PokeMEN7 vs Origin Palkia Pokemon Legends Arceus

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i've been wrong before but i'm pretty sure this is gonna be my final recording for the main story in this game maybe just maybe we do something for the post game content or the legendaries but for now this is it we go to climb a mountain to fight god it's the only thing we should do it's the only thing we need to do but also but where doth i go i assume i go over to the gate there's a child here which makes me feel like i should not ignore the child as it's a small child what's with what's that pokemon up there what's its name what's it do what where ooh god oh that's magikarp oh you're gonna ask me about gyarados flying oh but i already caught a flying gyarados oh i have to finish magikarp have i done that no i have not well that's that's a mission for another day i have to go beat up god not catch the fish unless god becomes a fish i have had a run-in with god fish recently but for now it's my man at a man there you are the john guy arita's already headed to mount coronet how are things looking here dude i have no idea i went into a building and i came out of a building like nothing has happened here i just gotta make my way to the mountain big guy we should like stop talking and not waste time right thoughts thoughts okay he's with me are you guys with me or no wait why is the child here what i i will find magikarp soon okay i'll save the day i'll catch the magikarps everything's gonna be hunky-dory okay it's going to be great don't you worry thanks here take this oh yeah that's going to genuinely be very helpful i'm actually very thankful for that thank you small child i don't know why you had the max revive but i i appreciate it nonetheless ooh three orders make for the summit camp the temple of sinnoh okay red chain you don't always have to bring that one up i mean like i i'm never worried about not returning alive because if i'm not alive i don't have any worries so i'm just gonna go do my best okay let me just make my way up the mountain i'm not worried about death stop bringing it up lady you're stressing me out over here you're stressing me out [Laughter] just do the josh peck just repeat for emphasis spherical spherical i do appreciate the potions oh are you serious you know uh i know i should actually probably be smart about my satchel dude i it's gonna be fine i'm gonna go up there and then i'll like be able to buy more items from you willy nilly don't you worry you oh boy yeah they've gotten out of hand mellie yeah you're gonna be an ark about it huh oh you're actually being cool calm and collected yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i am lord yeah yeah yeah i got it um well first let's see if we can make anything that would be helpful like all right whatever we're gonna make one of those we can make one of those is there anything like crazy here let's go to my webcam max potion so i can make some of those but i have to well actually no i might just be able to make all of them right yeah perfect so now we go into here we can get rid of some stuff i do not need you don't need you don't need you don't need you i need you don't need you do not need you or you or you or you i'll probably get most of you but that's fine you not important if we go over here though that would be nice that would be nice that would be nice now i do know we have a bunch of items within here that would allow me to make more helpful potions but i think we should be fine now i like my team i like the team we have i'm not really too worried so i'm feeling decently confident i'll take eight ultra balls any day of the week ooh we are out of tumblestone we usually aren't out of tumble stone that's interesting we could grab some of these guys the leadenball and then yeah no wait what am i doing sure nice all right i am gonna have to spend some time probably off camera just collecting a ton of resources i mean i have a bunch of things to like a lot of pokemon to catch like a lot of you know pokedex things to fill a lot of side quests to do and i could in theory just do a vod where i'm just filling up the pokedex and doing side quests but i don't know it doesn't seem like it would be the the most exciting uh video of all time yeah we'll see i don't usually do like full playthroughs of you know pokemon games for content this is kind of like a bonus like extra thing i'm trying out with the vod channel of just kind of you know rather than me you know doing a playthrough by myself or immediately doing like a uh you know an edited down one video play through trying out here's just the here's just me being me would you guys like to see me being me so far it seems like yes so hey maybe i i do a little bit more of the the tomfoolery but we're figuring it all out guys we do need to grab that oh we can actually grab this which is nice i was just running down to hit the tree but we're making some good progress on some of these dexes which i am fine with i don't love that but if you guys would stop doing this i'd be feeling a lot more confident in my ability to live my commanding officer told me not to die giant bronzong maybe you just don't bully me huh thoughts be pretty cool i'd be a big fan i would just throw that there look i'm going through pokeballs way quicker than i would like to but oh no i've already probably angered the electabuzz butts i haven't definitely angered this one i am also realizing i should use the smoke bombs more do i even have them yeah i saw a twitter clip of someone using the smoke bombs recently and it looked like it made a lot of sense and i feel really stupid that i have not used them yet for outbreaks especially with i've done a few machop ones and that would have been easy you live and you learn you know i do a lot of living i don't always learn but like in theory you could learn and in theory a baby could thunder your face off what the hell was that oh crap i just wanted to poison jab this thing and then hopefully catch it but i guess i killed the baby it sounds worse out of context i swear um no john there we go you're you're clicking buttons again you're oh my god i'm i'm hitting so many buttons let's let's just heal okay ah and pokemon just yeah they just bash each other back and forth i know i've brought this point out multiple times already but it's it's kind of jarring like every battle is just uh i hit strong move pokemon gober jober uh [Music] the borough man what a time all right you i don't really want to deal with you i would like to snag this though oh and catch this guy because he's not going to see me bonk right in the head perfect oh he broke out boo boo hiss okay well whatever let's go into the cave the cave of caviness if i know anything about this cave it's that there will be something in this cave pretty profound if i do say so myself now what are you doing here i'd like to grab the iron that's next to me old man and also have a little bit of h2o with a cup that has my name on it look at that wow crazy hmm with the potato moki still alive and kicking why is everyone so convinced i'm not gonna be alive sorry about having the the shutter the wall flower i'd much rather be there now serving up some freshly grilled potato mochi but that taskmaster kamado's gone and left me to oversee our food supply he always finds a way to put even these old bones to work i'm handling that i suppose i'll handle you as well time to get rid of you once and for all what potato mochi man i'll make myself plain has come you're his right hand man what i never saw this coming there there was no way i would ever imagine potato mokey man turning into the right hand man of the commander who does this dirty work and now he's a ninja okay i'm i'm i'm all in this is crazy miss magius did i lead off with the right pokemon oh mrs puff we do have a dark move but it's not a physical dark move which worries me a little bit but oh she put me to sleep already anyways that's not ideal but i can immediately switch into lux right and if i'm able to attack right away i have faith that i could occur with crunch which would be pretty cool no that's not how that worked at all that didn't even kind of work out the way i wanted it to let's just hope oh oh why'd that work i don't think i understand it all okay they changed sleep in this game that's fine not the sneezeler oh no i told you the sneezeler is a batman villain name are you kidding me of course this dude has a sneezeler there's no other like what other pokemon could it possibly have it doesn't make sense for it to have anything else i don't actually know the sneezeler's typing i'm just assuming it still has ice with like maybe it's ice fighting i'm hopeful that's the case either way oh let's just flair blitz it let's just obliterate this thing yeah the sneezeler goes down they're gonna bring something in that's going to out speed and take me out that's just kind of how this goes ooh but gardevoir this is going to be interesting because we do have our quillfish friend but he is kind of sleepy so i don't know exactly how that works i do know flare blitz is going to do a ton of damage to gardevoir if not take it out oh no that was really smart it's going to be able to go first again with whatever i send out so i do have to make sure i'm smart with this but you can't go for a psychic move against you but actually psychic or fairy would be no fairy wouldn't be resisting some steel dragon oh and we out speed anyways but we do have iron head now which is super effective and we should be able to kill so i think this makes sense perfect only one more pokemon but we still have a guy who's the right hand man who's taking out the trash and apparently i'm the trash and he's a ninja so that also worries me he just set up with glade that is terrifying with drain punch oh this is the first time in this entire play through the battling has gotten any amount of scary hmm we do a brave bird i think we just go in we just go for a strong style brave bird and try to obliterate this thing i don't know if it's going to be able to live a strong style brave bird it shouldn't be able to it's going to do a ton of recoil damage but boom there it is okay that's what i like to see i really want to know what this guy's gonna say after that seems my ninja techniques will soon be consigned history god i'm just so firmly on the struggle busting this playthrough god uh it's only a foolish ninja who tries to keep after a target they know they cannot beat and to be honest i don't hate you what might actually like you after a fashion oh i kind of i liked him like just like the heel turn and he was just evil and now he's like i liked him i like you you you nice you cool i kind of wanted him just to stay evil and angry but whatever camato and i saw our hometown burned to ground by madden pokemon running amok and we lost plenty of friends and comrades that day that's why kamado came here to hasue to try to build a new home or pokemon where people could live free from fear but to achieve something truly great sometimes you have to take extreme actions if hypothetical as it may be a pokemon were to appear from within that space-time rift kamado might lose hold of his reason save kamado from himself by force if you must i mean most of the time the pokemon evil guys do something like wild uh him like wanting to beat up a pokemon or even kill a pokemon after it like pokemon burned and ransacked his town and a lot of people he knew and loved like past unfortunately like i get it that's that's pretty fair we're in the olden times pokemon if pokemon were real do you know how unbelievably terrifying they'd be i think i'm on his side i get it like he shouldn't you know beat up whatever comes to the portal but like come on man i've run around out here and i had a baby ella kid try to thunder me thunder me into two pieces well let's talk to these two jabronies i brought the red chain yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i gotta battle commander kamado and i'm sure it's gonna be a challenge but i'm ready i got the team all good to go so let's run past you and see a cool cut scene i feel like there's got to be a cool cut scene right it makes sense he's an armor oh that's fire can i get armor i would love a suit of armor dude that'd be sick i assume that to bind the world means to hold the world together keeping it as it's meant to be a welcome idea but i can but can i truly put my faith in such tales i don't i don't know does it hurt to let me try of course what a ridiculous thing to say to this man yeah of course what do you even think the red chain is some trick on the john guys part he worked mightily to get that thing and i should know i was with him the whole time that doesn't you're not helping my case he's just gonna think you're on my side man he's he's losing his grip on reality out of man what's what are you doing here big guy if he somehow connected concocted all of this on his own then what hope do we have anyways perhaps you are right ooh i like the sound of the armor shaking if i were simply to place my faith in this boy that faith were to be betrayed then how could i fossily face my people i don't know you just like hand up my bad i screwed up they'd understand let fate decide what happens next whichever of us is stronger will prevail yardy hardy har har i i could have seen this coming from a mile away i did not see the suit of armor though that's pretty fire i'm here for it i am expecting this battle to be absurdly easy oh but if you had all four of like the the rideable pokemon that'd be kind of cool maybe a little bit of a twist a little twist and shout but also if i'm correct braviary is part psychic so if i just do the dark pulse thing i should be able to obliterate its booty cheeks right yep all right cool because that's how battles go in this game oh that's gonna be not fun hi horsepower why no you're slow no you're chonky ah you're supposed to be the chunk meistermeister chunk that's fine i know someone on my team got close combat there it is oh i really wish i could strong power it but i i should i should be able to bring cleaver in stab close combat and then do a bunch of damage to chubbs mcgee over here that did not go as fast as i wanted oh but i actually get to go first which is pretty exciting yeah let's just do this my defense is going to be negative too but he's only gonna have two pokemon left to my probably four at that point the easy trade golem hmm that's not gonna kill now i just bring in my starter i leaf blade it goes down and then it's four on one i've been very thoroughly like not impressed by any of the battles in this game which i don't really mind because it's kind of like a ooh ooh interesting like a side note compared to all the other fun but i don't know it'd be nice if this was a little bit more of a challenge but it's you know kind of easy what is this final pokemon gonna be called fable huh okay baby doll eyes that doesn't make a lot of sense just take me with a fairy move oh yeah i can move around why haven't i been doing this ah i will stand behind you and stare at my friends no no my friends damn it okay well it'd be really cool if they had wi-fi battles in this game and to be able to run around and be your own cameraman i think that'd be sick it'd also be really sick if in this battle i didn't get distracted by what i was talking about and actually did the right thing against that pokemon losing mrs puff is not ideal but strong iron head should do like 50 to this thing and if i can do 50 then i'll be able to get the rust my last two pokemon maybe i can flinch i don't know if iron head still flinches but oh my god easy oh no oh i did not expect drain and kiss i really needed to not kill just one more strong style and i would be able to kill it damn what was that min max why did that second one do way more damage that was not cool okay i do like that but my god why did that second one do way more strats all right well oh we get to go twice easy all right game over gg shake your hand good battle good sir up and your burns e z ah yeah let's just do it again i don't know there was i wanted to find a cooler option there's not really a cooler option let's just get this guy out of here and let's go say hello to god and actually get some answers of why god sent a 15 year old kid to this land to help i i don't know to to piss off everyone like this dude's not stoked on me like why did he bring me here just for people to be not stoked on me i don't really understand i'm trying to understand but i'm just i'm not following i would like a suit of armor though that's very cool i am a force to be reckoned with but imagine if i had a black suit of armor that'd be pretty fire wait what you swearing fealty to me the john guy the fates have decided to concede and apologize sincerely for doubting you oh you don't need to do this big guy i know i have no right to ask it of you any longer but please use that strength of yours for the sake dude why would i not i came here to save the world and you tried to stop me i beat you in battle you think i was gonna beat you and then be like ah peace there this was fun and all but you crossed me one too many times i'm out of here what a ridiculous picture is the child yep i'll do it smile i i'll save the world smile all right well uh let's save and do the thing all right here goes nothing i guess i really don't know what to expect but boy am i excited to see the tomfoolery i have some ideas of what could happen because of some of the leaks i've seen what what what why does it do that this is the end of the game this is the most important thing i don't okay it's still like we're just going to keep moving and i'm not going to question why it looks like that too much i feel like i'm not going to like the answer let's let's just let's get into the fun cut scenes let's just get into the fun cut scenes at a man my head something's talking inside my head wait a minute that's not good you're you're my rock i need you to be okay you hold the red chain try to catch me then human i feel like that's giratina not the almighty sinnoh unless the almighty sinnoh is giratina you hold the red chain try to catch me then human for fight to come i don't know dude i got no idea what i'm talking about i don't know i don't know man let's just see what happens oh okay i mean there's four options well i guess because i chose adamant dialga he's the dialga guy right so dialga's gonna be the legendary that pops out and then that something with that and arceus will happen we'll have to see if i'm correct ah i am correct look at me i'm the best i do really like that this is the accurate size of what dialga should be but there is the red necklace of doom does this like automatically allow me to capture this thing or did what come on late guys what are you doing to me you're killing me here oh what was that i can i kill this guy like do i have to use my brain and not be stupid i feel like i have to use my brain and not be stupid no oh god he's gonna he's gonna smack my booty my booty's been smacked i didn't like that at all okay well that was lame we're gonna bring in trickster we're gonna do the the quick style for this and then we're gonna burn it and it's gonna be awesome and everyone's going to applaud me okay now we're gonna do strong style and everyone's still gonna applaud me okay i didn't get the burn and then he okayed another one of my pokemon this is not going as well as i would like but i do have the ability to thunder wave it so there is that i probably should have tried to thunder wave it earlier but if we just pretend like i didn't make this mistake then i don't look as stupid as i actually do and we could all just like have a hearty har har about this now i did set up my third pokemon to get o code by earth power finding out in this moment that i have four pokemon on my team weak to ground next time i find a shiny someone is getting replaced on my team because i desperately need that to happen um that being said this might be the right pokemon to bring in obviously it's going to get destroyed we could do this get a little bit more damage because i want to get this thing into red but i don't want to accidentally kill it and that should be perfect no you're paralyzed and i went for quick style what's the point of okay this is going horrifically i mean i could bring you in i mean none of your attacks really do too much damage as long as i don't close combat and obliterate this guy so maybe we just agile style this i mean this is getting re oh my god john that did nothing that was really stupid i could just go for it normally okay there we go so i put it into perfect range for me to catch it the problem is i literally have one pokemon left well here goes literally everything if i lose the legendary are people gonna laugh at me hey we don't have to find out nice god that was that was tough that was a tough look for the old john guy let me tell ya [Laughter] all right what now uh i i die shorted i i shorted it was pretty stunning i am truly the pride of not just not just the survey corpse i think i'm the pride of everyone i'm the man oh that's that's not good space time is torn awful power spills forth the frenzied one comes to fight now human fight it with me now human fighting with me now human fight it with me okay from the spoilers i have an idea of what's about to happen but this is not exactly what i expected interesting okay so i have dialga and this is palkia and together they are pialga and delkia we know that to be true oh boy are you gonna run at it like are you going to charge are you what are you doing oh okay i was about to say that's crazy dude i just got diagon i can just like send him into battle right have him like the headbutt him it'd be pretty cool gah forget the fancy book talk book it come on immediately before this almighty this other almighty cinnamon decides it wants to fight us i mean you dunce you won't be able to use that even if you die up here on this mountain and fair is fair man but wait we're all leaving i just caught one of them why i mean i could try to catch the other why do we just leave it there what what if he does evil space time thingies i don't know i mean he could he'd be like and then everything blows up who knows man i thought we were pretty much over with the game but i guess we got a little bit more a little bit more uh fight in this little little back and forth getting excited amazed you even managed to stay on your feet before the john guy did you notice the energy pouring out of the rift it seemed likely the buildup of the same energy was what caused the strange lightning that threw the noble pokemon into their frenzied states i can't believe there were really two almighty sinnoh after all guess that means neither our clans was really wrong well i mean there's another almighty snow and then some other cinnos there's a lot of cinnos big guys dude just let me know where to buy the armor and it's all forgiven like really like truly uh-huh i acted on ill-considered presumptions and drove you from the galaxy expedition team forcing you to face great hardship alone dude it's fine none of this is worse than falling from the sky into a world where i know nothing and no one like i there's very little you could have done that would be worse than what has happened to me i meant through the ringer again this kid is 15. i am 15 in this game man come on well it's not like we could just sit back and ignore the space-time rift you're not wrong that would be weird to just ignore it like really weird yeah we should probably figure that out guys uh that's the stuff mr professor you'd rather face what's in front of us than dwell in the past huh just what i'd expect from a real scientist or an adult okay uh so what what's our plan we're doing a lot of talking about what happened in apologies like we we have a god on our hands trying to destroy everything let's figure that one out right yeah that's cool but what are we gonna do oh interesting along with its name it also told me what we need okay the stone of creations beginning the chain of red the vessel of humankind's invention unite these three and calm the chaos now pervading space wow okay another scavenger hunt and finally mighty delga says it wants to go with us back to the temple we can put dialga on the team over our other steel dragon that's much worse that like works immediately sure the warden lien will be a fine resource to console what are your thoughts lavinton you always look so worried hello nice absolutely i mean i'm sure they have things written on them little scribble on the soap reminds me of that time i saw a tick tock with when someone replaced the soap with a potato that they turned like they they cut down to make it look like soap and the person was like rubbing the potato on their face thinking they were washing their face that was a funny prank i backed the game when the universe was created its shards became this plate i think this may be a hint to what we need cool don't you see we must search for stone or rather ore i suppose that shares the same material as these plates in fact i believe the that young lion might might know just where to find such a thing as he's said he'd been investigating it at volo's urging perfect all right well it looks like we have things to do nice i mean come on everyone's got a pitch in uh out of man oh it's oh it's smelly hey hey guys what's up what's up melly yeah what's going on big guy he's not gonna do that adam man you just kick him out uh kick him into the water come on what why is this necessary there's so much dialogue in this game and some of it's great but like do we really need this guy to show up before we go on the big quest to end this game to just be rude uh sick this is awesome sick so cool uh-huh oh no no this is actually okay there we go we're moving the story forward nice all right that sick burn mellie uh okay then with you there i'm with you there zui's ores and stones are her precious resource since i was the first to realize that fact it's only natural that i should be the first consulted you have a problem with it okay sure whatever oh my god i don't care um [Music] okay the pri the primeval grove let's grotto woo let's let's do the thing guys yeah i'm really glad we had a a little little fun spat between the two members but you know let's let's just let's grab dialgo let's throw him on the squad and let's uh let's keep on keeping on you you are a god and you're also replacing turbo turbo it's not you it's just you okay you know i don't know if that makes you feel any better but it's it's certainly you but also you probably have some better moves i could throw on um let me just do that roar of time iron tail earth power is flash can't no flash can is on there earth power is on there dragon pulse what are we doing here do that over iron uh tail yeah that's probably good i mean we could put ancient power on there but i don't think that's necessary cool um also can we like talk to the professor about the pokedex yeah cause i've got a lot of pokemon that is probably going to get us the next star i think and i don't know if that's like necessary to go deal with now but we would be able to get new items but wow somehow we're still far away huh i would have thought we'd be a little bit closer i guess i was a little bit wrong but hey the game's the game what matters now is moving forward with the story and also you know catching a few pokemon because why not huh i'm a whimsical fella i just want to catch pokemon and have fun right [Music] eggs suck eggs is my official response all right let's at least get some of the voltorbs i do like voltorb nice that was the first one i caught oh feels silly of me how's that the first one i've caught i went into this game saying that like kissy and voltorb is like maybe my favorite of all of the new forms we got how have i managed to only catch one so far that just feels very goofy and silly and not whimsical tomfoolery that i am so known and loved for but let's grab what's in there and keep on keeping on unless we could smack him oh nice i'm cool all right ignoring you guys no no no no okay wow that is way less terrifying now that i can fly i really messed that one up i just wanted to be able to to hit you crap no god damn it me all right whatever i i threw a pokemon at you i'm oh john um i understand what i did wrong i figured it out it was difficult to see what i did but i figured it out somehow this first one i defeated wow that's probably going to be the most frustrating part of the whole filling up the pokedex just the amount of oh pokemon we have to beat up because i i feel like it's going to take a while to to go through and fill out everything in the pokedex but i don't usually with these pokemon games i beat the game it's a lot of fun and i i immediately get into content mode and i i don't really care about the teams i got or the shinies i found uh because i mean at the end of the day hey like this is my job and i get to play pokemon at my job right like it's i'm really blessed and lucky so you know even if it means i don't always get like the the regular like the full pokemon fan experience i get something that is you know better in my eyes you know a lot of the time of just getting to make really creative uh videos for it but i want to keep this save file like really pure like you know if i do any sort of randomizer or like challenge where like i don't know any anything is messed within the game i don't want this save file to get messed up i don't want this collection to get messed up i really want to see it like if i can 100 this game and i don't know i've just i've really been having fun maybe i'll change my tune at some point but like i'm really excited to hopefully get everything done in this again we'll see but hey i was very first glide guard too nice i don't know this game's been really fun and obviously it's still so early into the game so i i'm just excited to see where everything goes with it because i really think there's going to be a lot of cool dlc i think this is going to be a game chock full of it um you're oh my god i actually hit him perfect and screw you wow i i was like 100 sure that i caught a lot of these pokemon did i like have a fever dream where i ran over here and got pokemon and i actually didn't like what happens like how was i so wrong about this like i'm i'm very confused i don't know how i could be so like fully wrong on whether or not i caught some of these pokemon i also probably should actually make my way where we're supposed to go um i think there are like ligars on the other side of this i don't see him do you want to grab this all right as well there we go oh there there's there's the glide guards perfect i do need to be careful though as we run over there i'd love to get a gligar but i did have the you're almost dead box on my screen perfect yes nice okay don't be an idiot don't be an idiot don't be an idiot dude all right perfect here we go throw it at the wall oh i was ready to throw the pokemon directly at the wall but that may not be the smartest thing hey guys what's up pals what do you think liam come on leon help me out big guy taking into consideration my knowledge of oars my skillet mining and the strength of my sligo's moves all right whatever man just get to work big guy come on i ain't all i got all day wait what oh my god really oh oh that's interesting i i didn't expect one of these people to be a part of the the diamond clan interesting look you can carry on digging out that treasure you're after and then you'll give it to us i i've battled you multiple times and won i hate it when pokemon games do this i like i know there are dumb people in the world and i know there are people with ridiculously like inflated egos and false confidence but i have battled and beat them what like three times how are they here like nope like you can do whatever you want but no matter what you're giving it to us we're the you know whatever sisters like i have beaten you in battle by myself numerous times go rob someone who has not beaten you in battle multiple times like what is happening and the two people with me are the leaders of the clans we have three of the strongest trainers in this entire region i don't understand oh man there are three of you and three and three of us let's go the john guy you take charm yeah yeah yeah i let's battle these people again i'm the eldest and i'll be your unlucky charm i why is your name charm why is your sister's name coin [Music] why do you only have two pokemon why is one of them a ride on oh charm sweetie i uh what are you doing why not ryperior oh boy okay well that that's actually a pretty good pokemon there we go not a great move against me but you got doubt speed and you got to put me to sleep that was pretty good okay there you go but now i well okay that's fine that's fine hypnosis was good but let's like let's break through right there we go and then maybe we just kill this thing so we can move on there we go i'm glad that the bandit sisters popped back up this was a nice little break in the action i guess let's excavate the wall excavate let's vape the wall okay let's x marks the spot and then we will break down the wall with all its stupid rules it is it much better to like unsuccessfully try to rob people on the open road that seems horrible you're as strong as ever the john guy maybe you really can't do something about this that mon that monstrous creature at the top of the mountain but even if you do the next time we meet you won't ex what i don't get it what's the fun of having these three characters that are they don't poi pose a threat but every time you beat them they're like next time i got you uh i don't know i'm just not a big fan of like games wasting my time oh no man i got things to do i don't need to go battle them i we got big battles and i got pokedexes to fill up come on all right let's let's keep on keeping on break down the wall and let's see what cool things are behind it mr man oh okay we just got the origin ore cool i guess on to the next thing right thank you mr guy i'm pretty sure related to clay i'm just realizing that now i'd forgotten the guy's name but he's got to be he's got the big hat he's like digging in gen 5. makes sense now you simply fail to recognize my skill you ought to be praising my hard work honestly well i mean you look you look great leon keep on keeping on buddy but i am out of water so if you could like get me some more water that'd be like pretty swell like really they'd be sick wait why are we going back to the professor now we need to go grab the other two things it'd be like pretty cool just to get all um to get all of them and then go and do the thing but who am i just a simple man doing simple things and beating up nosepass heck yeah perfect i am excited to get back to just filling out the decks like before i i don't know man i think it's gonna be i think it's gonna be really satisfying to finish like a pokedex page in one of these and the beauty of this game is like you can oh butts in my butt i didn't like that but like you could go and you can catch pokemon or you can try and beat pokemon you can explore you can do the side quests you can instead decide to um shiny hunt for a bit like there's a lot of different things you can spend your time on which is so so nice and it's fun because like a game like this once i beat the main story i feel like all of these options open up of things to do and things to make videos on things to stream just i don't know there's just a lot of really exciting possibilities in the future one of them hopefully being beating up this provo pass because i should not have picked this fight this was a absolute silly decision on my part but at least we killed there definitely gonna need someone to heal me up as we go back up there but yeah what are you gonna do pop there we go yeah well yeah this will be quick i probably should just fly back now that like we do need to heal it just makes sense to do that i think and we'll see blink blink i would also really like it if bronzor stopped making noises that sounded like it was a shiny like that time it obviously didn't trick me because i was in battle with it but just in general i've not been the biggest fan of it ooh i also don't like this gligar why ugh why are some of these pokemons so difficult to catch man i hit you in the back boo hiss i could also start throwing more of the the flying pokeballs speaking of that now we have this here maybe i do that more i will see oh um no john what are you doing dude what am i doing all right there we go trying to get up here was this crap what do i have in my why why did we get a pokemon game that makes the bag like uh fill up and get so annoying again i don't know i i assume this is like a regular thing in games that are similar to this one but it is it's just so frustrating it's like a fair mechanic and it makes sense but it's it's slightly annoying me [Laughter] it's also like the real reason i haven't learned what all the items do because the fact that my bag keeps filling up is annoying i kind of like just mindlessly going and collecting things it's just nice just relax and just move about and be like i will pick up you and i'm not going to climb a tree but i will pick up you and i'll pick up you and just pick up all these things i enjoy it but i guess learning and being strategic with what i'm picking up could make sense and getting more slots in the satchel it'll take some time which gives me more to do which makes the game fun because i don't run out of like things to do in the game and get bored with it i get it i understand but you know i just wish it was a little easier okay so the origin stone is the the stone of origin makes sense i'll say it all right now we're back here oh interesting what remains of the red chain broken as it may be perfect so we have that we have the origin stone isn't there one more thing that we need though yeah the stone of creations beginning we give that but there's one more it's the the chain the stone and one one last thing oh i guess we already had it sick oh no mm-hmm [Music] i'm starting to suspect all the all you're prattling about value of time is a cover for your own impatience that's actually kind of funny haha eureka the oh the origin ball interesting what's that gonna look like i would like to see this post taste oh oh that's sick oh that is so cool oh my god that is so freaking cool i did recently get that really cool crystal poke ball that was put on sale as like a i got as a personal christmas present if someone wanted to make a version of that like this just no chefs kiss that would be sick probably not of like like an actual red like crystal like ruby that would probably be an absurd amount of money and i'm not mr moneybags that probably would not work work out the way i want but a cheap knockoff would be pretty sick it'd be pretty cool i'm still waiting for someone to make like a cool like like i have the uh the master ball up there they need to make a gs ball like that they're just ugh chess balls so cool gold is pretty i'm telling you and then that red is cool i'm all in all right wait no someone's talking through your brain waves again i should stop talking about replica pokeballs dioga's in my party why can't he talk to me he's in a pokeball in my party i will make him fight okay he doesn't have a choice in the matter all right let's go do the thing perfect we got the origin ball i have dialogue on my side i mean what could go wrong a few things if we're going to be honest but uh it feels pretty good right now oh i actually do have to go all the way back there interesting but what i could do first is buy pokeballs and get everyone upset with me i don't know if i need that i also i need to go phil i need to get my bag a little bit better i'm probably not gonna buy too many pokeballs because anytime i can upgrade the satchel i'm gonna do it especially after complaining about how much it's annoyed me i absolutely need to do this oh i think the next one is going to go to 20k and i'm immediately gonna upgrade it again yep okay my money it's broken man he still has more god all right well i'll be back i'll be back i do think i have some uh startups i could sell if i really wanted to to get a little crazy with it and i do actually want to get a little crazy with it if we're gonna be honest because this is immediately 18 000 which will allow me to waste my money in ridiculously annoying ways for people watching who know what they're doing i don't want to buy any of the materials because that would probably make too much sense i would like to do the lazy thing thank you i would much rather be lazy i'm gonna buy 200 of these much to the chagrin of everyone watching and i don't care uh well it's probably good i keep wasting my money on pokeballs rather than clothes but at some point i need cool clothes hello mrs smart lady i will not call you old like the other man did that was mean oh now hearken to my words young ones time cannot be severed from space nor space from time oh the being you will encounter at the temple of sinnoh is palkia ruler of all space which is allowed to run wild space itself will warp and bend here in sui and eventually the very world may be broken but you have the aid of its counterpart dialga the ruler of time and therein lies hope balance will be brought to time and space and the world can once again be as it should now take the olga at your side and make for the temple of sinnoh at once young man oh cool that that's a good point you can't you can't buy cool shoes if the world's ending like that's that's why i keep buying shoes and then everyone on the internet tells me i have fortnite shoes and i get sad i don't but i can't do it when the world's ending so you know what that's that's my reasoning okay it's it's very smart i put a lot of thought into my purchases okay i can't do the world's ending so it makes sense also it's like an eye or a hair in my eye not an eye in my eye my eye is just simply an eye interesting pretty interesting all right pokemon are my pokemon healed up heck yeah all right well let's uh let's mosey our way on down there i'm probably gonna try to catch a bunch of pokemon but before i do that maybe i put some things in item storage or maybe i like make some poke balls or something i don't know um trying to get or make as many of those as i can but we need way more tumble stone now i need to just get more double stone so let's just go back to collecting up all these gosh darn materials ooh let's grab you real quick i would like some treasure if that's a possibility bear you not find any treasure dude if you can't find treasure you are no use to me ooh but i could actually use these flying balls and not be stupid for once this will dome them in the face that sword above it oh why do they soar because you have to aim under that's oh what oh that's i'm salty um i'm so upset dude you kidding me i'm actually really upset about that oh come on man the time change like oh boo and also hiss man boo hiss ah whatever dude all right all right yeah yeah yeah wait the sneezeler what are you doing there we go i need to grab these things there we go perfect i can't believe that happened i'm like actually really annoyed come on oh that was so lame um let's keep doing this hmm i thought there would be some pokemon in the water i'm kind of shocked by that but let's go grab this wisp while i see it it's always worth snagging these you know up john god you're being really stupid again let's do this we'll braviary out of here get away from the stupid zubats i love yanma i don't want to deal with zubat you kidding me uh so i do this and then i can fly now now i can fly there we go perfect nice and we can sneeze our way up here and hopefully catch a few new pokemon okay perfect i haven't really trained up slim reaper much so maybe this is a good opportunity to do that against the bronzor i should be able to just obliterate that with little x's or i'd think i'd like to think i have battle axes for arms you kidding me come on what's more intimidating than that nice we're actually catching some new pokemon which is pretty cool all right you're ruining my day which is less cool but to be expected i guess not worried about these pokemon i do want to get to you perfect grab you we'll do that have i gone in here oh i have gone in here and now i can get this uh thing perfect i guess i could have climbed on up there with the sneasel to be fair i still need to oh my god that was that was a little embarrassing that was not ideal okay can i hit you with a pokeball no i cannot but i can hit you as long as i can aim well i'm just you know what i'm not having the best of luck right now i'm just kind of looking like a fool my pants just directly on the grounds there we go i like this a little bit better i feel a little bit less foolish just making my way close to where we need to go you know less room for embarrassing yourself right oh that was wildly random and cool let's find a shiny because that'd be real cool let's find shawnee before i go to school i don't go to school anymore why'd i say that so i'm in the space-time thing right like shouldn't like random and crazy pokemon be spawning now again i don't really understand how this works but it'd be very cool if like random pokemon would just spawn so yeah i go out here so in there is the spooky space time i throw this there we get that we beat up a graveler we run back into spooky space time and everything gets crazy right that's what i've been led to believe okay okay i'm back in spooky space time you're angry things should just be spawning right i'm not understanding do i need to go back on wordier and just like kind of run around like crazy i mean i could just battle you i guess i don't think i've caught or battled the nonix so i mean this will be something if nothing else but i think we just go back on wordier right and then just hope uh what oh there we go okay i i don't think i understand how this works at all but let's collect all these things again oh cranny dose popped up that's sick yo wait i i don't even know where cranny does spawns i would love to try to catch this guy um all right first off let me throw something out of the satchel or i can just use this to heal or let me say you discard this card yeah there we go perfect whoa what is that all right uh let's let's get into battle with you absolutely worth trying to catch i don't think i'll kill a triple arrows because it's not that strong i didn't use the strong attack god i am so stupid why didn't i just use the quick one john just oh now i'm battling this and it has psychic oh oh crap you i guess what no i'm into oh i'm crumbling for no reason [Music] why am i falling on my face it doesn't even make any sense john what are you doing you messed up trying to catch one pokemon why are you crumbling into a pit of despair why did you say it like that it was just random all right this won't kill because dust collapses block oh he's not that block all right i do like that a lot can i pick you up it'd be kind of cool perfect okay more things should spawn like crazy and we just need something to spawn that's shiny oh let's maybe we get this i i really have no idea where these guys are going to spawn so i feel like getting when them whenever i can in the decks is going to be worth it i don't think thunder wave will kill it's not a super effective move this time we get it there which is pretty nice we just throw an ultra ball at it because the heck if i know how rare these actually are but i have enough ultra balls that i could use one on a shield on because this was regular sinnoh this would feel very rare perfect okay we got one of these guys which makes me happy if nothing else okay just pick up these things firestone and whatever do not need either of you okay someone should spawn over here right don't know what we use shards for but i feel like there's got to be something cool right okay pokemon spawn there that was cool i don't know if shiny odds are boosted for oh that's a cool one god is that a cool one um wait no we just go to do you no crap no no uh that's not what i meant to do i meant to go um damn it i meant to go to my other friend that could do the thing but that's fine strong style wild charge it's not gonna kill but it's gonna do a butt ton right at least 50 and that's what matters oh but it almost killed with a crit and we paralyzed it so much recoil ah now it's dead which is not ideal moving into the final battle but i don't really have a good butt there we do lose our thunder waver on the off chance i do find a shiny and want to catch it which it's pretty regrettable but you know we get this for the decks that's cool okay artillery i have not battled them yet i guess i could use you to battle one but i want to hold out hope for like a shiny i feel like more pokemon should spawn there's only three right now do i have to like go a certain place there we go nice so when like one spawn do the rest of them go away i don't know i may find out too late that it like makes sense to like beat all the pokemon for more things to spawn or to up odds well there's like a way to know where you're supposed to go oh no they spawn over here interesting oh there's more two dust collapses okay yeah i mean this is the second one i've done i really kind of was hopeful for a little bit more chaos i like being able to pick up all the items like that's pretty fun but i feel like it should be like like overwhelming and like a hazard to be running around like there's pokemon attacking you from every which angle and becomes almost an obstacle course this it's like oh there's three pokemon there i'll just kind of run away from them and wait for new pokemon to spawn because i don't really want to get into a three pokemon battle right now wha what just happened there did i get hit by lightning i don't understand all right i know it's almost over maybe it's worth beating you quick oh that was kind of frustrating like all right i'm finally gonna battle you up no he left oh but i do have to be careful if a shiny pops up if i'm not quick enough to throw a pokeball at it like that thing could disappear as quickly as it showed up which would ruin my happiness and it's gone well i mean i guess at some point i'll watch a video on the you know those things and learn everything there is to learn about it for right now i'm just not really impressed i'm not really like disappointed i'm just not i'm not impressed with what i've seen i'll say be fair i don't know if they care i don't know if i'm the only one they need to impress with things god damn it all right that was a little bit of a bust but i could get one of them that'd be cool perfect all right we've got this um let's fly perfect we get off that we throw you that we get back to flying town nice there we go i don't know if i have room for you i'll take crunchy salt hey it's all it's pretty good salt and salad makes foods a little bit better if you don't make a pokemon stronger who knows oink all right perfect oh go right above the cave snag that i know this is helpful for some things if i have room i do nice okay and i really need someone to be able to heal me that would really be the cherry on top of my happiness might be asking for a little bit because i could also just use like potions i've just kind of decided not to for whatever reason laziness i figured out the reason very quickly it was laziness the whole time but still would be nice all right there we go damn it i was hitting every button and it didn't work out i mean it rarely works out for me when i hit every single button in this game and just kind of hope but you never know like hey maybe some maybe this will be the time where i spam every button things work out the way i want them to right you know there's always next time you ever know all right perfect well let's get this over with i've been dilly dallying long enough well speaking of dilly-dallying i do need more water oh wait could you like heal me before this volo my boy my dude my guy uh-huh i mean this would be pretty helpful but i'm kind of poor right now so you could just heal me no i'm not worried about you you're you're the man well then make for the yeah let's let's use these i have not used many like healing items and i can't imagine after this main boss i'm gonna use a lot of them in the future so this is definitely the time to use them okay do that do that uh where's my regular potions though there they are perfect all right that should be good let's save the game and it's almost time well this might be it i probably should have dialga ready to go in front because i mean there shouldn't be any other like trainer battles right like it's gonna be the big palkia boss and maybe some shenanigans with palkia but like it's not like there's like any other trainers that would battle me i've already battled the commander everyone else is on my side i guess there could be another twist of like a bad guy popping out but i feel like this is i feel like this is the big baddie you know i'm ready to do the thing man where i'm as ready as i'll ever be wait what it's a saying we've gotten the diamond clan it means you hope you'll both stay safe oh i guess that's fair see you tomorrow big guy whoo let's do the thing i'm i'm not nervous for the battle but i'm like i don't know i'm just really excited to see the end of this game this has been such a special and fun pokemon game and it's been an overwhelming journey to get here but uh i'm just excited and i'm pretty sure i know what's about to happen but i am ready to hear why it happens all right let's see it oh wait no hasn't happened yet okay flash cannon [Laughter] i have been so confused and so ready to find out why this happened since i saw the spoiler of it and i did my best not to mention exactly what happened in these recordings i know some people probably are not aware of it but why did this happen wait there's no explanation oh what wow right in the booty oh crap no john oh i goofed up that's so painfully on me what the heck i'm like wow wow you need to i just need to die and start over yeah okay the other bosses i've been able to get cheeky shots off on them but i need to spend all of my energy trying to avoid okay wow a lot just happens palkia just became a centaur [Laughter] and now it's beating me up oh god that was john you literally said before this what you needed to not do dive last second okay john dive dive oh that came out of like nowhere wait what i oh that boy i feel like i'm gonna have to learn what his like attacks are to even have a chance to deal with this whoa okay okay and then the the bursts nope another one of these yep first one more no he's gonna just charge at me randomly oh crap i was already out okay john you're fine you're fine you're fine okay oh god i gotta scratch my head okay oh crap oh i didn't know he was gonna do that yet can i attack him yet or no oh oh god what was that what is this whoa [Music] okay [Music] i'm actually close right now um yo oh my god i might actually do it oh my god i may actually do this this is crazy wow earth power don't kill don't kill don't kill finally it's not just every move kills oh we could get the strong or roar of time we're going for the signature move i don't even care dude signature move all the way boom wait okay critical hit now i need to i need to go crazy this is my only chance please please i'm only one hit away from dying let's go let's go yes okay why did why did you fuse with arceus what what happens i i have so many questions and zero answers actually new question do i get to keep it in that ridiculous form do i get to use centaur palkia because that'd be kind of crazy oh so foot go ping okay and sirs answers cancers give me answers i'm so confused i need answers [Music] okay pretty sky the sun shines down on the hero's face and now what [Music] yeah he did it [Music] yeah yeah he did it yeah [Music] is he crying why is he crying what [Music] oh that was interesting i would have liked to see the animation for him throwing him [Music] do i want to know what happened what what happened why was powell get fused with argus i don't want a festival what wait i have so many questions please [Music] that was it wait did i miss something really significant i know i've skipped through a lot of text in this game but i really want to know why it was fused with arceus wow that was just that was an overwhelming ending to the game but this was a lot of fun i man i really i really love legends rc's i know i said it in either this recording the last one the thing i love the most about this game is that this ending means nothing in terms of like you know whether or not i'm gonna you know like or like my enjoyment of the game i'm getting a lot of thoughts at once and i'm getting overwhelmed a lot of pokemon games you beat the elite four and you've hit the pinnacle you know there's like only thing left to do is complete the pokedex if you really want to try to get level 100s i guess like maybe you get a competitive team maybe you shiny hunt but your journey feels complete like there's a nice uh finality of beating the elite four in a pokemon game but in a game like this i don't feel any finality i i feel like the the main storyline that i have to you know go through is is finished but i'm still not level 10 with the stars i still have to learn about all of the different items i can even make still learn about the shiny hunting methods fill out the pokedex i haven't caught every pokemon i need to get everything to level 10. i'm trying to get the shiny charm there's so many side quests to do i know there's legendaries to go battle i haven't even gotten like any of the cool like new clothing like i just i haven't finished upgrading the bag there's so many things left to do in this game that rather than the you know kind of finality of beating the elite four and the champion and becoming the champion of the game i don't know i feel like way more doors have opened in terms of my ability to enjoy this and that is maybe the most exciting thing i've ever really felt in a pokemon game just the idea of wow i beat this game i put hours and hours and hours into this game and had fun the entire time and now i can't wait to double that triple that quadruple that in terms of hours thrown into this game i don't know it's a really cool thing i don't know how much longer i'm going to you know have this vod run for and you guys can let me know if you know if i should do anything more after this but i definitely want to play a little bit more to see you know like what opens up in the game and what i should work towards next maybe have like a end of the the video shiny hunt we'll see because i still feel like i have a lot of questions left and i'm sure there's gonna be some more like uh bigger quests to follow that kind of follow the legendary storylines we'll have to see did really love this game still really love this game and honestly i'm still a little overwhelmed these past few days have just been they've been so crazy it's really it's insane to get a pokemon game like this in january and it's just so different than anything i've experienced but in such a wonderful way it's really crazy that pokemon is a franchise that is still as popular as it is today with the ability to innovate and come up with just such a different formula such a beloved formula already so many people love the only complaints i've heard about this game are the graphics everyone loves like the gameplay and i i don't know it's it's it's really exciting it gets me emotional like it's i mean hey this is i've made a job around this and uh to think that you know i don't know that we could be getting games like this for pokemon in 2022 i pokemon feels like it's gonna be around for a long time which just makes me very happy because hi i'm having as much fun with the game now as i did when i first found it so let's have a little water and let's see uh what yield arceus has to say to us seek out all pokemon that's it oh well that was my plan i'm gonna be honest that was still my plan as you've seen it used for time that's fun uh huh i feel like this wasn't here before interesting all right hey you guys said there was a festival let's uh let's get to the festival i'm ready looks like the space time rough has vanished the sky's gone back to normal again which i suppose means we'd better get back to our original mission completing the pokedex we're going to meet in the survey corps office to discuss our next steps exactly i mean this is what i love you know we beat the main game we got the credits and then she's like yep nope we're gonna go meet in the offices you know talk about the the next steps or a mission because the mission is very much not over which i don't i'd really love that it's to say the least so i trust you enjoyed yourself at the festival i did not i did not get to experience it at all i am exhausted though i am very tired like legitimately tired and then also like mentally exhausted physically exhausted i'm pretty tired in general you're not wrong hey look look at this guy all happy and merry and jolly now professor lavington to business what is the current state of the progress of the pokedex we've made pretty good progress and pretty awesome it's hard to know how far to go in pursuit of some reports certain pokemon have only been mentioned in jesus legends after all who knows if they're even real with how little we know about jesus history and legends it seems like a tall order for us to tackle pardon hey follow my man [Music] [Laughter] nice well you're gonna help me find some legendary pokemon and i for one am excited because there's one of the new legendaries that you can catch in this game that i'm incredibly confused of why it exists and i really want to know the reasoning behind it because i feel like it's going to hint to future games or you know some sort of future dlc or something it its inclusion in this game is very confusing and i'm very excited to be enlightened of why it's there nice so i like to see big guy perfect well we'll talk when we talk big guy we will talk when we talk let's see what's here a token of gratitude interesting nice the dark some nightmare ooh interesting ooh [Music] you the the one who accepted my request well let's get right to business there's an old tale that's long been told in the zooey region about a dark nightmare that visits people on lonely paths at night dark rye and everybody stalking it myself until i saw it saw a terrifying black pokemon just like the one in the stories they say the people who are trapped in the nightmares of creates never wakes again dark rye [Laughter] nice okay i'm all in i mean we're at the point now where it's the uh you know it's the legendary quest the you know the like the subquests and so i do i say sub the side quests a lot of fun things to get done and i i guess it's just time to hit the road i i don't really know how much longer i'm gonna do this i guess i'll just stay we'll see what there is to see and let's make a little bit of progress also wait a minute is palkia you know palki is sitting there and it doesn't look half centaur what's going on whatever you know what uh what do you want random person uh maybe double tail double fins oh i was hopefully just show the pokemon double tail double fins ah you i haven't caught enough like pokemon in the water to actually know what it is so we'll we'll figure that out another day a little bit of a riddle ah but out break out break out break out break oh um yeah but we might as well go we'll catch pokemon on the way and we'll go talk to volo because this seems like the the continuation of the main story i think that makes the most sense and he's pretty far away so it gives us a decent opportunity to catch some mons have i done your quest that'd be pretty cool oh um oh shaymin shaymin oh shaman yep easy um oh interesting shaven um man this is cool i don't usually care about like going to get legendary pokemon it's like just not something i generally you know put too much stock into but in a game like this and going on a quest for it it just i don't know it feels a little bit more special right i actually think i should probably beat these things in battle i'm pretty close to being done with badoofs but i think beating them would help and it will be cool when i'm actually like finally finished with a full pokedex page for one of these pokemon let me actually check after this and see how close we are um no pokedex is down up up up up up up up but also oh are these like hidden throughout the game and i just found where one of them was hidden there they are definitely hidden throughout the game and i found where one of them was hidden that yep that's what happened there now pokedex u okay wait i'm confused so i finished number caught number defeated i have to catch more heavy ones interesting so we're making good progress i don't know how to know which ones are heavy and which ones aren't so i don't know if i see any more produce i'll just catch them because i feel like i need to spam catch a bunch of them just to get the heavy ones cause i i mean beating them in battle is much easier than getting heavy specific ones oh have i caught all of the starly's i need to interesting okay this is another thing i mean now that we've you know beaten the main story i mean this is this is one of the things to focus on like what pokemon like where are they in the pokedex like how much do i need to do with these and there's still a lot to do with even like this like first like area pokemon and even then i mean there's a whole other part of this area i haven't really explored and there's flying gyarados i need to get another one of no that that's priority number one yeah i don't care that i don't have the space in my satchel don't stop clicking buttons god that was that was infuriating and the only thing infuriating there was me i was infuriating myself i did not like that one bit okay i know this is where the snorlax spawns shiny snorlax i don't know why i didn't get a shiny snorlax there that would be pretty cool i don't know if i've gone all the way over here like there's just a little island there maybe there's some cool pokemon i'm really excited just to explore all these areas it's overwhelming i'm like overwhelmed with the amount of different things i could get done or like look into but in in the best possible way like i don't know if i've been to this island before you know why not let's stop over here there's that giant tree over there hey let's let's see right why not come on okay fine we will hey stop it the egg let's grab this a little shellos and gastrodon don't mind if i do oh no please perfect perfect gonna catch at least one of those two come on come on man oh you come on come on i come over to this island so excited for a new adventure and my new slug based friends just said no thank you whatever i'm not even upset about it i don't even care whatever what pokemon is that that is an angry starly for a second i thought that might be like unknown and i had like found a new unknown that was very much not the case like even a little bit what was that oh monferno whoa oh that's sick yeah let me just get my ultra ball out for that like really though yo i completely forgot you could even find monferno in this game nice let's go oh that would be so whoa yo let's try to get a uh one of these guys that'd be sick just a giant infernape is that realistic at all like does anyone believe i can do this i don't know let's try i mean if i can paralyze this guy and get him into red i don't know that'd be a pretty sick final one of these right oh that's not going to be helpful at all you're going to kill him oh you didn't kill my lux ray you do hurt yourself a lot so we need to thunder wave it can keep going for flare blitz and then we can start hucking ultra balls yes that's gonna be an issue that right there is not ideal but we could bring in i guess trickster i mean it has a chance to live uh at least a flare blitz or two i'm not caught in alpha pokemon yet i know people have people been messaging me about the cool alphas they've caught this would be a pretty sick one to get like infernape best gen 4 starter in my opinion it's my personal favorite i should say oh okay that was not that was not exactly what i wanted um all right let's bring in you maybe you could live a flare blitz i don't know this is gonna be a little stressful with how flare blitz works we do have a bunch of ultra balls it's not like we only have like you know five or six we're up there ooh yes oh my god yes wow i just got an alpha infernape are you kidding me oh that's so sick i'm really excited about that dude that's so cool wow like i almost want to just add that to the team immediately i don't know is that silly uh i would like to just doink there we go hey you i'm sick of you not just going the pokeball so i'm gonna waste a great ball on you do that perfect what are you doing over here big guy what are the odds fate musta must have my back do they bring you here look i know we just met but do you would you do something for me i'd love if you could bring me that pokemon what's his name again the one with the scythe on each arm oh scyther i could do that yeah do i have to have it in my team because that would really annoy me oh that's oh i don't want to do that that you're asking that's a chore you're you're asking me to do it a chore or my good sir i don't i don't want to that doesn't sound very fun i'll do that another time i don't i don't really want to deal with the chore right now we could go to that cool big tree let's go past the low pony no that's not meant to do then we okay um i do still want to stop and grab some of these things on the way hmm oh i thought he hadn't gotten too angry with me nice oh combee i did say on camera that i'd rather get a shiny male combi than a geodude and i also spent a lot of time talking about how little i wanted a shiny geodude and i got two of them so i feel like shiny male comb b is something that i'm just destined to catch at this point i absolutely do not want shiny male combi let the record show that's not something i'm hoping for but i feel like i've really screwed myself over here so i'm kind of just accepting uh what i've done to myself i'm also accepting that this tree might just be where i found or battled cleaver and going after this tree as if i've never been here is foolish yeah you actually can't you re-battle cleaver isn't there like a like a rematch battle you can do oh oh scyther's here i do want to catch some more cyphers scyther would be a really sick pokemon to get shiny for the cleaver i've already said that before i know i have let's get the flying pokeball out because i know i can just grab him you aim down because it there we go perfect and then we ride yeah i didn't catch the scyther but you know that's fine i will drown my sorrow with flying nice uh hey look at you it's the uh the magikarps i need to get for the pokedex cool flop all right let me grab a few more of you perfect wait what you're a magikarp there we go are you an alpha magikarp are you kidding me that could evolve into an alpha gyarados which would be kind of sick crap perfect i meant to go grab that thing but we're also find a wisp up here so let's go do that cool i am noticing that i'm getting really distracted i let's go talk let's go actually do the quest and like see what there is to see because we're we're getting really close to the point where i have to just uh make a decision on the future of this because it it may make sense after this is done just to enjoy the rest of this game on my own and when it's time for content it's time for content but and there's a big main series or main story uh mission going on i might as well see that through you know so first let me heal up i don't have a reason not to do that no i'd like to heal up big guy i'd like to do that and now let's see what this man has to say for us because we already have missions for two other legendaries so what do you have to say oh hieroglyphics interesting i've inspected ruins across the region and concluded they all seem to tell the same tale okay the tale of a brave soul who together with a pokemon at his side went on a journey to search for the fragments of an all-encompassing deity okay sure and its name is arceus i mean yeah he did bring me here haven't you noticed that they all have words carved on their backs go on give them a read you read the text engraved on the back of the first plate you obtained the original one breathed alone before the universe came this original one is none other than the pokemon known as arceus so what do you say john the john guy i think we should try to gather all the plates ooh oh if we do that would we be able to like battle arceus at some point oh that's kind of crazy okay color me intrigued i'll come and see what you have to say big guy that feels like a pretty like it's something worthwhile to possibly get on ye old camera i mean it gives me a lot of leeway just to goof about and enjoy the game and explore what there is to explore but it does still give me a mission to to play along with you guys and see what there is to see let's go over here and see what the man has to say because i'm intrigued okay according your investigations you want me to beat up a giant bee it's an angry bee volo do you not understand that i am legitimately terrified of hornets and wasps and this is my waking nightmare i do like that you gave me slim reaper here because this the opposite of my waking nightmare absolutely obliterating a bee with a very angry bug with axes for hands if you told me i could have a cleaver just defend me from all scary wasps and hornets i'd be a very happy guy but then they killed him they killed him they killed him dad damn it yeah it's so much to live for cleaver my friend the good die young okay well as long as we get the the busy bee oh the stone wait stone plate interesting would have thought it would have like the bug plate that's fine i'll take whatever plate we need in any case that's the only other plate that i had any information about so that's that oh huh so i need to try and find the other plates or she can help me which would be a lot more helpful if we're gonna be honest all right so i should go to the ancient the ancient retreat all right let's go over there and get a little bit more information on the the plates that'd be pretty cool now i am about to bring something up that may sound like i'm complaining and i would like to genuinely preface it with i do not say this complaining in any way because i have gotten lucky enough for this i am kind of shocked that i did not find a random shiny in this playthrough it all now finding like the shiny quill fish in the the outbreak i would like i'd be completely fine to trade like any amount of shiny luck i'd have in this game just for that like this was this was the shiny i wanted this is the perfect one but the uh the geodudes when i found those those were like a very concerted shiny hunting effort like the three shinies i found so far have been when i was like very like trying very hard to find chinese and i don't know i guess it's it's one of those things because of social media you can hear everyone else and you know how it's been going for them and looking for shinies and so many people have just been finding them randomly and i know at some point you know like as everyone probably will if you play enough time in this game with how good the shiny rates are and how there's just so many pokemon around like i'll find a random shiny but i am kind of shocked i just didn't even you know see one again not complaining not like upset that it didn't happen just a little shocked it's also one of those things where i like you just you you start to expect like ah like up i'm flying over any second now it doesn't make any sense because shinies are incredibly rare but you just get it in your head like up any second now shine is gonna pop up this is it all right let's go over here we gotta go talk to yield professor man [Music] um oh 36 wow look at me go way more than i expected to report to him i feel like that's gonna give me a decent amount of experience towards that next star oh okay we're close we're close got to return to the village though because we need to go and see the nice old lady the nice lady we don't say old you know come on i don't want to be cruel to her nice lady i really want the golden fish i really want to end this on the golden fish i think i could end this very happily on the golden fish i feel like i would be incredibly satisfied ending this on the golden fish and then maybe i do another one of these like doing the legendary quests but for now golden fish uh i think so we throw that there wow this is a a way bigger map than i expected in like the best of ways okay golden fish golden fish go golden fish golden fish go i want a golden fish i want a golden fish golden fish golden fish golden fish sneezler doo doo doo doo sneeze lurk golden fish doo doo doo doo golden fish i would like to see a golden fish he's my friends what is that in the wall is that something you can pick up or do they like just they they they mess up no wait sneezer they mess up they messed up and something's drawn out of the mountain that should not be there how'd they mess that up all the texture on the mountain is the same it did not nothing is different like it makes this much more noticeable i don't know maybe they didn't mess up maybe that's actually part of the game who knows either way golden fish it's the only thing that matters due to golden fish [Music] golden fish and that's a frog okay oh okay there's some cool pokemon here perfect no yo i don't oh whatever you know what i should probably beat you up if nothing else cause i don't know if i've beaten up a toxic croak yet he's running why is he running dude just let me battle you that's a big frog i'm gonna kill the big frog because he is a mean frog hmm but this also might end up killing me with recoil which would not be cool because having alton john against the magikarps actually makes sense but i lived the owl that lived nice um and then we can just have him cool i do also want to try to catch a talk stroke that'd be cool i don't even think i knew this area existed a lot of cool places for me still to explore crap okay please nice oh i got two doesn't matter wrong way no there we go golden fish i'm wasting so much time but you're gonna be shiny on i just talked about the fact that i wasn't finding shinies for no again i i wasn't trying to complain i'm sure it came off as complaining as and now that i've complained just to make me look like a big whiny whiny man one of these is gonna be shiny like right away and i would be fine with it golden fish you're still my friend wait no john you cannot have gotten magikarps angry what is happening oh my god do i deserve this i sang the golden fish song and everything golden fish i'm missing all my throws but you're a golden fish golden fish it is way more satisfying to do these outbreaks when you can just catch them very easily like way easier wait oh wait if i don't get the golden fish i have to reset my game so everything i just caught and did was that was such a waste oh i'm so stupid it's stupid stupid it's stupid what was i thinking what i was too busy singing golden fish over and over again what's wrong with me all right this time it's for realsies all right now time to get serious all right perfect that's how you get for realsies okay i've gotten all for reals lead up mm-hmm i see the space portal we go back and we do this the correct way the way that arceus would have wanted or arceus if you want to say that arceus and his arsephone that's everyone's different the magikarp is still there all right golden fish [Laughter] there's probably a way quicker way to get there okay no not lost and found we save okay and then we we do this magikarp is there we can't actually fly as easily as i thought we might be able to okay but i think we could i think we can probably make better time than i did before okay i really wish i knew how to like make him fly up i don't think you can which is annoying because then i have to use the sneezeler but if i can just get a little bit quicker with the buttons we should be fine which i am getting quicker with it to be to be quite frank there we go no need to try to catch these guys unless they're shiny we go up one more time and as long as nothing shiny i think we're good to go way quicker this time around then we just drop golden fish john dude what was that okay come on come on golden fish to be pretty cool where are you come on come on damn maybe if i just fly over here shiny golden fish go go gold golden go golden golden fish golden gold gold golden fish hey look at that i'm gonna just if i grab this i'm gonna have to restart the game you know what now we gave it the old college try let's grab the wisp let's fly over and i think with that i think that's where i'm gonna call it now i could just go into full-fledged shiny hunting mode and restart the game again and see if it's there and get another re-roll and see what there is to see but i think it's time for me to just explore this game and enjoy this game i have a few ideas for videos and if you guys really want if the demand is there i can absolutely do some of the the shiny quests in like one more of these vods because that's not something that i really want to do on my own like especially like you know trying to you know catch a few shinies or uh you know get like uh like crow gunk to the highest level in the pokedex some of those more you know menial tasks that can just take a bunch of time but uh literally satisfying and something i want to try or trying to catch a few alpha pokemon that'd be cool i can do that in my free time but doing the quest to find all the arceus plates or you know find shaman and dark rye we could absolutely do that in a video so either way thank you guys so much for the support i hope you guys really enjoyed this game i hope you guys are excited for a bunch more content with this game because this is the beginning not the ending which feels weird because usually at the end of the game i don't know there's like sentimental you went on this big journey but it really feels like the beginning of a lot of fun rather than the end so thank you guys see you guys in the next one until then peace
Channel: PM7 VODs
Views: 97,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7 stream, pokemen7 plays stream, pokemon live stream, live stream, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon game, pokemon legends, pokemon legends: arceus, pokemon legends arceus pokemen7, pokemon legends arceus stream, pokemon legends arceus live stream, pokemon legends arceus day 1, pokemon arceus, legends arceus, arceus, pokemon legends arceus live, pokemen7 live, origin palkia boss fight, origin palkia, origin palkia and dialga, palkia
Id: f51fnslo5i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 20sec (7640 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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