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what's up guys and welcome back to some more five nights at freddy's killer and purple two as guys in the last video we got hunted by the twisted animatronics and we kind of ended the video off there we checked out the new pizzeria we checked out the new kid movement stuff like that and the new kid absorbing machine if that's what you want to call it we're going back in today because the developer actually emailed me golden freddy cinema and he told me some pretty crazy things now first of all i told me that there's a way of adding a certain character into the game that you guys won't be able i won't be able to tell you guys how to do it but he told me i had to do it and uh we might be doing that in this video or the next video but he also told me some other secrets some other things i missed so we'll be checking out today's video and uh going from there but of course you guys are enjoying this series you want to do smash like i'll go down below let's get 10 likes on this video and i'll definitely do the videos game tomorrow and by the way in the comment section down below what random horror game do you guys want to see me play later tonight all right whatever comes to your mind drop a comment down below whether it's an old game a new game whatever i was looking at that happy humble burger farm i think it's called and that game looked pretty interesting so i don't know you guys been really enjoying the random horror game so i'm trying to think of what to play next and i've got a list of games but just let me know what you guys want to see anyways let's go and press play and hop in now he did tell me to sign in on the menu because apparently there's a leaderboard system now and it will track the amount of children that you uh you know slice and dice and throw in a dumpster so i kind of want to sign into that but we might do that at the end of the video and see what happens all right so let's go and reset our car and he told me in the police car to press l so let's start by doing that let's head over to the police station oh yeah wait the twisted ammo trucks by the way are now fixed in this version so now they won't get stuck on each other they won't like glow purple and he said by the way in the last video you know how uh it like absorbed me one of the twists never talked he said he's never seen that before he doesn't know how that happened so oh what the heck i've never seen it actually turn daytime whoa that's kind of creepy looks like there's like a fire somewhere like we're clouded in like smoke or something that's weird oh no i missed the twist animatronics because of that dang it i was so close we were like right here too which way i want to see can you buy them because he said i think he said he added like a purchase feature for the animatronics i don't know if you meant to twist anatomics or like what but i don't see them we have to wait until midnight again um but oh if you guys come from this video to the random horror video tonight as you guys know i always got to tell you guys to leave a random comment of something so if you come from this video on to the new random horror game later tonight drop a comment on the video saying twisted all right let's see if you guys actually come from there be sure to show some support in that video leave a like on it whatever i'd greatly appreciate it all right so let's go to the airport let's check out this then we'll go to the police car and check that out all right so this is what's new what does that say scoreboard oh wait so if you signing on gamejolt is this where they show you like this is where your name will be in front of everyone on right on the front of the airport wow that's pretty cool if that's the case and man i really want to get on that scoreboard i want to get on there how do i do that all right well i guess i gotta sign in i know how to do it but i gotta sign in and then like set everything up so we might do that at the end of this video like i was saying but for right now let's go ahead and drive to okay let's hit a wall real quick let's go ahead and drive to the helicopter real quick pick it up drive to the police station get in the police car press l and then go from there i wanted the helicopter that i wanted to take that with us back to the the diner all right let's go ahead and leave the car park it right there thank you all right let's go ahead and hop in the heli and uh throttle up and let's get on out of here fellas let's ride time to ride so it's gonna go straight up into the sky now i do want to look around with this thing a little bit and like look for secrets but we'll do that later because i don't think there's anything he did say in the email he said i added something but he didn't like tell me what it was like added some little things but he didn't really say what they were so either he meant it like literally like he added like little stuff that doesn't really matter or there's like a little secret that he added that is hidden somewhere but i have no idea all right so over to the police station we go it's going to start throttling down so we can go and head down i do want to try crashing the helicopter into that uh lighthouse though i don't know why wait there's something wait what's behind you guys see that there's something behind the cinema what is that that looks like text or something okay hold on let's try the police car first and then we'll go to the cinema there's a new secret back there how did i not see that before that might be what what's new that he added in this update or what i don't know all right so let's leave the police car or the helicopter we're out of the helicopter i'm trying to get to the police car thank you all right so oh we added a symbol for it now unless i was there before and i'm blind all right so f for headlights and l oh my goodness we could actually hunt people down i don't know i mean if anything oh my god i got hit by the helicopter if anything i would be the one getting hunted down by the police which i'm still waiting for that to be in an update i want to see that happen like you leave the building like let's say okay the police catch you in the diner you know how if you leave they just leave you alone what if you left and they chased you from the pizzeria like from wherever you went like in police cars and stuff like that that would be so fun and like crazy but all right this is cool so let's see what's behind this little uh this little theater right here because this is new oh this is a teaser to my friend's razar razar fanath fan game called cake bear party service this is no lore of killer and purple 2. what's a teaser this dumpster what oh a hidden animatronic in here okay that's cool so the game is called cake bear party service i gotta check that out for sure but that's interesting so this is a lore for his game or you know for that game it's not for it has nothing to do with killer and purple too but what is that supposed to be some kind of version of freddy but like it's like a withered freddy but why is he in a dumpster he's hidden back here behind the theater all right well that's interesting i want to check that game out though and see what it has in store for us all right so he did tell me to go inside the cinema on that update and check that out we already did that i should probably bring up the email and just read exactly what he said here so just to make sure we don't miss anything in this video all right so there is a part of it that i can't really i was telling you guys how to spawn in a certain character but you know we'll do that in maybe another video um so you added a scoreboard to the airport uh if you sign in when you're on the main menu sign in the game don't you'll be on there okay by doing this you'll be able to get achievements and be on the scoreboard the top five with the most you know sliced up children will be on there i challenge you and rexter to try and stay in the top five that's what he said press l when you're in the police car and don't forget to click the cinema screen those are two things you forgot which this was before i did that other video so it makes sense um lastly he fixed the eye for the twisted ones we definitely gotta check that out uh fix the payment for the animatronics that's why he said i have also fixed the payment for the animatronics i'm not sure if he meant the twisted amateur to get to buy them to chase you or what and then he said lastly i added some small things so yeah and then this is what he told me how to spawn in infinite spring bodies but like i said we're going to do that another time because that looks pretty complicated it's a pretty uh big piece of text there but let's go ahead and throttle up and let's go and head back to the diner hopefully before it closes it should be like noon right yeah it's not even why am i not going up i'm like oh my goodness i just launched forward no no no okay i almost crashed all right we're good we're good let's just take our time and head on over all right so i want to try going up to this guy in the lighthouse i have a feeling this is a bad idea i might blow up but i gotta test it then we'll head inside the diner actually no let's sign in first and then head inside the diner and try to get on the scoreboard all right can i get whoa what the dude look he follows look he's like tracking the helicopter and i can't park here he like refuses to let me stop yeah look what the heck wait wait no no no yeah there's some kind of like force field here or something that's so weird you like can't go down here it like forces you up look i'm cutting the throttle this should lower me there we go there we go there we go come on come on come on laying on top lane on top land on top oh wait what i landed on an invisible wall or something hold on get out look guys how how do i always manage to do this how do i always manage to find a bug or not bug but this is like a i mean this is obviously not a bug because they're not supposed to be up here but how do i always manage to do this look i'm floating okay i think i know what's happening here if i were to leave this red part right here i'm falling straight down but i kind of want to test it just to see but we should probably test it in the heli then so if i do fall i'm okay right because i'll be in the heli i don't think there's fall damage but i don't want to have to run back okay i'm stuck what the heck all right you know what if we're just going to reset and sign into gamejolt after this let's just try this all right so wait no actually you know how that's there's an invisible wall there right at the barricade it might last all the way until the barricade it does oh my goodness oh look at this we're above the map hello yellow guy i can see you the guy with the yellow eyes nice to see you look at this he like tracks you down there well then looks like i found a little bit of a little interesting uh secret here i mean it's not really a secret but like i told you like if i were to walk i think right here i'm gonna fall out like there's just a giant invisible wall here to stop you from going to the lighthouse so i'm on top of that invisible structure that's here so watch like if i go over here i'll fall right off this thing i assume if not then this is gonna be cool all right and nope see i told you see yeah there's like an invisible square right there oh you could die from fall damage i didn't even know that is my heli still up there no my heli's gone all right let's go inside real quick we still have a little bit of time oh wait no i gotta i gotta sign in real quick all right so i'm gonna go back to the main menu let me see so i think it's on the front page right i saw it somewhere yeah log in right here okay so i'm gonna go ahead and type this in i'll be right back all right guys so i am now signed in and it is now time to see if we can get on the leaderboard so to get there we gotta continue the game i wanna go there first and see who's even on there and see what's going on but i want to try to get on there myself all right so we gotta take the car drive over to the airport real quick um i i might be on i don't know if it's gonna track oh wait can i actually wait forget the the car i can take the helicopter right that'd be way faster it does take a little bit of time to like start up the helicopter has the story's been there oh yeah this is the back room door why do i feel like that wasn't there before i don't know has always been there i feel like that wasn't there before i don't know all right but anyways i remember we left the back door so it had to have been right um all right let's go ahead and grab the heli give me the heli give me the heli all right let's go up i do wish like i was saying that the heli could start up a little bit faster it takes quite a while to like go up and down like this you have to like really start it up and then like anytime you want to park it to start it again it takes a little bit of time but i guess it's not really a big deal all right so let's go ahead and go over to the airport is there anyone's names on there i feel like whoever's on here there's probably either one person or no one because i think only youtubers have access to this right now right so it's probably just me and rexter or me and some other youtuber but let's go and see who's on here all right we're gonna go ahead and throttle down let me see if i can get in front of this sign real quick let's say golden freddy cinema i think he's number one yeah he's got a golden name two thousand what the oh dude that i should have done this when there's the bug where you can like spawn in infinite uh children oh look okay so we got going for a cinema 8-bit mark and then we got rexter yt dude we gotta get on there we go okay so my brother rexter's on there i gotta get on there too all right let's go ahead and go back to the pizzeria right real quick i want to get at least just just one slice and dice on a child all right that's it and then we'll get out of there because it's gonna turn nighttime really soon here but i just want to be on the leaderboard and it looks like there's there's five slots and there are three that are taken so i think if i just get any amount like any amount of children sliced and diced then we'll be on there so let's go and drive over there i wonder can i jump out of the helicopter midair like from up here kind of want to see what happens if we do that let's just do it because like even if we get reset it's right there all right oh you can what you should have like a parachute or something oh there we go we fell off and died all right enter the pizzeria let's go in here good thing there's not a leaderboard for money because i've got almost a million dollars right now all right so let's go ahead and uh do this real quick come on follow me follow me okay or not follow me hello what you're leaving no don't leave don't leave okay i need at least one no no no no no i got one dude i got one get out of here run run run okay uh this is this isn't the room i thought it was hello don't catch me officer i just need to get to the back room don't mind me i just need one okay i'm sorry close the door all right uh put them in put them in the dumpster yep dump dum dum get out get out get out okay come on yes we made it all right so i got one of them that's all that matters so now what we need to do take it i don't know if we need to actually put them in the dumpster or if it's just like you slice and dice them and that's it but i guess we're gonna find out all right let's reset our car let's go over to the dumpster and see if we can drop off this body and uh go from there but if you just have to slice and dice them and even put them in the dumpster i can definitely climb that leaderboard for sure like i can just have them spawn in and just start slicing and that's it like i don't need to bring them here like that's way easier all right drop them off let's see in the dumpster got it 50 thank you all right so i should definitely be on there let's go back to the airport and check should i pick up the helicopter before i go uh i mean i feel like we don't really need it oh i thought that was the that's where the pizzeria was like wow that looks different for some reason it's like nope that's the giant scott cotton statue i forgot about that one all right so we're going to turn left here now the twist amber tried should be coming out in a little over like what is that okay i'm going to crash like eight hours or something like that and whenever they come out that's where things are gonna be exciting because now they're gonna actually chase after us they're not gonna be bugged out and we can actually see what they look like and stuff like that without them being all you know inside of each other all broken oh should we get the police car no we'll take the heli back but i mean after this what else do we really have to do we just have to wait for the twist animatronics to spawn in and that's it all right am i on there come on i got one i don't think i'm on there no i'm not on there what maybe i have to like restart my game i don't know all right hold on let's try reset restarting the game and going back because maybe that's what it is i don't know because i did get one right we got 50 so like i definitely got one maybe it's like oh you only got one kill that's it like you need more than that wait there's still more in here oh my god get him get him get him okay okay so i got i got two now all right or maybe it's because we closed already i don't know all right let's go ahead and drop off these bodies real quick we're not gonna take them to the dumpster okay we're just gonna do this and just see if it can okay that that body disappeared okay cool i guess i didn't need that one all right i'm gonna drive back to the airport real quick all right guys moment of truth i think i'm on that i can see myself i'm on there oh my god wait it only counted that one okay dude i don't care i got it i'm on the list look at that i made it look at that i'm actually on the scoreboard dude this is a once in a lifetime opportunity okay because as soon as this comes out to you guys you're going to be just you're going to be all over the leaderboard i can tell but i really want to get up there but i want to be the gold name goalie for cinema is right now number one and you get like a gold name if you're number one but i need more than 2 000 like that's going to be that's going to be impossible how did you do that golden phrase you must have cheated out did you cheat let me know i don't think he did he probably just plays he got a match he probably plays this game a ton to like fix all the bugs and constantly add new features so he probably just has a lot of experience under his belt in terms of uh slicing and dyson but that's pretty cool i i wish that bug was still here though to spawn in all the children dude i could oh i could easily get up there we could have like a million or something to spawn them all in because what did we have at one point we had well over a thousand children in that restaurant so if we just kept them coming in like that we could have like ten thousand fifty thousand like some ridiculous amount oh okay okay so right now since about turn night time or you know yeah i think it's night time already but it's like like i said it looks like there's like a a fire somewhere something like that it's like cloudy i don't know fire weather but uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna wait here for uh the twist amber tracks to pop out wait let's see if we can buy them because he said something about like added a buy feature but no there's nothing here he must have been talking about someone else maybe he meant like fredbear and springboni but i don't know let's go inside and check real quick but basically what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna wait about four hours in game time which is about four minutes whoa even in here it looks different like the weather outside changes in here wait there's there's music in here now oh well that's new yeah there's music huh interesting i don't think that was there before right guys very faint but i don't think that was there before all right so i'm gonna wait though about four minutes i'll be right back guys here we go 13 seconds before they spawn in and they actually are gonna chase us down this time whoa wow i don't know my own strength dude look at this i just straight up push the car like it's nothing like i am too strong for my own good dude i wanted like a hulk smash ability imagine you could use that on the animatronics look my car is just okay there it goes goodbye car oh my what the how are you on the ceiling um okay there he's on his way there they both go okay well i mean that's interesting they can climb they can fly dude these are sharks are wild okay so now they actually chase us and don't get stuck in each other right you guys are good you guys are good wait where's twisted bonnie at though he was always the one that was like getting stuck or just stood there and watched from the back and i think that's what's happening here where oh he's in the building he's in get out of the building bro i know you want to end up in fredbear's family diner there you go you can't just get glitched into the building like that now where's foxy oh he's on the ceiling all right he's fine he's on the ceiling he's doing a normal foxy thing you know he's twisted foxy so he likes to live life on the edge of a building literally he goes on top of the bill he just lives up there what's he doing he's stuck up there again how do they keep getting stuck okay come on this building is just it's in the way of these guys that's for sure this building is like their biggest threat okay come on come on follow me this way i don't know if they can attack me that's why i don't want to get too close to them there we go we got the whole cast and crew all right where's my car at of course it drove itself into a tree bro this car hates me all right let's see if they actually attack me just jump into them oh oh you just get reset oh okay so i guess they don't have jump scares yet right i imagine that's probably like you know in the future they'll have jumpscares but for right now they just you know just teleport you back to the main diner hold on actually i want the helicopter i really want to try crashing it into them i don't know why it's just like a dream of mine i just want to crash it straight into the twisted animatronics and just see what happens so let's go ahead and hop in and uh drive up my car has mind of its own it's driving through the twisted animatronics without me look at it it's just going over there what is going on car stop stop being a troll car all right here we go where are they at let's see here they might have gotten stuck again dude when this thing hits them at top speed oh my goodness it's gonna do some damage that's for sure okay where are they i don't see them i think they should make their way towards you like normally by themselves right so they should be over there but i hope they didn't end up in the water or something all right let's see let's go down a little bit maybe if you're in the heli they won't spawn wait oh they're go oh no they're not gone yeah they're stuck back here again they yeah they spawn in and then their only objective is just to come right at you so oh my goodness what has happened where am i i'm in the trees i'm in the trees hello uh help help i'm in the trees help someone help how the heck did i do this to myself okay there we go oh my goodness i don't know how i didn't blow up okay foxy's stuck in the trees now or someone foxy's right there i don't know who that is all right look i just need to park the heli where they won't get stuck on the back of the building where are they please just get out from behind the building foxy where'd the other two go okay dude this is impossible all right come on out come on out okay there's these two okay guys i'm on them with the helicopter i parked the heli right on their forehead dude oh my god look at this just straight up parked it right on them oh man that that takes some skill all right let's be honest dude that is a skillful landing they'll be able to land on their tiny little heads like that's pretty crazy all right now for the main show okay wait actually we need to get i'm gonna jump out real quick oh i didn't think that through did i i really didn't think that one through i landed right on his forehead and he just ate me i want to get foxy unstuck though so we can crash it into all three of them like just jump out and crash it at them but i don't know how we would do that by the way i this game it needs like explosions or something like that you know like having gta like whenever you jump out the car like blows up you know like from high up they should do that with this helicopter uh can it be cool you just throw it at them and just boom just blows up and you have like a parachute that's so random but it would just be so fun that's like one of the little things that would just be so incredibly random and dumb but it would just be incredibly fun to do like imagine you just jump up from up here you parachute down the helicopter goes boom just blows up the twisted animatronics that would be something that would be a sight to see right there dude that would be a sight to see okay so where are they at are they behind the building yep they're all three behind the building okay come on come on oh look they'll follow me from up here come on yes yes yes yes this way this way come on no no no don't get stuck right there come on this way you got to get them like around the building somehow what is happening okay there we go there we go no no go go go go this way this way this way okay okay okay i got him no now you're stuck on the trees dude you guys get stuck on everything they're stuck on the trees they're flying above the tree what the heck okay here we go i'm gonna crash it into them all right come on just get unstuck you're so close maybe i should like get out okay you know what we have twisted freddy i'm just gonna try to crash it into him all right get up get up get up get up i don't know if he can hit me while i'm in this all right here we go i'm gonna jump out okay here's the plan we're gonna lower the throttle all the way down lower the throttle okay and begin driving it into him and jump out did i get it i missed it doesn't even blow up either it just sits there all right guys i think i've had this video here i think we've had enough fun in this video oh what he ate me through the helicopter door how the heck did he do that all right well i think we've had enough fun in this video but we've just been messing around goofing around and it's been a lot of fun so uh in the next video what we're gonna do is it's probably gonna be the finale for this update i'm pretty sure but uh he told me how to spawn in infinite bonnies and it has a very secret code that you guys will never be able to know because he told me he's like make sure you don't tell anyone this code okay just make sure you keep it between me and you top secret fight me you and my brother rexter but uh yeah we're gonna keep this code top secret in the next video you're gonna see some exclusive content okay of me spawning in some pit bonnies at least i think that's what the code is for let me read you guys what he said well i can't read what he said but you know what i mean so the following about how to open the console may not be shared on youtube this is to prevent people from cheating in children for the leaderboard oh okay so yeah he told me how to open up the console and it's a very secret code and with that code i can change the pit limit in the game okay and make it something crazy as you guys know right now the amount of pits i have in there i you know i can't spawn in the actual pit bonnie but with this code i will be able to do this okay and it's going to be crazy so if you guys are excited for that smash like on the video get subscribed you're new and i will see you guys in the next one be sure to check out the horror game coming up later tonight it's going to be a fun one and show it some support i just want to say thank you guys so much for all open support once again the adventure on that series it's been a lot of fun anyways peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 511,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple 2, killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple 2 gameplay, fnaf killer in purple 2 ending, fnaf killer in purple 2 fusionzgamer, fnaf killer in purple 2 alpha, fusionzgamer, fusionzgamer killer in purple fnaf 2, fnaf killer in purple 2 animatronics, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddys, fnaf, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf simulator, william afton, killer in purple, new fnaf, fnaf playable animatronics, playing as purple guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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