How to build a Pole Building

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hello I'm Jenny for Heffernan construction company today we are going to show you how to build a 24 foot by 32 foot pole building we hope you find this video useful and please don't forget to subscribe to see our upcoming videos we start by removing all of the tree stumps and loose topsoil this will be a great start for a solid foundation you can count on bringing in tons of bank gravel to take place at the loose topsoil and tree stumps the gravel will pack tight making a great base for the new concrete floor a combination of machine and hand is used to dig this trench the trench will accept the 100 amp electrical service cable it will go from the existing home and then on to the new building this machine with an attached auger saves a lot of time it digs the holes 18 inches wide by 52 inches deep the orga does not remove all the dirt so we have to remove the rest of it by hand it's not so bad it keeps the guys in buff condition two bags or 160 pounds of concrete is mixed with each hole the mixture will cure overnight [Music] the concrete is cured solid and ready for the four by six treated post to sit on all four corners are set first they are straightened and plumbed to assure that the building is square we pull a diagonal measurement reading both ways if each measurement is the same it's off to a square start a treated 2 by 10 is used for the bottom dirt board while the remaining horizontal boards are regular two by sixes the vertical boards are two by fours and they are used on the corners window and door openings the nails used are pneumatic three and a quarter inch and they are acq approved for the treated posts these nails will not rust or corrode due to the chemicals of the treated lumber [Music] a special notch to the top side of the four by sixes will accept a double two by 12 this gives the building extra stability for a heavy snow load or any falling tree branches [Music] for the garage door header we sandwich two two by tens with half-inch plywood glued in between this header will have a minimum weight load since it is on a non bearing wall it will only have to hold itself not the weight of the roof load [Music] [Music] the roof trusses have a 24 foot span with one foot overhang at a 4/12 pitch they are put 24 inches on center to accept our 38 blanket insulation they are light enough to manage by hand if any larger we would use a crane to lift in place when installing trusses always read the enclosed safety packet that comes with them it will guide you on how to safely handle embrace them these special guys are called hurricane brackets they are used on all the trusses to prevent an uplift of the roof [Music] the fascia boards and the fly rafters are nailed into exact position they are two by sixes and need to be straight the roof trusses are finished up with 2x4 purlins the purlins are used to brace the trusses and are a nailer for the roofing material the pole building requires interior wall framing we use 2x4 treated plates with regular SPF material for the studs and top plate they are used to prepare for blanket insulation and future wall coverings the river lutonium is an energy star rated 26-gauge pre-painted panel the panels were pre-cut to an exact measurement we use matching color screws with a built-in rubber washer to fasten the roof panels the screw pattern is in a straight line and fastened tight to the 2x4 purlins [Music] [Music] this metal ridge cap is only one of the specialty trims that the company has to offer it is preformed and installs very easily this is a 32 inch 9 light steel door it is Energy Star rated and will swing inward the pole building gets five windows that are also Energy Star rated their double pane single Harmon and have built in nail pins this specialty metal trim is called the F and J mmm sounds funny hey Brian can you hand me a sticker that F and J it's a combination channel it accepts the soffit panels and the siding sheets [Music] [Music] the corrugated wall sheets will sit on top of this base angle this trim will close the gaps other specialty metal trims include the j-channel drip cap fascia trim or drip edge rape trim and the outside wall corner the wall sheets were pre-cut to size by the metal company and are put into place first into the J and then placed on top of the base trim it is a must to keep the screws in a straight row and uniform pattern it will show quality and professionalism you will always have some cuts of your own to do we use a grinder with a metal cutting disk to make all the custom cuts that are needed to the building [Music] all the windows will receive these shutters they are made to size and screwed next to each side it would be boring without shutters we are using a heavy gauge aluminum white core stock and a 12 foot metal braid to make some custom bends around the doorways for the finished floor we use a six bag four thousand pound concrete mix with reinforced steel wire mesh it is poured onto the tab travel at five inches thick and finish smooth [Music] we outsource the gutter work this company is set up to run very long continuous lengths of aluminum gutter they install all the hangers end caps and gutter sealants also the guys punch out the hole and install the downspout drop then we take over for the easy install [Music] finally the garage door we purchase this door online for 25% total tax and in every savings the local garage door company and the big-box stores were overpriced so we went online and ordered they ship the seven and a half foot by 16-foot custom insulated door directly to the jobsite it took less than three weeks and arrived with easy to understand instructions we save 25% plus we installed it ourselves for additional savings we were so pleased we produced a detailed instructional video to show you the viewers how easy it was thank you again as I am Jenny for Heffernan construction and please subscribe [Music]
Channel: Craig Heffernan
Views: 4,474,704
Rating: 4.7789483 out of 5
Keywords: pole building, pole barn, garage, metal roofing, metal siding, garage door, overhead door, heffernan construction, craig heffernan, erie, pa, how to build, 2 car garage, houseimprovements
Id: uhlOPUFD030
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2012
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