Crafting an *OP* Infinity Sword in Minecraft (Insane Craft)

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son dudes welcome back to insane craft listen uh the boys the guys on the server they apparently have new items and they think they are finally strong enough to contend with me the sandy pool so i'm gonna see if that's true i'm gonna see if they are finally worthy of taking me down so let's get a call with them in a minute before i do that dudes listen if you think i can defend my honor and still be the strongest on this server hit the like button down below the video if you think i'm gonna take them out but if you think they're gonna take me out say in the comments sunday your doo-doo i don't know let's see if this happens i don't think it's gonna happen i'm just too dang strong let's do this hello you loser vengers you think you're finally strong enough to take on the me easily all right you know how this works you know how this works you bunch of loser idiot loser faces one at a time biffle you're up first no no no i know what that does i know what that does wait wait wait wait wait wait okay okay okay so here's the deal here's i cheated i use i use the quantum shield that blocks like 90 of the damage okay hit me so boys look in the bottom left of my my screen that is where my heart's right i'm at five thousand go ahead and hit me go ahead and hit me bible [Music] all right now it's my turn to take a hit on you who just died one day okay okay okay well here you just said it's your turn hey where you're going that you used on him um i killed him with my bane the cane of venoms okay okay well let me just what's your item something that stops uh any bane or cain from killing me you can't kill me with that weapon ever wait what try your bestie and try your best wait wait this sword does 10 of your max health damage for every effect you have on you you have 10 buffs right now don't eat him because my shield removes any buff i have so this does nothing it does nothing wait hold on let me try it let me try the bane let me try the bane this bain does 20 oh my gosh [Music] i all right henry you think you've outsmarted me for now but i will yeah yeah i have i have yeah that's sigils oh hey bring it to you little hey hey not knows little bret everybody else has really cool items really really cool those items are so cool it's so swag but uh i have this what is that what is this looks like this is a bottle it is a bottle yeah yeah uh here we go here we go here we go uh ian go ahead hit me hit me hit me wait what did you just hit me oh slurped boring wait what wait what wait yeah what's that do uh i'm immune to all happening i'm immune to all percent health damage now wait can you take on my robot uh wait hey god it would ah well hold on hold on there there is one there is one thing it goes on cooldown dude oh i can take him down now come here boy come here come here oh sorry jerome oh sorry come back come back come back come back i want to see if you can take out one of my robots all right let's see if you can do it let's see if you can fight my thingy iron heart elixir where do you go where's it where's that hold oh i forgot that's one of their abilities that strips all your items wait hey hey give me back my stuff hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa thank you easy hey i like that item i like that's pretty good that's pretty good it's pretty good and last up is jerome jerome what do you got you are going down my friend you are getting stronger okay okay okay how are you going to hit me how are you going to hit me how are you going to hit me i don't need to hit you i'm just going to sit here i don't do anything at all just uh so what do you do he's a sandwich of shields right now double shields i just get really awkward wait so you can't do anything to me the only way you do stuff to me is if i hit you no i can do this hey now i got i got a black eye yeah oh yeah i'll do that again i guess if i don't if i don't hit you if i don't hit you i i just come back you can't let him talk oh i will [Applause] yeah sure i'm not scared they finally took me down but they died too jerome died i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go start my item i will come back and i will never die again mark my words oh this is not good all right i gotta hurry uh hold on so first thing i need uh uh beacon uh this thing yeah this thingy right here i think i have everything for this yeah it's the redstone deviant ender pearl blazing story i've already made all that okay so now we have this now if i use this it should bring me somewhere that i've never been if i'm gonna assume or take back dominance on this server we gotta go places we've never been hey oh the heck is this place um hello hi okay yeah this is it yeah these thingies they're like reapers mixed with uh jellyfish it's a jelly reaper come here jolly reaper hi hey how much damage do you do oh you know you don't do much oh come on come on come on break your friend oh they're hurting put out my shield that went well didn't it oh wait hold on let me put this down here the loot pet makes it to where when they die they drop more items when they die right so we got that so i'm getting all of these power spheres i need how many do i need i need to make these power blocks i need eight of each color of these power blocks like this purple one so i need one sphere so i need eight of each color sphere oh boy um all right well that won't be too bad i don't think if i just stand here afk all right because you guys know this shield right this shield reflects damage that they hit on me back to them and i'm too strong so they just die yeah boy we're just too strong we hit like a truck we hit like a truck when we're afk i'm just gonna stand here high thank you time to go thank you i mean we're making good progress this is not that bad all right there we go we have those fears now the recipe that i showed you i think i need to go up here now to this other area i think yeah up here okay yeah these thingies they're supposed to yeah those oh look at them hi what are you what oh okay they drop a lot though they drop a lot okay okay so we got two of each of these so i'm gonna need what was it uh hold on so that that oh gosh so i need eight times eight i need 64 of each one of these power crystal shard thingies ah crap all right give me an hour come here boy come here come here you're dead oh my god for that time this won't take long all right let's do this come here come here bobby come here puppy why am i so toxic i'm gonna go back to the cane of venoms i just feel i just feel wrong doing that come here boy come here you're dead hey yo get out of my house i have been doing this for so long actually it's not been that bad yeah we got enough for everything the purple ones never spawn but we finally got it all right let's go back home okay so if i do this surround this that should be eight there we go we got eight of those let's grab eight of all of these and that should be good there we go okay so now that we have these let's go back to this uh dimension here uh i think i need to go down here yeah this right here okay so you see we got blue yellow purple and green let's do the purple one first so in this dimension you can't build anywhere right see i just you can't build it doesn't let you but here you can look at this oh now if i fill this up boom i get teleported behind this wall so what i have to do for this to work i have to uh select which item i want there are four here i want the sword right there we go yeah here we go yeah this is the mini game okay so you see ah stop hitting me please yeah all right you're just gonna keep shooting crappy aren't ya okay so you see these walls they light up yeah now this wall's lit up i need to get him to shoot at me and dodge it yeah then he drops these uh charged crystals if i go up to this little thingy what are you a spire and right-click i'm not i don't want to kill this guy so if i right click and look in the chat crap nothing happened maybe i got to do it again where to go here we go come here shoot at me boy come here come here boy thank you gotta click him again targets now switch faster oh dodge it oh no come here come here go here come here there we go okay got another one what stop touching me and his attacks they do a little bit of damage but not a ton of damage okay i right clicked him on that one um where'd it go crap where is it there it is okay shoot at me shoot him come on hurry up there we go dude this is so sick the floor has been removed oh no oh flight detected dealing severe damage did you see my health whenever i flew russell is to replay that oh why did the floor have to give out that was terrible no now i gotta run all the way over somewhere else ah crap okay fly fly fly fly oh i almost died again there we go got another crystal okay got a parkour this is a tough mini game the spider now is now fires faster where do i go i'm just gonna stand here i'm just gonna stand here and go back and forth until i get one there we go that's the easiest way to do this huh there we go light up please come on you can do it there we go we got another one oh is that it did i get enough i don't know there we go i beat the purple level and look what i have the novocron blade there we go now we have to go to the green one oh let me try something okay so i already got all these blocks right hold on alright so if i have i have the teleport ability if i hold on can i just like [Music] oh [Music] oh we kept my blocks okay all right let's grab the sword oh look oh this one's easy all right let's go over here oh guys i think i cheated don't tell anybody let's go click them guys don't don't tell anybody don't don't tell anybody that cheated don't please don't tell anybody oh great the floors fell out again oh ease aw crap no don't fly be careful flying it hurts when you fly it hurts when you fly my health goes so low okay i'm just gonna stand here i'm done i'm done i'm done with this is this it there we now we have the aurora's blade boys we're collecting them all all right next up is blue maybe maybe i shouldn't cheat because uh i don't want to get in trouble we go all right let's do this one oh this is gonna be easy pop and i don't there we go all right yeah yeah so it's just it's the same thing it's the same game but like it's just it's different platforms hey hey now we got the moon glow blade boys we need one more should i cheat it i don't know oh no i don't want to get in trouble i don't want to get in trouble oh that's bad all right there we go and hi what is this one oh oh this is looking oh no this is going to be a tough one in it oh no all right got it i oh no stop touching me please say this is the last one there we go now we have the starfire blade all right let's go back home i think that's all we need yeah so if i put all four of these blades in a pattern like this we got the gallic galactic fragments there we go so what i need to do now i need it's called a security pass level one oh yeah there we go okay i should have everything there's the fragments i've made all this before right yeah with the luminescent cubes you remember this right i've done all this yeah so what am i missing deviant gold oh that's from uh deviant what are those things called deviant zombie pigmen oh okay well let's go to another hi zombie pigman i'm gonna need you to be deviant come here oh god oh gosh why do you why do you jump like that hey you need to die you need to go you just drop it hey there we go we got the deviant gold perfect okay okay let's uh do this this guy i need a bunch of this i think come here what come here boy come here boy oh the boss spawned you remember this boss whenever you kill too many deviants he spawns and he's dead oh no we're just way too strong oh no that's embarrassing all right we should have enough gold uh so if i do this there we go level one security pass all right let's go back to this area uh hello oh there we go okay so i need to go back down here past these thingies yeah this thing this right here the lasers this will one shot anyone on the server if you don't have the security pass so i need to activate this see so i have a level one security pass this is level one because it has one dot right there so if i click this listen oh yeah look i have a new i have a new effect security clearance so i can now go down here i gotta be careful i don't want this to one-shot me it works okay okay so now that i'm down here yeah so this is level two i can't go in there i think it's down here is it no yeah this is level one i can go in here i think there we go is this where i need to go i forgot wait oh no this is wrong wait go make it go make it go again i forgot that leads out to the mine i don't need to go that way oh i almost touched it oh gosh yeah i need to go over here that's right yeah the all these thingies hey guys you look like you need to brush your teeth you've been eating too much candy don't you touch me don't you touch me you freak don't you trust me you're weird looking freak okay look at him oh gosh you are creepy looking aren't you what is your name what are you a gala gala gulper okay from what i understand when their mouth is open if they attack you they one shot anything on the server when their mouth is closed they don't really do much damage yeah look he like does no damage look at my health in the bottom left it like doesn't do much but if his mouth is open you wanna fight all right don't you touch me stay away from you little freak stay away from me i'm gonna take them all out oh they are so tanky remember each time you see this purple cloud that's 100 of their health getting evaporated oh god you see these thingies i need these omni crystals from these things i need to brush their teeth and then remove their teeth from their mouths don't you touch me you ugly looking little turd nugget all right i need uh 64 of these omni crystals i think oh wait i probably shouldn't do it oh i need these omni power blocks and they're made like this to place them here to teleport me to there should i do it i don't know if i should do it should i do it i'm gonna do it or should i just fight him i'm just gonna fight him i feel bad come here you ugly looking freaks come here what come here come here what you know what i'm already too lazy i'm going to do it oh guys don't tell anybody guys don't tell anybody that i'm doing this don't tell anybody he's gonna fix it and i know he's gonna fix it don't tell it you saw nothing let's do it what is this it's another one of these mini games but it's giant can i fly i can't fly [Music] all right well i'm glad i'm cheesing it because i would have just wasted eight blocks of that all right well this will not i have an idea wait can i teleport i could just teleport in front of these things all right so i got two of these thingies come here boy come here uh don't fly careful oh wait i forgot i can teleport hey i'm gonna click this on you you ain't both of them can i only give you one at a time hi all right hold on let's tell right there teleport shoot at me no i missed shoot at me no i missed shooting me did i get it shoot at me shoot me shoot at me please shoot at me there we go we got another one okay okay let's do this oh this four's gonna give out oh this is gonna be miserable come here boy there we go okay i gave him three uh where's the next open there we go right here ow there we go got four perfect come here four how many how do you have to give them all right this is five lesser spires have been what do those things do oh no oh no i don't like this at all i don't like and i can't fly now you know what i'm saying teleport i'm gonna teleport all over the place ow can i actually kill these you things do you die you have oh my gosh you have some health do you ever die how much health do you have you're not gonna die are you here minion go after him get him get him all right have fun dude my minions are doing my work for me get them come on sir sir sir i need you to take him out sir please please take him out all right oh stop hitting me i don't know how many this is but take it all right nothing happened oh right here perfect perfect perfect got another one perfect okay let's do this give him that and then go back shoot at me gotta get another one come on do another one yes oh i'm speed running this speed running this cuz this teleport oh this is cheating i'm currently cheating i'm cheating the floor has been removed oh no it's okay i gotta teleport now please oh i'm out of the map um well then let me let me go back in there you want to fight me point take them out all right where's the thingy there it is perfect okay right here shooting me oh crap oh crap okay okay careful i'm back out of the map again all right time to use my phasing ability to phase back in uh all right hold on there we go all right back in hold on let me in all right we're back in face through the wall all right get my teleport back up come here shoot at me we got another one oh boys i am too good at this game come at me boy i'm actually not good at this game at all this is tough got another one i am cheating this is cheating i'm gonna get banned oh no i teleported out of the map again okay i think i need one more where's the thingy where's the thingy where is it right there here we go there we go no no no no no careful careful please please please yeah oh my gosh that was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life and i was teleporting i was cheating i was facing through walls ah that makes my head hurt all right let's go home we have the incarnation of the sword look at this thing look at it look at it i don't know what it is but it looks neat all right let's go home okay now that i had now that i have this i need to take these master crafted alloys with the geo dimensional tunnel which i showed you guys how to make with the sword that sword that i just got remember the blades of the convergence right you remember this from a long time ago go watch the video if you don't remember it i put this here combine all of this together into one item that will make me the alpha on this server again this is the blade of the conqueror as you can see here in green text deal 60 of targets health as true damage normally all of our damage right i like like the the cane of venoms ten percent that deals 10 of max health damage this does true damage they will not know what hit them say look at this thing hey hey what you up to you wanna fight you gonna fight you are messing with the raw got a new play boy all right well that was fun i can also do this you know what i'm gonna show you how this sword works at the start of next episode i will reclaim my dominance guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button we have yeah been neat again what
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,689,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AKyQe5X8tPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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