Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 64 Using ONLY Rock Band Drums? [TetraBitGaming]

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Just use the dpad and 4 buttons.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PM_VAGINA_FOR_RATING 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm back die turn it off [Music] we guys and welcome back to another Super Mario 64 challenge video right here on tetra bei gaming where we take on the n64 classic in some unconventional and stupid ways and this very well may be the stupidest way of them all yeah as you probably saw in the title and thumbnail I am going to attempt to beat Super Mario 64 with only a rock band drum kits the goal here is to just beat the game so I'll be going for the minimum 70 star requirements to get to the final Bowser stage with the limitation here being of course the drum sets first let's have a quick breakdown of my setup here as well as what the control configuration is that I used for those that are interested basically to make this challenge possible I connected an Xbox 360 rock band to drum set to my computer using an Xbox 360 wireless PC receiver nothing too difficult then for the greater part of this challenge I have the control setup as follows red pad for the B button blue pad to move writes yellow pad to move left green pad for the a button and foot pedal is set to up on the control stick as you can see I also went ahead and purchased a double symbol extension set which I don't know if it's a hundred percent necessary but the two extra inputs make things much easier for these I have the yellow symbol set to toggle holding down on the control stick on and off and the blue symbol is set up as a macro to jump and press Z to ground pound for this run I will try to stick to this layout as much as possible but will reconfigure some things if I have to and lastly if at any point you do enjoy this video be sure to slap a like down below and subscribe for more future unconventional challenges but I think that's enough preamble with all of that said let's grab some sticks and begin this challenge in three two why the intro cutscene begins as normal Mario is out of the pipe and yeah the controls take some getting used to but after a short chat with lakitu we have made it inside the castle and then just like that we're into the first course of the game Bob battlefield honestly this is going a lot better than I thought it would so far uh what okay let's try this again this time without whatever rendering setting I had enabled mmm nope they're much better well with that fixed up let's try to actually make some progress by now you might have noticed probably the most difficult parts of this challenge the first that the buttons can't be held and instead each input is only placed for a fraction of a second which severely limits our movement and jumping abilities like Mario really can't jump any higher than this with just the a button and the second is that we can't rotate the camera many of you already know I hate this game's camera in general so yeah this will be fun okay so first up as usual let's try to get the star behind the Chain Chomp I'm not gonna lie this is pretty tough to do quickly enough to not get bombs but with some proper timing and three quick round towns the Chain Chomp is released and the cage destroyed that's good and all but unfortunately that start piers to be too high for us to reach by just jumping but thankfully we can still wall jump and after several attempts we finally have our first star took us long in it seeing us how normally easy tasks such as crossing this seesaw bridge we're already getting difficult I knew I was in for a wild ride getting up to King Baba was pretty time-consuming but nothing all too difficult the actual fight is another story though as quickly running behind him proved pretty challenging but three throws and like five minutes later we now have star number two next up the race with coop of the quick I'll say right now anything in this game that's a race or on a timer is not a good time I tried my absolute hardest and drummed as fast as I could but there is no way I was gonna make it to the top of the mountain in the minute and 32 second time limit that is not the normal way what if I were to optimize the to warp points in the stage and go as fast as I can yes oh my god that was insane that race was so tough and extremely tiring but I'm very glad I was able to pull it off Wow moving on the star on the floating island was fine and although tedious and time-consuming the red coins were also all obtainable since we don't have the wing cap yet that's basically all for Bob on battlefields for now so let's head over to the next course whomps fortress being more of a vertical math whomps fortress certainly requires more jumping and platforming which as you might figure is not a good look when playing with a rock band drum sets getting up to the top was pretty hard especially with all the moving platforms but after a while I reached the top to square up against the whomp key as expected it was tougher than usual but with three more quick round pounds the King went kaboom once again after getting to the top again it's now time to climb the tower at first after failing to jump high enough to reach even the first platform I really thought the star was going to be impossible hmm but what if I could do a side flip so I spent a while learning the timing but eventually with toggling the yellow symbol and foot pedal I was actually able to perform a side flip this is huge because this move gives us the ability to jump much higher than we could otherwise and after a few more jumps up the platform's we have reached the top and the star is ours with that star done I was pretty excited to actually use hoot as a shortcut to fly up to the fortress unfortunately though after trying for way too long I remembered that you actually need to be holding down the a button to have Mario hang on so this will be impossible at least with this configuration after opening the cannon and spending some quality time with my save stage both the shoot into the wild blue and blast away the wall stars were relatively simple but that is where the good news ends for this date I tried collecting all the red coins here but for some reason I assumed since I wasn't jumping high enough no matter how I tried I just couldn't kick over this plane to reach the last of the red coins so with that star and the caged star without who it's currently unobtainable yeah Alice isn't happening on to the next area we go before diving into Jolly Roger Bay I was curious to see if I could jump into the secret stage in the room first and with a precise I flip it looks like it is spoiler alert swimming in this run sucks as you can see with the inputs only lasting a fraction of a second that the turning while swimming was an absolute mess and in no way feasible with this current setup so what I did was slightly alter my configuration by changing the left and right movements from just a simple inputs to instead a toggle between the left or right being held down and not at first this might sound like it could be a huge game-changer for this run and it might have been had the toggles been consistent for some reason the toggle only seemed to work I don't know maybe 20% of the time and every time it failed it would just act as a quick input instead the toggles are both a blessing and a curse here since although they help with swimming and movement in general their unpredictability is a mess no idea what caused the toggle to be so unruly but my best guess is that the toggle had trouble since the input was only activated for such a short amount of time hey guys video editing Tetra vid here upon reviewing my footage and configurations after completing this challenge and everything pretty much I realized I for some reason sent rapid fire on which basically was the problem why the toggles weren't working it really wouldn't have made the challenge any easier just a lot less frustrating stop stop toggling anyways back to the video with some patience I was able to nab all the red coins and collect the first water-related star of this challenge yay only several more to go now in Jolly Roger Bay is where my frustration finally started to set in thankfully most of the stars here weren't too bad just platforming inside the sunken ship was pretty rough but grabbing the star from the you Nagi the chests in the cave and the red coins were all pretty doable the blast to the pillar star was a different story though since both lining up the cannon to blast there was very annoying and then the actual jump to the platform was also rather challenging after several attempts though with some luck I somehow got it bringing our star count up to 15 the last star in the jet stream I now usually get with perfect swimming and although I was able to time the swimming with a drum set properly the fact that turning was still such a spicy mess with the toggles makes this one star I'm happy to come back to later hopefully with the metal cap the ray of light is now shining through in the castle's 4 yay so let's try and get the wing cap unfortunately I didn't think of setting up any of the C buttons on my drum at first but then I realized I had one more button available for an input the back button so I just used that button to act as si up you might be wondering why I didn't use any of the other buttons in the middle of the drum sets well the a B X&Y buttons are just mirrors of the drum pads and while they may be better since you can hold them I feel like that just takes away from the point of this challenge and same for the d-pad on the left since that would really just turn the challenge into trying to beat Super Mario 64 with a really uncomfortable Xbox 360 controller I think setting the back button se up and the Start button as well the Start button doesn't really compromise the nature of this challenge flying with the wing cap in this challenge is much more like as what he would say falling with style but here it's way more awkward than stylus getting to the switch was fine but turning with the wing cap was honestly worse than swimming since Mari was flying so fast the red points here may not be impossible but I'm really not interested in spending like 10 hours of my life on a single star so I'll just skip this one for now while we're here in the main foyer let's head upstairs and take a trip to the princess's secret slide I was actually surprised how well I did on my first try here and I really don't think I could have done it much better so although we got the 1 star for completing the slide again although maybe not impossible I don't think it's worth spending too much time trying to finish the slide in under 21 seconds or the bonus star up to 16 stars now not too shabby at all next up is of course cool cool mountain before going down the cabin chimney and doing another slide I wanted to first deliver the baby penguin here to her mama and this honestly somehow went way better than it ever does with the normal controller like I'm usually never able to pull off this mountain slide skip thing next I grabbed all eight red coins which as usual wasn't all too bad just tedious oh yeah I forgot to mention setting the back button as co-op also gives me the added benefit of being able to sometimes slightly reposition the camera which is very useful in this run anyways the hardest part of the red coin star was actually getting it after collecting the coins I had to liked i'ma jump dive just right and then pull back by mashing the blue pad hard enough to barely stick the landing yeah I was pretty impressed by this next time to finally tackle the slide the slide just requires a ton of patience and knowing exactly when to turn speed up and slow down after a while I just figured I could jump off here and skip most of the slide and thankfully that worked out for me in the end that star was fine but racing against the thick penguin not so much he is unfortunately just too fast and I can't use any of the shortcuts because apparently there are several invisible checkpoints along the slide that even if I skip one of them the penguin calls you out for cheating so after numerous attempts gonna have to unfortunately deem the star not obtainable for this challenge next I wanted to try and get the wall kicks will work star on the side of the mountain so after jumping up to the pink of a bomb and unlocking the cannon I came to yet another impasse unfortunately to proceed here I would need to do a long jump which I can't really do without holding the Z and a button so I guess another way must be found it was at this time during the stream of this run that my pal the one and only Nathaniel bandy suggested that I use the spindrift enemy at the top of the mountain and try to float my way down there ah what the heck let's give it a try it took a few trials and errors that needed to be fine-tuned but lo and behold I was not only able to float down to the area but also grab the star mid-air which saved who knows how long it would have taken me to actually jump my way up there definitely caught a lucky break with this one since I mentioned the stream I'm just gonna quickly shamelessly plug it here if you guys are interested in seeing runs like these live be sure to follow me over on twitter the link to it will be down in the description and i hope to see you there anyways let's get back on track since i can't beat the big penguin race this means that i also can't access the snowman's lost his head start making that one also currently unobtainable now even though we're up to 20 stars way more than the eight required to get to the first bowser stage i usually want to get the five accessible courses out of the way first so let's chase the boo into the courtyard and hop into big blues haunts i'm really glad i was able to set up a ground pound macro as this move makes defeating the boo enemies so much easier here as such the ghost hunt and big boos merry-go-round stars we're both cake with access to the second floor now the secret of the haunted book star was also very easy and although some red coins required some tricky side flips to get over all grabbing all eight wasn't all too bad I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get to the third floor or attic section of the mansion but to my surprise I was actually able to pull off a side flip wall kick combo to get up there yeah I guess you could say I'm starting to get the hang of this so this means we can get yet another star right well even though I was able to kill the big boo on the balcony unfortunately the resulting star gets placed on the top of the roof which I just wasn't able to reach I just couldn't jump high enough or turn fast enough after jumping to either side of the roof to not slide off some viewers suggested frame walking and stuff that might make this possible but I tried for quite a few minutes and I wasn't getting anywhere so just based on my skill level here with the drum set I'm gonna deem this one impossible at least for me anyway and with the final star here requiring the vanish cap which we don't have yet that's all there is for this course so with 24 shiny stars in hand it's off to the first bout with Bowser we go the climb up to the pipe was surprisingly not all that bad for the most part but the most difficult part about the stage was that the camera was locked and even my method of using the si up button to ship the camera just didn't work so some jumps here were just a bit harder than they need it to be then after inching my way along this narrow path and side flipping up these steps here is the absolute most difficult section of these steps like I said earlier anything on a timer is far from our friend in this challenge with a control stick to the right toggled on I jumped and jumped up the stairs but just wasn't able to get to the top as I had to stop and double jump for each step I honestly thought this might be the end for a while that is until I realized that if I time my jumps at a certain point Mario will actually grab the ledge of the next step and if I pull up and do this just right I might be able to actually pull it off so timing not speed is key here one two three and four yes there we go this took me way too long but I'm glad it's over with and with nothing left in our way time for our first Bowser encounter so you might be thinking hey tetra how exactly are you going to spin Bowser with a drum set well if you were wondering that that's a good question and the answer is quite frankly I won't I tried and tried several methods from hitting the pads in order as fast as I could - setting up macros trying to emulate the rotation of a control stick the problem is with the enraged controller plugin that I was using as far as I know there's no real way to set up the sequence for a macro so it just wasn't possible to set something up like a up right down left macro or something to a certain pad after trying several things although I was able to get Bowser moving a bit after grabbing his tail it was nothing close to the speed I needed to be able to toss him more than like a foot and I wasn't able to speed it up at all so back a plan I'm just gonna grab his tail and quite literally throw Bowser a foot at a time and inch my way closer and closer to a bomb after about three painful minutes boom just like that Bowser one is in the books and we have our first key to give you a frame of reference how much more time-consuming this run is it took me just over five and a half hours to get to this point I'm sure I could have beaten the game several times over in this time with a conventional control with the basements now unlocked we have several new courses to try but first let's grab MIPS for another free Star now let's hit up lethal lava lamp this course is heavily reliant on platforming so hopefully this one goes okay thankfully here I was actually able to move lakitu around using the back button which was super helpful getting around the chorus sucked but again thanks to the ground-pound macro defeating the bullies for two more stars wasn't all that bad and the a red coins on the Bowser puzzle were as easy as always I had absolutely zero interest in even attempting to cross the rolling log for the star there knowing how hard it is to change directions and some viewers suggested that I tried to use the wink app to fly over the cage but I just wasn't able to get enough height no matter what I did so with that let's now hop into the volcano and try to get the other two remaining stars there here yet again we weren't able to move the camera at all so this made several chumps super precise and some like the one at the start Here I am honestly shocked that I was able to do at all the platforming towards the top was also extremely stressful but after that and a few more pull jumps another star is ours the other star of the volcano wasn't any more difficult it just required a properly timed jump to transfer from one elevator to the next and then some more tricky jumps to get to the star at the end that's 5 out of 6 9 100 coin stars here not bad at all next up shifting sand land I'm really happy that the crazed crates here are still useable as normal this was a huge shortcut to get around the pyramid which otherwise would have probably taken quite a while just got to make sure the angle is just right to jump over the santol at the stars getting the star back from klepto was fine as was getting the star on the side of the pyramid for which I opted to get extra cool boy points by getting it using this fly guy nice the red coins in the stage are not so nice though at least the four that are in the sky maybe not impossible but I feel like the stress that would come with trying to collect them with wing cap certainly isn't worth it so down the pier made me go as you'd expect by now the climb up was pretty annoying and took forever I wasn't able to jump to the one pillar that's surrounded by quicksand without dying so sorry guys no I rock in this run and I really don't feel like climbing up to the top of the pyramid again to get the pyramid puzzle star so let's move on up next we have one of my least favorite courses in this game hazy maze cave luckily I was able to pull off the glitch to clip through the wall here down to Dory but that just wasn't enough for me I really wanted to land on the island in the middle so I wouldn't have to bother with swimming and controlling Dory getting the angle just right to do this was way more difficult than I thought at first it honestly took me way too long to get it just right and I got so close several times which only infuriated me even more but hey eventually I got it so it was all worth it I guess next since I had no interest in trying to get the eight red coins here I decided to try and navigate the maze with the haze that the title of this course keeps raving about just like everything else in this run that is time-sensitive the haze here sucked as it sapped my life hard due to me moving slower than usual here I eventually was able to get out to one of the exits but it's to this place which requires me to hold the a button to traverse awesome I tried everything else I could like triple jump dives but the fence ceiling was just too low for me to cover that much distance so that one is definitely off the table for now hey what about the watch out for rolling rock star yeah no I just wasn't able to jump high enough and without being able to both hold the a button and all terrain holding left and right on the fly this star is another one to cross off the list this course proved to be an absolute disaster for this run lastly I went back to Dori in the cavern and then entered the sub area to unlock the metal cap getting to the switch was fine but getting the red coins here was unfortunately way too difficult as the timer on the metal cap was too short given how long it takes to rotate Mario when he's underwater on the bright side the toad outside the entrance to hazy maze cave was generous enough to grace us with another freebie star just to reiterate some of the stars that I skipped like the metalhead Mario can move star may in fact be possible but I just feel like there are other stars which could be easier and more time efficient so if I need to I will certainly come back for some of these stars anyways now before heading to dire dire docks and the second Bowser stage I first wanted to drain the water in the moat and then attempt to get the vanish cap the first part of the sub stage was all right and I was able to proceed with some well-timed jumps but since the camera angle was it's movable here some of the jumps here like jumping off this seesaw onto these elevators was just way too challenging for me I was getting way too stressed out here so unfortunately I had to move on so with 35 stars let's now use their power to open up this star door and skip into dire dire dogs following the disaster that was hazy maze cave I was really hoping this course would be better it wasn't I complained about water courses and swimming before but this was just peak absurdity here thankfully after a long while I was able to get a bored Bowser sub and grab the star there the next star I tried getting was the one from the chests in the current and oh boy that was a mistake swimming to each of the treasure chests in the right order was extremely difficult and to make matters worse swimming to the star after getting them all without getting sucked into the whirlpool was insane but after numerous attempts somehow I actually got it next I tried getting the star in the jet stream with a metal cap but I guess the Bowser sub was just overloading the game which made the toggle to hold right work even less properly than it so I figure I'll come back to get the start hopefully after getting a victory in the second Bowser fight which makes the sub leave the course ah yes Bowser in the fire see what a fun level especially on a rock band drumset when you can change the camera angle luckily the holding right toggle came in super useful here coupled with some damage boosting with the lava the rest of the climb up was pretty okay though no complaints now time to swing with Bowser - this fight was actually easier and faster than the first one as I was able to let Bowser charge through me and lead him to the edge of the platform near a bomb and then grab him and throw him right into the bomb on only the second throw with that the second key is now ours and we now have access to the second floor of peaches castle but before moving along let's go back and revisit Jolly Roger bay to nab the star that we missed there the more we get now the less we have to eventually get in Rainbow ride right this time with the metal cap although still slow to turn Mario around with some patience and proper positioning I was able to move Mario right into the jet stream to get the star now up to the second floor we go and what do you know another toad wants to brighten my day with a free star awesome the first course I wanted to tackle up here is wet/dry world here's to hoping it goes better than the last few courses the star from the shocking arrow lifts is one of the easiest in the game due to the one warp spot in his course and that doesn't change at all in this run well I guess avoiding the fire from the one core mami there was a bit more challenging this time but nothing too crazy okay sorry for going all over the place here but before progressing in wet-dry world I wanted to go back and revisit some more courses from before a few viewers in my chat suggested that I reconfigure my setup to have the foot pedal act as the a button so I can hold it to grab on to hoot in whomps fortress I don't feel like this compromise a challenge or made it any easier really so I figured I'd give it a whirl though I was able to now grab on to who it's turning around while gliding was still tough and required very fast drum rolling but a good takeoff angle really helped with this and after only a few attempts I was able to land in the cage and grab the star now back at Bob on battlefield with the wing cap unlocked let's have a go at getting the Mario wings to the sky star this star requires us to grab the central coin in five different rings of coins in the sky by now I've already learned that navigating Mario while flying even if it is possible was definitely not worth learning so what I did was just try and get as many coins as I could from each cannon shot and then I had to properly aim and ascend Mario just right to grab the last central coin this star was super tedious as it required me to get to the floating island several time now back to dire dire docks to get that pesky star in the jet stream so just as I figured it seems Bowser sub was indeed causing the course to lag so without its metal Mario's movements were much more responsive after several attempts to get down there in time I jumped and swam through five rings to get yet another star bringing our count up to forty three I thought about maybe trying to pull jump for the eight red coins here in dire dire dogs but it's another star that I think I might come back to with me be alright time to get back to wet/dry world getting to the top wasn't super challenging so long as I jumped into the painting at the highest third to get the water level to its maximum starting height the problem started at the top however as I wasn't able to position the camera well enough to make jumping up to the plank easy and instead I had to perform and stick a very precise side flip then not only did I have to inch my way across without falling into the water below but at the end I also had to avoid several fire breaths from the core Amami enemy then there's also this spinning platform oh boy well another well time jump later and that's another one down so next I wanted to get up to the top of the cage here to see if both the secrets in the shallows and sky and express elevator stars word to be feasible I tried for a while to get up there using the time blocks but once I got up to the top block I just wasn't able to jump high enough to get to the top of the cage and I didn't have enough room to perform the side flips that were basically getting me the height I needed in so many areas so far but not all is lost pink bobomb to the rescue with giving us access to the stage as cannon this was a complete guess in check game and I had to pinpoint exactly where to aim the cannon to land right onto the cave there we go now knowing that it is possible I went back to touch the first four secret locations in the area and then returned to the top of the cage again to break open the box therefore the fifth and then I sniped the resulting star and although the star was successful the express elevator didn't break me much luck after only a few attempts I realized there is absolutely no way I had enough time to drop down turn around fiddle my way inside the cage and then somehow have enough time to slide flip or wall kick my way up onto the elevator this just ain't happening chief then after drowning just trying to swim into the underwater town section of the course I started to think if it was even worth it I wasn't going able to beget the one star in the cave since I don't have the vanish cap and jumping up on top of the buildings to get all the red coins would be nuts yeah no thanks I think I'll skip that headache for now sorry for the degradation of video quality here I actually forgot to record this part on my computer so unfortunately I'm stuck with a subpar stream download it'll get better in a bit anyways now on to one of my favorite courses in this game tiny huge island this one has to be better right well yes but actually no most stars here weren't overly terrible like defeating all the Piranha Plants getting to the top of the island defeating wiggler and touching all five of the secret locations in the tiny version of the island but just getting around the island was honestly the hardest part especially in the giant version and yeah the Rema with coop of the quick was brutal the first race gave us a lot of leeway but there's none of that this time to get the star here you have to get to the flag in less than twenty five point three seconds and the absolute fastest I could do was like a minute and a half so I think it's safe to say that this one is gonna be a No lastly knowing how plentiful the coins are in the stage I actually attempted getting my first 100 coin star of this run here it was slightly tougher but thankfully all the blue coins from the giant goombas really helped and now to get the red coins inside the cave this was some really precise platforming here and I was able to get most of the coin the last two were especially tough since they required a precise triple jump and then this one which I honestly did not think was going to be possible at all required an extremely precise triple jump wall kick combo I was honestly shocked I was able to pull this off now onto snowman's land first I wanted to grab the star stuck in the dumpster fire of an ice sculpture here took a few attempts to get up there but nothing too wild the next few stars like the fight with the chill bully the star in the Box here as well as getting all eight red coins on the shell we're all fairly simple to obtain the ice path near the snowman's head made it virtually impossible to even move here so I had to blast my way up there instead with the canyon the only problem with that was getting inside the igloo to get the pink bomb to open it since I didn't have the means to crawl yet after again reconfiguring my setup although still a mess I was somehow able to fandangled my way inside the igloo for us to me this was way more annoying to pull off than it seems while in the igloo unfortunately there's another star we can't obtain since it requires the vanish cap so close yet so far away on the bright side we now have the cannon so let's blast up onto the snowman to grab star number 56 okay we now have four courses left with 14 stars to go at this point I was starting to get a bit nervous the next few courses better be good to us especially if I want to see as little rainbow ride as possible as I'm sure you expect by now tall tall mountain was as much of a hassle to climb as probably virtually possible sure I'm glad like three of the stars here are essentially just getting up there I guess doable tedious ones are better than impossible ones though the red coins here were all super annoying to get but thankfully on the flip side I was somehow able to pull off the slide skip here to get the star there and then was able to blast my way to the star on the mushroom Wow did we just get all the stars from A Course in one go that's a first after getting another freebie star from grabbing nips in the basement again time to head up to the third floor to get yet another freebie star from the toad up there cheers but boy tick tock clock was definitely a test of all the skills I have learned so far by playing on the drum kids there were so many super precise jumps that required I used every trick I knew but after inching my way up I got one star and then another and then another from all the red coins and then yet another only two more to go things went a bit south here as I reached another impasse since I couldn't jump up to the next section with the course being frozen like I had it up till now so instead of abandoning this course and trying for some other stars I decided to challenge myself even further by climbing up the course once again this time with everything moving which only made it that much more difficult somehow though I made it through and got star-69 before getting the last star my chat viewers really wanted to see me try and pull off a blj or backwards long jump it took some planning and remapping up some buttons but I had an idea of how to pull it off then a gaming history was made I think this is something worthy of putting on my resume Wow yeah I could go to the final Bowser fight now but I need to do this legitimately first before relying on glitches as much as it pained me my chat really wanted to see me take on Rainbow ride so I guess that's where we're headed to next it was really as bad as I thought it would be everything from riding the magic carpets to movin along the rotating platforms was a spicy disaster I figured probably the quickest started yet here would be the swinging in the breeze one since I wouldn't have to jump around on the magic carpets this one was still very tough especially with the unreliable toggles but there it was star number 70 is ours and now it's time to head off to the final Bowser stage for real this time following the example of the previous Bowser stages my see up trick still didn't work here to move the camera behind Mario to make my life easier it was certainly a slog to climb up to the top and there were many obstacles along the way like more stairs that we saw in the first Bowser course and this elevator section which required some insane jumps which I got very lucky with almost there and yes here we go the final stretch the first two throws were a bit tough with Bowser's spitting more and more fire but eventually I got it now the hardest part the third throw if you don't know after the second throw the stage will break apart and then form into a star shape meaning the bombs are now much farther away from the edge of the platform my strategy to just drop Bowser off the edge of the stage into a bomb was no longer feasible with a heavy heart this is unfortunately where I must declare the challenge over or so I thought on streem I actually did end the challenge here and even wrote out the rest of the script but just the day before editing this video one viewer MV collector 672 actually stepped up to the plate and fiddled around with the toggles to figure out an input sequence to actually spin Bowser I tried this method out for myself off stream literally the day before putting out this video and what do you know it actually worked I still have a hard time grasping how this ended up working but basically I had to switch the directional toggles on the fly by hitting them in a specific order guys I am happy to announce that Super Mario 64 is in fact beatable with just using a rock band drum set as a controller I may have not done it in the fastest way possible and I'm sure I'll get tons of comments on how I could have done stuff better but I really think I did it to the best of my ability and I am extremely happy to take the W here for those curious this run took me just under 21 hours of play time to complete so I definitely do not recommend it for those that lack patience this certainly was not the most fun way to play through the game but I'd be lying if I said completing it like this wasn't a rewarding experience unfortunately since we didn't change size or anything the end cutscene plays out like normal and Princess Peach will go on never knowing the struggle that Mario went through to rescue her being controlled by a drum sets but anyways guys that will wrap up this challenge video it was an immense struggle to complete so I really do hope you all enjoyed it this is probably the longest one yet so massive shout outs to you if you manage to make it to the end heat if you did enjoy this challenge and want to see me do more unconventional challenges like it in the future be sure to slap a like down below as it really helps me out a lot and let me know what other controller setups you'd like to see or what other games hackls using only this drum kits and also if you enjoyed be sure to check out some of my other challenge videos by clicking on the card right here if you happen to be new here and you want to stay even more up to date with me and the channel be sure to subscribe here as well as swing by my Instagram and other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for tuning in and for all of your support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 599,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super Mario, Mario 64, Mario, Mario Challenge, Is it possible to beat, can you beat, Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 64 with only rock band drums, is it possible to beat mario 64, Super Mario 64 Challenge, SM64, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, N64, TetraBitGaming Mario 64, Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Mini Rom Hacks 3, Coinless, Gaming, all coins, no coins, super mario 64 drums, Super Mario 64 only drums, lost bits, Nathaniel Bandy, Ceave Gaming, NicoBBQ
Id: ibwqbu_yo98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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