PokerStars Caribbean Adventure 2019 – Main Event – Episode 6

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[Music] welcome back to the 2019 PokerStars Caribbean adventure live from Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas it's day four of the main event the day we play down to the final table and right now we have 15 players remaining spread across two tables a table of seven a table of eight and these are the chip leaders as we come back from break Chino rain after doubling up through Matias I bigger has the chip lead with four million and pavol veksler after rivering that straight against Matt Berkey is second in chips with three point three million still nine players to lose today until day four is in the books and we're about to kick off at level 25 with the blinds at 20,000 40,000 with a 40k big blind ante still got the same lineup on the main stage you've got me James Hartigan him Joe Stapleton hello my babies and we've got Maria ho hey hey so we're now playing with slightly less than a 50 pack blind average because we only lost a couple of players during that last level we have got two guys on the main stage who are super short mark Andre Ladouceur with 12 bigs Matt Berkey with nine bigs and then we've got the big stacks Scott one and back with 75 big blinds Pavel veksler 83 big blinds currently second and chips overall cards are in the air once again raise that's right stop won't stop well and block can't stop the Bock the Box stops here how about that well he goes out let's write that down for later where's my pen up gotcha that's a gem this is going in for bearer what was that another Oliver key is also all in ace king interesting spot for well in block now our money huh it's not you are up against one yeah he's the range of someone shoving over you're under the gun open and then of course perky calling it off for his tournament life but given their stock sizes of course their ranges fur keys range you know it's just a little bit weaker sometimes you're gonna be dumb and acing so often though yeah there's definitely a chance but they also could have pairs as well well that's out of the way that's one of the Kings fold we'll see in a moment yes a massive flip 84 tens crew Shing right now only a 23% chance Matt Berkey will hit one of the three aces or one of the two remaining kings the turn is a deuce one card to come perky's tournament life on the line 15th place finish verse is doubling up the river it's a jack bye-bye perky nice meeting you you too hell of a player class act 15th place finish while I'm backs raised under the gun with a sate of diamonds not super outta line considering the dynamic here at the table but unfortunately for him Jeffrey had came has got nearly the best starting hand in poker pocket queens or as I like to call them lady kings it's a three bet to three hundred thousand over the French dog no that's transform no and I think given these positions while in Bach opening from under the gun and I came three betting from the hijack I personally would like to peel with more Broadway suited type hands versus they say suited just because the potential that your ace is dominated it's a bit higher terribly well and if you feel like Hakeem is playing fairly honest off of you know his forty five to fifty big blind stack size then this three but looks fairly strong Williams whoa horbet to a million I did not see that coming that was also an option that I just did not consider and this is not exactly the best timing I mean do you think he has the image to get anyone at this table to lay down Queens I don't know because we've seen a mixed bag of tricks coming from Welland Bach and I feel like people who might have underestimated him or pegged him to be on the tighter side probably they don't think that way anymore I think he's shown up in some spot right with hands that they didn't expect was willing to call off for his tournament life you know in a hand where I think the call it was the right one but it's not an easy one to make by any means there are you know so many stacks shorter than Hakeem does he want to go with this does he think well and Bach has what it takes to try to blow him off of what looked like a very strong hand I mean even if you don't think he's full of it here he's gonna have a sting a lot right that's gonna be a big chunk sure Kings is gonna be a big chunk yes aces is gonna be a big and then what percentage of the time is what Geoffrey is trying to figure out is he just gonna be just totally goofing around here and even though he showed himself to be a little bit of a tricky player I think it's still way more heavily weighted toward leave here and just that's wrong yeah that and when people start talking to you when you're for bet bluffing it'll be interesting to see how it changes his demeanor especially when you're not used to maybe playing live or used to being in huge spots like this 14 players left in the PCA main event can you withstand this person using their time banks in this spot wow he lays down the Queen's I can't believe it oh there was a big gulp coming from well and Baca tell he doesn't even feel good about it that's what a nice guy he is I probably did I probably didn't mind a folder to smile I came yeah sick he didn't show but perfect he showed I smile Wow I mean well in Bach is I mean usually becoming it the hero we need or the hero we deserve I always get those confused East Coast Canada's combining forces here okay I [Laughter] know that means or low winds for now what do you mean we got a gyro over here in the rail one yeah but he's a good girl what'd I do it's like garlic thought okay thank you yeah what a half have you heard about those fiery East Coast Canada West Coast Canada rap Wars no yeah oh no no I know what I just walked into sometimes they'll not say please and thank you to each other I saw one time I saw an East Coast Canadian rapper not hold a door for a West Coast Canadian rapper it was it was a bloodbath to be fair he did apologize afterward but replanted about a million I believe I had eight forty five stars Alwyn can't stand the tension of going the other way that's just fine thank you well iMac wins another one not gonna lie people say that poker is a young person's game and well in Bach is showing all of them that they are wrong and I like it no you don't got some stuff happening at the other table what's going on cars are on their backs the money's gone in here on the turn Mathias iving here with Queens Jena Rheem has got six seven yikes what a river card not a good river I my fingers out of here welcome boys everyone was bitching about shorty destroyed he made the pay job like that's so Chino wind got it in with can't clubs 5ik loves rain with King Queen of Hearts this is all in preflop I believe Tommy must have been short no five so Tommy win bust Oh Gino just a skosh under six million now that's thirteenth place money for Tommy win that's eighty six thousand dollars and we're down to 12 the Dirty Dozen right now twelve players remain so we've got two tables of six and Gino ream returns from the break as the chip leader with more than six million for Chen Bhaskar second on the leaderboard with 4.2 million Pablo veksler Scott won and back and Brian Altman also inside the top five but we do have some short stacks and we have flipped the tables what was the outer table has now become the main feature table we've got the chip leader up on the main stage Gino ream and we've got two of the players at risk two of the plays in the danger zone dangers hound but going to the outer table because we have an all-in and a call and it's the short stack army bearer who has moved all in with a six and he's been caught by Scott one and back with ace nine at his domination nation army bearer everything I don't mean it risk of behind seven deuce on the flop I mean came in as one of the short stacks today with 20 left battled down to the final 12 needs a little help here and he's gonna need to hit on the river he needs a six to survive river card is a nine and that will see army bearer eliminated in 12th place he cashes for $86,000 very impressive performance from the aussie million champion so now we have a table of six and a table of five nice pot thought Scott wanna back local sang with Jack ten of clubs on the button that's a race 100k pocket nines Austral it's about thirty five big blinds effective I would expect Strelitz to three bet somewhere in the range of three hundred and fifty to three hundred and ninety K hoping to well being more than willing to get a show from Vogelsong first off is gonna have a tough decision here with the Jack ten suited whether he wants to continue post slop or just shove it in and hope that's trillest is bluffing we do see that this is going to be a completely fair fight and interesting sizing selection here by Strela --tz-- it's pretty uncommon to see something as small as 2.6 X out of position I think this is gonna make Christoph lean way more heavily to just the flat you know he doesn't want to just stuff it in here and run into two queens definitely does it look like Bluff II sizing so that's gonna make the situation a bit more interesting and we're gonna get some post flop play I think most of the time hmm what's that we calls Queen Jack dose second pair for Foglesong really not an ideal flawed for Strela it's not only because Kristoff is flopped to Jack but more times than not when Vogelsong's raises calls this three bet he's going to be all over this kind of a board texture a lot of hands like King Queen King Jack of course Jack ten suited sometimes as strong he's even ace Jack not wanting to just get in those thirty five big blinds playing for so much money stirlitz continues electing Tibet you know sometimes though the song is gonna have hands like a ciated diamonds a seven a dime as he kind of wants to just like protect against that maybe hope to take it down but Daniel is also someone who's really capable of you know running a multi street Bluff so he might be willing to set that up especially with the Spade in his hand Christoph calls the 275 it's hand going to turn do some diamonds pairing the board can see Stralis has really set up a pot sized back situation here on the turn doesn't really give him a lot of maneuverability here to bet three streets to get Vogel hand Fogle saying twofold a hand like a jack well this checks the turn couple options here for vocal saying most of the time I think that he's just gonna check doesn't want to bet and run right into it you know Strelitz has two kings or two aces race queen or something he doesn't want to just bet fold he checks behind the river the ace of diamonds that was actually a pretty horrible car Vogelsang and really opens up the door for Strelitz here you know we go ahead Griffin we've got a straight flush II pad board yeah and the thing that both of these guys are thinking in the situation is you know Strelitz recognizes that if Vogelsong as a hand like ace Queen he's probably gonna shove preflop is your hand like a strat Jack sometimes he'll call you know pre and not shove but it's you know it's kind of hard from that base Jack here so a lot of the times Vogelsong is gonna have a hand like king queen King Jack Jack ten Queen ten suited maybe even Queen ten off since there was only two point expert preflop so a real great spot first drill it's a bluff I think that he would prefer to have a diamond in his hand because it makes it less likely for vocal singing to have a flush but it might be too good a spot for Strela it's not to go for I know he's someone that more often than not when faced with the passive or aggressive route he's gonna go with the aggressive Wow and as we see pretty much the stone best card in the deck for him on the river other than I would say the ace of spades you know Kings bit dicey because so many of his jack queen x hands include a king which would improve to you know the highest two pair on the rear on the river if it was a king so an ace is just literally doesn't get any better for vocals Strelitz as far as a card to shove on I was saying playing a time bank card extends the clock by 30 seconds and all the saying really tough spot for him here you know he starts to think about the kind of Bluffs that Strelitz can have and there aren't a ton of them you know he has to be turning in like nines into a bluff but does he make it so small preflop you know if he has seven eight suited does he make it small so small preflop and continue on this board yeah he's he's really River cards don't get much better than that first relics certainly lucky there but being willing to pull the trigger is a really important thing especially the stage G hareem as raced with ace five not you too man quickly sang with King Jack of Diamonds in the small blind and for all intents and purposes this should be in law in a call especially with the kind of chips Shino has these team would like it if it was more on the eight to ten big blind as opposed to the twelve but she knows an experienced guy knows just give me a lot of probably combos he's gonna shove here I don't think he's gonna let this one go Geno Coles in Chino fashion and focus things at risk I'm behind pretty fair fight here team jackets diamonds against the ace of clubs five of hearts you know all you see with a bit of an edge out of Paris if you flop a set I hope it comes with a three and a four one diamond will give them a down one lap two you got to pick up two three diamonds will give him a five how about that vocal sang looking for a king or a jack looking for paint one last challenge the heads Christophe vocal sang exits in 11th place he collects ninety six thousand and eighty dollars look at that almost enough for a bullet in the house super high roller ninety six thousand game buddy and that takes us down to ten players two tables of five we need to get over to the outer table all in a Nicole Jeffrey Hakeem the player at risk with King three of diamonds up against powerful veksler with ace Queen Jeff busts here he will be haunted by that pocket queens fault not an ideal day oh he was ahead on the flop but he goes behind on the turn he's hit on the river does not and Jeffrey Hakeem busts in 10th place caches for ninety six thousand and eighty dollars the remaining nine players are now guaranteed at least one hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and sixty here are the final nine players at Griffin Chino Rheem is the chip leader with a hundred and twenty big blinds and followed by Scott walling back and Parvati veksler dental strikes a bridal that also have one of fifty big blinds each we have two short stack still behind and only and Simon Devlin they are both in the danger zone with 16 and 15 big blinds respectably was unpause the clock to get the action restarted vision on on the big stacks Griffin public veksler starts the hand with 80 bigs pocket falls under the gun plus one of the middling stacks you know it's if this was Strela to Bosca especially a lot of sewer you wouldn't really want to be opening up pocket fours in this position but because he has this 80 big line stack strong open here with the two fours Scott one aback Kohl's the 100k and now marc-andre lady sir has eight on the bottom again I think we should expect to see a flat here from mark no reason to go buckwild here 35 big blinds she no rain in from the small blind might be five way to this flop here but bran Oldman's not like that handle folds the bags have four ways to plop plop is king queen sub with two diamonds top pair for well and back flush draw for rain check - Scot three hundred thousand I just folds his eight actually really gonna be that crazy about this this this 300k bet here you'll probably call to see a turn but yeah you know there five high flush draw blacks thought Falls the fours heads up to the turn is not a diamond it's the Queen of Hearts pairing the board this is a card that could get him a free card from while I'm back and it does check check one about wins the pot and closes the gap Gino still the chip leader with a hundred and ten bigs book well impact chips up to up 107 big blind stack Island Edmond and Bahama know they both have 15 bigs marc-andre ladder sir seven four of diamonds lets it go mark is gonna have to play very very tight from this seat Chino with a chip lead to his direct left Brian ulm into his left who's very very stubborn and strong No Limit Hold'em tournament player so expected to mark especially I see my you know to be to be folding quite tight in a lot of spots the chena rain has raised the button with ice nine suits it's Simon Devlin has tens in the big blind and we should see it all in a call here this is far too few chips for ream to consider electing to fold it's gonna expect to see some shoves here some s'mores hands some King Jack's King Queens some more says's that is the OL in from Devon Sheen everyone's account but thinks he's calling there's the call Simon Dedmon with the best hand but he's the player at risk could be worse James he could have ace eight the Deadman hand so I'm looking pretty confident and then they go the flop its King eight seven tens are holding six of Spades on the turn for the fair fight no Spade on the turn but our outs to read tens in the deck now as low as five cards for Simon deference of fate it's a ten and I'm not gonna make any pun on his name Simon Dedmon is out of the PC eight main events our ninth place finisher caching for a hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred sixty dollars taking us down to our official final table the last eight players in the 10k main event well I'm not too cheap to make puns Simon Says I just got sucked out on that's exactly the kind of thing I was trying to avoid so Chino rain back up to around six and a half million Scott one aback the Canadian qualifier opening with nines round to mark Andre LeDoux so who's the second shortest start with 25 big lines pocket eights just a call yeah I think I think if he has a little bit less he's definitely gonna go for a preflop with it hands there's cheerleader picks up ace Queen on the button even with me have annoying haven't a big ones let's see its 8th place pays 147 k 7 209 K a significant money jump there's the three bet run chip leader Chino ream on the button with ace Queen it gets the blinds to fall back on when I'm backing it you know is the kind of player that if he has a chip lead and he's been running well he feels good that way and he's gonna play a lot of parts and he feels comfortable and he's gonna ride the wave definitely his strategy depends a lot on on that as well Scot flats the three back yeah they're really really deep it's kind of a dream spot for him a little bit worried about lettuce er calling so strong that he can go all in in that situation so he's getting like a little better than three two one yeah but I think it's all I think that well I'm back plays pretty honest here against Chino rim so saying saying that if he had a good hand he would just raise him right if he hasn't that he wants to call with he calls so what you're really doing in a situation is you just pretty much only look at a Chino to see how strong you think he is three way to the flop King Jack fall one of Mike still ahead but if the action gets checked to Chino and he fires and chips there's a very good chance we could see to falter yeah I like Chino here a lot yeah now he checks behind six on the turn doesn't change anything do you think when Chino checks behind there he kind of maybe makes it harder to get folds if he decides the bet now well it's it's a flop you're gonna you're gonna check some stronger hands on I guess but I would have liked to see a bet because you know when you bet now you go also sometimes a little bit towards weaker kings or ace Jack or something or you know it's it's gonna be a little bit harder to get a full from a jack like if you bet the flop el embarque might think you know what I have a guy behind me I'm not so sure about my clean Jack you know I'm gonna fold it's just never gonna happen on the turn yeah that's it that's kind of what I was yeah exactly that's a good point we get a delayed continuation bet from Chino 490,000 Scott bolts and marc-andre folds as well he does it he gets it done he what he was doing and she no room increases his chip lead he's up over 8.5 million now just as you suspected Lex Shino is riding the wave he's playing like a man who can't be touched and for the moment he kind of can't Scott Welling backs second and chips and has just about a half of the stack that Shino has I think we're gonna be sailing in the money again perhaps there is a time we Glenn stack out there let's not forget about that mark Andre starts the hand with 19 big blinds doesn't want to play for his whole stack just calls in position Brian Altman in the big blind eight six of spades 60,000 the call almost 400,000 in the middle I want to get in on this stick erection croaks my man I can ascend Tumulty that would be great the ones that I have ultimate does come along for the ride 450,000 in the middle Jack nine eight Queen ten flops a straight 90 percent favorite top pair for Ladouceur bottom pair for alt mint a little something for everyone danger Will Robinson Oh Strela does not continue Oh Mon this is trouble for a little sir this is real trouble for LA juicer this is kinda what you think okay the preflop raiser checks now let's try to extract the most money from the big blinds spade wrong open with a spade drop my goodness King of Spades on the river for pure insanity that's a really safe cars here for uh marc-andre I wonder if what he decides to do I mean if the people Fraser delay bets this boards I mean you know he's not gonna have a scheme so I'd be a little bit hesitant to just rip it in over this one water sir I think at this point has to bet he really doesn't want to give a free card here in case someone has a draw which is incredibly likely given the dynamic yeah you never start off thinking oh someone probably flopped it whoa where's the raise from Altman this is turning ugly real fast oh my god and this this might save a lot of sir actually cuz Strela it's with a Bethan and now to call I mean that's gonna show so much strength so I mean these would have to be two guys that are bluffing for Ladouceur to be good you're not even talking about raising you're just saying even a call here may be larger sir doesn't put another chip in this pot yeah I think you should be really scared here for good also not our idea to slow down nobody if you're if you're up against a big blind that raises his boards he has almost every single two pair combination Quinton ten seven yeah now mark Andre is like what yeah what but it still takes a lot of discipline and so short and everyone is putting a lot of chips in this pot with me hi Manoli with just ten big blinds yeah there's the full you got some Andre very nice crucial river card right now King of Spades it is the king of spades Wow you called it so Strela essentially has the exact same straight yeah it's very difficult for this to have done it but sure elet's when Aultman raises part of his range is gonna be two spades there right that's true but he closes the action and his pots are so good that check caught that check calling is fine too so i think this is this wasn't really this was an aggressive move this is somebody to check the twice remember like he checked the flop then he just checked the third with a flush draw and a little assessment here by putting out a time bank card this is like oh my god i have jack nine what do i do now you know wow this is sickness relics the call immediately it is gonna relinquish many many of his chips to Brian Altman if you if you thought it's so sick you wish you'd bet more right well he got called very quickly mmm-hmm this pretty brutal Brian Altman now off to four point six million in chips third Daniel Strela it's in dire straits 201 I'm back with Kings opens to 200k ace deuce the short stack me hymen only do you think of his name was well and back her Chino would actually be afraid of them time rut ro fur mark Andre here but he does have enough chips to just flat here not three bet call or just necessarily stuff in 25 bigs but you know you can't really fault it or going for it this is a really massive hand he's going 25 pigs I can't tell you for talking to me or talking he's really no problem thinking about how he wants to eat here but I see him looking up with the dealer which is not a good sign for him oh boy mark Andre shoves hard to fault him here but it's gonna end up being a bit of an icy disaster with the clinic over here yeah the Colt from wallenbeck mark Andre Lloyd who's at risk and dominated potentially going out here in eighth place I don't think he can really hold himself too much here two tens for 25 bigs I'm sure he knows well and backs been opening as wide as Jack 9 suited and 4 or 5 suited even under the gun you can't really do much but want to take it down number 10 5 coats to come against Jack or pocket needs to be felt in the pocket tens oh this is gonna be hard to come back from King high flop would not Andre ladies sir down to 4% equity the French dog is about to be put down only fared put a jacket there for a little sweat instead it's a six which has marc-andre drawing dead all the time we lose mark Andre LaRussa in eighth place just a very strong performance here from mark Andre eight placed in the net him over one hundred and forty six thousand US dollars played fantastically all tournament I found it had to be somebody in eighth place and it just so happened that mark Andre lobbyists are caught the business end of a cooler so we are down to seven players everyone is now locked up more than 200 K and if we lose another player in the next eighty five minutes we will be done for the night Bosco has Queen Jack on the button looking at how much me Hyman only has behind he knows that's gonna be for decent percentage of his stack about forty percent you can also kind of afford to lose it if Manoli does wake up you know if you raise calls here Lucy hunter K he's still gonna have a chef stack of twelve big blinds and this is a bit too strong to just fold but a limp also isn't too surprising given the way he's played this final the no tie with King ten suit it sure I'll take a flop I think he might take more than a flop no let's go check okay free flop Queen Jack deuce to clubs oh how about that then ace Jack deuce with two clubs Moscow with second pair no late with flush and straight draws now this becomes very interesting if Bhaskar decides to bet because there are very very few aces almost none that Manoli would check in the big blind so Bosca can very comfortably bet even protect his pair of jacks here thinking that it's almost always the best hand but Manoli has such a big draw that he should pretty-pretty feel pretty comfortable check shoving so I don't really anticipate Bosca that folding this hands it's just whether or not Manoli decides to shove her call but I think Manoli is also aware that he wouldn't really as he raised yeah option C check raise to two hundred forty thousand which is lucky because option D is like check raise to two hundred fifty thousand and so on this is actually quite weird for boss get to because with the Queen the queen of clubs in his hand that's that's less sort of broad way straight flush draw combinations if you can have do you know what I mean like if he does think that he is check raising with a flush draw and is willing to get it in you know Queen ten of clubs is now gone maybe we can take straight up air check raises out of the equation right I think so yeah so when he raises here there aren't autonomy value don't have an ace in it so close but as an AC probably shoves over the limp right it's free money there so busca calls we get the ten of diamonds on the turn Venona now with twenty eight percent equity five bigs behind man this is a weird spot very strangely played hand Parana royal draw now though yeah he thinks it's a royal tour of course the queen of clubs as a boss his hand well finally he is all in and Bhaskar calls said me home Enola has been grinding that short stack but pretty much two levels and now he's all in an at risk I'm drawing to a club a queen or a ten on the river 11 outs and being the year of Romania you make the way see how comfortably basta calls it off here despite only having second pair recognizes Manolis shouldn't really ever have a nice here way more weighted to big flush draws the river is another ace and that seals the deal for me hight Manoli our seventh place finisher in the PCA 2019 main event out and cashing for two hundred eight thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars and we have our final six Dave for it's over what a classic PCA final table this is gonna be just tons of we got one interesting wild card and a bunch of absolute heroes yeah you're right Joe the story is the wild card Scott one aback the guy who is playing for charity among some very accomplished pros including Chino ream they will be coming in with almost 100 big blind from the whole team here in the Bahamas I'm James Hartigan saying good night from Atlantis [Music] poker gods like nice see how I go [Music] [Music] [Music] I probably didn't mind a full [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 341,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker, pokerstars, live poker, Poker 2019, 2019 Poker, pca, main event
Id: dibjA1tInSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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