How America's First Female Detective Saved Abe Lincoln • Puppet History

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The email that accompanied it was intense. I look forward to more puppet university episodes and emails!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/arika_ito 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

SUPER happy to see Kate back! I hope she's a recurring guest, definitely on the deans list at PU

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/gamechangerjosie 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

choo choo! boohoo!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/heyitsryan 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did we just get L O R E????

Adding as a side note bc I saw that pin; I would adore like Puppet U running shorts or something if they’re ever in a position/have the interest to produce it!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve already rewatched several times! I’m so excited for this season and I absolutely adore Kate as a guest

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GayApparel 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

This episode absolutely FLOODED my brain with serotonin. Truly the perfect show.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SeagullGaurdian 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

When Ryan thought she was a sharp shooter...was he maybe thinking of Kissin’ Kate Barlow, of Holes? Lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NoncompetitiveReign 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am so excited for this season!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lelejz 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

My favorite feature in this episodes is Shane's fading printer toner causing an interesting texture on the printed picture puppets.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dudeidontknoww 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're back it's happening [Music] oh my god oh yeah welcome one and all to puppet history online university it's like the university of phoenix except there's a chance you might actually learn something oh boy someone got denied from the university of phoenix they're grifters i took half of a real estate class on phoenix university so did you drop out or did you get kicked out i dropped out i'm a phoenix online dropout oh boy today we'll be taking an ever winding look at yet another chapter in the heavy heavy book we call history while our guests ruthlessly compete for the coveted title of history master i am obviously your beloved host the professor hooray ryan bergara are you ready let's do this let's uh let's get back into this nightmare and kate peterman welcome back thank you i'm so happy to be here then let's crack in season two buddy i can't believe i'm paying for this stupid online university you could have been smart and gotten a scholarship like i did but i wasn't even away or there were scholarships and given how uh well i did in the first season of this i felt like how well i mean out of the two of you only one of you has a little well that's because the system is rigged against me so uh there's nothing i can really do i'm ready to learn okay we'll we'll settle this off what kind of attitude wait you know what let's let's give kate a history point i want that kind of enthusiasm unbelievable you blew a little bit let's crack it abraham lincoln the 16th president of the united states the original lincoln lawyer immortalized in marble at barely larger than life scale in the aptly named lincoln memorial tragically assassinated by a racist coward in 1865 the great emancipator tops many lists of history's greatest leaders yet were it not for the efforts of the country's first female detective honest abe may never have been sworn into office today we're talking about kate warren and her role in saving president lincoln's life abraham lincoln so what do you guys know about him i learned in school that he was a great man and i learned recently that he wasn't completely not racist exactly right he was necessary for the movement for it but clearly there's more work to be done yeah also uh buff buff as hell did you guys know that i didn't know that ripped i mean he was a wrestler guys yolked oh yeah that's a whole that's a topic for another day but he was a hell of a wrestler all right let's hit let's hit this story huh 1856 the u.s was a mere five years from the civil war and in chicago kate warren a 23 year old widow fed up with life as a housekeeper spotted a help wanted ad in the chicago tribune from the pinkerton national detective agency on a whim kate headed to their office to ask for a job oh wait a tick i think i know this story oh do you using kate warren she's she's the first female pinkerton yeah that's yeah did you say that yeah could you imagine hearing something for the first time and then once you heard it be like oh i already knew this when she was brought in to see alan pinkerton the agency's founder and head honcho he was surprised to hear she didn't want to be a secretary but a detective pinkerton knew that line of work was a dangerous one and up until this point he had exclusively employed tough men in fact only 15 percent of american women had any type of career outside the home at that time and none of them worked in law enforcement if she is who i think she is this lady was maybe perhaps one of the fastest hands in the west are you thinking of annie oakley yeah what are you i i think i'm calamity jane she's not a gunslinger dude damn it she's a fancy lady she just wants to solve crabs i'm bored at home i'm sick of dustin i just want a salsa to his credit however instead of laughing worn out of the room pinkerton let her make her case [Music] wait you gotta sneeze we've reached our first question and thus our first opportunity for a history point how did kate warren try to convince alan pinkerton to give her a job as a detective a she told him she was directly descended from a line of famous lawmen b she claimed she could get secrets the male detectives could not or c she threatened to blackmail him with information that she had already detectived on her own detective i'm ready to go baby well well well someone's cocky this season i go with c blackmail i went with c2 a couple of seas uh some sea pals huh some seep some sea dogs keep going i just just keep digging again [Music] let's find out what the answer is warren explained to pinkerton how she could wait [ __ ] [Laughter] what the hell okay there we go sorry about that warren explained to pinkerton how she could win the confidence of a criminal's wife or mistress much more easily than any male detective gal code and all that now pinkerton took the night to think it over and by the next day made the best hiring decision of his career pretty cool wow so it was b it was b she was like look that's crazy if your whole thing is that you're trying to get information out of people there's an entire half of the population who may be more willing to divulge secrets to you know a lady that makes the most sense quite honestly it's a really good argument i just kind of wanted her to come in and be like bam look what i already have on you sucka warren was soon put on some of pinkerton's highest profile cases earning praise for her willingness to go undercover for months at a time and for the wide range of characters she could play you want an example i got you in 1858 a railroad delivery business called the adams express company hired the pinkertons to find ten thousand dollars that went missing in montgomery alabama ellen pinkerton suspected nathan moroney the manager of the adams express montgomery office of stealing what would be the equivalent of more than three hundred thousand dollars today he just needed to prove it while other detectives had tried to show moroni was behind the theft no one could turn up any hard evidence or point to where the stolen money was hidden perhaps pinkerton reasoned maroney's wife might be able to supply the missing information needed to bring charges pinkerton turned to kate warren who went undercover as one madame in bear a sad wealthy southern woman with a dark secret oh what was your secret what was her dark secret a a witch had placed a curse on her that would kill her if she ever betrayed a friend b her husband was in jail for forgery or c she was in a sex cult simple as that oh no oh those are all enticing you know what let's see your answers right i'm going with b forgery okay grounded realistic i'm going with sex cult i love to see it all right let's find out [Music] though i am wealthy my dark secret is too much for me to bear you there sad lady what's bothering you oh miss moroney wife of nathan moroney oh i wouldn't want a burden a fine woman such as yourself with my woes you're withholding only makes me want to know more i offer you my deepest trust if you can wait you sound like oscar from the office trying to do a southern x that's a wildly specific reference it's okay miss maroney is talking again now i offer you my deepest trust if you can confide in me well you see it's that my husband's in the clink for forgery oh you must thank me a hard woman being betrothed to such a criminal oh nonsense my dearest friend as a matter of fact my own husband is similarly employed here let me show you see these bags of cash my husband stole them you take them i trust you and have a feeling we're going to be friends forever okay history point for ryan congrats ryan thank you you're doing it you're really doing it did it hurt you to say that no you like it like i said a little bit i'm rooting for you buddy once mrs maroney thought madame bear's husband was likewise a criminal she handed her husband's dirty money to kate an undercover detective that's how good she was while that's only one story suffice it to say kate warren kicked ass at detective stuff with pinkerton eventually writing in his memoirs quote she succeeded far beyond my utmost expectations now by february of 1861 tensions in the u.s were high south carolina mississippi florida alabama georgia louisiana and texas had all seceded taking great issue with the not so united states recently electing to the office of president an illinois lawyer named abraham lincoln despite the fact that the nation he was about to be sworn in to lead was shrinking fast lincoln was still determined to save and lead the union before his inauguration in washington he was to travel by train on an 11-day whistle-stop tour of about 90 different locations between springfield illinois and washington dc including 29 towns in ohio alone while i'd love to tell you about each and every one of those 29 thrilling ohio meet and greets we're gonna catch back up with abe when he eventually makes it to philadelphia in early 1861 pinkerton was hired by samuel morse felton the president of the philadelphia wilmington and baltimore railroad who had heard maryland secessionists were planning to destroy parts of his tracks pinkerton planted agents in various stops along the route to learn more information setting himself up in baltimore there pinkerton soon grew alarmed at the city's resistance to lincoln's election writing the opposition to mr lincoln's inauguration was violent and bitter and a few days sojourn in the city convinced me that great danger was to be apprehended confirming his suspicions on the day before lincoln set off on his cross-country choo choo tour pinkerton received a letter from the master mechanic of the railroad which said quote i am informed that a son of a distinguished citizen of maryland said that he had taken an oath with others to assassinate mr lincoln before he gets to washington and they may attempt to do it while he is passing over our road i think you would better look after this man if possible this information is perfectly reliable yeah it is funny he did that i don't think i'm lying it does make me wonder how many threats lincoln got on on the daily though also people were shoot happy back then oh yeah they were just like that guy i want to shoot that guy and then they did it a lot right right guys i agree yeah i actually i don't know this information is not perfectly reliable well since the information was perfectly reliable pinkerton a longtime abolitionist summoned his detectives to baltimore and set his sights on infiltrating the secessionists one agent sent undercover in baltimore was our hero kate warren to convince the secessionists that she supported their cause warren posed as one mrs barley using the persona to quote cultivate the wives and daughters of suspected plotters claiming to be from alabama she also adopted a particular trend that signaled to the other ladies that she was aligned with the south how did the women of baltimore show that they supported secession oh and this is a free right what yeah you gotta guess [ __ ] heck yeah sorry about that i don't know i'm man say i phoned this one in but i'm already phoning it in technically i like that okay uh ryan what'd you put down i put a pigtail you know you know there's one going this way the other one going that way yeah like pippy imagine all these like southern bells walking around with messy ass big tails and they're all looking at each other as they pass to give each other knowing glances and nods of approval like pippi longstocking noted secessionist uh kate what'd you put i put they wore a ribbon wow that is surprisingly close for a free right answer we're gonna give you two jelly beans for that quote mrs warren displayed upon her breasts as did many of the ladies of baltimore the black and white cockade which had been temporarily adopted as the emblem of secession using undercover agents pinkerton eventually infiltrated a society of conspirators led by one captain fernandina at one meeting attended by pinkerton the idea of assassinating aid was quote freely discussed with fernandina reportedly saying quote our plans are fully arranged and they cannot fail lincoln shall certainly not depart from this city alive what was this foolproof plan for assassinating the president-elect a they would blow up lincoln's train with dynamite as it pulled into the calvert street depot b they would poison lincoln's dinner at a reception at the james hotel or c some guys would just sort of try to shoot him as he got off the train good question good cue all right ryan what'd you put i put uh c shoot him i guess shoot him i guess uh kate i put b the old poisey boy the old poisey boy scene pretty specific it's pretty specific james hotel well point to ryan the correct answer is c that's right it's the plan a baby would come up with though admittedly with a few added wrinkles let's learn more [Applause] fellow secessionists it is i fernandina you all know my plan in this box are a bunch of ballots most are blank but one is red whoever pulls the red one don't tell anyone but you know when lincoln gets here shoot him i will draw first oh whoa that was cool that was really cool thank you thank you the red balet i accept this responsibility with grim determination i didn't know bill clinton was here i will draw a second not knowing what that guy's ballot was kind of sounds like the other guy [Music] the red balet i suppose i will have to go buy a gun i suppose the time has come for me to draw a balance oh the red balance what's this mean again oh yeah i'm supposed to kill someone okay what's the professor's name just the professor yeah i guess so so it's not professor mcnasty it is not then i followed a fan oh wow that's real crazy huh yeah the leaders added eight red ballots to the box meaning in theory there would be eight men ready to shoot lincoln when he got off the train a steamer waiting in chesapeake bay would then ferry the assassin or assassins down to the sympathetic southern states where a racist hero's welcome would await making matters even more dire for the president in waiting baltimore's marshal of police was in on this plan all but assuring the assassins they'd be met with little resistance crooked cops forever there's always been [ __ ] cops hey cap baby i mean the one sort of fun thing about this is like sure bad to shoot the president but fun to go on a little steamer ride huh it sounds fun a steamer also something to do with poop yeah that's when you uh take a very very hot and wet that's what's so funny is like i'd love to take a ride on a steamer this is cracking me up are you imagining someone just uh i'm not gonna ask no no no no that'd be a really funny euphemism back in the day like the old south like well i'm gonna go uh take a ride on the old steamboat excuse me oh if you'll excuse me for a second that dinner was great but now i have to go ride the steamer kate you fit right in here with the plot now known pinkerton's next task was to foil it on february 21st a mere two days before lincoln was set to arrive in baltimore pinkerton met with lincoln in philadelphia and revealed the secessionist plan pinkerton suggested that lincoln abandon the final days of his tour and head straight to washington that night lincoln said no why did lincoln refuse to go straight to washington that night a he didn't believe pinkerton b he refused to renege on a promise to raise the flag over independence hall the next morning or c he didn't want to frighten his wife mary oh those are good options yeah you're good at making up those fake answers oh hello we have a bonus pass oh god get it out of here it's okay professor you can spread it out now all right uh uh ryan what'd you put b flag duty flag duty okay man you know you would think that you would be uh good friends with a cat you're both furry you have a lot of things in common they throw me around they toss me around man uh uh kate what'd you put i put b you both put b well let's find out where is he going down the trap door so to save your life president-elect lincoln it's imperative for you to leave washington dc a tonight i'm sad to hear these people want to murder me he's going daniel day lewis lincoln yeah he sounds like voldemort gum nagini again sir this is to save your life hey bother his dad is dead very good very funny yes i have a reedy voice let's all make fun of me so anyway as i was saying i have plans to raise the flag over independence hall and then visit the legislature at harrisburg you don't just back out of plans to visit the legislature of harrisburg oh but sir i'm after that my schedule's pretty wide open so whatever you want to do i'm cool with it we got it [ __ ] [Applause] wow what an incredible performance and a flawless transition hang on my little bag stuck here what is that hand what the oh my god the professor just got abducted oh no i'm fine okay so uh points to you both he had to uh yeah he had to uh raise the flag uh that's cool i guess he really loved flags yeah they loved flags with lincoln refusing to go to washington immediately a new plan had to be developed more or less on the spot now ideally if you know a city is full of people trying to murder you you'd avoid that city no matter what unfortunately the path to dc went directly through baltimore complicating things further was the fact that the undercover secessionists had been planted along the railroad north of baltimore to send word ahead if lincoln's train made any unexpected detours since the plan to murder abe was as low lift as show them when you see him it wouldn't be hard for the assassins to change up their plans at the drop of a stovepipe hat the pinkertons needed to ensure that when lincoln passed through baltimore nobody knew he was there the plan they came up with involved misdirection disguises and a briefcase full of garbage clever could you uh could you explain the briefcase full of garbage just like oh look at me we'll get there my friend that's just a tasty little okay he's for you i feel like i know who's gonna sing yes yes kp i love where your head's at now i'm actually kind of regretting something but yes that's a good idea okay uh you know we book who we can people have busy schedules so that morning again one day before eight men in baltimore are planning to shoot him abe lincoln raised the flag over independence hall there he made a speech perhaps taunting his would-be assailants saying he would rather be quote assassinated on the spot than abandoned the principles outlined in the declaration of independence lincoln then set off for harrisburg that's bold could you imagine if he actually did get assassinated and he thought he was getting a nice little jab in yeah people would probably think it was like an elaborate bit like good good stage work there bro good bit lincoln such a ham around 5 45 p.m lincoln was hobnobbing it at the harrisburg hotel when he was presented with a fake message summoning him to the governor's mansion when he got in a waiting carriage lincoln was provided a shawl and a felt hat wow a masterful disguise and he was taken not to the governor's mansion but to a secret train ostensibly reserved for shuttling railroad personnel that had express orders to book it back to philadelphia leaving his official touring train sitting empty and lonely in harrisburg poor train with lincoln out of harrisburg the telegraph lines to baltimore were severed ensuring that even if someone had noticed lincoln leaving there would be no way to notify the assassins the president-elect was officially off the grid as a disguised abe secretly doubled back to philadelphia kate warren had been busy preparing for his arrival warren had found a passenger train scheduled to leave philadelphia for washington dc that same night she claimed that she had a sickly brother who would be accompanying her and she insisted curtains be hung to separate the back half of the sleeper car while she told railroad personnel that this was to give her brother some peace and quiet in reality it was so that no one on board would notice her brother looked a lot like the guy on the penny once they've arrived he would be hidden on that passenger train and accompanied by pinkerton warren and his personal bodyguard ward h layman for the next leg of the journey they'd be traveling on a train through baltimore regardless but a train that the trigger-happy secessionist would ideally not think to keep an eye on so far everything was going according to plan except for one problem what's the matter hey the passenger train that warren had secured was scheduled to leave before lincoln would be able to get on board b upon noticing the telegraph wires were caught a secessionist got on a horse and started riding like a bat out of hell for baltimore or c the secessionists had found a magical genie okay i got mine all right what'd you put i put b racist paul revere now that's that's fun i like that uh i mean i don't like that kate what'd you put i also put b okay history points for none of you ah the answer is a now you may think this is an easy thing to work around just tell the conductor that you've got to wait for the president-elect and he'll wait pinkerton however didn't want to chance the conductor being a southern sympathizer pinkerton turned to the man who had originally hired him the president of the railroad samuel morse felton felden went to his conductor and told him to wait for an important package that needed to get to dc on the 11 pm train and so once the disguised six foot four president-elect finally made it back to philadelphia he was ushered off of his secret personnel train and onto the train kate had ready and waiting wouldn't you know it once kate's shawl and felt hat sport and brother was on board the package that was so important as to delay the train showed up and was given to the conductor though he didn't know it inside was nothing but old railroad reports when all else fails a briefcase full of garbage so garbage just a box full of garbage as the passenger train headed south pinkerton's men stationed along the tracks would signal that all was well at 3 30 a.m with none of his fellow passengers aware that they were in the midst of the next president abe's train pulled into the danger zone the epicenter of this whole nefarious plot baltimore and they waited for two hours lincoln sat on the train in baltimore a city where eight assassins were prepared to murder him later that day with the conductor still unaware of the urgency of the situation there was nothing for lincoln pinkerton or warren to do but wait outside the train the lincoln could hear waiting passengers singing songs of the rebellion abe turned to pinkerton sadly and remarked no doubt there will be a great time in dixie by and by that's no good no one wants to get shot to a soundtrack if you had to pick a song to die to what would it be die another day oh the madonna hit but then you do die so but then i do die so irony love shack that's oh that's good finally at 5 30 a.m the train chugga chugga choo choo out of the station making its way down to washington and delivering the president-elect to the district at 6 00 a.m the eagle had landed oh boy well with lincoln safely back in dc pinkerton headed back to baltimore i assume after giving abe a handshake and a nod or something while the secessionists were disappointed and angry the main conspirators were gone fleeing like the cowards they were when they figured their plan had been discovered rotten hell choo choo boys well you're probably familiar with what happened next abe lincoln went on to become the 16th president of the united states and save the union eventually succumbing to a slightly more successful assassination attempt by as we previously mentioned a racist coward but what happened to kate warren a she and pinkerton eventually got married solving cases together well into their 70s b she worked for the precursor to the secret service and died in her mid-30s or c she moved to britain and established her own detective service called the black widows oh well i would love for c to be true because that's badass all right right which book i put a mr and mrs pink that's very cute uh kate would you put i put a though i wish it was c points to no one unfortunately uh it was b damn it later yeah yeah i'm sorry it's a bummer later into so later in 1861 warren was placed in a hyatt position in the union intelligence service a forerunner to the secret service whose function was to obtain information about the confederacy's plans and resources after 12 years of crack detective work kate moore died of pneumonia in her mid-30s that [ __ ] sucks yeah i was about to say i didn't want b to be true because that ended with her dying in her mid-30s yeah like pneumonia of all things it's just like i thought maybe we would have heard about her if that was the truth but yeah while she was probably responsible for plenty of other fun and intriguing capers in 1871 pinkerton's office and the extensive files he kept therein caught fire the details of those cases are forever lost to that callous lover i do so adore history while women wouldn't officially be allowed into the field until the early 1900s it goes without saying that kate warren paved the way for female detectives everywhere and i for one am glad to have been able to get to know her via these stories this concludes our history lesson i'm going to go tally the scores to see who receives the coveted cup and title of history master while i do that please enjoy this special performance from the train that was supposed to take lincoln to baltimore i'm so excited for this musical number well that makes fun of us oh my oh boy [Music] same track [Music] [Music] day [Music] well they call him modest dane he's got a funny little bear that he's lacking your way out by the shoulders knows the words to say [Music] you gotta hit and touch the scene [Music] locomotive of a real exciting day [Music] i don't want to sing anymore [Music] was uh oh i don't know i think he had a stroke at the end now i think he just had like a crisis at the end oh sad i feel bad for that guy but boy oh boy a show stopper an absolute breathtaking performance from yet another extremely talented guest wow and yet again there is a certain someone stroking their ego under the guise of a puppet show you're talking about um okay let's see how we did well you guys are not gonna believe this but kate is our history master and so she has rightfully earned the coveted cup brian thanks for trying kate claib your reward okay i'm going don't lock it peter i won i won the jellybeans and i won the cup this is not the first tiny cup i've won is going on myself with my other look at this it's it's so great to see someone so yeah so who's so rightfully earned this yeah yeah she really the greatest day of my life really committed to this we're not going to be struggling anymore peter we the championship congratulations kate well thank you for playing kate it's an honor to have you back ryan great effort okay safer effort thank you all for watching puppet history we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Watcher
Views: 1,731,881
Rating: 4.978889 out of 5
Keywords: puppet history, puppet history song, musical, history, mania, shared mania, shane madej, ryan bergara, ruining history, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, the professor, funny, educational, edutainment, quiz, game show, learning, history lesson, competition, animation, animated history, watcher, watcher entertainment, abraham lincoln, the baltimore plot, kate peterman
Id: q4vdACLx-hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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