Police chases SUV driver in high-speed pursuit through Los Angeles area | ABC7

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especially if it's just a registration issue they'll back off completely especially when you're swerving in and out of traffic and that's when you really start wondering how this is going to end and you really start to have a lot of concern about not only the occupants we understand it's children that's such a sensitive issue but also the other people on the freeway and now you could tell the driver is getting more erratic we're on the 605 south we're headed down towards the 91 freeway here in a moment so we're into cerritos if we continue south we'll be down through long beach and uh down into the seal beach area the 91 yeah it looks like depending on if it stays in the right lane or the the suspect here we're at the place that they're headed you know a lot of a lot of times they will uh head to an area that they are familiar with um but you wonder what must be going through their minds uh with two kids on board at speeds this high and now on the 91 freeway we're headed into the long beach area it's hard to say where they may continue on to and and we always speculate if they may be heading to a spot that they're familiar with maybe home we've seen that in several cases um yeah there's so many things that could go wrong especially at this high rate of speed you know somebody who doesn't see that vehicle makes a turn in front of them we've seen that and you know look at that there getting right up behind that car and then passing we're seeing above 80 miles an hour probably close to 90 there and the regular traffic obviously is doing about 20 miles an hour less than that there's not much in the way of delays up ahead of course if you stay on the 91 freeway that ends at the 110 and we'll just have to follow all along and see how this eventually ends here they have not gone into surveillance mode and you know as you follow these pursuits it's interesting uh depending on the authority and who's in charge of the pursuit whether they go into that surveillance mode or not we've got a chp helicopter overhead we've got la county uh sheriff's department helicopter overhead and then we have the chp patrol cars who are in charge of this uh down on the freeway there uh at this point they have not backed off you can see the patrol cars are still behind this vehicle uh so it's really tough sometimes to get inside the police officers heads and see what their strategy is but it hasn't been to back off yet which is a little interesting considering their children on board at least we have that report oh boy look at that well the reason they go into surveillance mode is they have the helicopter overhead and they feel that if they drop back and they don't follow behind this vehicle with the patrol cars it's going to drive at not such a high rate of speed and it's not going to try and avoid the officers on the ground sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't but you're not going to know if it works unless you go into surveillance mode and you follow it from the air then all of a sudden this vehicle slows down to the speed limit you're not so concerned about the occupants and about the people on the freeway so it looks like um from time to time that is the reasoning they will use and they haven't gone to that yet but once again we can speculate all we want we don't know what the police officers know so we don't want to second guess what they're doing i'm not saying it to state that um because they may know a lot more than we do but they have backed off quite a bit now if you open up jamie um we'll get rid of sky map seven there with all the freeways no he's not and that that's part of it as well they have backed off but the vehicle is still keeping that same uh speed uh that same rate and now the patrol cars are catching up once again uh but they're not right on that suv's tail they backed off a bit there's two helicopters overhead so they're not going to get away and they may have before we got on this field they may have went to surveillance mode and then they may have noticed from the helicopters that uh this individual was driving just erratically even more erratically because he couldn't see the officers thinking he was getting away or she was getting away we just don't know yet and maybe that is why they stayed with this so there's a lot of a lot of unknowns here and boy there's a right turn very quickly i think there's going to be long beach boulevard if i'm not mistaken um actually alameda actually and this is where it can get very dicey very quickly a vehicle traveling this rate of speed with a high center of gravity an suv like that uh coming off onto this off-ramp and uh we can only hope they slow down and take it easy here uh they're gonna come up onto the alameda street here in just a moment and make a turn either north or southbound oh boy look at that yeah through a red light uh we're on alameda we're coming up on uh looks like victoria street so we're headed southbound we're in the long beach area we've seen the individual run through one red light and right now what's happening is the chp is still behind them but they're going to hand this off probably to long beach police here in a moment or to the sheriff's department and the call is going out to all the other units in this area to try and get them in in a spot where they can sort of get on top of this get a better look of exactly who is on board uh the vehicle if there really are children that is a report we believe that to be true and look at this high rate of speed right here boy look at this now that's close that was running through a red light there you see the uh just um merging with traffic there i believe now on santa fe and off of alameda uh but we will see more and more patrol cars on the surface streets here at this rate of speed a spike strip is probably not going to work i i wouldn't see it in this area in this such a confined area here at such a high rate of speed but the patrol cars have backed off quite a bit it's a pretty high rate up to 70 75 miles an hour on a surface street like this yeah no it really gets dangerous when we see it on the surface streets like this um you know one car pulls out and you've got what could be very easily a deadly accident what happens with our sky map if we get too far of an angle we had to back off for a moment because the patrol car the helicopters overhead uh we're making us back off for just a moment in long beach's airspace but then the angle is such that we don't get an extremely accurate speed but as we get a little closer we will and that is an accurate speed we can tell by our angle and we're talking about 100 miles an hour you can see that as it loses some of its information crossing under a freeway it'll change from time to time but this is a high rate of speed and right now they have backed off so once this got on to the long beach streets they're canceling the ground units at least for now the two helicopters are following overhead and i think what their hope is long beach is probably taking over now because it's in their jurisdiction it'll go into the sheriff's department jurisdiction here pretty soon if it continues south and i think what they're feeling is their strategy right now is just follow it with a helicopter and hopefully the suspect will slow down and it won't be such a danger not only to the driver and to the possible kids on board but the citizens uh in the area now we're coming up southbound on alameda i think this might be pch i'm not certain we'll find out in a moment but there's going to be stop traffic here i believe and this could get a little dicey the light did just turn green so the suspect was able to get through but those are some squeezing by some pretty tight conditions there past some of the trucks that we'll see head down towards the harbor area a red light here right through it yeah there's no doubt about that and one person pulls out from uh you know a intersection there and doesn't see that vehicle and and we could have an extremely bad crash we've seen it happen too many times people killed now the vehicle has slowed a little bit we're getting down into the harbor area down towards the long beach harbor if we continue here in alameda maybe even into san pedro so to be interesting at least we're not in a residential area but there's a a pretty fast passing of that vehicle and we're running into an area here where if we continue south we'll head down into san pedro and it may be a little bit trickier for the suspect to continue on some of these smaller surface streets and it may be a little easier for the law enforcement to get a handle on them so we've seen the individual turn here um on to it looks like uh east first street and this will be the long beaches area so the helicopter overhead will start to get out the location and if the suspect's going slow enough it looks like lapd harvard now is going to take over they could try a pit maneuver but the vehicle would have to be down below 40 miles an hour and on some of these surface streets so this is an industrial area you don't have a people a lot of people walking around fortunately but still potential for injury and somebody getting hurt here but the vehicle has really slowed and now we're coming up to an area that if they get the patrol cars in they really could be able to maybe get this individual stopped and it looks like they have stopped the vehicle now they're backing up i don't see a patrol car behind them so that's that's good as far as this getting into a situation where there would be a standoff but they will want to stop it and since the since the law enforcement did back off with the patrol cars they are content at this point to just follow with a helicopter overhead and at least the suspect's not driving as erratically or such a high rate of speed is what we saw earlier yeah that certainly is you know we really get scared when we see that kind of driving in a residential neighborhood especially you know so many kids are at home they're out playing in the yard this is more of an industrial area here in wilmington we go a little further west we'll be in san pedro but i think the good thing about this phillip is that the suspect is really slowed down we're not seeing what we saw up to 100 miles an hour on the freeway um and it would be interesting a lot of times we wonder if they know where they're going and then at some point maybe the suspect will make a run for it but considering there's two kids on board you start to wonder what the relationship might be like you asked i'm assuming they don't think they're kidnapped because i don't think that they would back off if that was the case i'm assuming more than likely because they went to this mode of just setting back and watching surveillance they don't feel there's an immediate danger to the children so maybe they know now that it's a mother or a father maybe they don't speak good english or maybe they're just scared and they're trying to talk to someone uh in the family or calling their cell phone they're trying to do a lot of things to try and get this to conclude without anybody get getting hurt that's definitely their plan that's their strategy yeah that's what it is i don't see one out my window for you know five or six blocks for what i can see for a mile i don't see patrol cars in the intersections up ahead i really have a feeling now that the individual the suspect has slowed their driving it's not as erratic they're driving closer to the speed limit they're obeying the traffic laws they're not running red lights they're not you know going the wrong direction in opposite direction traffic i think because of that they're going to be content to just follow along from the air this individual will stop eventually and even sometimes if they get enough information on the individual they'll even back off with the helicopters and they'll figure we'll get you later they're certainly going to but i think what we really are seeing right now is is a great turn from what was an extremely dangerous pursuit at up to 100 miles an hour on the freeway uh to a pace now that is is safe i would say for the the community we're not seeing this individual drive too erratically but what we have seen in the past is that change so quickly just like a light switch we'll see somebody drive like this and then all of a sudden just gun it and try to get that car going as fast as they can and then make a run for it not knowing if the patrol cars are still right behind them they can't see them but you never really have an idea what a suspect is going to do and that what makes these uh pursuits so challenging well yep they're on the 110 now that's going to be the 110 freeway southbound and if you're familiar with this area the 110 ends down in the the san pedro area so uh on to the harbor freeway southbound now and i don't think chp will take over because there's not a long stretch of the 110 here for this vehicle to really go uh before they're going to be forced to back off the freeways so we will see but we are southbound on the 110 freeway headed down into san pedro so yeah more than likely tags that's the only registration vehicle you know uh infraction you can see from the patrol car you pull up on the vehicle and maybe it didn't have the the right month or the right year on the tags they went to pull it over and then we had this pursuit um they got off the 110 freeway and what we're going to do is cross over the vincent thomas bridge here in a moment we're headed back to the east back towards the long beach area and law enforcement is backed off completely on the ground i don't see one vehicle following along they have two helicopters overhead a chp helicopter and l.a county sheriff but fortunately the speeds right now are just basically the speeds of the freeway here the roadway this is the vincent thomas bridge once again uh and that is nice to see but there's a lot we don't know we just hope these things end without incident if we follow them especially when you get a report to kids i mean that's so disheartening so hopefully the individual just gives up i can look out and uh over the vincent thomas bridge here in just a moment which is pretty incredible and then be headed out towards long beach there's gonna be no delays there's not going to be any traffic issues from what i can tell from here into basically runs right into downtown long beach um it did that's the other that's the other bridge and it just was slipping my mind the name of it uh the cable bridge that they just put up so somebody will hit me with that uh the the gerald desmond that's right thank you um and that one is spectacular they just redid that um and basically once you go over the vincent thomas in san pedro you continue uh out towards the east towards long beach and then you're going to go over the gerald desmond so unless the individual gets off and there is a little bit of traffic tie up here at the signal light coming up uh but because there are no patrol cars behind the suspect i doubt we'll get a situation where um we're gonna see uh them try and swerve in and out of traffic uh they've been you know being the the traffic loss for the most part at this point um if they get off of this um roadway though then you just get into the harbor area in an industrial area they probably get into a situation where they would get pinned there's a patrol car there uh yeah and it's going to get interesting here too because they just saw a patrol car there in the the center median a moment ago and we're going to head into long beach so lapd harbor division will probably hand this over to long beach pd at some point and what's interesting when you follow these pursuits is that different agencies just have different strategies and procedures so we'll see if that changes also if they continue over the gerald desmond which you're going to see in a moment and it is spectacular that's quite a bridge you get right down into downtown long beach you have a chance to get on the 710 but if you pass that you head down towards ocean you're right into the heart of long beach and long beach pd would take over at that point in time and we just have to see what their strategy is but i think right now they're pretty content with what they see this vehicle doesn't appear to be causing much of a threat at this point certainly it was earlier i'll get jamie to see if we're on the doubler here and uh that's as tight as we can get the windows in the back are you know obviously blacked out partially down yeah you have to always you have to always remember there's a report that there are children on board um so you know we don't know that for sure you know we don't know if an officer saw that and then it got out that hey there are kids on board we don't know if maybe they got communication with somebody else where that vehicle left or somebody who owns the vehicle or knows who's driving and said hey the kids may be on board with him or her so boy that's one of the reasons you know they don't like your windows blacked out especially the front windows they're not going to allow that because officers do want to see in especially when they approach a vehicle that and it does distort what you can see outside the car if you have the the right uh front windows tinted um but at this point you know we just have a report of that we hope that's not the case but certainly they are taking the approach on this as if that was the case uh but we're not able to see inside because those winter windows are tinted so dark no so i think the surveillance mode helped you know once they backed off with the patrol cars it seems like the driver came to their senses a little bit as far as the speeds that they were uh traveling at we're on the 710 northbound so we left uh once we went over the uh gerald desmond bridge we got on the northbound side of the 710 we're headed out of downtown long beach and this if this could go back up towards the 91 we're on the 91 there for a while so we've seen that in a lot of cases in the past too the suspects who go around in circles look a little confused like the suspect did when they got off of the 110 freeway there for a moment went through the gas station turned around looked like they were almost trying to find another on-ramp to a freeway and uh it looks like yeah it looks like we're continuing northbound on the 710 and it also appears now that chp has taken over yeah but look chp has taken over open up a little bit jamie and we'll see what happens here now i mentioned that about different jurisdictions they follow along and they have different um procedures and now you can see i think that's chp if i'm not mistaken it appears to be they are now uh once this got onto a freeway they're behind the vehicle and their strategy at this point is to keep that vehicle in sight so we'll see if that changes the demeanor of the driver as we go forward here yeah absolutely and they work together really well like lapd works with alley county sheriffs and the chp helicopters work with both the other departments so they have two overhead right now because it's in and out of so many different jurisdictions uh it came out of the inland empire out of beaumont so more than likely it was almost all chp on the freeways it got into the l.a area and you got some other helicopters from law enforcement overhead and yeah of course you know they have fuel concerns once one guy gets low la county sheriffs will just send out another one to replace them they've got you know i don't know how many dozens of helicopters so they've got plenty of equipment to make sure they can follow along and at this point it's the sheriff's department that is overhead with a helicopter and it is the chp well the ground units are still following i see them even though as a report that they backed off that did not seem to be accurate but they're not nearly as close pull out real quick jamie just so we can see them they were for a moment when we just got on the 710 north and they're probably about a half a mile behind now you can push back into the vehicle i just wanted to sort of give you an idea perspective of how far behind they were but they're not right behind the vehicle like we saw earlier and the vehicle is not traveling as erratically as it was before so we can only hope that's the case although all of a sudden now we see a turn and we're coming up on the 91 freeway so if the suspect wants to get back on the same freeway they're on earlier and maybe head back towards the 605 they'd had a chance to do that here this right lane transitions to either the 91 east or westbound uh no i don't think so we're on the the 710 northbound this is the 91 freeway interchange if you took it uh you took the 91 you could go to the 110 and into the 405 unless i got lost this actually is the 405 excuse me so we we took the 710 north up towards the 405 so that's what we're at now the next freeway would have been the 91 and it looks like now the suspect is getting on to the 405 freeway and i believe they're going to be heading um to the northbound side and that is correct we'll be on the 405 north all the way in on a doubler camouflage top yeah right over a center median there to look like on the 405 freeway northbound just getting out of that right lane and getting into the center lane uh before they were trapped on a collector road that was going to take him off interesting is the mask on now that could be an indicator that he does have kids in the back that you know if it's a parent they might be wearing a mask just to make certain that they're not going to spread the coronavirus um or that you know that there's other people inside the vehicle you just put the window up it would be um somewhat interesting for the suspect to be wearing the mask if they're in the car all by themselves certainly that happens but there would be no need for that i don't know that that tells us anything but we're on the 405 north it looks like chp is backed off we're heading up um we will head back up towards the 110 freeway if we continue northbound and the speeds here i'll bring up sky map seven i mean we're still quite a bit above the speed limit you know traffic is probably moving around 70 miles an hour today for the most part maybe 75 because volume's light i know it's a little above the speed limit but usually the volume uh when it's light you'll see vehicles travel at a little faster rate but we're still seeing a pretty good clip um you know up to 85 miles an hour here on the 405 freeway there's just not a lot of traffic today because it's veterans day there's not a lot of volume and so we haven't seen this vehicle get into one of those really dicey situations where the freeway is shut down the patrol cars are behind them and they got to try and make those desperate moves to get away that's when things really start to get dangerous so we haven't seen that but boy we certainly have seen excessive speeds up to right up to 100 miles an hour and that can be deadly huh yeah there's some irony there yeah there's some irony there and you know you just can't ever get into the head of a suspect i mean they're in a situation where they're trying to get away from police and you know i mean a lot of times it's just a mental illness issue we just don't know and um you know that could explain a lot right as far as why they'd be wearing a mask to protect others and then getting out on the freeway and and putting everybody at risk but there's a lot we don't know more than likely law enforcement has a real good idea what they're dealing with and that's why they've gone to surveillance mode we're on the 405 northbound we're going to be coming up here on the 110 freeway here in just a moment yeah that's a lincoln navigator that's a big vehicle and it does not get good gas mileage i mean maybe 15 to 17 miles per gallon i think that's about the range i had a friend who owned one so that's i got an idea and they're not going to get good gas mileage that's for sure but if it was full you know this could go on for three hours so it's hard to say i think what's encouraging though is that the driver is not driving that erratic we do not see uh chp right behind him at this point in time so they're they're not really influencing his driving at all and he won't lose the helicopters and the the suspect looked rather calm you know as you mentioned we've seen a lot of these where you know you could tell drugs or alcohol was involved just by the demeanor of the driver when we got tight on that individual he seemed to be rather calm the speeds are much slower than they were before and that's that's good yeah well if there are children on board the vehicle and that individual is with those children they're his children or his friends kids or whatever that may be they're probably not going to make a run for it like a lot of times uh we'll see somebody just stop real quick and they'll foot bail they'll just start to run away from the vehicle um there's going to be a connection between this driver and those kids of some sort um we believe just from following these in the past from history's sake if they thought there was any foul play with those kids they'd be right on top of this so when this comes to an end more than likely this individual will either just give himself up we hope that is the case the vehicle runs out of gas he gets into a neighborhood where they can put out a spike strip something like that it would be unusual though if there are kids on board for the suspect to make a run for it to get out of the vehicle and run possible but more than likely to leave the children behind if they're their children would be something we haven't seen in the past philip we just got um some information they believe it's an eight-year-old now to say that really gives us some more sense that there are kids on board if if we're getting you know some information from the police that there's they believe one of the children is an eight-year-old then more than likely there are children on board whether they're two or not um it seems to be that is the the case we believe that to be so from what we have heard and what we've gotten from law enforcement uh but to hear that just moments ago that they believe that one of the children is eight years old uh makes us really more confident that that report is factual yeah they know a lot and they've talked to somebody you wouldn't have an age like that um from a visual from an officer i wouldn't think you know i'm not an officer so it'd be more like you know it's a young adult a young child now this is interesting because there's a chp vehicle crossing in front of that patrol car can pull out a little bit changing i want to see if there's another one behind but there's the suv it looks like it's going to get off on hawthorne boulevard in lawndale whether or not the chp vehicle going by caused the suspect to get off or not we don't know but that's the first time in a while philip we've actually seen chp come up on the vehicle and actually follow it no we didn't we well we saw that patrol guard car go by him yep yep yep you almost even wonder if that patrol car did not know they were in pursuit of that vehicle just maybe was making his rounds on the 405 north uh chp maybe was not getting that call out he was on the north 405 and he he crossed in front of him but it didn't change the driver's demeanor much or his actions as far as when he saw that vehicle it didn't start to speed up so we're right at the end of the 405 northbound at hawthorne boulevard in lawndale um at a stoplight here it's going to make a right turn to go north on hawthorne boulevard a left turn to go south we get into an area now though that's a little more a business type area there's some restaurants on hawthorne boulevard there are more more pedestrian traffic in this area than what we saw say in the san pedro area earlier when he got off the freeway it looked like he came under the over costumes coming south there's the vehicle and if he makes that turn we're going to get right back on the 405 and head back southbound so um the suspect is come out of beaumont took the chin freeway through the covenants got onto the 605 south 91 to the 110 went down into san pedro uh from there went across the um the bridges of vincent thomas and the desmond gerald and then headed back on to the 710 north on the 405 north and now turned around over south 405. so it's been going on for some time and it's traveling back down towards long beach yeah there's no rhyme or reason to this that's for sure we've seen it all and it's hard to say exactly why the suspect is doing what he is doing there are no vehicles or patrol cars behind him and the rate of speed has been pretty consistent now with the flow of traffic so that certainly is a good thing but we'll just have to follow this thing out and see where it all ends the helicopters will not lose this vehicle if you've just joined us the real twist here is we believe two children are on board a one according to law enforcement reports they believed to be an eight-year-old um and so a lot of concern we had speeds up a hundred miles an hour on the freeway and some real erratic driving but over the last 25 or 30 minutes it driving has calmed quite a bit okay yeah absolutely and that's the luxury of the helicopter phillip but they can make sure they still have eyes on this suspect with two helicopters uh l.a county sheriffs and uh the chp helicopter overhead they can make sure they have eyes on this individual and they can still back off with the patrol cars because when the patrol cars were behind them and visible to the suspect we saw a whole different scenario we saw speeds up to 100 miles an hour and so that is one thing that they still have eyes on them i think they still feel comfortable that they're going to be able to handle anything that does happen you know there's so many police in these different jurisdictions that uh if anything did happen they needed assistance immediately they could uh radio from the helicopters and and get the patrol cars there in no time but certainly from our perspective uh we're watching something that yeah with the children that that factor there and here comes a little bit of a turn and this will be interesting uh we're gonna be it looks like back now on the 110 freeway southbound off the 405 and southbound on the 110. we've seen this in a lot of cases in the past with pursuits a suspect will sort of go around in circles back into an area that maybe they're familiar with we don't know that but it has been a pattern in a lot of pursuits we've covered in the past we're back southbound on the 110 freeway away from the 405 and if the suspect continues southbound we'll head right back down into that san pedro area that we were at maybe 20 minutes ago speeds are picking up yep yeah moment of pause yeah it gives you a moment of pause and then all of a sudden we see the vehicle speed up once again it was up to 90 miles an hour there just a moment ago fortunately we're veterans a day and the volume is very light i say fortunately because if a vehicle is traveling at this rate of speed and there's a lot of traffic then we see the suspect swerve in and out of that traffic that's when we've really seen some horrific accidents in the past right now with the volume being as light as it is on the 110 there's no traffic all the way down into the harbor area but yeah you know this pursuit is really somewhat um mundane if you will if you don't throw the kids in it'd be like we'd back off and we may not even stay on it uh because we see a lot of these pursuits like this where they'll back off and they'll just let the suspect go knowing they'll get them later they'll get him with a helicopter but with two children and we believe that to be fairly confident now that we got that report that they believe one is an eight-year-old with two children on board it changes everything it changes the way they're gonna follow this the way they're gonna perceive it and the way we look at it as well the way we cover it as well because you know two innocent kids in there if the suspect decides to go nuts and we've seen that in a lot of cases a suspect gets desperate and all of a sudden just drives as fast as they can and really thinks all of a sudden they're going to get away by doing that somebody gets hurt and with two kids on board we're just hoping that's not the case yeah no doubt about that i mean i don't know what the laws are regarding how long they're going to keep somebody in jail i think it used to be uh six months minimum sentence if you were involved in a pursuit um whether with covid that has changed okay all right i wasn't really aware of the the changes that were made there but they're gonna be a lot of charges compiled against this individual um if it is that man's children then it wouldn't surprise me if they take the children away it would definitely be endangering his own kids and there would be a question whether or not this individual is capable of of caring for a child of that age looks like we're getting off of the 110 freeway now on to pch and if the suspect makes a left turn here they'll be going eastbound so yeah that looks like that was a red light that we just ran there and now we're going underneath uh the 110 freeway yeah i know uh but it was a red light as well unfortunately there was nobody coming through there and he was able to slow and look but now we're on pch and it'll be interesting to see if this makes a right turn here i'm not sure this figure only uh figueroa which basically parallels the 110 freeway and now we're turning into a residential area now this is going to get tricky and now law enforcement has to make a decision a lot of cases what we'll see is the suspect make a run for it or they go towards their own home if they're actually in an area that they know but the first time we've really seen the vehicle get into a surface street or into a residential area on a surface street next to homes we hope that he doesn't start driving erratically because there's going to be kids out today riding their bike playing it can be very dangerous very quickly there's a tight squeeze that's possible yeah that's very possible but things will change as far as law enforcement is concerned because you know chp is not going to be the lead agency any longer i think this is going to be jamie help me with this this may be lapd's uh uh yeah lapd harbor uh division here um and they for the most part we believe that uh lapd at this point is just going to back off but it's interesting how these things change when they go into different jurisdictions um chp still has a helicopter overhead and we're seeing the vehicle really slow here it's hard to say if they know someone you know we've seen in a lot a lot of cases in the past that they'll get on the phone and talk with someone and then they'll have that person out in the street and they'll you know maybe you go to uh talk to someone there we go somebody running across the street it looks like somebody they possibly know did they just run in and get one of the children all right well there we go we got at least one person getting out we have a child and did she take that child out of the vehicle i didn't i didn't see did she take that child out of the vehicle or did she oh that that's another woman there's a woman with a baby i think go open open up yep yep careful here jamie careful careful okay he's making a run for it you're always worried when he gets out we don't want to see someone up close being shot by officers and that suspect did not appear that they were going to bathe the officers if he would have made a a quick move uh that really could have been yeah the officer fell that could have been a dicey situation they're going to get the suspect in a moment he's going to get tired uh officers are in pursuit yep yeah we're trying to get around that side and take a look there phillip i think the main thing phillip the kids are safe nobody was hurt uh the suspect would be taken into custody there was a real concern on yeah we got a lot of people yelling at me probably right behind the tree yeah i believe that's going to be him there okay yeah the suspect is in custody and you know it's yeah it's tough for officers when they follow a suspect on foot like that and they don't know if he's armed or not so we just picked up a pretty good echo for me so it's going to be difficult for me to respond to you the iap just went into an echo but i think the main thing is philip um everybody's okay the suspect's in custody we don't think anyone was hurt um in the pursuit itself and the kids are fine so that's the main the main thing we were so concerned about yeah obviously he knows he's in a lot of trouble now this was all over and he seemed to have his senses with him when he was driving but once he got out he's got to be exhausted when he ran and you know my first concern was when they boxed him in when he got out of that vehicle they had their guns drawn if he was to reach into his waistband or go for something you know boy we see shootings occur fortunately that didn't happen here it looks like family members everybody's upset here but the kids are okay we saw that was amazing it looks like it was a woman in the back seat right with an infant probably looks like a little baby seat if i'm not mistaken phillip we why don't we open up for a moment and we'll see where the vehicle is and uh well we're kind of hidden if we got behind it yeah it's tough for us to really move there's so many helicopters up here we sort of stay put to stay safe once it comes to a stop law enforcement everything else out here makes it difficult to move but yeah more than likely law enforcement is going to make sure the children are all right they may get someone they may have paramedics come and make sure that they're okay they may be upset i mean there are all sorts of uh problems that may arise so they're gonna wanna make sure take the welfare of the the kids first uh but the suspects in custody no one was hurt this had the potential to end badly and it didn't so we're happy about that uh yeah it ended uh right at the end of the show so nobody got hurt so that's good why don't we go around and see if we can get the vehicle see where the kids are yeah no kidding oh well get some time off we might have to go a little further north i think you can continue west but then you'll have to go north i think to get to the uh we want to try and get where the kids were yeah it was right there jimmy right in front maybe they moved it they moved that a little bit right in the center of your screen almost i think it was right in front i think that's uh the bottom of your screen is where the suv is is that it right there oh was it okay further there we go yeah i got my patrol car right here
Channel: ABC7
Views: 1,199,596
Rating: 4.6436729 out of 5
Keywords: los angeles, orange county, car chase, police pursuit, chase, live chase, live pursuit, california pursuit, live california car chase, live police pursuit, california car chase, police chase, police chase los angeles, police chase california
Id: Ylple33_6ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 22sec (3382 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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