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hey everyone it's me Alex and everyones favorite bird, Archie! [Music] today's video is a try on haul. we're looking at a brand called Shein. It's basically she-in (s h e i n). if you've never heard of Shein before it's a cheap Chinese clothing company and when I first talked about them I think it was well over a year ago now that I talked about them, they were nowhere near as big as they are now. they are so popular now and that's mostly due to the fact that they have a huge plus-size selection of clothes on their website. they have a section on the website for standard size clothing but there's an entire tab for plus-size clothing so in today's video not only am i going to be reviewing the standard size clothes from Shein, this is also a plus size haul because my friend Tiasha is an Australian size 14 to 16 so she falls nicely into their category on the probably like 0 XL side of shein plus size but all the clothes in the plus-size section go all the way up to a 4 XL. we tried to buy as many items of clothing that were similar from the standard section to the plus-size section. now some items are available in both sections but we did find that they would have similar alternatives but they weren't exactly the same so for example we have a skirt in today's video, it's a two-toned pink skirt, in the standard section it had a zip down the front with white trim and in the plus-size section it was slightly longer and the zip looked a little bit different so we've tried to pick out items that are very very similar. we're going to compare the price, we'll compare the fabrics, the quality, the make, the size. we've got pants, skirts, tops, jumpers, dresses, all sorts of things. so Tisha! everyone's favorite friend Tiasha! and she's wearing green today. I'm appeasing the overlord. hopefully are you going to be kind? he's side eyeing me. so what was your impression of Shein when you looked at it? so the plus size section really excited me, there's so many, so many nice clothes and it's like, not just sacks that make you want to like cover your body, like there was like actual trendy clothes so that's what I'm excited about. they had so many things. I was I was half-expecting it would be like one page of dresses or one page of skirts because it normally is really, yeah there were pages and I think under the dresses section was there like 2,000 items or something. really a little overwhelming. it was very overwhelming. so we've got our bags, so I reckon let's start just pulling items out and we'll try and match everything up. I see the cherry design, yes so we've got.. this is a really cute dress with cherries all over it there should be a second one they're different colors they are different colors they look the same On the website. they were very similar on the website oh wow I'm so sorry this is the plus size you git the plus size I'm different fabric let me feel straightaway oh I like this fabric more oh you're just thicker but I think I this one's nicer you reckon yeah just cuz i like i like it thinner you know like a like a shirt fabric right if you go to button up should you said like a work shirt you feels like that sort of fabric it feels like silky but kind of elasticy, yummy you're not plus size sorry Archie my one is open so this is a wrap dress so you actually wrap it up at the front is yours attached? Mine also is open oh is it yeah it's just got a little clippy button. okay so they're both wrap dresses. oh how exciting this one looks a fair bit shorter than your one. yes that's a fact and print wise yours has polka dots I did try to find one with cherries and polka dots but unfortunately I couldn't I really like the polka dots but I think this shade with the cherries looks nice yeah I really like this color next we also have a black pinafore now on the plus size section for pinafores they had this fake leather, fake leather god I really wanted to get a fake leather one that looks great I am so excited that looks awesome so my one I couldn't get in the standard size section a fake leather PU is that it polyurethane I couldn't get one did not exist so this one is just like a stretchy fabric still cute this is really cute I like the look of that one more because yours has a pocket on the front and mine does not mine looks a little bit shorter than yours as well I think that's gonna be case with all of them just cause of the sizing thing like generally you want slightly longer things if you have thick thighs yeah we put a zip on the back for me and a zip on the side for me okay it works well I'm surprised this didn't come in your size. yeah really thought there would be PU leather but I guess not, so we got rainbow dresses okay I must say it's very rare that if you're in shopping in the standard size section for clothing it's very rare that you're gonna be the disappointed one now I'm not saying this is a bad thing I'm just saying I would be so used to you know there'd be something really cool in a standard size section and it wouldn't be available in the plus-size section I literally always happens. yes always opposite here you had this awesome rainbow long shirt dress and this looks incredible look it's got these buttons at the top here it's so cute nothing like this existed in the standard size section there is still like a rainbow dress a long dress so this is the one from the standard size section yeah so this one slightly different rainbow I much prefer your rainbow. yeah mine's cool this is very colorful and beautiful mine it's still nice yeah it's got green on it at least I know this is long-sleeve so your size yeah mine's a long sleeve, yours a short sleeve not impressed and same Fabric, same fabric I like this so much it looks like a cool jersey, like yes now I reckon if you're shopping from standard sized clothes you can still fit into one of these and it would probably just look like an oversized dress which is cute I think that this one the maximum size came up to a large so I'm really excited about these these are super cute I'm actually glad that we're not perfectly matching, same, because if we ever Rock up at the same thing together and we decide to wear our rainbow top we won't look identical so it's still I guess haha ok these are cool this is something I've never dared to delve into because I feel like it's just not something that you would naturally go for when you're plus-size but this is super cool like a skin tight bodysuit like with them Wow I'm suit that's awesome I'm so excited to do this looks like I'm gonna be really very nice fabulous it's lovely so cozy I know who's gonna be like a meshy kind of thing that's super no it's not I thought it was gonna be sheer not sheer, very very soft turtleneck yes yep okay nice tick tick this came all the way up to a 4 XL for memories why does it say diabetes diabetes personal attack does that mean something no what else does it say yeah read that to me okay but bond do nee I'm guessing that says bond do nee I like your accent thank you very much holidays always a good idea oops oops diabete, everything's checking out except the diabete, surely that means something else is that that is not referring to diabetes maybe it means like sweet No so let us know what Daiya bet me yes this is awesome yeah I'm excited I'm jealous because mine isn't that nice - no way feel this it's okay fabric this is what I thought mine would feel why this is kinda kind of seen almost like scuber kind of fabric very stretchy but this is the type of fabric that when it stretches it becomes shit yeah yeah I bet ya see as you stretch it and it gets these like white lines and you can kind of see through it however the design is beautiful listen to my anime go the anime goes with red hair yeah me I definitely like the design of yours more though personally I like that it's white we couldn't find a white like newspaper style graffiti style bodysuit yeah in my section this is the closest that we got still cool oh it actually says something in Japanese it says read it ro... i... ro.... ro... i... ro... wakaranai, gomenasai, we got a few languages good yeah yeah that's right this is gonna look lovely with your hair Alex thank you really excited okay again I think you win so far from first impressions I like yours more yeah yeah I have not been unimpressed with the quality no somos but I really really really am surprised that we can't find things in your size but look how why would they not sell because they make it but you know what I like that third because I like that it's not like you know the the plus size is just an afterthought or we're just adding more sizes for you it's like we've made this you have your own section you can get cool stuff yeah it's normally vice versa it is nice but I'm also just like it wouldn't it be easier to just make everything and all that is true I just don't get it I don't understand anything so that's fine yeah next up is this good very exciting this is gonna look so like either great or terrible you don't like this material do you Oh sticky like it's sticky to itself, she pulled it out of the bag she like this bad but okay I hate this material I hate it absolutely hate it I think mines winning in terms of material mine is this nice Wow girl mine's a nice matte fake leather and it's not shiny yours is very very shiny yours is very very lovely it was is literally like a pink bin liner I have purple bin liners that look like this I don't like it and it didn't I mean I couldn't really tell from the photos I didn't think that it was this no neither this is just like offensive to me. pocket do I have pockets? oh god what does that mean like who wins who truly wins just who's the wrinkled paper you would okay if this was this material with pockets and came in both sizes they would be unstoppable, perfect skirts I can't, yours is so beautiful to look at with my eyes are instantly like... pleased. It's so nice color wise let's hold them up okay because so what we were going for was we wanted the two-tone mine I think that these shades of pink I think they're nicer I don't like this shade this is like a fluro pink, okay you do not like this is okay bubblegum pink but mine is just definitely more pleasing to the eye they both have the o-ring yeah and they both have the same style of zip yeah and the band at the top yeah I think I finally have a win I mean yeah it's a big win too big win okay jeans, now you've had great success with jeans on shein haven't you? I had a big moment we all had a moment Tiasha and Millie over on their channel the marshmallowgals, they posted a shein Haul a little while ago Tisha found the best Jeans, I wear them all the time, In the world, I got so emotional you were so emotional because you know it can be hard when you're a plus-size to find perfect jeans, they were perfect. I loved them, they're everything, so I hope these are as good a lot to live up to you immediately the color is a bit oh... a lot for me yeah I didn't think it was that blue, yeah I thought it would be more like that is a denim color yeah so these are mine now they're both high-waisted jeans yeah I like the cut a lot they're like a wide leg this has a lovely high waist yeah that doesn't seem like denim hmm I don't think that's fake fake denim, fake denim, mine's actual denim hmm that's unfortunate I really thought you were gonna get real denim, like your other ones Archie's coming for your feet excuse me sir I think by the looks of it I win because I've got actual denim, yeah I don't I don't know I don't vibe this yeah bottoms though the bottoms of my jeans Oh shocking shocking like literally looks like someone just took at it with a pair of scissors, my hem, it doesn't look deliberate you know you can you can leave jeans unfinished on the hem for a for a look, can you see this it's got like this weird dip in it here it's not finished properly it's got little seams hanging off it all over the place and it I mean it is possibly deliberate, but it doesn't look good enough to be deliberate, yeah it's terrible it's terrible both of these seem like a little bit of a fail I've got clean hems yeah you have a this is nicely hemmed we do have a loose stitch up here though do we don't like to see that now this is the first thing I've spotted poor craftsmanship on but oh look Oh you have like threads coming off, Oh No look at this this is this is terrible There's thread peeking out from the jeans, no doubt so far but we we know there are good jeans on shein, we have seen them yes but not these are not today Satan right now finally we have a dress they came in a very large range of sizes so I think this went from a extra small or small yes to to a two XL yeah so this one wasn't actually from the plus-size section this was from the standard size section but it had a large size range so this we can wear to the party together can't the exact exact same tweedle dum and tweedle dee I was about to say you're Tweedledum and then an Archie should have laughed, we should wear this next time we film a video together yeah so this is a long long it's like a not a maxi dress but it's just shy of just yeah it's got pockets on the front and it's color-block there we go we've got a coloured pocket on the black side yes and on the colored side we have the black pocket this is just really casual it's linen its linen it's really nice for summer yeah but it does feel cheap it feels very cheap it does this is the cheapest thing so far compared to everything else so we pulled out just feels like really basic fabric I can see some loose stitches on yours already around the pockets here yeah those is pulling the combination of the crinkles and the loose stitch and stuff just makes it look really striking yeah so it might look nice on ya but not good first of yeah oh good this next top now I mentioned this in my Aliexpress video because I posted an Aliexpress haul recently and I had a shirt just like this. I ordered these option but I'm interested to see if they're like the ones that I got off Aliexpress oh you have the exact same top from aliexpress? I thought it would be the same this is the one that I got from Aliexpress and I was so happy with this this feels similar to your bodysuit it's not a sheer mesh this is that you know stretchy fabric and the colors are very very bold obviously because it's not sheer the the white fabric gives the colors something to stand out against is it at the same print I think it's almost exactly identical it looks identical but completely different fabric. Archie! now what I was curious about was is shein getting their stuff from the same warehouse that Aliexpress sources from this is very different very similar print the same almost the same butterflies yeah not exactly it's not exactly the same that was from the plus-size section from the standard so they were separate listings but they are the exact they're exactly the same is it strange because they also have a small price difference I believe yes there is a difference, they are exactly the same right yeah yeah they are yep but I'm really glad to see oh no hang on look at the difference look mine's cropped look at the length of your Wow yours is a full length okay mine is like sits above the belly button yours is a full length top oh it's not intended to be a crop top, Mines intentionally short I see but they both have lettuce trim on the bottom I know it's very pretty I love lettuce trim so that's really cute and interesting though that they don't have a cropped option in the plus size section personally I would have liked a longer one I like tucking it I love tucking in these sorts of shirts so that's a shame for me but fabric everything quality the same much this feels really nice and last but not least okay last but not least we found the plus size one first and then I looked for the standard size and I found something similar this is so cute it's an off-the-shoulder with the little fuzzy bits at the top with a piece of red thread oh so us has little tiny sleeves and it's a ribbed fabric mine is completely different fabric Long sleeve too, end long sleeve but other than that still off the shoulder with the fluffy trim, you're gonna sweat in this one it's gonna be something warm I love black fluffy trim things I think they're so cute I would have preferred one with short sleeves yeah definitely just more versatile more versatile but that being said I think that black long sleeves are very slimming yeah so it would have been nice if they also had an option in a plus size section full of short sleeves and long sleeves and make sense and don't know why they don't offer that it's very strange it just seems like it's not like they're particularly being discriminated it just seems random yeah it's just like how do they decide that there's where seems so random I want you to go for my feet so what we're gonna do now we'll start trying all these things on we have some outfits paired up - feathers - this this is what we're gonna do to you if you don't behave not so let's jump into these we have some outfits that we've put together for you guys if you've uh watch this far and you're enjoying this size comparison give us a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this cuz I'm speaking for us both you know I say we're happy to try on clothes together it's a funny video don't make me stop so if you want to see more videos like this give us a thumbs up so we know and with that let's jump into the Try on whoo okay so here's my outfit number one so we've paired the body suit without jeans tiasha is getting changed in the other room I'm very excited to see how hers turned out so why don't you come on in how are the jeans these are the best jeans I know that you love sorry comfy I'm shaking oh I can't believe how good these are my only downside incredible I don't have belt holes do you I do okay that's points for you no belt holes for me but these fit very well like a dream you built it cinches it cinches in well and there's pockets on the back no pockets on the front you have pockets On the front, nice have you got them on the back you do so you win in the pocket Department I win in the I would say style Department it looks bigger well together the length of these these are very very very long and they go all the way down to my feet and even when I wear high heels you'll still be able to see just a little bit of the heel but not too much these are some of my favorite jeans I literally I have jeans from fashion nova and yesstyle and all different places and again I did not think that they'd be good I'm always skeptical about ordering jeans from Chinese website but I have not been let down though ever have I think we have Only bought jeans from them twice yeah most times they look sorry I love yell I'm so surprised it's why I didn't like the color when you pulled it out of the bag but the blue in here goes with the blue that's on the shirt so as an outfit yeah it works as an outfits yeah tell them how to do yeah well the suit looks amazing it looks good long sleeves nice long and they're not too tight oh just make sure what we like back way back yeah they're not that tight I was really worried it would be like constricting but the sleeves are kind of loose we got this in a small and I thought that it would fit quite tight it's got a fair bit of room though it's quite hot fabric though I'm feeling a little bit stuffy same is yours stuffy? i'm sweating yep so this sort of fabric both of us they're different fabrics but they don't breathe either of them but I think I would go for this body suit, yeah because I like this fabric so much I think that fabric is a lot how is your crutch depart Oh so this lengthwise is a little tiny bit short for my torso thanks wait really because like this much Wow no mine's a little bit short mine has three buttons at the bottom right Same okay what do we think guys outfit number one who do you like better do you like the standard size with the sort of orange and anime print or would you like the newspaper print that comes in the plus size my pick I like this but I like these jeans better what do you think my pick that's perfect for you color wise everything I wouldn't change a thing you look perfect so for this the bodysuit that Tiasha is wearing is $15.95 Australian dollars Alex's body suit $17.96 tiasha's jeans are more expensive than mine though tiasha's jeans are $36 which surprises me because yours is real denim my my jeans are $34 so there's only one dollar price difference but like tiasha said unusual seeing as mine's real denim and those are fake denim so value wise basically the same very very similar in price for both of these so with that on to the next outfit okay outfit number two is the rainbow dresses so as you guys remember mine is long sleeve with a crewneck tiasha's has buttons so let's call tiasha in, tiasha, Yes I think it was cool none no that's because you have a fear of buttons that's true I'm sorry that is not like an exaggeration tiasha hates buttons, I do it's not a fear, it's like it just intense disgust said this is like not my jam you should do we should swap see if you'll fit in the yeah because I will have that do you reckon we can fit I don't know if i'll fit but we should try to after this, yeah you're drowning in mine but if it was your size so we've done a quick swap I definitely still I think I like this more on you yeah I don't know it's just about your size I totally feel size you'd like it maybe but even still I think that color wise I think these colors complement your skin tone right man really do I think that they look really nice on your skin this to me I still like it on you thank you but I am I know I wish you didn't have a fear of buttons cuz I think these look so cute on you so mine's a size small yeah I'm still fitting into it it's not around my belly like if I went up once I could probably fit into a medium yes this one you can still you can still get it yeah I love it that is like the best rainbow dress I have ever seen mine I think mine's really boring what don't you you need to accessorize like you'll just also I don't really like this fabric they yours is thicker those is a really a big soft fabric - just feels a little bit cheap yeah yeah no you're right you're right yeah mine feels like a proper outfit words yeah it's kind of like Oh what is it take my eyes off you I love the length on you - it comes down just to the knees it looks really nice this will be so cute with white sneakers it's very summer fresh mine is I don't know yet summer yours this summer this is not necessarily like a summer one because it's a bit dull yeah yours is way more colour in it yeah if you like the yellow my little pastel that's just short sleeves it would give more yeah I think so yes just cuz this weird like it's kind of light but it's also long sleeves see now looks cooler do you reckon yeah regardless the rainbow dresses are adorable yeah but yeah a hundred points to Gryffindor I wish it had pockets that's all it needs because I want to like / okay do you know what maybe you could sew on some pockets, yeah no just put a slit there right before yeah yeah doable yeah I'm a big fan it is fun it is fun okay I have to get over my fear of buttons, fear irrational fear of buttons okay let's talk about price yes yeah so mine is 27 Australian dollars and was 16 in Australian dollars so immediately you can tell like that's got nothing to do with size yeah what acts means if they charge more for larger sizes yeah it is understandable it's has some extent because they use more fabric it's not that much more fabric but imagine if they charged $10 more for a one or two sizes up but in this case it makes sense that your quality quality yours is way better than mine mine's nowhere near as good as yours okay so here's my cherry dress I don't like it at all and just said to see what Tiasha thinks about it do you want to come in oh it's so cute oh yours is a disappointment yeah Wow I love you oh my god you look amazing thank you like it doesn't love it it's a little b**bie for my liking like I don't normally put my look showing my b**bs but I have a weird, um can't relate, so both of them and have like a little hole I mean mine has a hole and mine doesn't my was interesting yeah mine has a hole here and you put the string through it and then you bring it around and tie it so that's interesting how does yours tie up? so mine this flap doesn't actually sit on anything it's just hanging there and then this comes around and like it has a little clasp that connects that oh okay so mine you basically wrap it around like that and then pull a little thing through and then tie it at the back see I like that detail like the little like tie at the back like this it's cute I love yours I like my fabric a little bit better yeah I think yours it just feels a little bit cheap too synthetic yes synthetic that's a good way of putting it mine's nice mine's very warm though I feel like that would probably breathe better yeah this is really calm mine's really really uncomfortable then also the length that yours is a much prettier layer mine is very very short like even to the point where you can almost see right up there's no shorts? there's no shorts it just it comes up too high in the very center I also I'm not such a fan of these frills I I don't mind your frills I think your designs way cuter I love the polka dots too I love the length I feel like a housewife from the 50s like I should bake a cherry pie for my boy I love yours thank you yours wins in my book you know honey mine wins in terms of fabric no particular difference in price between these two mines $30 and Tiasha's is 31 something to consider though yeah your fabric isn't as good true but I feel like I'm definitely getting way more bang for my buck you are I would say more length better style I would be so disappointed if I paid that for that, oh yeah yeah I can't really you can't really wear that no I can't we're too short it's way too short I don't know what I'm gonna do with this it's so short I can't wear it I mean maybe I could convert it into a cardigan or something like a robe possibly and I could just wear this around home as a robe I don't think I feel comfortable wearing this out of the house okay so this next outfit is the black feathery top with the pink two-tone skirt I must say right off the bat I'm in love with this I think this is my favorite outfit second to the the jeans and the bodysuit this is my second favorite outfit very excited to see how to Tiashas turned out really isn't really tight oh my god you look amazing thank you yeah you know what wearing it is nowhere near as bad learning is it's like holding it off looks wise no but like you just make so much noise okay let's do a sound test you go okay okay so people hear you from a mile you'll see and hear me coming I'm so embarrassed but you have pockets yeah girl the pocket look at this look at me on you look incredible sorry you know we actually look incredible they look like We're from a girl gang, who you'd like to bash up like I'll do it oh my goodness the short sleeves what do you mean I think long sleeves are way more elegant you're amazing and slender your arms they have black sleeves are very slimming so I think points for the long sleeves versus short sleeves I still like the look of the short sleeves, this skirt is incredible I can't believe how nice this is if this skirt was that material I would have been a so disappoint yeah this is the best seriously feel it it's so soft and really soft but it's plastic yeah but it's very soft whereas yours nobody's if I try and run my hand down my fingers stop yeah so the thing with mine is it really is like it's just a plastic bag on my body it's not tight around my waist it's like loose but it's tight around my hips so it's just like this tube that I'm kind of stuck in well thank you having trouble walking it's just not comfortable look not comfortable mine super comfortable it doesn't hug too tight around the thighs so I can walk without being constrained yours is a really nice length yeah it is it's still flattering I wouldn't mind if this came down to the same length as yours this would be really nice like a long elegant pencil skirt that would be lovely know why that would be amazing cuz with the length it looks like a trashy outfit but then it has all the elegance of not a trashy outfits you're confusing people and I like that definitely so in terms of price so my top is 14 and your tops 18 so I guess that just the extra fabric makes it more expensive because you have longer sleeves right okay and then my skirt is $24 and yours is 15 I can't believe this is a $15 good if the prices were reversed it would make a lot more sense because I feel like if it's gonna be definitely does mine feels like a 25 even a $30 skirt I would say I would pay happily like $40 yeah it's true I would too if I went into a store if I wasn't shopping online I actually had a chance to see that good I pick it off and be like 25 dollars not very thinking you would not even try this schedule no you wouldn't even bother I don't think based on the fabric you guys might like the look of it on camera it does look incredible on Tiasha so maybe that's selling it to you but definitely the standard sized skirt wins in this round opposed the fabrics amazing fits really nice yeah could do with a little bit more length much comment even so perfect is it really I wouldn't change a thing that's so nice so nice okay guys so this is mine obviously I know I look fantastic jokes the one thing that I find really annoying with these kind of pinafore dresses which I have had a problem with specifically before is the little square they make here needs to be bigger for plus-size girls generally because they have bigger b**bs so obviously my b**bs are making this area bigger and your square hits it gonna cover it some if this is happening which I don't I don't mean I don't know if it yeah you can tell it just looks like there's not enough this is just you small you know still cute but too small Alex come in oh wow you look really nice that you like supposed to look like okay here's mine so the difference immediately is it what's the problem with you are you saying that my pinafore square is too small for my b**bs I think mine is too I don't even have a b**bs but I think mine's quite tiny too oh there's a bit of hanging out going on outside here yeah this is too small in general I would say what do you think maybe it's because pinafores are more directed to a younger people possibly okay but then you know don't sell them in my size what do you want me to say your facts tracks I like the look of this fake leather yeah I really like that I think it's cool sorry 9 makes it different right yeah yeah no the top is exactly the same right okay zigzag you put nice loose sleeves my sleeves are quite tired oh okay yeah you have a little bit of room I actually really like this sort of mesh yeah I think it makes it more comfortable and you know yours comes to your knees mine is well above my knees I would say but it's still a good length yeah it's not horrificly short I've definitely picked up I got a pinafore dress from romwe a little while ago and that was so short it's almost impossible to wear and you have super long legs that's hot that is true that is true so in terms of price now app tops as we said they're exactly the same exactly the same but yours is what five bill mines 5 whole dollars more and that is like there is no enough size difference to cover five dollars worth of fabric I guess there is a little bit remember yours mine is cropped so mine stops there I forgot yours has a little bit of fabric on the bottom that would be it that would be it I usually times yeah yeah black one that was like the black one because yours was long sleeve and it was more expensive okay so it's looking like the price difference is sort of making out foot if there's any excess fabric they don't seem to be discriminating against size it's not like that purposefully charging more yeah plus size clothes yeah just seems practical the price difference yeah so the top tiasha's is was it 18 18 and mine's 13 yeah but for the pinafore mine was only 15 yep and mine was 30, 30 I don't think oh this whole outfit together is not a $40 outfit to me is it maybe maybe I must say you say like that it actually $40 money no losses okay yeah I just think that this is justified for that price it all up you look better though yeah like looking in the camera I feel I like the way mine comes out and makes a shape yep but it makes it really nice for some reason I think maybe these fabrics aren't matching or something's going on which I'm not feeling whereas I think you look much nicer bear in mind yours has a pocket and yours is that nice fake leather no man does have oh yeah he's got one pocket at the front mine's got no pocket and is a very cheap fabric and doesn't really have very much shape to it yeah it just sort of sits it doesn't declare out my stuff like yours yeah so I just feel like $18 is a lot me when I found I was $20 but I think the top is a major win yes is a great find but I love mesh tops I even even though my pinafore is cheap and not particularly pretty yeah I think it's worth it for like what 13 or 14 oh it's really nice actually keeps coming for these box yeah so this really obsessed you know what's strange about yours her buttons are gold but your buckle oh we didn't even notice that how it's really weird oh okay I like that your was a so yeah that's very strange what do you think of the quality of the buckles they've been they're very thin and feel precarious it feels pretty arias I don't know how durable they're going to be but I think that these outfits overall I think they're very cute outfits I think we look really nice here is the unusual linen dress I'm not a fan let's do it I'll just say that I'll just leave it it i'm not a fan and then i'll call in to Tiasha famous cakes in asylum together in like a european country and never hide in an Amish community what happened fun it's just terrible oh my gosh I want to so desperately suit these sort of dresses yeah I think Korean girls this aesthetic perfect by doing couple designs like this a very popular in Korea and Japan and other Asian countries I don't know it just doesn't know it doesn't look right it just don't you guys can't even see the worst of it and it truly is all about the length like if these dresses right now will cut where the cameras cutting just under the pockets okay that actually we could trim them that's true we can cut them here they did it to the jeans they just hacked at them with scissors and it on finish that it we can do that with these dresses um lengthwise I think they're they're exactly the same then the same length or they're the same dress pulley constructed I see loose Threads really bad because actually they're very breathable I think because it's linen this is feeling very airy actually very cool you know we a pop this is a cold like wipeout fault this is like the way so even with dresses you almost feel like totally green we would be part of the poppy yeah look I think style wise let's see what we can do let's see if I can style this some help possibly with a belt we mine able to dress the subtle cinch a little cinchy cinch possibly and maybe with shoes it might look a little bit better girl my optimist I feel like this was a wasted opportunity we should have picked something else yeah but the reason that we picked this was because we wanted to find something in the standard size section that goes all the way up yeah but also we wanted to find a long dress and we go through the plus size and the standard size and we couldn't find long dresses that were the same yeah if you want to do some digging on shein please feel free if you ever find something that's in plus size and in standard size or very very similar and you want us to make another video drop the item in the comments below we searched for a very long time yeah all the dresses starting to look the same and we were like just grab it just grab anything the issue we found was we're actually looking for like a floral maxi dress yes there were floral maxi dresses in the plus-size section there were floral maxi dresses in the standard size section none of them with the same like not even slightly it was like you might find a blue one with flowers and then a pink one with flowers in a somewhat similar cut so frustrating and also like all the ones in the straight sizes would go up to one XL yeah but passed out they just wouldn't and it's like if you're gonna make one XL yeah so anyway aside from that so this is a $33 dress oh I'm horrifying my just been $66 to look like tweedledum and 12 oh my god appropriate for tweens I'm Twitter early only tweedledum and tweedledee would spend $66 to look like this it's an embarrassment we're sorry guys like you don't let you all down and this is what we're ending on like what only know you know we can end on what did you bring you a jumper I put my okay we're gonna show you something really really cool yeah that we ordered in my size that but it didn't turn up or well maybe we didn't order it maybe we were certain in our minds that we ordered it but it's not in the bag yeah but Tiasha from her other haul she is got this amazing two-tone corduroy jacket it's incredible and it is available in all sizes right up to four XL I'll grab that okay the dress underneath is not doing it justice no but this is from Shein this is actually a copy of isn't Lazy Oaf yeah I think so we don't know afterward yeah this is awesome it's so nice I've gotten so much use out of it and we wanted to get this for you as well and it's the exact same design like the same colors the same patches on the straight size as well yeah yeah but yeah you can get this in a small right up to a 4XL and we highly recommend it it's so pretty like it's green and pink corduroy with a little hint of gray very comfortable do you remember how much that was I think let me just this is $25 and it's 26 for the straight sizes oh thank you guys I'm sorry I'm just I like the smaller size is actually a dollar extra so go oversized go oversized yeah so we love this so this is a good note to end on yeah that's to this okay guys so that's it that's everything if you are liked today's video and you like the size comparison standard size plus size if you have any items that you want to Tiasha and I to try out then leave them in the comment section below don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you liked this video because we definitely enjoyed making it so much fun what was your favorite outfit well is what your favorite outfit was my I think the first one was actually such a surprise hello Santa I love the first one and the pink skirt with yes we both looked amazing in that yeah so we had some winners I've had some very big misses we don't talk about this but it's hit or miss guess they never miss so with that don't forget to subscribe to Tiasha's channel, it's the marshmallowgals and you can find me on Instagram it's prettypastelplease, you can find Archie, it's archieeclectus, you can find Tiasha it's marshmallowgals, so with that thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time mama peek-a-boo peek-a-boo peek-a-boo peek-a-boo
Channel: Pretty Pastel Please
Views: 1,423,159
Rating: 4.9291296 out of 5
Keywords: shein, shein haul, shein 2019, haul, shein plus, shein plus size, plus size haul, try on haul, shein dress, shein review, shein australia, shein clothing, shein reviews 2019, shein fashion shopping online, shein dresses, bodysuit, plus size model, haul video, haul 2019, plus size, clothing haul, clothing haul 2019, sierra schultzzie, two body shapes, plus size fashion, plus size try on haul, plus size outfits, mia maples, safiya nygaard, pretty pastel please, roxxsaurus
Id: gPntN0v054U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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