Playing as a HELPFUL Monkey in Minecraft!

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these bullies cause my friend to have the worst day ever until she meets this adorable helpful monkey now with her new Pet's help she's able to have the best day ever which drives her bullies bananas can I keep it a secret that I'm actually her new pet all right just need to go get some stuff for materials and oh no Casey hey what's going on come on come on a tree house whoa this is so cute yeah look isn't it it really is whoa this is incredible I love what you've done [Music] [Music] it's a nice tree house yeah it looks really awesome oh well you mean you made it for us [Music] hi oh you think pulled up that ladder is gonna stop us we'll just watching me all right let's take care of it ourselves we find up here they can't do much right I have an idea too how about some fire we gotta get down we got it we gotta stop them [Music] nice one oh my gosh oh no Casey it's okay we can build another one it's fine we'll we'll just have to take everything apart right now oh okay I'll see you later then Casey bye oh Casey works so hard on that tree house and knowing her she's going to try to do it all over again by herself but if she won't accept my help maybe she'll accept the help of a little creature oh [Music] wait a minute uh oh Casey absolutely hates monkeys oh I hope she accepts me girl hit me ow this is my area because you wait till I get my hands on you oh she almost fell what is it hi Casey you know since you didn't give me my tree house I went ahead and took all your diamonds instead to pay me for the damages you caused Michael yeah yeah yeah whatever [Music] all right wow thank you so much I've never had somebody stand up like that for me before wow a magic monkey that's me thank you so much for fixing oh she's so happy I finally got one back to my house incredible look at you with your capabilities in wall there are endless possibilities what are you talking about oh no calm down calm down I have something for you just follow me what does he want me to do you put this to further test something great huh what is happening I'm gonna need you to stand right here okay okay listens oh my gosh it's so smart okay this is a puzzle I'm solve it we need the light to turn on uh okay can do it I believe in you come on switch like that it's maybe filled the switch too figuring it out maybe it's stupider than the other monkeys you put better instructions down hang on wait stop what are you doing no no no no no no hey hey hold yourself come back [Music] come back stay stay strong okay your monkey hey wait a minute I told you not to talk about that oh sorry sorry [Music] I like food okay you misunderstand that monkey is awesome we just want to hang out with it oh yeah we're eating bananas for days bud you know as long as I get to keep my hair all right Casey so what can the monkey do yeah what can it do oh probably um there's some gold here [Music] let's write it all and then head deeper into the sea and see what else a monkey can do for us you sure like it a lot don't you yeah oh you go look at that friend [Music] oh you think I'm gonna go over there you think you can fool me that easily yeah Uncle Zane let's get deeper huh oh yeah yeah more golden diamonds I want to go okay what else can we grab all right do it again Bucky hit the ground let's do it [Music] they're not oranges oh yeah with all the spiky yeah I don't feel like dying monkey sniff out other oars [Music] where's she going right in there come on the next one okay fine give us something to do all right where else where else can we go let's check out over here I'm over here here come on monkey show us do you think Casey can hear us from here oops no I don't think so I think that's a bit of time to steal the monkey how hard can it be right huh okay I see what you're doing I saw what you did to Zane but I came prepared [Music] get out of here the monkey's in the ball wait what what do you mean the monkey's in the Box oh she's so fast now I haven't even heard of a monkey anymore I don't know [Music] there you are I got everything I needed oh they're gone oh you're so amazing thank you for being so helpful oh she's so happy oh I do it he's so cute oh my gosh what a nice little thing well it's more like she found me [Music] I mean not so fast you primitive primate [Applause] again what do you want well we're here because we're going to prove we are just as good as that monkey and we're gonna show you right now ready Ian and here's the plan [Music] now we challenge you monkey we're gonna kick your tail in what ouch [Music] I got this okay so the rules are very simple whoever eats the most bananas in 10 seconds wins I must say monkey things aren't looking good for you see Ian over here can eat anything and everything ah yes that's how I keep my impressive figure in three two one now I like the bananas banana [Music] I told you I could eat the most number of bananas and it was a lot of advice what [Music] I don't think you're winning this one that's enough time for the next challenge okay next round is monkey calls Ian is violently out of the competition I'll be taking his place now watch and learn okay um [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] animals name [Music] she'll just look I didn't have the accent right that was all next challenge oh okay guys oh I'm back and ready to crush this rat monkey what are we doing this is an obstacle course first one across the obstacle course wins okay Ready Set Go [Applause] oh a little bit faster than I thought [Applause] [Music] okay maybe you got that one but we need one more round to really make sure of things right Ian I'm definitely would you stop doing that yeah [Music] wait no I've got my eye on you bananas I can't eat bananas after seeing what Ian did oh I got a little bit okay little monkey here's your bed good night ah I'm glad Casey's happier now especially after she was bullied earlier yeah I think I saw it so I go in here before they try to take me away come on hmm now let's see see anything let's check the room okay found something it's what this is a monkey a banana I don't care about bananas Ian I want that monkey they're going bananas you slipped those great okay all right um where'd they go did they just run away [Music] [Laughter] I knew this was going to happen perfectly planned now hit her with a KO stick Ian it was thick night night monkey wow looks like it's finally awake they're doing now I can begin my experiments you mean our experiments right no Ian You're simply a pawn in my plans oh thanks Zane experiment number one how long can a monkey hold its breath what I'm gonna guess not long enough these jerks he's trying to escape yeah I can say that why was there a switch in my tank oh well you know when I was testing it I didn't want to drown in there so I put away to escape wait never mind [Music] okay don't worry I'll get the monkey monkey hey [Music] the monkeys monkeys monkeys let's go over here come on monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys I knew they was working on monkeys how dare he I'm gonna get all these monkeys out of here come on monkeys let's go let's go let's go let's go run come on those monkeys I can't explain it to you Casey but I know um oh oh wow how did you figure that out yesterday [Applause] there you are we are here [Music] no take a TNT oh yeah a lot of monkeys [Music] but they were changed up strategic withdrawal yeah [Music] oh look at all the bananas exactly she's on the right track what it's time to begin the war ah never I may have lost the monkey but there's one thing a scientist always keeps his pride yes This Means War mama come out get him get him wow [Music] I love it stories don't worry about it sure it's fine without a lot of damage to your house um [Applause] oh um yeah hey hey everyone hang on hang on hang on let's listen uh I'm here boy I'm I'm sorry for the way I acted this whole time I was very foolish of me no no no listen I actually have an actual peace offering I wanted to hand over here so here you go a red banana oh it's a rare banana banana I can't I can't believe him Casey she's gonna be so sad oh okay say hey I heard explosions are you okay yeah monkeys are the best wait what really huh wait there's monkeys here [Music] really want to do it return give a monkey I'm glad she's happy foreign
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,736,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: nF58NEMNut0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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