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what's up guys and welcome back to some more Five Nights at Freddy's killer and purple 2 the brand new gigantic update that was just released yesterday well I should say it's a demo for me only I saw that uh golden Freddy Cinema was getting a lot of people asking where the update is and it's currently only gonna be played on this channel and a few other YouTubers so be sure to subscribe right now if you're new and you have not done so already you will not regret it and of course you'll see a lot more killer and purple 2 Gameplay anyways let's go ahead and hop into another video so in the last video well first of all you might notice our Pizzeria looks a little bit different so I didn't save correctly last video so if you go over here right and you click save it says this is a save file from version 1.0 so I just press this and then I press save right but as you can see there's nothing there so if you type in a random name that's how you save your game so everything from last video got deleted but we're back and I changed some things around so now we've got our tables over here we've got a show stage right here which we're gonna put some more of them on here but I want to wait for you guys and then we have our pizza room right here and The Killing Room is right here and I feel like it's the perfect spot because they come in through the door boom dead drag him in here into the dumpster they go and it's that simple and that easy now we do have a lot of uh employees let's go and lower our waders down to there's no way to like lower it down look it only goes down in increments of two you'd notice oh there it goes there's one all right so let's go ahead and do that oh it's night time now so this one dude this child has been in here for the past like three nights I haven't you know used the knife on them but I'm thinking about it little fella I'm really thinking about it little guy all right I'm gonna do it eventually just you wait but for right now you can live in here all right I'll let you stay by the way I did put up some posters check this out you can like switch them too so we'll have that one as that one and that one is that one all right so let's go ahead and do some building since it's night time actually no we gotta go to the other screen all right so what do we got here I want to do a oh I want that stage I want that stage so bad all right let's put it oh man I don't know where to put it to where like it'll look good like I want enough room I think we can fit two stages on this side let's go ahead Let's Line this up let's put this stage right I think that's good enough right there and then we need to start buying some animatronics and obviously I want to buy the city too and we I think we could definitely do it if we do another um if we do another day you know another day shift tomorrow but since it's night time let's do a little bit of building here let's put a poster uh like right there oh that looks good that looks good okay wait what else do we got um let me see here we've got some arcade machines that we could put down let's buy one of these I think this will increase our our rating so that's what I'm mostly trying to do here is just get our rating up so let's go ahead and put that right there then we can put another one on the other side which one though let's look through here um oh this one looks cool stage 01 all right and let's put this there uh let's put that like right there perfect oh dude that looks good that looks good look at that we got two arcade machines we can obviously put more there but and we can put like more here like maybe one more right here and one more right here but I I want to know if this is increasing our rating because there's a rating out front and when I first started the save file it was at like half a star so look now it's at two stars I don't know how to increase that but there's got to be a way right all right whatever let's go home let's get some rest you know wake up tomorrow be ready for a new day what is that beam shooting through the air right now I think that's from yeah that's from the lighthouse it looks like like there's like fog like taking over the world or something it's kind of horrifying all right let's make our way over here though oh my drift drift drift drift oh my nice I could have went horribly wrong but we did it all right so there's that fog again top out of our car let's go inside and take a little nap so uh hello how you doing there buddy yeah I randomly in my house just kidding I know who that is last time I said that people were like how do you not know who that is that's you know you come on he's eating the popcorn you know who he is from Sister location come on I know I just like to call him the guy that's living in our house all right I think that's a little bit more fun all right let's get back in our car go back to work start a fresh day now I did leave the pizzeria open so there might already be some people in there working when we get there hopefully I do want to know that what that pizza thing does because there's like a some kind of pizza machine in there that we can buy and I want to know if that'll like increase our profits by a lot like if it's worth buying or not but right now let's just save up let's work today's shift and then we'll save up enough to go to the city and we will okay the car's fine don't worry about it it's perfectly fine look at it and then just crash into the side of my own Pizzeria no no no no all right so to start the day let's head into our employees only room let's put on our suit let's buy our uh you know vacuum let's get ready all right hello how you guys doing hey welcome inside everybody look at this it looks great in here doesn't it yeah you guys love it where are you going all right you're asking for it buddy you are asking for it why are you going in I'm you know what you're trapped in there now you're not leaving all right let's uh let's do some building though I want to buy an animatronic even though I feel like they're really not worth it like you know 50 a night like that's really bad that's like selling one pizza golden phrase him if you're watching this I don't know man I feel like we should get a little bit more money from this but I'll buy it anyways oh I mean we kind of have to because I think this will increase our rating so there's a Freddy Fazbear I did it and they also come to life at night and eat us so like why am I buying these guys um I think chica's on the right and Bonnie's on the left so let's go ahead and put you like oh if we put them a little bit like right there oh that looks good okay all we need now is Chica the chica's five thousand oh my gosh and she gives you 500 per night wait can I just constantly go to sleep like what uh it's going to take how many nights to pay her off like a whole week two weeks to pay her off like that's crazy all right oh my gosh there's so many children in here yep goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye yeah no one told you to come in here who do you think you are huh coming inside my Pizzeria get out actually get in the dumpster that's in this room oh I forgot we trapped one of them back here where are you what she's gone unless that was I don't think that was her though she just disappeared all right interesting I don't know how she managed to do that goodbye goodbye hello oh welcome it's like as soon as I put them in the vacuum more children show up at like the perfect time dude this pizza thing though it pays off big time like look this just like in the past 10 seconds I've made more than like five nights of having Freddy Fazbear out like that's crazy I feel like that definitely needs to be buffed or oh my oh my no no they left there were so many all right come here there you go down you go okay hello goodbye all right so the pizza engine though because like I think that's if you have like too many people in here and it makes more pizzas but I mean right now the amount we have is good because for some reason I don't know why going very similar if you're watching this um why don't these chairs like fill up with parents it's only like those I don't know what's going on with that or how to get more parents in here and more children in here but that's like my big question right now put that in there we got 20. we need at least like 50 to finish off today so we can go to the city I don't want to spend any more money because we are getting pretty uh low not about four thousand dollars but the thing is eventually we'll start just stacking up money I do wish though that our pizza pizzeria still made money when we were out like exploring like it'd be nice if the parents could still come in here even though the children like couldn't you know uh get stuffed into a dumpster but like it'd be nice if the parents could still come in here and like buy some pizzas and you know make some make me some dividends as I'm like exploring all right here we go or if you like this is a genius idea if you buy these arcade machines the children should be able to walk up to them and play them and spend money here and then you get paid from that too that would be cool it's like you can just leave the pizzeria going while you're like exploring and you're making money but I don't know because like right now you have to be in here working to make anything all right so we have about 4 160 dollars if I could figure out a way oh we should change the tablecloths um let's do I like the red one I think yeah the red checker yeah let's do that one this one's nice I feel like this really matches the area especially with the pizzas that we're serving up I feel like this really makes sense there we go dude the pizzas are paying out so huge right now what am I stuck on get out of the way parent all right let's put this here there done done done we need to put chairs on the other side I just haven't bothered to do it yet because you know we're we're broke all right we're broke in terms of uh you know purple guy money right now down down down into the vacuum you go all right let's see how many we get oh yeah I noticed something too guys check this out I don't know if it'll do it it was only doing it for like one night and I tried it again it wouldn't do it so if I leave and then I re-enter oh our star is going up oh my gosh how do we do that and then I re-enter ah see there's a bunch of children in here before though there was like 10 every time I did it and it's kind of working I don't have the vacuum oh no that's the only thing it takes the vacuum off your back oh they don't even notice the bodies hello into the vacuum you go okay so yeah it's like a free way to get you know a bunch of uh children into the dumpster right at the start there you go let's see here all right let's uh let's wait for them to walk in a little bit goodbye goodbye little guys Goodbye Oh there's a bunch oh my gosh they didn't see the knife what how did you okay now when you go oh no put that away well there's more dude they just Pile in sometimes I don't know that's what I'm saying like what makes them Pile in like this I got 54. that's definitely enough to make it to the island I think but let's just work a little bit longer here just be on the safe side look at this dude the pizzas are paying I think I've made what a thousand dollars in like what three hours of in-game time like that's crazy I don't even know why I built these guys it just doesn't make any sense wait play Bonnie's guitar what the heck oh you can actually play these play BBS oh my you can actually play it but how do I leave it uh oh no uh I don't think I can leave this all right I guess we have to complete it uh this has me worried though because if I can't save I can't even jump what is happening okay come on there we go got it if I can't save oh no or if I can only save on this machine I can't leave it please tell me it takes me out of this on the exit please please please do not lock me in here spend so much time already yes oh thank goodness wait that's 175 dollars for completing that oh look you can only oh so you can make money from the arcade machines oh my look at how many oh my goodness oh my gosh oh my gosh hello there's so many okay vacuum uh wait why are there bodies disappearing or am I vacuuming them up I don't let me see I hope I vacuumed them up oh no oh yeah I did okay 67 man that's crazy where are you going trying to leave huh buddy trying to leave I don't think so oh there's a bunch another vacuum all right so we've got a lot in there 71. that is definitely I mean I think I need three thousand five hundred dollars maybe we should go to like 100 just to be on the safe side but like that should definitely be enough to go to the city the only thing is once we get to the city I think we're gonna need more money to like buy the locations because obviously there's gonna be locations in the city so like right now our our Pizzeria is popping off like there's so many children coming in okay 79 where are you going not today buddy not today and you go all right let's uh let's leave let's let's go to the dumpster let's see how much this makes us I think it should be like what four grand maybe more should definitely pay out big money all right let's go and on over to the dumpster so I have noticed that this area outside sometimes the FPS drops down very low I don't know why I mean I think I think I know why it's because of all the people walking around but there's a lot of people like I feel like there shouldn't be this many I don't know especially at night I think at night's the same amount of people like imagine this many people just walking around they're all going to the pizzeria I think oh my gosh hello why am I drifting like that go forward please this way this way this way there we go all right this better give me at least seven thousand five hundred that's all I'm asking for just a cool 7500 please don't be stuck okay and oh my goodness all right wait was there just Oh I thought there was someone in front of the car it's my mirror well it's time to head to the city I I mean we could finish work in the day but uh we don't need that and let's just let's just head into the City and uh do what we gotta do you know um I think I have to walk up to and get out of the car though so let's see here jump out uh no bye okay thank goodness my car would have just been stuck there if that wasn't the case let's go ahead and drive across the city this is gonna be exciting so uh or over to the city I should say let's see here so it looks like so far this looks pretty normal a train was there always it no this is new this has got to be new there's a whole train thing here a railroad I wonder if like what that leads to it could be like a shortcut or something I don't know let's go this way we've got more houses now this is new okay we've got this house up here which we've seen before I don't remember what was though let's go check it out let's see if we can uh find out here I've only got two thousand dollars so we're not gonna be able to buy anything unfortunately but all right let's see here the strange house I don't remember this see here sister location oh is this the FNAF 4 house it is okay all right yeah I remember now oh boy Okay so we've got that what's this oh you can't go in there so wait how much unlock the helicopter oh my okay wait we know where the helicopter is and which one I bet though the helicopter's gonna be like 15K or something like that man we gotta hope it's not but I think the helicopter is back there if I remember correctly let's drive down here though and see what else we can find what is that okay that's the cinema yep that's golden Freddy's Cinema which I mean of course you had to put that in here let's go check this out see if we can uh see anything new in here I remember before I think you could play like YouTube videos in here or something like that let's see here we're in this is cool yeah look it's the trailer for his other games oh man look at this though so wait can you actually change what's playing though I thought you could but I could be wrong if not though I feel like you should add that feature and you can oh yeah look you can put in a YouTuber okay so uh let's see here Fusion Z gamer I wonder if you can just put in like any YouTuber and they'll find them or if it has to be like he has to have programmed them in oh yeah no he definitely programmed this in because look it's killer and purple too wait you can change can I change oh no okay so that's playing my video right now but there's no audio for some reason that's cool though I'm assuming yeah this is like me talking at the intro and then eventually we'll go in yeah that's cool though all right let's uh let's get out of here that's golden Freddy Cinema though cool all right so let's get back in the car let's drive this way this is a big area though guys you got to keep that in mind there's probably a lot of stuff in here that we're gonna be finding because uh there's just so many different roads and stuff that we can take like look at how long these roads are but I think this way should take us to the airport I want want to see how much money the helicopter is because obviously the helicopter is very useful look the train is here again yeah hmm I wonder how that's going to come into play because I definitely think it's going to be important at some point right you would think and here is oh my all right please no car don't break don't break okay this is the leaderboard yeah check that out 32 weight it kept the old are these just like fake names or I don't know because that's a lot of kills and the new update just came out I don't know look there's a train can I get on it oh my it's open wait wait wait don't leave don't leave wait I can take it but should I I don't know wait I don't know where it's gonna take me hold on let's let's uh let's go to the helicopter first let's see how much it costs so I know how much to save up and then we'll come back for that I don't think it's gonna go anywhere I think it is waiting for us but I'm worried that it's gonna take us somewhere where like I don't have my car what's that that's probably the plane right helicopter please be cheap ten thousand okay that's not horrible we can definitely get to that in this video I think what do we got over here though this must be the plane I think the place all 27 animatronics in the Pizzeria and we unlock whatever that is wait what is this what the heck wait is that like an elevator what is this I don't know but it we unlock some kind of secret boss or secret level oh that's exciting dude we gotta do that that's crazy all right all right let's uh what's that over there look at that what is that I think that's just like the um that's the lighthouse I've seen before all right let's go to the train let's ride that see what happens hopefully though like I said doesn't abandon us where there's like there's nowhere oh it's gone it's gone no uh well that's unfortunate I want to know where it goes but let's let's just go back towards the city I guess let's explore the rest we can always come back another time just wait for it but for right now since there's so much around that we haven't seen yet let's uh let's let's explore a little bit more first all right so if we go this way I remember there was a road to the left here that's where the train went man it must be quick I don't even see it anymore that's unfortunate but I mean we needed to know how much we need for the helicopter so I mean we had to you know go to the helicopter instead but it's unfortunate all right so this road right here let's head down here if I remember correctly there was like a fredbear's Family Diner around here oh goodbye to you oh my hello can you not break my car get out of the way I think there was a fredbear Family Diner over here though so I think that's what this is let's see yep fredbear's Family Diner okay so wait we can just oh yeah that's right you can go inside and the Twisted animatronics spawn in the back right but you had to like buy stuff in here see yep all right that's how I remember it yeah what do we got here Fred Bear unlock oh what you can just unlock them oh my God we got firebird and spring Bonnie and then I remember there was like something over here yeah what is this oh it's locked away I thought you could go in there before huh it's very dark in here wait so can we build in here no okay let's get out of here I mean at least we unlocked them now so that's two more animatronics that we don't need so we can spawn our car here which is good I remember though there was a secret he had back here I think if you come here during a certain time of night they spawn I don't know how you unlock them though I don't know if you just have to spawn them in or you have to defeat them or something like that it'd be cool if there was like a boss fight for every animatronic and that's how you like unlocked them but I mean kind of too late for that now what is that kid doing just getting stuck all right let's see what else there is that looks like nothing I don't know that could be something I remember though if we go all the way over here there was something there was a bunch of stuff down here but what was it trying to think I don't I can't remember I I mean after a box is all the way over there we know where that is that's in robotics so I don't know what was down here so I'm trying to think of like other locations from that for an F2 maybe Juniors we saw there's the train again well wait the train is coming I think it's yeah it's putting down the oh the Train's about to pass that's cool that it does that I don't know how it knows to do that but wait a minute there's a road there hold on turn around turn around there's something back here there's definitely something over here I remember a dirt road though let's see if what this takes us to here hopefully something it's not just like a troll where there's like nothing down here what do you got for me show me something crazy I see something right there what is this Steep Hill it's so steep I can't even you I can't even drive my car up it holy what is this come on it's like right there all right you know what let's just leave it's Gonna Roll Off yep there goes my car all right I'll I'll find it after we go in here coffin Manor unlock ending to unlock this door oh man I just lost my car I can't even go in here what is that all the way over there it looks like a giant yellow building where'd my car go okay right here oh man we need the helicopter though it takes so long to get to these locations without it well guys check this out we're approaching whoa Freddy's Funland under construction oh is this um yeah I recognize that that town right there this is from his other game man I wish he made another game like that that game was so fun build has been delayed due to investigation uh fetty Fazbear entertainment the build is expected to not continue for a while yeah man I remember that little town center at least that's what are you floating uh cooperation between huh what is this wait why is he oh my gosh I thought he was staring down at us he just stares like that that's kind of weird though what is he staring down at what is cooperation between are they gonna add multiplayer to FNAF killer and purple too oh wait now he's staring what he was just staring down wasn't he I I guys let me know I could have sworn he was uh Fazbear and Friends rebranded opening later this year what's the picture look like on that uh-huh Freddy Fazbear's Pizza I think can we enter this bill yeah we could wasn't there an animatronic in here or something let's have a look around in here oh my gosh see the frames in here are so bad I don't know why they are horrendous though all right I'm mostly just looking for secrets in here though I don't see anything that stands out it's got the back see what else there is so I wait I need to go to this side because I'm assuming there's something over here dude I have the hiccups why at the worst time uh how do I get in there though I could have sworn though there was some like animatronic hidden in here or something let's have a look I mean maybe you can only come during the day or something like that to find it but let's see there's a stage here so wait this is oh my God I just realized what this is oh my gosh okay so wait guys yeah there would be a wall here this is killer and purple one because look the stage is here here's the window where the the suits would be and then the window that you'd see the big animatronic out of uh and then yeah the Foxy's Pirate Cove and then down the hallway yep oh my gosh I recognize all this and then it would go this way yep the office right here and then this one though there'd be there was a door um here yeah no I don't know it would connect to the other part of the pizzeria like FNAF 2 I think ah okay I recognize what this is okay we need to get here my frames are dropping down to like nothing I have literally he's staring at us again I knew it um I have a 40 90 golden racer but what's going on here I have 64 gigabytes of Rambo 40 90 a 13 900k like literally top of the line everything and this game is running like I don't know man I think it's because of all the trees and the people walking around so that's got to be what it is okay let's go this way see if there's anything over here wait welcome to Hurricane okay so that we're leaving Hurricane Utah right now let's see if there's anything down here oh all right it's an invisible wall all right let's go back to uh our Pizzeria all right guys we're back to work and uh let's see here let's go ahead and oh wait no no wait I don't have my suit on or the vacuum two of the most important things in the game hello hello yep come on inside come on inside don't worry about a thing hello goodbye all right oh my where are they all were you guys going to get your own pizzas what's going on here why you guys walking back there goodbye all right so we gotta think right how are we gonna make a ton of money in this game because oh my I could play the game right it has to be worried though that if I don't complete it that'll like bug out my game I should have saved before I did this um how do you do this one I remember you have to like jump out of the map or something oh no because there's no way of leaving this mini game so yeah there's literally no way to leave it that's got me concerned all right I need to remember how to do this though I remember you had to jump out of the map but this is what I'm talking about I'm stuck in here now and I haven't saved oh no golden phrase Cinema please add a way to leave this game I don't think they're let me press every button on my keyboard yeah no there's there's no way out of this game oh no I went full screen on the game there's literally no way out going for he said but did you play I just get out of this game there's got to be a way okay oh there we go okay we gotta break that okay then we gotta fall uh how do we complete this though okay we're down here now I gotta somehow remember this mini game I mean I remember we had to break out of the game but this vacuum is so loud okay we're falling here well you just tell me we don't mess this up somehow I think we have to go across this way now look how much money I'm making from the pizzas that while we're doing this I am making so much money okay I can't go that way what where do I go oh no dude oh no I might have to like watch a video on this to figure it out again okay I just went in a circle uh I hope that was on purpose let's try it again come on I know this will work I know it will and oh the exit yes oh my gosh okay yeah I I am I need to save I need to save I am just playing a risky game right now okay done how much did I make I didn't even make money from that I don't think what the heck dude okay uh let's title this one something that actually says something all right new there we go back okay so now we have a save let's play this one this one's super easy it's like free money I feel like I'm moving faster than I was the first time I played this and up we go made it and up and we're done too easy that is the easiest how much is it like 150 bucks let me see 175 man Easy Money wait we should build the other arcade machines then right well like I said I don't trust them because I can't leave them I want to know what this does though I feel like this will make us some money I don't know though all right what the heck this guy's like right on top of me um let's see what else I can build in here I think I'm thinking animatronics will increase our star rating but wait did ours even go up hold on where are you guys going get in into the vacuum who's trying to leave here how about you where are you going all right let's see if our star rating went up at all I haven't noticed it should be more than 2.1 or whatever it was uh no it hasn't so what increases the Stars though I thought it was the animatronics but now I don't think it is because we had two Stars last time maybe it's just like how long we're in business all right guys I'm doing it I'm buying wait the ball Pit's only fifty dollars oh my gosh why is it so cheap all right let's uh let's put the ball pit right over here get out of the way buddy get out of the way all right let's put the ball pit right there you guys know I had to buy it all right I had to it had to be done as a lamp what the heck I guess I can put that in the I can't I'm trying to like jump up on the table but it won't let me I want to put it I can't tell where I'm putting it all right let's just what is going on all right I'm just gonna put it there we go I don't know we're gonna put one over here too because I can't really tell where I'm putting it uh sure we'll have one at the front door too oh my gosh I feel like that is really brightening stuff up get out of the way all right there we go oh all right I like that that's cool hope that doesn't like break my game and lower my FPS what else is it there's only 50 for all this stuff why is it all so cheap I thought it was so much more money all right well let's buy this then might as well might as well I mean come on this is dirt cheap um wait this is backwards right I'll put it here in case I want to put another stage beside it put it right there ah it's not exactly even but it'll work for now um let's buy this too since so cheap um we'll put it like right there oh my gosh I love how this looks all right what else do we got there was another one that was like tiny yet Pirate Cove um we can put that one like right here might as well uh it's kind of big though I mean where else can we really put it though because we definitely can't put it there we can put it by the front door that's kind of cool yeah I kind of like that like oh if I can put it wait how come I can't put this down what how much room does it need wait it literally just won't let me put it down wait why is there a kid in there how'd you get in there get oh my I'm I'm abducting children right now in this the Pirate Cove I don't know why they it won't let me put it down though all right well I guess we're not using that for some reason wait where are you guys going no no no no no no no who told you guys you could leave hold on a minute all right down you go I feel like we're not making any money though like is it night no it's not night time why is like our Pizzeria is just like really slow right now all right let's see if uh the ball pit works because if I remember correctly no I thought you could jump in it wait before we do this let's save because I don't know what's gonna happen here I I just want to make sure that we don't break the game okay it's literally just a ball pit I thought wait what'd that say uh change the tablecloth no I could have sworn you could do something in this ball pit maybe I'm thinking of the first game because yeah I can't do anything there or maybe you have to come back at night I don't know all right into the vacuum you go all right we need to figure out a way oh my 46 I did not know I had that many in my backpack that explains where they all went all right and here you go but yeah we need to figure out a way to like make some money like I don't know if we need animatronics or what let's see if putting these stages down um increased our rating at all get out of the way pizza man all right let's see here is my radiant it went down why did it go down maybe the I don't know maybe the if the children see you like if they go to run out it lowers your rating I I have no idea well that's unfortunate because I don't know how we're gonna get that to increase okay buddy you were asking for it what can I say I only have 50 though we need a lot more than this like I don't know how to get more people in here that's our biggest problem right now all right guys I bought a bathroom I don't know why I just bought one maybe it'll increase our rating maybe more people will show up now that they can actually use the bathroom here I don't know I have no idea let's see what it looks like though hey where you going pizza man why are you going inside the bathroom hello that's unsanitary get out of here there's not even a doors you just go in front of people I wonder if I just flush the toilet a bunch if anything will happen wasn't there like I was gonna say there was a secret where you could like flush yourself oh yeah look at this we're back with old man consequences oh man what does he have to say you're back I see still trying to find answers an old friend is here to meet you but don't let him get inside your head he knows everything how do I leave this by the way because I don't remember it's a good thing we saved before going in here because I thought you had to like go inside the water or something but I can't so I think I'm just stuck in here oh wait no there we go I knew it wait what do I do in here though maybe I'm not supposed to go in the water this seems like I'm not supposed to be in here uh if I got breaking the game right now but this might be the way out no okay let's leave the water why can't we talk to him or anything he's just here fishing endlessly okay guys I had to reset my uh save but check this out I figured something out when I was on the menu to leave that because I couldn't figure out how to get out of there but I figured something out look at this decorations 31 customers 30 animatronics 6.7 so I think I need more animatronics and like more decorations let me see what's our on okay so decorations at 31 right so if I go here I go to decorations and we just put posters or like really cheap stuff like this what is this I guess I can just do this has to increase my rating right look how many cool stars are on the ceiling now this is awesome all right does this increase it at all let's see and uh 36 oh my gosh wait I think we can Max It Out by just spamming these because look these are the cheapest thing on here yeah these are oh my gosh everything in here is so expensive besides those yeah all right we're 100 doing this so we're gonna buy these and we're just gonna put them all over the ceiling I hope this doesn't break my game it might because I don't know but let's hope it doesn't come on okay I mean this looks kind of nice though you gotta think like at night like this would be pretty nice looking let's make sure it's still increasing our rating here oh 63 percent oh my gosh look how many look how many people are in here now hold on hold on hold on wait where'd they all go they all just disappear okay I don't know what just happened they're all gone what did I do they just disappeared okay well let's uh let's put down more of these since uh we need we need to wait for more customers to show up anyways I'm trying to get to uh 100 on decorations it's definitely costing me a lot of money to do this but I feel like it is well worth it look at that that looks cool that actually looks cool now putting them here wouldn't make any sense they'd be in the way but like up here they don't look bad they really don't okay so that's that why are they leaving that must be like a body somewhere oh body right at the front door oopsie I did not know that wait 48 I thought I had more than that in there what I could have sworn I did but all right oh no wait we already yeah I thought we did but I think that they were just in the vacuum okay we got these guys uh how are we doing 95 dude well we need to put a little bit more we need to put a little bit more so we can Max this out okay that should be good right I think yep 100 customers 80 animatronics are low though I mean obviously we really can't do much about that yet look at how many oh my gosh okay in in in in into the vacuum how we even stabbed that one oh my wait look at how far I can I can stab them from so far away holy goodbye okay yeah this is definitely helping though I feel like it being at 100 we're getting so many more children in here now so I need to get more animatronics that's next and I don't know how to increase wait customers at 100 what I don't know what I'm doing but it's it's working I need animatronics though but like I can't really afford animatronics so I don't know how we're gonna do this but hey whatever we're doing is working uh but then again it's just customers at 100 but like look there's like no one in here all the other areas are not filling up that's our problem like we need these chairs to fill up with people if they did we'd make so much money but they're not maybe I need more employees that's why more people aren't coming in let's put maximum waiters this is definitely going to cause my PC to combust but uh I think we'll be okay get all that going okay oh my God they just keep walking in okay let's see how many do we got in here okay we've got a lot hold on there's one over here I saw you goodbye okay dude we're about to close hold on I might as well just stack up as many bodies as I can before we close come on come on come on all right everyone keep piling in come on yeah we're getting more people I think it's I needed more waiters I don't know or maybe it just seems like more people because we have more more waiters now because yeah there's a lot of waiters look at them all oh my goodness okay we're doing so good all right so we have three thousand dollars that's what we're here goodbye all right wait for it go all right so how many do I have right now we have to have a lot 89. only thing is we're gonna need a lot more because I spend so much money maxing out our decorations I mean it's good that we don't have to worry about that now and it looks really nice besides the ones that are like stuck in the ceiling or in the walls but besides that I mean it looks really nice into the vacuum you go into the vacuum you go all right let's at least get to 100 94. oh man we're gonna be so close to being able to buy the helicopter but I mean the thing is even when you buy the helicopter you still need enough for sister location so we got to keep that in mind okay let's see here goodbye all right that should be a hundred I think yep exactly 100 and we're about to close in less than an hour might as well keep working come on in children come on in pile on it wait why are you leaving is there is our body somewhere why were they leaving dang that one got away quick what worth making them leave kind of want to buy this though just to see what it does because wait Pizza engine maybe it'll make like more expensive pizzas than we get paid more but I I don't know for sure look a lot more show up whenever I leave the door I wonder if that's like a strategy if I just leave okay hold on get this okay we're about to close in 15 minutes we're approaching closing time make sure I don't leave on accident got him oh my gosh they're just piling in right now hey wait I wanna I wanna find out if I leave this area no I mean more of them do show up but I think it's like the normal amount not these two you and I think we're closed all right that was a successful day like we definitely made a lot of money this day like 118 that's a new record for sure uh let's go ahead I guess let's go to the dumpster right we're close oh no they're still piling in and we're still making oh my god dude we're still making so much money from the pizzas oh my goodness got that oh my dude there's so many stop piling in here guys stop it all right no more all right let's see here 125. oh my all right I think we close in like 30 minutes might as well just keep on going until we close oh lee I mean I might be able to get to 10 000 with this come on come on come on we got to be close though we gotta be I'm at 4 000 from just the pizzas oh my yeah I might be able to afford the helicopter which would be very useful look how many dude the pizzas are selling like crazy right now man they really are okay 135 if I can get to like 150 I think we can honestly get to 10 000 oh we closed yeah we closed dang it all right I think I think we have it though I honestly think we do let's see let's go to the back let's get out of here oh man I've been recording for a while this is one of those series though that we can do like hour-long episodes I mean would you guys want to see that or should I do like 30 minutes like what do you guys want to see because like honestly we can do hour-long episodes just like work in the Pizzeria and then going and doing like random stuff like we could definitely do hour-long episodes all right let's go this way though we have the kids in the bag yep okay I want to make sure I didn't forget them so once we buy sister location I think it said then I can buy African robotics which I imagine sister location is probably gonna cost a lot of money but let's find out okay yep eleven thousand oh my gosh what a successful day at work what a successful day as the purple guy Let's uh let's drive over where was it oh yeah the helicopter all right I'm gonna drive over there and let's purchase it all right guys we're here let's go ahead and purchase the helicopter very exciting this will help out a lot all right so let's see here and oh cutscene oh we've seen this my little angel Daddy [Music] you're a sweetheart I just said you can't go to her I'm sorry just once let me go play with her she's so pretty and shiny do you build her just for me yes sweetheart but now is not the right time what's so special about her anyway she can make balloons have you seen her make balloons Oh Daddy she really wants to get eaten I'm coming stay here sweetheart I'll be back in just a minute oh no do you want some ice cream but daddy said I couldn't go right now I would love to be your friend oh me too well what ice cream can it hurts um goodbye to her [Music] yikes I remember that I think it was a little bit different but I do remember that all right so now that we have this let's go ahead and do throttle up and let's start driving around it's gonna be fun all right so let's go to the sister location and let's see uh how how expensive it is I'm hoping it'll just be unlocked I don't know I mean maybe it's like a bundle deal with the helicopter but I guess we'll find out let's go ahead and go this way and go this way I think it's yeah it's that house right there I I think if we crash though I don't think it'll explode so I kind of want to try crashing in a sister location but I also feel like that's a horrible idea but we could try it Hey where's this train go look oh the train just goes it goes over there what is over there look it goes like right there huh I don't know what that is though okay wait throttle throttle oh my gosh we gotta go down I wonder if I jump out what will happen I don't want to lose a helicopter though that means we'd have to go on foot so oh my gosh how do I go down go down I'm lowering the throttle as much as I can it goes so slowly though okay we're Landing hopefully we don't explode we would definitely blow up normally but from purple all right we're fine all right where wait what the heck where's the door there we go I think this is it the strange house the FNAF 4 house okay so we're in oh my see hey Jeremy why are you here bring mines give me and friends that party with cake why are you three here too why are you here spring Bonnie's gotta sing me a song and he found my dog and then he brought me here where's Charlie she didn't have an invite to the party so she would have to wait outside until it was over what are y'all doing here who are you it's me Cassie hey Cassidy we were all invited by Spring Bonnie he's not spring Bonnie he kidnapped me and put me in here he's the purple security guard why would he do that hello children why are we here I have a surprise for all of you and I know you'll all love it welcome to baby's Pizza World Mr often we're in all right so I really don't remember we're just oh let's open the door I don't remember much of this maybe whenever I crawl through the vent I'll remember a little bit more but I think this is just how you unlock the sister location animatronics and then you just leave but I guess we'll find out look binocularized oh look so much I can see so much more now all right what do you got for me in here uh check this out this is cool so how do I unlock him I think I just go up to them yep and we just click unlock all right so we got ballora Funtime Freddy yep Funtime Freddy and bon bon all right you can't forget Bonbon uh what else you got in here oh my gosh dude the frames aren't the best in here there's like a weird flickering so circus baby oh it's probably all the way down there let's uh what am I stuck on let's go in here first let's get Funtime foxy and potentially the private room no it's not here but you get entered oh here he is ennard hey there buddy how you doing all right so we got ennard what else I think that's everyone here yep okay so now we've got to get circus baby who is at the end of this hallway it's kind of weird how there's no music in here I feel like we should have like some sister location music playing or something you know like that song just something in here feels so like quiet but I think this should take a circus baby and then we just gotta leave so I mean this is a cool way of unlocking them but I do wish there was a little bit more to it circus baby there you go look at her standing there looking all cool all right let's get out of here we're back let's uh go up the elevator see if anything's different here I don't think so yeah now we can just leave the house so wait is there anything else in here though no huh all right let's get out of here Let's uh let's go back sweet it said what was it that I could buy after buying sister location I think it was Afton robotics right let's drive over there and see if I can just unlock it or if I have to pay for it and I think February Family Diner there's nothing there obviously besides the Twisted animatronics which we have to come back for oh there's the train check that out all right so yeah let's make our way over here to Afton robotics so you can kind of see if there's anything outside the map whenever you're flying this thing so that's our house that is Juniors wait I think it was Juniors that once we buy sister location we can go there let's find out let's land and this is a long video but I mean at this point I'm just kind of we're going all right we're just going all right let's land though so I think I don't think this will cost money oh no we're Landing in a tree helicopter go up no I cannot park you here I need you to go this oh don't tell me I'm stuck in a tree I think I'm stuck in a tree well then wait I might be able to oh my God holy I'm shooting off goodness Slow Down slow down okay okay no this thing is so hard to drive go for example if you're watching this please make this thing easier to drive it should just be able to like accelerate and decelerate way faster it takes so long all right so no I can't be here what about the back oh we're in all right let's go inside amazing thing here I am I'll call him alone waiting for all my friends to finish their party oh my gosh well the security guard is in a rush probably has family to go to or something hey the puppets out of its box I can see oh goodbye to you hello little Charlie I have a present from your father I gave it to your friend too and they liked it a lot really what is it this knife um got her got him all right so oh it's so dark in here oh look the ball pit oh this is yep I know where we are all right so is there I can't unlock them or maybe they're already unlocked now there's no button on them so I'm assuming they're already unlocked let's make sure there's nothing else in here though that we can find new why do the frames drop so bad in these areas don't know there's balloon boy it'd be cool if there was like a secret in one of these ball pits but it looks like there's nothing there I mean I didn't try it but I'm assuming this probably isn't okay so this door entrance is blocked by a guard oh yeah let's get the front so I think we did everything that we needed to do here then right I wonder dude come on ball pit do something this is the one man this is the one from killer purple one all right let's get out of here sleeve juniors let's go back to our Pizzeria and see if there's anything new now because I'm assuming we unlocked a bunch of animatronics by doing this but I could be wrong so that's that done what do you need for Afton the factory right there The Afton robotics I want to check but I don't want to like stop the whole helicopter there but I think we're gonna have to Let's uh let's just park in front of it I want to know though if I can jump out of this thing let's see oh my oh will I survive okay oh so I don't gotta wait for it to land we can unlock the the factories unlocked what the heck dude we already unlocked it holy I mean I feel like we should say that for the next video but oh look and there's a there's a bridge that's down too I don't remember how to get that up I think I thought we had to like oh no okay hold on I could definitely just drive there with this thing though it's not like it matters let's go back this way though I want to see if there's anything secret up there no that's just the bridge itself you can see somebody on top of the Afton robotics Factory though all right let's try this out so what I'm gonna try to do here is I'm gonna try to jump out at the top and try to land on the pizzeria all right I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well for me but we're gonna give it shot anyways here we go jump holy don't land in the trees no oh my gosh oh all right we're fine let's see oh Dude Perfect Landing literally perfect Landing watch this holy almost landed in the parking spot I did I have an incredible helicopter driver can I just say that like I'm incredible at my job all right let's see uh what animatronics we have okay so animatronics let's see here so we got fredbear spring Bonnie locked lock lock lock lock wait what okay oh these are other ones so we do have the circus animatronics though and then the other ones lock locked okay so I'm missing the Twisted animatronics we know that we're missing draft three maybe I don't know I haven't seen that location though I don't know there's quite a few that were missing I hope dude if the security breach animatronics aren't in here oh my gosh don't be so sad thirteen thousand dollars for circus baby and she only pays 3 250 a night she pays herself off in what three six nine twelve fifteen that's like five nights oh my gosh look at my children are in here holy why are they leaving though they leave so fast I don't know why all right well guys I'm gonna end this video here though there's a lot still to do we gotta go to after robotics in the next video find out what's there there's gonna be a cutscene we know and potentially the ending and then we gotta get to all the new stuff I mean we've been finding some new stuff but I think most of the new stuff is like once we get past all that so it's gonna be exciting stay tuned anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 569,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple 2 update, five nights at freddy's, killer in purple, killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple fusionzgamer, fuzion z gamer, fusionzgamer
Id: P_0ty07rFL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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