EPT Monte-Carlo Casino 2019 ♠️ Final Table Part 2 ♠️ Who will WIN? ♠️ PokerStars

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we are back on the Riviera for the Polka stars at Monte Carlo Casino EPT as the Main Event final table continues we have played two full levels without losing one player we are still 5 handed at this final table Manny Glaser from Germany has the chip lead he's got a stack of more than 10 million I think he's the first player to cross the 10 million mark in this event Viktor Katzenberg ur from Hungary second and chips with 5.6 million so nearly a two-to-one chip lead for loser then we've got nicola greco way Wang and Ryan riess bringing up the rear with an 18 big blind stack blinds have just gone to 80 160 with a 160 K big blind ante everyone's locked up two hundred six thousand five hundred ninety euros and with every elimination there will be significant jumps more than half a million for the runner-up eight hundred and twenty seven thousand euros for the winner plus European Poker Tour main event trophy I'm James Hansen alongside me Joe Stapleton hello my baby I thought my babies I thought for sure we would be down to my baby at this point amazingly we have been playing for nearly five hours with five players Luis Medina the only elimination so far he went on the second level of the day Wang eased you suited under the gun not the shortest stack what does in fact shove all in with ace two suited this is a lot of chips again to be putting on the line with a very marginal and I guess maybe a little bit frustrated by the fact that he has not a lot of opportunities to play pots pocket jacks for loozer well this is not getting through Wang has a dream of being the first Chinese player to win an EPT he is gonna need some help or he is gonna be out of there and loser he's gonna reach up with Rhys in the middle right yeah I mean it's not gonna make any difference so I Rhys has less chips and wine here I think as well right of course he's just taking a little moment to deliberate with Ron reset to act of course never fold into two jacks here loser calls Rhys folds Wang is in trouble this is a huge pot in the context of this tournament we're on the verge of losing our first player in nearly six hours started today with six players we've been playing five handed since we lost Medina early in the day a deuce on the flop gives Wang a few more outs God is on the turn playing a huge favorite now to double up dealers are taking it and stride Wang does have to fade two jacks on the river the river is a three Wang doubles up and not only does he double up but he doubles up to be second and chips pocket aces for the hangover if anything will cure it it will be done I don't care how bad your headache is aces are a sight for sore eyes he limps in suspicious yeah I mean I'm not sure I have been watching for the most of the day and I don't remember him limping at any other point on the button I do remember one button limp actually okay but it was four hours ago Katzenberg ER with king queen man oh man you got to be a little suspicious about that button limp right I mean it's not impossible that he just wants to keep the pots on the smaller side giving Ryan recent stock and it looks like he's gonna get some action from Katzenberg ER the question is will he be able to continue to lay the trap and just flock all the Aces right now a limp raise and probably lose his customer in this case so King Queen good enough for cats and burger to reap not even re-raise to raise that's the 700,000 Hwang's like you know what ICM considerations I fold gotta lock up that page um can't be - can't be too cautious if there wasn't alarm bells ringing before they will be crazy dream can see the writing on the wall 2.7 million Wow I thought he was going for the 1.7 million honestly concen Berger has a very easy decision in my opinion yeah take it off but if Casa Berger out on like Jax or ace-queen I'd still think versus this line that be still impressed yeah I don't know maybe Jax tends you just have to get in but and be very very unhappy about it this is better scary as it gets the limb pre-race to half your stack but it does take down a nice pot and comfortably in second place right now or has he just became the chief leader he has just become the chip leader nearly seven-and-a-half million Wang loser drops to second place for the first time in a long time and with that you'll get the money on the legend status that's true it's a good point ace Queen now for Wang minimum raise Katzenberg ur gonna ditch the Queen seven lures are in the big line and at a discount King six I think against some opponents he might not wanna call with such a weak hand given that a chip neither versus second and chips but giving them in raise I guess we are gonna see a flop here four five six top pair for loser Stephanie aboard that you probably want to do a lot of checking on versus the big blind after you've been raised they're gonna have a lot more of this board than you 1.1 million in the middle after the continuation bet is called wonder if we ever see a loser beside the lead this turn policy a very good card for his range lures aren't lead lead loser what imagine if we see it it's just gonna be for around 30% there's the lead willing to call that 30% look too far off I was Chuck check on the river six is good frustrating pot for Wang guess what man and loser right back on top more like manic winner haha 7.9 million chips find a call with I think absolutely beautiful looking nine eight suited in the middle the flaw fleurs are dominated ten six Trey rainbow Wang checking to make sure he does in fact have a gutshot yep this is a board where I'd like to see a bigger bet put a lot of pressure on Wang instantly a bigger bet and also I think when my opponent checks his cards I'm just gonna go you know what he probably doesn't have like a big piece of this if you have a ten and you pay her ten you know it those choose to use the smaller size image I think it's gonna be completely reasonable as well it's gonna be a lot of yeah a lot of turn cards where loser will be able to fire off though players turn an eight it's gonna slow loser down though right yeah sure does check check river is a four two pair for loser wang we know is a fairly check collie type of player looks like he's struggling with whether or not to bet now most the time these situations we see him err on the conservative check side there it is I would not be surprised to see loser that really large right now he's nearly always gonna have the best hunt so he's just gonna target a six or a trade to call I find it very hard to fold an eight so would I given the price given the action it's unlikely that your opponent that's a nice phone oh how does he do it ten minutes they're going on dinner break halfway through that Wang's gonna get to see he made a great lay down right there those are almost like up to his peak though and cotton burger with the monstrous ace-king this is the momjo just the wine that you're dying for no but action Ryan riess with ace nine he has dominated but getting it in would be reasonable he's been so patient would be quite anticlimactic for this to be the end of Ryan Reese what do you do though I think it's a pretty close spawn it's so close I reckon he'll probably end up finding the fold here kotsenburg er struggle to get too out of line with the chip dater on his left they does not find the fold he finds the all in a couple of players to AK still pretty unlikely we're gonna see them get involved Wang's out Grieco out snap call from Katzenberg er Ryan riess has been so incredibly patient so incredibly frustrated gets it dominated it is domination nation only a 16% chance Reese survives this playing five handed for nearly three full levels to the flop Ryan riess is fate there's a nine on the board domination rotation finds one of those two remaining nines the main event champ finds the miracle nine but now Katzenberg er picks up a ton of outs on the turn will Reese peed he does he does Ryan Reese finds the double up when he is up against the ropes yeah I father nine well that boy the king yeah we don't tell her you folded the nine all smiles after winning that part of the 17 big blinds what a time to ruin well my Nicholas up in the small blind with six deuce Ryan Reese started the hammer six big blinds has fall behind because he posted the big blind ante and the big blind itself as it just calls and Ryan Ruiz checks his option with ten dos Reis is open ended on the flop I actually go check check board pairs on the turn I won't be surprised to see loser check here again and look to go for a delayed Bluff on the river Risa's point has a lock on this with 10 hi it's super interesting if lures are pets because you would imagine that preflop he shoves pretty much every queen every King every ace unless he's trapping with a jack man honestly I know this sounds crazy to say but Ryan riess with 10 hi might be pretty suspicious of this all in this would be one of the most insane calls we've ever seen on an EBT final table to call it an eye but honestly I don't think it'd be the craziest one he might be able to work this out that his opponents never doing this with an ace high king high doesn't have them preflop a lot of the time he's gonna have these delayed Bluffs can he make a wild girl with the 10 deuce he is definitely thinking about it looks like he might only have one more time bank left have you ever found yourself in an empty tea fencin where you've cold all in with 10 high and been right definitely not on a final table not even close this would be one of the sickest calls ever but it just doesn't make sense from the six deuce oh what a call he calls all in with ten high and will get the double up what a call maybe he grew up a huge Doyle Brunson fun insane he's five the niccola dry coat raises to 525 Ryan Reese's big blind Jack 9 he calls 1.3 million chips in the middle this is a huge path for Ryan as is 9 on the flop he is gonna be called pretty quickly here I would imagine Grieco shoves on race didn't even think about it within a fraction of a second of Ryan riess checking the flop Greco delet declared all in recess no he's an 86% favorite it's second pair enough to call here it's very easy to say we can see the carrots why are we just false Oh shows 100 shows 2 might be both have another epic moment right now Wang and the King shoving with the Kings for 12 big blinds Oh captain burgers got sevens super-close spot for cats and burger haven't seen his opponent earlier in the day shove the ace deuce suited for 20 big binds I think he's gonna call the servants as we see him sure ball in Rachelle's to isolate everyone else folds and here we go Wang all in and at risk but he's a four-to-one favorite dominating cats and Burger Kings over sevens however there was a wise philosopher by the name of Professor Andre littell the once conceded that the seven is always coming hasn't come on the flop all the turn well we see a seven on the river no it's a double up for way Wang and we are still five handed at the EPT Monte Carlo final table incredible scenes Reiko opening with six five of hearts Wang as ace five in the big blind stack of four million go to defend and we are going to see a flop 1.3 million in the middle 9 5 3 good to say all it just shoved Graco blank checks women raikou chefs we have seen a make this move once before when he showed ace high on queen 9 4 and Ryan Rees fold middle pair previously will Wang make the call here with second pair it's exactly the same situation this time Greco does actually have a piece of the board but Hawaiian has him out kicked I was a time base card he's not folded this is a big decision his Wang they'll be at risk but of course we know that our Ryan Ruiz right now has a Lavin big blinds some days 100% going to be considering if he makes the call he's gonna be in great shape for a double up but I think you're right Fenton the fact that Greco played that hand against Reese exactly the same and showed that it was a bluff will inform this decision absolutely the question is whether he thinks he would do it twice as a bluff it's so hard to imagine that somebody shoves tans Jack's a good 9 on this board given how dry it is I mean he just snapped shaft almost like he decided he was gonna make that move before the flop was even dealt Dawson make it an easy call but without a flush draw out there I feel like he might make this call the longer he deliberates I think it's the more likely he's gonna call Graco does not look happy do you want it's been in the time for two minutes looks like he still has a few time buying cards to make this decision run out time bank card sooner or later might only have one more which means has about 50 seconds to make his mind up it's all in two call he has the best hand second pair with the ace kicker last time Bank is in there 30 seconds to make up his mind so the next countdown is the last if the clock hits zero now his hand will be declared dead in sit just below the hand graphics 17 seconds he closed all in showdown six five ace five boom and a 77% chance that way Wang doubles up here Wang is the at-risk player but is currently ahead for on the turn gives Graco additional outs he's got deuces sixes and sevens working for him eleven cards that can hit on the river that would eliminate Wang but that is a blank and Wayne gets the double up through Graco so Wang is now pretty much tied with mana glazier for the chip leave both players have 43 big blinds and Nicola Graco is now the low man at the table all right hand number 197 Ryan riess under the gun probably the most never-say-die of these Goonies six big blinds yesterday down to six of various points again today I'm up and down Grieco all-in on the button with Ace King Victor Katzenberg er what's 8 you attend six that seems like an easy fold loser leaning in for the squeeze the peel 8 7 seems kind of foldable also what happened he said I'm gonna gamble and called oh wow holy live cards Batman oh he doesn't look happy losers had enough I mean it's a situation where you want the call but it's also a situation where you don't want the call he's done it he's cracked reiner Kempe on the rail ha tones rider hot win in the 25k that's very congratulations to Ryan her as well I was literally having a drink with in last week sec brag you're in Brighton casual brag 8 7 on the flop Rico flopped nearly dead what a way to go Greco came in today as the overwhelming chip leader many thought he would be out after the first few hours when things fell apart II is drawing dad on the turn done finally Nicola Greco is out of here Rico Greek gone fifth place 206 thousand five hundred ninety arrows we didn't you guys it's over right we wait we have to still play bore manic loser under the guttin and 200 Kings six of diamonds that's right everybody it's time to play ball 500s the raise Brian Reese no chance he gets away from this pocket six is on the button he's all-in I think King six of diamonds is probably always gonna be a call here especially after there's been a raise preflop well hold your horses no Katzenberg er has no hand and there's the same dejected defeated call that we saw with the 87 time to gamble once again one over card for loser Ryan riess has been all in for his tournament life multiple times over the past 48 hours every time he has come out unscathed including when he was behind this time he is ahead the flop 87 for one diamond shopportunity is abound the turn is another eight some counterfeit outs now for loser that's right pocket six is still a big favorite Reese just needs to fade a king or a 7 the river is a 5 oh man almost as bad as a loss in that spot I'm not gonna lie that's disappointing everybody loves the chop pots that was perfect that was the perfect sad everybody loves a chop paw Katzenberg er gets no love with the king's queen eight folds it nine tray for loser can't do it I imagine these chips are going in with many many many hand combinations Queen Trey all-in and Nick you're the expert in this situation but this is a call is it not I believe according to the Nash equilibrium it is is that a real thing it is a real thing absolutely a beautiful mind John Nash no it was a actually it might have been either way speaking of ways way Huang does make the call Ryan riess a slight favorite at risk Ryan raise tournament life on the line yeah again flops ace ace Queen very very likely Ryan riess will be sticking around this hand also very unlikely to see a chop this time the turn is a 10 never easy is it and it's a diamond so many outs now for wearing holy schnikeys 10 outs oh that's it that is rough after that flop Ryan riess is supposed to survive that all in what a horrific run out what an impressive performance today and yesterday this entire tournament from Ryan riess finishes in a disappointing fourth place but did manage to ladder up another $60,000 these five of diamonds form an igloo sir and it's a button race 500,000 least ten again for Hawaiian ace ten of clubs in the small blind this is an interesting situation where a standoff is almost certainly in the previous situation to shove in Auto Show ace ten suited has such better very Latino so he's decided just to call Katzenberg a-- the short stack at the table has a snus in the big looking at a lot of dead money out there this can certainly just be a preflop shove and I think it's gonna be profitable over a decent sized sample but when you're on an EPT final table you only got one sample you only got one spot that's the OL end and I'm assuming this a trap with the a stand of clubs it's gonna be a call well those up with the ice five folds action on why he's asked for a count probably just a formality at this point yeah ace ten of clubs three handed is just monstrous especially when you're looking at about nineteen big blinds preflop Hwang's used all of his time bank cards he's got to make a decision quickly it's just taking a moment he decides to close my car Katzenberg a is at risk in its domination nation ace 10 against ace deuce once again he joins his rail I think left the table wet board where's that lucky bill oh there is a 68% chance that we lose Viktor Katzenberg ur here and go heads up in the EPT Monte Carlo main event this is what happens when Stax gets shallow hands play themselves look at them they're hanging together yes could have done that at the table let's run it and the sweats deuce to seven with two clubs the Katzenberg are the plus stroke of wine seven on the challenge Katzenberg ah a full house there is a 5% chance of it sharp seven on the river yes holy and you know what they say loves a chop pot crazy stuff sweet sassy mo lassie chop it ah and it is indeed always coming seven well now I have seen everything every time this heavy was coming that time it was worth it around tolosa in the small blind with seven for off he completes King five for wine checks his option that's gonna give us a flop nice jack 6-nothing doing Qinghai still the best hand think I may have checked out of turn there I think that's definitely usually the sign to go ahead and bet flop here when you've got seven high with given the fact that he hasn't raised preflop here from position I think you can bet this flop pretty frequently and you're gonna get a lot of folds I'm wondering if Klein decides that he wants to defend the King 5 because he feels like he's being exploited as a result of his check check out a turn well after calling with the King high on the flop he pairs his 5 on the turn interesting car because it gives loser an open-ended straight draw definitely gonna see a second bail here 850,000 into 1.25 million Oh looks like he's and Wang with bottom pair makes the call very confident call his hand going to the river loser looking for a three or an eight it's a three that is straight there's just under three million in the pot now I think you want to bet a sighs well you're gonna get calls from jacks and sixes the ace is probably a hand a card that you're not going to see in Hawaiians check back range here too often a bet of two million two-thirds pop and is there any chance that Hawaiian heroes here with just a pair of fives I mean he look like he looked pretty confident with his call on the turn and if his read is that King I was winning on the flop and then the five was winning on the turn the three of clubs doesn't change a whole lot unless of course your opponent has seven four off oh my word he's turned his hand into a bluff Wow he moves all in and learns us in a world of hurt yes he's got the straight but he's looking at a board that has three clubs on it oh my gosh this is I mean he's holding the king of clubs so he's using the king of clubs as a blocker this makes a lot of sense too because he could have Jack X with the with the flush draw where he would flat the flop and then flat to turn you know Jack four of clubs or Jack ten of clubs or whatever I'm not sure at this tack taps you can be folding a straight though ELISA has played a time bank card wants to think about this one very carefully it's hands so strong is there any chance that he fault it another time bank card it's just a situation where Jack Jack X with two clubs with the jacket clubs makes a lot of sense I just don't know how you can fold it after that action tell you what Nick the longer he thinks about this the more he's like to fold I think you're right he's asked Wang is it a flush it could be a bluff trying to get some kind of read trying to get some kind of information and now he's asked for the count and the clock has been paused and we know loser is sitting there with the straight and if he makes this call he will eliminate way Wang in third place I mean the other consideration is there was that he's folding it he's made the Falls he lays down the Straits and that will see Wang move up to 11 and a half million he now has the slight chip advantage over loser wow what a play what a play so the players have discussed and agreed a three-way deal redistributing the advertised payouts man Ziggler has locked up only five hundred and twenty six thousand five hundred and twenty nine to shy five hundred and thirty k for Victor Katzenberg ur wake Hwang five hundred and fifty two thousand and they are playing for an additional 78 K plus the EPT trophy and we've reached the pond two four zero we're getting we did it James we've reached the point where they played as many hands as Jack Salter and Antonio brunet know played heads up five years ago there was no deal if I remember those deal discussions ended with a hearty fu let's play more or less pocket threes for loser raises wing folds the four deuce Katzenberg ace Jack of Clubs it's the first two real hands we've seen matched up for a while Katzenberg re-raising to 1.9 million I think the threes are just too shoved now you heard Nick Walsh come on boys geesa flip shop with the threes and a call with the ace Jack and we are off to the races so manikin loser is the at-risk player here with the small pocket pair Katzenberg ER with the over cards if Katzenberg er loses this race he'll be left with three big blinds that man igloo sir loses he's out like hearthstone vs. Magic the Gathering one of these two hands has a slight mathematical advantage ten deuce deuce and if the board's gonna pair you wanted to be deuces Hudson burger looking for an Ace or a jack picks up additional outs on the turn jacks kings and aces working for the hungarian river is an 8-3 told man Ziggler gets the double up and retakes the chip lead now playing a stack of 16 million and Victor handsome burger will be left with just over a million a three big blind stack oh boy what I had to have in a situation where your opponent's pretty much forced all in with any to just a call from Hawaiian Katzenberg where they say goes for it how unlucky is that where it just gets to be like nat although he is asking for a count he was closing he's not closing the action so with money gloves are getting out of the way wang makes the call and it's domination nation Katzenberg at risk and behind if ace king holds were going heads up here in Montecarlo five six four cats and burgers outs are eight and sevens what's it always coming it is always coming seven well not on the turn you just set me up to be wrong about that curtain burger has six outs he needs to hit on the river he does not and we're down to two victor Katzenberg from hungry is our third place finisher you can see the pain in his face it's taking a lot for him right now be gracious what are you sucking it up and luckily he's got over half a million euros to mop up his tears well both Flair both flares have plopped a pair shut up you know what I meant pair of sixes for leras or a pair of deuces for Wang uh with all the deal stuff going on and the excitement of getting heads up we forgot to ask Victor about our business proposition he's good to provide the seed money for Katzenberg as' got it now maybe right after wasn't the best time though he seemed a little bummed out how's Victor it's what he's on a plane oh well it's another great business idea there's never gonna be come a reality wasn't said with a great deal of confidence was it like the conference I've gathered at seven-deuce to pair now for both players that's a really nice River for the six I think he knows yes he's gonna have the best hand here the vast majority of the time and also a great opportunity to get called by other sixes that you have out kick with your queen check-check where's our pulls ahead even more the repeater 10 not good ELISA they repeated 10 must be sprockie fan only person I know that says repeat tens is Spragg II yeah I know sprockie big in China who's he brag he's big anywhere he's like six foot four he is very tall I think most people are most people are quite shocked the first time they meet him sure not because he's told by her raising King six suited for a moment there I thought why actually falling asleep no that's me can you imagine if you literally passed out the poker table are you obviously weren't watching the stream I did from Estonia I was really glad at the time that you weren't watching it actually we need six ball this is definitely a more interesting flop yeah players picking up a pretty significant piece of this flop I mean heads up having second pay hit pair here with a king is a pretty strong holding get that flag back up playing with the lead here interesting very interesting do you think it's important to mix up your play to not to have this every once in a while the fire out yeah absolutely yeah absolutely [Music] so so we call this play a donk bet but that's not to suggest that the player making the bet is a donkey was just a reference to you an unusual play that most people didn't have for the most part you would always check to the agressor but yeah if you've gotta have some you gotta have some value here if you're gonna if you're gonna have a dog that range and I think I really like the bet the lead with the Queen three here but because your kicker isn't so strong does become a little bit more difficult to play on later streets you stuff don't worry about kickers heads up no oh and what a beautiful payoff card now I think playing just has to go super big here he's gonna get called by all kinds of stuff at this point I mean this is a min raise pot so man egg is gonna have you know pocket pairs lower than a queen etc and of course some sixes and some a size that might want to call although I think most is a size probably wouldn't have made it to this point a bed of 2.2 yeah I mean folding King six here is it's gonna be a tough one but I suppose anybody can do it there's the call very good well played Queen three such a great river to get paid what changes the dynamic because they're practically even once again thirteen point nine five million against thirteen point six seven million just over 30 big blinds H and remember the blinds go up in 14 minutes time when limping in with King for loozer ace 10 an absolute monster heads-up it is indeed post Malone Rae lost two commentators get to fly home first class I call there literally is no such thing as first class onshore white Denis in London I really I really love for wine to have a cool kind of limp call range here I think King for off is probably not the best and that you want to be Lim calling with cuz you're gonna be dominated really frequently in an isolated pot and obviously having that for when your opponent can have over pairs quite easily as well it's always quite tricky to play I do really appreciate how many different scenarios you think about when you're analyzing these hands it's not really something that comes to mind for me and I'm going to assume for the average player either wank does in fact make a pair on the turn yeah I I really like this line from manic I mean he's confident he has best and obviously on the turn he gets a little bit unlucky here but also on the turn because he has the ace of clubs it's it's kind of let even less incentive to start betting on the term because for the most part you feel like you're trying to protect from clubs but when you have the ace of clubs in your hand it does slightly reduce the likelihood your opponent is actually gonna have that flush draw that you're trying to get value from on the turn so you only really serve to the value that yourself a lot of the time and I think probably a four should go for a value bet here so we'll see if one can find it we're incredibly likely to see a flip flop and the chip lead on this hand I mean I think I think Maddux hand is basically face up at this point it's gonna be a lot of a size and this is a texture where you can there you go there's that and a Stein's always gonna be a call on the river for that price I think 1 million Lizzy does call and that will see a change in chip lead wake Wang now playing sixteen point two eight million to mana glasses eleven point three five million I mean the key thing to say about today yes it's been long and we're all feeling it but we have seen some incredible hands we really have hands that will definitely stand the test of time and we'll end up in compilations end up going viral end up being reanalyzed by other pros as part of the video podcasts or training sites absolutely I mean that that ten high call that we saw a little bit earlier on was just I mean it's awesome and it's essentially it's a situation it's definitely a spot that you could analyze and you could talk about it a lot and you can really drill down into the reasons why you need to be calling in those situations with ten hi sometimes and how to it's it's it's basically of a perfect example of how you can cap people's ranges based on their actions preflop eight nine ten Jack Queen Louis has a straight Hwang has an open-ended straight draw that is no good ooh tough fights yeah there's a raise debt pre to a million he's continued flock for 1.1 million sorry delayed continuation bet on the turn it went check check on the flock and look at this minds calling broad pairs on the river it's fine gonna try and take the roughest straight again that was one of my favorite heads of the day that yeah I was about to say this reminds me of another hand that we played a little bit earlier where he used the king of clubs as a blocker to transcend into a bluff and managed to get Manik to fold his made straights I think my personal favorite though is gonna be the deuce deuce 7 flop Center 7 river shot pop and always coming 7 double meme action I've got a friend in the next room who's been watching this dream he said that was his favorite head as well well Hawaiian decided to check the river laws that takes the guessing out of it moves all in a huge / bat and his wine considering calling here with King hi remember he's got no time bank cards left so he's got 10 seconds this this over bet for me is just so spot-on an amazing play and I think for a lot of people watching they might go why you know he's got a straight why is he betting so big why is he trying to get well you know why is he putting so much pressure I'm surely you want to go smaller to try and get more calls but in this situation right he's probably not gonna call a bet of any size if he has a pair lower than a nine if he has a nine he's gonna he's gonna probably struggle to get away from me quite often if he has a queen you can still call as well so he's basically just saying if I bet small I'm probably not gonna get called by a significant part of his range but there is a pretty significant part of his range that it contains a nine or maybe a queen that can still call the show a reminder that Wang had more chips when the deal was struck so he's locked up 552 thousand euros lures are guaranteed nearly five hundred and twenty eight thousand euros an additional 78 K to the champion they'll also get to left that beautiful skyscraper trophy I would be really surprised to see Manik fold here I think King high on this kind of a board is pretty monstrous the four doesn't change anything let's see if Huang has a second bullet in them so hard to put in a second bullet in these situations this is another one of those textures that I was talking about earlier where it's you can put in the first bet because the board is dry sure but it's so hard to continue on on on turns especially when your opponent can have all the sixes there's no reason why you shouldn't have any sixes in this situation he's got pretty much 100% of his range this was a limp spot correct it wasn't date okay yeah I call very good nice try Wang I call Butler sir makes the correct call with King high and that's significant it's no longer level pegging now loser on fifteen point nine million wake Wang eleven point seven three million in in order to combat that you have to have a really good understanding of how your opponent is playing it's a really difficult transition to make oh why no this is a raise to 1.2 million it's a very difficult transition to make if you're not confident in your in heads-up ranges this is always a call with cüneyt yeah loads are calling with the Queen eight a dominated hand and we go to the flop Jack nine five King high still the best hand check check 10 on the turn that's the straight for loser wow what a turn Wang with the straight draw so you do have the straight but you are blocking well for that reason of course you're blocking the straight draws but you don't have any clubs in your hands which i think is a great reason to just go ahead and bet nice and big here you're gonna get called by loads and nine slow to tens loads jacks any remaining Queens probably not too many eighths and of course those clubs as well or I was gonna call did you hear that oh I had a call the sublet the turn for 1.4 million wine shops for his last 8 million loose a snap calls with the stray wiener Wow and Wang needs a queen on the river he's only got three outs he's only got 7% we're about to crown a champion here in Montecarlo there is a 93 percent chance that manic loser will take down the Polka stars in Monte Carlo Casino EPT can he spike a three out on the river this could be your James yeah it's a race of the river and it's over after 15 hours man Ziggler takes down the Monte Carlo main event China denied its first win on the European Poker Tour just like his friend housing Wang Wei Quan will have to settle for a second place finish so many results Pomona glazier in live caches and now he is an EPT champion EPT Monte Carlo Nick Walsh thank you so much for sticking it out to the end we really appreciate it a man it was my pleasure any time and here's how it finished remember there was a deal 3-way Victor carton burger locked up five hundred and twenty nine thousand seven hundred and seven euros weight Wang 552 k man Ziggler to get the additional 78k for the win and he is an EPT champion six hundred three thousand seven hundred and seventy seven euros congratulations to many you've outlasted 921 players you are the EPT Monte Carlo champion we're going to do the trophy presentation from toby stone let's give a big round of applause many glazier from Germany [Applause] [Music]
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Views: 970,553
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Keywords: final table poker, final table ept, final table, Wei Huang, Viktor Katzenberger, Manig Loeser, Nicola Grieco, wei huang poker, ept monte-carlo 2019, ept monte-carlo, monte-carlo casino, ept monte-carlo casino, european poker tour, european poker tour 2019, ept, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live, poker
Id: Ho4_fIeLyGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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