Pokemon Emerald but I can only use SHINIES

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hey this is tion today i've decided to do something stupid today i'm going to try to beat pokemon emerald with only shiny pokemon just in case you don't know shiny pokemon are extremely rare and generation three the odds of encountering a shiny pokemon is one in 8192 which is pretty insane i saw that smallit did this in a video he made not too long ago and huge props to him for having that much patience i remember we ended up talking we got it that's a shiny toner tile today i'm going to try to do the same thing at emerald but with a little twist i created a custom rom that will improve my shiny odds to 0.01 that way this video won't take six months to make plus this will incentivize me to catch more than just a couple of pokemon and have more of a variety of pokemon to choose from in this run so the rules for this one are going to be pretty simple i can only use shiny pokemon no using items in battle and we're going to be playing on set mode also thanks for expressvpn for sponsoring this video if you want to stop the government from knowing what questionable fan art you look at online make sure to click my link in the description and you'll pay less than 10 a month and you also get three months free using my link below expressvpn also offers 24 7 customer support and also has a 30 days risk free that means if you're not satisfied you get your money back no questions asked that means you literally have nothing to lose make sure to go to expressvpn.com to protect your online security today and with that out of the way let's get into the run okay so first thing is first we have to choose what starter we actually want to use for this run now obviously not after much thinking i'd come to the conclusion that mukkip is obviously the best um this is stronger than torchic and trico and obviously once it evolves swampert is a very good pokemon so it's definitely going to be worth resetting to get the shiny version of that now my odds for encountering a shiny here is 0.01 like i said but that's as a percentage and i'm really bad at math though i just felt like that for some reason was actually a lot higher than it was supposed to be but still overall this did take me a few resets by a few i probably mean around 20 minutes and i got my first shiny mudkip and i actually don't think i've ever seen a shiny market before and i think it's really cool how the things on its cheeks are still orange but it's purple now instead and its tail is kind of yellow i think that's really cool overall and we're not really worried about ivs so we're going to continue so for the rest of this run until we find another shiny we will be forced to use only this mudkip with no items in battle which is going to be pretty annoying my shiny odds and this is obviously a little bit sauce so i ended up naming my markup among us oh i'm so sorry guys the first major battle i guess you could call is with may of course with her trico at level five and at this point i'm still level five because i haven't fought anyone else but as you can see among us is a lot stronger than trico and we're easily able to take it down with only a few tackles now i know a few of you were thinking uh dion can't you just use the smug hip and tear through the entire game eventually with a level 100 swapper and the answer is yes but that would honestly be no fun and that brings me to my next point who exactly am going to use on my team besides my kip i honestly don't know and to be honest it's not really up to me obviously shawnee is going to appear pretty rarely and so when i do run into one i really do need to catch it once i reach putta burke woods i decided to go hunt for my very next team member and what i wanted was a shroomish now shroomish obviously eventually evolves into breloom and that would be very helpful throughout my run really does give my team a lot of bounce or a good start at least since we only have two months now like i said i am hunting for a shroomish here but because obviously i could only catch shinies if i run into a shiny worm pool a shiny soul literally anything else i i don't have to catch it but it would be pretty dumb not to and if i run into a shiny and it's not a shroomish i'm probably just gonna catch whatever shiny it is and continue anyway and no gamers i did not end up getting my shrermish but instead i ended up getting something arguably better and what could be better than a shiny brillouin eventually well uh a shiny slack-off which evolves into slacking which is just amazing it looks like we have kind of like a purple theme going on here but honestly cyclops is an amazing amazing pokemon to get here especially shiny obviously since we could only use shinies uh it's gonna be really strong and the encounter rate is also super low so to run into a shiny one of these is pretty amazing and i just know for the first time actually looked up the slack goss encounter rate and it's actually five percent so we had a five percent on top of the shiny odds of actually getting this thing which like i said is pretty wild i end up giving slack off nickname bread because when it loafs around it's get it because bread is loafing around yeah that's yeah so original next up is the team awkward grunt and pederberg woods now this guy only has a level nine puccina and at this point our mukkip is at level 11 so i just end up spamming water gun and hits me with a sand attack and then a tackle but we end up landing all of our water guns and we take it out extremely easy for the easiest w of my life yeah brent's gonna have to take a backseat for a little bit until we get an exp share because i do not want to grind that thing up i get the roxanne with mudkip at level 15. now at level 15 i know that my kip could probably do a lot of damage to her team but i'm not sure if it's strong enough to take down both geodudes and the nosepass first out is geodude at level 12 and he ends up going down to one water gun and next out is her other geodude at level 12 who also goes down to one water gun those two went down pretty well but next up is nose fast and it's definitely a lot more bulky than those two geodudes are i end up going for water gun here and luckily i do get a critical hit so it ends up doing a pretty good amount of damage to nose pass but it does have a orange berry so it is going to survive another water gun here and then roxanne of course has potions and she uses one but as you can see water gun is doing enough damage here and i don't really care how many potions roxanne has i know eventually she's gonna run out and i am eventually going to take the w and a few turns later that's exactly what happens this is actually my first attempt on this battle so i'm super happy that i got a first try also we do get the level 16 so that means mukkip is going to evolve into a marsh tom this evolution is great because marsh tom's stats are obviously better than mudkips and we also have access to mudshot now which is a really good early game ground type stab move that marshtop is able to utilize it's definitely better than mudslap i don't even think i've used that move once to be honest with you next i had to beat up this team awkward grunt to get pico back for mr brainy this battle was an absolute joke so there's no real reason for me to show you this one the next gym leader is broly which specializes in fighting types now i'm sure if i did level up marshtop enough i probably could sweep through his entire team just with marshdom but i think it's time for a new team member that i could actually use i end up making my way to doofer cave now i know du4kid has an abra in here and it would be super awesome i know i can't actually get alan kazam because i would have to trade cadabra but cadaver would still be really good early to mid game getting a zubat also wouldn't be too bad so at this point i'm just running around not really caring what i get shiny makuhito would be nice as well but i actually do end up running into my shiny and it is a shiny zubat hey so i mean zubat right zubat's pretty good i mean typewise that pretty much was broly's entire team but i did not think of his learn set his learn sets absolutely awful and at this level he's absolutely useless as he learns his very first flying type move at level 21. he's gonna be great just not right now just like slack off okay i also named him subscribe to remind you guys to uh add this video to your favorites so now it's probably time and he leads off with a image up at level 16 and i'm at level 20 at this point and i get a critical mud shot straight away for a nice one shot on his machop next out is medite at level 16 and i'm almost able to take this thing down with a single one but he ends up going for bulk up and then of course brawley heals it up with a super potion as i go for another mud shot it doesn't do near as much damage because i went for bulk up but one more is enough to take it out last though is makahida at level 19 now this is definitely his ace so i have a pretty good idea here i end up going to bread just to try to go for yawn and somehow i end up out speeding this thing as it hits me with a vital throw that's honestly fine because i know next turn he's gonna fall asleep after slack off goes down i end up going back out into my marsh top as this thing hits me with a vital throw i also hit it with a mud shot which honestly was getting pretty scary but since he did fall asleep because of the yawn i knew that i pretty much had this game in the back makuhira then aided citrus ferry bringing his hp back a little bit and i think that's just out of potion range i don't think raleigh is actually out at this point so i'm able to take it down with one more mud shot and we end up defeating probably and getting our second gym badge making us just the best really i go pick up the exp share and then we make our way to slateport city which i absolutely love mainly just because of the music to be honest with you guys this team aqua grunt and me were you know kind of twinning i mean we both had shiny zubats so i mean yes good taste in pokemon what can i say after defeating those two goons this guy with a beard came out and he said stop and then he ran away so yeah that's pokemon now that i got the exp share i'm actually able to get some other levels on my other pokemon now i really just wanted to use something else besides my marsh top so i just had to get bread up to level 18 where she evolves into a vigoroth which looks pretty awesome the next major battle is with mei and her team is pretty decent at this point but i'm pretty sure mine is just a little bit better i end up going for another scratch after hits me with a grouse what barely ends up hanging on as i get confused with super sonic i don't hit myself luckily in confusion and and guys yes i just now realized that i'm actually not on set mode right now um this is like one of the very few times i actually do end up switching i would just always press no to switch but i was confused there and i forgot that i was supposed to be doing set mo yeah my bad i'll fix it soon seligman ends up going down super easy and her last pokemon is a grow vile at level 20 hits me with an absorb doing an okay amount of damage but my much actually does a little bit more even though it was resisted i end up switching my level 13 subscribe in here to take the absorb and i end up going for a super sonic here which actually connects which i'm pretty surprised about and grow file actually ends up hitting itself in confusion and then i get elite eyes off so this is this is going really well actually subscribe was so close to taking down the scroll file but unfortunately it does end up getting taken out with a quick attack so i switch out into breath to get scratch off to finish the battle i was actually surprised to see subscribe actually put in some work there against that grovile i'm sure vigoroth could have come in and just absolutely destroyed it anyway but it was really funny to see anyway next up is watson the electric type gym leader and we have a marsh top so i honestly would be super surprised if he caused me any trouble watson leads off with a voltorb at level 20. now voltorb honestly isn't much of an issue but this thing has self-destruct and i really can't afford for my martial art to get with a really strong self-destruct because gen 3 self-destruct is really scary as you can see voltorb actually does end up going for it and it absolutely deletes figure off so i switch out my marsh tom next watson sends out his electric at level 20 and i end up going for a mud shot and i end up missing this which is pretty crazy i actually end up going to check the accuracy of my shot which is 95 so me missing that was really stupid next out is magneton at level 22 now this thing does hit me with a sonic boom but this thing's also four times weak to mudshot so obviously goes down with only one hit and subscribe actually learning his first flying type move ever so now he's actually useful last out is metric at level 24 and he hits me with a very weak quick attack as i end up going very much out here doing a ton of damage monetary gives me with one more quick attack and i'm able to hit him with one more mudshot to finish the battle and obviously that was an extremely easy battle if you've ever chosen my kip and pokemon emblem before i'm sure you could relate after watson i was fighting some trainers to get zubat to level 22 where he evolves into goldband now he evolves into crowbat based on friendship but golbat is a huge step up from zubat stats and i just realized i don't have a pokemon to use almost any hm moves i mean i do but i don't really want to teach such a bad move to my very good pokemon so i guess we're gonna have to go shiny hunt for an hm user i mean looking at it i don't really need an hm user i just need to find something that's not fantastic and i don't think we'll make it on the final team that will learn smash so i guess let's just shiny until we find something yeah this is gonna be an issue i really don't know how long it's gonna take to really find a shiny and if i do and i can't learn rock smash i don't know this is just gonna be a huge time killer and oh that was easy as it turns out gulpin otherwise known as oh can learn rock smash so we get progress eventually i find myself all the way at meteor falls just to see this pretty useless cutscene in order to actually get to the top of mount chimney where we have to fight our next major battle which is maxie maxie leads off with a mighty enema at level 24. now i actually forgot that this thing had intimidate so i go ahead and switch out into oh here now i honestly just used him as fodder but he took the bite pretty well and he's actually able to get a yawn off next turn though he does end up going down to a bite so i decided to go into brett here to try to take down the mariana as he falls asleep i'm able to go for a fury swipes here and actually doesn't do much damage at all fury swipes is really the only move that brett has so i just end up going for fury swipes over and over just hoping that i'm able to take him out but unfortunately he ends up not getting taken out here as he gets healed up with a super potion so i just continued to use fury swipes over and over and over my diana actually ended up getting max sleep turns which is really good for us that way i'm actually able to take it down without getting any damage on the bread next out of zubat at level 24 and unfortunately i'm not able to one shot this thing so it ends up hitting me with a super sonic and then i hit myself in confusion and then i get with a wig attack but luckily i only get one turn of confusion and i'm able to take it out the next turn with fury swipes last and definitely not least is his camera up at level 25 who ends up going for an ember here now i really do want this thing asleep that way my march trump could come in so i end up going for a yawn here and then i go for another fury swipes as i do end up getting taken out with the number now i was gonna go out and to marshton but i decided to go out to subscribe because i was pretty sure that this thing was gonna wake up knowing my awful luck but wing attack actually does a ton of damage and we're easily able to take down cameras and that was a super long battle that was literally like a four minute battle and immediately after that battle i decided to go take on flannery just to see how i do really i'm pretty sure that mars trump's able to do a ton of work against their team and like i saw on the very first turn i was able to one drop the number and i was able to one shot the slug mod as well but those two obviously aren't the issue it's definitely the camera and the torque that she has in the back i actually end up going for water gun here just because i honestly didn't think much shot with ko so i just figured why not go for water gun and i do get hit with an attract which is super annoying so i have to switch out unfortunately brad only hits fury swipes twice here as camerupt misses the overheat so i take advantage of this and i end up going for encore because i know it's going to get healed up i know that bread is going to go down here so i end up going for a yawn to put it to sleep the very next turn but the good thing is camera is actually blocked in the overheat now and it's at minus two so i go ahead and go into among us to do some massive damage and i actually get a critical hit so that yawn turn was just pointless plenary's last pokemon is her twerkle at level 29 which is definitely her strongest pokemon i end up going for mudshot as torquel ends up going for body slam here but then it switches things up and actually goes for an attract which again is a super annoying move as it gets healed up with a hyper potion i can't move because of love whatever that is so i end up switching down to oh oh gets hit with the body slime here but then i end up going for yawn which will put two quarter sleep in one turn and torquel actually ends up going for overheat here getting rid of its wider which is actually gonna be really helpful i end up going out to subscribe here because i know he still needs one turn before he actually goes to sleep so i go ahead and hit it with a wing attack which does absolutely nothing and i'm barely able to hang on as this thing does fall asleep now i see at this point i probably should switch out but i'm stubborn and i just end up staying in and going for wing attack subscribe does end up going down there but at this range i know i'm able to switch to my marsh top and hit this thing with a mud shot for a nice ko and we finally end up defeating flannery getting our fourth gym badge that battle was relatively close but next up is norman the normal type of gym leader and i know that i have literally no chance of beating him at this current level so we do gotta do some grinding and while i was grinding to get a swamper i actually run into a shiny new mole now this is really good for team balance because it's a fire ground type and we already have a ground type but we don't have a fire type so i'm definitely going to catch this it's going to be oh my gosh i almost killed it this shiny new mole looks absolutely amazing let me know in the comments below what your favorite shiny is from generation 3 down in the comments below because i'm genuinely curious to know because i mean there's so many cool ones in this generation and i'm going to call numo blue for no apparent reason welcome to the team buddy i also got my marsh trump up to level 36 so now it finally evolves into swampert which is really going to help with norman's gym also once we get past norman jim we also get access to surf which swamper could obviously learn i don't know how this is going to go but let's find out norman leads off with a spinda at level 27 so i just end up going for a wing attack here as it hits me with a critical side beam actually doing a lot of damage but i am able to take it down with another wing attack and next out is the vigoroth which i just end up confusing with the confused ray unfortunately vigoroth actually doesn't end up hitting itself in confusion i do get a nice wing attack off before i go down though i go out in the o here now i can't actually use yawn sing because the sink actually can't go to sleep so instead i go for sludge and actually get the poison oh does end up going down here to a slash so i end up switching out into blue just to try to get some more poison damage onto vigoroth since blue's only at level 15 obviously ends up going down to one slash and i end up sending out my own vigoroth to fight his vigor off and he has potions and i don't so let's see how this one goes and for the first time ever bread actually hits all five of her fury swipes and on top of the poison damage plus the extra three times that we actually hit vigoroth ends up going down now next up is his ace his slacking at level 31 now i end up going for a yawn here and for some reason slacking actually ends up loafing around the very first turn it's out i'm not really sure why so i just end up going for fury swipes here and slacking goes for its own yawn but i can't be put to sleep because of my ability as soon as lacking goes to sleep i switch out into my swamper here and then i go for a mud shot now i do get lucky and get a critical hit here but it's still not enough damage as it ends up eating its citrus berry it's still relatively healthy i end up going for a mud shot and i'm just short of taking this thing out as it does wake up and go for its own yawn basically forcing me to switch out at this point i'm just gonna use the same strategy i already did as i know norman's gonna heal this thing up with a hyper potion there's not much i could do about it so when i go into bread i obviously go and use yawn again and for some reason slacking just went for another yawn i still can't be put to sleep norman i don't know what you're thinking and once again as soon as this thing is asleep i end up switching down to swamper i get another critical hit with a mud shot which is pretty funny and i use a couple more mud shots to take down the slacking and last up is going to be his lanoon which can be scary because of belly drum but he ends up going for a facade here plus he knows that he probably couldn't go for a belly drum after one mudshot anyway so one more is enough to take it down and we end up defeating norman overall that was a really good battle and i know we definitely did get lucky because slacking literally didn't attack anybody one time i'm not sure why he just was spamming yawn no matter what but i'm not complaining next up is team aqua and the weather institute but subscribe by herself was able to absolutely decimate and destroy every single trainer in here including team aqua admin shelly also we're not actually able to use this cast form that this weather scientist guy gives us because it is not a shiny trust me i checked next up is mei once again now subscribe at this point it's actually getting really really good wing attack does a lot of damage to almost everything she sends out and her laundry which actually ends up going for fake out it doesn't work because we have inner focus which was really funny i told you guys earlier that subscribe would not be good whatsoever at the beginning but it will be eventually and i told you guys even at level 31 grovile is not able to withstand a super effective wing attack and also after this battle we also get an evolution so now our goba is a crobat and things are looking pretty good and in my opinion and i'm pretty sure everyone else's opinion shiny crowbar looks 30 times better than the shiny versions of zubat and golbat may also gives us hmo2 which is going to be fly now and this game flies decently strong but it is a two-turn move but i don't really think we're going to catch another flying type that could learn fly as well so i mean i guess it can't really hurt also we do have tm-42 which is facade we got that from norman and it is a extremely strong normal type move and since figure off is a normal type it also includes stab plus if we're status it does double damage and just overall it's a very very busted move next up is the flying type of gym leader winona but we're gonna have to wait for part two on this this is gonna be a two part video challenge thank you guys i've never really done one before if you guys are new to the channel and do want to see part two obviously hit that subscribe button so you know when it comes out i would hit the bell notification because i will get that done as soon as possible thanks for watching this far i have tons of other challenge videos if you want to go watch those while waiting for part two and i'll see you guys soon
Channel: Tion
Views: 855,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tion, Pokemon Challenges, Pokemon Shiny Only, Shiny Hunting, Small Ant Pokemon, Can you beat Pokemon, GBA, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Live Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon Only, Pokemon Emerald but I can only use SHINIES, English, Teaon, Pokémon shiny
Id: AfGX7KOxuk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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