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this minecraft video is either completely cursed or upgraded I can't really figure out which I guess you guys are gonna have to decide that one for yourselves but today me jelly and Karina are gonna be checking it out and experiencing this curse or upgrade ourselves so let me know in the comment section if you think this is cursed or upgraded but regardless if you think Mojang should add this to the game click like not to told me if we get 7 likes he'll do it anyway let's get into the video cuz anything seem a little bit different to you guys it's yeah I'm moving around my knees look at my knees whoa hold up a second I just realized we never used to have nice guys [Laughter] [Music] oh cool minecraft is realistic all of us I'm like leaping I'm not gonna lie it does make me feel a bit uncomfortable though yeah let's see if we can do this cause okay all right oh wait you're swimming oh oh you actually do like a nice type of swimming look we're at the top of the water Oh I'm is really slow to climb up water next up we've got Oh a letter wait I'm actually climbing the ladder oh wait look at my pot I didn't say you could look at my butt okay all right please wait wait we've got another course over here let's see if we can do this wait I think this is the jot this is the jumping one like sprint jump hey jelly can do it see guys I've got short legs yeah let's see it jelly can do it now wait just look I've already show guys I think there's an animation to catch me something fighting right now please I'll wait I'll wait okay we're done now Josh oh you thought what we saying I think there's a different animation for jumping as well off of things when you fool okay try to chop him it I'm gonna jump up hey I like I kind of like brace myself for the fool I feel like you really take you think wait oh hey you like dive into the water that's so cool okay all right all right let's go over here there's a few things we can do so there's a sword you can cool look at this can you not die right now we're trying to do a modern you don't even get near me crater guys because you think he got killed let's try the bow out now right I spotted this and I realize that's for a bow and arrow voice oh you are gay heck Devon do jelly oh it's oh boy like proper holding a weight weight is a narrow trail as well yeah you see that my god that is so going you like probably guys okay ready okay three two one drop Timmy Oh jelly can you listen to instructions three - no it's telly - okay all right well first of all guys I think that we are done I think we checked out all of the stuff that we have been upgraded but I do know that zombies skeleton spiders have all been upgraded - oh my god yeah I'm sure you can find it just that all the way wait does yeah yeah you got really far oh you see exactly where the arrows going it's really cool all right I'm a kid I'm ready to go guys wait Josh they're right here yes there no no no stay away wait Danny got me awesome yeah I am ready - Josh all right let's head out guys that's all you need that's good wait and see one oh wait oh it looks so weird you don't wait wait I think you came from over here guys they came from over here terrifying that's actually terrifying what to do hey guys you need to kill me by the way oh look oh that's definitely Craner say we go oh wait yeah okay wait guys all right what I see oh look there's spiders guys really ugly that is horrible guys oh my goodness climate reshoot or web or something oh you missed how did you miss yeah that was like something attacking you climb up a jean running away hey concrete wait guys guys come over here there's a big wall we could make it climb oh we can make it climb up here alright I'll get this one come to me come to me come here spiny no don't kill it come here Spidey okay it's coming hey guys what I do with it come on okay can you keep going up oh come on oh my goodness Craner okay push bring her up well I ain't we saw it we've got one more check out weeds good find a skeleton now guys wait we might find something down here this is a are you kidding come on wait oh it's not really attacking me so it's like charging up the bow I like how you just looking at in the shooting of me okay I'm going to shoot him back so powerful in this game guys I'm pretty sure you says you go kill by skeleton but don't worry really we did it okay I'm reading the chat doesn't seem like it don't worry guys we found this Gallatin we did it we checked out everything that's been upgraded good job if you enjoyed that video then click one of the other ones right now you silly person come on you'll be good
Channel: Slogo
Views: 5,267,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, jelly, crainer, mod, mo bends
Id: svqgbH9_-1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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