I soaked steaks in PONZU sauce for 1 MONTH and ate it!

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thanks R tech for sponsoring this video this is today's special ingredient ponzu sauce you can use this for many things including Sushi or as a dipping sauce and of course a marinade that is exactly what we're about to do today and for that I'm going to be using this beautiful New York strip as you can see it is Choice grade 1 and 1/2 in thick and perfect for today's experiment and here's how this experiment is going to go down the first thing to do is to place the steak on a container then I immediately go in with the panzu sauce I made sure that the whole steak is covered with it the more the better now here's the interesting thing I'm going to be marinating one for a day another one I'll be doing for a whole week the very last one I'll be doing it for a whole month this way it's really going to let us know if this is a good thing or a bad one and I cannot wait to find out what the results are going to be so once it was ready inside the refrigerator it goes as that was happening it was awesome because it allow me time to go ahead and make an awesome side dish and this one is going to please everyone and to make it it is ridiculously easy and here's how the first ingredient we need is this shyu you can buy it on your local Asian market or you can make it at home I even done an experiment cooking steaks with it and this thing is magical it is delicious and Uncle Roger approved it it made the steaks better oh yeah and to use it it's super simple here I have a pork shoulder usually to smoke something like this it takes anywhere between 8 hours to 12 and to speed up the process and make it even better what I like to do is to go ahead and start removing the bone you just got to work it on the edges and if you do it right the bone will come out nice and easy and since now I have more surface area not only will we cook faster it will allow me to get more marinade since the surface area is so much larger talking about that that's pretty much all I have to do I got to add this wonderful Shu marinate on it adding as much as possible because believe me when I tell you that's it it was now ready to go into the smoker and for that I'm going to be using my dual fire rect tag it's called dual fire for two reasons I can basically have two cooking Chambers in One smoker this side right here I'm going to be adding the pork I set it to 350° F close the lid and it's going to take about 3 to 4 hours and this one here specifically gets up to 800° F you can sear steaks or cook anything you like I'm telling you folks I'm in love with it it's like having two for the price of one talking about that by this time my pork was ready and take a look perfectly cooked we got a little bit of char and exactly what I was looking for because now the only thing I have to do is to go ahead and slice it and when I did oh boy this thing is as juicy as you gets now that is what I'm talking about perfection if you take a closer look you can even see that we got a little bit of smoke ring come on now but we're not done yet as the next thing to do is to go ahead and cut it in small strips because to make it healthy we're going to add some vegetables but I'll be using carrots and cabbage as the next thing to do is to go ahead and throw everything into a strainer and throw hot water right on top you can also just throw it in boiling water and then strain it out either way will work just fine we don't want to fully cook the vegetables just a little bit like this is good enough because now into a bow I threw in some five spice followed by salt some green onions tiny bit of MSG and to finish it up sesame oil now mix everything well and this is ready now I'll be using some spring roll pastry to roll everything out you can buy this in your Supermarket on the Asian aisle and the best part is that it is easy to work with take a look I first placed down one sheet followed by a tiny bit of vegetables then I added the pork we just cooked wrapped everything up and to close it I added a little bit of water and that's all there is to it you can make a bunch they are delicious and it will please everyone to finish them up all you got to do is deep fry them until it's golden Brown because remember one thing everything in there is already fully cooked we're just trying to get a nice crispy crust as once I was done to be healthy I just threw some green onions right on top that's really not necessary though but what it is is this sauce which is sweet and sour sauce if you've never made it it's super simple and here's how into a bowl I threw in some white vinegar followed by sugar and then ketchup now mix everything well and if you want a super bright red color you can add some food coloring because once you have done so there you have it sweet and sour sauce this is going to be absolutely delicious to go along with the side dish and I'll tell you one thing it will please everyone don't believe me you just wait and see but I cannot say the same exact thing about today's experiment because by this time my steaks were ready I first started with the one for a day and when I opened it up it went from red to this color not very appetizing the one for a week was a little bit more interesting much darker and as I placed it on a cooling rack things got a little bit weird but check out the one for a month things went completely South on this one not only is it much darker it is the weirdest experiment I've ever had I was not expecting this to happen let me explain a little bit better because once I got all of the steak nice and dry I lay them down on a cutting board and take a look here we have all four steaks the first one is the control it is exactly what it's supposed to be and most importantly it feels and it looks like a steak now the one that was marinated for a day obviously the color is completely different but the smell it is fantastic steak it has a Umami citrusy smell that is just wonderful I don't know if you can tell but the steak also started to cook itself it is extremely tender but take a look at the one that was done for a week much darker and the smell is no longer as pleasant as the previous one the steak also started to get eaten by the panzu sauce crevices are much larger fibers are completely separating from each other and lastly the one for a month I don't even know how to explain it in words I'll do my best take a look at this thing not only did the punzo ate it it also tried to put it back together it became like a glue it doesn't feel like a steak every time you press on it the indentation stays if you are familiar with saichi you know that the Citrus Cooks everything and that's exactly what it did to this steak this one is as weird as it gets because the only thing I have to do is to go ahead and get them seasoned I kept the seasoning the same for all of them except obviously for the Contra one which got some salt everything else got freshly ground black black pepper and garlic powder panzu sauce is naturally salty already so there was no need to add as now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook them first I'm going to be putting a nice wonderful sear then I'll cook them in indirect heat until I reach an internal temperature of 135° f so now I say it is enough talking and it is time to grill the steak so let's do [Music] it [Music] [Music] a all right everybody and here we got our beautiful steak with a nice side dish gentlemen are you guys hungry hell yeah I'm ready we got four steaks in here let's go with all that being said we got a little experiment going on I want your honest opinion here let me know which one tastes better worse or just be as brutal as you can sounds like a plan yeah pleas start right here Gentlemen let's go look I'm going to be honest Goga I don't know what this experiment is but I'm kind of on to you there is a different smell in the air that doesn't smell beefy okay it smells beefy ah okay enough talking let's give it a try cheers everybody cheers beefy all right I never get tired of steaks it has a wonderful meaty flavor beautifully tender and you have that nice charcoal flavor that's added to it slight smokiness just beautiful flavor on this steak I love this I could squeeze the damn juice out of this steak I like that M squeezing the juices out everybody and that's how it should be done can you guys tell which one that is has to be a Google steak yes the control with all that being said that's delicious please let's dig in on the next one jump in gentlemen smell different yeah this definitely smell different yeah really why you look surprised I don't know because I didn't expect it to smell any different at all enough talking let's give it a try cheers everybody cheers wo wow yo that is amazing everybody it's less Savory there's an added flavor there that I get in the steak juices primarily pretty good good I'm not going to lie that is a 10 out of 10 will highly recommend how delicious that is I cannot believe this is so good like this do you guys get that flavor it's like a little lemony yes 110% that is fantastic I cannot wait to try the next one can we please try that side just everybody else had it let let's get some okay let's try it a little dunk Leo a little Dage please don't make a mess please don't make bombastic side eye so what this is is a charu egg R let me know what you guys think you ready for it yes sir cheers everybody cheers oh come on hold on the flavor that you get from the inside of this egg roll is delicious I will say goog this pork is so juicy and it's so flavorful so delicious I detected something that Leo did not describe there is some sesame oil in here there is some sesame oil and there's maybe a little bit too much vegetable oh my God maybe a little bit too much you know no but hey that pork is actually so damn good it is so easy to make you got a smoker at home go ahead put it in there everybody it doesn't take a long time to do it treat yourself with something like this let's go for the second one let me know please dig in gentlemen how does it smell very different compared to the second steak oh man I can't wait to try this cheers everybody Che cheers oh my God that Amplified so much so much more powerful yeah it's a lot stronger though it's lemony a little bit acidic which actually balances out the Savory beefiness and I feel like I don't know if it's just me but these steaks taste a little bit juicier too yeah I know it tastes amazing that is fantastic but it's it's very powerful for me mhm it's the same flavor but it's a little bit too much little bit I'm also getting a little bit of umami from this where it's like kind of lingering coating my tongue feels pretty nice that tasted good but I am so excited for you guys to try the last one are you ready yes sir all right let's this this one right here is a little bit different as you can see it looks like it has a lot of gray band there yeah but that's not gray band at all that's some elil hold on the smell on this steak damn too powerful this don't smell like a steak yeah that's kind of true I'm not even going to lie that's the problem I think Leo's right on this one what it smell like Leo I want to know bro smells weird all right enough enough talking let's give it a try cheers everybody cheers oh oh all right it tastes like and the texture is really off too it almost tastes a little bit powdery and the fat on it is like kind of slimy that is way too much everybody and you're right it does doesn't feel like a steak it doesn't taste like a steak it is extremely overpowering it's like you're drinking the sauce you want to know what the sauce is tell me panzo sauce I love panzu I love it so much that this one I marinated for a month yeah one month is way too much there's no bee flavor at all it's just complete ponzu and it also messed up the texture of the steak it's good actually I even said it on the video start cooking the steak because of the Citrus I have one question how long did you put this one for one day so one day is your sweet spot that's like money dude talking about this steak there's no more slices I just need to I need to keep eating the steak this is the winner right here why are you not so friendly today no no no I just wanted one slice there I put it I put it back so we all going to have to eat from your fork now that your fork over here but in all seriousness guys the ponzu sauce worked so well with steaks I highly recommend you giving it a try if you've never had ponzu sauce first start by just dipping your steak and trying it out see if you enjoy that flavor if you do then let it marinate I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 583,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, ponzu, steak, steaks, grilling, best steak, marinade, how to cook, best sauce, steak sauce
Id: tkKyckO2Yac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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