Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Genie!

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come on Aaron tell me was a surprise okay okay so you know how you love your dog so much huh I'd kill for him and I'd kill for you oh anyway so I built this entire puppy park back here so you can come over and you never have to leave me I mean him again Aaron that's so balloons W I'm going to kill someone I mean for you you know of course all right idiots what are you doing oh hey Aaron we saw that you expanded your backyard for a party it would have been nice for you to ask first you know um I guess but I mean I kind of already invited everyone one thing left to another and the party just kind of still happened sorry yeah the food's very mid Aaron um those are dog treats Oh e ew ew why did you put my trampoline in the ground uh Aon it's fine you got to do things in style with lasers wait what where did you even get that oh no oh my gosh I so firing that here Z just stop you're going to hit someone oh my goodness Z oh I didn't mean to do that oh my gosh that's it I'm so sorry I'm so sorry it just got in the way still so I can hit you more laser careful for firing the stupid laser oh my I love Fireworks my dog go you know uh it's probably a good time to leave right guys uh ch is that Alexander oh I loved him in and this is why I can't have nice things it's okay it's just Minecraft right we can fix this up and prank them back you know we can just clean up a little and uh it's fine it's fine a you know I just I want to surprise you with something that I made for once and I just wish you didn't have to see it like this I can help though I'm sure I can reach up there somehow with a trampoline maybe F I'm okay really just you go and you get another dog all right while I work on all day I I know how much you wanted a pet and I just I want to make this special for you okay you sure you don't need my help no babe it's okay I got this all right then follow if you need me k bye those jerks I got to help Aon out H but he can't know it's me I was saving this for my wish but I can use it for Aaron all right let's see uh right click and oh oh I'm so cute in this outfit erant won't know it's me wait maybe I can bring back the dogs or something with this power okay let's see um I wish the dogs are back oh oh Genie players cannot revive players or oh wonderful guess I have some rules H Aaron's been through a lot so what's the kindest way I can get Aon to find my lamp and become my master without him knowing it's me H I got to make sure he sees thisen again really I better change my voice for this what the heck is this wait a lamp come on come on come on all right what's this all about you have summoned the great Genie of the server you have three wishes a genie did you really think I'd fall for that Ian no no no I am a genie nothing else I'm a Genie who will help you oh yeah sure you are I'm I'm not falling for any of this I will prove it make a wish make it the most complicated wish your tiny human mind can come up with oh well thanks for the comp men well I want uh uh-uh I wish you have to say the magic words of course all right fine I'll play by your stupid rules I wish I had the best defense on the server that way I don't have to deal with this ever again ooh fun your wish is my command what what there you go done wait wait you're telling me this is real wait what wait how you're welcome not only do you have the best defenses in spike traps you also have some armies of wolves to work with oh new puppy oh you got me new puppies kimy on a mission wait what going to steal air and stuff for an awesome does she not see us or I don't think so she's kind of looking down all right well this is real we'll see what happens with your security doie let's get in let's see what happens hi nice doggy not nice doggy let's try to steal some stuff fun all right Genie we'll play this game I got more wishes right this will make this so much easier with me by your side anything is possible especially with two wishes left let me give you the grand to sure here is where you have your base of operations the security HQ wow cameras and everything oh this is awesome absolutely especially for my master wait wait what is that looks like someone's coming wait is that supposed to happen don't worry about it these lovers operate this little mirror which helps you see anything on certain parts of the server oh you can go through the cameras Aaron oh my no no not this again or give me a second I'm going to deal with this I wonder what she wants oh oh my God Casey af's not here I know she's not even logged on anyway I need to talk to you Casey listen I'm pretty busy so don't worry it'll only take a couple minutes no no no no no all right Casey I'm super busy I got to focus maybe Zan can help you a come on Jo show out of here oh man Aon hasn't discovered me just yet oh wait an alarm uh let's see um what is okay up we go what's going on here oh sane oh he's going to try to break in maybe I can stop his monkey business all right let's see uh let's do this I'm a little monkey got to get him and bite him where is he oh great Aaron got an ugly pet what banana what the how does it have all these oh he's tripping look at that how does it have so many there's too many bananas why too many bananas you darn monkey p is so much fun especially when I get to be sneaky around Aaron he doesn't know it's me right yeah I don't think he knows it's me okay time to go back to all right Genie what whoa monkey why why why is there a monkey here it's me silly beautiful Genie back to normal sorry Master had some monkey business to take care of anyway I have something to show you too hang on tight hang on tight what to the house what do you mean by that o here we are wait uh you wanted to show me a desert what is this uh not a desert a dessert see isn't it a sweet little tree dessert that's a carpet wait moving carpet flying carpet is this a flying carpet and I always travel in style come on oh yes oh wait wait how do we make it work come on hang on tight let's go oh w w this is fast I can show you the world I should have mentioned this earlier but I have a girlfriend oh I would didn't mean like that it's just a reference jeez don't jump ahead oh here we go wait what is this is this a dungeon oh maybe I can get something special in here for AF ooh thinking about your girlfriend oh sweet yeah I know she's going to love all the dirt I bring her from here dirt what about treasure for her why are you upset you don't even know her um hey why don't we look around right so we going to dodge any traps fight any monsters oh nothing like that even if you do you have a genie by your side to be able to help you right that's true come on we're going on a little Adventure Follow Me This Way master all right right behind you oh look over here there's a treasure room was that quick I'm pretty sure anyone would love this ooh look at this I'm sure your girlfriend would love it oh that sounds a little like someone I know there oh nothing what I mean no I don't I oh uh-oh oh no oh I guess I better see what this thing can do oh this be careful master I oh whoa wow I got some armor but let me help out a little bit hey easy you almost hit me sorry it's all good I think we almost got him nice and oops at least the armor protect you from lightning too yeah I guess so that was really powerful though I didn't realize you could kill a warden that quickly I wouldn't have been able to do it without you wait wait wait wait what oh sorry that wasn't a wish so the upgrades aren't Tech techically permanent I guess that's true you think you can do anything about us being trapped though don't worry about it I can just uh call a ride uh am I supposed to be seeing something or he'll be in here in any second oh there he is it's not slowing down no oh sorry about that I I guess that works he used to work for Uber you know he's uh he's still learning wait wait what does that mean back on wait should we grab the diamonds don't worry I'll have them magically warped to your house wait what you can do do that oh that's going to love that thank you for flying with Genie Airways we should be coming up on the Hub right now what's going on there why am I not surprised someone mess with my house again party here and done of course hey Aaron you're just in time I'm going to revive the party and you know your cute pink friend can stay too here hey there you're leaving her alone all right I think it's time for you to go yeah no I me to have fun wow you actually managed to turn something on oh H my goodness he's not smart is he nope dumb as rocks give me a moment Master I'll put out with some rain yeah I wasn't expecting that huh huh hold on wait you have a genie on your side and you haven't wished for a gold server Aaron rookie mistake why would anyone besides you you wish for that yeah obviously yeah let me just get things together a little bit of this let me just oh you know you could have wished him away wish him away and waste a wish on that buffoon oh I don't think so you know you're as smart as you are cute let me help you out there you go now that your house is fixed again do you have another wish oh yeah I've been saving this one I wish for a new power you know something that will keep these idiots from destroying my house ever again oo wish granted what wait what is this oh it's a gym you got to eat it it's a part of the genie thing you wouldn't understand just eat it and trust me you will get some awesome powers you want me to eat this go ahead eat up yum yum this all right fine fine I'll do it wait stop this dat hello stranger I've never met before hello home wer Aaron you can't date this super cute genie you're dating app now remember I won't let you break her heart this isn't a date all right and stop lurking around my house all right it's weird every time it's not weird when it comes to love I'm just being a friend and helping him out during a rough time plus I would never do that to AF all right never all right you promise trust me if I wanted to kiss him I would have already and honestly he's already rejected me so she tried good all right sorry about that I just couldn't let you cheat on my best friend a what a good friend if I would never do that oh wait what the oh no hurry try your new power I'm on it I'm on it all right what does this do oh oh oh fire oh I've got it don't worry master I won't let anything bad happen to you oh but it does a one shot him though I can look out Casey you're getting in the way I'm okay don't worry Miss Casey run away never mind she can hold her own you bet I can but um really sorry about this you know potentially hitting you it's perfectly fine but I'm going to go now cuz zombies creep me out so um bye bye cutie sorry about that she always does it that it's super annoying and it never ends she's adorable at least her intentions are good yeah when she's not trying to break my house so I know you didn't ask for this but as a genie I can grant anything I want to happen so I figured you can put your weapons in here and all your cool armor here and what are they doing you sure all the dogs are gone sure I I'm sure everything's fine you know Zan and Casey are taking care of the back now come on I'm telling you they've got traps everywhere so obviously the front door should be the only untrapped spot what that makes zero sense I'll no no no obviously it's safe wait I can take care of this watch now let's just do this door's open everything's fine my VA wait where does that trap door lead they're stuck in the basement don't worry also they talked about Zay and Casey being in the back why don't you go to the basement and deal with them and I'll make sure to take care of Zan and Casey oh wait wait wait I got a basement dungeon I like that bye oh sorry I didn't mean to close that yep thank you all right you too where are you okay keeping up that voice is nuts I got to be really careful cuz I don't know what's going on on so let's be invisible for a bit and see if I can do something all right what's they I need you to be on the lookout for me okay I know Aaron has some crazy Redstone machine in there that's how he fixed his house so fast so I need you to keep a lookout there's probably some crazy monkeys around here okay I'm on it okay let's see where can I find a trap all right with Zane being mischievous here I got to figure out a way to get rid of him but I don't want to give rid to Casey because she was actually nice and was looking out for me you know appam me all right let's see what I can transform into to lure her away oh look at this kitty cat this will be perfect all right let's see if she'll follow me H oh a kitty oh you're so cute oh where are you going wait let's see she's going to follow this Pink Kitty cuz I know Casey and uh Kitty where did you go all right perfect now to get back to the house I knew it now all I have to do is press this button and see exactly what Aaron made went into the B where am I now I go see how aon's doing what was that wait sa's down here hello hi Master what are you up to oh nothing nothing I'm just you know playing around by new toys Z you down here wait who's here I hear you look at them hang on what Aon hey let us out of here right now or I'll blow up your house you know that's not a very convincing argument Ian well you know it's not convincing when I'm down here let leave these two down here Aaron show us the contraption Contraption you know I think we should probably take care of them don't you think yeah I don't really like people when they threaten to blow at my house exactly you can uh pick however you want to deal with them how about Spa M let's see uh let me if I can get a boost if I can you hear that oh job I mean Genie what no no no no I not her at all don't don't even worry about it look I'll even show you I can do something different anything worse than monsters moist monsters see how about you finish it off Master oh well thank you don't mind if I do Aaron this is the worst wow that was brutal you know that's not going to keep them away forever right they're going to come back unfortunately if you want to protect your house and your little girlfriend you're going to have to figure out something bigger I was thinking the same thing and I've got an idea for that oh you do let's reset the traps while you're figuring out your big plan just in case you know yeah let's do it h shouldn't she be a little more worried about this because they have a catapult there not at all look who's setting it up what do you think is going to happen all right it's all set to go now on my March and go okay oh he's um kind of dead that didn't work you know I'm surprised the thing didn't just blow up all right who's next um I'm going to go get a bit of a closer look stay here I'm going to go down go invisible and maybe I can play with them a little bit more this has been so fun especially because Aon doesn't know who I am Kim why are you looking at me like that you're next get on there say no if anything do it for Casey I mean I just fine yeah you got this all right three two one go he does not have this that didn't work let's see maybe we can make this a little bit more vengeful Z was going to make me a sugar can Farm after this it's fine I'm sure he'll be back get in the Catapult because you killed Zan for no reason I had a reason he was annoying me go hey fine let's try toj just uh there we go oh let's give a little B more o um well I don't know what that just was but ready uh yeah just get over with come on okay and go oh that's a little higher than oh my goodness um Master the dogs are ready and everything is a go if they start a world with us I will be by your side let them try this will be great really again after everything you guys can't just leave me alone but we were born to party but you ruined Aaron's house you know yeah but Aaron's house is the best one for a party you saw that backyard enough is enough we came with backup and I made it oh yeah what oh no oh no you brought your mom what it does look a little bit like guys come on it doesn't look like enough yapping attack oh here we go get a master wi come on think which is the most powerful gen on This Server I will show you trying to challenge me can't believe this watch it with the lightning watch out for the fire give me your house you call yourself friend as you ruin everyone else's stuff shame on you there we go that should work what the hey Ken catch oh what's the rain going to do where' our witch go oh nice work she [Music] melted there we go you guys just that understand all oh wait wait a minute hang on where did everyone go hey so about that thing earlier uh how about I run around the dog park I'll only eat most of the food so uh how about that Master can I please see my lamp I would love to help this uh Soul oh yeah yeah yeah sure you help him oo is it made out of gold here you go take my lamp he killed him in one shot very deadly indeed we do make a really good team you know I guess we do Genie so about that final wish it should be your most precious wish you've ever made oh most precious wish I ever made man it sucks that AF isn't here right I know I'm so sorry about that I wish that AF was here really that's what you want to spin your wish on what the my wish is for Revenge oh Grant your wish give me one byebye door something oh no I knew it was you the whole time what come on I put on a voice and everything it was pretty cute
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,453,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: ScPaitf7rh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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