PokerStars Caribbean Adventure 2019 – Main Event – Episode 1

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[Music] well you know we're on TV right [Music] [Music] willing to be [Music] things are about to get rough shrug and pass the buck wait long enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello once again welcome to the Bahamas and the PokerStars Caribbean adventure 2019 now we switch our focus to the 10k main event today is day two we're gonna follow this through now until the final table so we crown a champion here at Atlantis on Paradise Island I'm James Hartigan alongside Joe Stapleton hello my babies well let's take a look at our feature table lineup on day two of the PCA main event I am particularly excited about the fact that we have sat next to each other in the 6 and 7 seats Maria Howe and Daniel Negreanu Daniel and Maria are typically very entertaining players to begin with they're also close friends so having them at the table together should mean that you and I will not have to say much hopefully throughout the first couple of levels today I love it we have a chatty table I particularly like it when the conversation is entertaining and engaging a couple of other names I wanted to highlight from that list Pavel veksler we saw him make a deep run in the PSP see I am veksler I'm feeling very vexed food here's the big stack at the feature table we also got Jeremy Ausmus who's been at the PC I think pretty much every single year for sure he's definitely one of those guys that we don't see very often but he is here over and over again I'm actually very interested to see how often Kenneth's three bets you know what is frequency is and on that bombshell remains to tell you that we are playing six full 90-minute levels today every chance we get into the money as day two of the PCA gets underway 346 in the room in their seats and cards in the air this is level 11 of the PCA main event blinds 800 1600 with a 1600 big blind ante and we already have action by the way at the feature table Daniel Negreanu opened and got called by Phillipe Pantoja in the big blind and Fantasia has cheque raised the flop Daniel on action already yeah it's an 8 8 deuce flop with two hearts Negreanu has continued for 3 K and pantoja has raised 250 okay action back on Daniel okay Wow you have a name oh boy yeah I have a flush draw let's go shove it a coal maybe we're flush but no okay well my I'm live okay good luck you think the hearts coming I think a hard no no no the King of Hearts no I feel like the king of art accept okay and you have me doing our damage it could be a very short appearance here my son with no yeah I saw my name a radio that said I like the flop but you liked it a lot more yeah could come 8/8 no yeah you know it's the King go parts already event all right so we're safe for another three comes to make a full house yeah right a three of heart no there's no no no so actually that's a good card for me cuz you didn't fill up yet you know it's going to be the king of hearts your II have a feeling you jinxed yourself yourself a touts vinegar on it is the ace of spades just like that three here doesn't that be 3/8 loose enter the girl knew well yeah okay I'm gonna do Mike and get to it I'm not mad at you Daniel I'm just disappointed in you I want you to Susanna she's my fiance she's here Susanna yeah okay I'll be around alright we'll see I'm gonna have drinks probably at some home how my mom was in Pina Colada watch it my god a lot less exciting very good um that was not the start to the day we were expecting why does some weird wild stuff Negreanu eliminates it on the first hand of the day believe pen show you now up to 126 pegs that was the first hand yeah we didn't miss any new player at the table taking the seat recently vacated by daniel negreanu charles fury from the USA unleash the fury here we go Brooke News opening with king queen suited and social with Queens in the cutoff and Choji looks like he's freaking out over there he covered his mouth with his eyes got all shifty darting around I think his fingers are shaking ooh and Jeremy Ausmus has got himself a pair he's made a good lay down what's British - he's now it's a position decent behind and he's playing 27 bigs hmm king queen suited it's so hard to fold but I think that everything about this situation screams that you're gonna be dominated a lot I think playing three putt pots out of position with a really short stack not really short but shortish yeah man every time it's unbelievable I don't even want to do commentary today James seriously it's his King this is some real home game poker right here action goes check check so brutal threat clubs on the ton how do they always hit the three outer the leap a pet OSHA is all of us let me repeat that pronouncing his name panto how are we saying pan Toya Philippe pen Toya is all of us just in case for the highlight reel later let me say one other time Philippe pentaiah is all of us oh one more Philippe pantoja is all of us okay I think we got a covered now anyway this guy hit top hair and he leads turn 16th Townsend is Joe Carter really it is Joe Kara yep I thought it was a really pushy sound guy just being like let me get in here for a second fix this no there was an empty seat at the table we started the day seven handed on the main stage and that empty seat has just been taken by the 2009 World Series of Poker champion Joe also came fifth in last year's World Series main event will check in a moment on how many chips he's brought to the table doesn't look like a huge stack Wow until she folded good fold he's a world champion move Oliver kidding me step away from the feature table for just a moment and take a look at some of the other big names playing here on day two Dan Shak Kristen pick now on Sam craft and all at the same table I know that Sam starts today with just 11 bigs Jake Cody staring off into the distance thinking about days gone by Ryan riess 2013 World Series of Poker Main Event champ I like the calm of Poorman scatter hawk like a man Maurice Hawkins in the house I'm getting better at it the hawk wasn't bad we saw mr. cannon PS BC and the super high roll at now playing the main events Ethier bro Andre akari rep in the red state as is certified poker legend barry greenstein the bear guru my uncle Barry Griffin Benja came 14th in the PSP see looking to make the final table of the main event and there is the guy who took down the super high roller yesterday Sam Greenwood I think I played like I don't you guys would know more than me I think I played like 5w these are the December 1 yeah I always haven't missed that they all release it for a long time play together right yeah yeah Rioja with a real piece of cheese and the small blind yeah because this year the cruise is in like November it's a week long your interest I get free cruise or something no tricular really no rains for me Sam I've been Charles fury the table chip leader yeah nice King Trey I think Maria ting want to stab at this tops and then gives up so he earned this bet with his preflop tricky play mm-hmm you got to mix it up right when you first walk in the left of the podium those tables are really really like worse than anywhere yeah oh yeah weather nice chairs they would even bring smaller chairs to nothing yeah she could beat a tray but who's not slowing down yeah that's why his hand is underrepresented so it was 2,600 on the flop Maria's second barrel on the turn its 3,600 channels fury ain't going anyway I guess she also figures that aggression playing against this type of player is gonna win her more pots than giving up every time she meets a little resistance that was a fairly dry flop fury has improved to two pi now she could be any three and if you got shots like clean Jack that's Bennet she checks fury bets 5200 it's a tough spot for Maria cuz she's getting a very attractive price four and a half to one still there's so few hands she can actually be that this player would fire on the river I think she'll find the fold here she did call and quickly MUX when fury shows his two pair so he's now got close to 220 ka more than 135 big blinds Maria ho now the shortest stack at the table with 25 big blinds no I'm never breaking our table like all right table 26 the fusion like that table 26 please who knows opens to 3,600 it's pretty safe once you see Daniel Negreanu at your table that there's like a good chance to see they're gonna be the feature or the secondary so animating you see Maria ho and Daniel Negreanu unless it has a low breaking no killers and all Oh Speights eight high that's cold Cara no love for Felipe [Laughter] this guy in the blue shirt veksler he played an at least one feature table in the PSP CE and said literally zero words my guess is there's a language barrier but even occasionally if you were in a country that everyone else speak it you would still say something occasionally wouldn't you yeah I certainly would Voeckler to say anything he's not that good not in one hand we think I mean Daniel is pretty magical guess what Maria you're doing it there's a point when I tried to implement talking maybe pecs it was one of the guys who is successful in our podcast [Laughter] but I know for the future it's really going for it over betting this river well he blocks a few flushes with his Queen of Spades but also the paired board what if the whole time it's a very polarizing circuit it's crazy polarize bed here you know four or five tournaments I'm seeing the same person like and there's like people like four times I think the Frenchman will find a call here first you have to have some Bluff catchers in your range and age ten is a good one to have how do you say why so much in French pourquoi no rake I'm out oh yeah I could to about sure too expensive okay that's good James probably knows about wine too oh he folded yeah you're not gonna Bluff catch with aged ten what I guess you're not gonna Bluff catch with anything Jake Cody is all in with ace king against our mouse Kings and Jake does not improve somehow eliminates Cody during level one of day two of the PC eight main event GG JC and the stuff a cannon is also out what are we gonna do now bro okay well I understand we are going to go down to the floor tournament director Toby stone is in position to confirm the prize and the hundred twenty seventh will receive seventeen thousand six hundred and twenty and the winner of the PC a main event will be going home with 1 million five hundred sixty seven thousand one hundred dollars thank you very much and enjoy the rest of you Tony so those are the top prizes eight point three nine million in the prize pool with eight hundred and sixty five runners in this year's PC a main event that does include the 94 re-entries one point five or six million up top oh my god I've just seen the jump from second to first yeah Wow that's a huge difference also first place prize great second place great all these like top seven plot prizes really good but the fact that you have to outlast 850 players or something to get to around six figures scores just a little bit of a comedown from everybody caching for 25,000 a couple of days ago so Maria's open reduces veksler with aces slow playing them just calls I knew it was the section but Bruno's face Queen in the bag it's like a square room to us I'm like man oh he's not gonna expect Trexler to have aces here ever calling from the small blind that's not a strategy you see a lot but it works so well especially because Maria is pretty short stack 40,500 before the race follow-up question should be see how much you have now yeah oh there he goes he's all-in Wow Oh Maria throws the deuces and Becks the snap calls with the Aces yeah his equity automatically increases the moment he gets out of his chair it does feel better because then if you bus you can just walk away instead of having to get up and what have you you know you could stuck behind a chair or you trip for that's gonna go viral enough not looking good the Bruno's running cards need it back so trapped him perfectly drawing dead on the turn gotiya Bruno's eliminated from the feature table yeah we've seen effects are also on a future table under PS PC of course yes and he played very solidly there too there's an excellent move very smart new play acts the feature table it's even Luca like Europeans generally have a tough time dealing with air conditioning you know so no this entire resort is one big wind tunnel mm-hmm yeah so it's everybody safe after like five or six days scratchy throat it's a little bit of but yeah nothing serious I kept Daniel Negreanu hug this morning by the elevator in the nafs' he's like how you feel and I was like and I told him how and then immediately gates he gave me the stink-eye because he said I'm playing and now I'm gonna get sick it's not that kind of sickness oh it's your fault he went broke on the first hand it may be actually yeah yeah curse them Maria moves all in here after and under the Gunn raised from Joe carder and Joe's snap calls looks like ace king Maria Howe dominated and at risk is strong that's fair no clubs but a gutter that's fair with two hearts seven outs for Maria ho there are such opportunities no what are you doing more ya know everyone loves it it is official these guys are doing it voluntarily Oh the reigning champ is gone Ellen prop Liu winner of the pca 2018 main event has just been eliminated she ran fives into Jack's oh we have lost poker legend barry greenstein i can tell you that in the last few minutes we have also lost Julian martini and Dan Shak Jack ten-four Philippe Pantoja he's out ace king for Maria Howe I mean at the same time it's pretty unfortunate for Maria at the times that she's had a skiing the second time now you know somebody didn't doesn't need to wake up 0:07 to fury it's actually hard you don't want to call you trying to move the file table here or not the final table feature table we came up through in the final day would be the final this is the final table we need marito windows and so we're off to the races sevens the slight favorite but not anymore Maria has spiked an ace on the flop she's now nearing up a nine to one favor to double up actually do if I want Marie to stay just has to Dodger seven on the river is it always coming nope and Maria has just moved up to 8:35 big blind stack pretty much tied at the bottom of the leaderboard now with Joe carder and Kenneth Aldridge talking specifically of course about the players and the feature table there will be shorter stacks than that out in the field a hundred and forty six players remain and right now Brian Altman is the chip leader with 536 K started a chip leader Alexander Kharkov is dropped into third and actually the staff are just totaling the number of heads in the room just a check that we genuinely do have 146 remaining 127 are going to get paid now this is how Brian Altman got all of his chips and all in confrontation against Matthew Moss a king king eight five board mas with trip Kings Altman with Queen 10 and it was Queen ten of clubs for the flush and the flush held meaning the moss was out like a moss and Altman the big stack is on the main stage and on with Sam Greenwood to be Dakota Glenn Miller not that one he's been dead for nearly a hundred years maria ho Manuel Martinez and Matt Glantz glance is the short stack which is ten bigs because we are now at level 14 so look at this Altman rivers are nine stupid when check check on the turn hawkman bets again on the river he made 8000 on the flop into a pot of 40,000 that's 33,000 [Music] tough decision for Martinez yeah you don't want to believe that just some random nine got there I mean it's not supposed to have good bet by Altman huh just know is this nines good here [Applause] Martinez calls the river bat and Altman wins another pot and increases his chip [Laughter] James Hartigan I think is that the consummate professional oh yeah really great yeah really good they have kind of different roles though yeah you're always saying that no cuz it's nice I mean if they were if they did the same thing then they wouldn't need roles and they both do you know big big fans of both from them one hour all of a sudden I really want to see eight on the clock we will remain completely objective to race for Matt Glantz Olin with Queens you call compulsory call 25m Mela is dominated glance a four to one favor to double up here was a nice of Manuel Martinez to push the cards forward I appreciate little things like that he's going on my good list Queens holding Matt Glantz just has to fade 1/8 2 outs for Glenn Miller poker at a glance with Matt Glantz the river is not Nate Queens hauled glance doubles up so he now has an 18 big blind stack he stole the low man at the table Glenn Miller down to 45 big blinds so we're still dealing while we await the arrival of two new players on the main stage action here on Sam Greenwood Greenwoods raised to 7,000 with Queen Maria with nine seven suited in the big blind yeah this is typically not a fold Maria's fairly short twenty-two big blinds of Lansky's that is the voice of Noah Schwartz I have a serious thing I'm gonna ask everyone because Marino yesterday if you guys know what a cheater cricket is it's Chris sickest hybrid what is this Napoleon Dynamite okay I'm just talking - yes we're that we're a hand no I know that I know your brother-in-law well hi your brother-in-law gentlemen along java do you know it's my cousin Oh your cousin all the time excuse me uh semi healthy you know in my endeavors in life you know did you say Java juice is the Star Wars theme right next door in the same area there's still 14 seven have aa 10 they got a field all right at the end yeah told you he's such a jerk Greenwoods continued for 11k Maria's got that gut shot back to our hearts he's alive she calls a boom sometimes they get there Sam's got a rege utter now check check on the turn blank on the river mariya try and get some value here hookers just such a tough game you just never get there and then when you do your opponent's got nothing nothing this guy knows what I'm talking about who's that just kind of appeared there you see what player you just sidle up oh this looks fun what's this deal me in we've got new two new players at the feature table who we can introduce now that Maria Howe has won that pot we saw Noah Schwartz take his seat seat seven and Paul Fontana in seat number three why it's halftime Noah Schwartz gets away and you're jack don't you say a lot jinxing anything we've still got three days of main event coverage after this but we've run pretty good with feature tables so far I really liked all the 10-day he has been fantastic everyone seems to be having a great time this is an action flop Tampere for Maria Oh flush draw for khatai yeah that's the row and then another question working with that third and one and it was uh was a holding penalty never on their own 29 no its third and one on the 29 they stopped them and they gonna fake one they didn't go for it there were some prevent defense so they thought that term triggers going nowhere raisin 40 nothing there 20,000 khatai is gonna have a lot of semi-bluff she can raise from the big blind six eight a hard six eight in general suited nine and hearts 4/6 he might have done a sell-off for six six seven now he's got another draw you know Maria a three to one favorite would top pair though think about Dominica Tia's he doesn't have to hit his hand to just absolutely try to bury you with chips Orkut I took the betting lead with that check raised on the flop now fires in 18,500 Maria has 30 bakes behind we're in a very tough spot she calls us bet she only has a pot size bet left behind it's a fairly good chance there's some river on the way that she's not gonna like straight flush eboard top hair that she's probably pretty confident as Gary concerning cat I did not rear ace preflop and there are some rivers that will look obviously bad then there's like an offshoot six and the fact that regardless of what the river card is she's very likely to be put to a decision for most if not all four chips by Daugherty khatai Wow Maria folds khatai semi-bluff gets through so a queen-high flop this is all Miller just saw hand featuring Chris Herbert yellow Hanna tweets in this ad play poker with Chris pervert and Bermuda can confirm he is always that chatty uh-huh well I hope that Milla doesn't get bluffed off his hand now that an ace is hit the turn I think Dominica tie is extremely likely to attempt that Davidi I like you I like you a lot but this man described me as the consummate professional I will not have you bluff him off the best hand it's just tough because he does reveal a little bit about himself when he says that you know he's a poker TV watcher he you know it's not something the regs talk about it's not something the super high rollers talk about so he does give a little bit away about who he is in his poker background Cole's with the best time gita' is officially drawing dead boom to Perry's not folding now he ain't getting Bluffs off this hand now so what's the wrong way for dinner dinners what's for dinner thank you for asking dinner of course the official food sponsor of the 2019 PokerStars Caribbean adventure Wow tight goes for it quick call from Miller Jack hi no good and Glenn Miller will scoop this pot they say from that glance Waste King the Greenwood Wow Dora Schwartz has got a hand too after the three back from Greenwood Schwartz with king queen suited in the small blind I think he's eventually gonna find a fold here but with this dynamic with Matt being relatively short and Sam 3 battling him you know Sam can just be putting pressure on a short stack Schwartz got to paint cars in the suit in 12 big blinds given the action twister if you're noticing how tighten everyone's playing because of where we're at right now six away from the money close the bubble players are going to tighten up and it is the correct thing to do Schwartz moves all in Schwartz was easy fold for Matt Glantz snap coal for Sam Greenwood Schwartz at risk and behind two diamonds diamond is fair turn peanuts I thought that's why you don't prove that me with no dangerous no Brian Altman still the chip leader with 739 K blinds will be up when we come back to four with a 4k big blind ante 132 players remain we officially go hand for hand at one to eight and we start paying players when we're down to 127 am in cash of seventeen thousand six hundred and twenty dollars awaits as we play into the money and beyond here on day two of the PC a main event here at Atlantis James Hartigan I think is that the consummate professional oh yeah I'm gonna break [Music] individually [Music] you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 586,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker, pokerstars, online poker, live poker, Poker 2019, 2019 Poker, PCA, Main Event
Id: x6PQswOm1y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 54sec (3114 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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