Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE Ultima!

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hey come back here little bunny you're so fast I'll get you I mean I could get you if I wanted to but I love the chase wait what the I'll you oh what's going on here let me see I'll just change back oh look Pierce I'm so smart look at our skeleton Budd he's following us right into Camp yeah hey buddy are you sure this is safe of course it's safe I've got a shield we just have to Le them over so they can shoot Aaron what cool or then we take a stu right that's a uh uh-huh it'll be fine as long as I have the shield to protect us and my shield BR here's my shield broke what are you two doing why are there bunch of skeleton down here and and why haven't you killed them you got to help us a help you after you brought skeletons into my Camp what to do I didn't do anything him what is this skeleton I will eat you if you hold on is that a w wait wait wait it's just a werewolf it could be friendly s out you leave this was your problem there we go wait wait wait you killed them all already wait wait wait wait who are you I got to get out of here just wait I just want to talk what the heck is a mood stone whatever man ste's going to love this it's gold Pierce what are you doing in my house get the heck got to you you didn't even help me yeah leave right now it's fine he getting away what's that the hey big boy you must your milk what wa nice go wo I can get him huh wait oo wow look at all those bones good thing I have these powers to protect wait you're still here and wait what's with all the bones um bones wa you kill something see right fine bye-bye I guess I'll see everyone later wait wait where's my Moonstone he did steal something oh Pierce I knew those two were up to something Ian Pierce where did you two go I better stay out of his way but I should watch him too Ian Pierce where are you I know you're out here somewhere yeah fin he hey Aaron how's it going hi exactly how it's going now hand over the mood stone huh what what are you accusing us of stealing yeah what does it sound like well maybe it just lost it you thought about that no why didn't I think about that look I know that you have it and I need it for something important it doesn't look all that special huh didn't you idiots do any Research into the new mod what new mod whatever look if you don't hand it over in the next 30 minutes I'm going to kick your butt I'll be at A's house waiting for it whatever oh wait my house wait Me Oh no I got to beat him there all right it's a good thing uh let's see all right I got to go back to normal go over here close this up and all right I can't see like this there back to normal you home hey hey Aron how you doing what are you doing here at my house yeah the weirdest thing just happened uh this big wolf saved me from uh Ian and Pierce's stupidity a wolf well that's weird yeah it was big and it was red and I mean it killed this huge skeleton I think but um I woulded to know if maybe you knew anything about it you know you never know what mods there are on the server so uh maybe you just need some protection from it I don't think it was trying to hurt me wait what are you crafting give me some armor you know oh a diamond armor oh this is going to be super helpful yeah well wait what are you doing I'm going to go find that wolf oh um stay safe then oh I will now bye oh no good luck finding me I'm right under your nose but that doesn't stop me I should still go make sure he's all right okay I think I saw him come over here let's see okay which box does the moon still go in to make the sword what I don't know try the middle one okay still not working you think maybe our regular materials don't work uh I don't know oh you know what fine we'll just have Aaron find more for us I will him get away with this give me the let's see what can I do what was that did you hear that oh you know my sheep Daisy she's a clever girl she opens doors now the perfect cover um I'm not even going to respond to that whatever cuz you're so impressed yeah yeah totally impressed okay don't get closer now take this for later okay so wait you're right though Daisy isn't in here well uh hey you know what we should go check on her she might just taking herself on a walk you know how she are uh no no I do not know how she part Pierce well tell you B I'm on our walk then my favorite subject oh well she's interrupting our secret oh she can be a part of it she won't tell us all hey Daisy listen Daisy come here fine let's get this over with so then we can go looking for the moon stuff before AR get got to get out here got to run easy too easy this Moonstone kind of looks like a Cheeto though all right can't let in my face so I better go back into my wolf form and let's see maybe I can give this b o I did not mean to do that oh what my house wait you're the wolf hi I've been looking all over for you did you have to blow up half of my house whatever I don't think you can understand me when I'm like this but whatever Hey listen I I kept something for you because you know it saved me and I wanted to give it to you huh and huh M what is this it's a bone you know I didn't know if it was something you like but um here uh follow me outside oh he's really going to give me that bone oh my gosh here you go and it's all yours if you want it oh I love it w Wait you could pick up items in your mouth I love it it's awesome I'm glad I'm glad you like it I don't know why you ran off but uh oh that's right uh put that down uh what did he say but I can really use your help kind of looking for more pieces of that Moonstone you know ooh speaking of which here you go here's your Cheeto I mean Moonstone wait how did you wait is this the one from Pierce mhm that jerk took it after all oh let's see next I need to find some Celestial iron though I've been looking for that for days listen I'm going to go back to the mines and keep looking I'll be back in a little bit all right don't run off please I appreciate the help oh wow I guess he's going back to the mines H it could be dangerous there especially with I and Pierce being dumb as usual hm all right let's go over here this will help me sneak around a little bit better but I can't let him see me like this because he might put two and two together mean my eyes give it away all right let's see he must have gone down here should be easy peasy uh just don't let him see me I think I've already been down this way though maybe down a little bit further spider out of here U maybe I should help him oh I think he's got it it's just a spider it's not like it's a giant skeleton like before get out of here see go over this [Music] way go up this way um don't want to see me where the heck am I and why are there powered rails down here Zane must have been down here already that means there's probably nothing down here then oh well get a stupid arm care about the rails at all hey set up let's go yeah got your redstone torch of course activator give me there uh there and and the mine cart TNT it's going there goes they're going actually pretty oh no oh no no we didn't reach him oh if it isn't my two best buddies in the whole world hey wonderful day we're having Aaron huh what are you doing here ah you know just exploring got a lot of cool stuff down here giant glowy glittery Golem oh yeah well thanks for stealing my moood stone earlier I know you didn't you better back up cuz about teach you maybe we ought to what is this more of your tricks you got the S we believe in you doesn't matter what you throw at me I'm still going to kick your butt will we just you sit down that takes so we go what they got two problems you you're here wa oh this isn't working wolves get him wait wait wait w all the wolves wolves wolves come on oh no that's not are you two even going to help okay uh go wolves I guess got him see I'm helping now I'm [Music] good whoops hey we did it this is did ity blow up got him just where where' he go huh is he okay there he is oh thanks for the help again hey there you go wait who what's this wait what did you this is Celestial iron wow you're a lot better at this than I am oh no got him all right come on this way this way oh don't worry don't worry it's fine it's fine you'll be good you're not going to this is not helping at all this is hurting this way come on I appreciate you're trying to help me but couldn't I just ride in your back or something no I'm being very helpful right now where are we now my place oh thanks oh wait this place is kind of nice oh nice little campfire and candles this place ain't so bad my hunger's low I didn't bring any food oo maybe I could break this hay into some bread oh wait I have stuff I got wait this wait for me I mean bark bark bark all right maybe that'll help oh that's just what I needed thanks yeah no problem I hunted them myself where the heck are we though and wait wait is this your place listen I was thinking about something actually do you think you can keep these Moon items safe for me perhaps it isn't too much trouble he's trusting me piercing are idiots but they're going to keep trying to find a way to steal them from me you know I don't think they want to mess with you that there there we go I'm going to eat the next person who tries to even take them I was wondering um why why are you helping me so much oh um uhoh uh work and I mean like I appreciate it all but like why me um cuz you know made more friends and stuff and how can I expect to talk to me actually why I'm asking when you're a wolf you know you can't talk yeah that's what I said but whatever well thanks for the cook rabbit you know I really appreciate appreciate it but I I got to get going I want to tell AF about all this you know um all right well I got to go I'll see you later you know bye thanks bye Aon wait he's going to tell his friend a m I'm M oh no okay he's go to my house I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to Beed him there oh no oh oh no he's going to see me if I do my charge um I got to do it no got sorry house don't explain it don't explain it just ignore it okay just get back to normal there we go perfect normal Arrow everyday girl hey who what happened here oh the creeper you know all man kind of thing you know how that goes yeah yeah here uh you know if you want in mind you can help me okay sure yeah that's not what I was over here to do but okay all right you know maybe we should get some Stone it's it's not going to match yeah a lot of things destroying houses lately especially with I pierce being the way that they are yeah yeah they're just blowing up the Hub and everything thanks well you know hopefully that's better but oh you have grass in your living room uh look I came back cuz I want to tell you about something what's that remember that wolf I was telling you about yesterday well they were actually super helpful and got me all the items that I needed oh a helpful wolf oh maybe she's not that dangerous who would have guessed that it's crazy right but there's one problem though I think Ian and Pierce are trying to craft the special sword before I do and I I don't think that it's a good idea that they have anything that powerful no I wouldn't trust him with any weapon of power I guess he's trying to beat you at it huh I'm not going to let him maybe he could trust the wol for something you know yeah yeah I think so but listen the reason I'm here is cuz I need to see those papers I gave you the other day papers you didn't give any papers Oh you mean these wait why are they all at a Oh I thought they were place mats no no no you just have to what it's a puzzle and see it's a map to the Moon Temple and it's got the last piece of the sword in it you know right where you got the cake crumbs smeared on it wow thanks for pointing that out I appreciate it stop listen F I'm going to go get the wolf to help me find this Moon Temple all right going to take these though sure my place mats no maybe I can help no I need you here if you see I pierce do anything weird please let me know all right be safe oh yeah that makes perfect sense you guys go have fun I'm just going to be here and take a nap and all that kind of stuff you know oh that was close if I had gone with him he would have found me out oh no I got to go I got to go made it okay all right I should be good lie down act like I'm cute oh there you are listen wolf I'm sorry if I'm bothering you during your nap but I want to show you something really cool why is he showing me these things I'm a wolf I can't read oh oh my girlfriend or my friend girl was holding this map for me and there's this really cool Moon temple in the woods what that's crazy look I I came back to get your help though first to get the pieces for the sword all right there they are oh he's getting the stuff okay all right let's get out of here wait is that always been there whatever come on wait oh that way yeah this way I will follow you wherever we go wa I haven't seen this it's got a beacon and everything this place looks awesome yeah why is there a beacon and wait is this silver H wolves are weak to that though right I I guess I don't know I've never really all right we got to be careful how does he know so much all right we got to find a way in wait this kind of looks like a door though it does we just got to find a way to open it though what the let's see if this does anything awesome oh wo this looks massive w could be anywhere or right there it's a moon beam crystal that's the last piece it's the last piece we need oh wait wait do oh it's a perfect match all right let's go let's go find a place to craft this what the huh get this to go back for what's that what oh no it must be a trap that the crystal can you just jum over you didn't do this you what he Pier get down here jum up we trapped that dumb M you should have known you two IDI would have followed me wait really that's a thing there's not any wolf you're talking to you really think all that rubble's going to stop it uh yes I do because we're in a silver tomb dummy you still have to go through me you idiots oh no I need to help can't keep get that wolf sa give me get out of here maybe I just two of you you can't take me down good boy go get take the rebel take the rebel go go go go go go go oh look they can do it cuz they're wolves not werewolves Perfect come on come on come on go faster go faster go faster go faster all right I'm free where' they go I got to find him now there he is all right Aaron now now we give up we've got you surrounded all right Aaron no more running we got you surrounded yeah head to line you know I'm not going to stop fighting you should just give it up uh no we'll never give up uh no wait did you guys just expect me to walk into that trap wa yes I was hoping I'm not an idiot like you you your we the grab there there go as long as a doesn't have time to and the sword wait they made the sword to summon the oh no they summon the silver wolf this this a gun summ the moon where what the heck is that okay back back back too much put him down W he just shook him okay okay bad news you'll never take the Ser from me I'm attack the wolf see what sword can [Music] do oh oh uh well that's uh that's not what I thought it would do um okay yeah I'll supposed to help me fight through the hill watch out this way come on hopefully he follows me oh it's too strong hey wolf just wait a second okay it's fine he's missing me oh never mind he got me come on use the sword again the sword works on the silver wol maybe it can work on you too wait what w evil are you maybe I take a on look this what you one sh it actually did it now I'm oh my this thing made you super strong and wao this thing made you look kind of impressive oh he thought I was impressive hey sorry to put you through all this and thanks for the help glad I can protect him it's only because of you that I was able to make this and it did summon that evil wolf and it did make it more powerful but but it made you more powerful too right I could that was good right right Park Park Bark oh half is going to want to hear all about this oh oh no hey you want to go beat my girl no no you don't got to talk to her why don't come on you this way little creep piar they too closely same old right hi wolf how's it going right here I guess at least I didn't get my house well I guess that took care of that Park Park I right there just hang out here for a second no don't run away I got a transform back
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,161,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: RrWgrdEReno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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