Choose Your Blox Fruits by its EYES!

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we're going to be randomly picking a Blox fruit but the only thing we can see from that fruit is its eye and we have to guess which eye we want for a 1 V one battle where first to five wins well let's see what eyeballs you put in my dispenser then Luke I went devious with these like what even is that I got a sneaky suspicion that's chop but I maybe I'm wrong I uh maybe what is this oh I think I know what that is really yep I think I do bro looks depressed honestly bro looks so depressed okay and the last one I actually I'm no way it's coming to me it looks kind of angry I was thinking it might be Rumble but then is it I think I know which one that is I wanted to take the depressed looking guy so I'm going to take it but let's find out what this is what would that have been no it was the Beast is this what I think it was I think this is Blizzard oh you're so right yeah so I've got blizzard that's what I've got and then is this chop is this chop it is chop okay we're learning we're learning the eyeballs we're going to be Blox fruits like Opticians we're going to be Blox fruit Opticians as someone with glasses I can definitely do this video see what you gave me the first one there's no way how did we get coffee bean squared all right let's see what is that wait I think this one's a little bit prehistoric oh oh it could and the last one oh that's flame yeah yeah that one's easy that one is flame I got to take this risk because if this is T-Rex what is it no I thought it was T-Rex so did I I was with you on that oh that's devious they use the eye that isn't Smokey this was definitely flame right well let's check yeah it is yeah yeah that's not okay it's a battle of Elementals and um one of them is better I am cooked I thought that was T-Rex I was so happy and then my dreams were crashed so take this you're not cooked you're Frozen do you see that you're not if I had flame you would be cooked do you smoke bom L okay how about that wait that's not how about that that's illegal I'm actually going to lose with blizzard and I'm never going to live it down am I that was a prediction that was actually nuts I'm actually almost dead uh I was joking fo the flash step onto you it was good but that was that was even better no no no I thought you were going to shoot something I had to dodge Boom the tap I got clipped you clipped me by the end one put it in my fortnite Montage honestly that's how clipped you were wow what have you given me next let's see another circular eyeball very rigid I don't know what that is that's interesting because I think I know exactly what that is it's like crying what could that be and then the last one sorry sorry there you go boss oh he's very angry is that the Beast I know what that is I know what that is as well I'm locking in this one this what I'm going to take that's good I'm pretty sure it's Rumble right yes okay that's good you know what you missed you know what you missed out on right here let me show you let me show you it sound yeah look I don't mind I'll take Rumble I wonder what that one was I guess we'll never know let's see what you get though okay I'm I'm excited warmed up let's go isn't that just a light no let's see what else what is that oh no wait that one's obvious actually now now that I'm looking at it is it it's a renga it's the Naruto fruit oh my oh my God you should take it it's the Naruto fruit what what's bro's eye looking like that for it's like an anime eyeball no I need to take the last one I don't I don't know what it is no I think I figured it out look are you actually taking it yeah I'm taking it look there's like a flame in the middle do you see like the pupil is a flame oh I know what this is it's Phoenix yep it's Phoenix let's go it's going to be close oh it's going to be tricky I got to stop you before you transform no no I actually head butt W I'm gone you've done this again I'm in the sky look how crazy that is look at the distance I got you're basically halfway to the top of great tree okay well you know what I was just kidding I'm coming down to fight you on your own that was too close oh big that was sick from you big oh no no no no no it's a shame if someone had a heal button oh oh that was close that was real close that was also real close I've got an idea what's your idea it's scaring me where are you I'm in here you've got in the great tree that's actually genius from you my super jump Strat won't work in here I thought I thought you were going to do a cheeky you fall ow who's the fall now what I got you let's go Thunderball destruction yeah you fell for it you fell for it I got scared there actual Thunderball destruction oh I didn't account for that honest wo take this oh if that hit I was gone okay okay this is scary this is very scary you're about to teleport towards me never mind no that's fake news let's just uh let's just chill out uhoh oh I C you yes I call you where' you go I'm behind you I'm everywhere Luke oh hit that no I had to hit that if you hit that it was over oh if I hit that it was over if any if either of us hit an attack no I don't think I could win that even if I best to our three that let's go next your next eyeballs hopefully they're good for me I'm actually scared now because you know youve just you know two n down so you put bad stuff in here now let's see that's not true what let's see oh flame okay and then the last what is that it looks like a kidney bean what could that even be I don't know I'm scared that it's smoke again or something I think I'm going to play it safe and take the one I know let's let's take flame right yeah okay flame it is what is this is that what you had that's the same one that was on my side fair enough and then oh we know what that is and then no way I really want to find out what this is the kidney bean oh it speaks to me let's see if it's speaking facts though what is it ooh wait this is going to be a donut battle except I'm the dut maker you're the baker yeah I'm oh no I need this wien for the greater good for the Bakers worldwide I'm doing this for for Ace fans everywhere that missed that missed that missed that's crazy I'm actually playing so scared right now bro gone no yeah you questioned it I like looked around I didn't see you run behind me no no no no boom great magma a Hound wo okay it's time great spicy ball of sun great spicy ball of sun you're in there no that's some fake news I'm actually full HP if you're in there you're dead if you're in there you're dead take this it's coming Luke the great spicy ball of sun take this how are you there big eruption no I missed the floor is too spicy volcanic corruption again I hit that I hit that you're going with me oh actually would have killed me and I did it all while te- posing BR I'm back on the board that's what youi what is that wait that's just a circle and then not quite sure what I'm looking at there and then what is that it's like a guitar pick this one is the one that most looks like an eye by the way like I don't don't know if you can see that this one I'm interested I'm intrigued I'm going with this one I'm trusting my gut because it is oh my goody goody gumdrops it's so obvious when you can see the whole fruit yeah when you can see the whole fruit it's really obvious oh that's so crazy okay right I'm logged in right now I'm going to pick only the best thing on this side I mean if you know what it is then fair enough what it looks like a Wi-Fi signal I know what it is bro it's a Wi-Fi signal is it the W Wi-Fi fruit yeah but only two bars of Wi-Fi oh that's interesting oh would you look at that it's rocket yep okay and then the last one no way we could do a you know a mirror match a kitchen a off but I'll lose that I know I'll lose that fight so you're taking the black hole yeah this one is interesting we've seen it twice now I need to know I have a suspicion that it's like ghost maybe oh it was it actually makes so much sense I I was thinking like what else could it be but that was the only thing I could think of like just the circle right fair play but you still lose better summon your minions first or else you're going to lose uh that one's you right I did I oh my how's how's your health looking goodby Health goodby your health you only hit my minions though so it's fine that's fake news wa wait wait die look oh he flash stepped that's cra and now it's time no 16k damage oh my goodness you on your second life and did I just do a lot right there you just did a lot of damage you're still on your first life yep not anymore let's end this s that was the wrong s hold on that's the right s there we go I was trying to be an NPC yeah but that's the problem right you're more of a bot than your Bot side so it was easy to tell let's see I I was kind of devious where that ghost round but it wasn't enough wait isn't that just light is that the other eyeball of light I think it's just light right it must be wait what's that the sharing gun that actually is the Sasuke fruit I don't know any of these it's smoke no I'm taking that one even if it's smoke it's worth the risk you ready no no no no no oh it's it's actually the one it's actually T-Rex let's go let's see what you give me I don't know what that is but it looks bad that's rocket and then huh what why does this one look so innocent and happy I feel like the innocent one is going to be the best one there you actually might be on something n you know what I'm not happy I'm on demon time I'm taking this one what have you got what have you got I don't know let's see no way that's actually a happy fruit it's not even demon time he's actually happy you bamboozled yourself I actually did are you ready T-Rex man yeah I saw that it was a visual glitch I'm going to show you what happened to the the dinosaurs all right really I'm going to show you oh did you see what happened well they went to space huh a meteor came down and killed them what about a nuke or some TNT Bo ah how about that nuke you weren't expecting that were you oh ow self-destruct okay oh no I'll just catch you I'll wait for that get away from me that's not good that's really not good hey Luke ow St this drugs oh no I'm actually dying just kidding oh come on that had to hit you broke my transformation let's go that's what I'm talking about back into the house I've got my Minds here come and I need to we can talk about this we can talk about this come here Lucas the that was terrifying come on no n n n n let's go that was like horror game material you like when you try to run away from something in a nightmare I was like trying to get through the door and you just grabbed me I'm going to be honest I was playing with my food for so long in that fight and then at the end I just locked in you're going to become my sleep paralysis demon after that one ooh oh no that one's kind of obvious huh why so angry is he angry or like done with life because he could be both yeah and then wait what is that it's like a Beyblade oh BeyBlades Let It Rip you know what I'm playing it safe give me love that's the safest way you could have gone that's that's good yeah I need a best friend I need a helper I seem to remember you disowned your best friend but it's it's okay let's go um well a love fruit a love fruit on its no no no no no no no no I love fruit on its side okay let's see the next one oh it's that one again oh the guitar pick what could that even be what is that you know if you add a little beak and then some legs it's a duck oh I see it I see it I was also thinking it just looks like a more exaggerated rocket eye like a fat out rocket eye rocket that didn't go to the gym which is probably bad like let's be real do I take the guitar pick and just see what it is cuz like I'm doing this for the viewers let's find out what this is viewers comment down below what you think it is because in 3 2 1 oh oh that makes so much sense oh without seeing the fruit that's that was impossible and this one's obviously the love fruit yeah show them show them love go go ahead see it's love even on its side that no one loves that if anybody actually knew the eyeball was spider yeah you guys just smart enough to become my subscriber so click subscribe yeah do it you have to that's right and also maybe go touch some grass all I'm saying s is you wouldn't be clicking that subscribe button from that one you had no idea no I I had no idea neither did I so I wouldn't either no one's clicking subscribe it seems that's crazy stop farming mobs best friend go go go did I get him where are you I'm above you I'm using the koopal oh why am I dead why am I dead why am I dead what just happened best friend came in for the clutch oh no I just did that point blank and your best friend jumped into it as well oh that was clutch ow ow the wob wobs get away from me best oh no best friend will never leave I'm throwing boom Oh my God you want a best 2 Hour 3 S you want to do it yeah best two are free me right now best two are free me okay I reseted I am ready let's go then one of those off the bat no that's crazy from you oh I'm rushing right in I don't even care woo Fair Play No that's actually good from you I figured out the strap oh that's still here that's crazy no no no ow my health I'm so low and suceptible I don't know where you are I know exactly where you are sen you canceled my move gotcha oh no no i' I've messed up I've messed up this is how I thought the first round would go I tried to kidnap you I need to stop I need to stop messing around I need to stop no no no no no no no keep messing around it's really funny he ha best friend finish him no I fell in the water best friend pop off I am going so slow oh my he just sniped you out the guy Bro went for blood there that's crazy oh man I needed to win the first round you actually nearly did GG this comeback Arc is what I needed oh was that one again and then spin okay cool and then wait is this spin it's more like compact oh yeah because we had the like reng gun before right wait I know what that one is you do this one looks like if you took ghost and then you hit it with a h on the top yeah and then it released a poison fog maybe no wait you're actually cooking aren't you you know what I'm not going to overcook this I'm going to take my winds where I can get them that's not good for me okay let's think about this let's see what you've done first no way a mirror match could be cool with this but also sticky floor we won't know whose it is and I don't like the sound of that what's this it came in like that yeah I actually don't know what that is okay and then the last one why is it like a paintbrush paintbrush makes sense to me this looks like a like a flaming like angry eye right yeah no no no it's not that though it's a paint brush I got to take the paintbrush I I don't want the mirror match are you sure yeah because if it comes down to skill I'm not confident so I'm going for luck is that Dragon that's what I think let's see it's been been 10 months and no update are you Dragon it actually is let's go let the battle begin okay wait there's no way we just did the same thing I'm going to pop a smoke screen and run away never mind you hit me somehow I don't have to go in there that's the thing oh the poison it hurts the wob wobs how have I run out already Luke I'm going to be like a plague you can't stop me oh no you can't stop the plague no that was so good from you you needed to hit that by the way otherwise it was actually over for you it basically is already good oh no oh I moved my mouse oh you're flying a bit slow now sen you're flying a bit you're flying a bit dead now Luke this actually not good what you weren't expecting that no best two yeah yeah sure best two I three me you ready yeah I'm I was born ready let's go 3 2 1 let's go I'm not holding back this time have you ever seen a grounded Dragon I don't I have now because I just made one oh no I wonder who's like winning more from that trade there me honestly you know I need to do this now I need to do this now okay okay okay why did they not hit you boom same I'm starting to believe I'm just going for a little Adventure don't mind me come back here Luke where is bro he's so small he's tiny oh part of my plan oh yes I canceled it as well though oh my God I'm actually feeling myself right now let's not do that anymore let's not let's not in fact let's end this no that was crazy from GJ getting your Fury meter first was so huge but that's only equalized it yeah I can still win this whenever you're ready ah Swig of some H2O and I'm good to go let's begin final round this is for everything Bo that is not a good start for me that's fine cancel that boom I flicked to you that was actually insane hit and run tactics right now I'm try Harding so much right now the being above is so crazy yes oh my God midair oh let's go that was so sick it's brought me down to the ocean and ended me top 10 sen Pirates moments right there GG hey man so we're on Match Point and I've used my best two out of three I'm cooked we got a Wi-Fi signal a bean and an eyeball and another Bean honestly so I'm going to take the shadow fruit wait Wi-Fi is Shadow Wi-Fi is Shadow oh it makes so much sense oh my God it's so obvious y let's see what I get on this side get it what I get oh it's a very very sad looking fruit he looks so unimpressed with life is that lie I I just don't know anymore and then T-Rex again no wait that one is definitely smoked this time he didn't fall for my bamboozle I'm going to play it safe and take this one that I think is light no not diamond oh it makes so much sense actually they have the same eyes basically yeah but light just has a little like little lines coming off of it I think ah you're right it does oh man I didn't think about that diamond versus um Shadow GG let's make this quick Diamond man okay I'm going to oh I'm going to do the one thing I know I've got the iron pickaxe equipped you're done no no no you're going to need more than iron to take care of me wait I can't hurt you I I do no damage and you've gone to space I've gone that's all I can do I just need to get my cool Downs back boom I was trying to get you out of the air speaking of hitting out of air I just did that three times that missed as it should no I was trying to do it again some health back uhoh uhoh wait are you saying you you've trapped me on the ground I can't get out you're finished GG I had the domain expansion ready as well BR we've equalized it we've equalized okay final round and I'm this time I'm not being stupid okay you better hope that you've got something good in there you put them in here right yeah but like all nine so let's see I don't know what that is yeah neither do I that one's it's too basic to even know like oh the shine gun oh wait isn't that like how does Spike size look oh that would make sense actually oh would it I like I don't even know that's that's tough and then the last one wait oh was that one again it's calling to me are you sure you 100% going to pick that you can't stop me all right I just want to see what the sharing gun is first so let's see is it spike it is no no one cares what you are let's see what I got oh wait it actually makes sense it's like the icicle dripping down oh man basic eye number one we've got diamond yeah we know that now you don't you don't want that one what bro that's a whole character is this a little little dark fruit yes it is I'm taking that okay I got to know for the greater good as well what was this you dodged a bullet that's crazy okay so it's dark versus ice this is kind of scary I've got to get close and you do most damage close range Bo you weren't expecting that were you at all I've just done the nons Pirates thing I played aggressive wait that's fine oh wow that's also fine into this into this oh that that was good from you that was good from you I couldn't get out GG no oh my God how you feeling Luke how you feeling fantastic never been better uhoh yes come on come on come on that missed finish this no let's go that could have been anyone I had to hit that dimensional slash I think I had 1,000 HP left no that that would have been it but you know what of course the guy with glasses won the eye video yeah you go training there often
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 522,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits live, blox fruits admin, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update 19, blox fruits update 21, blox fruits update 21 release, blox fruits update 21 kitsune, blox fruit live, update 20 blox fruits, blox fruits update release, blox fruits update kitsune, blox fruits kitsune update, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruits troll
Id: XqjsrJpKuDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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