Pokemon Violet But Surprise Trade Decides My Team

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in this video I'm going to try to beat Pokemon Violet but instead of getting to choose the Pokemon that I use I'll only be allowed to use the random Pokemon that I get back from Surprise traits if you don't know surprise trade is a feature that lets you randomly trade Pokemon with someone from the internet sometimes the results can be amazing but most of the time it goes a little something like this better be something good the game begins as we meet the director of our new school and the nerd from down the street nimona hey uh hi you want to be friends to be honest no you're gonna regret that we try our best to ignore nimona's mouth breathing as we choose our starter Pokemon since we'll be surprised trading this thing away anyway we make our decision based solely off of the quality of their haircut it's perfect with our new starter we begin making our way to school to start our academic Journey along the way we catch a prized Pig which comes in handy as we arrive at the first Pokemon Center this is the point in the game where you finally get access to the Poke portal and surprise trade we connect to the internet then make our first two sacrifices to the surprise trade Gods hopefully they they hook us up with something good a mug sale it's gonna be way too high level though two seconds later oh trades are absolutely tragic as if feeding the game using random Pokemon from the internet wasn't already hard enough made this challenge even harder we also added a bunch of other rules that we'll have to follow as we play through the first of these rules is that we're playing the game with level caps this means that we can't use any Pokemon that's a higher level than the highest level Pokemon in the next gym so this mudsdale may seem great especially early on but it's level 34 which means that we won't be able to use it until after the fourth gym so it looks like surskit is gonna have to fly solo you may be wondering why don't we just trade for another Pokemon well that's because of our second rule which makes it so we'll only be able to trade for an additional Pokemon after we defeat a gym leader since we can't use mudsdale because of the level cap and we can't get any new Pokemon until we defeat a gym leader our unassuming little friend surskit has to carry us all the way to our first gym badge this little bug has a lot riding on its shoulders which is pretty bad for us because if you couldn't tell by looking at it this little guy is not very strong luckily I've got a few tricks up my sleeve normally at this point in the game you're forced to go into messagoza and go to school but there just so happens to be a way that you can skip going into town if you head up to this ledge here and Target a Pokemon on the other side you can hit them with the Pokeball and initiate a battle if you do this correctly your character will be teleported across this Gap and out of the starting zone since this game is open world once you're out of the starting zone you can go pretty much anywhere you want we aren't able to progress the story while we're out here but what we can do is grab some helpful items and TMS namely the TM for mudshot which we teach the surskit in preparation for our next battle after a little Excursion we fly back to Los Platos then continue on our way to school we make our way up to the gates of messagosa wait what's that sound oh God it's her let's battle uh okay before we get into this battle I want to explain another rule for this challenge we're playing with permadeath which means that if any of our Pokemon ever faint we won't be allowed to use them ever again and if all of our Pokemon faint we instantly lose the challenge now that you know what's truly at stake here let's get into the battle we lead with our hero surskit against demonis boy Coco luckily we're able to one shot our Croc with the bubble beam then she brings in her second Pokemon Palm this little guy may seem cute but it turns out this thing is an electric type which hits our water type surskit super effectively not only that but in this battle nimona terastalizes this little guy which boosts the power of this thing's electric attacks and makes it even more dangerous this palmy is the reason why we went through all that trouble to get the mudshot TM earlier we fire off a super effective mudshot on turn one but her palming just barely survives we brace ourselves for impact as it fires back with a boosted thundershocks that was a close after surviving nemona's attack we're able to finish out the fight with a bubble beam then try to put as much distance between us and nimona as possible as we head into school hey there classmate no no no in school we learned about the three major storylines of this game the first storyline is Victory Road which is your standard Pokemon Quest where you battle through the eight gems then face the Elite Four and ultimately battle the champion the second storyline is Starfall Street where you team up with the mysterious hacker Cassiopeia to find and defeat the five leaders of the evil team star and the last storyline is the path of Legends where you team up with your Stoner classmate Arvin in a goofy adventure to track down and defeat the Region's 5 Titan Pokemon in order to gather as much herb as possible that sounds more like the plot of a Herald and Kumar movie than a Pokemon game but I'm not complaining in order to fully beat the game we need to complete all three storylines with no time to waste we get to work on our first objective we head east to massagoza to the home of the first gym and its leader Katie we find our way into town but before we're able to Duke it out with the Baddie Baker herself first we have to overcome the gym challenge the olive roll [Applause] after all of rolling our way through to another championship we prepare our little surskit as much as possible then head into battle Katie leads with a Nimble against our circus circus trades a couple bubble beams for struggle bugs until we finish this grasshopper off the problem here is that in addition to doing damage the move struggle bug also drops our special attack with our special attack lowered we aren't able to do enough damage to our next Pokemon tarantula to defeat it before it defeats us no that was just a warm-up okay since we lost so early and not much happens in the beginning of this game I decided to save an hour of My Life by not resetting all the way to the beginning instead we kick off our second attempt by simply surprise trading for two new Pokemon wiggle Wiggles great oh Winkle's so good for this gym is okay at least it's meows luckily we get the start off attempt too with two Pokemon we can actually use and we even have a flying type Wingull to counter Katie's bugs but for the battle we teach me out the flying type move aerial lace which should definitely come in handy with our new team prepped we head in to give this gym another go Meowth does its best bird impression and takes out her leave Nimble with a super effective aerial lace then Katie brings in her tarantula who miraculously lives through our attack and takes out our meow look I thought bug types were supposed to be weak I have no idea what is going on here down a Pokemon but still alive we bring in wingle then fire off a water gun that doesn't kill what is happening because it doesn't die we take some unfortunate damage before we're able to finish it off finally we Face Off against her last Pokemon teddy Ursa this little bear comes in and to rationalizes so we do the same it out speeds us then hits us with the Terra boosted Fury cutter oh what we neglected to consider is that by terastalizing our Wingull loses its flying type and becomes a pure water type which takes away our resistance to bug and is probably why we died here all right attempt number three okay I guess it's gone well both of these Pokemon are over leveled all right one time one time one time okay it's not good for this gym but it's good in general iggly buff uh all right sprigatino is obviously insane once it's fully evolved but the real star here is iggly buff for the early game Igglybuff is one of the best Pokemon we can get because it's a friendship Evolution which means that we can evolve it into a Jigglypuff without having to level it up Jigglypuff is okay on its own but you know what's even better than Jigglypuff that's right a big Jigglypuff by using a moonstone on our puffball we can instantly evolve it into its final form Wigglytuff I feel like this goes without saying but having a third evolution Pokemon to face the first gym is kinda busted on Evolution Wigglytuff gets access to a whole host of the most powerful moves in the game like play rough and hypervoice the strength of hyper voice alone is more than enough for us to easily cruise through Katie's first two Pokemon her Teddy Ursa does manage to live through one hit but it's no big deal we clean it up on the next turn and secure our first gym badge I could safely say that this was the first time in the dozens of nuzlocks that I've done that I've had to reset five times to beat the first gym oh also I had coveted while I was recording this so you should feel sorry for me and subscribe bye now that we've conquered our first challenge we earn the ability to surprise trade for an additional Pokemon roths a male raltz is a huge win in my book because once it gets to level 20 it evolves into Kirlia we can use a dawn stone to instantly evolve it into its final form Galley but that'll have to wait because the level cap is still a bit too low for us to get there we follow the scent of money through the Canyons east of mexicoza until we find the first Titan money spaghettito and Ralts are still too small and adorable the risk being used in this fight so Wigglytuff loads the team in its backpack for another battle we use a couple charms to drop this crab's attack until there's not much it can do other than stand there and look really angry meaning we get an easy win over our king-sized enemy with a couple Terra boosted play roughs the Titan runs for its life but after our experience in the first gym I'm not feeling very merciful so we pounce on it from above then team up with Arvin and swiftly dispatch our foe after harvesting the precious Urban mystica we boost our way over to the town of artisan then head into face the second gym you left some dirty underwear in your dorm room uh thanks okay bye after collecting ourself we head into the gym challenge which has us rounding up all the missing flowers from the town's flower Corral after returning the sun Flora safe and sound we Face Off against the next gym leader brassius for this fight we decided to play it super safe giving Wigglytuff the move stockpile and swallow when used stockpile boost your Pokemon's defenses after using stockpile you're able to use swallow to heal various amounts of HP depending on how big of a load your Pokemon has stored up the bigger Pokemon's load is the more you'll heal when you swallow ah grow up all this setup was probably unnecessary but in hindsight I'm glad I played these early fights super safe because boy do things kick crazy later on despite a couple annoying crits from brassius's Razor Leafs our plan pretty much goes off without too much issue we're able to keep swallowing to keep our HP high while using hyper voice to defeat brassius's three Pokemon after securing our second gym badge it's time to add another Pokemon to the squad air Cuda I've never used one of these but I think that I think they're all right they're pretty strong they're pretty fast Eric Cuda may be relatively weak now but once this fish evolves into Barracuda it can dish out some serious damage the next stop on our world tour takes us all the way over to the other side of the map to this mountain here we find the Titan Pokemon Bombardier we navigate our way through this bird's seemingly infinite supply of gigantic rolling Boulders as we climb up to face it I mean really where's it getting all these rocks thanks to the fact that it's part dark type which is something that I definitely knew before this fight oh it's part dark type we're able to load the team into Wiggler's house backpack and use Terra boosted play roughs to beat it up until it shrinks away into nothingness after a celebratory Cavern picnic we move on to battle our next opponent the team star leader Giacomo his highest level Pokemon is level 21 which means that we're able to level up Ralts until it evolves into akirlea then immediately use a dawn stone on it to evolve it into a galley stronger than ever we head into the base and have our Pokemon mow down his henchmen until eventually Big G has no choice but to come out and basis in battle turns out that on Evolution Gallade gets access to the absurdly powerful fighting type move sacred sword which hits Giacomo's dark type super effectively yeah this was a pretty quick one after dishing out a healthy helping of Justice we follow the searchlights on the horizon over to the bustling Metropolis of lavencia which is the home of the next gym leader iono but as we're heading in to face her we hear the familiar sound of labored breathing as we're ambushed by our stalker pneumona and forced into a battle at some point along our journey our tiny cute kitties brigatito transformed into a furry icon not sure how that happened but what my Pokemon do in their free time is really none of my business spriggy crushes the Mona's rockruff with a seed bomb and you could say spriggy really walks the dog here her Rock rough and palmy fall to our furry excellence and we swap to Gallade as she brings in a race crocolor it seems that one funny hat wasn't quite enough for this Croc as it comes in and proceeds to put on a second even funnier Hat by terastalizing it manages to lived through a super effective Aqua cutter but we're easily able to clean it up on the next turn after the battle we step into the iono zone and instantly become an internet sensation without thinking we rushed right into this gym challenge which turns out to be a critical error oh I have to battle oh we might get over leveled oh no wait that's actually terrible yeah I forgot that there were battles in this challenge despite our best efforts we end up over leveling spriggy meaning that we can't use it in our fight against iono this is extremely unfortunate because for some reason they decided to give iono four Pokemon which is a bigger team than both of the next two Gym Leaders not only that but her Ace Miss Magis is an absolute beast but there's nothing we can do now other than head into the fight and face our destiny her watch row Falls easily to a single night Slash from Gallade then she brings in her belly Bowl we slap this thing with a sacred sword that doesn't quite kill this activates belly Bolt's ability electromorphosis which charges up its next electric attack oh it does so much damage that was certainly more damage than we would like to take on our best Pokemon we finished this frog off on the next turn and easily smack down our Luxio but then iono sends in her trump card Miss Magis since our Gallade is low on HP and its attack was dropped by luxio's ability intimidate leaving in the battle makes me too nervous especially because Miss Magis has access to the super effective Ghost type attack hex so we take this opportunity to swap in Wigglytuff to rastolize and hope for the best Ray don't hate yourself oh my goodness come on Wigglytuff I didn't do that much damage oh if we hit ourselves again we're so screwed okay okay we just need to get through confusion this time and then we're very safe okay we snapped out beautiful don't miss nice yes okay perfect perfect ly winning that fight we turn our back on our potential careers and influencer and head out to put lavincia behind us hopefully for good as we're exiting the gym we noticed this strange set of elevators in the lobby we aren't able to access them but they do seem very suspicious something about this whole thing doesn't add up how does nimona keep finding us why are there locked elevators in public gym buildings why are iona's teeth so point and who is Clive it just doesn't make sense whatever it's time for another surprise trade oh that's that's pretty cool it hopefully it's not over leveled but I haven't gotten to use one of these yet oh rev room is cool while we won't get to use it use excited to get to get to use rev of room for the first time now that we've cleared iono's gym our next objective is to dismantle another team star Hideout before we get to that though we train up our team a bit involving Aaron the aracuda into its bigger meaner form this Evolution couldn't have come at a more perfect time because the next team star leader is Mella who specializes in fire types our new buddy Charlos leads the charge as we head into quenchmela's flames we solo her entire base with three Pokemon then Mella has no choice but to face us somehow as we were battling an entire Army the order of our team got messed up so we end up with Gallade out first and have to waste the turn swapping to Wigglytuff once Wigglytuff is in we use the move rain dance that we taught it before the battle to cancel out the sun set up by our torkel this weakens the power of malice fire attack allowing us to safely swap in our fish and dive our way to Victory foreign what's crackalackin hey Daddy Q you want to go kill another big innocent animal yeah more than anything we head into the high desert above lavincia then track down the next Titan earthworm oh he looks like such a nice guy nice or not Gallade sacredly slaps the piss out of this big worm then we eat its precious plant and make our way out to the next gym in kaskarafa here we're forced to run a bunch of errands for the gym leader Mr goofy after retiring from our days as a taskrabbit we head into battle to Duke it out with kofu's water types to start the battle off we have a good old-fashioned fish face off against his palooza Barracuda is able to use a few bites to come out on top then he swaps to wug Trio who gets diced into calamari by our gallade's Leaf blade finally he brings in his Ace scribominable and we swap the spriggan we fire off a Terra boosted seed bomb which is somehow not quite enough to take out this beefy boy that's a lot of damage springy holds on through a slam and takes the fight home on the next turn Kim were able to welcome another team member from the internet this Terminator is a huge addition to the team bringing coverage for fire and flying which are both great offensive types after the trade we head out into the great desert we use muriadon's backwards jump to avoid slipping off the cliff as we climb our way up this mountain and grab the TM for drill run then we battle five trainers and talk to the league rep in kaskarafa to get the TM for earthquake these TMS could not have come at a better time our switch Hardware trembles in fear as we ride into the place where no play tester dare set foot the tag tree thick the sound of our console's tiny fans are deafening as we approach the most challenging battle we've seen so far relative to his level the team star leader Atticus might be the hardest fight in the entire game he specializes in poison types so before the battle we teach earthquake to Gallade and drill run to baraskuda this gives us a couple super effective options against poison but other than those two moves our team matches up pretty poorly against this guy we prepare as much as we possibly can the then head into the battle Atticus leads with scun tank against sarbera scooter this skunk has both Sucker Punch and toxic both of which are pretty disastrous if they land without much choice we go for a drill run turn one and get a sucker punch right to the Dome to make betters worse skuntake lives through the drill run putting us at risk to take even more damage from another Sucker Punch on the next turn if this skunk hits us with another Sucker Punch our run could just be over luckily it doesn't go for another punch so we're able to finish it off without taking any more damage next Atticus sends in his muck we know that varoscuda probably won't be able to one shot this thing with drill run but there is a chance that our fish could survive one attack so we stay in and fire off another drill run oh is that a crit oh that's that's huge wait that's insane that crap brings us back to a relatively even position as Atticus sends in his rev of room which gets outsped by our fish and Falls to a four times effective drill run finally he brings in his bigger batter rev of room we hit it with a drill run turn one then get super lucky as it goes for a Flame Charge which we resist this attack does Boost its speed but not quite enough to out speed our fish so it goes for another Flame Charge on the next turn and we build up even more damage with another drill run after that second Flame Charge this car is now faster than barracuda rip I didn't have the heart to tell you before but going into this fight I knew that we would probably lose at least one Pokemon knowing still doesn't make it hurt any less but there's no time to be sad because our work here is far from over not only is this rev of room super fast but as we've been hitting it its ability toxic debris has covered the battlefield with toxic spikes these spikes cause our Galley to get poisoned as we switch in the first turn galleg takes a noxious torque to the face then we fire back with an earthquake after taking the damage from Poison at the end of our turn there's a good chance that Gallade won't survive another hit if Gally goes down we have basically nothing that will be able to stop this rev of room from tearing through our entire team we live through this please live on like one yes that was way too close after collecting herself we put the laggy hellscape that is this Forest behind us for good as we make our way through the dallasapa passage into the town of madali where we find the next gym along the way we're able to level spriggy and Charmeleon up enough to evolve into their final forms now that our two starters are fully Juiced up we head into the gym building where I wanted to give you something the bundle of your hair it's been falling out please just leave we make sure that the coast is clear then begin the gym challenge this challenge has us trying to decipher the secret menu in the town's restaurant with the clues that are hidden around town somehow with no prior knowledge of this game whatsoever we're able to take a wild guess and Bank the secret menu item first try this lets us interrupt the gym leader Larry's government mandated 30-minute lunch break and force him into a battle as we were training up for this gym our Gallade learned to move Swords Dance which we use turn one to boost our attack is Larry's Kamala hits us with a yawn we one shot this koala with a boosted sacred sword but at the end of the turn our Gallade falls asleep obviously we're prepared to counter such an elementary move our Gallade eats the chesto berry we gave it before battle and wakes up to one shot Larry's due dance bars finally he brings in his Aster Raptor I'm thinking we live with like a third HP that did so much more damage than I was expecting it to oh crazy if that was Brave Bird or anything like that we would have been completely cooked was never worried not even for a second which is a good thing because nimona doesn't give us any time to collect ourselves before forcing us into a battle right after the gym at this point nimona's team is starting to become even scarier than her behavior her Pokemon are growing into their final Evolutions but she's still not quite strong enough to avoid getting swept by Gallade laughs smell you later another gym badge means another surprise trade I don't know anything about this Pokemon you know at first I was really bummed to get this little bug but then I evolved it and gave it a chance oh almost kills dang this thing kinda is a hitter huh turns out this little grasshopper is a lean mean slicing machine plus its name in whatever language this is is so badass the extremo our next objective is the sixth gym which UPS the level cap to level 42 meaning that in addition to our new grasshopper we can finally add rev of room to our Squad we make our way up the snowy slopes of glaciado mountain to the Village of Montana Vera here we find the next gym we begin the gym challenge which has us taking over as the warm-up act for the gym leader rhyme battle I may have misspread this situation we bury that feeling of embarrassment deep down where we'll never ever have to deal with it as we fight through the double battles of this gym challenge after getting the crowd super hot with our battling skills we Face Off against the gym leader rhyme we lead with our grasshopper and Charizard against Rhymes mibikyu and Banette turn one Charizard immediately gets a sucker punch to the face from Bennett but we retaliate with big damage from a flamethrower then we break mimikyu's disguise with the throat chop as Charizard takes even more damage from mimikyu's slash at this point our Charizard is a little low on HP but Locus should be able to use Sucker Punch to finish off this Banette before that's a problem so we decide not to switch it out one thing we neglected to think about is the fact that if both you and your opponent use Sucker Punch on the same turn only one of you actually gets to attack and that's determined by which Pokemon is faster at least that's how I thought it worked locix is definitely faster than Banette but for some reason Bennett's Sucker Punch goes through while ours fails if you know why this happened please let me know in the comments I am so genuinely confused this sucker punch isn't quite enough to finish off our Charizard no that honor belongs to our good friend mimic you oh what am I doing Charlie it's still kind of hard for me to watch this because it was such a costly misplay that could have easily been prevented after Charizard goes down we bring in spriggy and immediately to rasterize we finish off the Banette with the throat chop then take out the mimicky with the flower trick now Rime is down to her last two Pokemon as we go into the next turn we learn that there is one thing that this Mata de Vera crowd loves more than anything else and that thing is a good old-fashioned to rationalization since we were the first person to tarantulize in this battle the crowd lends us their strength with a boost to all of our Pokemon stats we're able to use these boosted stats to One-Shot rhymes houndstone with a sucker punch then easily finish off race toxicity with a couple flower tricks while we may have lost our sweet Charizard beating this gym lets us instantly fill the void it left in our heart with a rebound surprise Trail oh great that's so that came in that's actually so clutch because it came right as we lost Charizard pyro is actually insane that's right we lose one fire type then instantly pick up another better fire type that's not cope what cope or nope our luck with the trades in this run has been pretty insane so far at this point in the game the next Titan and the next gym leader are both at the same level that means to avoid over leveling our Pokemon we'll have to fight one of them slightly under the level cap since the Titan is just one Pokemon that you get to double team with Arvin we decide to take it on before heading to the next gym we tracked this big steel boy out to the middle of the desert where it proceeds to break our ankles more times than I care to admit finally we're able to pin the Beast down then oh my God Larry you torched that thing we chased this elephant down as it runs for its life then team up with Arvin to defeat it for a second time unfortunately the this second fight isn't quite as straightforward as the last one this time it takes us two flamethrowers to take it out with the Titan out of the way we head into its cave well won't be needing this anymore after eating this herb Meridian remembers that it has extendable Wings in the side of its head wow those definitely could have come in handy earlier we leave the desert and make our way to our next objective the seventh gym in the town of alfernata oh funny seeing you here prepared for if you've ever done a Nuzlocke before you'll know that tragedy always strikes when you're least expecting it her lycanroc goes down to a flower trick from spriggy easily enough then we make the critical mistake of trying to use flower trick on her sligu whose ability sap sipper makes it immune to grass type attacks after realizing our mistake we nope our kitty right out of there then bring in Iggy and hit this dragon with the play rough it just barely survives then all it has Endeavor oh it has flail holy crap flail did a lot of damage luckily we're able to clean it up without losing Iggy then we swap to Gallade as nimoda brings in her Palma the dog out speeds our Gallade and paralyzes it with a Thunder Punch on turn one but we managed to fight through the paralysis and one shot it with an earthquake finally she brings in her a skeleturge so we swapped to Larry Tara sizing oh it tears into pure fire doesn't it oh oh that did like no damage what oh no if it's torch song oh no oh no because it's boosting it's special oh no ah maybe I Hyper Beam next turn because we have to get damage on this thing [Music] we have to get damage on this thing maybe this kills no not quite we're dead to the torch song oh [Music] Larry oh man this went so poorly went so bad uh rip dude wow that sure went poorly we've regrouped from that tragic loss then head into the gym challenge to exercise out our emotional demons hey I love this yeah I nailed that now that we felt all the feelings that there are to feel we can finally challenge the gym leader tulip to the untrained eye it might seem like tulip is a psychic type trainer but if you look closer you'll realize that her team's real theme is sex appeal obviously she's got Gardevoir you've also got floor just if you're into that kind of thing then his pathra don't even get me started on his path and for ridger raft to round it out this is literally a collection of rule 34 royalty while tulip's team is primarily made up of psychic types most of her Pokemon also have fairy type attacks so dark type Pokemon aren't quite as good as they otherwise might be regardless we leave with low kicks against their fridge wrap and take it out with a couple super effective lunges next she sends in her Gardevoir so we swapped a spriggy and immediately to rasterize to turn herself into a pure grass type this transformation prevents us from potentially taking super effective damage from a dazzling gleam in the end it didn't even matter though because we instantly one shot this weirdly hot Pokemon with a flower trick next her as path comes in and we instantly fire off another flower trick without really thinking much about it unfortunately this bird is able to hang on through our flowery Fury with the tiniest sliver of Health then it clapsed back with a psychic that wipes out half of our health bar we do manage to take it out with another flower trick on the following turn but our cat is in sorry shape as she brings in her Ace floor just it instantly terastalizes and we decide to not risk staying in so we go for a U-turn which does some decent damage and allows us to swap out to low kicks we make the switch thinking that floor just is going to take advantage of its psychic Boost from terasterizing but it used mood blast what why then a crit um it's been over a week since this happened and I'm I'm still mad about it whatever we finish up the fight with spriggy and Limp out of the gym two Pokemon lighter than when we entered at this point we're down to a team of just three Pokemon so these next couple surprise trades really need to be good oh that's fine you know I've never actually used a cryogonal before but looking at these stats it seems like it might be pretty decent unfortunately this snowflake doesn't help us with our next objective the final gym in paldea this Gym's leader grusha specializes in ice types so we put the snowflake on the bench as we trudge all the way back up glaciado Mountain after setting a world record on the ski slopes we headed to battle where we'd lead with brev of room against Bruce's Frost mob we kick off the fight with a shift here to boost our speed and attack as this bug sets up a Tailwind we get off another shift gear on the next turn then something strange happens okay awesome gonna say does that mean we're Frozen that does mean we're Frozen yep that's right Frozen on the first blizzard just my luck I really thought this gym was gonna be a gimme so I didn't prepare a backup plan so we proceed with plan a trying to thaw out of the ice while healing up with leftovers after some pretty decent luck we finally thought out and for some reason we decided to live even more dangerously and go for two more shift gears thanks to all that setup our speed is maxed out and our attack is ridiculously boosted so we're easily able to one shot this Frost moth with an iron head then we proceed to do the exact same thing to the last three members of Grocer's team with the eighth badge secured We Begin our second to last surprise trade not great not great but it'll have to do with all eight gyms complete we unlock the ability to challenge the elite four but before we challenge the league we decide to wrap up the main part of the other two storylines meaning our next objective is the 14 star base we head over to Dethrone the next criminal Kingpin but before we can do that we need to get our Diglett into shape Pro tip if you ever need a lot of experience you can head up to these fields make a ham sandwich to boost your normal encounter power then almost endlessly grind on chansies wow that was a sentence I never thought I'd say this spot also happens to be right next door to the little Lord Ortega's house after farming the chancy fields we Kool-Aid Man ourself inside of Ortega's base oh yeah good thing we have our friend revive room because this thing looks like it was designed with the single purpose destroy any and all fairy types which is exactly what it's able to do in this battle after a nice warm-up of killing 30 of Ortega's closest friends the little Lord comes out on his Noble Steed and challenges us to a battle we take honestly the zoom rail with the poison jab then he brings in his doc spun and hits us for the mudslide at this point we don't have enough Pokemon to be messing around with our accuracy lowered so after we poison this dog with our poison jab on the same turn we swapped a cryogonal as the poison damage finishes it off then we swap back to rev of room and max out our attack and speed with shift gear as Ortega brings in his Wigglytuff with our stats maxed out we take out his Wigglytuff and face off against dad I missed you son whoa oh dear God after defeating Ortega we only have a couple more things to do we grab our big game hunting buddy Arvin then head over to the Western Bay in search of the final Titan the false Dragon we know that the only thing this Titan loves more than itself are its little buddies so we start bullying every tatsugiri in sight until the first round against the Titan goes about as well as you could hope for we're able to two shot it with flower tricks from meowskarada after the battle it makes off faster than Arvin when nimona tells him she's home alone then we have a high-speed chase with this big mouth bass until we arrive at its herb stash in the second phase Arvin jumps in and gets a piece so we're easily able to kick this big fish's teeth in oh look at the little guy oh oh the true false Dragon pushes us to the Limit but in the end we barely squeak out a w with spriggy to celebrate our Victory we have one last dance with Arvin and Mary Jane then head off to finish what we started in the final team star lair we lag our way through Aries goons until we reach the top of her camp and Challenger to a battle to start the battle off we send out reviverm against your toxic rope we instantly terrazolized to increase our resistance to fighting attacks and spend the next six turns maxing out our speed and attack with shift gear as this frog tries repeatedly to hit us with a sucker punch that Never Lands with our massively boosted attack we one shot our team until mom whoa with that win we've officially completed the main parts of all three storylines and entered the end game to celebrate I decided to cut myself some slack and reward my own hard work with the bonus surprise trade Phineas don't be fooled by finnison's unassuming appearance after we team up with our friend on the union Circle and level it up it evolves into palafin while it may look the exact same this little dolphin has a big powerful secret more on that in a sec as we enter the end of this game it pretty much exclusively becomes a bunch of battles back to back all around the same level so at this point the level caps are going to soften up to make up for that after we enter the Elite Four we won't be able to grind for XP anymore at the end of each storyline there's a set of major battles to kick things off we start with the Elite Four where we definitely do not fail our written exam the first time then head in to take on the battle assessment this part of our test puts us up against the four members of the Elite Four starting with Rika and her ground type Pokemon luckily our team was basically built to destroy ground types wheelie was springy against her wiscash and take it out with a four times effective flower trick on turn one next Rika brings in her camera up so we swap to palafin then use the move flip turn on turn one which one shots the camera up and allows us to switch our dolphin out switching out activates palafin's ability Zero to Hero so when we bring it back in against her Don fan you might notice that it looks a little bit different not only does this transformation make it look super buff but it also boosts all of its stats and turns this thing from a pretty crappy Pokemon into one of the best in the game registan fan does look through our liquidation thanks to its ability sturdy but that's not too big of an issue as we're able to take it out on the next turn from here we outspeed rika's Doug Trio and take it out then brings springy back in to deal with the race clod sire with the flower trick next into the Octagon is is that a literal child yes my friends this is the tiny steel specialist poppy we start off with palafin against her caparaja then flip turnout turn one is this elephant sets up stealth rocks the next turn sprig is able to take out this heavy boy with the low kick then we swap to Palo fan as she brings in corvanite we smack it with the liquidation which does not do nearly as much damage as we were expecting and to make matters worse this bird boosts its defense with an iron defense on the same turn the next two turns we tickle this thing with liquidations is it smacks us around with body press eventually we're able to barely clutch it out but at this point palafin has taken too much damage to stay in so we swapped the Doug Trio as poppy brings in her Magnezone we hit this thing with the four times effective earthquake then oh it has sturdy I should have waited and flip turned that would have been way smarter than this our frail boy Doug Trio breathes a sigh of relief his magazine sets up a light screen instead of taking its life we count our blessings as we swap the spriggy to dispatch her bronzong with a couple night slashes then bring in Wigglytuff to face off against a race tank you might be thinking what a Fairy Type against a terastalized steel Pokemon are you stupid that I say no I'm not stupid and that's not very nice tikatan has the signature move gigaton Hammer which is an absolutely busted crazy strong move but it has a drawback you see you can't use it two turns in a row that means we're able to use protect every other turn to block this thing's gigaton Hammer as we drop its attack with charm eventually we mess up and get hit but Wigglytuff barely survives our idiotic misplay oh whoops that was a misplay with its attack dropped we bring in rev of room to finish out the fight with a few bulldozes after pummeling poppy our next opponent Larry comes into battle while making sure to look as apathetic as possible the gym leader turned Elite Four member has reinvented himself since our last battle changing over from normal types to flying types which is good for us because it allows us to send in cryogonal to rasterize and outspeed his entire team one-shotting them with ice beams easy next up is the granddaddy of the group hassle he creaks his old bones into the room then we duke it out with his dragon types again we leave with cragonal but this time we decide to max out our defense with acid armor before trying to sweep his team just in case we terastalize then make our way through his first four Dragons without much issue then he brings in his Ace the pseudo legendary back Excalibur we hit it with an ice beam but it doesn't quite kill thankfully our boosted defense allows us to live through its super powerful signature attack Glade Rush then finish it off on the next turn with the Elite Four eviscerated we head up to face our toughest challenge yet the champion Gita we send spriggy in first and to rationalize against her lead as pathra then proceed to one shot this bird and her next Pokemon Volusia from here she brings in her avalog and we don't really want to mess around with the grass type against this big icy boy so we swapped a palafin then instantly flipped turnout to activate our Zero to Hero and bring in Iggy Iggy tanks a body press which takes out just slightly less than half of our health as we clap back with the hyper voice then all we can do is pray we don't get crit I thought it would be not that close but that's fine never punished baby let's go we finished the Iceman off on the next turn then swapped a palathon to take out gita's king gamut with a four times effective close combat from here we bring in rev of room to deal with her Go-Go with a couple poison Jabs then we swap to Danny the Doug Trio as she brings in her a schoolmora who terastalizes this transformation basically does nothing other than make it look silly as it dies to a couple earthquakes after our Victory the champion escorts us outside congratulations I made you something whatever it is I do not want it nimona okay you want to battle ah what the heck sure later though now that we've completed the Elite Four we decide to make nomodo wait as we wrap up Starfall Street in order to do this we head up to our school where we find the director outside waiting for us he claims to be the leader of Team star so we have no choice but to finish our mission and take him out we start the battle off by sending in springy against his Oren Guru taking it out with the night slash into a U-turn this U-turn allows us to bring in palafin then instantly swap to Randy the Rev of room to take out his Obama snow with a couple Iron Head then we use a couple flower tricks from our cat to deal with his Gyarados from here we bring in palafin who liquidates his Houndoom and use crab and all to clean up his Poltergeist you might not remember but at the beginning of this playthrough we chose quaxley as our starter which means that the director is rocking a meowskarata is his Ace this thing is a super fast absolute hitter of a Pokemon so we do not mess around we instantly swap to rev of room to rasterize lived through a Thunder Punch then take it out with a boosted poison jab after the battle the chairman tells us he actually isn't the team star league Cassiopeia okay cool but why did you say you were no real reason okay confused but fired up we head into the schoolyard to deal with the real Cassiopeia Penny it was you all along well I'm sure this major twist came as a surprise to everyone what shouldn't be a surprise is that we easily roll through a team of Eeveelutions with our nice spread of type coverage with Penny defeated it seems that the team star threat has been put to bed for at least the time being which means we can head over to the lighthouse from the beginning of the game to meet up with Arvin at his dad's lab inside we have a call with Professor turo where he tells us that he needs us to meet him in the great crater in the middle of paldea with the Violet book sure why not but before we're able to go help out arvin's absentee father The Angst Lord himself wants to battle his team is pretty well-rounded so this turns out to be a tough matchup we tried a couple flower tricks for a Body Slam against his gradient to take it out then he brings in a sko villain we swap to Palo thin and instantly flip turn out of there to bring in rev of room who quad resists go villains and energy ball and cleans it up with a poison jab on the next turn from here we bring palafin back in against arvin's gargan Ackle then use a couple liquidations to take it out next up Arvin sends in his toad scroll who easily goes down to a four times effective Ice Beam from cryogen his second to last Pokemon is Cloister who has pretty abysmal special defense so we're able to take it out with a few ancient Powers then we bring in Palo then as Arvin brings in his final Pokemon to bostiff who comes in and instantly terastalizes we terastalize right back then hit it with the liquidation which does way less than we were expecting after taking a Terra boosted crunch to the Dome we're lower on HP than we would like to be but we look at our team and don't really see any reasonable Pokemon to switch to so we stay in and roll the dice with a close combat which is thankfully able to take this dog out alright now we're actually in the home stretch there's just one more battle before we can go rescue the professor what better way to end our little battle spree than against the queen of congestion herself pneumonia we follow the sound of heavy breathing into the center of massagoza and into battle as always her first Pokemon is lycanroc knowing that we leave with palathon and flip turnout taking out about half of its HP and activating our Zero to Hero we bring in rev of room who tanks a critical Stone Edge then we instantly swap back to our Palo thin in its bigger batter form it also gets cripped by this dog's trail run but not to worry though we finish it off with the liquidation then swap to Doug Trio to one shot our next Pokemon Palma with an earthquake from here she brings under Goodra and we bring in Wigglytuff what we sort of forgot about is that this Dragon does have the poison type move sludge bomb which lands and does massive damage poisoning Wigglytuff on the first hit to make matters even worse our play rough misses on this same turn meaning that we're forced to swap out to rev of room who's a muted Goodra sludge bomb we survive a muddy water and finally take this thing out with a couple iron Heads next we bring in Palo thin as the Moda sends in her earthworm to avoid dropping our defenses we resist the urge to hit this thing with the close combat instead opting to tarastole eyes and finish it with two liquidations the same goes for a next Pokemon do Dunsparce we keep our defenses High by using liquidation instead of close combat the reason why we use all that willpower is because we know we need this palafin to deal with her last Pokemon skeleturch but it turns out that it wasn't even really a big deal we're able to one shot up with the liquidation before it can do any damage now that we've wrapped up all three storylines we assemble our friends into the world's weirdest super group then head into the crater to save arvin's Dad we fight fall and finesse our way into the very bottom of the crater where we meet up with the professor at least the person we thought was the professor as it turns out this isn't the professor it's actually just some guy named Al turo who keeps getting mistaken for the actual turo so mistaken in fact that he ended up locked in the bottom of this crater we go deep into the heart of his prison where Al goes insane and lashes out at us we have no choice but to defend ourselves so we send out Doug Trio against his strange robotic vocal Rona a four times effective earthquake is more than enough to squash this robot bug next he brings in his iron bundle to face off against our rev of room for some reason this thing literally uses snowscape three times in a row so we're able to take it out for free then we use another four times effective earthquake from Doug Trio to take out his robo-tyranitar next on The Chopping Block is this iron jugular so we bring a cryagonal who out speeds it with the super effective Ice Beam but it's not quite enough to kill it so we end up getting hit by a flamethrower crocodile don't care though it's just face tanks the Flames like an absolute Hoss then finishes its foe with another Ice Beam from here we use a foot turn from finnison to activate Zero to Hero and bring in Doug Trio against his iron hands we trade a couple earthquakes for drain punches and since this is our last battle we sacrificed Doug Trio to get a little bit more damage which makes this thing go down easier to Palace that finally we have a showdown of the ages with our dolphin superhero versus Robo Gallade from the future imagine showing this battle to someone from game freak in 1995 they would be so confused anyway dolphin wins which means that somehow we managed to surprise trade our way through paldea and secure the W like the video and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed it until next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 1,035,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SD0lgCUpuLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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