Pokémon Legends Arceus - 1 Year Later (A Retrospective Review)

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Pokemon Legends Arceus is now just over one year old and a lot has happened in the Pokemon franchise since its release we've had Diamond and Pearl remakes and witnessed the beginning of a new generation of Pokemon with the release of Scarlett invited in which we have surpassed over 1 000 Pokemon after having extensively played three Legends Arceus and still playing to this day I would easily put it in my top three of all time Pokemon series releases and while I would highly recommend them promote the positives of this game to anyone who faces the need to play Pokemon but not in the all reliable way I'll also be aware of some of the things that were disappointing or just outright sucked and that's what I want to talk about today if you do enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you want to see more of this type of content without further Ado this is Pokemon Legends Arceus one year later [Music] foreign [Music] Pokemon Legends Arceus is considered to be a main entry in the Pokemon series and is also a fully complete Standalone game where you can catch everything possible in just one game while the third entry in a trio of main Series games being released from Pokemon Yellow up to platinum I still consider these games to be variants or kind to parts of their previous releases the main reason is because they still had unobtainable Pokemon that had to be caught in their previous versions to complete the Pokedex and while they oftentimes had more features it's not really considered a complete game as such the game also made it easier for solo players to catch unobtainable Pokemon I.E those who don't play with an internet connection or have friends to trade with in the first place it is a fully complete game where you can also obtain the mythicals such as Shaman and Darkrai and you can finally and legitimately catch Arceus as for support of the game you could argue that it wasn't well supported post-release in terms of there not being many updates for the game as the most recent update came less than two months since the game's release Within These few updates they mainly affect bogs which I don't recall haven't experience for myself except for maybe the old game Crash the biggest update however was their 1.1 update otherwise known as the Daybreak update which came a month after the release it added new requests the eternal battle reverie new battles added to the training grounds new photography studio features higher difficulty balloon race and cornet Highlands more available options when buying from Ginter at the ginkgo Guild additional special berry harvest at the farm but of course the most important part of the update which was the massive mass outbreaks like I said previously that the game perhaps wasn't continuously supported I would also make the stronger argument that there wasn't much need for further support after the game's release because they had done almost everything that needed to be done for the game to be totally finished it's possible that the Daybreak update was meant to be included prior to the game's launch and the developers didn't have enough time to fully implement it however development of the game took three years and started even before sword and shield release so it's hard to say whether they had enough time to include that specific content before release in the first place but let's start talking about the actual game and we'll start off by talking about the Sinnoh slash Hisui region before Legend's Arceus was even a thing I had already loved the Sinnoh region for what it was I loved the games which were set in that region and the generation of Pokemon as well it's probably my most played generation of games to this day when I first saw the artwork for the region there was something about the design of the reason having Spear Pillar and minecornet as the center point semen they make it clear that this peak the highest in all of cinel is where the story would presumably reach its conclusion there was also the little details that added to the fit of the region such as the church-like building in Heartland City The Haunted Mansion in Eterna forest with its ghostly presence or turned by cave to encounter Giratina and even though it's only accessible in HeartGold and soul silver the senjo ruins where if you went along with an event darkest you could gain one of the three legendary Pokemon send your runes being a halfway point between Sinnoh and Judo really helps tie the region with the rest of the Pokemon world these details and others really made me ask the question that I never asked about regions in other Pokemon games White why was this church built unto whom or what other people worshiping why did the 19 and the force become dilapidated and abandoned why were the senior ruins built in the first place playing Legends Arceus and strolling through some of these areas can help visualize how the modern day version of Sinnoh came to be traveling through certain places for example the forest in Eterna makes you think this would be a nice place to set up a mansion and live in this Serenity ore this tiny settlement will soon become a thriving City the next thing I want to talk about is the story before the game even begins you're seemingly sent back in time by the god of Pokemon themselves and for what seems like an unknown reason initially through the course of the story you gain the trust of some of the characters and really feel like you've worked hard to earn your keep in joblight Village having gone from an outsider who fell from the sky to one of the best Pokemon wielders to work for the survey corps I find myself very immersed in the story and while on the surface it seems like the quests were just defeat the noble earn enough points to rank up move on to the next area repeat a few times beat the game the end however within the main quests they were varied in terms of the characters you meet and the quests they would assign you on in each of the regions and with a bunch of small side quests you always had something to be working towards while gaining the experience needed to rank up to the next star Rank and move on to the next area Without Really the need to grind too hard it really adds to this idea of you being mistrusted to begin with but being relied upon two complete tasks that other people are afraid of or incapable of doing themselves the fact that most of the NPCs you talk to in job life Village and elsewhere all have unique names even the ones who sit there and contribute nothing to the story now granted it's probably not that many in total but I imagine it took a bit of time to name each individual NPC that's just a small detail that I personally think was unappreciated as far as the main NPCs you interact with throughout the story most of the characters are seemingly descendants from characters in previous games which makes for a degree of familiarity having characters that are more recognizable helps make it easier for us to tune into the story there is one standout part to the story that I feel like I need to give its own special mention and that's to do with interactions with a specific character if you still haven't played this game and you don't want anything spoiled for you then stop listening for the next couple minutes however it has been a year so I think you'll know what I'm talking about when I mention their name this character in particular is Volo Volo is [Music] something else his betrayal of being the body in this game is something that I never even considered nor did I even expect I feel like this game deliberately hid the fact that there was going to be a villain in the story at all compared to previous games it was always made clear or at least evident that there was a bad guy you had to stop in the first place had I made a guess as to what the anime of the game would be I probably wouldn't have picked a person instead I would have gone with a thing nothing being nature it's made clear that the majority of people don't go outside of the walls of the village unless they absolutely have to and people are generally terrified of the Wilderness but back to the subject of Hulu his resemblance to Cynthia I think is what made him so trustworthy to be in with again going back to that point I made about the familiar faces but there were numerous clues that helped warn you about fulu's true intentions he teaches you about the backstrike technique to foreshadow about his backstabbing much later in the game he knows a lot about the myths and legends of Hisui seemingly a little too much knowledge and of course gets a little too excited when he finds out about you collecting the plates which Volo wanted for his ultimate grand plan to meet Arceus and when it comes to the Grand Ravine that Volo is the bad guy after all I was met with a mighty shock this epigan counter met with another Twist of Volo summoning Giratina and then another Twist on top of that when it changes into its origin form mid battle fighting all eight of these Pokemon in a row without respite left me feeling something that I never have felt in a Pokemon game and I wasn't the only one but that might kill alright oh all right [Music] huh okay so a Pokemon fight with three waves that's normal so yeah I would rate the story and the performance of Pokemon Legends Arceus a perfect 10 out of 10. except for one thing one major thing that I think just really takes this thing out of just how good this game is since sword and Shield's release and maybe even as far back as let's go Pikachu and Evie came out there has been a growing voice coming from the Pokemon Community with something that is lacking in their games spoken dialogue it's getting harder and harder with each new game that comes out to have some inspirational message from your friends or some rant about creating a new world just be registered to nothing more than lines of text because of this there's no emotion there's no Drive there's no ambition behind it the delivery Falls flat for those moments where we as players are supposed to be at the edge of our seat I feel like it takes away from the impact of the story if we have to read the dialogue on the screen I can't look at what's happening on the screen and the text at the bottom at the same time I noticed this was the worst in scarlet and violet during the section of the story we began exploring area 0 and you're slowly descending down with your friends alongside you there's dialogue and interaction between them that continuously moves along the bottom without any inputs from the player I haven't actually absorbed any of what was said between them as I was too busy looking for new Pokemon to catch down there and mesmerized by the complex beauty of the area zero in the first place I know this issue is to do with different games but I think my point is still valid I think a Thai time that we had voice lines and Main series Pokemon games because of this I've decided to do something about it a project that I am currently working on is to create a production of Legends Arceus where the story is retold but each of the main characters will have voice acting if you would consider yourself to have an interesting Voice or note someone who is or just like Legends Arceus in the first place and you want to try your hand at auditioning for some of these characters I'll provide all the information in the description below I would really love for this little project to come to life but it obviously can't be possible but like the help of others so check it out and even if it's not for you please feel free to share it in your own communities as well the next thing I want to talk about is the catching and crafting catching and crafting in Legend Arceus is probably why people call it the breath of the wild of Pokemon I find that a really simple process where each craftable item is only two or three items and those resources are not that hard to come by if anything you'll find yourself with more items than you'll ever need although having a different way of being able to catch Pokemon was like instigating battles is something that I experience to be something quite difficult to begin with but becomes easy enough to master yet still to this day I will throw out a Pokemon instead of a Pokeball or vice versa having a very limited backpack space to start with means that you must think very carefully about the items you bring with you when bench or not you can't bring everything all the time crafting on the go is a nice quality of life feature that I really keeps the speed of the gameplay up high on top of this the pace of combat and battles and the rate at which Pokemon appear during space-time distortions and massive breaks makes the exciting Parts often frantic but complements they often sometimes regular quietness when just exploring casually and even in those times when you're just exploring and come across a Shiny Pokemon I panic immediately because I don't want to ruin the opportunity of missing out on a shining or scaring it away which brings me on to the subject of shiny Pokemon Legends Argus became notoriously easy to hunt for Shiny Pokemon that everyone was doing it I was doing it you were doing it your brothers and sisters moms and dads your pets the president and even God himself was doing it one method in order to have increased odds of encountering and shiny was the mass outbreaks which I feel were handled very well in this game if you were wanting to hunt a specific Shiny Pokemon and Legend Arceus it felt like you had a certain amount of control over what the mass outbreaks were likely going to be for comparison in games like scared of violet and Brilliant diamonds chain and pearl the Pokemon that could appear in massive breaks were not that many nor occurred that often as they rotate every 24 hours granted you could fast forward your clock to the next day if you wanted to but it's not the intended way of playing the game so I would disregard that method and Legends Argus when you leave Jubilee Village the guard standing watch will tell you if there are mass outbreaks happening where they are and what Pokemon it was if you don't want the shiny hunt for any of the Pokemon that's shown to you you can leave the village and come back and keep repeating the process until your preferred Pokemon appears then with the Daybreak update came the massive mazzo bricks which allowed for even more opportunities to catch different Pokemon at increased shiny rates as it is essentially a limited time bunch of smaller mass outbreaks when entering one of these areas you'll see a bunch of question marks on the map indicating where these outbreaks are however if you talk to May and give her Munchlax 5 agua fairies you can suddenly see all of the available Pokemon if you're a shiny Hunter you can pause the map and plot your destination with which Shiny Pokemon you wish to hunt for there's even a chance that evolve Pokemon not normally find in the wild could appear so if you're in Cobalt coastlands and you don't feel like getting a basculine to inflict 294 recoil damage in order to evolve it you could just wait to see if one is likely to appear via massive muscle brick instead while over the years it has become easier to catch hatch and trade for Chinese the numbers of Legends Arceus really shows this when compared to other recent games for example while playing Legends Arceus the maximum shiny rate that you can get is about 1 and 128. sword and shields Max shiny rates are 1 in 455 Scarlet violets one in 512 and let's go Pikachu and Evie was 1 and 273 but that's with a 30 plus catch combo brilliant diamond and Shannon Pearl's maximum odds are 1 in 99 however in order to reach these odds you need to strain together a total of 40 or more Pokemon card or defeated using the pokefinder which I find a bit less consistent and very tedious having said that if your cat combo is only a 39 it's still only 1 and 200 which is still quite a bit lower than Pokemon Legends Arceus no matter what game it is and how good the odds may be for any of those games anytime I hear that noise I always gasp and freeze trying to determine what shiny it is so it's safe to say that for me the novelty of getting a shiny hasn't worn off another method that can help with increasing shiny odds is with the completion of the Pokedex when a Pokemon's research rank reaches level 10 it can increase the odds of shiny Pokemon appearing in the wild and it further increases when the page is fully complete you do this by completing research tasks tailored to each Pokemon I am a bit of a completionist and if the Pokedex didn't have the vast amount of research tasks and various ways to complete the research level of each Pokemon the game will be a lack in a lot of depth and replayability this game is probably where I spent the most time looking through the Pokedex compared to other games you could passively complete some of the research tasks by using certain moves or defeating X number of species or you could be more conscientious by actively combining these efforts using a specific move like raichu's Iron Tail to knock out Pokemon that have to be defeated with sting moves also having the ability to sort the listings in the Pokedex in different orders such as tax number alphabetical order or research complete station and also being able to filter the Pokedex to show only Pokemon in each area makes the Pokedex a very practical tool I don't really have much bad to say about the Pokedex although I haven't heard many people complain about the Pokedex in general through all the games except for maybe some people complain that the Pokedex is an over complicated catch Kinder but it's certainly not the case here the combat system was perhaps in need of a shake-up even if it was only for one game Pokemon can date more damage but they can also take more damage yet it still retains the turn-based element that is a core staple of the Pokemon franchise however with the addition of the AGI item Strong Style moves it can help with being more tactical in battle at least that's what I thought it would have been I find myself on multiple times getting frustrated with how you turn priority works I understand the concept of agile and strong style moves that can make your next attack more or less likely to happen but there have been times when I use agile State on a Pokemon's move and it would show that I can attack twice but sometimes then when I go to attack it doesn't seem to be the case and I might only get one move instead of the two that I felt like I was promised and a Visa gets never explained to me why this is the case also with Pokemon's attacks doing more damage means when it comes to fights against other Pokemon it was always usually the faster more attack focused Pokemon with great coverage of different types that seem to be the one to come out on top which kinda throws the format of being tactical and battle out the window but with the nature of the game being quite fast-paced having slower battle systems would interrupt the flow of the game massively I feel like the combat format is something that isn't going to appeal to everyone I can see how the new implementation makes it seem more action-like and less turn-based but the latter of which is what has brought the most success to the franchise so you can see why the developers don't want to stray too far from that element I've been talking for so long now and I'm only getting around to talking about the designs of the Pokemon themselves I like the new Pokemon that's pretty much it the hisuing forms of the Pokemon were refraction designs I feel and the new Evolutions were also pretty good except for maybe the legendaries when I saw origin form of Dialga and Palkia I did feel a bit disappointed by their designs but having played through the story and learned that if you took certain parts of Dialga palki and giratina's body and put them together you could almost make a rough version of Arceus which kind of warmed me up to the designs a little bit this thing I refuse to acknowledge this thing exists putting everything that I have said so far I think the question now must be asked what's next for Pokemon Legends it's unknown at this time whether a sequel or another Legends game is in the works or not if it took three years to develop this game assuming they started development for a new game from the middle of last year it could be 2025 before we ever get a new game a lot of fan speculation and demand is for a legend Celebi in a judo setting it could be a direct sequel to Argus where you're forced to flee Sinnoh for some perilous reason all of your Pokemon are left behind so you have to start again you seek refuge and send your runes and emerge on the other side in this similar era setting for Judo you help to set up life there in various settlements and teach others how to battle with Pokemon you could even witness the advance of the towers being burned down and the birth of the legendary beasts space-time distortions could still be a thing a Celebi the time traveling Pokemon could actually be the cause of these events in the first place these ideas are common from my own demand for wanting more I liked almost everything the game had to offer and I was left with wanting more of the same and more new things too I suppose all I can do now is wait I know that there's a lot more that I could have talked about but if you would like to see me do a follow-up video I'd be happy to oblige with any questions or topics you want me to talk about this game that's going to do it for this one year review of Pokemon Legends Arceus video if you have made it this far comment bananas so I know that you actually did get this far let me know in the comments as well what your opinion is of Legends Arceus as a game and would you like to see another game in the series if so where would it be set thanks for watching and I will hopefully see you soon in the next video foreign
Channel: MartysGaming LIVE
Views: 171,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus review, pokemon legends celebi, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, pokemon legends review, pokemon legends 1 year later, pokemon legends retrospective, pokemon legends arceus retrospective, pla retrospective, pla 1 year later, pokemon legends arceus 1 year later, legends 1 year later, legends 1 year review, legends arceus 1 year later, legends arceus 1 year review, legends arceus retrospective, pla vocalised, pokemon vocalised, pla
Id: Dw0ViHDVhFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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