My BABY is CURSED in Human Fall Flat!

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who cares this is my new baby actually it's going up with us someone has to catch it [Music] we have made it to the big city look at it it's so shiny yeah we're closed now what does this do i want it my first task as a pro is to do this because i am the pros i thought you were gonna say what is that i want it it looks like a bean no it's mine it's mine i give it to the first pro city i'm the pro one i'll do it i always get it i always solve the puzzle here while those two types yeah i don't care stop give it to me give it to me you can put you cannot put it in like that no just give it to me i'll do it i'll show you i can't have it no one can really is a big city home draco that's toxic come on give us the bean bag where is it if i can't have it no one can dude what what the funny go grab it go grab it grab it right it's gonna rain it's my bean my give me the bean draco i deserve no see you're not even holding the bee now shut up you let go of it you guys this is the stupid city that we have to trek through there is no time for this put this in there you need to get put it in look what you [Applause] help me you're wrecking it you guys are wrecking no just like that you're too heavy you guys suck funny for life three two one let's go gold guys don't leave me come on i'm sorry i apologize okay we clearly did this right now we're going nowhere i take the peanut butter no don't take the b now let me go okay i was here first everyone three two one i'm putting the bean in and everyone jump on the platform really quick and we can't it's not gonna work it's three no it works it works oh my gosh she sucks at putting shut up okay all right we must hold we've been like hold on you guys are breaking it it's one at a time why are you holding me i have made it no no lunar made it luna made it one at a time people gold [Laughter] what this thing does what is it you don't even know what you're doing you gotta put balls in and i pushed the ball that's epic oh i was wondering i'm gonna put the pink orb in first all right dibs yellow all yours ah i wanted no it's my color grab it grab it all right put it in put it in huh did it control it right where you're supposed to put it go bowling ball go no you guys aren't supposed to do it like crazy for life oh my god yeah it worked can we put some glasses on put a thingy in the lever put it in the lever okay put sunglasses on me i did it that was me worthy here look at this look at me look at me are you looking forward to mario dude it's not that epic who cares this is my new baby your baby i call a little moon oh it's a ball okay bring your baby let's go babu follow us through wherever this is catch up in time this way come on city girls and boys hurry up korea follow what is this going to the back of a truck wait what this was deadly wait is it safe for lil moon uh lil moon i hope you're good with heights button what does this do i think little moon has to wait luna i think little moon's gone push me button oh you gotta push her across the rail oh she pushes the box out oh wait i got it i got it watch this up i go welcome thank you guys you guys are amazing 10 out of 10. luna i don't think you could bring your moon baby we cannot make any mistakes now just you wait luna is not possible i got this yeah hold on no that's an insulting little rainbow rainbow sorry little moon i'll give you kiss let me give kiss there i have i have luck now it doesn't want your kiss move over gold okay we never beat humans we all fall flat by being hot oh you're not done there you have to move more once you're at the top wait wait i got this i got this whoop and sheer gold out here gold let go thank you you're so sweet wait let go goals you have to let go get out yeah you get off so this is how the city people all right teamwork push their thing back in lunar okay lead us to this area we have to go over that right thing back in rainbow there's only one booty that will fit on here it might this is mine no it just no it's not a lot wait funny you better stay on there yeah she's hanging for her dear life unless she can wall climb i don't think funny is a good candidate someone else laughs i apologize i'll do it again oh she fell that's fine you have to wait you have to wait wait your turn look at tiny little draco doing it all by himself we're on lunch break that's why you go jacko you lead us to victory go north to north draco you better hold on real tight to that pillar funny okay i got it wait do i need to throw that push with the luck of the little moon yeah i'll push this down first give us the pill there you go what what's that for give us the pill right the pill is mad now peel and you it's dangerous she's trying to eat eat little mood across luna no you luna you can't it's not possible it's like a spatula no oh so what's this one blick first one break first lunar that's very dangerous for your little brick you guys come on we gotta use our big spring breaks all right bring it down bring it down i'm ready guys all you gotta do is put two of the bricks bunny you're blocking the platform hey luna has to get out of the way dude it's heavy hey i did it yeah i did it nice luna i don't think you need to bring your little moon baby up i got this no little moon will make it no who doesn't even need to go to this park help me up okay you guys bring little moon to the moon all right little moon you're going to have the horizons you're too i'm sorry the pill will be mine i'm gonna get it the pill is mine it's not forever all right guys somebody goes down to the right taker three two one catch it oh no look we could just cut it we could just cut it look oh yeah pull off funny put it in oh yeah draco get your fingers away from me oh that's crazy that was crazy mvp trick shot fat is on it's time to fly are you holding on luna luna are you holding on don't look out better you freshly hold on oh [Music] [Laughter] please subscribe to make me feel better if you lose a little moon they're gone it's gone we have to now shoot the targets it's like guys look we have the powers of the blue look whoa whoa whoa that's sick that's trippy shoot the target super hero i'm trying shoot the target foul it's right there shoot it i'm trying i'm bad oh you can take it with you i don't understand how to whoa you just hold it down and aim it out i'm kind of a noob come on look at oh i got it good job guys i totally contributed to the left lunar lunar we're sorry i'm sorry revenge it is draco's fault that little moon flew away it is not my fault it is your fault you are a bad parent it's true please contribute why would you let little moon go on a ride that was extremely dangerous i could little moon just blew out my hands i couldn't help it i'm trying to get the target but i don't think i'm really contributing oh we did it yeah yeah yeah blue target oh behind us you need the blue one for that right or no no you can use any one oh didn't make it that intricate where you guys go it oh i'll shoot these lines bonus points let's go yeah jump you didn't shoot jump jump let's go where's rainbow she's gone so as you can see here we got some levers that do things okay the platform goes up and down common sense 2020 by tracko so everyone over here we have a lever it makes it go up and down as well great great uh-huh so where what do we do in here exactly you must hop on the platform oh rainbow please take down the level oh thank you dracco and after i go nope hey hey stop stop messing with the left my arm my arm's broken you're going up the wrong way funny what do you mean the whole's already up there whatever goal took a more complex way i think someone has to be down there though never master please bring whoa whoa rainbow just chill rainbow chill i'm helping you we're going to the bakery okay rainbow's crazy let's go draco go higher i want to go to the sky higher ayah okay i think that's the max okay is that anyone can help gold i don't need help to myself uh i think we should help rainbow there's not enough in the platform no no no no guys guys chill okay hold on don't let go bye don't let go me i lie hey she's gonna ah come on honey don't let go of me uh i don't really want to help you i want to continue on oh selfish city girl i will get you okay fine draco bring it back i have to help them or not where are you going dracco oh yeah spring it is [Laughter] it's better to load checkpoint because there's no yeah oh no extreme time guys this isn't going to turn out well this is going to be painful she's going to fail i did it i told you mvp for everybody yeah there's still no checkpoint yeah there's still no checkpoint i pulled something yellow guys something happened oh oh don't worry guys i'll get you all out of this button i'm going on some new horizons bye guys i see okay low checkpoint let's go this is a new level welcome to crew basketball whoever scores a point gets absolutely nothing oh my gosh it's little man junior lunar just bigger than little moon lunar moon has grown this is gonna be harder than hello how do you expect you put it on the on the thingy are you sure we don't slam dunk it it seems like we gotta put it on the launcher thing no watch this that's insane basketball skills to the moon let's go slammed up ah i missed i am one score away from winning this human flat basketball game and i will make it i will make it a team name that was pretty bad keep going keep eating people yates yeah come on whoa so what do luna did you lose your balls i got you in my mood she's holding on tight oh you better hold on where'd you guys go we went on a very freaky uh teleportation thing is that the future wait guys get ready grab little moon let's go i see a little moon we gotta keep it we'll survive the trip it just gets vaporized junior moon's gone just stop being dramatic i'm sorry luna you should stop trying to get to the edge yup some things are just not meant to be oh it's swinging i am the drag bro brad what jackrobat funny bat ow can we do this because rainbow failed all rainbows got skills now swing what's true let's grab one one time ready three two one go that was sad i hope you fall he just went up backwards whoa uh rainbow's cheating i'm not cheating i'm not cheating that won't work hey rope drop the track that's right it's me i am amazing let's go oh you better hang on to those strings got it oh oh i got it see you later funny no jack who grabbed my hair draco wait where'd he go where'd he go did you guys see another portal i think he beat the game let's go see you later suckers wow [Laughter] ow that was lame what's this you know what this means luna little moon where's little man little here up here there's a whole bunch of little moons up here where are you here monkey is here it's bowling with our bodies let's go wait are you sure i don't think it's blowing with you the balls are up here watch this three two get off me go we can just cheat this watch here yo push me up no you know what this reminds me of it reminds me of like those gumball machines rainbow can i borrow your head real quick sure we'll cheat it's faster a nice little kick just jump just jump thank you just jump just jump come on okay wait wait we got this rainbow with the power cheater by your butt and then i powered yeah let's go yeah thank you no rainbow don't let the bucha go yeah thank you do i just press the button no there's no little moon here there you go we grab one all right you lost the tool now we just got to put all the balls on the thing strike okay no one hit touch the button yet we're just gonna move all the balls there okay careful crew one at a time you're a moving crew do not touch the button i repeat yeah [Laughter] don't sue the moving company put them down carefully guys come on dude this is science this is an art good job this is our wow all right go all right please do the honors let's go let's get the structure oh all right i think you guys gotta do one ball at a time i think why no i need to go pick them all up fine draco ready yeah we got this one ball drop it drop whoa whoa whoa get out of the way funny you hit it before i was out of the way yeah i don't think it was i think she was trying to whack you with the hammer no i totally didn't want to well bam well bam lucky blueberry go oh blueberry strawberry blueberries let's go hard on another portal come on another break okay good i thought luna was gonna bring another one lunar's not worth it little moon is not here guys we have to go together through the tube yes we can't let each other go ready let's go we separated why what is this whoa more arrows what is this what are you sure we beat it i don't know what is this is this a drone do we get to fly oh no way what is that oh my gosh there's drones we get to fly everyone holds on to one wait why is that one colorful pink one wow that one's pretty i want this one oh we gotta fly to the exit oh okay no there's no way we have this under control guys guys draco drone wait where's the exit oh cool i fell out let's go come on crew fly to the fan fly to the fan let's this is so cool yeah no no come on come on come on here together take a boost are we missing anyone i think yeah me well rainbow where you at i totally fell off the building oopsies uh do i let go where are we going do we go to that thing other things oh i'm going to the purple thing guys there's nothing here gold gold don't let go of the drone don't let go of the drone gold come coming what are we doing where are we gonna get it i don't know we might need it okay i'm gonna hold gold around does anyone know where we go i went i'm at the pink thing somebody help us out looking at the pink thing for me i've never flown a drone in my life and now i have my drone goldwater grab my hand do we have to transfer the pink drone here oh i got a pink drone it's color coding drones no it's not no it's not no it's not nice rainbow has to put her pink drone onto the pink oh well thank you you're holding me down funny you're gonna how do i stop let me fly oh no we just have to land down so it would seem like we took the wrong way we're supposed to grow that pink building gold hold up i'm gonna go there no you're supposed to go to the building over there with the bowling track what does over there mean see me i am the tallest drone follow me i'm over here cup noodles the the neon stuff yeah the cup noodle building but not really everyone to the cup noodles oh my gosh there's also a red door building wait what the red door there's a red door over here and there's a couple noodles over there i don't know which one to go to um i'll go to the secret red door that looks too cool not to go down uh-oh jacqueline you're too low you're too long i'll take another fan don't worry i'll go to the red door i'll see if it's good you guys just see if we can load another checkpoint is this a secret i always wanted to go to a secret red door oh hi i'm here too because i want the secret whoa what don't go in here it will kill you giant red door magic whoa what oh it's a party it's a party kid it's a baby moon baby moon is here they grew up it's not time to party let's go you're coming with me guys it wasn't worth it it's just a party room oh i'm leaving party cooler drones you get party ball drones uh oh so it seems like this is the building we have to go to i'm dropping down guys whoa someone just let go of their drone yep another bowling alley i'm tired of holding it gold and draco where you at oh little moon i'm coming am coming okay while they wait let's just do this look at draco he doesn't let him crash draco what are you doing just let go okay luna we gotta reposition this to the middle yep we played this a lot of times how do you do this it's taking a while and eat it straight straight wait no no not really gold hurry up you're gonna miss epic bowling yeah gold i'm not a great flyer oh it's fine i didn't know go going to bowling night wait wait i almost got it let me hit good hey what are you fixing i'm making it perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfecto perfect perfect boom please i'm almost there boom gold you're going to miss the action it's too late jack slowly starting perfect perfect boom oh not perfect anymore oh no no that's not gonna matter that was really horrible watch and learn watching and oh studying i'm totally studying i'm what oh yeah now what oh now what oh we lit up this tower another star i think oh there's only two suckers oh we have to go over there go to the left go get your own back let me know funny yeah wait i think it's the yellow area what's that what area that looks new or it's just a building let me take a look see there's only two it's only up to draco and funny now to save the city oh i see another star don't worry we will save the city i'm kidding i'll let go of the drone you can have it i can't let go of the drone over here to the next building guys just look for the stars it's all about bowling in here i will use this tiny little draco ball we will put you into the cannon while we wait for everyone in you go hopefully i can do this by myself so we don't all need to fly here and booyah i said booyah booyah wait i'm holding it please oh you sucks come on no i failed i'm coming in to show how better i am at bowling you got to slide it back draco's the cannon's not facing the right way uh oh yeah taco no aim it down what are you doing like this like this see that has to be good job draco gold i'm pretty sure that's cheating no it's not it's crazy uh big genius way right gold they all fell out come back come back you know what we don't even need the cannon watch i could cheat this uh granny bowl let's go come on granny we gotta hide that yellow one before lunar comes so just leave it there what oh yeah don't tell luna her chat her channel where are you no don't tell her i don't tell her what building we're at gold come on blast it bust it off where are you [Laughter] draco that's too high why is it aim so high it doesn't matter it just matters that it's rotated correctly and it's not okay why aren't you rotating it draco hey why are you using little moon as a bowling ball stop there is a thief amongst us this is my child just give it up you lost like five times already i won't touch the candy child it should work now it's centered oh yes yes now what we have to leave fly to another star i found the exit i'll meet you guys here i can do all the work wow rainbow smart i'm one of those people that doesn't work on the projects and i'll just take the credits everyone look do you see those springy towers over there right there yes you're probably wondering why the gate didn't open yet for the exit it's because you have to take the pink drone and you have to go smash it that glass thing that was my job so i was kind of yes rainbow attack maybe rainbow draco's gonna attack it before you everyone's drowning attack everyone grab a drone and go attack a tower oh i'm gonna attack the green one dibs on the rainbow line because i think i could go with anything let's go fly out um oh there's the orange tower over there you know what to do wait oh it's wrecking the tubes you see that we need all the colors to go out oh the evil tube there's a blue one over here funny smash it i'll get the orange one if i could go down okay gold i'm getting the orange one before you i'm gonna get it i'm the slowest to go down smash i need to smash it go down faster come on i got it attack attack drone it's not working attack no go perform your mouth gold you're too slow what's the point of having an overpowered goal they're all destroyed it's open everyone meet rendezvous at that point this is it where are you guys taking the accent bye guys why [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,542,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, human fall flat, human fall flat itsfunneh, human fall flat krew, funny moments human fall flat, human fall flat custom map, human fall flat gameplay, let's play, gameplay, human fall flat multiplayer, human fall flat funneh, human fall flat episode, human fall flat crystal mountain, paintingrainbows, goldenglare, lunareclispe, draconitedragon, krew games, krew plays human fall flat, fails, human fall flat city
Id: WefTSk4a-FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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