side we need to really scan well maybe well let's just cover the bridge real quick because that's going to be a hold I mean this this side over here is swamped not I mean we can check it but it looks pretty shallow right there this is kind of a boxier car I would say look it's I mean here's the picture I'll pop that up but from what I looked at before I think it was it looked kind of boxier on the front oh they definitely got a dredge this I mean oh yeah now it's all flat right over here I was also interested in because you can park there's guardrails and stuff now but back in the old pictures it's all dirt roads and stuff possibly still drive over here but there's the pillars all right we made our way all the way up to this next bridge I actually didn't see this one at first I think it's Dothan Road or Dothan Road something do we go to the river no I would cover this and turn around there is another boat ramp way down there we'll hit eventually but I think we need to cover these Bridges and then that other side is really on that down there is the road goes all the way down there so this I don't know exactly why you would have taken this way but this is more of a back road bridge I think than the other one so who knows right now it's 16 feet plenty deep I mean there's lots of rocks and stuff like it was a bridge pillar I'm not seeing anything man-made yet but we really need to go back and check that whole area again that one spot where I could just piles of crap like man we gotta scan that really good it kind of makes me think of Knoxville where it's like so Rocky and like there's cars there that looks like rocks and you can just easily miss them you gotta be looking for Wheels all right we're making our way down the bank you can see there's lots lots of rocks out here another road right there yeah I mean the road yeah that's what I'm saying like all down around here people are parking there's a truck right there sure there's gonna be a vehicle I'm sure there's been Vehicles it may have been located and pulled out but we're gonna see if they missed any there's a lot of boats out here on the water or underwater it's not on the water so it's Sunday it's an ideal day to be on the river for searching at least that's true yeah but uh I mean I don't know how many of them are sonaring you know looking pain that's they're not doing the tube and they're flying by we keep getting wakes because there's so many boats out here there's another older boat ramp I don't know if it's really used as much we're looking for an old car so it's probably but we found way older cars still pretty intact and you can see them so all we need is just firm it's a Cavalier one way or another tag would be really nice we find a car with no tag it's a cavalier still oh yeah I mean if it's a Cavalier it's something I think we need to get even closer to the bank because there's some things have some Shadows over there are you able to see everything pretty good well behind uh it's very ripply see anything it jumped off as a car but there's a lot of blind spots too and if he went in the water with all the windows up he knows how far down he would have floated from wherever he went in it yeah all right we've been out here for a while now haven't been able to clearly Define if there's any vehicles or even man-made objects because it's so Rocky we're farther down the river and I don't think I think we're at the end of where we need to search here I don't know what all this is I was gonna check all of this down past it just just because I don't know there's a boat ramp a little ways out but we're gonna go back up to on this side but I think I seem to go back to that main area and run the live see if we can like notice a tire or something because it's just like all the dredging over the years could easily hide a vehicle since 95 I mean I don't know how often they dredge but I definitely made a mess that's for sure yeah steel I guess it's a gigantic old barge that they don't that's massive that is yeah that's crazy that's what a barge looks like underwater waiters yeah they just become one with the Earth [Music] apparently it looks pretty cool yeah it was really cool all right we're making our way up here's the next bridge this is a marina I don't I I think this was here back in the day Bainbridge Marina Curly's Curly's on the front I don't know we're still gonna scan it regardless a lot of these spots we are looking at with an old map there's a topo view map you can it overlays the years back in the day and you can see where the waterways are it's pretty good it's pretty uh resourceful on that it's just some I mean some of them you gotta like it's like a speck of blue they can be hard to see but all right we just got back in the inlet we've been running the Live Scan kind of see right there [Music] we just went over uh Tire the live is really we were using it to go over all the rocks out there well I didn't see I didn't see anything that really jumped off in the vehicle and then here it's only like four feet all right all this area I'd say it's pretty clear I mean we checked it's really Rocky this little Inlet we're in it's three feet two three feet the whole way so now it's Pond hopping so which actually kind of make might make more sense if we're going off the theory of uh forgot his wallet and turned around somewhere with a pond I have a couple of spots apart oh [Music] right now we are uh pretty confident that the water's clear I think we didn't find anything down there so there's a small little Pond down here at the end we're gonna just clear I couldn't see her and it was here back in the day and I think there's a fence around it now but there wasn't back then it I'm pretty sure so we'll just clear it with the uh RC boat keep moving forward that thing will kick you how you doing for you I guess you can pet him I guess yo dude I don't trust you man too big for me this Pond over here is interesting because it's been here the same amount of time and one might think I mean you can't put a boat in your normal boat so I mean I want to clear every Pond that might even make sense would be possible back in the day there wasn't a fence over there so we'll put the boat in and we'll just pretty good size just scan down around here a little bit and uh this cover all the pawns we can the rest of the day before uh before the sunlight goes away but honestly there's only so many ponds that I think kind of even make sense that's even if he's still in the area and then you might have made it into Florida I think he realized his wallet was gone which makes me think he wouldn't have I mean you could have lost it at the get he got out to get gas and then he dropped it before he got gas maybe he thought he left it at home so he turned around and went back home yeah I mean did he stop anywhere else the boat in looks like three feet right now probably gonna have to walk down a little bit it was an alligator oh there's an alligator straight across there I don't know if you guys can see okay no he doesn't well yeah he's got this little RC boat in there it is Florida just spotted way over the Tire man how deep is it four feet oh duh see the screen down here in this display so we can see real time without having to bring it back and review the footage cool Time Saver going over to the gator dude he might actually attack this thing huh well they're scaredy cats aren't they yeah but then again I don't know Gators you might be able to see him on Sonar if he's at the bottom really cool looking I mean I'll get in a good picture six feet it looks really clear actually you're like way out in the middle is it six feet yeah that's about to be a car out there but we have to walk down a little bit let me come back [Music] I guess foreign we got the uh boat out farther down we're gonna clear a couple spots kind of a long shot just so much we don't know because a long ago should only take five minutes ten minutes max dude four feet five feet six feet it's deep enough skin go out a little farther There She Goes Bob seven feet yep seven feet almost eight feet all right I think it's clear I think you're right the one on the other side though was on the way he would have been driving well I mean could it that was kind of what I was thinking more of an accident if he veered off the road somewhere but there's not that many of those I mean there's a lot from here to Lake City yeah but I mean Tallahassee I don't know about this one but I think you could actually put your boat in but where does it go it's just a little creek I should have patted him yeah I got a new friend yeah yeah you can go home with anybody no I ain't scared you know how deep it gets out here man it gets real deep man especially over there where that rope is yeah it'll blow years pop years trying to go down touch the bottle really ain't that deep you think anybody's ever driven a car in here um I don't know I doubt it I doubt it I ain't sure though I couldn't tell you [Music] all right all right so we got a tip at the last boat ramp we were gonna search some locals said that they were aware of a vehicle in the water out here in this Creek and this is something that we would have never looked and I mean who knows if it's the car we're looking for just a dumped car but it's still interesting because it's very close by to the area and look at this so I guess over here used to be able to park and it launched off here like she said like they couldn't touch it was an old dock here it looks like that old wooden bridge oh Bridge yeah you could see the ground right here they said there's something about there's a hole somewhere I don't know if there is or not but yeah it's really I mean squint your eyes you could see the bottom all right here I guess somewhere there's a hole so there's some car parts here it's a black like a trunk or something sure not the right color but it's dumping ground here yeah there's a Hoover 's snake yeah I don't know if I can I don't think it's gonna happen it looks like someone was here not too too long ago maybe in a jeep though yeah that big truck could crawl over that [Music] here's the spot and I guess it'd be right over in that area it's a whole bottle it's not Young just laying there you gotta not know what I'm talking about it's hard to be an old bottle just sitting there no no all right boat in the water it's gonna take us a look is that it faster you're going to stretch it out there's some right there everybody need a better picture so I know there's a big logs away the hell over there and he was only that might be that long [Music] there's something right there around I think that's this all right we just got done searching here I sure there is a vehicle somewhere I don't know if we're in the exact right spot they might be really buried um but I didn't see anything jump off the screen so what now I don't know I mean gosh looking at this thing just right down here a little ways there's another one of those like hooky thing there's an island you said something about an island right I think this is the one because they said it was right here but I thought they were saying that you could barely see the where the car is but I mean it wouldn't be up River if it went in and this is there's a hole right here I don't know maybe we got pulled out I mean that was a long time ago all right we searched that Creek we did not find any vehicle there Jeremy seems to think that we might have been in the wrong spot or not looking farther enough down that Creek I don't know for sure I mean if you are local feel free to go down there check yourself if you have a free time we're just kind of running out of daylight we are travel we're right now we're in pansy Alabama which is his hometown and uh we're gonna try to just check the boat ramp [Music] foreign all right we're running out of daylight fast but we are on our way through pansy which is his hometown so I'm like I figured we'd just check the boat ramp and the bridge they would have crossed just for peace of mind I know team Waters checked this back in the day I think we have a little bit better sonar equipment now uh but you know just for the heck of it just for just so we know and we can put our own eyes on the spot and uh you know it's pretty the current's ripping out here it's with 17 to 20 feet up the boat ramp and up apparently we were talking to a local and actually somebody uh there was I guess a boating accident somebody actually drowned and their baby was found floating and the baby survived thankfully but it's just a horrible the horrible thing that happened yesterday and it just shows you how dangerous spots like this can be this River looks seriously dangerous right now I mean the current is really fast so anybody coming out here thinking it's a good swimming nah nah this this be this would be challenge it's like sue the the the Sioux City River Sioux City remember that other roaring yeah I mean it's I think it's high I don't know it's kind of busy generated this is the Chattahoochee I mean it I guess you know in Atlanta it's a diveable it's shallow it's pretty deep out here but we're gonna scan it to see if there's any cars it's a shop really you know long shot if he's here but who knows let's get up here and scam boat ramps right over here that's kind of what we're looking at right now [Music] 18 feet this one is Sandy yeah I might have seen something that looked kind of like a car I think so but I you know I didn't get a good shot yet I wanted to wait for you so we had a couple signals right over here to the lift we're gonna go over again just to make sure the water is definitely really high so it might just be like somebody's dock or something it looked kind of weird though it kind of did look like a car it could have been a car maybe even two it looks like two things or it's two giant rocks it's a weird well there's a lot of rocks right there actually they might have dumped a bunch of concrete blocks probably a big boulder are there [Music] that might be a car the same picture if it was yeah I think it's I think it's two rocks that probably that I don't know yet it kind of looks like a cab all right we just zipped down to the bridge that he wouldn't cross right up here and there's actually a train track Bridge here and an old Foundation of a big bridge right there you see anything uh not yet see any of the old remnants of the old bridge uh well no but I'm sure it's back there but we'll scan this area I mean this it's such a long shot but you know we found cars right off Bridges like this before it's very more rare it seems like because it's it's like an accident or it's like somebody with a flatbed backed up at night they dumped it yeah that was weird that was Mercedes I was in Augusta Georgia we were just diving and uh I just swam on it and I was like oh my gosh what is this why is it like it was it just felt so wrong because it was like here's a bridge there's the car no boat ramp no nothing but they still have no idea I think we should try to float that I think we should we have to float it we can float it all the way down it's doable and it's upside down so it'd be really easy to rig it up yeah we just need one more bag 22 22 feet here 25 feet there's the pillars over there I mean if there's a car here I think we'd see it it's very Sandy but the way it's moving it might be varied this water is moving the car would probably be like farther down if it came off it really depends I think we're gonna have to come back in this area again and search do a part two in the future next time we're down here because so many spots to check I think we checked all the obvious ones at this point we need a paddle board I mean at this point I would say keep going down past we're going down to Florida maybe we can talk to a Sunshine State and sonar and get handed probably fine in a week yeah well he could start at the location and work up and then we can start up and work down but yeah I mean he's definitely in the area so many ponds in Florida it's crazy all right guys so that's gonna wrap up our search for today fortunately we were not able to find him but we searched a lot of the places we suspected and we cleared a lot of areas so I think we'll come back and in the meantime if anybody else can think of any spots please reach out and let us know because it just doesn't make any sense that his wallet was found there and in Baines bridge and like it's just so strange and uh maybe you went down to Flora farther I don't know but my best guess is he realized he left his wallet somewhere turned around at some point farther down in Florida and uh kept going so I really appreciate you watching our videos supporting us searching traveling trying our best to find people in vehicles and uh we're gonna keep on going I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AdamBrownAdventures
Views: 132,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing person, unsolved cold case, true crime documentary, james aaron toole missing georgia florida alabama
Id: Vt0JTQaFm_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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