Woman in alleged stolen van leads police in bizarre pursuit in El Sereno, DTLA areas

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up in Sky Fox. We do have a pursuit a stool. Where are you and we know so far the streets of them Don't the only reason I'm stopping right there is because we might be going live but the other thing I'm hearing right now is the LAPD helicopters basically telling the guys from Alhambra PD to get a little closer? Get up on This guy he's singing that he's probably going to stop and bail. He's very residential streets out here. I can't call out every one of these little streets, but you can see that bent slowing down a little bit. Stolen vehicle out of LAPD's area this morning. Right now, we only know one person inside. Clearly the driver who else would be in there and l have a PD not giving this up. Apparently even though we are in clearly in the holding back area of loss and the LAPD area kind of slowing down in the speed a little bit, but you can see what he's getting. Hits those bumps. This thing is really light that real and just kind of hops around. Ah lot. Here comes another one. You could see it basically doing those hops read every stop sign that we've seen so far. And a lot of times when he hits those hard turns, you'll see that trip that van fishtail. That's because there's probably absolutely no wait in there also might be out of fuel, which might be a huge plus making his way back on the Eastern right now used in a major street out here, and every time he hits these big ones, you just kind of got you know your blood runs cold. Now we're back. South bound eastern, and you can see that vehicle starting to pick up some speed again. Alhambra PD, the ones that are behind it. LAPD and the air stolen vehicle and the speeds and what this guy's doing with this van you can clearly see not really in control of that vehicle. These are the issues that the LAPD and any law enforcement are watching. They got a kind of way it they've got to say how. How? How badly do we want to stop this guy? How much of how Much of a problem is this guy to the public? This guy a huge problem to the public. We've seen him get really close to a lot of cause wrong, Wrong way on the road, ran another red light right there. This is the. Type of stuff we don't want to see a female driver. So stew. What do we know? Where did this start? How long has it been going? What street or what neighborhood are we in right now? Well, I could tell you the street names. You can see him zipping by right here on western now. Valley I'm sorry. I didn't know I didn't know it was being joined by an anchor. I'm so sorry about that. I was. I thought we were just talking on digital, You know, Waken tell you that we're westbound on valley. I'm kind of playing with my math trying to get you. The name of the streets were the El Sereno area. El Sereno University Hills, So we're very close to the 10 Freeway very close to the USC medical area, and you can see that he seems to get on the majors and then gets off on the smaller streets. And, of course, every time he gets off Smaller streets, and he starts doing that stuff right there. You just gotta worry. You gotta wonder if somebody else is coming the other way Somebody's walking across the street. This guy's barreling down the streets hard Turn right there again, and this is easier What with law enforcement. They reasons why they do that back off because they figure if they back off, then the car will slow down. You can see it. There's nobody only I'm sorry about that. There are they all have repeatedly right behind them. So that's why that may be one of the reasons why this person still driving so radically. But again, all these departments have different policies. LAPD's are actually calling the pursuit in the air. Alhambra is chasing this guy on the ground. You know what's dangerous is ah, a lot of the people who are on the road and lovely. It seems like there are that was close. It seems like there aren't a whole lot of people that he's on the freeway. It seems I don't know what's going on right? And you often think about the innocent bystanders that are in danger because they have no idea they're driving or walking around. And all of a sudden there's this pursuit and God forbid they can really get hurt. That's one of the reasons you no. Way do a lot of pursuits. A lot of people talk to me a law enforcement and but mostly civilians, and you know that conversation always comes up, You know, should they should they behind him? Should they be should they be? Should they be behind them? Should they be, You know, it's true. They back off, and you know those those types of decisions. Those were well above my pay grade. I would never You could be involved in that type of decision making, because if somebody gets hurt, you know it was the wrong what? You did the wrong thing. But you know what? You're so right when they when they least they are behind them. The lights and the sirens. It probably will get somebody's attention. You know, meaning a civilian. I think they're asking to drop the map. They're trying. They're calling us on a different radio there. Try asking us to drop the map, So you know, but basically right now westbound play and you're seeing how this person is driving, erratic, making lane changes so fast And if Really pay attention to that, man. Look it right there. You see that little sway in the back? That is, you know, that is what I'm watching right there, because if he makes 200 too fast or she that suspect the driver, this could end very, very badly. We never want to see anybody get hurt, But in this case right here, I'll hammer PD right behind him eloped right above them, and they're making these calls. They might hand this off to the California Highway Patrol. We're gonna be westbound on the 10 freeway. Gonna be joining the one on one downtown Los Angeles here. Just He was like he's he or she. The driver has picked up steam, or does it just seem that way? From my vantage point? Seems like the person is getting a little bit more risky, a little bit more daring. And now you see, he's coming in, or she's coming into an area where there are some of them want to spit on it. I'm sorry. I've get I'm passing along. Information back and forth. They were asking for this, but I'm sorry about that. You know what? We're getting a lot of traffic right here. And this is where this driver, you only words. I'm coming up with the adjective for this driver's behavior is desperate, making very desperate Move, and when you get into this traffic, and now you have bus is involved in like you said. Anybody on the ground down there. I'm always thinking to myself. What if my mom is down there? You know, they have no Idea that this is this van is barreling down on them now cutting way across getting onto that a huge emergency lane out here trying to avoid the traffic. El Hamra PD. These guys, I gotta hand it to him. These drivers really these officers right on this guy's trail on tail the almost the entire time. Now he's pushing his way through the through the emergency lane right there. I say he that we don't know. I thought for a second when we saw it from the side could possibly be a female driver, but again is stolen vehicle isn't worth it. Is it worth it? Leave this. Look at this, They know. I mean, how many times have you know you've been stuck in traffic and wanted to do something like that? You shouldn't poke any fun of it. They know. I mean, how many times have you know you've been stuck in traffic and wanted to do something like that? We shouldn't poke any fun of it. Because we just don't know how this is gonna end. But this driver very desperate this afternoon and still trying to avoid law enforcement moving around these cars. Thank goodness. We haven't seen an accident. We haven't seen any paint being swapped. But this man continues. Just watch this. Just weaving in and out of traffic out here. We're on the one on one freeway just north of downtown. We're gonna be coming up on the 1 10 here shortly, but hopefully and either runs out of gas with this driver comes to their senses and just pulls over, Do you just said a stolen van? That's what's being reported by police. And you're asking the question. Is it worth it? On top of that? Excuse me On top of that. With every infraction. This is all going to go on the record and work against this. The suspect. Well, you know, they throw it a big blanket. There's nobody down there right there Doing didn't use the blinker illegal lane change drove on the cub ran a stop sign. They're just going to throw. It's just gonna be a blanket, You know, reckless driving and evading those air felonies, and that's that's all they're going to do right there when it comes to when, when they get this person stopped. Hopefully, that person will be Able to be charged with something meaning that we just hope that this doesn't end poorly right now. You know you could seize on that transition. It looks like we're gonna be staying on the one on one. Good choice. Bad choice, But right now, I can tell you looking up ahead. One on one does seem to open up right after we get past the 1 10 Freeway Alhambra. Now, these guys, I just don't know their policies. We don't really interact with the Alhambra PD that often don't know if they're able to pit don't know how they're going to try to bring this thing to an end. But Right now. This vehicle continues to elude officers. LAPD in the air, Perhaps perhaps CHP will pick it up but again right now, all they can really do is kind of keep an eye on where this man is. Hopefully it doesn't hit anybody and or there's an accident involved. But right now, this man keeps moving Alhambra PD on the ground. They're backing off just a little bit. They haven't given up there. Not They're not. They're not doing that. Okay We're just gonna let this thing go. This guy's driving too crazy. But the LAPD helicopters still above it, still calling out the locations and you can see them the shot, but he's going a little bit wider. These other officers have gotten the driver. Well, let's just say slow down a little bit. We're not seeing this person flying cars on the freeway anymore, Always do so again. Uh hamper PD is the one that is the lead agency here in this pursuit as this stolen vehicle continues again. We have no idea who the driver Is or what The circumstances are other than this vehicle was stolen, but we certainly have seen this driver driving extremely erratically at times in recklessly and people should know that when this occurs, there is mandatory jail time involved. Definitely and you know, the deal right now is what they're just kind of keeping an eye on this and you know the adage. Drive it like you stole it. That was what was going on earlier. Now you see In this driver calming down just a little bit. I'm looking. I'm looking out the window, trying to get an idea of al Hamra. Petey still behind this vehicle, they did drop way back LAPD, they might be in tracking mode right now. I'm gonna have to push some buttons and try to listen to some radios. But that van basically on its own at this moment and stolen vehicle that you know, like we said those were the You know that that's what blonde force Mint has to deal with. It's like how badly do we want to get this criminal off the road? It's a stolen Van, you know, what are we gonna do? Looks like he just passed the California Highway Patrol vehicle. And so they might be handing it off so we might be able to listen in but again, way over to the right. Who knows we might be getting off getting different agencies react differently and have different procedures and protocols. But as long as you have that chopper up in the sky, I mean, they're not gonna lose this guy. And if, in fact you could still see Now there is a unit now. Is that a CHP units behind him on Alhambra? People Tony some of our best California Highway patrol out there. There you go there. You know they are pit qualified, but you have to have all these right type of situations involved. There's got to be a certain speed, No other no other vehicles around. Ah wider road and all these to all these different all these different things. You have to be in play for this guy to actually make that officer to actually do. It Looks like we're gonna be getting off the freeway right there. That doesn't mean California Highway patrol. Just gonna throw their hands up and go up. He's off the freeway. Not my problem. They're going to stay with it for a little bit. PD They might have to pick it up, but we can see Melrose, Normandy. Anybody that drives out here knows this is a tight one with a lot of traffic All times of the day and night and let's see what that van does to try to get around. Well presumably all of these various agencies because we are going through different cities through different municipalities and different, obviously different jurisdictions. These agencies would have to be in touch with with one another about what's going on right now. Oh definitely, there's no doubt about it. If they're actually communicating directly with the law enforcement, meaning the officers in the vehicles or if it's just supervisors. Oh I hope he's not doing one of those. We're gonna park underneath the freeway and just wait and see what happens. California Highway Patrol right on him. No Pete made it made a U turn there and basically getting back on to the turning around right there. And California Highway Patrol. We're hearing them now and we're following along with them, but that drivers you saw those you saw those erratic moves or you kind of drove on the curb or let's just call the suspect drove on the car. Herb and to maneuver around there. Ah that is actually quite tame to what Tony is what we saw earlier on right now getting onto heavy traffic. This was a poor choice, the traffic going into the city eyes going to be south on one on one is gonna be way more packed and California Highway patrol there on the ground behind him. LAPD in the air, watching him looks like Vermont or not for money. We're not getting off the freeway was truly hard, You know? I mean, yes, He's come down somewhere here. She We're not sure which this driver certainly has calmed down some but but still still every now and then we see an erratic new hero there. Yep There's an erratic move right there. I believe that's a bus lane or used to be a bus lane, You know, basically just kind of made that made that little bypass, right. They're speeding up a little bit, taking advantage of the no traffic, but there's just more and more traffic is we get as we get closer to the A s, the Echo Park area in downtown Los Angeles. It gets more and more packed, and you can see. Yeah and it's disgusting for law enforcement to be able to get so close to that car or that van in this case and not be able to really stop him. You know, the only thing they can do right now is kind of follow along its only one unit. I have a feeling I'm not 100% on this. I have a feeling that their policy is that they need at least two officers to actually make that stop or to force this vehicle to stop. So they're gonna They're gonna be waiting to see if we get another another law enforcement behind it there, Tony, Maybe your shots a little bit better. Does it look like that was just shadows. It's just shadows. I thought there was something up with the driver's side. Front wheel. Well you know, and soon here's the thing with situations like this. I mean, unless law enforcement agencies have specific information with on here, there are so many unknowns, which is why they have to proceed so cautiously. They have no idea whether this person is armed. They don't know really what's going on in there? The only thing they know what. The point is that there's a legal and this person has been driving erratically and at very high speeds. It points definitely, but the one thing that they do know is that this driver is a menace right now, and there's a possibility this person could injure any other people here on the roadway, even when officers kind of backed off. We saw the van kind of slow down. It's constantly is doing making these erratic moves, cutting in and out stolen vehicle and you're so right, Tony a lot of times if it's a registered owner, meaning you know they can run the plate and they say all this guy's got warrants or all this guy has no warrants. They you know that works in there. They're figuring the decision. What to do. How aggressively we're gonna pursue this guy in this case right now, all we know, stolen van and we don't know who took what the reasons were, but we do know this driver driving extremely erratically We were watching earlier on when we're in the Hammer area hunting the park. This guy was basically I'm sorry up up up off of Huntington Drive. This van was going in the eighties and miles an hour Wrong side of the road jumping over medians fishtailing so extremely dangerous types of driving, putting the public at risk, And that's probably one of the reasons why this pursuit continues this morning. Well and we always asked to let me it's a rhetorical question, obviously, because we never really know what's going through them. Mind of someone who actually flees from the from the police under these kind Eyes of circumstances, but it's because someone is in that mindset that law enforcement has to proceed so cautiously in situations like thisWas an accident up there. That's blocking a lot of the lanes so up. No he's staying on the freeway. He's gonna be the suspect is going to get himself really kind of jammed up and this is one of those ones where you know it's just one officer from the California Highway Patrol. So you kind of wonder. You know, there's policies in place, even if he's stopped in traffic because it looks like there's only one lane open, even if he becomes stopped in traffic. Is that officer going to be able to actually get out of that vehicle and try to physically get This person into custody that vehicle a deadly weapon. I'm sure that officer isn't just going to get out. All you know, habitability and say, Hey, buddy, can you get out of that van? So you know, this is what we're deal. That's what he's dealing with. And right now it looks like they are looking for other officers to help. You can see the traffic stop. Looks like this driver sees the problem and is going to continue and what I thought maybe not getting off the freeway, but looks like we're getting off the freeway now. Well, you know, and still in situations like this. Only when they when they back off, you know if it becomes perceived to have become too dangerous for public safety, The fact the matter is law enforcement. Looks at this. You know, Time is on our side time. Time is on their side. Definitely law enforcement that is one of the one of the first things that you know that I kind of learned is in the media. Is that the law enforcement? That's that That is their deal. They have They have the quality of time. They're double the weight. This guy out. They're gonna be able Teofilo, this And until it runs out, I guess that that is definitely on their side. Now you've got an idea that it's showing about 50 miles an hour. We're on Glendale. The Glendale is the street where South bound on Glendale Boulevard, another street. That's a really kind of kind of pack down there, and also a lot of traffic. A lot of red lights, and now we're making our way. I believe that's gonna be third, the third Street Bridge or First Street Bridge. And look at that just cutting around another red light. And you know it's not the infraction so much, but the danger to the public when this van barrels through these intersections, you know nobody. Nobody's expecting that. And you just You just got to hope that he doesn't collide with any of these people on the roadway this morning, you know, I once asked a police captain Mr some years ago. You know, you know what determines, you know, You know what we do in pursuit like this? And it was interesting. His response was well, We're not the ones determining how we act. The suspect is the one who determines how we act. We respond to what that person's doing. That's right. I'm sorry, Tony. I'm working with with Vinnie and the and the pilot. There is right there. There he is. He's going into the city building to the left to the left. He's going into the city into the city's going across the freeway. There is S O. He's bound for ST. You got a minute. Sorry about that, Tony. Yeah. You know, this is gonna become really difficult for us up here in the helicopter in the streets, and there's a lot of buildings in the way and then also bridges, but I don't think the suspect knows that. But you know you're right. They respond to what That suspect is doing if that suspect would have just kind of slowed down and kind of just drove normal, Possibly the L. A copter would just have followed. And as soon as I've had pulled over, that's when the magically the officers would have appeared there and taking that suspect into custody with the continuation of the bad driving is the only way I can describe it is what's going to keep LAPD on this guy's tail and again every time he gets close to somebody every time there's a red light, it's not. It's not dramatic. I'm being serious. Values even to this day, I get goose pimples. My blood runs cold. You just don't want to see somebody get hurt. There's going to be north Bound Figueroa. We're gonna be coming up on sunset and Cesar Chavez here in just a minute. If he continues on and light traffic, That's the only big Plus about this this morning. Light traffic on the streets. Well, you know, and sometimes we've seen we've watched so many of these pursuits over the years. I mean, more than we think it was a lot of time seeing a pattern with people who flee law enforcement in these situations, and that is they tend to go to communities. That they're familiar with. We don't necessarily see that happening with the person in this stolen vehicle. This person seems to be all over the place. Definitely And you know, I love it. When When? What do you get asked that it's like, Well, what do you think This guy's doing it you know, I don't think you can say is driving at the moment or driving poorly. You know, it did start out in the Alhambra area. We did make our way all the way to downtown and now it does appear that we're working our way. East. Fish. So perhaps we're going back to the area where that vehicle was stolen. You just don't know, But I can tell you that right now. You see these intersections? I Seymour cars out there. I see more civilians and I just get more and more worried, and it looks like we're gonna be going on another bridge. Right here is we're making our way. I believe that's gonna be on Cesar Chavez, So we're going to we're right by Union station. Clearly you see all the railroad tracks and you know, at one point, I'm hearing them. Talk about it. You know, they're basically relaying the information to them. Supervisors when I say they law enforcement basically saying, Look, this guy's driving on the wrong side of the road. This guy's running red lights and then that supervisor is either going to make the decision. You know, Do we keep chasing them or do we just back off? Well, and right now it looks like there's at least staying in the air. The LAPD is definitely gonna be calling it from the air and law enforcement. No, no. One thing we do know is that whoever is driving this stolen vehicle Since the time we've been following this person, that person has not stopped at a gasoline station, So we have no idea how much gasoline is in that band, and that could determine when this pursuit ends as well. And we've seen that happen before us to so many times and a lot of times, you know, the suspect basically just gonna gonna run out freedom as long as they can. That's that's that. I think that's really the mentality of anybody. Running is like you know, they pretty much know they're going. Get it. They're going to get caught. But like you said, cast that could be the big the big problem, And I mentioned that earlier on when he was driving extremely fast on hunting to drive earlier on that van was fishtailing. Ah lot And you just made you You realize there's no weight in the back of that van. So I kind of thought what may be the tank's empty but but you can see the van just kind of just driving Maura. Normal I don't know what the speed limit is down there, Probably about 35 so technically speeding, but at any rate continues on On and it looks like this the first time. Oh, I was thought he was actually gonna stop for a stoplight. I stand corrected, and that's what in another light there. There he goes. And But traffic's getting really heavy, and I just wonder Well, now they're making serious stuff. He's stuck right there. Now. Here she stuck. The person stopped. I'm not sure what's gonna happen here. Nothing I persons proceeding is zip. Their part of the traffic patterns. Yep they're just following. I guess it's just being followed in the air, right? Now, the California Highway Patrol. They backed out of it, basically probably from the same to CEO. Same thing. It's like it's a stolen man. Do we want to see somebody lose their life over stolen vehicle? No. And so somebody's making these decisions and there, it's based on protocols is pressed on what what they've been taught and how they can weigh out all the all the all the whole situation, so right now, just being followed in the air by LAPD helicopter, But that doesn't mean that they've just everybody's walked away that The most likely what's going to happen now? Is the vans driving a little bit more normal. If that van does come to a stop someplace, I know it. We've seen it so many times in the past, magically all these officers from whatever law enforcement agency is where it ends. Well just appear and we'll take that suspect into custody. The helicopter calling out the streets, telling the officers on the ground where this van is. Looks like we're gonna be back. We're back on valley, so this is kind of where we picked it up. So perhaps he is making his way back to where this whole thing started. That That could be. I mean, perhaps it was just the securities and roundabout way of getting back to where this person is familiar with the area. Definitely And you see, you can see it. There you go. The tactics seem to work that desperate nous of you know, the cops are right behind me. I gotta go. I gotta go. It really it It kind of war off the events that five Steve something miles an hour now slowing down a little bit valleys. A bit of a defeat, The helicopter LAPD, Thank goodness for them. They're out there. They're calling it out. They're letting the officers on the ground know where it's at. But it even looks like they are. You know, they're lightweight leaving as well. I got to find out for sure. But it looks like they may be calling this thing. Just everybody's calling it off, eh? So we'll keep an eye on it. And hopefully, this van doesn't doesn't collide with anybody Well, and you know, and we talk about this when it comes to these kinds of pursues him. We've seen in the past, particularly when there have been tragic consequences of these kinds of versus, which is why law enforcement develop the policies of just sort of backing off if it if it appears that the suspect is driving to a red be radically and really posing a huge threat to the public, So you know that that's what we've seen happen and this is exactly what they hope will happen if they back off and that is that the suspect then doesn't present as great a danger to the public as He or she previously did. Well It definitely seems to be working that bans. The attitude is really kind of similar. Don't we just kind of like just doing traffic speed to the speed of traffic? Hope that wasn't a red light? I don't think it was so it does. The tactics do seem to be working the LAPD helicopter it is. It's an unusual sight for us. We he went way up high, possibly to t make it for you make that suspect field. Like nobody's watching, or at least LAPD isn't watching them anymore, Usually there were way below us. So we're actually got almost a better view right now, which is unusual in itself. But the van just continues to drive down there. They are calling out the streets. They know where this guy or woman is. And right now it is just kind of watching C type of situation. The huge plus right now is the backing off tactic does seem to be working in this case. This Dr definitely slowing down, at least not run. The spread running ivy stop sign and red light that says, comes in front of it, And you can see possibly just making it making their way back to a place where it's familiar where perhaps they're going to try to jump out and try to run or just abandoned the vehicle somewhere, But it shows you that these tactics to work and those law enforcement. We know what they're doing. Well, you know, and still I was. I was just thinking because obviously we're seeing a quite a difference in the way this suspect is driving now, as opposed to say. A 30 minutes ago, Um you know when you started covering this or so, but we have to, you know, keep in mind and keep reminding our viewers that this is still a dangerous situation because the fact that someone would run to begin with means that they're not necessarily thinking rationally or clearly definitely and you know, in the desperation is that that was like the only thing that I could really come up with. Those that driver was driving extremely desperate. There was you could see there was this this, you know, Desperation in the moves. Looks like we did just run a red light right there, and I was kind of wondering it almost looks like the van was going to stop there in the intersection. So perhaps this person is really looking for that opportunity to just kind of stop and get out, run or just abandon the band in the stolen property. S o. You know it Well, we'll keep an eye on it. But you just just again, Tonto say everything. Thing about the law enforcement. You know those officers that are behind that vehicle? They're human beings, you know, and they've got the adrenaline and they you know, they're basically challenged. It looks like I'm gonna was onto Ah, residential street. But you know the bosses, the management, you know, you've got to give them credit because they're the ones that are basically telling the telling the guys on the road. Look, you gotta back off and they follow down. They they follow the rules, Just like like we do at work every day, Tony. Yeah, because you know what, At this point Actually, If a suspect is here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Maybe a really good person is stopping. Yeah, well, he's clearly watching. You know, he's clearly watching Fox right now. And then keep what's going on. Clearly, the person knows that they're being followed by by a helicopter. For sure. I mean, they're not oblivious to that. Well way are you know that we've talked about that in the past two are we have like the Blue Thunder whisper mode? No we definitely don't. And in this case we were Definitely not alone. There's an armada of helicopters out here, but you have to remember, too, that that Lance is very, very powerful. We are extremely high up in the air. If you would stop and try and listen. Of course you're gonna hear the helicopter inside that man. I would guess Probably not. I'm being very serious about that. But they women doesn't know but the but the person would have to be. Not that he or she isn't but pretty dense not to know
Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles
Views: 841,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, video, kttv, ca
Id: Ae01LHB37KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 19sec (5419 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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