I Built an ELEMENTAL ROOM to Hide From My Dad!

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is there any mail in here yet nope still no letter oh come on man this is taking so long why does the mailman always check our houses last I know right even when the meil is so important yeah and if he doesn't give me this mail before my dad gets home then I'm totally not going to be able to go to that Elemental Camp yeah true and who is that who's what um what in the world dude no music around the house okay this is private property no music wo wo wo I think you might have angered him oh no no he's fine oh no he'll be all right aw did I get the mail yet let's play a sad song to remember him cash no mailman has come I don't know why you're looking at it yeah I'm just waiting on him sorry well do you know your tracking number no who knows their tracking number for mail I do it tells me it's going to arrive between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. do you remember your tracking number by heart yes what is it four that is not a real tracking number Mia Mia what no whatever my package will arrive why'd you clear your throat yo yo yo yo yo oh gosh no my dad's home we got to get him out of here before the mailman comes oh great hey how's it going son and all of you are here hey what's up Cash's friends hello Cash's Dad hey well we're kind of planning a little hangout right now do you think you can leave no why not I don't think I will okay we want snacks from the store can you just go grab some real quick please no I'm here to take care of you guys you guys look like you need an adult around here oh guys come on how do we get rid of him the mailman's going to be here any second I don't know oh I don't know Dad could you get out of my house no I'm going to just chill here on your couch oh gosh well Shady's taking your car look at him wait what yeah he's driving it backwards over there might want to go get it hey Shady get get over here yeah you should probably go look at that that should be enough of a distraction I think nice job Shady oh yes I think I see the mailman over there yes over here I got your guys' mail yall were looking for the acceptance letters right yeah for the elemental camp we want to all get a bunch of cool elements okay here uh let me just sort them out I don't know which one goes to who which one is Shady oh gosh he's not here right now that's the yellow boy yeah he's kind of busy distracting someone okay here I'm just going to throw all of them out and you can sort them between yourselves okay yeah yeah that's perfect oh yeah ow Shady don't chill ow Shady move wo oh no don't let my dad get it oh yeah she got it uh dad do you don't want to read those please what is this don't worry about it it's nothing Elemental Camp huh so this is what you're doing you're just fooling around ooh Shady did not cook you're grounded shady I thought you were distracting him what you can't ground me go upstairs but this is my own house get upstairs now I'll talk to you later no I'm going then jeez the bus was about to be here too they were going to pick us all up why did my dad have to come interfere with all this and what's so bad about Elemental Camp anyways all I get are cool firep poers that's like the sickest thing ever and he's afraid that I'm going to burn myself on accident I've never done that before totally H dear cash you've been accepted into the elemental Camp a well now I can't go cuz I'm grounded man my life sucks Cash Cash what you're dad why are you guys up here he took my letter he took mine too mine too yeah he took mine did he ground you guys as well yeah yeah we had to stay in your room what and now we all can't go how does he even have that to yeah I think uh Nico Zoe and Mia got their parents called not me though I ain't got any what do you mean so then how is he even able to ground you dude I don't even know he's basically just like my dad at this point well if we're not going to go to Elemental Camp how in the world are we all going to get any powers anymore I don't know it's not fair here I have an idea I'm going to try and sneak out you guys go through the back I'll go through the front okay got it okay all right this is going to work there's no way he expects this all I got to do is just make it to the bus in time and he won't be able to St nice try buddy oh man I'm guessing I have to go back up to my room yeah all of you wait what guys I think he caught you get back up to the room now okay I'm sorry oh oh gosh well that didn't work I knew that it wasn't even worth it oh whatever fine if my dad doesn't want me to go to the camp then I won't maybe I'll just stay here for the rest of my life and he'll never see me again cuz I'll be in my room no maybe we could do something cool like what I don't know we could like build our own Elemental School ooh I do like that idea I mean like maybe not a whole school because that's super large but like a room where we could learn the elements oh that's true true but where in the world would we build that oh I had the miners build out a room for us earlier wait what yeah it's under your house I was going to make it into my own little space but we could use that under my house well there's no room under mine because you have a whole Lab there you don't need to use my property I want to have two rooms let me see where this is I swear if you carved out an entire section right under my place that is going to be so annoying oh gosh also my dad's downstairs how do we sneak past him here I'll distract him you look for it you look for it okay all right here I go okay hey I'm running out the front door I'm running oh gosh wait that actually kind of worked now I can search around where did Mia put this thing there's got to be an entrance somewhere around this house and why would she build it under here she couldn't have built it under Nico's house or Zoe's or something it's right next to oh I think I found something Mia I found the room oh he got me okay I'm back at the house this is the perfect spot to hide from my dad and wait what's this creative keys wait a second so if I put this in my inventory like this it puts me in Creative Shady how did you get here oh I just snuck down here but I didn't see you come down the ladder oh well don't worry about it I have my tricks oh well do you know where Mia Zoe and Mia are Mia was captured by by Brad but she eventually escaped well she's here now I've entered where's Zoe at I think Zoe had to deal with something Shady kind of killed her really shady what I didn't even do that shady why see Shady cut it out with the guns and anyways look in this chest you guys can get these keys and it gives you creative mode oh sounds good and Mia I'm not going to lie the way you built these rooms is kind of interesting there's weird walls around all of these you can't blame Mia you have to blame the miners I guess so but Mia's the one that told them to build this under my house I asked for one simple room and they messed it up well this is five simple rooms and to be honest this is actually kind of perfect now that we have creative mode what if we just build our own Elemental rooms since my dad's not letting us go to that camp ooh I call being Earth I would to be Earth well I call being fire I call being water wait what do I call Zoe you could be fire with me okay but as long as you help me build the room I guess I can does this mean that I'm air I guess so or you're wind I could be a MacBook Air no you know what else is air sh surprise Mr Cash wo wo wo okay never mind I'm not going into his room it doesn't matter Shady cuz my room's going to be better than yours oh yeah yeah you'll see the fire Elemental room will be on top no the water Elemental room will be on top I can add some fire to your room like what what do you mean no no no Shady Shady cut it out cut it out wait grab it grab it grab it I'm getting rid of this yo Shady you know what else is made of air what a fart so you got the fart element you got the explosive fart element dude ah okay whatever zo you want to come help me build this room yeah will I know exactly how I want to do it first I'm going to grab my wand since I have creative mode and this can let us do things a lot easier so we can set this floor to whatever we want okay so let's see let's set it to whatever this wall is made of so I think it's made of red concrete orange concrete and magma blocks boom and now we got a mixture of everything look at this floor yo that's a cool command yeah I know the floor looks awesome too and you know I kind of want to set this entire thing to that so I'm going to make all these walls look the same as well we just got to do the same command but we got to replace set with walls boom now look at all the walls in this place ooh what about the top um you can set the top to whatever you want okay I'm going to set the floor to something else cuz I just realized if I'm stepping on magma all the time it might start to get annoying so I'm going to change this floor and actually I'm going to cut down a little deep for this and you'll see what I'm doing in just a second and now if we cut all this it's going to get rid of the entire floor but don't worry Zoe don't freak out okay I'm freaking out I'm freaking out no just wait I'll show you what we're doing in a second we got to set this walls to be something like red so let's do walls red concrete boom like this and then we also set the floor to Red concrete like this boom what's with the amethyst Block in the middle of nowhere nothing that doesn't doesn't fit no just let me have it oh I'm sorry I had to get rid of it Zoe darn it and now Miner are you coming to help us uh-huh J okay well just give me one second Zoe can give you a creative key to come help yeah here you go but first I'm going to work on this floor so let's see if this works I'm going to set this to Red stained glass boom and then I'm going to do it again right here and hopefully we can create a fog effect that goes deeper and deeper as you go down ooh that's a cool effect yeah we just got to make a bunch of layers for it like this and there boom now we have a little fog effect going down looks like I'm in the abyss wait someone just came over to my Elemental room who's that I don't know who that is hey you don't belong here dude hey no you got to leave you can go to Shady's room yeah definitely go bother him man I kind of feel bad I don't even know who that is yeah he looks interesting though yeah true anyways now we can place some stairs going here so let me get some red concrete stairs I think I hear something going on in Shady's room oh guys thank you for placing those Miner I don't know what's going on in that room but I don't think I want to know anyways and Now Zoe we should definitely create some sort of Armory for our Elemental armor sets o that was be sick while you're working on the outside there I'll work on the inside here okay okay sounds like a plan so the first thing I'm going to do here is set a little bit of a wall so let's do something like this we'll go all the way over here and up and now if I do walls red concrete boom it should create a little wall for us but I need to break open the middle so you can actually get through to it and this will be the Armory room so I'm going to make the ceiling go all the way up like this and now we got to do the same effect to the ceiling so all I have to do is place this here set orange stained glass boom and then we just do that layering down all the way and this will create the fog effect that we like except it's on the ceiling instead of the floor this time and I'm not going to lie it looks like it starts to get yellow as you go towards the top but that's not too bad I don't mind it boom there we go okay how is that looking pretty good and now we can actually work on the Armory Mia is usually the best at these but since I don't have her today I'm going to have to do it myself but Zoe can help as well now let's get some black concrete for ourselves and start placing it right over here like this oh yeah just do the same thing on the opposite side that works okay then we'll do this right here perfect and now we actually got to place the armor sets to make sure it makes sense so let's see how we want to do this I'll place an armor stand here here and here and then I'll place it here as well Miner you got any cool ideas as to how we can make this Armory look yeah I'll let you cook don't worry I know you got some good ideas I was thinking we get different colored concrete like this and we build around in a weird pattern maybe around like this and then we make each of these armories a little room you'll see what I'm cooking in just a second I'm just building little outlines for these armories what in the world is that no we can't have a stone wall in the middle of this that looks ugly it's got to match the color of everything else okay netherite is a little better you know what I'll let you cook I'm just going to keep building on the insides of these rooms so let's do this build around this whole thing here and build on top of course now let's actually get the armor sets that we want so first I'm going to get this cool looking copper set wo next let's see Zoe would definitely like having a set like this so I'm just going to grab this for her I'm also going to enchant this all with protection 4 which is pretty easy all you have to do is EC enchant protection 4 and then I'm going to do this to all the armor pieces chest plate leggings boots and then Zoe set as well Zoe better be happy that I made this for her there we go okay I'll put it on this armor stand for her as well this copper set can go to Mia and then let's see what other armor sets we want to have definitely netherite set because that's the strongest set in the game and what is a rock shell chest plate you know what I think it's worth a try let's definitely take it why not Spike turtle shell Outback leggings yeah I don't think I've ever seen this armor sent in my life ever before but we're just going to use it let's enchant this all with protection four again there we go let's place the netherite right here the spiked turtle shell set would go right here and then we just need two final armor sets so I think I'm definitely going to do this three bolt set right here and then this tarantula hawk set wo it's got a bunch of cool stuff that goes with it like a spiked skater helmet and flying fish boots okay that's definitely the most interesting set of armor I've ever seen it even has cool elytra that goes to it yeah I know I see your work in there don't worry I'm not interfering Mr Miner I'm just getting the rest of the armor sets here so I'm going to place this right here and then the final set right over here and Miner I'm going to keep letting you cook over here I'm going to go on and build the next room for us as well okay since this is a fire element room we got to make a way for you to actually get your fire element and I think we make a little campfire Podium area I know that makes no sense you'll see first I'm going to grab my wand again and then I'm going to set a little area for us to work with here this should be good enough let's just make this black concrete and now that we have this we're going to set a little ring for you to walk in so we'll start it right here build out with concrete slabs there we go that looks pretty good we got to actually make it look like fire so let's grab some nether stuff like Netherrack Nether Bricks Nether wart and lava buckets let's also get a flint and steel just for setting fire to stuff and we got to make this look very inviting so we got to place a lot of burning deadly lava everywhere I think that's definitely a very inviting thing so there we go let's place a lava bucket right here but we also got to make sure it doesn't get out on accident oh gosh it's spreading lava do not spread please oh there we go thank you can't believe it actually listened and we got to spam this all around and make it look very natural so this might take a while but that looks pretty good we'll build it coming around something like this and we got to make sure not to block the ring off as well and we got to make make sure this is all in a circular pattern because I'm going to make this room go all the way up to the ceiling so we can't let it interfere too much and you know I want to move this back a little bit so we'll remove the lava for now and just keep building with Netherrack I'm going to just get the shape down first before I do anything else so let's build around something like that okay there we go that's perfect now it actually looks circular and now that we have that we just got to build up in different ways so I'm going to set this as my first position go all the way up here and then we'll do walls nether rack boom now it actually kind of looks like we're in the nether let's break a door open for us to walk through of course and then we also got to set a ceiling to this place so we'll set that to Netherrack as well boom now that we got the walls in place we actually got to start building and make it look unnatural because it has to look like the nether of course so we got to make the walls uneven we got to use different blocks and stuff like that yo Miner I might need your help in a second I know you're working on that but I need to spam blocks around here and I feel like it's kind of like a Twan job yeah I just need to make it look very unnatural you know how like the nether looks or I guess technically natural in that case but anyways while you're working on that I'm going to build a little nether fortress that kind of comes out of the wall here it's just going to going to go out this way and I'm going to make it go over the little ring I want to make you actually feel like you're in the nether so we'll make it extend all the way through the wall here as well give it a little Arch aspect like this and build it along this way and that looks really good that actually looks like it's a part of a nether fortress and you know in the nether there's different biomes as well so let's grab some other nether blocks like warped nyum I didn't even know that was the name of it give me one second I need to get the leaves for this stuff and then the other one's called Crimson hi F what even know that was a name for it either okay we'll get some of that as well what is it minor looks good oh thank you I worked very hard on it need cookie what what do you mean need cookie okay you know what I'm in creative mode so I can actually give you plenty of cookies there you go yeah you're welcome okay that's good enough now let me build this thing please I got to work on this before everyone else fills the room I can't let them know that they're faster than me at building I got to be the fastest and we're going to get rid of all this Netherrack so I can build this little area here too so let's build this out here like that build it into the walls a little bit like this and then build a little stem coming out this way and it can go over top like this oh that's perfect now let's grab some warped warp block that's a little weird to say and then we got to build over like it's actually a tree in the nether like this I'm not really sure how the nether even grows trees I feel like nothing can even survive in there but then again there's piglins and blazes so maybe I could be wrong I guess they can live anywhere they want there we go now we got that tree done it looks a little unmetrical but that's okay we'll build a little Crimson area over here too and I don't want to overdo it too much because this is just the nether then again there isn't really that much interesting stuff in this place have the Crimson stems come out this way boom and then we'll build the blocks on top of it like this now it actually looks like we're in the nether oh yes sir there we go this is looking really good and the final touch you need to add is a bunch of fire everywhere because that's just what the nether is like there's fire every little single place you go and lava that's why it's really hard to survive in this place so let's grab some lava from our inventory oh wait I already have some we got to make sure it doesn't flow out too much though okay boom there we go how's that looking please tell me that doesn't spill out right it's not going to spill out okay perfect thank you very much game okay let's make some Wall come out from this wall as well kind of like this and we got to catch it so it doesn't fall in around like that perfect yes there we go now we got lava and everything and once you step in the circle it should give you Elemental abilities so then finally once you get your armor and everything else it'll look good and Miner are you sure you want to have all this fire in the way here I feel like it could be messing with the flow it would look a little cleaner if you just had it like this oh and this is a cool little Armory room you can just choose whatever armor set you want and I like the stained glass pattern as well it looks kind of cool did you see my nether room yet yeah I know I'm interfering your work okay I'm sorry I'll just keep building it out myself I just need to get some nether brick fences and finish this off real quick kind of something like that and they don't really connect but you know what it's fine I'm not even placing anything up there anyways finally I do want to build a kind of secret entrance that you can go to make it back to the start that nobody knows about me so I'm going to build a little area that goes out like this I'm actually going to keep it as stained glass here and let's use Nether Bricks Like This to make the entrance go all the way loop back around to the start kind of something like this and I just realized this goes straight back into the Armory which works super well all I have to to do is just get some ghost blocks so the miner doesn't see and place them along the wall and then whenever he's not looking I can just pop through here hello Miner you're probably wondering how I got behind you don't worry I'm going back okay I got to finish off the secret entrance so nobody else knows about it I should just build up all the way to the top so let's set this is our first position go all the way up here set nether brick and boom now we got that wall made and we got to do this for all the way there so give me one second I'm going just use my wand and finish in all these walls because I want this to look really good okay and boom there we go now we got the full hallway finished all the way over over here for the secret entrance and I'm just going to place ghost blocks in the back here so you can't see how you get through which is perfect now that we got that complete I'd say this is a pretty good fire Elemental room and I'm going to go jump scare the miner real quick sorry you can finish off the glass there oh gosh you figured out my secret entrance don't tell anybody please it's how we can get back and forth from each room yeah it just leads straight back there you got to walk through this wall anyways now that we're done we should go see what everyone else's Elemental rooms looks like don't you agree uhhuh this looks really good let's go wo Zoe the front of this room looks awesome thank you I tried to make it look really cool what is this design at the top here oh I don't know it looks like a little friendly creature I didn't know y'all made a front mine looks so bad everybody made a front except you Nico yeah oh well how about this let's go look at Nico's first oh gosh okay well here is the water Elemental room okay wa you know I am a fire element but this actually is pretty cool this is a water element and I made a slide for each of you guys W I want to go down mine um where is my slide nah Nico left out Mia really bro I forgot about Mia you made slides for everyone ooh o I don't know how I forgot that crucial detail ni are you serious anyways I got to show you some of my abilities okay Shady why are you using the air element in my water Elemental sorry Brody okay check this out hey wo oh go that's pretty cool watch I could throw rings of water out this is like your own Dojo to practice your water abilities hey you can move fast in water we can't yeah also cuz I have these boots you want to try actually yeah I kind of do here take these boom okay I want to see how fast I can move in water give me wo and they give you speed as well oh my goodness well if I was a water element I would love this but I kind of want to see what Shady's Dojo looks like now yeah come check it out I'm kind of curious what the air element does here it's pretty Sleek but we have rooms for fighting like this wo these are like boxing Arenas oh this is cool and then we have my chamber of air where I sit and just think all day do you really just sit there and think yeah what do you think about I think about a lot of things actually it looks like this is what you'd come up to after following a quest yeah pretty much you look like a quest Master there and what's this over here is that a Target block yeah it's like a target practice how do you use this thing this is cool like this boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom wo wo and then I can send tornadoes too that is sick that actually is really cool I should have thought of that I don't even have a Target Block in my area to practice my fire abilities yeah this is just like the air Dojo but all elements are welcome yeah true we can all Chill on each others well Mia what about yours you had the Earth element I worked really hard on this one there's a tiny parkour wo this looks cool oh I like the parkour let's see if I can do this first try oh I did not do it first try I'm not going to lie and that portal over there is the portal to get your powers I kind of fumbled yo Shady went through the portal no don't through it you just get your powers there all right I'm going through it oh jeez Shady you probably have Earth Elemental stuff now yeah that's pretty awesome does that mean you're a hybrid between air and Earth yeah well I'm the last Avatar so um oh okay what's an avatar well that makes sense I don't know some air bender thing this room looks really cool though but are you guys ready to see mine and Zoe's yes I'm run yes it's over here Zoe worked on the front but I worked on the inside with the miner yeah the front looks absolutely amazing good job Zoe oo okay yeah and if you come over here here's the Armory for you to pick whatever armor set you'd like wo wo watch out for the fire and lava you definitely don't want to hey ooh what's this one hey you can't just break it should I put it on you just took it no no no no don't put that on please okay here Miner put it on it's the turtle shell chest plate no Miner don't put it on don't put it on do not put it on do not put it on miner put it on put it on put it on don't listen to him oh I'm not going to put it on here ticket let me show you guys this final blast this is where you actually get your fire element so if you walk in the circle you're able to shoot fire like this wo wo wo No No Air elements Allowed no Earth elements okay you guys need to leave this is a fire element only room okay fine gosh but you know it's kind of cool that we all have our own rooms now we can come and chill here whenever we want I know hey hey hey what's going on down here um where did my stuff just go hey no did the creative key run out oh gosh we survival uh hiy dad so you guys built your own Elemental rooms now huh no we didn't build this we just found this you're all grounded what get upstairs no a fine lab and I can't believe we got grounded again I know right oh this is so fun I love fire elements wait why do I hear my dad downstairs air punch hold on give me one second yeah oh yeah Dad what in the world are you doing you're using our elements take this Fireball boom wait what if you want to 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Channel: Cash
Views: 725,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, I Built an ELEMENTAL ROOM to Hide From My Dad!
Id: ieT2m4xf7XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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