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hello everyone and welcome back to mineclash my name is stacy and i'm here with grazer uh i don't even need to be called grazer anymore you can just replace the gra with l oh and it is time for another episode of mineclash and the second part of the tower challenge which is going to be the nether and end edition grazer ah another tower challenge are you ready to leave our challenges was it oh was it you stacey i wonder if the odds are in my favor right now you know what they actually might be a little bit in your favor because i was thinking about this before we started and i'm not actually aside from like netherrack i'm not really entirely sure if i know every nether block that there is there's not a lot there's really not a lot that's good the majority of the items you're gonna want are in the end essentially yeah we've got another portal here and an end portal here and it's the exact same premise as before you can only use blocks from the nether or the end exactly so we are not enabling crafting tables at all this time uh no we no what no we need a crafting table there are things to be crafted actually no everything that's craftable can probably be crafted in personal crafting yeah so no except the are we putting a crafting table into the mixer no yes okay that's all i needed to know but where are you gonna get wood from to make that crafting too it needs to be provided grazer like put a crafting table in a furnace somewhere all right stock the furnace with coal please cece's like i need every chance to win possible how does that location look it's great but don't forget about the furnace on my side and a furnace on yours on my side boom and then i'll stock mine with coal but yours will have nothing no mine needs coal as well all right so anyway we're gonna have how long grazer we are going to have 25 minutes again to complete this challenge i'm going to be keeping time and unlike last week we are going to have no extensions even if i am doing uh the utmost horrible i've lost so many times now you know we don't really need extensions and we probably don't even have 25 minutes it's just that like there's a long way to run to the end city in the end yeah so yeah yeah that's why the 25 minutes yeah and then at the end of the 25 minutes we will build our towers here again person with the highest tower wins you can only use a block once at a time and this time i am going to do what you did and organize my inventory correctly so i don't have the problem that i did last time first or i was like did i use that and we are given 16 ender pearls because in the end to get to the end city you have to ender pull through the little portal thingymabobber you probably know what it is turn keep inventory on this inventory has been turned on and we can go whenever you want no armor this time grazer no armor i feel like i feel like no armor needs to happen because we have to keep inventory it's too easy already but a pumpkin can i get a pumpkin no pumpkin stace no pumpkin can i see a pumpkin something you can do the biome i mean no pumpkin because in my texture pack it would obstruct all the view and probably in yours it's like clear no it would obstruct the view as well but it would keep me alive yeah i don't know i don't feel like we should have pumpkins yeah i don't know all right um you know what you can actually go ahead and count it down uh because you lost last time see you didn't have to mention that last night i really did all right ready in three two one go i didn't think this through i don't know which way to go first wait i don't know either you're gonna take another all right i'm taking the end p what stuff that you can get there that i can't get there's so much more stuff in the end to get i didn't even think about that block what soul sand or netherrack or another ward or nether quartz okay thank you for the to-do list okay there is nothing much in the actual is this a good netherspawn wait a second this could be the best thing i've ever done what could be the best thing i've ever done wait wait what can this work does this act is like a wait okay hold on hold on hold on i i'm gonna grab this and if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't whatever grazer thinks he's being really really smart about chorus fruit not chorus fruit something else the only thing of its kind in the game too all right there we go grab that are you already at the city no we're not the city we're not at the city no no no but look the guys the portal leading to the city we have a nice little staircase how beautiful is that now you're not allowed stacy to mine the stairs on the staircase four blocks oh what did you think of nothing but you said you saw something all right what do we got here i want to know what you found that you're like maybe it'll work maybe maybe it'll work okay i'll tell you maybe you can debunk it now maybe i'm the stupidest person ever but the dragon egg is that a clock type like thing can i put that at the top of my tower and it would work i think it would oh so yeah yeah you are kind of messed up here stacy i'm gonna win i've got the dragon egg wait where's that staircase i'm here in the end where's the staircase is there i'm gonna be following the path now to get to that end city so i can get all of the blocks because other than the end city in here there is nothing there is literally nothing that you can get here it is here it is where are the endermen someone probably kept it on peaceful because there's not a single enderman here oh wow they just randomly started appearing oh look a herd of 20 endermen i mean they're not gonna as long as you don't look at them they're not really a challenge at all where do i go where do i go okay you gotta go so opposite of where you spawn it's on the very opposite side that's where the portal is i'll give you a hint just because i didn't have to deal with enderman going through it so where did that okay it's it's going this way ah the bridge leads this way so guys this bridge just basically leads me to the end city and in the end city you guys have seen the mine clash before that we did actually a bit ago where we did what was it what was the theme of it it was just the end city challenge right and we literally just went to the end city but it was the first person to plant their flat yes on the top of the end city house because of the shulkers exactly and those would make you float and that's what we're about to run into as soon as we get to this end city we're gonna see so much stuff i can't wait here we go across the bridge here we are what what what by the way i feel like you forgot something in the nether and you should go to the nether pretty quick before it disappears what would disappear in the nether you know what would what would disappear in the nether okay i can't even breathe right now because i'm so nervous you know what stacy if you're already in the end that means there weren't many end like there weren't many nether related blocks were there no there were i just came back to get oh no can you not yeah yes dragon head uh what the dragon head yes when you got that dragon egg i freaked out and i realized that i needed to get to the end city so that i could get the dragon head and where is that located on the ship is there only one yep oh and where's the ship located at like what it's like wait but no no there's one per end city though right like one per city okay no no no no way i got elytra our block can you kill jokers or are they just gonna kill me oh i'm not having a good luck with doing that though so i wouldn't try oh my gosh what what what what what what what is that yeah that's a sugar i want to get out of here shulker i'm sorry i have levitation now wait so shields can you place a block on top of a shield or no probably not block on top of a shield probably not okay i have a question i got some loot can you like fro like say you go to another fortress and you get loot right can you and you can make a block out of it uh yes really yes that's stuff that you got from the nether that's not of the rules you can totally do that wait how have you looted the nether already no i didn't i was giving an example that i didn't want to tell you about all right i was gonna say crazy i feel like these chokers are really i have half a heart i just know i'm gonna grab this and why is enderman mad at me i don't know but there's one mad at me too and i uh i died what stone is this it's cool right like the purple stuff i love them no the end stone bricks i forgot about them yeah those are cool and nice too 18 minutes remains stace 18 minutes i think i need to get back to the nether craze yeah i'm not locating anything around here no fortress but a lot of soul sand so i will grab that as well that's a new block that i can add and i bet you you didn't grab soul sand either you know what i hadn't even thought about it thank you all right well you would have thought about it so i'm not that upset about it i really don't know if i would have done this texture pack okay interesting i'm gonna keep my inventory right yep you're gonna keep your inventory as long as you're in the end that's where i died let me do it in the nether two all right inventory true all right oh i got some gold some more of that and i can make a gold block stacey because i can use the stuff i found in the chests of the nether fortress well yeah oh i'm just saying wait you found another fortress maybe no stay you're gonna get a gold blob oh grazer all right can i see like what torches you took or where you went no you can't see any of that want to know why because i didn't use any torches because i was smart about it all right where you know what you might be like in luck because i've only found one chest so far and at the nether fortress itself you can only really get the nether brick that's pretty much it all right i've got it using my oh here it is okay this is what i need what oh here's another chest okay so hello paige oh my gosh i'm legit i almost have enough for a uh for a gold block no i'm so close i need two more gold two more gold you know what i don't need to go back to the overworld i can just stay into the nether until it's time to yeah and then i can just die then you can just oh no what is that i thought that was a new blob now oh she died i feel like our portal is so high up that you must have gone down somehow maybe not okay that's where i came before to get those chests so let's go ahead and say hey i just want to let you know we only have 12 minutes remaining stace only 12. i don't think it doesn't make it this fall i think that this might be one that i i have an advantage in for once i'm happy about this you do i haven't even gotten the gravel or the soul oh beautiful beautiful right that's just my grill gravel and soul sand i'm sure that there was much closer gravel than this please live i lived other than the odd rare block that you might get 25 minutes might have been a little bit too long for this wednesday why is my pickaxe almost broken i don't know who knows i found a wither skeleton oh if i get a wither skull does that count as a block if you can place it oh my gosh you can place it though you can place it with a skull and you can place something on top of it i believe is that soul sand over there i need sultan closer yes what you found it too you found the fortress no i just found soul sand does any mob drop ah i just thought of something i just thought of two things a mob in the nether that yep yep yep you know now don't you you know i don't take forever but i already have a head start with all the chests that i got so no don't do it i don't do it i'm so sorry no because i'm gonna give you a tip if you find another fortress you can kill wither skeletons to get their coal and make a coal block so that is something else that you can make good luck i've already hit them grazer i'm in it now i got three that i'm killing at the moment oh boy oh boy i'm not i'm not not good so you're you're actually gonna actually try to go for that gold blocker no because i only have three gold nuggets then don't even try you know just let me have that block if you know what i'm saying bill i don't think there's any chance hello gasps i don't know how to make some of these yes what it's dropped an ingot save steve thank you serious thank you no i gotta go pick it up before i die like you seriously have a gold block have a gold block now i have a gold block now it has been achieved i would still do this but there's not even that many pigment around me right now oh oh here's a pigment that was the dumbest thing i've ever no i have so much i have another block i want to try to get ow ow okay oh i forgot to remind you four minutes left i was so concentrating on getting those blocks this is impossible i have four gold ingots i'm going to die you can try for another ball no you know that right stacy you're not having a good time in this challenge i sense a win coming up oh don't die ever how much do i hold did you put in my furnace you didn't put that much in i put one in and then i put a stack in mine you are so mean just take 32 out of mine that was a joke i did but now all the stuff that i put into smelt has not smelted oh i'm sorry here i'll take two seconds out of my way to just stand no it's fine gracious okay all right i'm gonna have to find that fortress again i think that's a patch of gravel that's right a lot of i'm trying to think what i need to do all right i'm gonna try i'm gonna start collecting my blocks i just made the pillar how do you make the pillar should i tell you is that allowed yeah no but like do i want to yeah i do yeah i can't even make it i didn't get enough courts wait wait how much time do you have though you could get enough we have 30 seconds 30 seconds go go go go go it's the final countdown it's this texture pack it doesn't show cords as well all right you just have to have it in your inventory by the way i know timer goes off you have 15 14 13. oh man here we go the timer i found a vein i found a vein i found a vein too here we go though oh boy my pickaxe broke oh there it is time is up stacy please that is everything we came for for today i only got nine more pieces all right i'm done i'm going to now organize my inventory all right so we're going to do all the crafting and stuff we'll be back okay grazer i am back and so wait a second how did you get the wings here stace when did you put those on i didn't ever see you with those on before i raided a ship i raided the ship i got electro wings and i have boots that have fire protection 3 depth strider 3 and something called mending mending which gives you xp like you get xp it fixes your item as you go and get xp do you know what that is so cool it is cool and i have a sword that has smite 4 knockback 2 and looting 3. what you can get all of that from the ship yeah and i got a pair of protection three diamond boots i threw them out all right i'm ready to place though here's all my stuff it's really not that much grazer no i'm not that much either but we kind of expected that going into this so i'm not sure i'm ready all right um good luck grazer two one place glowstone ah nether brick netherrack obsidian chiseled quartz block obsidian wait yeah i was waiting for you to ask that i got obsidian from a chest and another pillar block um emerald block what yup that's the block isn't it that's the block and stone and stone all right end stone brick and stone brick all right perper gravel all right uh that was the purple chisel this is the purple brick another brick stair okay soul sand soul sand gravel purple brick oh this is getting so scary another brick stairs perper stair perper stair darn it purple pillar i already did that one quartz there uh quartz block towards block have i used another brick yet uh yes you have no are you sure that's not the stair uh i can't tell i can't tell here is there only one there is one and it is the stair so you have not used it yet another brick wait actually in no you haven't no you're good you're good all right another brick and then for me let's see what we got here we have the okay dragon egg are you in a cloud no i have clouds off i'm in a cloud but gold block gold block yeah end rod and rod yes no yeah the winning streak is over stacy dragon head wait i can't place it are you wait it's not a placeable block is it no yes wait wait no no no it not it's not no i just did it in the wrong order and i don't have a pickaxe throw me a pickaxe hold on here let me let me pick axe it for you throw me a pickaxe what did you do that for oh there you go there you go but my block is down there now uh what was it it was a like a one of those courts go fly get it it's right down there all right there we go and then here you go i lived and then keeping me up hold on hold on hold on before we finish this the rules consisted that the block you know you have to be able to place something on the block so try try placing the block i placed at the top i know you placed at the top but every block look even the rod it has to be able to have a block placed on it that was the rules who said that rule you said it last week at the very beginning you said it the way it's counted is if you put it and you can place something on top of it as well you can't actually place a block on wait what i you just did wait wait what wait why can't i do it now wait i wasn't able put me back in survival look when i'm jumping on top of it i can't place a block okay so then it shouldn't count but if i'm here i could wait this is so confusing you can place a block on top of it but i mean okay but it doesn't matter because it's still a tie so i still win either way wait i have a solution what go into f3 what's in f3 i'm at y level 128 129 are you serious yes you can go purify for yourself if you want get off the light rod get off the lights 128 129 no no your winner is here that's what i'm talking about stacy come on over to no no you can't get me don't put me don't put me in survival goodbye no no i have elytra i have elytra oh you've got a lighter you think that's gonna save you i don't think so i have another solution i'm safe i'm sorry i think so for long goodbye whoa whoa did you see them like teleport wait are you in survival yeah they left me why do they love you i have no idea probably because we're on peaceful again we're not though yeah we here we go all right well good job grazer i lost the streak is over dude you're just like 11. thank you guys so much
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 683,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs
Id: SQ93F2jCGlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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