Wedding on the Waves in MasterChef Canada | S02 E08 | Full Episode | MasterChef World

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on MasterChef Canada surprise a birthday cake Mystery Box inspired stunning results this is a league of its own this cake is about love and a cooling Elimination Challenge ended Kristen I'm sorry with a tearful goodbye [Music] it's all hands on deck for a harbor cruise wedding it needs to be perfect steaks are so high when it's somebody's wedding but will the top 10 serve up a feast wow Fiasco there's a hair on it isn't that a nice wedding gift a hair the sun has just risen over Toronto's two waterfronts and the top 10 home cooks are about to face their next Team Challenge I'm feeling fantastic being in the top ten I'm pumped we are all dressed up in our Sunday Best and then some am I gonna be cooking in these clothes welcome to Toronto Ontario's beautiful Harbor front every year millions of people come to this beautiful Waterfront to experience art galleries amazing live music and food festivals Toronto Harbor is also home to the Mariposa Cruise Lines impressive Fleet of hospitality ships your challenge today is twofold first of all you have to cook on the top deck of the ship as it cruises Toronto's spectacular Harbor this is definitely going to be the first time to cook on a boat but the second and most important aspect of your challenge is that you'll be making canapes appetizers and entrees for a lovely young couple named Kim and erwan and the large group of friends and family that they've invited to their harbor cruise wedding oh man the meal at a wedding is not something that you can just screw up in and take lightly this is a Monumental moment and Kim and everyone's life mistakes are so high when it's somebody's wedding I should know I've got two under my belt it needs to be perfect in every way but the pressure doesn't end there arawan's family has flown all the way from Paris and you're going to be cooking for a wedding party of French Foodies these French fruitys are really going to know their stuff love French food I know French food I will rock that Michael you had the best dish in the last Elimination Challenge which makes you captain of the red team and Andrew you had the second best dish so your captain of The Blue Team captains come and get your aprons Michael you get the first pick I have a master list a master list that is filled with every possibility of every pick of every team let's see if it comes true because of their refined skills I'm gonna pick Christopher pick welcome to the red team they know we're doing the can of pigs he's a mad scientist when it comes to anything baking Andrew it was your first pick David I know what you can do in the kitchen Michael who's your next pick Sabrina I want someone organized and understands how a line works that's Sabrina Andrew this person oozes French refinement that's obviously Cody Cody thinks he knows everything about French cuisine but no he knows the words he doesn't know how to put him on a plate Tammy Flynn Michael you get to choose your final pick I'm probably getting picked last again I think Jennifer through his head as he figured out that I'm actually a worthy competitor I picked Jennifer for the sole reason to screw with Andrew's mind foreign [Music] new feeling for me okay go join The Blue Team all right I'm happy to be on Andrew's team we have David we have Cody we have Lynn we got a Dream Team this team that we've got set up it is such a bizarre combination we're all Dean basically as underdogs everyone thinks that Andrew has a strong team but that blue team everyone's going to be speaking their ideas and Cody's going to want to use 127 ingredients freedom of weep Andrew my plan together this team will be given five minutes to plan their menus and it's extremely important that the bride and groom are happy with the dishes that you create but in the end we will decide which team wins and which team faces the pressure test your time starts now each team must create a menu with ingredients chosen by the bride and groom the three courses will feature a big appetizer a duck entree and a canopy the canopy is a mushroom ragu over top of puff pastry as a team captain I'm gonna be decisive I have decisions don't make it too complicated you have to figure goat cheese wrap it around in prosciutto I'm going to make sure that each individual team member is doing what they know how to do better than me 70 guests French food and on a boat and this is a wedding this is an opportunity to celebrate and go big and and they're French they're going to be the biggest critics they have faced yet and those tough critics plus the bride and groove are now arriving congratulations to both of you thank you delighted to have you with us and our home cooks are busy cooking up on the upper deck they're motivated and excited to make this the most memorable meal of your lives are you ready to go on board let's go up to you this will have only 30 minutes to create canapes that will be served after the ceremony can you mix olive oil and chop some chives yes sir canape is an olive oil and for crostini with a wild mushroom ragu parmesan arugula balsamic production Lynn how's your sauce coming along perfect I have an All-Star cast here like there's no I don't know what Michael was thinking but like I can't believe he gave up these players Michael made a big mistake Chris how you looking I'm on it Christopher is completely in charge of canopies Walnut blue cheese cream puff things are really organized right now I'm loving my team everyone knows exactly what they're doing and that's what matters below deck Kim and Air1 ceremony is underway a love which will encourage you to follow your dreams and to nurture your gifts as you share your inspiring love with the family and friends who gather with you here today if 15 minutes to the canopies to serve got it 15 minutes left let's do this this puff pastry I'm trying to get it caramelized as much as possible you just crank this up to Max my puff pastry comes out and it's pale but we have no time to fix it how are they they're good they're good okay I'm gonna cut you stuff in five minutes they need to be done in the next 10 minutes they all have to be done Michael hello chefs how are you very good we're here to taste the Cannabis before they go out this is a blue cheese Walnut creme fresh cream puff filling with a nice caramelized glaze on top tastes like very very knife very nice you concerned about this it's my CD Christopher don't fill them up too much that's right a little less generous on the cheese it has to be elegant and easy to eat you have to listen to the judge's advice in this competition canape has to be the wow moment it's got to be beautiful it's got to be a piece of art Chef now that's what we have so we have the uh toasted baguettes you have a mushroom ragu a toasted pine nut puree on there as well finished off with some age balsamic vinegar [Music] great thank you carry on guys yes there's no possibility we could lose at this point we're just we just can feel it it is my honor and it is my delight to declare you married down below the wedding party is ready to celebrate with champagne and canapes get those canopies out the door service is over here the most important thing in this challenge is that every single plate leaves this kitchen on time while the red team's canopies are being served the blue team is still fussing with their plating [Music] I'm unwilling to sacrifice the complexity of my menu for the ease of getting it out John can you pull off what you're doing and help us come on everyone the wedding guests are drinking champagne and they need those canopies move move we're done here that's service the guests now get to choose which canape they like better the red team Savory cream puffs with Walnut and blue cheese filling or the blue team's Christine with wild mushroom ragu and creme fresh I really like a wet sweet and savory I like the the two different tastes in my mouth it's a very nice my favorite was the blue team's mushroom canopy but the most important opinion belongs to the bride there's a hair on there the red team has a hair on it yeah a little bit disappointed Michael Yes found the hair in one of your canopies oh my God it was the pride oh my God the pride isn't that a nice wedding gift a hair get it together [Music] you know even though the red team may have been on top of things in terms of getting their canopies and hors d'oeuvres out quickly it is quality that wins over in the end they're winning for Speed but they're losing for quality Deck The Wedding guests have been seated and the teams have 15 minutes to Plate their fig appetizers guys we have to make up for lost time in that last service somebody please grate the cucumber and make sure they're watered down please Lynn as and still trusted me that she is going to bang out a beautiful appetizer guys this is now the Lynn show so whatever Lynn says goes okay my baptizer is cucumbers and figs you need sugar on these lint how heavy how heavy on the Sugar Land sprinkle like you with salt what do you want for flavor lint uh nothing too strong they're five Cooks in the kitchen and only one of them knows what's happening with this appetite and it's not the leaders you want these in the oven uh yeah I'm gonna put them all in at the same time okay here I'm End of Line on this next batch we cannot have another hair in this guys the appetizer the Fig flower they're fancy they're easy and they're delicious great job with the fake Serena Christopher yeah you're overcrowding your pan and you're gonna have a soupy mess things are all water okay thank you Jeff thank you everything's looking good let's start plating right now all right gentlemen chef it looks very small we need to dress this with some greens we need to dress this okay can you do one that is finished so we see it exactly the way the guests are going to get it okay so if I put a big fig and fig there on arugula Andrew take charge yeah take charge okay guys more figs more arugula okay that's it I just need something to bulk up this plate so we decide to add three and add a small arugula salad we're gonna readjust this is where you gotta dig deep and lead your team yes yeah Andrew is losing control of his kitchen [Music] what do you got here it's a fig wrapped in prosciutto stuffed with an herb cheese garnished with some nice crostinis and what's the dressing the dressing is just a simple vinaigrette that's a nice portion how does it taste though we're waiting for you to see you mean you haven't tasted it and you asked me us to taste it you taste it first okay wow whose idea was it to do this dish Sabrina is that your idea yeah I think it's a good idea Chef Claudio is impressed that's amazing I have to give a home run thank you Chef I'm over the moon Chris I need you to be more mindful with the croutons okay listen to Sabrina this is her dish she earns her respect yeah one minute till you get those appetizers out one minute the servers are here so move it we have no production line no organization it's like we are surprised that we had to serve the food that's way too much arugula back there Cody you're supposed to be plating come on let's get organized here Jesus all of a sudden he doesn't want to be the plater because he doesn't know how to put it on the plate keep the figs tight to the filo okay you hear me Andrew you're falling behind no we're not the red team is crushing it up yeah this looks good this looks good and this looks good as well if there was no plugging on those plates where's the arugula where's the salad should be almost there guys thank you [Music] can I have another plate this one doesn't have any of that to walk around for the cheese that I've seen another place let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go what's the problem here what's wrong with that did you just bring this back yeah I went on here guys look yeah it's missing the fake it's missing everything you cannot let them go out like that who is the last man to watch these dishes go is that you Andrew that is me Chef get that one replaced ASAP because you've got a table that's waiting for us okay yes guys come on specially delivered just for you apologies from The Blue Team thank you [Music] congratulations how was your food really good so which team the Blue Team or the red team stood out in terms of quality creativity and flavor the red team because it was easy to try all the ingredients of the place and the temperature was very important for me to appreciate the the was the thick still warm the Fig was still warm I appreciated maybe a little bit more the contrast of the blue sure mixed with the cool fit the warm sauces I did it I did like blue a little bit of division Happening Here well congratulations again now that the appetizers have been served the blue and red teams will start their duck entrees this is the most important thing happening right now because this is the entree the adults screw with the entree we haven't gone down yet we couldn't have the chance to recover here okay and let's have this service perfect now the red team is doing duck breasts with some potatoes which looks like they're cooked in duck fat and they're putting a kumquat puree the blue team they have got some wilted Watercress and Link that they've seasoned up and butter salt and pepper as a base they've got carrots they've roasted off nicely instead of duck fat salt and pepper both sides I haven't peppered pepper right now yeah the wind is blowing in the wrong directions and I've got pepper flying into my eyes [Music] ducks and then had to go get the pepper out of her eye and I'm really proud to have her on my team you're doing great Jennifer thank you everyone's doing amazing God what are you up to scoring these breaths still 40 reps the main event is the duck and I'm gonna make sure it's perfect if we get this Mane right I think we still got it where's the plate that's beautiful wow looks very nice nicely presented just make sure you render that fat down a lot more on the duck see all that raw fat I'm really worried right now I didn't steer those duck breasts off properly I've really compromised our win here what do you have here the potatoes this is potato and peas that are both cooked in the duck fat [Music] overall it's a good dish I just wish the fat was cooked up looks phenomenal okay we need that sauce if we don't rally to put this main course out we're gonna lose this Challenge and one of us is going home sauce sauce it's coming coming can't be the answer we have the chef's tasting right now I'm going as quick as I can and Cody's in the back where's my sauce where's my sauce sauce is the only component we're missing two seconds I'm two seconds away okay guys we're here to try the dish are we doing on the sauce Lynn I'm gonna give you some come on we already tasted that dish what's wrong come on this looks this looks nice though guys thank you thank you Chef sauce is still thickening it's still thickening I can't make a reduction in 10 minutes I'm sorry that's the best I could do this is not okay well you wanted it it's not it's not ready yet Andrew whose idea was to make that sauce it was my idea the sauce is a dessert it will not be ready until Kim and arowan are on a plane to their honeymoon you know what you know what no sauce I got molasses is on this bottle it's all in this bottle we're here we don't have a sauce the only thing that I can think of is to put this pomegranate molasses on the plate and hope that it tastes good with a duck okay well this is a nice recovery that looks a lot nicer and who cooked the duck John and David did that duck looks perfect nicely cooked up wow we need a wing guys and this looks beautiful I gotta tell you Andrew yes very nice dish thank you chef we can still pull it off we're good [Music] come on come on you guys let's get this duck moving how do you want it please tell me do you see half circle okay you can take them if they have no pomegranates [Music] thank you it's beautiful Red's presentation is so beautiful I love colors yeah I think on the inside with a nice Gray truck the red team has a really interesting sauce that's beautiful so The Blue Team cooks really well the duck with the spinach and the carrots it just goes perfectly with me I love this little layer how they seared it and they it's beautifully presented blue team bring the whole team in the dinner service is now over and after observing and tasting throughout the challenge the judges assembled everyone on the top deck to reveal the winner red team and blue team you've just made it through an incredibly difficult and important challenge preparing a French inspired menu for Kim and erwan's harbor cruise wedding we want to wish you congratulations on your very special day [Applause] well done to all of you [Applause] it's amazing now it's time to find out which team weathered the storm and which team got lost at sea we have asked the newlyweds to announce the winner by cutting into this wedding cake would you please do the honors will you cut sure I messed up the entrees I'm really worried right now I can't even look at that cake seems like it's going in slow motion ready a red cake we are not going to the pressure test [Music] [Applause] awesome feeling good about myself feeling good about my team First Team Challenge that I've won I am so excited I could just burst my kids are gonna be so proud congratulations red team blue team you lost this Challenge and you will now face the dreaded pressure test my heart is just just destroyed at the end of which at least one of you will leave the MasterChef Canada kitchen one of the five of us is going home blue team red team we'll see you back in the MasterChef Canada kitchen tomorrow [Music] really wouldn't mind being bottom line we lost we're in the pressure test we need to take responsibility suck it up let's be adults let's go to the pressure test day after day after the harbor cruise wedding and Andrew's blue team prepares to face the pressure test I'm not happy about this pressure test I'm gonna do my dangness to pull it out my heart's beating a million miles an hour I can actually feel it popping out of my chest I don't know what's going to happen today welcome back everyone you all did a fantastic job yesterday cooking for the stunning Hub of crew's wedding both teams created gorgeous French inspired dishes red team congratulations blue team your dishes were almost as impressive as the red teams but your presentation and your timing dragged your efforts down Andrew what do you think happened yesterday I don't think we perform poorly we put out dishes that were really tasty unfortunately our timing was a little bit off you reacted to that coating from concept to execution there was absolutely no communication we weren't organized there was no one on plates we figured it out by the entree by that time it's way too late we already screwed up the whole damn thing David where do you see things falling apart it was all about time I blame myself on mine instead of starting to plate I went on to something else Andrew David seems to be owning up some of the blame but more importantly you as a leader what do you think was your weakest link here I don't think that way Chef sorry I can't answer it it's the answer man no I refuse it ultimately it comes down to the leader it comes down to Andrew so Andrew you're not willing to tell us who was the weakest link within the team but what I'm curious about is they're not someone within your team that performed above your expectations no if you have the chance to save someone today will it be you or a team member it's a tough question I I think we're at the point in the competition where I would save myself Andrew you don't have to make that difficult decision all five of you will be cooking in the pressure test and two of you will be going home oh my God this is the most fearsome pressure test in MasterChef Canada history to survive it you're going to need nerves of Steel pressure's on this is the time to focus this is the time to just get in the zone are you ready to find out which dish you're going to have to master a delicious French fruit tart a French fruit tart I have very little experience with any type of pastry especially one that looks like that the secret to this beautiful dessert is finding the perfect balance between several stunning components first The Buttery pastry which must be baked to a crisp and flaky golden brown secondly a silky smooth layer of vanilla bean pastry cream stirred to the perfect consistency and to top it all off a stunning arrangement of fresh fruit all coated in a deliciously Light apple glaze the slightest misstep could end your Master Chef Canada Journey please come up and have a taste I'm from New Brunswick I've never seen a French fruit tart at any of the bakeries that I go to this is way out of my expertise this is going to be hard this is going to be really difficult to replicate not really as strong with dessert as I am with Savory stuff but you know what I'm gonna bring it I'm gonna make a perfect pastry it's gonna be art in a cart good luck and please go to your stations is not going to be an easy challenge seeing that so many strong home cooks are down there it's going to be a dog fight at your stations you'll find everything you need to replicate this delicious French dessert and 45 minutes to do it in are you ready yes your time starts [Music] now nervous right now and I'm not even cooking this is on I don't do pastry I don't do pastry at all I'm gonna need a miracle today making perfect pastry under a 45 minute time clock is never ever easy this is the first time two cooks are going home in a pressure test you can cut the tension here overnight the pressure is huge you know this is a replication challenge that there are three major components to making this French fructa pastry the pastry cream and fruit today has to be a Shining Moment For Me strategy here is to not make any mistakes it's got to be perfect pastry crust is key got a delicately work with the pastry they have to cook that pastry to Perfection if it's too thin with a break if it's too thick it'll be raw in the middle a pastry cream you have to whip up your egg yolks with a sugar scald your milk and creams slowly cook it out then you can flavor it with your vanilla you can improvise a pastry you either do it well it's a disaster there's nowhere to hide worried about David here that was sticking I'm looking at a mess keep on trying to pull it off it's not working this is horrible [Music] starting again you gotta make it beautiful it's gonna taste good it's gonna look good a lot of things to go wrong feeling great Jeff I'm used to working under pressure I love it who do you think's going home probably Andrew's going home his nerves are getting to him who's the other one I don't know so it's not going to be you eh oh don't definitely not I'm not going home well if you did good luck hello Chef how are you feeling I'm not feeling super confident but you know what I'm not going out with a fight so a lot of your fellow home Cooks after the Team Challenge seem very frustrating with you yeah I feel guilty about that so who do you think's going on I think it's a possibility John might go home today John really yeah I don't think he's going to pull it out I haven't looked back yet I'm running my own race right now Chef it's not my concern what he's doing I just want to be better all right we'll keep your eye on the clock thank you all right good luck thank you when I get stressed at home I bake which is very befitting in this situation it has this Focus that I have not seen her yet slander seems to be very nervous he is running all over the place super fast like a jackrabbit I need to fight the wind Cody is lagging behind right now he doesn't have good time management I'm trying to plan three steps ahead here David yes chef how are you feeling right now is this in your comfort zone it certainly is until I'm more of a bourbon milkshake kind of guy is there any component you might find particularly difficult the presentation which is not my wheelhouse how did it make you feel when you have two people going home on this challenge they certainly up mistakes well I think you've surprised yourself before in this competition yeah Chef carry on good luck with it get going should be out cream should be in I pull the tart out and it's looking good I'm gonna keep on pushing do my best to make it look beautiful and taste delicious pastry is delicate I'm looking down and I see John using a spatula to smear his pastry three months but these big hands are soft so I'll be all right I'm gonna start cutting my fruits this tart has to be very exact if it's not perfect I'll be going home look at Lynn look at the way she handles a knife Precision fruits have to be cut exactly the same it has to be cut perfectly [Music] holy Hannah Cody's in the most trouble right now oh we can't seem to get his Street off of the pan look at Cody he's losing valuable time it's not cooperating very nicely she is so far behind right now I'm nervous at this point yes thank you I need to hurry up I need every single second that I have Cody's in serious trouble he still has to put all the fruit down plus he has to glaze I don't think Goldie's gonna make it I have to move I really really really have to move really freaking intense feel me now hands you're going home today oh John is the first one to actually start glazing you glaze the top of the fruit it's got to be a clean Sheen it's almost like glass good [Music] this is cutting it really close [Music] all right amazing I think I'm gonna be okay I'm looking over at the other people's yeah I'm going I was time to taste your French fruit tart David thing that I notice is how high the fruit sits it's as if the food it just wants to sort of jump out it looks great let's see how it cuts [Music] foreign looks like some real craftsmanship there David thin crust and the pastry there even all the way it's a little finesse let's see how it tastes a nice Christmas to the pastry the pastry cream could have been just a tad softer the fruit if you're going to cut thick have them all thick that's the consistency and yours has that consistency all in all quite impressive Andrew yes how do you feel about this I'm actually kind of proud this is something that is so foreign to me you know what this is a mighty fine looking tart considering you've done it in 45 minutes I think it's a very good effort I mean it looks good looks very good you have very nicely precise cut on your fruit I try to get everything as uniform as possible [Music] the crust is crispy sin it's even but the pastry cream unfortunately it's a plan I can't taste the vanilla at all it lacks a little taste not so good it's Lynn how are you good how are you chef how exact that is beautiful did not skimp on the pastry cream did you no sir cause it tastes yummy good I don't I don't find any faults in this tart [Music] you just keep getting better Lynn and crust is I mean it's like it's like a machine did it the cream is light thin crust and again 45 minutes I've never made one of these before ever so I'm actually surprising myself every day that I'm here keep doing that and you might land the biggest surprise thank you chef Cody just Michael so you came tearing up here in the final seconds and just made it I did is that a time management thing I don't think so Chef I want to make sure that I had the best dish that I could present in the a lot of time you don't like raspberries they didn't make it to the plate that is an oversight this is a replication challenge [Music] oh pastry cream light I think that could have been just a tad more so the fruit set up a touch in it it was a replication challenge no raspberries [Music] it looks like you duplicated the fruit really well thank you keep surprising me with those big hands you know how you do these little dainty things so well [Music] there's almost nothing here yeah definitely skipped on it [Music] it's hard is perfectly cooked Chris I only wish it was a little more cream and more balanced and there's just not a lot of the glaze on top of the berries a few areas that could definitely be improved upon [Music] we've tasted all your desserts and we now need a few moments to discuss wow some outstanding Tarts there incredibly impressive near Perfection it looks are absolutely important especially with a French Brew tart if the taste has to be there the quality of the pastry cream Precision of the fruit okay replicating a complex French pastry is no easy feat and Nails almost every component in the way they looked and tasted those standout cards belong to David and Lynn thank you congratulations to both please take off your Abrams and head to the gallery I can breathe easy so eight [Music] Andrew Cody and John today you showed the drive and skill that have gotten you this far but we have to send two of you home [Music] all of you made a valiant effort all of you made mistakes and we are left with a difficult decision of determining which mistakes were the most fatal John please step forward but I can't go home now [Music] we deeply admire your fighting spirit and we admire what you did today take off your apron and head up to the gallery you are safe [Music] Cody and Andrew we're sorry you are both two of the best home cooks that have ever graced the MasterChef Canada kitchen Cody for someone at your age your level of cooking is truly awe-inspiring and we know that this is just the beginning of your journey Andrew your ability to push yourself to innovate as consistently impressed us and we really hope your time here has inspired you to pursue a career as a chef please come up and say goodbye I'm so grateful it's beyond my wildest dreams we're talking about Andrew [Music] [Applause] good spectacular this experience has fired me up you think like a chef and you're cooking like a chef I'm going to become a chef everyone [Music] [Applause] so much since stepping into this kitchen we're unable to achieve here is a Monumental success Cody delicious it's Flawless thank you it's been a once in a lifetime and a truly incredible experience thank you next time on MasterChef Canada and there's one big surprise Faith are inspired to up their game it's Tammy for Sabrina versus Jennifer it's going to be a battle it's not your finest Hour it is [Music] [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 625,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 2, masterchef canada season 2 episode 8, masterchef canada full episodes, alvin leung, michael bonacini, claudio aprile, masterchef full episodes, cook
Id: TedMG6kdZPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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