Super Hat Odyssey - A Hat in Time Mods - DPadGamer

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welcome back to the second installment of modding mischeif with d-pad gamer is that a good name I'm not sure it was suggested me but when you guys I thought he'd give it a go so let me know what you think this time around we'll be messing around with a hat in time as always links of the mods can be found at the description and for this one you'll actually find them in a steam collection listing I've thrown together ok let's start out with Cappy as one might expect it has all the fixings you throw it out looks good jumping on it works as well more importantly capturing does work but only on certain things mafia man it makes sense Birds awesome sensuality is OK it makes me wonder if these are possibly reskin owls that's just a thought dead bird studios is also a great place to show off cavies ability to be thrown through solid objects if you stand right up against the wall when throwing it it'll go through allow me to skip past certain walls you could also get yourself trapped in a normally inaccessible room you could always quit out of the level to escape but I ain't no quitter so I just won't show it in the video by far the oddest side-effect of capturing al here is that if you awkwardly walk off the ledge there just fine yeah sure ya know yeah yeah that makes sense sure if you exit your possess body you will however be immediately sent back to the last checkpoint by far my favorite enemy to capture is the goats hanging out in Alpine skyline they're big and slow but just listen to them walk nice and menacing right well try walking them off a ledge yeah it's like something out of a cartoon there's a couple of sleepy raccoons that we found elsewhere in the map if you try capturing them you can't attack or jump but you can't hover that means you can fly across Louisville and it looks almost sort of peaceful in the final level I decided to go take a look and see if anything was worth capturing however I ran into something odd I doubt it has anything to do with the mod but I actually ended up falling through the lava which usually damage his hat kit and send her back and I was on the floor I walked forward a bit and got damaged and sent back when I respond it looks like something's missing now let's jump into the first map of the video bomb on battlefields from Super Mario 64 it's a pretty solid imitation of the original map though I will say the bombs are a bit more explodey while this map looks great only the 8 red coins and Chain Chomp stars are collectible as for the second one it works as expected stomp down on the post and free the Chompy boy however watch how he leaves the scene when I went to collect my prize the camera got a little bit too close it looks like hack kid can barely contain her excitement this map is a refurbished version of whomps fortress and it uses character from a hat in time to make it work I give this 5 bombs out of 5 onto some Mario Sunshine themed mods and this one hat kid finally gets to go on vacation to Isle Delfino it's just as I remembered but it seems this one is later in the game because there's no toad screaming about it overall it's a pretty good course good spread of collectables nice implementation of the hookshot line my only issue however is that for whatever reason using the ice jump pad results in one of the orbits being left in the air there are enough orbs to reach the 100 mark so this dozen bricked level but still that orb will bother me for the rest of time peace [Music] onto the mainland tell Delfino Plaza mod has hack Kid 1 around looking for collectables talking to some cool birds and taking on some challenges for six time pieces there's a lot of fun stuff here but I do have some things I actually don't like about this mod primarily the challenges are a bit lacking the pachinko machine however is great because it doesn't have Sunshine's black magic physics [Music] I'm a jackster I am a Chuckster I am a Chuckster I am in fact a Chuckster to be honest that's all the explanation is my needs but let me ruin it with some more words this map is actually really good the chuckin actually works really really well and this mod uses some other hat and time mechanics to turn a one-note feature from sunshine into a full-blown course on to a couple Mario Galaxy mods we have a lovely mod called express owls and glow bleep galaxy there's not allowed to say was this one because it's just well done I will say though that any excuse to talk to the car aaden's is great I love giving them my personal information this mod is very he's sweet IRA wanted to play as link kid well with a few mods he can links hat and Zelda sword pack equals a Wind Waker in time in the Hyrule Castle map you could Runner and collecting rubies and even complete the Triforce block puzzle to gain access to the secret chamber containing the Master Sword for all you hack kids watching a home please do not recreate any stunts as seen on YouTube unlike Harrow castle the Great Sea has you well on top of the Great Sea this one has you visiting islands from Wind Waker during a storm I guess guru-guru has been going a bit crazy okay so I actually really like this map because it's a bit unexpected i underscore test M is a test map found in the files of the legend zelda windwaker which was used to test links movement i actually covered this map in my video of beta content for wood wicker but it was pretty lacking I mean it's a test map this monitor every tools it into a really nice treasure hunt again well done the conductor's village is a quick little place for the conductor and the express owls live when I'm not making garbage movies overall this is a pretty well put together mod but for some reason the water was just invisible I think something went wrong on my end okay so fun fact time during a hat and times beta there was a bonus act called the beta hero's challenge it very much looks like a toy box was just dumped in a 3d space but it actually plays pretty well thanks this mod we could play it even today another solid straightforward map is the lava lands which is a short treasure hunt map which uses most of hat kids Arsenal I couldn't have said it better myself so I didn't I just read it off at the same page I know many of you have family and loved ones still in the city and that you want to help them well this is your chance super hat super hats is the most innovative mod I've played in years time only moves when you move though that camera refuses to obey the same rules for real this mod is pretty neat but it does feel a bit lacking with that the correspondent gunplay I don't think super hat will be catching on anytime soon I will say however if everything to do is actually just watch the growing and shrinking animation of the kaiju hat [Music] that just looks fantastic one step and then again let's do the mario all together now you got it it's the mario do the mario swing your arms from side to side come on it's time to go do the mario take one step and then again let's do the mario all together now come on now like [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 263,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Hat in Time Mods, A Hat in Time Modding Mischief, Modding Mischief With DPadGamer, A Hat in Time Modding, Hat in Time Mods, Modding A Hat in Time, nathaniel bandy, a hat in time, super mario odyssey, A Hat in Time Cappy Mod, A Hat in Time Link Hat, A Hat in Time Super Hat, hat in time, super mario 64, Super Mario 64 Mod, A Hat in Time Mario Mod, gears for breakfast, a hat in time mods, A Hat in Time Mod Showcase, A Hat In Time Best Mods, Modding Hat in Time
Id: 4CBZBIurqyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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