Policarpa: The Revolutionary Teen Spy β€’ Puppet History

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Holy crap that song was an absolute f u n k

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarlTheBotBoi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fucking β€œJoey Bones”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pandaluver1234 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Professor: Buhgotuh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/greylynnskywalker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

holy shit that might be my fav song so far. what a banger

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jackfruitchips_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shane early in Unsolved: "Look. I dont want to get political."

Shane as time goes on: "Eat the rich, you can't trust the government, all cops are bastards, donate to planned parenthood."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MABfan11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome one and all to puppet history online university today we'll be taking an ever winding look at yet another chapter in the heavy heavy book we call history while our guests ruthlessly compete for the coveted title of history master i am obviously your beloved host the professor a thank you an icon ryan bergara are you ready yeah let's do this special guest curly velazquez from our friends over at pedolyke are you ready i feel like i'm at the premiere of a giant show like i'm like yes oh i'm so excited well then let's crack in to start us off please describe yourself at age 21 in two words oh uh human disaster human disaster okay not much has changed i'm gonna say fun and fashion and that too not much has changed i would describe myself as a professor which makes me wonder how old are you yeah you know you start jumping around in time and things get a little funky well if you could ask the subject of today's story which how could i it's not like you can just wish to be able to time travel and she might say patriot but she's just being humble really it should be revolutionary murder today we're talking about polycarpa salavarrieta the sewing spy the sewing spy yes and she's sewing and spying at the same time that's a lot of work that's a lot of things to be doing well i guess spies are always doing something other than spying sort of pretending to be like oh i'm a butcher just kidding i'm spying on you in the early 1500s spain began colonizing the americas including the area that makes up modern day colombia those colonies were governed by the king of spain but since he was an ocean away spanish viceroys acted as his representatives on the west side of the atlantic by 1739 much of today's colombia was governed by the viceroy of new granada it's giving you a little a little flavor some context yeah not a good time for our people to get some fun flavor of colonization tasty delicious polycarpa salavarieta was born in new granada around 1795 to middle-class parents they died when she was only around seven years old and she began to work as a seamstress in her hometown of guadwa guadwas was a small town between bogota and the magdalena river wait what did i say pagoda pagoda razz al ghul raz al ghul manzana because of its location the town saw a lot of travelers moving between the caribbean and bogota travelers who brought modern ideas and information about the happenings around the country this traffic allowed new and progressive ideas to circulate ideas like hey maybe a king on a different continent shouldn't rule us not long before polycarp was born new granada had been home to the communero rebellion an uprising in response to new taxes implemented in 1780 by the spanish government it's easy to imagine an orphaned polycarpa becoming inspired by tales of her community taking part in the insurrection however though there was some simmering tension about colonial rule from the new grenadans in general there wasn't any massive focused push for independence instead events in europe dropped an early opportunity for independence in new grenada's lap in 1808. it's time for our first question yeah what happened in 1808 to nudge new granada towards independence a napoleon dethroned the king of spain b a massive volcano erupted in albania or c portugal began marching on madrid oh oh [ __ ] i know i love your little your little feather pens here oh yeah it's called a quill curly hey ryan come on a rotten jelly bean for you you're nice to our guest good i love them uh ryan what do you got see portugal and carly i'm gonna say a napoleon that was my second guest ah jelly bean for curly that sneaky little french guy he's got his paws all over history in 1808 napoleon deposed king ferdinand vii imprisoned him in france and put a guy named joseph bonaparte on the throne that's right napoleon made his lame older brother joey bones the king of spain joey bone joseph bonaparte you don't hear a lot about him sometimes when you got a lame duck in the fam you gotta drag them along yourself i know i mean man if that's not privileged i don't know what it is you just do nothing and become king maybe he was just looking out for his bro like well try being king of spain for a little bit see how you like it [Music] [Applause] now while this same playbook had worked for napoleon elsewhere spain was a tougher nut to butter a resistance movement established their own government the central junta in seville and pledged continued loyalty to ferdinand until his ass was back on the throne they considered themselves the rightful rulers of spain this was probably some heavy heavy news for the viceroys across the atlantic but it seemed most people just accepted the junta and figured life would keep on keeping on it's a sloppy situation history it's sloppy but not everybody was content with this some saw how the folks across the pond had set up their own junta and were like hey can we hunt also if the central junta in seville wants to rule spain on ferdinand's behalf fine do your thing but why couldn't the colonies form their own junta no viceroys no ferdinand no nothing how many hunters we got now in one tara a lot there's a lot there's a lot punta started popping up all over northern south america the royalist viceroys who were loyal to the junta in spain not these new american juntas tried their best to assert their control and stamp them out as a result many new grenadines were still on the fence about independence the american juntas needed to sway more supporters to their mission so how did the juntas try to persuade the less than revolutionary a they began a massive newspaper campaign b they just lied and told them the juntas were still in the name of king ferdinand or c they rounded them up and shot them oh all right oh ryan what do you got yeah sea guns sadness yeah sea guns thank you and curly i'm gonna go to say c as well because i feel like if history is anything it like you said it is messy well let's see what happened oh wow we gonna see a puppet pull out a gat that's crazy oh i haven't heard anybody use gat in so long puppy with a heater pulls out the burner packing some heat revolution we support the hunter down with the viceroys we are not reused puppets from previous episodes oh geez you guys i don't know about this what did you just say i i just have you really thought this through i mean i i didn't ever actually even meet king ferdinand so i i don't have anything against him well as you know spain's junta is ruling in the name of king ferdinand uh same here we're just keeping the colonies warm until the king comes back wait so when ferdinand comes back into power we'll just be back to being under his rule tell him yes yeah tell just tell him that's right yes that is correct oh okay well then cool go right ahead revolution down with the viceroys nice folks all right yeah that definitely was wow wow wow this is fun that was fun less violent than we had hoped less violent than we had feared that's all i meant to say i think the professor revealed who he was there you're kind of [ __ ] up huh no no no no no i don't want to see my wonderful little puppets hurt each other points to nobody apologies well those first few years were pretty chaotic with who does jockeying for power and the royalist viceroys trying to regain control back in spain king joe turned to his younger brother for help dealing with the spanish junta napoleon did his napoleon thing and seized all major cities including seville where the central huta had been based by 1810 spanish resistance controlled little more than the city of cadiz fun side effect of that napoleon's domination in spain weakened the position of the viceroys in america and encouraged the rebel american judas man the titular character of this story really not getting a lot of screams i know that's what i was thinking oh she's popping in now she's hanging out so let's talk about let's talk about polycarp okay all right so polycarpa like all cool teens was raised amongst veterans of the communero rebellion and so she joined in on the revolutionary fun she was only around 13 at the time napoleon tossed ferdinand in the clink but she was already pretty smart and outspoken her brothers were likely guerrilla fighters and polycarpa wasn't going to let them be the only active rebels in her family to start helping the rebel cause all polikarpa had to do was listen visitors passing through guadua's with loose lips likely didn't suspect a teenage girl was actually passing information to the revolution delivering messages between different rebel army camps poli carpo was an information pipeline and she began to build a reputation for herself wow i love that 13. i mean look at 13 i was stealing sun in from the local like cvs and the walgreens what is that sun was like a spray that people used in the early 2000s to get highlights in your hair that's cool get some of that 13 year olds are scary yes they are 13 year olds are scary they are very they haven't quite uh sharpened their sense of empathy yet so uh a little terrifying a reputation however can be a double-edged sword guerilla leaders trusted her sure but it also meant royalists might catch on and put her life in danger perhaps because of royalist persecution and possibly so she could be of even more service polikarpa abandoned guadwas for the big city lights of bogota wasn't exactly a safe haven at least there she was unknown and so she was christened the phantom of bogota that part's not true i'm sorry i just made that up oh wow you really that would have been pretty cool that would be cool i mean we can call her that in retrospect i mean if i mean you did technically name her that yeah i've i've christened her such well i was like who if nobody knew her then at that time yeah i guess nobody maybe maybe they treated her like batman and were like she's up tonight watch yourselves the phantom anonymity however can also be a double-edged sword while royalists would again have no reason to suspect her rebels would not know they could trust her what is a girl to do what did polycarpa do a brought letters of recommendation b got herself arrested so she could meet other imprisoned rebels or c called out the biggest baddest royalist and kicked her ass on the first day hmm ryan what'd you put i go b prison talk prison talk and curly i'm gonna go with b as well a couple of oh we got b boys out there yeah no points for either of you wow was it no it was a in a move that sounds more like a teenager applying for college than joining a revolution polycarpa brought letters of recommendation with her to bogota from the gorilla leaders around guadwas wow i mean how would you even validate a letter back then right i was just thinking that as well yeah probably very easy to forge that and just be like yes i am a very serious uh very dependable rebel oh you should have seen our local junta it was something to write home about baby in bogota polycarp took her letters to the home of a well-to-do rebel sympathizer andrea ricarte de lozano who gave polikarpa a place to stay in her quiet neighborhood besides being willing to board polycarpa what did andrea riccarte delozano do to contribute to the revolution hey absolutely nothing b she built muskets in her basement or c she ran a spy ring out of her home i love how you're surprised when the light changes it's very scary uh ryan what do you got uh c spy incubator spy incubator and curly um i feel like we're picking the same answers i could see it's okay as well oh we got my seed dogs out there that's a running bit from this entire season and it kills every single time in your mind points to both of you that is correct that's right andrea was cool running a female spy now work come on essentially she was exactly the person polycarp needed to get back into the espionage game sounds dope i don't think i could ever be a spy because i become friends with people so quickly i'd be like i don't want to turn this guy in he's very nice like i wouldn't want to know that's the whole thing you got to be kind of a sociopath because you have to pretend to be genuine friends with people i know that's maybe you would be a good spy then curly you know everyone wants to be your friend you get the information out of them but then eventually if he wanted to be a successful spy he would have to turn his back on them and then there would be turmoil in our sweet curly soul exactly now their relationship was mutually beneficial as andrea would later write quote with the arrival of polycarpa the political work accelerated and as she was unknown in the city she came and went with liberty facilitating correspondence with the juntas and the gorillas i'm wondering what the spider-person ratio is in this junta or town and i wonder if the spies know who's a spy like does the spy know that's exactly what i was wondering because in mafia you know who the other mafia are you know who the other bad guys are so it helps you it's kind of you know what i bet how it works is some spies know who other spies are but some spies don't know who other spies are even if those spies know who they are kind of like that their secrets no secrets yes a web of intrigue a tangled web being unknown meant polycarpo was able to land seamstress jobs inside the homes of wealthy royalists richo's holy carp would sit in the corner sewing and listening for information that could serve the rebel cause once again no one suspected the quiet girl replacing some buttons on a blouse was actually an important rebel spy nor did anyone realize that royalist documents lying around the house always happened to disappear when that same young seamstress was around wow yeah you always got to be aware of the quiet ones but also too like somebody had to have brought her in yeah if somebody comes to my house and i'm like oh they're quiet like i don't know like somebody that i trust would have to make it so that i trusted that person in my house yeah but curly here's the thing you're a nice person yeah i would imagine a lot of these people were like yeah sit in the corner and do my stuff go talk to yeah oh yeah you're right don't make eye contact with me don't even look at me how dare you don't do it you're right you're right i'd probably sit in the corner with her and be like where are you from yeah and still holy carpet did more according to one report or another she visited captured gorillas in prison bringing them food and information she made illegal alcohol to finance the cause she persuaded young men drafted by the royalists to defect and join the rebellion she sewed guerilla uniforms while working in the homes of royalists and she coordinated supplies for the rebellion colombia's tourism board asserts she even supplied guns to the revolutionaries now it's important to note polycarp was still not yet 20 years old also you would be insane to pause it to someone else in this town like you know i think that seamstress is a spy there's something about that girl here's my theory she's the leader of an illegal spy ring that's running through our town and everyone when i was like i don't know man i think she's just putting buttons on her shirt dude yeah how about you chill you also thought she was stealing your documents ryan no i swear to god it's her i know it's her while foley karpa took on a staggering amount of revolutionary responsibility at an early age she was nevertheless still a teenager and you know she was crushing on a hunk foley karpa met alejo sabarain at andrea regaurte de lozano's house the two young revolutionaries soon fell in love obviously i think it's pronounced alejo what did i say you said aleo savaren sorry let me take another stab at that there we go oh here's a nice description quote it was a fleeting idyllic romance which slipped by in an atmosphere of expectation and of mystery while the two principles were surrounded by danger and by war and destined to end in tragedy wow you wrote that i know did you write that about the relationship no it was some article from like utah during world war ii sexy ass utah yeah yeah for now we'll leave polycarpa and her young lover alone while we check back in with europe yeah we're going back to europe sorry even though his younger brother had all but handed the entire country of spain to him joey bones could not get the people to accept him the spanish rebels adopted a new constitution in 1812 called the constitution of cadiz named for their last stronghold by now you could imagine that napoleon was getting pretty fed up with the resistance to his brother's government so whoa hey what did napoleon do hey he sent the full force of the french army to destroy the junta in cadiz b he threatened to execute ferdinand vii if the resistance didn't back off or c he released ferdinand the seventh that could be completely wrong all right what do you got but a little guy wants blood and carly oh man i like your answer but okay i went for i went for c oh that's very sweet of you i hope that he released him but yeah that would be the nice thing to do we're gonna find out right now and by the way ryan to your comment napoleon wasn't actually all that short it was a bit of a misnomer oh what was he he was five six that's not tiny that's pretty small isn't it no back then i'm pretty sure that was average i always thought he'd be like five two bigger than you think you know bigger than you think let's find out what happened let's see it's me joe bonaparte hey uh napoleon my little brother i have a favor to ask joseph jesus jesus what i already made you king of a little place called spain heard of it yeah i know thanks again but the people they still don't like me they've got this new constitution and it seems like i'm really not in their plans for the future you know maybe i should just oh maybe i should just not be king oh this again oh joe joe joe what are we gonna do with you well who should i put on the throne then huh i was thinking maybe ferdinand i mean he likes it there the people like him [Music] fine release the spanish king i mean do you want me to do i mean you're looking at me do you want me to no not you anyone i guess i mean if you want to but not necessarily you yes fart humor never gets old just give me all the farts you were right you're right right curly you put c a history point for curly so ferdinand was released in december of 1813 and back on the spanish throne in 1814 once back on the throne ferdinand must have not been too happy about the news from the colonies he sent general pablo morillo and an army of roughly ten thousand men to south america to regain royal control by may of 1816 bogota was back under spanish control putting an end to the brief period in which the spanish colonies first began to try to rule themselves but having had a taste of self-governance new granada saw a new resistance movement begin spanish general mourinho was not pleased with this and set up an organized persecution of anyone who was suspected of being involved if caught people could lose their property be exiled imprisoned or even killed amidst the heightened danger polycarpa continued her work until one grave misfortune what happened a polycarpa's landlord andrea ricarte de lozano was arrested b polycarpa's boyfriend alejo sabharin was arrested or c a magical genie meddled once again with history and turned polikarpa in and tried to pin the blame on a bespectacled puppet who is at this point starting to suspect he may have made a deal with the devil i want to pick c just to fix c i don't but please ryan what you put i put b adios alejo oh and curly i knew i put b as well because i was like we got to hear about this love we must hear about this love points to both of you yes now a good reminder to all women yeah i'll say it men are trouble baby stay away from them if you can in the fall of 1817 sabrine was detained by royalists and searched on him were some documents mentioning polikarpa's role in resistance activity and a warrant was issued for her arrest wait he didn't plan to get her in trouble though no he didn't he was just arrested and he happened to have documents on him that basically incriminated her wow so he wasn't like a bad guy no but um clearly not a good spy come on this is why you always delete your text messages just like delete the receipts always you know ryan where'd you make that face i like hanging on to the memories i don't know when soldiers arrived at andrea's house boligarp knew she was in trouble and could possibly jeopardize a large piece of the resistance but soldiers discovered an entire spy network was being run from andrea's home many rebels including andrea would be arrested andrea stalled the soldiers lying that she had no idea polycarpo was an insurgent can you imagine here in her house after she opened her home to the wretched girl meanwhile in the kitchen polycarpa and her fellow spies were incinerating documents that contain sensitive rebel information in the oven it's safe to say their efforts covering their tracks assured andrea's resistance work and her spiring could continue to operate wow pretty baller delete all text messages once arrested holy carpa was taken to rosario college whose classrooms were being used by mourillo's forces as a prison in november of 1817 she was tried before the council of war and found guilty of espionage and treason her punishment death by firing squad oof yeah this is where things get heavy pretty quickly andrea essentially turns her in or how does she even get from burning the documents to she stalled them they were clearly had a mission which was to arrest polycarpa so polycarpa did everyone a favor by burning all the things that incriminated everyone else in the residence so she just took one for the team that's what i was thinking i would be like polly girl take one for the team yeah and don't spill the tea yeah curly would be in there whispering those thoughts well somebody's gotta fall on the sword here polly take over the team you got it at dawn on november 14 1817 polikarpa and her fellow prisoners including her boyfriend alejo sabarein were marched to the plaza mayor in the middle of bogota the public nature of this display was meant to send a message to the people of bogota if you resist this is what will happen to you polikarpa however made sure to send her own message instead of wearing the customary death row uniform of a sackcloth holy carpa reportedly insisted on wearing a blouse a wide skirt and a shawl another account says she refused to kneel and that she taunted the spanish soldiers so loudly that drummers were ordered to increase their volume to drown her out wow yeah that's pretty baller i'm not gonna lie you could always tell who a person really is in their last moments i suppose yeah she's not going down without a fight when the time came for her final words poli carpet did not waste them shouting to the gathered crowd indolent people how different your fate would be if you knew the price of freedom but it is not too late see that although i am young and a woman i have enough courage to suffer this death and a thousand more deaths do not forget this example holy carpo was executed by the firing squad she was 21 years old what a life such as life that's what's so crazy is that there's been so many like historical people that have done amazing things and i seriously get anxiety about going to the supermarket i'm like what a waste of a human am i well you know as i say you never know the depths of your courage until you're tried until you get there until you get to the supermarket if i had rebel brothers maybe i'd be a rebel rebel brother too you know yeah rebel brothers yeah very easy thing to say rebel brothers general morillo must have thought that executing a 21 year old woman alongside her boyfriend in the middle of a public square was going to help his cause as you can expect it didn't turns out unbelievable cruelty towards people standing up for what they believe in is seldom what wins the support of people especially in the long lens of history bulikarpa's execution outraged the citizenry and motivated many to stiffen their resistance to spanish rule word spread about what the spanish military court had done poems stories and plays were written about the young martyr to get a sense of the national sentiment towards polikarpa's death one play about her was performed for the first time in bogota on july 23 1820 less than three years after her death what happened at the play hey spanish soldiers set the building on fire during intermission b the resistance forces enlisted more than 600 new soldiers from the exiting playgoers or c the audience started a small riot to prevent polikarpa's execution wow think hard ryan make the right choice there's a fire fire that place on fire love the enthusiasm yeah curly what do you got um i'm gonna go with b i think that they probably recruited a bunch i bet you people were super inspired by it and they were like recruiting outside like yeah you want to join the cause [ __ ] yeah i want to join the cause and then junta merch well let's see what happened where'd my guy go where's my guy where's my little guy oh there he is two play goers watch the play can you move i gotta go jacob i gotta take a piss ah you might wanna hold it it's almost the execution scene oh what the girl's gonna get killed yeah that's that's what happened [Music] i said boo save body carpet he throws a tomato yeah you know what he's right boo save her throws a rock yep this place sucks [ __ ] this play wow wow [Music] yeah they didn't like that play one bit yeah people are stupid i know i don't know if they read the playbill on that one hey dumb as hell points to nobody unfortunately the audience refused to sit idly by during foley karpa's execution hurling eggs tomatoes tamales and straight up rocks at the stage endangering the actors that play is just one example that shows how anti-spanish sentiment was finally taking off in new granada though many may have been reluctant to separate from spain in 1808 after a taste of freedom a brutal reconquest by mourinho plus the selfless sacrifices by polikarpa sala varieta and hundreds of others new granada was ready to get rid of the a-holes in 1823 the spanish were driven from new granada and by 1826 all spanish colonies in america were finally independent wow i mean i'm happy to hear about the freedom you know love to hear about the freedom man that's it's intense it's a lot it's a lot that's a lot to digest today polycarp is considered colombia's most recognized woman and her face graces the colombian 10 000 peso note colombia's women's day is commemorated each year on november 14th the day polycarpa was executed la polla as she's commonly called continues to be a symbol of patriotism and inspires countless to stand up for what they believe is right even in the face of extraordinary pressures if polycarpa can face a firing squad at age 21 with an uplifting commitment to her cause then we should all be able to find the strength to at least speak up for what we know is right good for her i love that an inspiring woman that's so powerful i mean today and always that is super powerful to not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in i love her i love this story this is fantastic professor i loved it that will conclude our history lesson for today all right well i'm gonna go tally the scores to see who receives the coveted cup and the title of his dream master while i do that please enjoy this special performance from polygarpa's sewing spool wow hey there i'm a spool that's a great spool thank you pretty good yes you look great spool when you're the spool i'm a seamstress i'm telling you you really see some [ __ ] well there's a new trend going around folks are pledging blind loyalty to the crowd i have a royalist any shame sniffing the throne or some tool in spain i hate to say something must be done why don't we start out with step number one you gotta stitch stitch on the rich i insist you try your best to spy on high society as disgusting mushroom trust set up for crushed trust their ass is on the menu cause it's time to eat oh independence it's coming go on and hide inside your home stitch we got eyes we got ears and let me tell you folks we're taking notes hi look around you out your window tell me do you notice anything concerning all those crowds and angry people waving pitchers gotta tell you sure seems like the revolution is emerging well there's a hooter over here over there hey a couple hooters over there and over there and over there a lot of hooters [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] is i was moved by that song that was a good song wow that was so good a little some seamstress humor anyway you guys are not going to believe this color me surprised curly velasquez is our history master and so he has rightfully earned the coveted cup ryan thanks for trying curly go claim your reward really right now yes [Music] good good work today right yes what's what now you're not going to talk to me i don't think i have to yeah i love it there's no part of this that requires me to talk to you oh my god she's beautiful i'm so proud well you have so rightfully earned it curly thank you thank you everyone else for watching puppet history we'll see you next week bye [Music] oh
Channel: Watcher
Views: 1,100,274
Rating: 4.9784875 out of 5
Keywords: puppet history, shane madej, the professor, ryan bergara, history of japan, musical, watcher, puppet history songs, musical history, shane madej and ryan bergara, buzzfeed, history, trivia, quiz, game show, animated history, animation, educational, puppets, puppet show, funny, rivals, ruining history, buzzfeed ruining history, shane and ryan, ryan and shane, edutainment, facts, curly velasquez, policarpa, policarpa salavarrieta, colombia, south american history, south america, new granada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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