Pokemon Yellow Speedrun in 1:54:01! (Previous World Record!)

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for two hours [Music] [Music] you [Music] I'm neither superstitious nor euphoric [Music] [Music] turn up David Trey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no not a God fight a good fight [Music] oh my god how could this have happened [Music] I would have helped if I was online I've been playing on a BC surveyor for I don't know like four months now or something yeah Thomas [Music] [Music] Ford [Music] do you seriously think I'd play anything besides the blood off [Music] [Music] perfect world is gentleman missin to get crit gen1 missin to get crit with low HP [Music] exclamation point white ass if you want to see that happen because it's the fastest in an ideal world where you get a good agatha fight and kill the Magneton and win the speed time [Music] why is it not [Music] realistically oh but that's not what you asked does it [Music] I guess he'd give them an extra turn [Music] Tass does everything it could ever want perfectly by hitting the right frame three shot double tail it fail are you [ __ ] crazy Pocoyo the fastest fight is three turn jingle skip [Music] I've gotten to three turn jingle skips in my entire career [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's like really unlikely okay that was it [Music] No oh yes that's right so a 3 turn jingle skip would be like [Music] no you'd it's a whole turn faster a full turn faster that's like seven seconds at least [Music] for a half a turn faster [ __ ] you're right it is half turn faster so it's like four seconds faster [Music] the para is slower on average probably [Music] unbelievable actually unbelievable low roll into speed tie loss ridiculous [Music] into Jim oneness in to topple critical [Music] [Music] critical [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] what's happening [Music] [Music] such med [Music] gotta hit him hard [Music] oh my god it's so annoying what it happens cuz it's all my fault [Music] yes it was you can buffer out of a bottle [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know why indeed [Music] [Music] but the good [Music] almost W sob welcome back [Music] never leave me again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] waitwhat oh my why finger why do you betray me [Music] [Music] [Music] Almond if I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's amazing Taco [Music] [Music] that's a plus - is anyone else strangely suspicious of this near and now [Music] [Music] I guess I wasn't really paying [Music] check level 17 special imagine Kurt in the red barn well no I could have missed it [Music] but I don't know how much special I'm supposed to have I guess I could just compare it to defense I can try Claud okay [Music] good time sure hope we didn't get [ __ ] I would suck [Music] pretty sure we did though pretty sure this Nidoran does not exist in the realm of good nito's could have gotten like a GT 3600 though but I think I would have noticed that [Music] I just cannot get it anymore [Music] so this might be 3,600 actually unless I'm just completely [ __ ] but I'm pretty sure that I'm not and that those level ups were not correct anyway let's worry about this after I'll find out at level 23 regardless [Music] [Music] I do think it's a better game than red yes [Music] well the good news is is that this is not zero special [Music] the most likely outcome is that I'm just [ __ ] [Music] then mmm okay I guess I just I don't know I thought you got a plus three there no matter what it's definitely not zero special if I had 26 HP [Music] you know we're gonna find out at level 23 [Music] 47 defense and 47 special is what this probably has and what we're looking for it always has 56 attack and 53 speed [Music] knotti that was my treasure he was just mistaken [Music] [Music] Wow yes [Music] I'm not sure [Music] lots of pretty good time [Music] I really need to pee though [Music] there is no igt that's better [Music] okay well I mean even if this is 3,600 this Nido is still fine I've actually gotten to 3,600 nito's before but I'm just dumb and got it mixed up for whatever reason I think signs no I won't be I'm just silly it just has a stock combination that you don't usually see [Music] I did know that well baby oh baby baby baby [Music] don't hold back easy what a good fight the sub 29 guy it's totally sub 29 guy that's the good stuff [Music] we did get the god crap [Music] [Music] and I also to shot the first coffin [Music] don't don't burn and burn [Music] all right you have to do it you have to do it this is your time to shine good really really good [Music] well I thought that was it once we can double-check pretty sure that's all 1 in 39 that I just rolled [Music] considering akin [ __ ] yellow bar [Music] good [Music] all right come on come on come on Wow this is crazy this bridge is amazing I think this classifies as God run yeah [Music] that's right w ah all right so we got 47 so this is the standard neat oh I was just freaking out for no reason I have to piss because I've been drinking that's how you get a get around just get drunk I mean I'm not drunk but wow this is so good no quick attacks even just bring it home big guy the last turtle 90 plus percent range excellent I'm saving at least 10 seconds here probably more mingling [Music] [Music] it's possible that I'll Center after miss Tia but this time is really good I might just I forgot to check how many potions I had as soon remember it gets three yeah my gold bridges nuts [Music] jingling isn't that good it's just okay but it's better than the other really cheap beers so it's the most efficient makes the rival take less steps so it's faster [Music] now this isn't gold [Music] look at that [Music] no it doesn't W saw red bar is almost always slower in yellow because of what it takes to get it [Music] on that bridge things that could have gone better we could have saved a turn on Spiro and we could have saved a turn on Caterpie and neater and so were there were three things I could have got saved a turn on that we didn't [Music] coño soup is really really good golden [Music] [Music] [Music] Caterina complaints [Music] it's not the old one original Katarina was better than this abomination etc [Music] [Music] I am honestly considering healing before misty pseudo or someone can you check to see how many potions I had when I rare Candide I think it's three and if it's three then I think it's correct but this time is so good [Music] it was it was three okay so like I am willing to potion for surge in this position so I I'm I'm okay with taking the center because I really really don't want to die to MSB when like poaching for surge is fine on this pace and then that quick attack just kind of seals that I think [Music] pushing for misty doesn't save me from the critical out after potion twice and it's an extra menu hello [Music] thanks shad owned [Music] miss that textbook steer [Music] you [Music] [Music] actually no that was almost 10 seconds off my moon bulb my moon gold is pretty crazy though okay thanks [Music] I already made the decision I mean I'm going for one five three and for the 21 months Goldeen [Music] but so many months [Music] it's just safer overall but if I'm willing to potion for Serge then this is safer [Music] watt or gun watt again again water gun yes so good so good [Music] japanese is considered a different category [Music] mmm I really gotta pee though [Music] classic [Music] well that's the plan David Trey I think I'll probably pee on the boat if I get there can't promise anything Corey [Music] that's true Anna could make it here in time for her lavender arrival it's funny that you caught it flute rival maybe we should call it that from now [Music] [Music] yeah we healed before misty yeah for sure [Music] greetings [Music] [Music] really leo that's oh goodness oh goodness gracious [Music] fun fact I almost ran into that guy [Music] best clip is exclamation point depression don't kid yourself no god I can't I mean I'm not posting from 48 or whatever I get off with a lot 51 posting from 51 obviously but [Music] no that's not possible what's up be shields [Music] you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me right Wow I actually am gonna [ __ ] potion I can't believe it [Music] two mega punch just kills me like I just I can't risk it [Music] [Music] No he play risky on bad runs and safe on good runs [Music] no potion plus kick plus something maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] sorry guys I had some company per second had that hectic got the gab [Music] I feel I feel better [Music] one time baby one time baby [Music] oh my please just please not good but could be worse [Music] encounter bad cans potion losing a lot of time obviously but anything green Serge is amazing so [Music] [Music] that's dumb [Music] all right this is hmm is this fine this is completely fine this is the run we were protecting green Serge its hardest [ __ ] to get green Serge [Music] it still arranged though W soffits it's actually worse than it looks from there I'm not to testify thanks for the hundred pile [Music] I have almost 50 health it's not the issue [Music] [Music] no keep on won't do enough damage we're just gonna like in like looking for a nice clean split I did get new batteries but it won't work now I don't know what's wrong I'm gonna figure it out now 42 that's less than I thought but still not cubone percent [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] thanks amigo yeah time for some revenge [Music] nope there's only been one sub one fly ever and it was polka guy [Music] this is on console I'm playing on a gameboy player using a Game Boy SP as a controller [Music] see I prefer world record my man about that oh [ __ ] we forgot flash again my fingers feel okay I didn't play any Oso or smash yesterday seems to have helped [Music] I play Oh sue now [Music] Leo obviously okay okay fine fine fine fine whatever not that [Music] [Music] w sob earlier poke a guy called the gen1 myths and then i gen1 messed spero on boat rival integral i too would like to tag you in a moderately annoying question during a crucial part of the run OD be my guest it's what all the cool kids do that someone clipped it it was some [ __ ] right what happened to the same thing that always happens we have a encounter in two shitty cans and PP has a good split [Music] nobody asked for your [ __ ] extrapolation okay [Music] [Music] I'm just good it's easier than it looks but it's hard to do actually perfectly like I do [Music] it's not really possible of course it is [Music] true [Music] gen1 miss is a 1 in 256 chance for any move to miss engine 1 [Music] okay so this is notoriously difficult for me while I'm drinking so this is probably the final boss realistically [Music] yep okay whatever good recovery I don't know why I just can't count the bike pedals if I've had a couple beers [Music] it's fine we lost like a second [Music] such Josh it is [Music] I've been pimping pimping [Music] useless cuts are gonna happen it's possible for a mod did you are you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] and already a [ __ ] god bless her [Music] she needs some Jesus [Music] and that's one thirsty [ __ ] [Music] the best shopping of my wife [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] excellent [Music] yeah um just screaming what's up wait what I said I'm just I'm streaming what's up mm-hmm no it's a normal time guy rappelled um so I'm on my last run of the day right now and it's a pretty good run so I can definitely make sushi tonight is that what you're trying to do [Music] cut yeah just just come to my house and I will be done before we before it's time to leave unless this is actually world record and then it'll be like kind of close but we'll still make it okay see you soon [Music] [Music] yeah but then that mean you doesn't even really make me nervous anymore w self I practiced it so much I really like doing it now honestly feels good sure prof I'm sure Josh will be wanting to do that and you can come eat sushi with us of course [Music] stet over whenever I get that front-row seat the world record [Music] [Music] okay just to clarify we're talking about making happy hour at the sushi place not actually making sushi [Music] yep t-ball Tonya rockslide skip [Music] two shots crit one shots with the special I know right I can't wait [Music] I'm watching it right now Cal firm up for the first time I'm on episode 30 something I think [Music] I don't know I forget I just kind of slid into it but as long as I keep streaming it's fine and I've been like really wanting to stream I started drinking like three I'm like six beers in three of those were pints [Music] so I had to pee so badly [Music] [Music] I've never heard of that I love I love breweries I do the mid surge because that's the easiest place to play with one hand for a long period of time by the way the split was amazing we're gonna save like 19 seconds or something I believe he'll ear hit pride thanks to eight months baby come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] zu back can't learn fly until Gen 4 I think yeah she smells like [ __ ] - gotta do some laundry tonight yeah what do you mean working [Music] huh I remember that but I believe you [Music] reborn [Music] I was a really good up elevator [Music] [Music] that's fine completely fine No chokeslam [Music] that's Josh he's a member of sushi Friday's five four seven four five four seven four five four seven four [Music] [Music] good very good [Music] [Music] don't forget the candy don't forget the candy don't forget the candy don't forget the carbo's I mean pick up the car bus stop our ends at 6:30 which is 53 minutes from now [Music] are you drinking England [Music] candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy barely missed the stats get by like one frame both times but it's fine [Music] you know it's supreme clothing is like from Killa Killa [Music] he's coming to [ __ ] some [ __ ] up [Music] no but that we call that sandé attacks and attacks and attacks and attacks and attack okay that's good - that's fine - low kick in - Swift is still fine HP for coca just need a good Giovanni fight now this is the good Neto [Music] friendly reminder to EQ mag later [Music] he used Swift which is fine that's Josh but y'all can't even really see but his leg [Music] here's the best kilakila girl it's NUI hari may but non non is pretty cool too I like her [Music] the pink hair girl no I like the blonde girl who's [ __ ] crazy [Music] [Music] tennis girl know what I don't even know her name [Music] I mean not specifically but [Music] Bokke guys not even here he's going to his graduation [Music] I have never died to that Meowth before however I have died to the wheezing one time that's on YouTube [Music] jinhwan missing two taco crit that's how I died there [Music] dude it [Music] good good good good [Music] good good no it doesn't have either of those moves did a dude no okay don't quit 79 okay that's still enough for coca I don't have to potion don't forget the text box there's an extra text box because of payday don't forget what am I looking for mostly him using guard spec which is one in four per turn but this was fine too i took a decent amount of damage but i still have enough health for Koga as it stands [Music] I finally remembered [Music] miss 100 of on [Music] for Powell two down three nurseries [Music] slightly slow but fine [Music] no specials once taught in the scheme with HP DOL I don't know exactly about less than this okay no PTSD no PTSD good and hieratic eights baby nope Peavy has no radicals or onix's guard specs tops stat drops like growl and leer and sand attack [Music] why Erica after the other leaders because I need to get blizzard before I fight Erica to save a turn I pretty much risk Radek eight encounters in the mansion just for that because repel only works on Pokemon that are lower level than you and there's a couple of Radek eight encounters that are higher level so it's possible to get encounters sometimes same in victory road there's one Onix encounter that's higher level than me of the level 49 Onix jingling [Music] karbas carbo's karbas [Music] [Music] [Music] Altaria welcome back for 16 months thanks 3 7 minutes so many months [Music] [Music] this is the 200 all-time I appreciate you receding hairline is really I shut the [ __ ] up okay you think I don't know that [Music] [Music] why don't you do cog while you're in the city because I need these levels to do kogas Jim good alright should save just a bit of time here because we didn't have to heal and got good execution [Music] prep [Music] good splat very good split [Music] I was a little slow [Music] so yeah the major reason that we need to do Sabrina before this gym is because in order to preserve earthquake peepee I need to thrash here it's also faster to thrash and these Pokemon are all damaged ranges unless you're a little 40 what Apple lega that would be awesome thanks BP [Music] [Music] [Music] this trainer has my favorite dialogue and my whole game could get a sense from a long line of ninjas what did you descend from and then when you beat him he says drop my balls [Music] drop my balls if you ask see what you just descended from good meant to Thunderbolt but that's fine too [Music] [Music] X attack just X attack X attack that's fine too just don't special fall no a special fall no a special fall good good good good good okay [Music] it might actually be worth doing Erica first here but I'm too [ __ ] [Music] why would special fall have been bad because then psychic would have killed me [Music] do my mic will just not stay stay 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 [Music] erricka can't kill you without a credit [Applause] [Music] 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9 [Music] very good very very good James cutter welcome back for 47 months thanks 370 that's a whole many months alright boys I need Chet to be goddamn full of don't bully every single person because we cannot get radhika's okay just don't bully top the bottom let's go [Music] [Music] HM oh-for-three undercard can we also need a forest or here [Music] good job always keep it up yes good job boys that one's all on you you did a good job don't bully ya like cuz Raticate sorry bullies I could have gotten an encounter in there [Music] all right don't bullies stop we need the rest for the onix's no more [Music] Hale anything [Music] mr. lucky [Music] just tail whip tail whip tail of tulip tail whip tail whip tail whip [Music] all right not dead not good but not that burn is really bad they're obviously probably gonna lose some time here because I had a full restore and also got flamethrower but the rest of the split was walk skidded so shouldn't be too much [Music] good that's also a range [Music] good not bad at all it doesn't have one dude [Music] [Music] thanks to Shu Li [Music] ah sometimes I choke let's not kid ourselves good that's an important Blizzard lizard is 90% in this game for anyone who's wandering by the way 90% to hit don't forget EQ Meg yeah we got to do that [Music] because then you have 2x speed on the rapidash w stop [Music] Durex attack [Music] [Music] Smike is just not cooperating today [Music] yeah rapidash has growl and fire spun okay so we're looking at a super potion currently yes we're gonna super potion right now super potions are 200 potions which are 2 under elixirs so for under elixir hello all right well Blizzard hit manip [Music] [Music] my notes were wrong wise line [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] slow good [Music] lo XP Ramallah what does that mean [Music] no you cannot t-bolt it with leer not on this route [Music] this is normal XP are out Kevin [Music] [Music] it's that they can't hear you from there I got a new mic [Music] oh you did hear him alright nevermind yeah [Music] all right not dead [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] is this sandslash I guess we set up on sandslash [Music] [Music] clearly not [Music] [Music] [Music] he gives fetcher pogchamp not that pogchamp thanks for the $3 swamp appreciate you [Music] it's a swag dude [Music] dude nice / yep it's not worth it doesn't have enough peepee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'd be down now somebody give me a beer [Music] also I just want everyone to know that I have to pee unbelievably badly really see he totally would thanks Josh I already pissed once this run yeah [Music] get this man a beer for this run even if it dies props for this insane attempt my man they did thanks for the $5 man thanks for seven bracing I think we need to pick up the florist or this run unfortunately I really don't want to but assuming we get no onix's I'm definitely picking up the florist or all right boys get you know bullies ready we need them all [Music] [Music] [Music] that's right that's my area hardest menu in the game [Music] slightly slow but it's fine [Music] [Music] no bully hard as you can hard as you [ __ ] can knowing is bad next to the $3.00 thing for seven [Music] [Music] yes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] alright I'm picking up the full restore for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm losing time cuz pbn red bar this is actually still kind of hard to one five three because p begets hydra mess [Music] [Music] got a really good mount moon good luck with a leaf for thanks man [Music] all right we have two to two or three potions two or three supers and two for stores just rest just rest rest rest rest oh that's the bad one okay we're fine not good to have taken a lot of damage plus especially when our time is really close but [Music] thanks to the 5000 bed center call that so many bits [Music] what's the harm in kitty [Music] okay so this is [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay so we're gonna X AK if we see dig we have to potion don't dig don't take don't dig okay [Music] [Music] good [Music] honestly this kind of needs hidroméis 2 1 5 3 [Music] [Music] yup okay guy I said no idea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make a drain that's really bad okay you could start just snap out [Music] oh nice fight holy [ __ ] [Music] show the world how it's done dinner I guess we need a forest or now they're all God neeta's [Music] hey I know I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan welcome to the gun show YouTube's pretty sure this needs hydra miss two one five three it's actually random yeah one in forty two chance [Music] [Music] mess go and get it done [Music] [Music] go-go-go good [Music] but am I supposed to X Peter X special that's supposed to ex-special right I'm supposed to ex specialist was Dec special at SEC special that's why we use the carpus sex [Music] [Music] now yes yes just one more thing this is one five three just one more thing EQ Mack also a key mag EQ Mack Kiki Mack [Music] just please please please just leet seed three [Music] [Music] oh god it's so close oh my god no it's like one second off [Music] [Music] I think there's some time to say for mashing here [Music] [Music] oh my god whatever I'm done dude I'm [ __ ] done it's good enough [Music] it's good enough [Music] baby [Music] I played while this run besides leering Geodude but that manip the rest of the run picking up the florist or actually cost me in the end damn thank you for everyone for the bits like obviously I missed a lot there at the end world record boys were back or [ __ ] back [Music] no Chinese twitch Prime even a sushi dinner if you're in for a fish I'm gonna thank everyone in a second [ __ ]
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 692,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Yellow, Speedrun, World, Record, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon let's go, let's go pikachu, pokemon sword and shield, pikachu movie, pokemon pikachu movie, detective pikachu, pikachu speedrun, new pokemon, best pokemon, pokemon competitive, competitive pokemon, can you beat pokemon yellow with only, how fast can you complete pokemon yellow, awesome games done quick 2021, AGDQ 2021, pokemon speedrun 2021, pokemon diamond pearl remake, pokemon legends arceus
Id: 4-X6EVPuYl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 50sec (6950 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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