Plus Size Try On Haul: Shein is STILL the Worst

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- A.k.a. Glitter and Lazers and today, I'm doing another haul, and this haul is mm, uh, it's mm... I'm going to predict it. I'm gonna call it right now, not going to be great. (laughing) Maybe I'll be wrong. That happens, brands and people can change, but I haven't hauled this particular brand in, like, two years. It's a brand called SHEIN. My last experience went a little something like this. It's, like, so tight that it's, like, physically cutting off my circulation. Get it, get it off my body. Yeah, that's me cutting myself out of a shirt. Yeah, that's what that is. So, hopefully, that doesn't happen today, but (laughing) the day is young, it could. So, when I decided to reinvestigate this brand, I decided to not go small. No, your girl went big. Just, I spent $350. Now, on the site, everything is super cheap, which is what makes it so alluring until you find out the sizing's just like an inconsistent mess and, honestly, I feel like this type of site drives a lot of women to tears. Let's be honest, we get attached to numbers, and whether or not that's okay is, that's another argument. The fact is, most of us are attached to a number. So, having to go considerably outside your number can feel uncomfortable. So it's kind of just like a lie. Like, they can say they go up to a 5x, but really, they go up to, like, a 20-22 at best. So, (laughing) pray for me. That's all I'm gonna say is pray for me. I might be very depressed after this haul, but at least I'll say some funny, sassy things. (laughing) Okay, so let's open this amazing box, an amazing caveat, maybe not so amazing. (laughing) First item... (plastic rustling) is a pair of navy blue pants. These are different than I expected them to be. Oh my gosh, I'm trying, I'm trying so hard, but like, on the model, they were cute and they were like, you know, paper bag waist-ish, but this is, (sighing) they ain't gonna work. Maybe my twin cakes'll fit in there. Looking at them right now, they look a little bit like home ec sewing project. It's really just an elastic waist. To go with those pants, (plastic rustling) I have this blue shirt, and I'm actually kind of excited about this. So I'll be kinda bummed if it doesn't work. It is this, like, massive-sleeved shirt, and I just, oh, I love a big sleeve. I've loved a big sleeve for years and I just, I want all my sleeves to be larger than life, you know. I want my sleeves to just be free. So these have a big sleeve, nice little pleating details here at the top, which I am surprised I'm saying that, but yeah, nice little pleating details. Fabric is non-stretch as well. Both of these items are in a SHEIN 5x, which is about, in between a 2 and a 3x. That could, this could actually work. Shocker, shocker, might actually fit on my body. The fabrics don't feel terrible. I will say the shirt is much better constructed than the pants. The pants, like, you can even see, like, they just kinda look a little busted, especially, like, the seaming down at the bottom, and these are just a little bit of, you know, handicraft work. Well, this looks like, oh, this is a real-ass shirt. Like, somebody actually designed and made this. So, who knows, maybe together, they'll be fabulous. Um, I'm standing very still because I very much have a camel toe. That's why there's a lovely icon here to cover my shame. I feel like a classy version of Aladdin. (laughing) The waist I have plenty of room in, and it's like a prayer, like literally a prayer was said to get my butt and my thighs in these pants, and obviously, they're not happy, so they're crawling up into my vag, which is not an ideal look for me. That said, I really like this top. It is gaping a little bit here, but I can pin that. I'm not mad at it, it happens a lot, and honestly, if I were to wear a bralette, I probably wouldn't have that issue, but these pants, oh, they are terrible. They are awful, like, awful, but the shirt, I'm okay with it. So the next item we have is a pair of leggings. These are a waffle net texture, which I didn't expect, very stretchy, (laughing) with buttons on the front, man. The buttons on the front, and here's the best part about them. You have these two random circles, which don't fit into a design at all, right, but they're actually just backs of snaps. So somewhere out there are the front snaps who are sad that they don't have their tops to go with them. I mean, they would have been better if they had just left those off. Like, I don't understand why, but (laughing) yeah, they smell. (laughing) They smell real bad. They smell like that, I don't know if any of you guys ever had pants like this where you, like, wear 'em for a little bit, and you go, (sniffing) what's that smell, and it takes, like, a couple seconds for you to realize it's you, and you're already too far from home to change. That's what these pants are. Now, with these amazing leggings, (plastic rustling) comes this, this is supposed to be a sweatshirt, but it is not a sweatshirt. It is a tee shirt (laughing) cut like a sweatshirt that is, yeah. (laughing) I did not see that I bought this, and that on the back, it said, "Pull yourself together." Oh my gosh, this is, I feel like they're shaming me. They're shaming me, oh my. (laughing) Woo, I actually hope this fits 'cause that's hilarious and it came with, oh, oh, it came \with a stylish bag that is, like, it's tee-shirt fabric. So who makes a fanny pack... Okay, this actually fits. So that's impressive, but also super weird. I love a little bonus item. Here's what I'm wearing today. SHEIN does not respect a fat ass. It does not respect a fat ass (hand slapping) because if you got a booty, the pants ain't gonna fit ya, and the sweatshirt, what I love, it's, like, shaming me. It's, like, your pants don't fit, pull yourself together. (plastic rustling) So this is a sheer top, again, with large sleeves 'cause, you know, and it has what I love, a pussy bow, because you're a classy lady and classy ladies wear big bows. This looks, this looks like it's gonna work. Hey, and I love, I love everything about the sheerness and the coloring of it. Huh, SHEIN ain't half bad. SHEIN ain't half bad. Okay, this is really cute. So this is a pleated, velvet skirt. (harp music) Velvet. Um, (laughing) but it's actually, this is nice, and there's, like, a pattern to the velvet, which I quite enjoy and feels cool when I touch it, which I don't know what factor that, like, might have on your purchasing, but I feel like I could do this for a very long time. (chuckling) Looks like it's a little bit dowdier than I would normally wear. I think this skirt definitely needs to be a mini length. I think as a maxi, it's a little weird. It's also kinda heavy. The shirt is, you know, not a color I would normally wear, but would look good when paired with the right things. I don't think that's the skirt. Overall though, the quality is far and beyond what I expected. I expected trash. This is my, like, schoolgirl look. (laughing) Some guy out there is just like, "Yes, it's happening." (plastic rustling) This is the top, this I don't like. This feels like a lining of a cheap dress, like, not even the real dress, like the lining. I would not buy this, but it has two little angels on some flowers. This is definitely something I would never ever buy again or suggest that anyone buy. It's cute, but it feels terrible, and I'm mad at it, (laughing) but it goes with this plaid skirt that I picked out 'cause I'm still, like, disappointed that Britney Spears wasn't chubby. She just, like, she would have been the Lizzo of her time. Okay, this is a plaid skirt that I'm gonna have to say my prayers to get into, but if it fits, it's, like, wide enough at the hips for sure, but the waist is cut weird. So, we'll see. I kind of like it. I kind of like it. To go with it is this houndstooth plaid cardigan. I don't like it right off the bat, and I'll tell you why. I like my cardigans to have a little bit of, like, give to them. That's mostly because I have bigger hips and I like a little extra give in the hip area, but also, I think they're more comfortable. Like, I wanna actually, like, cuddle with my cardigan. Hm, hm, (giggling) its' not that soft, and when I'm looking for a cardigan, that's what I really want. It's soft and, like, a little bit stretchy and comfortable. So it can just, like, mold to my body and, like, soft, warmth. That sounded so creepy. (strange music) Mold to my body. Straight up, I love the skirt. (laughing) I didn't think I would say that, but I do. I love the way it fits. I love the length. It'd look super cute over leggings or tights. This top and this cardigan, these are trash. I would never buy these. I would not recommend buying them. This is super itchy, it doesn't feel very good, and this is just, it's just all kinds of crap, but the skirt is great. The skirt is awesome. So, the next item we have is supposed to be a sweater and it's definitely just a shirt that's, like, got a waffle print put on it. I will say this is the consistent theme with SHEIN. You're probably not going to get exactly what you expected, right. If you order a sweatshirt, it might be a tee shirt. If you order a sweater, it might be a tee shirt. In fact, everything might kind of just be a tee shirt or some type of dress shirt. Like, I don't think they have enough of a variation of fabrics available. So this was supposed to be, I think, like a sweater material, and it's definitely just like a weird tee shirt. I also do not like this piece. I just don't like the way it feels. I think, again, like, earlier pieces, it looks a little crafty. It looks cheap. Like wearing this, people would know that this was a cheap item. So these are a pair of leopard-print, high-waist pants. They are that weird, again, material, but the same thing the tank top was made of earlier. It's like what you line a cheap dress with, except here, it's the actual fabric for the pants. These pants have no hips. I don't know if you can see, but they're, like, straight up and down. So, I'm pretty certain that these will get on my body, but will look, it's gonna be a camel toe situation. It's not gonna be cute, but they probably will get on, just not do me any favors. These will keep me single. ♪ Forever and ever, I... ♪ am alone. ♪ Every little thing she does is garbage ♪ ♪ Every little thing... ♪ (laughing) My pants are falling down. They're, like, barely on, this is no. This here, you deserve better than this. You deserve better than whatever this is. (laughing) No. So the next one I opened up prematurely, and then I was like, okay, I gotta get this all sorted 'cause they're all, they're in looks, is this leopard-print shirt that feels, I don't like the fabric. It's, again, that weird, kind of dress lining material, (laughing) but it comes with this leather collar which, at first, I was like, WTF, but then I put it on and I was like, okay, I kind of just like this for itself. Like, it's very like "Little House on the Prairie" chic. Like, now I wanna bake an apple pie and talk to you about the good old days. I kinda like it. I think it'd be really cute with, like, a sweatshirt. You know, it's kind of like a look. With this button-down, maybe not as much. I think I would have actually liked it better if they were connected, but it might work. It might surprise me. This goes with that shirt and doesn't match at all. I thought they were the same color, but they do not match at all. So, we'll wear them together just so you can see, but this is a leather, faux-leather skirt. Oh, gotta love this plastic skirt, which is essentially what this is, but I kind of like this. (laughing) I like it as lot, actually. Please, work, it's a long, faux-leather skirt, and you could have a lot of fun with this. It is cheaply made a all get out. Like, I can see it, but I could hide that with a belt. Oh, and the front is kinda cute too. It has these little tab-over pockets. Like, I could hide this and make this a really cute look. Like, I can see it, it's in my head. It's gonna happen, and I think it's gonna fit me well. So I'm not mad at this. I'm actually kinda pumped to have this long, faux-leather skirt 'cause I haven't seen that. I've seen midi. I've seen, like, lots of body contour leather skirts, but I like that, I like that a lot. Um, I know some of you are gonna murder me for this, but I kind of like these aesthetic. I don't know what it is. Is it, like, "Little House on the Prairie" chic? I love this. I'm gonna put it on other things. I feel weird on how much I like this, but, but, this whole thing smells disgusting, like, trash bag left outside for several days so it could rot in the sun freshness. It's disgusting, it smells awful, and it's almost like maybe the fumes are getting to me. (laughing) That's why I like it. Okay, this is my sexy look. I wanted one look that was like, rowr! You know, Britney Spears, I guess, was pretty sexy too. This is a mesh, like, under-cupped boob shirt. Under-cupped boobs, is that a thing? Um, it's floral mesh. I don't know how I feel. I think it's, I kind of like the floral a lot. To go with it, to go with this lovely mesh shirt because I'm bringing all the boys to the yard, yeah, my milkshake. (growling) So this is a velvet skirt, mini skirt. It's actually really cute. It does have adjustable tie here, which I guess I'll have to do, but this is fun. This is fun. It's velvet. It feels nice and stretchy. It's probably gonna be super short when I don't need it. The skirt just, like, keeps creepin' up, and I'm, like, this this this skirt is a danger. This skirt is gonna show the world my goodies and I did not sign up for that. The top is cute. The top I could make work with some heels and some denim, but this skirt, not only is it a design travesty, but it's also a liability. This is a tee shirt that had a phrase on it which I don't remember. Oh, I like this. It's a tee shirt that says emotionally exhausted. It's appropriate for 2020. It's very soft, like, surprisingly soft, and a good size as well. Ooh, she's very soft, I like this. I like this a lot. I would wear this regularly. And it doesn't smell, winner, and it goes with this daisy print skirt. Oh, it's that fabric again that I really don't like. I think that if I could just somehow know that they were gonna use that fabric, I wouldn't buy the thing. I actually, even though I don't like the fabric on it, I would probably still wear it. I think 'cause it's not tight. I think when they're tighter and they get closer to the body and they're more likely to smell... Actually, yeah, this one's not too bad. I wish it did have some edges. Like, I've noticed some of the other pieces had some seaming, but this just has raw edges, but I don't hate it, guys. I don't hate it at all. I kind of, I like it. I don't know what kind of magic has gone on up here, but this is so incredibly soft. It's like uncanny. It's unusually soft. The skirt, I just wish it had pockets. I have one more piece, but it's actually a coat. I know, bold of me to actually purchase a coat from here, but it was faux fur, and I love faux fur, and I was like, I'm willing to give it a shot. So, this is, oh my gosh. Okay, I will probably take this stole off, which I can. This is removable, which is a nice feature. This is a rainbow, faux fur stole. Let's just even see if it'll fit on. Oh, I got this, oh no, help. Okay, but like, for real, she's not terrible. It's very soft, like, surprisingly soft, and this, like, little stole thing here at the top is really cool, and you can remove it and wear it with so many different things. Like, it's kinda awesome, and this easily comes off. Like, it has little loopy things that you can button it on or button it off. The lining is like a faux suede, (laughing) very far from faux suede, but that's what it's supposed to be. Actually, I don't even think it's lining. I think it's just the other side of the fabric. I don't care, man, you know, this is not a bad job for a faux fur jacket. Again, it's maybe one of the softest ones I've had. I mean, does it have pockets? If it has pockets, then I'm sold. Okay, so the only thing about it I don't like is it doesn't seem to have any pockets, but for real, not a bad investment, this faux fur coat. I love this. I love this so much. I just wish it had pockets. Like, what does SHEIN have against pockets? It feels like this at this point, that there's some type of beef, like pockets borrowed SHEIN's calculator and never returned it, and now pockets can't be included in anything 'cause none o' this stuff has pockets, but otherwise, it's really cute, and probably my favorite piece from the whole thing because these can be very expensive and this was really affordable. So, thanks for watching my SHEIN haul. I think it's safe to say that SHEIN is still the worst. You know, I had a lotta hopes. I had a lotta hopes and dreams that were crushed by this haul because I thought foolishly, at several parts during the unboxing that these things would work for me, and no. Links to everything are down below if you actually want any of this crap. I don't know why you would, but if you do, there are links down below. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. I'll check you later and peace.
Channel: Glitterandlazers
Views: 139,196
Rating: 4.4926577 out of 5
Keywords: plus size, shein, haul, shein haul, shein haul 2020, shein try on haul, huge shein try on haul, shein try on haul 2020, try on haul, try on, shein fall haul 2020, clothing haul, shein accessories haul, plus size haul, plus size model, shein plus size haul, shein plus size, plus size try on haul, plus size try on, plus size shein haul, plus size fashion
Id: BZzy5cT-Xmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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