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what's up guys and welcome back to some more killer purple 2 as you guys know last video we just now hopped into version 1.0 of the game or the you know latest update for the game and there is a ton of content in this update like a massive amount i don't know we're gonna be able to cover it all in this video i think we still are gonna have quite a few videos after this so of course if you guys are excited for more killer purple 2 and gets one of the videos game be sure to annihilate that like button down below you guys absolutely crushed it in the last video and if you have not already you're looking at that subscribe when it says you were unsubscribed hit that subscribe button right now okay get subscribed join in because this is going to be a lot of fun anyways let's go and press space and hop into the game by the way guys let's get some knife emojis in the comments down below if you're excited like it only makes sense because of you know like in the last video i said you know the killer he uses a knife it makes sense let's go and press play though and hop in we're going to continue from our last save file and here we go all right and by the way guys if i do a double upload tonight all right i don't know if i am or not but if you guys see one and if you if you watch this video and you come from the video of that one drop a comment on it with a knife emoji all right let's see how many guys do and uh yeah be sure to heart some comments but here we go okay so i still have 538 thousand dollars it's 3 a.m oh crap where's my car where's my car where's my car oh my god give me give me the car it's 3 a.m do we got to get to the twisty neighbor trucks right now go go go go go okay come on dude drive can you drive any faster he drives so slow he looks like a little purple grandma in there without he's driving come on bro you drive your car it literally it's it's not purple guys purple grandma cause he's driving like a straight up grandma right now you need your walker in there buddy you look like he's so slow all right let's oh what oh yeah i forgot you can go first person you can do it in the car now oh well that's really cool uh oh i can't leave it what's happening i'm stuck in first person oh i hear the christmas theme playing like the little bells all right why am i stuck in first person though i can't get i guess i have to like leave the car to get out of it all right twist amateurs come on we can't forget i have to buy them right now oh my god swerving please think what is going on oh twisted body no no no no no wait i need to buy you i don't need to get attacked by you please okay that was close we almost swerved right into twisted bonnie imagine that's how twisted bonnie died dudes got swerved and hit by the purple guy wait they're not even here how do i buy them do i need to just be like attacked by them or something come here twisted freddie do i need to oh my god i don't want oh my god hello where are you going where you going okay fellas you just want to get on the ceiling all right how do i buy you the like i want it you see it guys i want to get close to them to see if i can like press e but i just i know that's a bad idea that's the thing i just i know i'm gonna die if i get too close to them all right i'm just gonna jump at them please don't okay yeah it just resets you back here all right i don't know how you're supposed to unlock them i have no idea maybe just because i got attacked by them you know that counts i have no idea all right so we we have too much stuff to do to be wasting time with the twist amateur so way too much stuff to do so let's get to the house right now we got to drive back we got to get into the house and see if there's anything new in there because as you guys know in the last update there was like a hidden hidden door and like all this other crazy stuff happening inside my house oh wait juniors juniors is over there is yes it is oh okay like there's more content as soon as i think oh yeah dude that's we got all the content there's more dude there's literally more on top of more on top of more oh there's a reset car button here now perfect all right it's going to leave our car here and let me check behind the building here and make sure there's nothing crazy going on anything up there no any thing through the window no okay oh there's the oh yeah i forgot i don't have game volume on for you guys because this christmas music is really loud doco asked me it was like am i allowed to play this christmas music or should i mute it i was like i don't know i think you're better off just muting it but oh my gosh there he is wow dude he is loving this show right now he's eating that popcorn still all right so we got the door what does it say keep out what you're still locked in there mike what's going on like how do i get in there i want to go in there but like i don't i can't for whatever reason all right well it's gonna be 6 a.m in like nine seconds but i don't know when he's planning on opening this door i don't i don't know i guess there's still more to the game because i thought this was the final update but i don't know oh by the way he did have the he wanted me to read something out to you guys i'll do it in the next video um and it was some kind of important announcement so we're gonna read that in the next video whatever it is but for right now let's go ahead and drive back to the pizzeria i guess he did say i could now cross the bridge so i want to try that we gotta we gotta see if it's actually possible i mean there's gotta be a way maybe i just run up to it and jump across it because right now driving why am i trying you drive super slow in first person i don't know why i go back in third person forget the first person driving that sucks all right third person is where it's at never mind i'm still driving really slow maybe it just seems like i'm driving slower and first oh juniors i forgot okay too fast of a turn my bad let's go ahead and reverse that i almost drove straight past juniors that would have been bad all right there it is right there let's quickly get over there and check this out i gotta see dude this is super exciting all right so what is even gonna take place in juniors is this like based off the fan game or i don't know i don't think it is but all right so let's see here okay hello all right first person let's see juniors come on you know you can't be here nothing's more difficult but i saw something back here juniors what does that say junior's sister oh junior's unlocked sister location oh wait i can't i can't buy it though oh maybe i need all the sister location animatronics maybe we have to go to afton robotics first and then come back here i don't know dude that's so interesting okay so let's go to afton robotics first then we'll if we have time we'll come back here and check that out because i know we can get over to after robotics i don't know if there's how to open that because if you guys remember there was another lock that the plane was locked until you bought like all of the animatronics so maybe i need like certain animatronics to be able to then go into that area i don't quite know all right let's okay dude what is up with the turning in this game he's not he doesn't have his hands on the wheel you see this look at this his hands are not on the wheel right now that's why i keep crashing dude put your hands on the wheel you mania look who's driving who's driving there's no one driving right now he's getting controlled by a ghost okay dude the turning in this game is so bad it's it's the wet roads dude it's the wet roads from the snow all right so what i'm gonna do is i thought we tried this last video though but i'm just gonna try to just walk up to it and just jump over it all right i don't know if it's actually going to be possible but we're going to give it our best shot okay no car don't do it oh my okay yeah i don't how far can i jump ooh i can jump pretty far but if i miss this i'm dead no i don't know why i tried bringing up the binoculars i just i thought it would work better but it didn't all right well we definitely need the car i'm just gonna run back over there guys i'm back to the car we made it so we're just gonna try to just full speed over this and just hope that it works i don't know how else we could potentially do this so we're going full speed so we do it in first now first person i don't know what's up with the driving in first person but it feels like it's like i don't know it doesn't work but then keep in mind this is like i'm just i'm recording this episode like basically right after the other one so uh yeah there's probably some bugs that are gonna be ironed out don't worry all right so we're gonna back up all the way as far as we can into here okay maybe a little bit further should we keep going i mean we can go pretty far back all right now we're gonna straight up floor it and hold shift i don't know if that actually gives me a speed boost but i feel like it could and come on we can do this we can do this don't spin out don't spin out don't crash into the water please just make the jump dude just oh we did it we did it yes it is possible now drift in holy too good of a drift oh that was perfect it's locked are you kidding me how do i get in there it's literally locked yeah what dude i'm here i made it across i finally did it and it's locked are you kidding me there's got to be a be a way to get in there right there's got to be some way oh it's back wait what is this you can have like multiple cars or something reset car and get my car over here why though what is this all right let's i guess let's get out of here it's kind of weird though the only way of like getting across is by jumping the bridge maybe there's like a thing that no there should be like a lever or something that you can like press whenever you jump it and then you can like lower the bridge so you don't have to just constantly do like a jump like a daredevil stunt every time you want to get to juniors but all right let's go ahead and back up all right here we go i hope i can make it i don't know if this is enough room it definitely does not seem like it wait there's a little bit of a ramp here no i'm not making this oh i did okay well hey we did it we oh i don't know i was calling that juniors wasn't i but we made it to afton robotics we saw what we needed to see which wasn't much oh my god there's a mosquito in here there's a mosquito in here and it's going to attack me that's the worst part like whenever you're recording a video and there's a mosquito it just constantly bites you over and over again until the video is done like i can't do anything about it all right so let's go ahead and get back to the to the pizzeria though it's 11 o'clock so maybe we got to go in there and like buy something to like unlock these buildings i don't know but that has to be what it is okay so get out this crash the car under there that's fine head on into the pizzeria okay so now that we're in here gotta make sure we mute this song that plays in here okay i don't want none of that all right so let's see here we need to start by oh wait junior's wall is in here interesting all right so i remember if i press yeah b we can expand let's go ahead and do i want a big room what's a big what's the difference between a normal room and a big room what that oh wait that left that's still closed off hold on a minute delete that that like it closed me out from over there that's weird all right so delete this yes delete that okay hello what yes delete it it doesn't want okay dude fine i won't delete fine okay i guess the the rooms make the rules here i don't make the rules they're staying i don't control what that room wants to do okay wait there's oh my god the mosquito it landed on my monitor it's taunting me dude it literally is it's taunting me and it's gonna start biting me any second now all right but for right now let's just go ahead and make like a big pizzeria like this i guess we're gonna need to like expand it over to here because currently uh that's blocked off by that room i put there let's go ahead and put an office down just to see if there's anything new there because there might be a kitchen because there might be a new suit in there i think wasn't there a new suit in um the back room wasn't there i thought that we couldn't do in the last video i don't know there was something oh yeah it was the kitty scooper thing but it was called something else i was like oh that sounds a little weird um but okay i think we got everything let's go ahead and check out the rooms oh this is the big room okay so it looks like it's closed off just because of that oh we should just make the entire thing out of a big room i think that'd look way cooler but for right now let's see here okay order oh a drive-through okay that's really cool and then it's it's afton robotics too upgrade pizza engine oh at a staff entrance wait what okay hold on unlock that oh okay that's cool waiters what is this waiters okay oh my what is going on here what dude there's little waiters here wait what dude there's waiters that's so cool okay wait now if i pull the knife are they gonna rat on me no aha these guys are true these are true employees right here i pull out a knife right in front of him and there's like yeah we know we know what you do behind the scenes oh i thought you gave me a plate oh look there's someone at the door there's someone here guys give them the food what are you doing okay i don't know um all right let's see oh so i can't go in here this is only for staff okay so the pizza is being made here let's go ahead and go back out here let's see what else we can build all right so oh and now there's music by the way there hasn't been any music that's why i just have this song playing for you guys in the background um because for me there's there's just no music playing here it's very weird i think it's probably just a bug but all right let's go ahead and put the open closed sign right there we are now open but there's literally no reason for people to be in here there's nothing interesting um let's go ahead and put down the ball pit because everyone loves the ball pit so let's go ahead and put that like right over here okay right there perfect what's trunks doing over there trunks is stepping what hello where'd it go what'd i do oh my god i looked the way to look at trunks and i opened this what is happening how did i manage to open that we already beat this what is going on what is happening i'm stuck what is he doing it's playing like the same game what is going on okay dude i am completely stuck in here i did make one of them in there though but the other one missed it's playing the music like layered you guys won't be able to hear it but it's like it's doing the same song just on top of it oh i got one in there again dang i'm getting pretty good at it i mean if i can get both of them in there at the same time that'd be really impressive but i kind of feel like it's not even possible because of the arrow location but let me see all right come on okay yeah those both missed well i didn't even mean to play this mini game i just broke goldie's back but he missed the thing okay wait isn't there like how many rounds is there in this i'm like locked into this by the way i have no way of getting out of this which is so strange that's no way of leaving it how many rounds is there there can't be more than five rounds right there can't be all right go oh i made one in maybe two ah what you're in there i can see you're literally in there all right that's the end thank goodness i got out of that oh my gosh that was so strange i don't know how you act i think it's if you left click it yeah come back tomorrow to use it i don't want to use it i didn't want to use it that time who are you guys delivering pizza to by the way there's no one here you're just pretending to work look they just go in they're like oh yeah there's no one here okay oh yeah is there someone here there's someone here no there's no one here let's go back inside they go back inside wait a minute is there someone here guys is there someone here no no there's no other okay go back they just keep going back and forth what's wrong with them okay let's buy these tables dude yeah those guys are i don't know what's going on with these guys look at them they just keep expecting a different outcome but it's gonna be the same thing guys there's no one here who are you trying to see okay so how do i yeah i want to what what what i do okay hold on what did i do what happened why am i like this what what is going on oh no i'm i am stuck i don't know what i did but oh my okay can i oh there we go okay i got out of it that was interesting all right so let's see here i want to rotate it put a table there all right so we want to get all of our tables going here uh we're gonna start on the diner like i said i mean i don't know how we're gonna unlock juniors and all that other stuff so for right now let's just go ahead and start on the diner get that going you know and then we'll we'll work on the other junior stuff like that um whenever i can figure out what to do because right now i honestly have no idea all right so we're gonna go and put down uh like a chair maybe like for right now should we just put like two chairs on this side and then like leave the other side because i don't know i feel like we don't really need that i don't think they come in based on the chair amount i think it's more or less just based on like the table amount that you have but yeah we're just gonna put two chairs on this side for right now and then if like more people come in like depending on how many chairs you have we'll add more chairs all right so there we go or if we wanted to make it look more like a pizzeria but we can do all that later okay so uh let's see what else we got here i want to put in oh a stage yes yes yes yes okay we gotta put this over here with uh pit bonnie for sure all right so the stage will go right i'm thinking like right here like as much oh crap as close to the wall as we can get it no come on ah right there all right there we go is that like even up against okay do you slide it up against the wall but i think that's as good as we're gonna get it all right so uh we also need pirate cove because of course that's why i left this space open right here oh come on why can't i put this here what dude that's like the perfect look at that it fits there perfectly oh that's so upsetting all right what about i can put it over here though i guess but it doesn't look as good over here but we kind of have to just put it there fine all right what else do we got um that camera don't need no decorations yeah let's go ahead and put some posters let's go and put a poster there uh and then a poster over here and just like lighten up the okay uh poster is that okay there we go uh and then we'll also we need the uh the little arcade machines because uh those are pretty important oh my i think it's already turning night time i can't what i can't open the menu it's already night are you kidding me oh no don't get me stuck in this please don't no no no don't get me stuck in this no not like this dude unstuck unstuck no i'm stuck are you kidding me no wait wait a minute i can see myself look i'm in this room look oh my god i'm controlling myself from up here you see this look i can i'm controlling that wait okay if i go to this door i think i can actually get out no no turn turn no no no don't don't flip the camera angle the door yes enter alleyway oh my what okay i fixed it i don't know how i managed to do that oh my gosh that was complete luck okay so we're in here let's go and put on the suit by the way wait why does the suit look like that oh cause i have it on yeah there we go okay we have the spring bonnie suit on but um i don't know all the soul buster okay that's way cooler all right so now we can do the soul buster dude that thing is cool i can remove it put it back on the wall whenever we're done we do have a flashlight which is good all right so i need to make sure i don't open up the whole building menu so we put down quite a few things but it felt like the day went by really quick or is that just me all right let's go ahead and close though for now i can't do anything else in here so honestly i might as well just head out i mean let's check out the office before we do make sure there's nothing new oh yeah cameras but we have none so we can check that out another time uh a hole into uh complete darkness you know just the other world i don't know dude i don't know where that takes us let's go and exit the pizzeria though so what i want to do is i want to try to figure out how to unlock juniors let's head to the lighthouse though and see if there's anything new there i might be able to just drive right through here actually if i'm lucky and if i can yeah we're good i still don't know what happened to the music though i thought it was only because i was inside but now the music is just completely off maybe the jukebox somehow controls like the entire game's music i don't know but yeah right now for me there's literally nothing playing all right so here we go okay dude can you drive please all right this is the lighthouse oh why is the red stuff right here what happened what the heck okay hold on get out of the car what happened here what how does that even happen how did it get down here hmm so someone got attacked at the lighthouse but who could it have been oh oh he's following me up there he's watching me look he like follows me around from up there but he didn't follow me over to here for some reason yeah you can't see him from here but i think yeah he's there you just can't see him um creepy little fella all right let's go and get back in the car let's drive in first person all right let's do a little bit of driving wait how come my reflection is gone wasn't it there before that's weird yeah the reflection is just completely gone maybe it's because i was i was in third person that's the only reason that's really creepy i feel like there's gonna be like an easter egg or something where like you look up there and there's like an animatronic behind you while you're driving something crazy like that i don't know all right so we gotta go all the way because we oh wait let's see if maybe we can buy juniors now like maybe it depends on like that oh my gosh i'm gonna swerve okay um maybe it depends like when you go there like you have to go there like a certain time or something let me see if i can potentially buy it let's just stop by here and we'll continue driving but that means we have to check afton's too yeah it's it's locked for some reason like it says unlock but you just can't i don't know why that's so weird huh i don't think in the email he told me how to unlock it either all right back in first person hello what happened to my first person driving i can't do it anymore there we go ah i'm back in first person all right so how about this let's pick up the helicopter we'll drive around to some different areas see what we can find right now this definitely has like a lot of secrets in it um and there's just so much to do like we didn't even really get to work on our pizzeria that much like i said we didn't really have much time there for whatever reason i don't know if we just got there later okay dude crashed again i don't know if we just got there later what but we did not have to spend like we didn't get to spend that much time working on anything but yeah obviously tomorrow we'll put some tables down we'll get people in there i don't know why i can't speak right now i couldn't think of like the right word to say but we'll get people in there we'll get some tables down we'll get it all working and stuff like that and uh go from there i was looking at my rear view mirror i thought i saw something all right so let's head over to the twist animatronics so before we stop there because i do want to see if i can buy them like fredbear and spring bonnie were so easy to unlock we just walked up to them and boom they were unlocked maybe the twitch animatronics you just have to like activate them and see them and then you unlock them i don't quite know or you have to walk up to their grave before they come to life so let's check this no yeah i can't buy them at all very weird i don't know how we're supposed to get these guys there's like a wall this wall every time i see this it looks like uh if you guys have ever played lego zelda on like game boy or i guess they do in like the modern games too but i just remember link to the past every time you saw a wall like that you knew you could break it like use a bomb on it and blow it up that looks like it looks like one of those walls that you could do that on all right so let's go ahead and drive over to the airport pick up the helicopter and go from there oh oh guys what the heck i was just driving look who's behind me in the car what the he just showed up by oh my god he's not actually there but he's behind me okay that's creepy can i interact with him at all how do you get in my car i was just about to get to the helicopter and i was like what the heck dude there's a guy in my back seat what is he doing back there okay well that's a little concerning but uh you know he's just hanging out in the back of my car i guess it could be worse you know he could be actually attacking me or something okay dude again with the swerving luckily look at this i'm on like a race track right now let's pretend like that guy isn't back there let's just get to the helicopter and hopefully drive it if it plays a cut scene again that's going to be really unfortunate because like i want to be able to uh actually drive it there we go we can enter it okay perfect wait you see my i can't go first person in here all right so how do you drive this thing again okay throttle up with e yeah this thing is so much easier than the plane oh santa's here dude we gotta hit him with the helicopter come on quick go up go up go up come on go go go go go i might be able to crash it into him before he it's too late come on he's okay now he is way too fast oh my goodness that should be like an unlockable since it's like the christmas update they should have uh like you can unlock his his uh reindeer and stuff wait what is that oh that's yeah that's afton robotics okay let's make sure we don't miss anything up here so from up here i don't see anything new let's go ahead and go i guess we should probably check everything because up here when you're driving this thing you can see like everything so if there's anything for us to find this would be the way to find it so there's the house oh wait we didn't even go to that house did we do we oh my god i think i completely forgot in the last video to go to that house somehow how did i forget about that okay so we're gonna go ahead and drive over there right now because it needs to be done okay throttle down throttle down yep get it no no no no no we're gonna fly past it hold on we're gonna crash okay hold on we're going out of control right now i just need to go down that's it i need to check out this house which is looks really creepy for some reason okay we might potentially blow up if we go down too fast but we're gonna give it a shot anyways and uh just try to park right next to the house no give me a little bit more throttle a little bit of throttle and cut it back cut it back cut it back okay oh not okay huh parked on the we're floating that's fine can i okay there we go oh we're gonna blow up the house all right we're good that's just where i wanted to park it sure maybe i can move it up a little bit i don't i might be stuck inside the house yeah oh crap oh no we're not no we're not we're going full speed holy crap good thing you can't blow this thing up all right can i just jump out i just i just want to get out of it okay there we go that thing is crazy all right what is this house this like strange house oh strange house let's go in here what is this sister location unlock the helicopter oh i already have the helicopter but oh enter sister location this is the finale 4 house oh my how did we not i forgot to check this out in the last video fun with plush trap area the doors and stuff and the lamp oh my gosh okay i think that's everything all right let's go ahead and enter the sister location jeremy why are you here bring my give me and fritz a party with cake why are you three here too why are you here spring bonnie's guys why am i here yes song and he found my dog and then he brought me here where's charlie she didn't have an invite to the party so she would have to wait outside until it was over what are you all doing here who are you it's me cassidy hey cassidy we were all invited by spring bonnie he's not spring bonnie he kidnapped me and put me in here he's the purple security guard why would he do that hello children why are we here i have a surprise for all of you and i know you'll all love it oh welcome to baby's pizza world mr afton ah what we we we're actually going what the go up elevate wait i want to go out wait no no how do i i want to go out no i don't want to go up wait a minute there has to be a way to like open this right open elevator oh my gosh what is this this is so cool i can wait can i actually crawl in here i don't think there's a crawl button no wait you can't go in there can i crouch one let me wha what the heck why am i depositing it here hey guys it's me purple guy i just got down to the sister location let me i'm critique posing through the vet what is going on right now oh my gosh this is crazy this is like the whole sister location i am yeah this is definitely a bug um yeah all right this is fine let's just go in here oh my gosh dude the whole sister location t-pose t-pose t-pose show your dominance show your dominance okay okay okay now let's continue all right so oh funtime foxy's in there that means circus babies probably through there oh my t-pose tipos what do we got here ballora bye give me ballora oh my okay okay we figured out how to unlock the sister location animatronics fun time freddie but i'm ready give me that give me give me give me oh come on this is so cool man i don't know how he built this so fast like this i wish all fan games are like this fun in a way like this is so enjoyable what is that up there what what the heck is that what is that oh that's a hand wait why is there that's got to be circus baby's hand all right let's go ahead and t-pose through here real quick all right t-pose all right we're good all right let's just stay in this formation okay we are doing a very much power move right now fun time fox cc he would attack us but if i was not if i wasn't in this formation he would but since i'm in his formation he is cowering in fear right now you can't see it but he is all right there we go i got fun time foxy let's continue there's the private room door wait a minute it's right here this should be it i think i don't know let's try let's go inside i can't dang it i wonder if the private weight i think i saw i thought i went through the wall for a second i could see something but no okay let's go check over here uh i feel like maybe in like in the next update he'll add the private room or oh there it is i knew it was here dude unlock enter there he is he's with the scooping room which is interesting yeah check that out look at that gigantic scooper just ready to scoop something up all right so i think we've found everything that we can find here oh yeah wait circus baby i forgot tipos tipos tipos in we go and t-pose into here oh this is a big vent wait so if the vent is this long whose arm is that that's sticking through the vent that's what i want to know oh oh see if you go in first person this is how it looks but if you go to the third person it looks like this yeah it's probably just a bug so you know it'll probably fix later all right so what do we got here there we go circus baby there she is wow that looks cool look at her back there man this is so cool looking so very very cool oh can i actually get in there no no okay that's where you could like hide from the bitty babs but let's go ahead and uh what the heck is that what is up there t-posing well you're not supposed to be able to see this i think yeah see this is what you're supposed to see but i go first person there's is that entered i think that's ennard's body because look this is him on the clock yeah that's what it is that's ennard's body sticking through the ceiling all right let's t-pose our way out here dude i'm out of here i'm done i'm done in here let's go oh man wow we've already been recording for like 40 minutes that's crazy we have done a lot in this video we've done like not a lot but we've done a lot in the same way you know like we haven't really done much but we've also done a lot because we found sister location we got a cut scene we unlocked all the amateurs okay we checked out juniors checked out afton robotics we did quite a bit but uh let's go and go back up the elevator and see if there's anything else here no i think that's everything all right well guys i am going to end this video here but there is still so much to do we stopped to unlock juniors stuff to unlock after robotics we stopped unlocked the plane we stopped unlock i don't know what else there's probably a ton of more secrets so yeah if you guys are excited leave a like on the video down below get subscribed to the channel right now if you're new and i'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 678,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple 2 1.0, fnaf killer in purple 2 sister location, fnaf killer in purple 2 fusionzgamer, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, killer in purple 2, killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple 2 gameplay, fnaf killer in purple 2 ending, fnaf killer in purple 2 animatronics, new fnaf, fnaf playable animatronics, fnaf security breach, fnaf killer in purple full game, five nights at freddy's killer in purple 2
Id: 5D6BhZ8Xspc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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