Playing as PJ KITTAPILLAR In Minecraft!

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make sure to like and subscribe thanks my green friends take care of my perfectly adorable caterpillar in minecraft but what they don't know is that she is me and i've got to go undercover to find out who's been stealing my diamonds can they take care of her or will she uncover their secrets all right i got the bed set up food is set up and everything is perfect now today my friends are going to be watching my kitty pillar you might be wondering what's the kitty pillar well it's this is wow that is [Laughter] so cute look at me i'm a little kid yeah but i'm gonna have my friends watch my city pillar aka me because someone went into my secret base and triggered the alarm as you can see here the alert is off so i'm gonna go into the chat and talk to my friends about taking care of my kitty pillar and try to go undercover to find out if i can get them to watch you just you know let's just get in the chat in the chat see if i can make this work hey guys oh uh hey hey how's it going hey so um i'm going mining today and i found like a lot of diamonds and i need you guys to take care of my pet i left it at home can you guys do that please it's a new mod oh i mean sure i mean it is super cute it's super fuzzy oh sure i can help you and if you help me i'll give you a little sheep about it if you take care of my kitty i'll give you sixteen diamonds i have that many i have like i'm in amino yeah yeah it's in my house i'll be back guys first one stairs what do you think what's the monster get it got it take down the monster everywhere man cares don't be rude [Music] what kind of cat can do that's nice oh dear um just you wait that guy's serious business maybe we should take the pet to your house casey ah i think that's a great idea come on we'll clean this up later maybe how do we take care of this thing oh actually i have the perfect thing yeah what you got [Music] oh wow you always have to be prepared that's pretty impressive you never know when you'll find a new kitty okay i guess it's happy oh it's so bouncy they look a little weird oh i keep this whole house for this thing what's it doing right now it's uh dancing bouncing menacingly fiery hair balls i don't like it [Music] he's a monster that should be removed from the server [Music] i'm just going to be on my way because apparently we don't get along very well and it's just hey bye hey [Music] oh that's a perfect idea [Applause] [Music] no i i should not be put in charge of this this is a really bad idea okay well i got my eye on you and all your legs wow all right what happened oh it's you cat you did that didn't you let's see all right well two can play at this game where'd you go hmm wait a minute i'm missing some diamond armor hmm you know what i give up i'm done i'm gonna let everybody else take care of this yeah this is good too much where's he going important things to do no no no that's not good whoa why do you see what the door's already open all right just gotta get it in here where the hell maybe over here oh wait what's this [Music] i can't believe he's done this you know what that's it i have another ability what i can do i can go like this castle see if i can do this setting up the trap okay then grab these there gotta get those but she said she cut the diamonds i thought they'd be easier to find but i even feel fine i don't understand all right kitty bugs all right fellas from stealing from me i gotta get back before they find out okay okay hmm [Music] i think you'll really like this no not sugar casey that's not going to be good for it yeah i can't believe this keeps happening to me i did nothing wrong all of a sudden she looks kind of hungry [Music] here have some apples you're rewarding this behavior with apples and cake [Music] oh what about carrots that wasn't the okay okay yeah i guess carrots a little bit healthy besides what's going on is anybody even listening to me oh wow oh boy oh great i'm so glad you found his favorite food but it's destroying what's going on hey what is that okay all right so i have three suspects kim casey and pierce i think pierce might be the one who's taking from my secret base but i gotta figure it out whoa hey no no don't you you say you're out of my face no no don't shoot there hi here's oh get out of my head don't take my shave come on oh why are the creepers in the first place get out of here okay you know you're not gonna like something on fire like luxury to be right oh you throw some piece uh you know what bro weird bug freak cat you're actually kind of nice oh i guess i'll start building and yeah what's all this screaming about what's going on are you yeah creepers were like attacking my pen and my sheep stuff you know i installed that super awesome security system for you security did it not work barely not cause there's a big crater in my pen huh oh over there yeah oh those yeah no no he did absolutely don't forgot to put redstone in it dummy right wait redstone you saw i thought you said red bull that [Applause] [Music] though it's true hey guys how's my kitty pillow doing kitty pillar one um okay yeah you know okay oh is everything okay i mean considering the circumstances i think it's going okay okay all right let's wait for my boys yeah i'm just mining a little bit more i just wanted to make sure you guys were okay just be careful with her because she can be a little bit mischievous sometimes oh sometimes that's that's really surprising i didn't notice all right i'll talk to you later bye all right let's go all right tasha and priscilla maybe i can help burn off some of that energy hey little kitty pillar um why don't you do some errands for me that could be fun oh that's a great idea maybe i can help you yeah all right follow me all right have fun you two okay i'm gonna do some baking all right little kitty pillow i need some ingredients for some potions i need a lot of stuff though so let's put all those little legs to use let's see go fetch me hmm some carrots okay i guess i can do that [Music] oh that's not really fetching okay meow wow that was fast uh okay um how about some coal then give me some coal yeah uh what you can use one of those right you're smart aren't you i mean i guess if she thinks this mob is okay whatever kim i mean you know i'll go uh yo cool okay uh i guess i gotta get her cold okay uh hurry up raise him like this yeah i don't even need this pickaxe meh all right i should have returned to kim but you know what i got this all right let's just drop this one again there you go oh you're back already what else can i make you do oh let's see oh how about a dragon egg can you give me one of those of course you can and then afterwards you can find me a turtle shell and some bat wings and a crate maybe like 50 pumpkins and a snickerdoodle and a moose get out of here bye kim solve your own problems where you going [Music] doesn't look like she's doing that much [Music] hey what happened here huh that stupid kitty pillar did this that julie did a number on this whole thing yeah she's got a little bit of exploding as from time to time we should get revenge on her come here i got a plan revenge wow i got this potion here we could totally throw it at the kitty pillar and catch [Music] and your many terrifying legs you know what i'm ready for revenge let's get her how dare you oh what's going on duh where did it go i'm sorry what could it fly maybe i can use fire [Music] [Applause] well i i thought throwing the potion would give us like cage powers that we could use like that uh we weren't trying to catch the kitty pillar or anything yeah definitely not except for your super worth though hey guys um just so you guys know i'm kind of black i hope my kitty pillow's okay why do you guys sound so panicked okay okay i'll be back i know she can be a handful but i will be right back okay i'll be right never thinking is hard i don't like that i haven't found any clues about who broke into my base yet ugh i gotta get this right oh it's getting really late what do we do what do we do is coming back any second now casey calm down we're going to go blow up i mean find the cat wait no no you distinctly just said blow up the cat both of you we need to make a party to distract [Music] you think it's really going to work this whole party thing i don't know man what are they gonna go look for i don't think they're gonna be able to find me i mean a little smarter than what whoa where's pierce going wait a minute see what he's up to being all weird [Music] no he would have come over here wait a minute he went to my secret base uh oh whoa what are you doing here hey what wait what are you doing here i was here first well i'm just here to check out this is all my stuff now uh what what what stuff because there's there's nothing in here what yeah there's just nothing like a look around there's this huge there's like some arbor and stuff but like there's not anything in the what what's that sound oh no uh you won't tell half all right you kitty piller kim i wouldn't insult it right now [Music] it's a weird standoff yeah [Music] well i guess we won't learn about the secrets anymore [Music] [Music] everything's still fine some kitty chaos okay boy i don't know i don't want it because it got so powerful we have to work together to catch it hey hey buddy a monster throw it through all right [Applause] [Music] okay that's actually calm down okay let's go elise i need to go back and work on the candy monster what happened perfect coming back oh you have a firework show here yeah fireworks uh just a really really rough fry fireworks show but we just wanted somebody coming back you know are you hey [Music] wait where do you have the shoes um cleaning them just want to put them on or you were cleaning the shoes with the kitty pill oh look yeah my kids yeah exactly my kitty pillow definitely they they're so dirty and i just want to make sure they were nice and clean for us you guys took such good care of my little kitty pillar look at you this is really working i can't believe you have a secret base so you told me that that's why i left kitty pulley with you guys uh-huh thanks but it looks like kitty pillow's doing really good before yeah oh there we go all right bye guys see you later i got my kitty puppy all right all right bye bye bye does your kitty pillow want to choose before it goes oh wait actually pierce here all right let me give you just get your award let me give you your award so since you guys did such a good job of taking care of my kitty pillar and not breaking into my secret base right casey where'd you go there you are here casey you took the best care of my kitty pillar you get the diamonds yay all right see you later bye but i want the time i believe pierce and kim going into my secret face a cakey pillar i am over pets what what pet throws a shoe anyway
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,540,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Ol3fXFBW3Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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