Playing as a HELPFUL Pizza Kitten!

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uh I guess no one else is coming like a door who's that whoa a pizza kitten oh no way oh this is the best day ever almost done and finished I hope this is going to be awesome hey hey I got a really cool surprise I want to show you follow me surprise okay um come in I hope there you are right this way [Music] amazing check out my new pizza mod I just put on the server every flavor you could ever want this is so cool they're sausage pepperoni is that pineapple okay okay yep something for everyone I want to get a little taste of this one whoa what the what was that all about oh did I get pranked wait is the way okay [Music] wow I can't believe those jerks no wait hey don't listen to them kind of puppies is fine oh my party is ruined I just wanted to do something nice my friends want pizza anymore no way we could still have a pizza party with all the pineapple that we want and look I got string lines and we can help now I'm just I just need some time I'm just gonna have cheesy dreams hot cheese on pizza [Music] yeah all you wanted to do was celebrate with his friends can't believe this they don't like pineapple on Pizza themselves you know what he's not gonna trust anyone else maybe he might just something adorable yes perfect I'm a little oh I'm a little Chomper of a cute cat this choker is gonna go help now all right let's get over there at least the sky hits you like pizza five hats oh hey there little kitty those little pizza toppings oh I'm sorry though I'd invite you to my pizza party but it's nothing anymore you should just go back home what no I'm gonna cheer you up oh that is cute to you you're just the cutest little pizza cat whoa meow meow this this thing oh man oh I Gotta See outside looks like oh yeah oh Pizzeria whoa my house is a pizza Plex or a Pizza Palace Pizza oh thank you so much little kitty as long as he likes it it's like the perfect place to make delicious pizzas I can restart and bring peace love and pizza to everyone on the server yeah oh oh yeah these will be perfect for delivery uh let's see now I got this ends um let's say something oh I know he likes things with redstone so let me just take a little bit of redstone oh he's gonna love this what's he doing what's he doing there we go tada let's go meow Zayn yo there you are what is it now I made something special for you one fresh Redstone bon appetit boy whoa that's a spicy meatball this is funny to you huh we'll be laughing when I worked the whole server of your pizza I didn't laugh at all I think he's a little dramatic time for another delivery um [Music] Pizza Just Pizza no pizza is sacred milk [Music] is adorable God thanks she's my new friend my little pizza kitten we're gonna bring peace love and pizza to the service you've already committed instead of putting pot up pineapple there is no hope here I don't see a problem with that I mean I don't need it but people like it yeah thanks Casey oh by the way I made you a pizza with some fresh sardines enjoy [Music] do you think about this disgrace I'll save you for these terrible topics did you eat those pizza [Music] oh man you two were fast come on Casey let's head to my house I'll make you some recipes [Music] this is my Pizza Palace hope it's not too uh cheesy for you thanks come check it out you know noise since your house got this big um get one too God that'd be awesome but how do I get an upgrade oh I think I have an idea [Music] whoa thank you Pizza King oh man now let's get to making some pizza die give me back Tracy don't corrupt her with your evil pineapple pizza ways amazing ready for the pizza party now what a pizza course no I want JC back what you have matching outfits oh yeah aren't they cool we look like we could be a couple happy Pizza flashing before my eyes oh no whoa uh what are these Abominations I guess you can eat them too yeah that's a thing yeah [Music] what are these monstrosities get them out of here let me see um pepperoni pepperoni pizza but I'm not rid of you you'll pay for this life what did I do more looks a little down [Music] like I just can't get the topping slow disheartened right now I'm just gonna go get some more ingredients I'll be back in a sec oh annoy [Music] I think the problem is that he thinks we're not enjoying his pizza so we gotta make some room here we go sir oh um I don't know what you're saying but I think Pizza is the perfect way to cheer him up okay let's try this huh meow pizza chicken that's kind of weird yeah [Music] but I don't know me oh [Music] oh that oh that's a little bit weird oh but it could be like a cookie [Music] meow I don't know maybe not that one oh that one took some of the health but I think you're onto something with this one it's super sweet let's do this one together somebody likes them all right maybe some classic pepper huh whoa what are all these [Music] um make the best pizza lunch ever oh you two got so creative with the toppings I mean a lot of chicken over there genius berries and cake and uh hold on let me just try this uh does he like it it well it's something it's it's not my flavor but you know what there's someone who's gonna like it oh this one's bad this one's bad okay maybe later and now no Party Poopers can ruin our pizza mod yes y'all know what I'm talking about she's loving Pizza all right now to make this the best pizza party ever what do we need a pizza oh brilliant hey Casey could you please make up the decorations you know some string lights tables the works and kitty and I work on the pizza because we're gonna need a lot of pizza awesome all right then little kitty now we should be able to get some wheat tomatoes from the community garden well that you can also make the pizzas but you know part of the fun is making pizza oh look at those Tomatoes they look awesome Harvest Time [Music] what do you think you're doing not let this Garden be used for your dumb pizzas oh boy what is it say come on I just want to make some pizza for everyone yeah no no no I will not stand by while you use these ingredients for your nefarious purposes Dan for anything come forth wait what oh creep or what oh man get him hey Kitty help I didn't bring any uh weapons is that a breadstick all right okay creepers dead bye bradstick yeah oh I see he's really gonna let the farm get destroyed for your dumb little pizzas okay actually they they keep coming um maybe we should get away from the entire Garden okay I got Tomatoes season everything looks so nice we got enough ingredients for everything see you are a decorating wizard wow now we're gonna make the largest and best Minecraft Pizza in the world we need to make sure it's tasty yeah now let's also give someone a little sass [Music] [Music] oh what a smart Kitty all right now time for the taste test and grab one of that and then all right everyone order up per fish maybe that wasn't the best yeah let's try this one how about the gold nugget pizza oh well um third time's a charm sir your mushroom pizza that one can't go wrong right oh well I mean it was something [Music] [Laughter] I just realized guys we've been trying so hard to make all these different pizzas there's no way to make a perfect pizza because everyone's got their favorite yeah it's giraffe so I know what we need to do now we need to make an even bigger Pizza to put every topping on it yeah that too and whoa whoa that's a big pizza that's huge oh this is gonna be so good it's beautiful let's get started it's party time pizza music Started Casey hey guys finally ready for that pizza party got plenty of food for you no no no not a chance we're here to shut you down [Music] more presentable we need to what Kim what is that uh it's just perfect if you wanted ranch with your pizza you just needed to ask I could have made it with some but delicious um I thought you were like me a piece of purist I thought actually agreed on something we agreed that pineapple doesn't go on pizza but rich [Music] ooh They're Gonna Fly I can't do this no the only good thing to put on pizza is cheese or pepperoni Kane all I wanted to do was have a pizza party together and here you'll ruin it attacking him making a fuss of everything all I want to do is just have pizza with my friends don't you will never defeat me for I am a purist I am the true Bishop okay can someone deal with this cat get over yourself sane it's Pizza Pizza peace and love swear Pizza peace and love more like pizza cause you put all of these unnatural pizzas together guys Master why is this cat meowing so much I never even liked it in the first place don't you talk bad about pizza cat that does it you shall all know pain ah oh oh wait hang on hang on let me just uh get a couple settings here there we go there it is now I don't know I haven't done with the Giants zombie before um wait no Tracy now well sacrifices must be made now giant zombie eat all the pizza on the server so we can return to a time of peace Kitty I don't know what to do again with this meowing I just don't understand that's right Kitty throw the cheese I need to get higher somehow in a second to beat him um wait what's the tea supposed to do look Kitty oh oh perfect she over here no zombie that's not pizza that's just noise my house and ruining the server no no no don't worry annoying yeah okay I don't know what your meows mean but sure I would do two just stop I mean it's eating noise house and maybe it'll destroy the server and okay maybe I went a little too I'm sorry it was nice to know you as a pizza cat but wait pizza cat oh I'm back getting back to me before he gets uh too emotional and crazy over the cat one completely okay okay um I'm so sorry noi I hope everything's okay um see almost there and one more should do it and huh noise hear the commotion what's going on hey I fell you didn't miss much just the best Pizza Kitchen oh such a good little kitty I'll never forget you little one [Music] it's a party in her men want some pizza while we cook what are you doing Zayn what do you have in your mouth are you are you eating his house dude hey my hunger bar was low and you know I mean it does look kind of like pizza even though it's got mushrooms so insensitive but what reason for you sir yeah shoot shoot you made it hey so now let me just finish this hey aphmau do you think Zayn would like puffer fish Pizza why don't we make a potato pizza instead I think that would be better oh I dig it yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,328,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: xr87WmWG7PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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