Succulent Pan Fried Fillet of Steak | MasterChef UK: The Professionals | MasterChef World

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I love the cookery of the beef the puree of the sweet corn is delicious the bone marrow is excellent and it and it works very very [Music] well I've got inspiration from this dish from pairing different flavors together which I know go together I'm hoping that it's something they haven't eaten before really so it's going to be quite interesting what they think about it I'm going to do a pan fry fil steak with a miso sweet corn and a bone marrow like Galata used in like coriander this is the kind of food I want to do it's like French English Cuisine with um Asian Twist on it what is it you love that inspires you about East Meets West for me I don't think it's been really been done I haven't really seen it in England before it's in a little bit of it but I want to see how far I can push it have you tried it the other way around have you taken Asian dishes like pad Tha and put a Cornish pasty in it or anything no it doesn't work I'm afraid that doesn't work F of beef is a Prime Cut and it needs special care because he's not surrounded in fat this dish is about getting the balance right the soy and the Miso has got to work well the coriander flavors can't be too strong he's adapting this dish to to suit his style of cooking and I like that I think this could work chefs you have 30 minutes to go now I need to pull out all of the stops I really need to kind of prove to them that the mistakes I made were just lack of knowledge rather than lack of cooking skills Matt tell me all about your signature dish the the dish is going to be baked halber with scallops poached in ataran butter cider steamed muscles pressed greens and a old style Coral sauce some penous potatoes and some sfire okay and all of these different flavors and textures together all all work they work you've got sweetness you know from the from the cider from the muscles you get a tiny bit of bitterness come through from the coral Source I feel that I let myself down in the skills test I was very very nervous hopefully I can go forward and put that behind me Good Luck thank [Music] you Matt's got po scallops in butter which is a nice idea brings out the best of a scolar sweetness will butter it at the same time but if the butter gets too hot it's going to be like rubber Matt is finishing a fillet of halit in the oven perfect way to cook it it's a beautiful fish but you don't want to overcook it this dish is fairly complicated I've got it down to pretty much on the hour to give me 15 minutes to Plate it up I love the dish because it shows Cornish produce and Italian techniques and that's what I'm all about Josh tell me all about your signature dish okay so I'm doing a SV lamb rump I'm serving that with ravioli filled with ricotta peino and roast garlic Broad beans asparagus and Sala verie okay and the past is made with burnt wheat so that kind of gives a little subtle smokiness hopefully okay interesting not had that before when you serve pasta in your restaurant do you ever serve it with a piece of meat never no the Italians I was cooking this dish for some Italians actually and they were saying yeah it's quite strange having ravioli and lamb but I think it goes quite well my family likes it I'm looking forward to this thank [Music] you Josh's needs to be Al Dente firm enough to hold the mix but thin enough it's just going to break away when you eat it and I'm really curious about this special Italian burnt flour are we going to be able to taste this cuz I really want to try it josy's rump of lamb he's put into the souie machine he's going to caramelize it in the pan as well just to get some beautiful roasted flavor I've never had rump of lamp with pasta Parcels before I'm not 100% sure whether this will work or not you have 15 minutes left this dish it's one of those dishes that can go all wrong or'll go absolutely perfect so I need to keep Calm before I get too excited and too competitive Alex tell us about your dish so I'm going to serve a pigeon and pigeon and duck mousse inside a crispy cigar serf for cerc hazelnut crumb and a mul date sauce nice can you tell us where the inspiration of this dish has come from so I've always liked cooking again birds and pigeons them sort of things I think we got bold flavors going through we've got a lot of textures as well when it all comes together I think it'd be a brilliant dish so what are your Ambitions uh I'd love to be a head chef of M St restaurant one day it' be amazing as a dream Alex is cooking pigeon today and that beautiful pastry crisp filled with pigeon and duck MSE quite a skillful thing to get right what a time to show it there is a huge amount of risk here it's about the cooking of the pigeon making sure it's spot on but Alex looks confident this is his style of cooking you have got five minutes [Music] left 60 seconds Josh doesn't seem to be my on that plate [Music] chef time's up stop well done chefs Matt has served baked halibut butter poach scollops pressed greens paler potatoes cider Ste steamed muscles a squid in TW and a sauce made from the coral of the [Music] scollops the fish for me is overcooked for my liking I love the pener potatoes and I'd want more of the sauce cuz I'm not getting the depth of of the coral which is a real shame it's nice but I want wanted to be completely blown away from from your cooking today Matt you've got a lot of ingredients that should all come together but they don't an individual piece of fish with some spinach some muscles and scallop and nothing binds this dish together it could have worked however the lovely things that I tasted there those muscles and that sauce just aren't enough of them just didn't go the way that I thought it was going to go today so a little bit disappoint OED Luke has served pan fried fillet of beef a coriander salsa miso sweet corn burnt baby corn glazed bone marrow crispy onion rings and a miso and rice wine Jew very very interesting looking dish I love the cookery of the beef the puree of the sweet corn is delicious the bone marrow is excellent and and it works very very well but having said that what's running through this dish that I don't like there's a sweetness to it and it sits within the sauce for me and it doesn't complement the dish at all I love the sweet corn I love your sticky sauce I love the way you cook the beef I think it's great the the bone marrow just felt odd bone marrow is is beef flavor pumped up and although cooked well it seemed really odd to get sweetness and then real beefiness it was just unusual I have enjoyed the flavors I have here coriander the sweet corn and the beef is cooked wonderfully there's just too much miso everywhere on the plate that it's it's so strong so I think a little less of the Miso but otherwise not a bad start look I think with the dish I did it's quite challenging to suit everyone's palette hopefully I'll make more you know friends and [Music] [Music] enemies
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 16,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef uk, masterchef uk the professionals, masterchef uk the professionals season 11, marcus wareing, gregg wallace, monica galetti, masterchef the professionals, cooking video, baked halibut, fillet of beef
Id: ziCafkrKhg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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