Building the LARGEST CUBE in Roblox Build a Boat

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Shady today we're going to play Roblox build a boat what's that not gonna watch it mine I forgot you were here sorry but anyways Roblox build a boat is a game where you can build whatever platform you want and then you can use it as a boat to get through the obstacles and if you make it to the end you get a bunch of treasure Shady don't damage yourself in the water okay it kind of hurt look in your menu Shady there's a bunch of items here you could use to put on your boat but we don't have any money for any of them what how do we get monies well uh you could do it by just playing the game but I think we should cheat and just buy it with Robux whoa I want to buy it with Robux I'm gonna buy 23 000 gold are you ready do it let's do it boom I just bought so much gold and you know why I bought so much Shady because I want to build the biggest Cube in the world Miner what is this no this is not what we're doing right now we're supposed to build oh my gosh I think he's gonna try and use that shady not gonna watch up on Apple TV oh my gosh wait are we actually launching this thing what is this this is so not gonna get through the obstacles oh Miner why'd you start it wait he's floating no guys we're stuck in the water okay oh wait what's going on no I can't fall off oh gosh stay on what have we done what is this um minor your boat is faulty Miner what are you doing oh my gosh Miner come over here you're glitched Shady let's just get on with building this boat I bought all that gold and now look at how much stuff I can afford whoa you should buy everything here let's start off by just buying a ton of these blocks give me as much as possible um dude the miners leaving us let's say yeah okay let's just forget about them for now Shady okay let's get to building yeah if you get out your Hammer like this you can see all the blocks you have and now look my 50 blocks is ready whoa you should build the hugest Cube ever I will watch this Shady just help me place a bunch of blocks in a line like this okay hey wait I don't have the same blocks as you oh geez I forgot okay here I got an idea I'll just build it for now okay no shady I ran out of blocks already this is 50 already what and that was 2 000 gold yeah yeah we're gonna a lot more here I'm gonna open a legendary Mystery Box okay do it let's see what I get come on oh my gosh I got way more stuff holy smokes a cannon a King's throne and all this this is gonna be perfect for our Cube hey minor are you putting some mismatched blocks on this oh my gosh whatever let's just keep trying to build with this if I line myself up like this I could just place a bunch of blocks in front like this whoa you're building at a fast speed I know here Shady stop walking in front of me oops sorry here I'll put some wood on there for you okay good idea let's just fill this in as much as we can and build a huge platform true Miner are you gonna help or just stand there oh my gosh whatever that means okay guys now let's add this motor and how are we looking well we're looking good I say we launched with this and see how far we can get it yes minor come on all right let's launch everyone launch I'll sit at the front Okay let me put down my seat I don't want to fly everywhere oh my gosh fine all right here we go launch it oh we're going guys I don't think this is gonna be good enough I think we should should buy more coins after this and do an even better boat through but how do we control the motor I think I'm controlling it right now but it's it's controlling this one what's going on I think that's me cash I think I put mine too high on accident uh oh it's okay wait are those rocks up ahead oh geez there's no way we're both gonna survive on this oh no Miner do you have any ideas I don't understand what he's saying cash I think our ship's about to sink yeah we're definitely not surviving this guys well wait maybe we are we did it we're breaking the rocks oh gosh we're slowly but surely making it yeah but it's breaking our boat look our boats now our flag no not the flag oh geez our boat's starting to have a lot of trouble on these rocks too guys yep we're tossing and turning we might just make it through though wait is that a huge butterfly I think it is whoa wait I'm getting distracted we need to keep going forward I want to get the treasure at the end and if you look on the side you can see how far we are to the treasure we're only on level two oh gosh we're far I know guys there's a bunch of cards flying at us now oh geez oh gosh cash I think you might get hit off wait what why am I at the front of the boat you should have moved your chair to the back dude yeah that was probably a much better idea wait we're going so fast now though I know I turned on my motor we're speeding through it after this let's add five rotors to the back and see if that does anything I know we're gonna be zooming oh gosh what's that oh geez the boat's breaking no no that's a big patch of rocks no not my chair oh gosh no don't fall off cash we need you okay I can't control it I'm sorry oh gosh I'm one block away from dying again just be careful oh no we're gonna run into some lily pads so shady you did no no I'm falling off oh the alligator got us oh geez that we got so far just by that though dang it you know what I don't think that was a bad run I think we can make an even bigger boat and survive the entire thing I think you're right but I just got a bunch of gold from that me too I'm getting a bunch of items for this let's buy some more stuff though yes Miner you can buy stuff too okay here we go I'm buying times three motors it's 250 Robux and buy it boom let's go now we have a bunch of Motors so we can make it super fast whoa okay we definitely gotta build a boat everyone start building right here all right let's start I'll make the platform oh okay minor I'll help you with the back right here yes here I'm gonna place the motors in a second let me just keep doing this all right Shady you're running into me oops sorry I'm trying to put a window down look oh that looks nice wait is that a window or a mirror might or move you're blocking the blocks oh my gosh okay here you ready guys let's grab these three motors and let's put one here one here and one here how does that look guys that looks good and uh don't forget to add your little motor too oh yeah true I'm adding the little motor right there okay I added mine we have five Motors now we just need to build a platform come on guys we're gonna have the biggest boat ever I know and we should put our chairs in the middle instead of the back true everyone help build this out I think we should have a little seating area where we can eat dinner while we venture through the river why would we eat dinner while going in the river and Shady stop walking in front of the blocks I'm trying to play some okay sorry you keep doing it oops wait guys I didn't even realize you can buy tools that help us build whoa wait what tools look I just bought a scaling tool and watch now I can stretch blocks however much I want do it okay scaling tool and let's take this block and stretch it oh gosh I think it's stuck uh-oh maybe you have to stretch another block I need to get more bricks that's why hey the miners just sitting down minor you need to be working with us oh my gosh okay here I'm buying a ton of these bricks real quick buy this and now let me try this out let's scale this out look at this guys whoa holy smoke how far are you gonna go dude I think we should build a ginormous Cube what do you guys think I think that's the best idea ever okay I'm gonna stretch these out as much as I can let me just buy a ton more bricks real quick okay I just realized I could buy a lot of these I'm just gonna purchase 500 of the bricks what that's so many I know but we want to make a huge Cube don't we what else should I buy so I can contribute um I think you should also buy some blocks and also build the interior of this place okay should I get some bricks yeah I'll worry about stretching these ones on the bottom out all right guys I'm pretty much done with the bottom what do you think yeah you are looking good oh I should probably make it more like a cube though because this is kind of looking like a big rectangle true it's huge since it's looking like a rectangle I'm just gonna make this a little bit smaller like this wait true we need a cube not a rectangle remember yeah true okay try and extend it out both ways so we can make it look more like Square all right here I go okay Shady how was this looking so far look what I can extend the whole thing wait I need more bricks hold on I'm buying some more real quick okay I need to get that extender tool like you yeah you definitely do it costs a lot of monies but it's worth it cash should we spread out the motors yeah maybe we do you do that okay I can't they're yours silly ah geez fine give me one second I'll do it this looks much more like a square and now I'm gonna take some more bricks like this and lay it on top what let's extend this out like this and then go up like this what oh my gosh I have some bricks to use where do I buy that extension Tool uh it's in the shop at the top silly okay I'll get it oh my gosh okay now I could take another one of these bricks place it here and extend it uh what and I need more bricks again I'll buy some cash I got Thrones for all of us oh place them down we can create like a big room in here and nothing will be able to get to us true watch out Miner okay here we go third Wall go up oh that's shady do you have more bricks I keep running out yeah how do I give them to you though um I have no idea just uh you complete that and I'll start working on the interior okay sounds good all right cash how does this look wait you already finished I didn't even oh my gosh this is really starting to look like a big Cube now look at this thing and we got doors yeah we should leave the back open just so we could see a little better too I need to make sure we're not getting eaten by an alligator yeah true okay what do we want to add on the interior maybe these thingies what are they chests oh yeah that's a good idea I I have a sign that I could place right here can you write it um I don't think so dang it I thought maybe the miner could talk to us for once the miner could use his chat I'm not gonna watch him baby shady I have balloons I think I'm gonna place it on top here do it wait look I put a balloon thing on the back too holy smokes and you know we could just put a bunch of defenses on the top like Harpoon guns and stuff whoa to kill the alligators yes I'm gonna buy some of those good idea give me these cannons and give me these mini guns yes I'm gonna get two of these because those look cool and now I'm gonna get a magnet and I'm not really sure what this one does but um I'm just gonna buy it hopefully it gets us some more gold I hope so also I'm gonna get the Harpoon Gun like I said boom okay Shady I'm placing one Cannon right here one right here a Harpoon Gun on top and the mini guns on the back like this should we have some stairs to get up there uh oh yeah that's actually a really good idea let's build some stairs come on all right I have the block wait what are all these chests in the front uh I don't know do they even work they open someone has to remove them we need to make space for the stairs all right all right I think I added some of my own so I'll get rid of that uh I'll remove some of mine too okay and for the stairs let's start it at the back here just so we have enough space we need to put a hole in the ceiling though so they can go up we already have a hole in the ceiling Shady you're right oh my gosh okay let's go up like this and see if you can make it all the way up nice so we definitely can make it up and when we're up there we can try the Cannons I know should we put some chairs up here too yeah that would be a good idea hopefully I don't fall when we're actually in the ocean are you guys ready to launch this huge Cube though I think we should do it okay everyone Lodge oh wait I'm gonna go sit in my seat first right um hang on cash I'm doing some finishing touches okay just launch whenever you're ready oh are we going already we launched holy smokes hey why is the balloon just off in the distance there what was that supposed to do wait did that even help us wait you guys put seats on the top I'm coming up too yeah wait there's only two so be careful I'm coming up I don't care okay I gotta go up and up yes I made it guys holy smokes wait I think I just activated two of them whoa whoa wait I want to shoot and the minigun oh my gosh look it just shoots straight like that we could easily use this to break all the Rocks I know we gotta break all the Rocks so we don't get damaged use the Cannons and the miniguns to shoot at the Rocks come on what is this Harpoon gonna do again oh geez I think you're supposed to shoot that at animals wait I blew up one of the Rocks wait can we actually stand like this holy smokes clear the path oh geez wait how do I activate the motors um I think you just click W cash it's not working guys I think our cube is surviving right now there seems to be no damage at all okay but we're kind of curved yeah true just use the miniguns to shoot at these obstacles all right all right I'm loading the cannon me too I'm shooting as much stuff as I can oh I just got rid of those come on we gotta make it to the end I'm reloading oh geez don't worry I'm getting rid of some of this stuff boom wait are we in a bowling alley right now whoa there's bowling balls coming for us break them use the machine guns to shoot at them oh geez wow wow you use the Cannons everything everything we got oh gosh cash I don't know if we're gonna make it through this one no we definitely will look if the cube is just taking a little bit of damage okay The Miner fell no oh no oh geez okay well it looks like it's just me and you Shady oh gosh oh geez nice good catch um it's a split goal oh I get it oh geez now we're on the hot dog level uh oh I hope we don't get to the alligator level anytime soon me too we could just use the Cannons and weapons to shoot at all though oh gosh we're getting baseball cash what oh geez trying to shoot at it watch out I can't I can't Dodge it uh-oh holy smokes wait I think our cube is still intact though so we're doing well Shady these pretzels are no match for us definitely not wait I just wondered can I shoot the cannon backwards oh I definitely can oops oh gosh don't shoot me sorry I didn't mean to I'm just gonna keep shooting stuff with the machine guns I can't believe we have so many weapons I know wait what is this level oh my gosh it looks like we're inside of a computer Shady shoot at the things this is scary okay it's fine just uh we're we're getting rid of most of it I think we're getting struck no candidates are being taken away no oh no all we have is one machine gun left and it's right here yeah and we have a Harpoon Gun and a cannon it's gone now oh gosh I lost my haircut cash wait me too why am I bald we're bald okay Shady just try and stay on top of the Cuban survive okay okay we've got two cannons left we could definitely survive this I think hopefully oh geez this is not gonna go well is it Shady get inside the cube get inside oh gosh we got a boss up Shady what are you doing wait what no oh gosh a cube there goes our water well maybe it'll come back I'm just gonna go back up the stairs just in case the water decides to come back and flood me oh it's coming good thing I did that come on we can make it over this I think our ship is taking a beating though let's try to break some of these rocks yeah true use the cannon what about this Harpoon oh I don't know if that'll do it no you wasted it oh gee Shady oops this is not good come on we gotta make it up oh geez we're taking a lot of damage down below Harpoon is pulling us toward it oh no oh step inside Genie oh gosh we got turned on the side okay it's all right we still have the stairs up we just need to make it to the treasure at the end oh no we're fine I think oh gosh we're breaking a lot cash I don't know if we're gonna make it through this one we made it to the next level Shady where are we right now I'm in the water now no our Cube was not strong enough for these hard levels we got really close though we made it to the third last level yeah we're gonna have to try again to get a better boat in another video I know all right if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe And subscribe bye guys
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 1,158,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building the LARGEST CUBE in Roblox Build a Boat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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