DIY 10 foot JACK REAPER Spirit Halloween Flying Scarecrow Prop

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all right guys today we are going to be making a totally awesome haunted Halloween prop that you can use in your front yard this Halloween season and it's going to begin with this right here let's play a game so you may have seen some of these videos online of the flying Ghostface scarecrow looks totally AES awesome and completely creepy I was thinking about making one of those but then I thought hey nobody's ever made one of those using a Jack Reaper costume from Spirit Halloween so today we are going to do just that so these are the things we're going to be using to make that happened as I said we have the Jack the Reaper costume from Spirit Halloween I actually had to go on eBay and buy this because they didn't have any available on the Spirit Halloween website now if we look at the back here you can see where it comes with The Mask The Robe with the hood and it comes with the hands but we're also going to try to incorporate these skeleton hands that I just ripped off one of my skeleton props and then promptly jammed into my eye when I was trying to make the intro but the reason we're going to be using these is because in the logo you can see Jack's forearms here right before his hands so I really want to try to recreate that we've also got a foam head here and what we're going to be using for the structure is these PVC pipes these are 10t pipes and I have a couple of these little angles to go on here so that we can create the arms as well as a couple other things we might need I have some velcro here Sharpie marker scissors some zip ties black duct tape a PVC pipe cutter and some allpurpose cement now the PVC pipes as well as these little angle connectors you should be able to get at any hardware store Lowe's Menards Home Depot now there's a couple of different kinds you want the kinds that do not have the threads in the end so that when we put this together it'll just slide right on there just like that now one of these we want to leave as long as it is this is 10 ft long this is/ in PVC and you see how it's kind of wobbly that's exactly what we want because when we have our Jack Reaper up in the air we want it to kind of be wobbling around in the wind that's what makes it so creepy so we're just going to set one of these aside and we're going to take our two t angles and we want to connect them together like this now I believe there is a piece that you can get that has the connectors here and like this I don't have that I'm just using things that I have around the house so I'm going to use two of these and I'm going to use some black duct tape and I'm going to connect these together so here's how I did that I took the two pieces and first I wrapped duct tape around this way then I took a strip and I tore it in half and I went around this way on each of these that makes it nice and tight you got to make sure that you cut an opening for the hole on each side cuz you're going to have another piece of the pipe that comes up through here to hold the head down through here is the long one that it's going to be sitting on and then coming off of each side is the arms now you'll also notice for the head in the foam head which you can get this at a Michael store I believe they're like 7even bucks you can get them on Amazon you can get them pretty much any craft store it's just a foam head that you'd use to put hats on or masks now on the bottom though there is a hole so the next thing we want to do is cut a length of pipe that's going to go from this top part here up into the head and that's what's going to hold the head in place so this length needs to be about 4 in you can actually take your pipe take the head and stick it on there grab your marker and just make make a mark on there and then that way you know how much goes up into the head now in the same sense you can look inside here and you can see where there's a little ring in there so you know how much of this is going to need to go in there and that's about 3/4 of an inch and if you look at the general build of a body you've got the shoulders that cross over and then you got the head that goes straight up so we don't want to make that too much longer you don't want the head like way up off the shoulders now you can cut this with a regular saw but it's going to make a mess so the best thing you can get is some of these PVC Cutters I think these were about 15 bucks I've used PVC a lot in building props if you guys remember a little while ago I had to build almost a full frame for crouchy the clown these make cutting PVC pipe very easy you basically clamp it on where you want it to cut and then you clamp it like this it clamps onto the pipe and it slowly cuts through and there there you go and that is the cleanest cut you're ever going to get on a piece of PVC pipe if you use any kind of a saw you're going to have white plastic sawdust all over the place so we got this piece we got this piece this is going to go right in the top and that'll go in there pretty snug and then the head form is going to go right on top of that now that's pretty loose on there so I'm going to beef that up with a little bit of duct tape so there you go there's that I just wrap the duct tape around there about three times and then that way we put this inside the foam head it's pretty tight there we go I went ahead and jammed it in all the way okay the next thing we need to do is get some arms going so if we look at the head right here we have from here over to the shoulder and then we want the arms to be up like this so we need to go all the way to the Elbow so we're talking about probably 18 in on each side if we take our measuring tape and just put it in the middle there put up my arms to the Elbow that's 18 in right there and remember we want it to look like the logo so we want the arms going out on both sides so we're going to take our pipe that we're cutting from now make sure you keep your long pipe off to the side and the one you're cutting the smaller pieces over on the other side so you know you're not cutting into your long one measure this out we're going to mark this at we're actually going to go 17 in cut off a little bit to accommodate the elbow and we need two of those grab your cutter whatever you do don't put your stupid finger in there all right so we got the two pieces for our arms and like I said we want it to go all the way from the elbow over to the middle here so we got one for this side one for this side grab our head that's going to go right in there another one on the other side there it goes in pretty tight that looks pretty long but if we hold it up that's right that's what we want we want it right to the Elbow on each side next we're going to take the little 90° angle Corners one on each side cuz those are going to be the elbows now we want these slightly bent out this way just like that because remember when you're looking up at him you want his arms out like this like he's reaching to scare you you know you want these hands up this way so the next thing we need to do then is work on getting these arms on there now for the forearms we need about 10 in so I went ahead and cut two pieces of that one for each arm and we want to attach each one to one of these skeleton arms so if you think about what we're going to be seeing when we're looking up at this prop we're going to be seeing this part the bottom of the arm so this is how we want to see it right here so we're going to take this and we're going to attach it somehow to the back of this arm now we don't want to see this white through these two bones here so I'm going to cover this with the black duct tape you could spray paint it if you want to I'm just going to wbp some duct tape around them all right there we go there's that I left a little bit of the white down here because otherwise it wouldn't fit in here when we stick them in and you can see now when we put it behind the arm it accomplishes making it black between those bones that's exactly what we want okay so we have have those attached to the skeleton arms all I did was take some duct tape and wrap it around there leaving the two white ends so that they would easily go into those angles and then at the top here I just wrap the duct tape around just enough to hold it into place where you still don't see it but you do see the black between the bones Jack's arms are up like this now we have skeleton hands right here that match the bones should we use those or should we try to incorporate the gloves that they send with the costume even though they're pretty small and skinny hands they match the bones and these hands really are enormous I mean they're made to be gloves to actually go over your hands so even though that looks cool right there I think that's way too big for what we're trying to accomplish here I think we're just going to stick with these hands hands because they also Bend like this so I think that the way that Jack's reaching his hand isn't just like this it's up like this so we're able to take this hand and bend it and that gives us exactly what his arm and his hand looks like on each side so yeah if we put these together you can see where that's where what it's coming out to be and Jack's hands are kind of slightly bent in and up so that's what we get just by leaving it with the hands that we're using right here I think that's perfect so there's our structure right there for the hands and the head the mask is going to go right on that head and then we'll have the 10t PVC pipe coming out from down there and when he's dressed all up he'll be up in the air kind of floating around like this with his costume blowing in the wind that's going to be creepy so next up is his mask here it's a little bit too round looking for me so we' got a strap on the back for when we put it on the head but I want to make sure that I pull it pretty tight so it's a little bit more like that that to me looks more like Jack Reaper from the logo okay there we go that worked so I put it on our foam head I pulled that tight Twisted it and then wrapped it around the neck there so it pulled it tight enough to give it more of an oblong head so so far this is what we're looking at right here how cool is that this is coming along awesome and these hands like I said we can bend those up a little bit for if he's going to be looking down whatever we need to do to make these hands look right maybe that's better if they're bending over like that that way you're seeing it like that pretty cool we are almost done and ready to see this guy fly so there's two things that I did here number one I took the long pole and I covered it with black duct tape that way it kind of disappears into the background now I think I said at the beginning of this video you can get black PVC pipes so if you go out to buy this stuff just buy the black instead of the white it's that much easier I left a little bit up here at the end like with the other pieces because that needs to slide easily into the neck piece and if we spin it around here I gave this end a little point I cut this much off right here just to give it a little point and make it go in the ground that much easier so next up is the costume now you can get this costume in a kid size I bought adult size I wasn't sure exactly how long it was going to be if I was going to need to cut it this thing is pretty big this is shoulder Tosh shoulder then we've got the arms and if you look at the way it's cut that is exactly how it is in the logo now it also has the hood connected and I think it's funny because it has this little wire in here that makes this part stick up just like in the logo so you can kind of bend it around I tried to do my best so that when it's up on the head it's actually going to be sticking up like that I don't expect it to stay there but we'll see what happens and then also on the bottom of this if we pull it all the way up you'll see where it also is scalloped right along there just like in the logo so we're going to give this a try at first and see if just leaving this exactly how it is Will Blow In The Wind good enough it should be just like a sail and catch the wind but I did notice in the ones that are built like a ghost face that the Gown is actually cut in strips probably about halfway up and that allows it to blow more in the wind and look that much spookier so I might end up doing that so that took some doing to get the Gown over top of him I had to take off the arms on each side and then I had to figure out how to thread the arms through what was actually the arm holes I guess you'd say so we can put the hood up here and you can see it's coming along really good guys look at that this is going to be so cool and this is why I brought some extra things with me I have this velcro here I'm going to have to cut a couple small pieces and put like a piece right here on the top of the head as well as in the top of the hood here so that it will hold it in place I may even have to do that on the sides here too cuz we don't want the hood blowing off how scary is that okay so that's exactly what I did I put a piece of velcro up here one on that side and then one on this side as well so we should be able to peel the strips put the hood up and find exactly how we want it on there and then just stick it to that velcro and that should hold it in place that looks pretty creepy right there all right and there we go there's the head all velcroed in the place there that hat absolutely cracks me up now we're probably going to have to do the same with some velcro up here cuz we want to see the bones there sticking out yeah something like that there he is there's his arms up and then he'll be up in the air like this you'll see his face up there but he'll be up in the air blowing around just like this that's pretty cool okay so what I did for the arms then was the same thing with the velcro one on this arm one on this arm and then we'll just pull this up and stick it right to the velcro and that should allow it to hang where you can still see the bone sticking out okay we are ready to stick this guy on the end of his flying pole I put a zip tie on each side of the arms so that it would not open up and expose more of the arm than we wanted cuz we don't want this exposing like the PVC pipe and then the other thing that I did was I decided to go ahead and put a little hole right here in the front which I reinforced with some duct tape behind it so that we can put the Pole right up through there and it leaves all of this free to blow in the wind so we should be able to put the Pole right up through here then if you can see what I'm doing there there's where the pipe meets the part that we left open and there we go he's on the pole now all we have to do is take him outside stick him in the ground and watch him fly okay so I got him out here I got him set up it's not a very windy day at all so I had to pull out the leaf blower to show you the potential for this awesome creeper okay wait a second before I show you this let me tell you what happened and then how I fixed it and made it better when I first stuck it in the ground he was 10t F feet tall but the plastic PVC pipe was not strong enough to hold him up he was bending all the way over to where his head touched the ground so I ended up cutting it down to about 6 ft which made it work pretty awesome but I had to angle him forward in order to hit him with the wind and then he would stand up and all his clothes would blow and he looked really really cool but when the wind stopped blowing then he would lean Way Forward again so I realized I had a 8ft piece of conduit downstairs in the basement that I wasn't using now conduit is a metal pipe so I grabbed the conduit I brought the Scarecrow in the house I duct taped the conduit to about 3 and 1/2 ft of the bottom pole that I had him on and here he is another thing that I did was I did go ahead and I shredded this and just cut it in longer strips so that when it blows in the wind it was that much creepier now from the bottom of the pole all the way up to the top of his head is just over 11 ft so when we stick that guy in the ground he's going to be 10 ft tall and there he is 10 ft tall and now all we need is some wind [Music] [Music] [Music] so in the end guys I was able to make this guy a 10-ft flying Spirit Halloween Jack the Reaper for under 70 bucks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to
Channel: That Nate Guy On Halloween
Views: 30,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spooky, scary, creepy, skeletons, halloween, spirit halloween, party, party decor, halloween decor, spooky decor, halloween decorations, that nate guy on youtube
Id: RF2Nx18Cf84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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